Stars who died on the set (11 photos). The last takes of actors who died on the set (47 photos) Death of a film crew

9.09.2018 at 18:21 · oksioksi · 329 330

10 Actors Who Died During Filming

The death of a beloved actor is always a surprise, a shock and a tragedy. One day we unfold the page of a newspaper or magazine, click on the news link - here they are, sad headlines that report the passing of a great man. Can you imagine a situation where an actor literally gives his life for the sake of what he loves? That is, the director, screenwriters and the entire film crew are trying to comprehend what happened when the ambulance takes away the body of the actor, who was just still playing the planned scene.

Screenwriters often have to rewrite storyline, so that the deceased actor's character could be carefully "removed" from some planned scenes. But the person will forever remain in the hearts of fans and spectators, who are left with grief to participate in the funeral procession. Those fans who are far away from the place where the star said goodbye have to be content with the final TV show or biopic.

Let's look at the reasons why 10 famous actors left this world prematurely, devoting themselves to art for the last time.

10. Harry L. O'Conner

The actor did not have time to pave his own path in the film business, and he would not have been able to, because he played a role “on the margins” - an understudy for Vin Diesel. Yes, yes, this bald man with biceps and powerful cheekbones did not perform dangerous stunts himself - stuntman Harry L. O'Conner was hired for this. Instead of the main character, he was supposed to, being on the bridge cable, jump down onto the submarine. Harry, unfortunately, jumped too quickly and fell to his death on the bridge, which was recorded by the operator's camera. The sad footage of this episode was added to the final version of the film "XXX".

9. Brandon Lee

The talented heir of Bruce Lee, by the will of fate, also died at work at the age of only 28 years. The young Hollywood and Hong Kong actor was just starring in the gothic and rather dark film “The Raven”, the script of which was written based on comic books. During the filming of one of the final takes, where the main villain shoots the vigilante "Crow", Brandon was actually shot in the stomach. The fateful shot from the revolver pierced the peritoneum with a blank cartridge, which then lodged in the vertebrae and caused severe bleeding. Brandon died 12 hours later in the clinic from a hemorrhage. The sad event occurred 17 days before the actor’s scheduled wedding. The footage of the actual shot was not included in the film, and the scene was re-shot with a double. After private funeral the son was placed next to his famous father.

8. Paul Mantz

The brave racing pilot, part-time stuntman in Hollywood films, served in the Air Force and even received a “colonel”. While working on the famous film “The Flight of the Phoenix,” the plane piloted by the actor crashed into a hill. This happened in July 1965. The aircraft broke into two parts during the crash, and Paul, at the age of 61, died on the spot. The co-pilot of the vehicle was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Unfortunately, the root cause of the plane crash was alcohol, which the commission found in the blood of stuntman Mantz.

7. Marilyn Monroe

Norma Jeane Mortenson, who conquered the world, was so imbued with the life of her heroine that she even died during filming. This happened on the set of a film with the prophetic title “Something’s About to Happen” in 1962. The woman abused drugs, which led to an overdose and subsequent death. The film was never completed. The seductive blonde, who had an affair with President Kennedy and even posed for Playboy, could not contain her vices. Rumor has it that the abuse of antidepressants and drugs developed against the backdrop of a strong inferiority complex, which, in theory, should never have formed in an actress of such magnitude and popularity.

6. John Eric Hexum

The attractive actor drove many fans crazy, largely thanks to his modeling career. On the set of the popular series “The Hidden Fact,” fate played a sad joke on John. When he carelessly pointed the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger, it fired a blank cartridge that had been previously coated with a metal casing. The fragile bones of the skull were broken, causing the actor to die from extensive bleeding. A tragedy unexpected for everyone happened in 1984, and its “culprit” was a loaded .44 caliber Magnum.

