Animal milk fairy tale. Animal's milk is a Russian folk tale. Russian folk tale Animal's milk

In a certain kingdom, not in our state, there lived a king within a kingdom, a king within a kingdom, and he had children: a son, Ivan Tsarevich, and a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. An iron wool bear appeared in his kingdom and began to eat his subjects... The bear eats people, and the king sits and thinks about how he can save his children. He ordered to build a high pillar, placed Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful on it, and placed provisions for them there for five years.
The bear ate all the people, ran to the royal palace and began gnawing a broom out of frustration.
“Don’t bite me, iron wool bear,” the broom tells him, “but rather go into the field, there you will see a pillar, and on that pillar are sitting Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful!”
The bear ran to the post and began to swing it. Ivan Tsarevich got scared and threw him food, but the bear ate enough and went to bed.
The bear is sleeping, and Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful are running without looking back... There is a horse on the road.
- Horse, horse! Save us, they say. They had just mounted their horse when the bear caught up with them. He tore the horse into pieces, took them in his mouth and brought them to the post. They gave him food, he ate and fell asleep again. The bear is sleeping, and Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful are running without looking back... Geese are walking along the road.
- Geese, geese, save us.
They sat on the geese and flew, and the bear woke up, scorched the geese with a flame and brought them to the post. They gave him food again: he ate and fell asleep again. The bear is sleeping, and Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful are running without looking back... There is a bull-calf standing on the road.
- Bull, bull! Save us: an iron wool bear is chasing us.
- Sit on me; You, Ivan Tsarevich, sit backwards and when you see a bear, tell me.
A bear, a bull-calf, etc., will just catch up with them, and will cover his eyes. Three times the bear caught up, three times the bull covered his eyes. They began to cross the river, the bear followed them - and drowned.
They wanted to eat, so the bull said to them:
- Slaughter me and eat me, and collect my bones and hit me; They will turn out to be a fist-sized peasant - as big as a fingernail, with a beard as big as an elbow. He will do everything for you.
Time goes on and on, they ate the bull and wanted to eat again; They hit him lightly on the bones, and a small fist came out. So they went into the forest, and in that forest there was a house, and that house was a robber’s house. Kulachok killed both the robbers and the chieftain and locked them in the same room; but he didn’t tell Elena to go there. Only she couldn’t bear it, looked and fell in love with the chieftain’s head.
She asked Ivan Tsarevich to get her living and dead water. As soon as he got the living and dead water, the princess revived the ataman and conspired with him to kill Ivan Tsarevich. First of all, they agreed to send him for wolf's milk. Ivan Tsarevich went with a fist-shaped peasant; find a she-wolf:
- Give me some milk!
She asks them to take the wolf cub too, because he b..., p..., eats bread for nothing. Having taken the milk and the wolf cub, they went to Helen the Beautiful; They gave the milk to Elena, and took the wolf cub for themselves. These could not lime him; sent for bear milk. Ivan Tsarevich went with a fist-shaped peasant to get bear milk; find a bear:
- Give me some milk!
She asks to take the teddy bear too, because he... eats bread for nothing. Again, having taken the milk and the teddy bear, they went to Helen the Beautiful; They gave her the milk and took the teddy bear for themselves. And with this they could not lime Ivan Tsarevich; They sent him for lion's milk. Ivan Tsarevich went with the peasant fist; they find a lioness, take milk; She asks them to take the lion cub too, because he... eats bread for nothing. They returned to Helen the Beautiful, gave the milk, and took the lion cub for themselves.