5. Bruce Lee

The famous Hong Kong actor, master and director of spectacular fights and simply the smartest man in 1973 worked on a film with the mystical name “Game of Death”. While working inside the pavilion, Bruce fell sharply, to which the film crew immediately responded and sent him to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed unexpected diagnosis“cerebral edema,” which, according to one version, developed due to the use of tablets containing meprobamate and aspirin. However, no tests were taken from the star, which casts doubt on this information. Afterwards, rumors spread that the death was staged by Lee’s competitor, but they were not confirmed. The farewell to the actor was large-scale - thousands of fans, friends and acquaintances came to the citywide mourning. The body was then flown to Seattle where Bruce's family could say their final goodbyes and burial.

4. Vic Morrow and two child actors Micah Dean Lee (7 years old) and Renee Shin-I Chen (6 years old)

A terrible tragedy happened to the participants during the filming of the famous film “The Twilight Zone”. An actor and a couple of kids school age According to the script, they depicted Vietnamese who fled by helicopter from their American pursuers during the war. Unexpectedly for the entire film crew, the helicopter with the actors exploded, which led to their death on the spot. So in 1982 he passed away famous actor"Charlie's Angels" and "Horrible Bears", as well as two children who were just starting their careers in show business.

3. George Camilleri

The ill-fated film “Troy” became a landmark for several Hollywood actors. The well-known Brad Pitt managed to damage his Achilles tendon - you must agree, it’s very symbolic. But this incident paled before the real tragedy. Colleague film set George Camilleri managed to break his leg while working. Everything would have been fine, but in the hospital a couple of days later he had a heart attack due to a blood clot that had broken off in his injured leg. This was followed by another attack, which ultimately led to the death of the actor.

2. John Ritter

The talented actor of the film “Three’s Company” starred in one of the series in the fall of 2003. During the filming of the next take, John began to complain of bursting chest pain and severe nausea, fainted, after which he was sent to the hospital. There, the actor was diagnosed with a heart attack and scheduled for emergency surgery that same evening, during which he, unfortunately, did not survive.

1. Paul Walker

Many fans of the movie “Fast and Furious” have heard about this sensational death, as fate played a hand with the main actor cruel joke. During his lifetime, an experienced racer, Paul, along with a friend, got into a car accident on the way from filming. The car caught fire, which led to the death of the passengers (Walker and Roger Rodas). Filming was postponed, but the film was still released. His brother had to replace Paul.

The talented actors mentioned in the review were devoted to their favorite work to the last, delighting fans with their creativity for the last time. Let's remember the kindest and most pleasant moments of our career in memory of worthy people.

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Soviet actors whose life was cut short due to freak accidents

It's no secret that during the filming of dangerous scenes, actors are most often replaced by stuntmen, and it is their lives that are often at risk. They manage to avoid injuries only thanks to their own professionalism and special training. However, in the history of cinema there have been such tragic cases when actors themselves took on difficult stunts and paid for it with their lives. This happened to three Soviet actors whose lives ended prematurely and absurdly...

Still from the film *Ivanna*, 1959

Inna Burduchenko's film career ended as soon as it began. Her first role in the film “Ivanna” (1959) brought her success, and viewers began to call the actress Ivushka by the name of her heroine. She played the daughter of a priest who renounced God, which later became the reason for persistent rumors that this film was anathematized by the Pope. These rumors were born after Soviet football players visited Rome for Olympic Games and there they heard about the anathema. Decades later, the press again started talking about the curse supposedly hanging over the picture - the death of the 21-year-old actress seemed too ridiculous.

Inna Burduchenko in the film *Ivanna*, 1959

Actress Inna Burduchenko

Her life was cut short just a year after her successful film debut. On the set of the film “Nobody Loved Like That,” Burduchenko’s heroine had to carry a banner from a house engulfed in flames. The actress worked without an understudy. They filmed several takes, and during the last one a tragedy occurred: Inna’s heel got stuck in the wooden boards, and at that moment a burning beam fell on her. Miner Sergei Ivanov, who was acting as an extra, rushed into the house and carried out the actress. Unfortunately, it was too late - she received 78% burns and could not be saved. The film's director was sentenced to 4 years in prison and removed from filming.

Evgeniy Urbansky's film career was short, but very bright. After his first role, he gained popularity and love from the audience. His film debut was the film “Communist” (1957), for his participation in which he received main prizes at festivals in Kyiv and Venice. Two years later he starred in leading role in the film "The Unsent Letter". 36 years later, Francis Ford Coppola undertook the restoration of this painting and financed its distribution in the United States. In 1961, the success of Yevgeny Urbansky was consolidated by the film “Clear Sky”, recognized best picture years in the USSR. It seemed that a brilliant future awaited him, but, despite all the prerequisites, he failed to become one of the first Soviet film stars. he managed to star in only 9 films.

Evgeny Urbansky in the film *Communist*, 1957

Still from the film *Communist*, 1957

In 1965, on the set of the film “The Director,” an accident occurred that took the life of the 33-year-old actor. He had a permanent stunt double, a professional athlete, but the actor preferred to perform most of the stunts on his own. The first take was filmed without incident, but the director suggested complicating the stunt so that the car would jump higher, and filming another take. The truck, driven by Evgeniy Urbansky, bounced on a sand dune and suddenly overturned. The actor broke his cervical vertebrae and died on the way to the hospital. After the tragic death of Urbansky, the film was closed, and 4 years later it was remade with another actor.

Still from the film *Clear Sky*, 1961

Soviet actor whose life was cut short by a freak accident

The sudden death of Urbansky immediately gave rise to many ridiculous rumors that made his colleagues indignant. Thus, Alexei Batalov said with indignation: “When they said about Urbansky that he died because he was drunk, nothing more offensive could be imagined. Once I almost had a fight with the audience, which I never do, because the gossip about Urbansky is monstrously unfair. I know that he was the most conscientious actor, that if he climbed into this car, which became his grave, it was only so that these same viewers would believe in his hero...”

Andrei Rostotsky in the film *Days of the Turbins*, 1976

Still from the movie *Loop*, 1983

Andrei Rostotsky, the son of the famous director Stanislav Rostotsky, often starred in military and heroic adventure films, choreographed stunts and participated in them himself, without the help of stunt doubles. Since 1997, he has worked as an instructor at the transnational Vitalis survival school, deputy general Director of the Foundation for Russian Expeditions and Travels, conducted expeditions to the Crimean caves, was a member of the jury of the Moscow international festival stuntmen. No one doubted his experience and professionalism.

Soviet and Russian actor Andrey Rostotsky

In 2002, Rostotsky went to film the film “My Border,” which took place in the area of ​​a ski resort near Sochi. He usually inspected the places where the stunts were to be filmed himself. Relying on his athletic training, he tried to climb the mountain slope at the “Maiden Tears” waterfall without a safety net and fell down from a 40-meter height. It was not possible to save the actor - he died in the hospital without regaining consciousness. Rostotsky’s widow said: “And the waterfall is called that for a reason: people have died there before. There are a lot of moving stones in this place - it seems that the boulder lies firmly on the ground, but in fact it hangs in the air. Andrei stepped on one of these. After his death, they put some kind of fence there and hung a warning sign...”

Actor with wife and daughter

Although the actors seem like celestial beings to fans, they are people just like us. And like all of us, we are mortal. Sometimes it happens that in the midst of filming, one of the stars of a particular project passes away, dooming filmmakers to take emergency measures so that the entire film does not follow the artist into oblivion...

1. Bruce Lee

On May 10, 1973, while filming Game of Death in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee was found dead after taking a headache pill. The examination found that the cause of death was cerebral edema.

2. George Camilleri

By coincidence, Brad Pitt injured his Achilles tendon while filming Troy. Actor George Camilleri broke his leg while filming one of the scenes. He was sent to the hospital, where a few days later he suffered a heart attack due to a blood clot in his leg. A second heart attack, which occurred soon after, led to the actor’s death.

3. Harry L. O'Conner

Harry L. O'Conner, Vin Diesel's stunt double, died while filming an episode of XXX in which Diesel's character had to jump from a bridge cable onto a submarine. O'Conner jumped off the rope too quickly and fell to his death on the bridge. His death was filmed, and director Rob Cohen decided to include the first footage from the filmed episode in the final version of the film.

4. Paul Mantz

During the filming of Denis Quaid's remake of Flight of the Phoenix, the cameraman broke his leg, but during the filming of the original in 1965, real airplanes were used. Actor Paul Mantz died tragically during one of his aerial maneuvers.