Then the ataman and Elena the Beautiful see that even this cannot be done to kill Ivan Tsarevich; They sent him to get the eggs of the firebird. Ivan Tsarevich went with a little fist to get eggs. They found the firebird, they wanted to take the eggs, she got angry and swallowed the peasant fist; and Ivan Tsarevich went home without eggs. He comes to Elena the Beautiful and tells her that he couldn’t get the eggs and that the firebird swallowed the peasant fist. Elena the Beautiful and the ataman were delighted and said that now Ivan Tsarevich would not do anything without his fist; ordered to kill him. Ivan Tsarevich heard this and asked his sister to wash himself in the bathhouse before he died.
Elena the Beautiful ordered the bathhouse to be heated. Ivan Tsarevich went to the bathhouse, and Elena the Beautiful sent to him to tell him to wash himself quickly. Ivan Tsarevich did not listen to her; after all, he washed himself slowly. Suddenly a wolf cub, a bear cub and a lion cub came running to him; They tell him that the little fist man escaped from the firebird and will now come to him. Ivan Tsarevich ordered them to lie under the threshold in the bathhouse; but he still washed himself. Elena the Beautiful sends him again to tell him to wash himself quickly, and if he doesn’t come out soon, she will come herself. Ivan Tsarevich did not listen and did not leave the bathhouse. Elena the Beautiful waited and waited, could not wait, and went with the chieftain to see what he was doing there. He comes and sees that he is washing and does not listen to orders; I got angry and gave him a slap. Out of nowhere, a little peasant-fist ordered the wolf cub, the bear cub and the lion cub to tear the chieftain into small pieces, and he took Elena and tied her naked to a tree so that her body would be eaten by mosquitoes and flies; and he himself went with Ivan Tsarevich along the road.
We saw large chambers; says the fist man:
- Would you like to get married, Ivan Tsarevich? Here in this house lives a heroic girl; she is looking for such a fellow to defeat her.
So we went to that house. Before they got there a little, Ivan Tsarevich sat down on his horse, and the peasant-fist behind him, and they began to challenge the hero-girl to fight. They fought and fought; The heroic girl hit Ivan Tsarevich in the chest - Ivan Tsarevich almost fell, but his fist held him back. Then Ivan Tsarevich hit the heroic girl with a spear - and she immediately fell off her horse. When Ivan Tsarevich knocked down the heroic girl, she said to him:
- Well, Ivan Tsarevich, now you can marry me.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Ivan Tsarevich married a heroic girl.
“Well, Ivan Tsarevich,” says the little peasant, “if you feel ill on the first night, then come to me; I will help in trouble.
So Ivan Tsarevich went to bed with the heroic girl. Suddenly the heroic girl put her hand on his chest, Ivan Tsarevich felt sick; he began to ask to leave. He came out, called the peasant-fist, and told him that the hero-girl was strangling him. The peasant-fist went to the hero-girl and began to beat her and say:
- Honor your husband, honor your husband!
From that time on, they began to live and live and make good things.
After the heroic girl began to ask Ivan Tsarevich to untie Elena the Beautiful and take her to live with him. He now sent to untie her and bring her to him. Elena the Beautiful lived with him for a long time.

Have you heard about Zmey Zmeevich? If you have heard, then you know what he is like in both appearance and deed; and if not, then I’ll tell a story about him, how he, having thrown himself as a young fellow, was a daring

a daredevil, he went to see the beautiful princess. It is true that the princess was a beauty, black-browed, and inappropriately arrogant; honest people, it happened that she wouldn’t say a word, but there was no simple access to her; only with Zmey Zmeevich shi-shi-shi! About what? Who knows!

And her husband, Prince Prince Ivan the King, according to royal and noble custom, was engaged in hunting; and, to tell the truth, the hunt was no match for us! Not only dogs, and hawks, and falcons served him faithfully, but also foxes, and hares, and all kinds of animals and birds brought their tribute; whoever made something served him: the fox with cunning, the hare with agility, the eagle with its wings, the raven with its pecking ability.

In a word, Prince-Prince Ivan-Korolich with his desire was irresistible, terrible even to the Serpent Zmeevich himself; But wasn’t he good at anything, no!

How much he thought about it, how much he tried to exterminate the prince this way and that - it all failed! Yes, the princess helped. She raised her clear eyes under her forehead, lowered her white hands, and became slightly ill; The husband got scared and worried: how to treat it?

“Nothing will lift me up,” she said, “except wolf’s milk; I need to wash myself and shower with it.

The husband went for wolf's milk and took the hunt with him; a she-wolf came across, as soon as she saw the prince, she fell at his feet and begged in a plaintive voice:

Prince-princely Ivan the prince, have mercy, order something - I’ll do everything!

Give me your milk!

She immediately milked him for milk and gave him a wolf cub as a thank you. Ivan the prince gave the wolf cub to hunt, and brought the milk to his wife; and the wife was hoping: maybe her husband would disappear! I came - and there was nothing to do, I washed myself with wolf's milk, rolled myself around and got out of bed as if I were not sick. The husband was delighted.