5. Roy Kinnear

On September 20, 1988, in Madrid, actor Roy Kinnear fell from his horse while filming The Return of the Musketeers, broke his pelvis and bled to death.

6. Brandon Lee

On March 31, 1993, Brandon Lee died in Wilmington, eight days before the end of filming of The Crow. The tragedy occurred during an episode in which Lee's character, Eric Draven, comes home and finds a scene of violence against his girlfriend. One of the rapists, played by Michael Massiah, shoots Lee according to the script. But instead of blank cartridges, the pistol contained a live cartridge. The bullet hit the actor in the stomach and he died. Brandon Lee's stunt double was finishing filming.

7. Vic Morrow and two child actors Micah Dean Lee (7 years old) and Renee Shin-I Chen (6 years old)

During the filming of an episode of The Twilight Zone on July 23, 1982, actors Vic Morrow and two child actors, Micah Dean Lee (7 years old) and Renee Shin-Yi Chen (6 years old), died in a helicopter accident used in filming. According to the scenario, the helicopter should fly at an altitude of eight meters, too low to dodge pyrotechnic explosions. One of the explosions damaged the tail rotor blades and tore the rotor into pieces, which killed Morrow and Lee. Chen died in a helicopter crash. Everyone who was in the helicopter itself at that time survived, receiving only minor injuries.

8. Oliver Reed

Twelve years after The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Oliver Reed returned to the screen in an interesting role in Ridley Scott's Gladiator. The role turned out to be short because the actor died during filming from heart attack in a bar, after drinking three bottles of Jamaican Captain Morgan rum, eight bottles of German beer and many shots of Famous Grouse whiskey, after which he defeated five much younger Navy sailors in an arm wrestling match.

9. Marilyn Monroe

The filming of George Cukor's comedy did not go well from the very beginning. On the one hand, Marilyn was fired, and on the other, George refused to cast someone else in this role, so the famous beauty was reinstated. One way or another, before Monroe was able to familiarize herself with her new role, she was found dead in her home, the cause was an overdose of barbiturates. Filming was subsequently stopped, and the filmed excerpts were included in documentary about Monroe in 2001.

10. John Candy

The creative path of a promising actor suddenly ended on March 4, 1994 in Mexico, where the filming of the film “Caravan to the East” took place. John Candy died in his sleep from a heart attack at the age of 43. He was buried in Culver City (California) at Holy Cross Cemetery. Candy was married to Rosemary Hober and they have two children, Jennifer and Christopher.

11. Heath Ledger

On January 22, 2008, Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment in Manhattan. The autopsy was unable to establish the exact cause of death, so it was necessary to conduct an additional toxicological examination, as a result of which the official cause of Ledger’s death was announced - acute intoxication caused by the combined effect of painkillers (including narcotic analgesics), sleeping pills and tranquilizers (oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine).

12. John Ritter

On September 11, 2003, John felt ill. On the set of the series “8 simple rules for a friend of my teenage daughter." Ritter complained of heart pain and later collapsed and fell into a coma. Ritter was taken to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center, where he died that evening at the age of 55 from an aortic dissection caused by a congenital heart defect.

13. Natalie Wood

On the night of November 29-30, 1981, Golden Globe winner Natalie Wood drowned after falling drunk from a yacht into the sea. The official version says that it was an accident, although there were rumors that her husband pushed the star overboard for the sake of $13 million insurance.

Be that as it may, Wood did not have time to complete several scenes in the fantasy drama Brainstorm (1983). Studio officials, sensing that the project would not pay off, wanted to close it and compensate for losses using the same insurance. But director Douglas Trumbull bucked up and insisted on finishing the film with the help of unused footage of Natalie and scenes with a stunt double filmed from behind.

14. Chris Farley

The funny, fat Farley is now firmly forgotten, but in 1997, when he died of a drug overdose, the actor from "Tommy the Hump" (1995) and "Beverly Hills Ninja" (1997) was considered rising star comedies. And he demanded $6 million for the role.

The death of the 33-year-old actor made the creators of the cartoon “Shrek” (2001) think. It was Chris who voiced the green ogre and, in general, managed to record all the lines provided for in the script long before the animators got to work. But the producers were already thinking about a sequel and they didn’t want one voice to be heard in the first part, and another in the next ones. That's why they hired Mike Myers to reprise the role, and Farley's work was sent to the archives for eternal storage.

15. Paul Walker

Filming for the action movie Fast and Furious 7 was in full swing when, on November 30, 2013, Paul and his friend Roger Rodas were involved in a car accident in a red Porsche Carrera GT. The driver (Rodas) lost control and crashed into a lamppost at high speed, and then into a tree. Roger died immediately, but Paul was still alive for a few seconds: he was finished off by the fire that engulfed the car.

Universal Studios had to take time out for six months in order to rework the script. After a brainstorming session, they decided not to cut the late actor out of the film, but to change the plot in such a way that the hero had to retire. The missing scenes are currently being filmed with Walker's stunt doubles, his own brothers Caleb and Cody, whose faces computer graphics will be brought to full resemblance to the face of their deceased relative.

They are interrogating in connection with an accident on the set of the TV series “Smersh”. The tragedy occurred on Friday, September 14, in Tutaev Yaroslavl region during the staging of a mass fight scene.

During the action, one of the extras hit one of his colleagues too hard in the temple. A 50-year-old man was sent to the hospital by ambulance, but doctors were unable to save the victim’s life.

Valery Shuvalov turned out to have died on the set; he was supposed to receive 500 rubles for filming the episode.

Russia has opened a criminal case and is now interrogating witnesses, one of whom is Makarov.

“On the evening of September 14, 2018, a man, born in 1967, was taken to a medical facility after suffering a head injury while filming a film that took place in the city of Tutaev,” it says in the message investigation department Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl region. “Despite resuscitation measures, the victim died. On the fact of the incident, the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation A criminal case was initiated in the Yaroslavl region on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, resulting in the death of the victim through negligence).”

The deceased was not a professional actor, but only took part in filming as an extra.

“According to the investigation, a resident of the city of Tutaev, involved in filming a scene of a mass fight, was hit in the temple during a rehearsal,” the Investigative Committee reports.

— Currently, investigative actions are being carried out aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. The person involved in the crime is being identified.”

Filming of the series “Smersh” began in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, in June of this year. Having filmed all the material in the city, the film crew moved several hundred kilometers to Tutaev, where they continued their work.

“Smersh” was directed by the famous director and actor Oleg. The action of "Smersh" takes place during the Great Patriotic War.

“The whole picture is such a drive, an action movie with two heroes in the center,” told Fomin in an interview with local TV channel R40.

46-year-old Alexei Makarov made his screen debut in 1995 in a small role in the detective mini-series “On the Corner, at the Patriarch’s.” Four years later, he starred in the film “The Voroshilov Shooter”, where he played one of the key roles - negative character businessman Boris Chukhanov.

Makarov played more than 80 roles in films and TV series, including “In August 1944”, “What Men Talk About”, “Tsar”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Turkish March”, “Kamenskaya”, “Particle of the Universe”.

Valery Matytsin/TASS

The actor was awarded the prize for his role as a department officer in the 2004 film “Personal Number,” based on the tragic events of 2002 in Moscow, when terrorists took hostages at the musical “Nord-Ost.”

Oleg Fomin began his acting career in the mid-80s in the films “Toll”, “My name is Harlequin” and “The Glass Labyrinth”. In the 90s, Fomin starred in several important films of the era, including “The Publican,” “Country of the Deaf,” and “Contract with Death.” IN recent years The actor appears mainly in TV series.

Fomin sat in the director’s chair in 1991 on the set of the film “Dear Ep.”

Fomin also works closely with TV series. He was the director of the popular project of the early 2000s “Next. Next" with Alexander Abdulov in the title role. All three seasons of the series were released.

A new one is due to hit the big screens soon. feature film Fomina “Redheads”, and the series “Aliens” is also expected. The release date of “Smersh” on television has not yet been announced.