Whether long or short, she fell ill again.

“Nothing,” he says, “can help me; I need to go get some bear milk.

Ivan the prince took a hunt and went to look for bear's milk. The bear sensed trouble, fell at her feet, and tearfully prayed:

For mercy, whatever you order, I will do everything!

Okay, give me your milk!

She immediately milked the milk and gave him a teddy bear in gratitude.

Ivan the prince returned to his wife again and is healthy.

Well, my dear! Do another service, prove your friendship for the last time, bring me lion’s milk - and I won’t get sick, I’ll sing songs and amuse you every day.

The prince wanted to see his wife healthy and cheerful; went to look for the lioness. It was not an easy matter, the beast was overseas. He took his hunt; wolves and bears scattered across the mountains, across the valleys, a hawk and a falcon rose to the skies, scattered through the bushes, through the forests - and the lioness, like a humble slave, fell at the feet of Ivan the Prince.

Ivan the prince brought lion's milk. The wife became healthier, cheerful, and asked him again:

My friend, beloved friend! Now I am healthy and cheerful, and I would be even more beautiful if you had bothered to get me some magic dust: it lies behind twelve doors, behind twelve locks, in the twelve corners of the damn mill.

The prince went - apparently, this was his lot! I came to the mill, the locks opened on their own, the doors opened; Prince Ivan collected dust, goes back - the doors are locked; the locks are locked; he went out, and the whole hunt remained there. It breaks, it makes noise, it fights, some break down doors with teeth, some with claws. Ivan the prince stood and stood, waited and waited, and returned home alone with grief; he felt sick in his stomach, cold in his heart, came home - and in the house his wife was running around and was cheerful and young, in the yard the Serpent Zmeevich was in charge:

Hello, Ivan the Prince! Here's my greetings to you - a silk loop around your neck!

Wait, Snake! - said the prince. - I am in your will, but I don’t want to die grieving; listen, I'll tell you three songs.

He sang one - the Serpent listened; and the raven, who pecked at carrion and therefore did not fall into the trap, shouts:

Sing, sing, Ivan the Prince! Your hunt has gnawed through three doors!

He sang another - the raven shouts:

Sing, sing, your hunt is already gnawing through the ninth door!

Enough, stop! - the Serpent hissed. - Stretch out your neck, throw a noose!

Listen to the third, Zmey Zmeevich! I sang it before the wedding, and I will sing it before the grave.

He began the third song, and the raven shouted:

Sing, sing, Ivan the Prince! Your hunt is already breaking the last lock!

Ivan the prince finished the song, stretched out his neck and shouted for the last time:

Goodbye, white light; goodbye my hunt! And the hunt is here, it’s easy, a cloud flies like a cloud, a regiment runs like a regiment! The animals snatched the snake into pieces, the birds instantly pecked at his wife, and the prince-princely Ivan-Korolich was left alone with his desire to live out a century, alone to grieve, but would have been worth a better life.

They say that in the old days all these daredevils were born, but all we have left of them are fairy tales.

Have you heard about Zmey Zmeevich? If you have heard, then you know what he is like in both appearance and deed; and if not, then I’ll tell a story about him, how he, having thrown himself as a young fellow, was a daring

a daredevil, he went to see the beautiful princess. It is true that the princess was a beauty, black-browed, and inappropriately arrogant; It happened that honest people wouldn’t say a word, but ordinary people didn’t have access to her; only with Zmey Zmeevich shi-shi-shi! About what? Who knows!

And her husband, Prince Prince Ivan the King, according to royal and noble custom, was engaged in hunting; and, to tell the truth, the hunt was no match for us! Not only dogs, and hawks, and falcons served him faithfully, but also foxes, and hares, and all sorts of animals and birds brought their tribute; whoever made something served him: the fox with cunning, the hare with agility, the eagle with its wing, the raven with its bite.

In a word, Prince-Prince Ivan-Korolich with his desire was irresistible, terrible even to the Serpent Zmeevich himself; But wasn’t he good at anything, no!

How much he thought about it, how much he tried to exterminate the prince this way and that - it all failed! Yes, the princess helped. She brought her clear eyes under her forehead, lowered her white hands, and became slightly ill; The husband got scared and worried: how to treat it?

“Nothing will lift me up,” she said, “except wolf’s milk; I need to wash myself and shower with it.

The husband went for wolf's milk and took the hunt with him; a she-wolf came across, just saw the prince-prince - she fell at his feet, and begged in a plaintive voice:

“Prince-princely Ivan the prince, have mercy, order something - I’ll do everything!”

- Give me your milk!

She immediately milked him for milk and gave him a wolf cub as a thank you. Ivan the prince gave the wolf cub to hunt, and brought the milk to his wife; and the wife was hoping: maybe her husband would disappear! I came and there was nothing to do, I washed myself with wolf’s milk, rolled myself around and got out of bed as if I were not sick. The husband was delighted.

Whether long or short, she fell ill again.

“You can’t help me,” he says; I need to go get some bear milk.

Ivan the prince took a hunt and went to look for bear's milk. The bear sensed trouble, fell at her feet, and tearfully prayed:

- For mercy, whatever you order, I’ll do everything!

- Okay, give me your milk!

She immediately milked the milk and gave him a teddy bear in gratitude.

Ivan the prince returned to his wife again and is healthy.

- Well, my dear! Do another service, prove your friendship for the last time, bring me lion’s milk - and I won’t get sick, I’ll sing songs and amuse you every day.

The prince wanted to see his wife healthy and cheerful; went to look for the lioness. It was not an easy matter, the beast was overseas. He took his hunt; wolves and bears scattered across the mountains, across the valleys, a hawk and a falcon rose to the skies, scattered through the bushes, through the forests - and the lioness, like a humble slave, fell at the feet of Ivan the Prince.

Ivan the prince brought lion's milk. The wife became healthier, cheerful, and asked him again:

- My friend, beloved friend! Now I am healthy and cheerful, and I would be even more beautiful if you had bothered to get me some magic dust: it lies behind twelve doors, behind twelve locks, in the twelve corners of the damn mill.

The prince went - apparently, this was his lot! I came to the mill, the locks opened on their own, the doors opened; Prince Ivan collected dust, goes back - the doors are locked; the locks are locked; he went out, and the whole hunt remained there. It breaks, it makes noise, it fights, some break down doors with teeth, some with claws. Ivan the prince stood and stood, waited and waited, and returned home alone with grief; he felt sick in his stomach, cold in his heart, he came home - and in the house his wife was running around and was cheerful and young, in the yard Zmey Zmeevich was in charge:

- Hello, Ivan the Prince! Here's my greetings to you - a silk loop around your neck!

- Wait, Snake! - said the prince. “I am in your will, but I don’t want to die grieving; listen, I'll tell you three songs.

He sang one - the Serpent listened; and the raven, who pecked at carrion and therefore did not fall into the trap, shouts:

- Sing, sing, Ivan the Prince! Your hunt has gnawed through three doors!

He sang another - the raven shouts:

- Sing, sing, your hunt is already gnawing through the ninth door!

- Enough, stop! - the Serpent hissed. - Stretch out your neck, throw a noose!

- Listen to the third, Zmey Zmeevich! I sang it before the wedding, and I will sing it before the grave.

He began the third song, and the raven shouted:

- Sing, sing, Ivan the Prince! Your hunt is already breaking the last lock!

Ivan the prince finished the song, stretched out his neck and shouted for the last time:

- Goodbye, white light; goodbye my hunt! And the hunt is here, it’s easy, a cloud flies like a cloud, a regiment runs like a regiment! The animals snatched the snake into pieces, the birds instantly pecked at his wife, and the prince-princely Ivan-Korolich was left alone with his desire to live out a century, alone to grieve, but would have been worth a better life.

They say that in the old days all these daredevils were born, but all we have left of them are fairy tales.

Have you heard about Zmey Zmeevich? If you have heard, then you know what he is like in both appearance and deed; and if not, then I’ll tell a story about him, how he, having thrown himself as a young fellow, a daring daredevil, went to see the beautiful princess. It is true that the princess was a beauty, black-browed, and inappropriately arrogant; It happened that honest people wouldn’t say a word, but ordinary people didn’t have access to her; only with Zmey Zmeevich shi-shi-shi! About what? Who knows!
And her husband, Prince-Prince Ivan the King, according to royal and noble custom, was engaged in hunting; and, to tell the truth, the hunt was no match for us! Not only dogs, and hawks, and falcons served him faithfully, but also foxes, and hares, and all kinds of animals and birds brought their tribute; whoever made something served him: the fox with cunning, the hare with agility, the eagle with its wings, the raven with its pecking ability.
In a word, the prince-prince Ivan the prince with his desire was irresistible, terrible even to the Serpent Zmeevich himself; But wasn’t he good at anything, no!
How much he thought about it, how much he tried to exterminate the prince this way and that - it all failed! Yes, the princess helped. She brought her clear eyes under her forehead, lowered her white hands, and became slightly ill; The husband got scared and worried: how to treat it?
“Nothing will lift me up,” she said, “except wolf’s milk; I need to wash myself and shower with it.
The husband went for wolf's milk and took the hunt with him; a she-wolf came across, as soon as she saw the prince-prince, she fell at his feet and begged in a plaintive voice:
- Prince Prince Ivan the King, have mercy, order something - I’ll do everything!
-Give me your milk!
She immediately milked him for milk and gave him a wolf cub as a thank you. Ivan the prince gave the wolf cub to hunt, and brought the milk to his wife; and the wife was hoping: maybe her husband would disappear! I came - and there was nothing to do, I washed myself with wolf's milk, rolled myself around and got out of bed as if I were not sick. The husband was delighted.
Whether long or short, she fell ill again.
“You can’t help me,” he says; I need to go get some bear milk.
Ivan the prince took a hunt and went to look for bear's milk. The bear sensed trouble, fell at her feet, and tearfully prayed:
- Have mercy, whatever you order, I’ll do everything!
- Okay, give me your milk!
She immediately milked the milk and gave him a teddy bear in gratitude.
Ivan the prince again returned to his wife safe and healthy.
- Well, my dear! Do another service, prove your friendship for the last time, bring me lion’s milk - and I won’t get sick, I’ll sing songs and amuse you every day.
The prince wanted to see his wife healthy and cheerful; went to look for the lioness. It was not an easy matter, the beast was overseas. He took his hunt; wolves and bears scattered across the mountains, across the valleys, a hawk and a falcon rose to the skies, scattered through the bushes, through the forests - and the lioness, like a humble slave, fell at the feet of Ivan the Prince.
Ivan the prince brought lion's milk. The wife became healthier, cheerful, and again asked him:
- My friend, beloved friend! Now I am healthy and cheerful, and I would be even more beautiful if you had bothered to get me some magic dust: it lies behind twelve doors, behind twelve locks, in the twelve corners of the damn mill.
The prince went - apparently, this was his lot! I came to the mill, the locks opened on their own, the doors opened; Prince Ivan collected dust, goes back - the doors are locked, the locks are locked; he went out, and the whole hunt remained there. It breaks, it makes noise, it fights, some break down doors with teeth, some with claws. Ivan the prince stood and stood, waited and waited, and returned home alone with grief; he felt sick in his stomach, cold in his heart, he came home - and in the house his wife was running around and was cheerful and young, in the yard Zmey Zmeevich was in charge:
- Great, Ivan the Prince! Here's my greetings to you - a silk loop around your neck!
-Wait, Snake! - said the prince. - I am in your will, but I don’t want to die grieving; listen, I'll tell you three songs.
He sang one - the Serpent listened; and the raven, who pecked at carrion and therefore did not fall into the trap, shouts:
-Sing, sing, Ivan the Prince! Your hunt has gnawed through three doors!
He sang another - the raven shouts:
- Sing, sing, your hunt is already gnawing through the ninth door!
- Enough, stop! - the Serpent hissed. - Stretch your neck, throw a noose!
-Listen to the third, Zmey Zmeevich! I sang it before the wedding, and I will sing it before the grave.
He began the third song, and the raven shouted:
-Sing, sing, Ivan the Prince! Your hunt is already breaking the last lock!
Ivan the prince finished the song, stretched out his neck and shouted for the last time:
- Goodbye, white light; goodbye my hunt!
And the hunt is here, it’s easy, a cloud flies like a cloud, a regiment runs like a regiment! The animals snatched the snake into pieces, the birds instantly pecked at his wife, and the prince-princely Ivan-Korolich was left alone with his desire to live out a century, alone to grieve, but would have been worth a better life.
They say that in the old days all these daredevils were born, but all we have left of them are fairy tales.

Have you heard about Zmey Zmeevich? If you have heard, then you know what he is like in both appearance and deed; and if not, then I’ll tell a story about him, how he, having been thrown off as a young fellow, a daring daredevil, went to see the beautiful princess. It is true that the princess was a beauty, black-browed, and inappropriately arrogant; It happened that honest people wouldn’t say a word, but ordinary people didn’t have access to her; only with Zmey Zmeevich shi-shi-shi! About what? Who knows!

And her husband, Prince-Prince Ivan the King, according to royal and noble custom, was engaged in hunting; and, to tell the truth, the hunt was no match for us! Not only dogs, and hawks, and falcons served him faithfully, but also foxes, and hares, and all sorts of birds, and brought their tribute; whoever made something served him: the fox with cunning, the hare with agility, the eagle with its wings, the raven with its pecking ability.

In a word, Prince-Prince Ivan-Korolich with his desire was irresistible, terrible even to the Serpent Zmeevich himself; But wasn’t he good at anything, no!

How much he thought about it, how much he tried to exterminate the prince this way and that - it all failed! Yes, the princess helped. She brought her clear eyes under her forehead, lowered her white hands, and became slightly ill; The husband got scared and worried: how to treat it?

“Nothing will lift me up,” she said, “except bear’s milk; I need to wash myself and shower with it.

Ivan the prince took a hunt and went to look for bear's milk. The bear sensed trouble, fell at her feet, and tearfully prayed:

- For mercy, whatever you order, I’ll do everything!

- Okay, give me your milk!

She immediately milked the milk and gave him a teddy bear in gratitude.

Ivan the prince again returned to his wife safe and healthy.

Whether long or short, she fell ill again.

“Nothing,” he says, “can’t help me; I need to go get some wolf's milk.

The husband went for wolf's milk and took the hunt with him; a she-wolf came across, just saw the prince-prince - she fell at his feet, and begged in a plaintive voice:

“Prince-princely Ivan the prince, have mercy, order something - I’ll do everything!”

- Give me your milk.

She immediately milked him for milk and gave him a wolf cub as a thank you. Ivan the prince gave the wolf cub to hunt, and brought the milk to his wife; and the wife was hoping: maybe her husband would disappear! I came - and there was nothing to do, I washed myself with wolf's milk, rolled myself around and got out of bed as if I were not sick. The husband was delighted.

- Well, my dear! Do another service, prove your friendship for the last time, bring me lion’s milk - and I won’t get sick, I’ll sing songs and amuse you every day.

The prince wanted to see his wife healthy and cheerful; went to look for the lioness. It was not an easy matter, the beast was overseas. He took his hunt; wolves and bears scattered across the mountains, across the valleys, a hawk and a falcon rose to the skies, scattered through the bushes, through the forests - and the lioness, like a humble slave, fell at the feet of Ivan the Prince.

Ivan the prince brought lion's milk. The wife became healthier, cheerful, and asked him again:

- My friend, beloved friend! Now I am healthy and cheerful, and I would be even more beautiful if you had bothered to get me some magic dust: it lies behind twelve doors, behind twelve locks, in the twelve corners of the damn mill.

The prince went - apparently, this was his lot! I came to the mill, the locks opened on their own, the doors opened; Prince Ivan collected dust, goes back - the doors are locked, the locks are locked; he went out, and the whole hunt remained there. It breaks, it makes noise, it fights, some break down doors with teeth, some with claws. “Ivan the prince stood and stood, waited and waited, and returned home alone with grief; he felt sick in his stomach, cold in his heart, came home - and in the house his wife was running around and was cheerful and young, in the yard Zmey Zmeevich was in charge:

- Hello, Ivan the Prince! Here's my greetings to you - a silk loop around your neck!

- Wait, Snake! - said the prince. “I am in your will, but I don’t want to die grieving; listen, I'll tell you three songs.