The meaning of the word “special.” Special and special

Meaning 1. Exceptional in some respect, original. 2. Separate, separate (obsolete). Examples of phrases. 1) special voice;
. special gait, kindness, tenderness;
. special occasion, smell;
. special conditions;
. 2) special room;
. special wardrobe;
. special shelf. Examples of sentences... And everything about her then... seemed to Elena something special, almost sacred. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”) My chest felt sweetly tight, inhaling that special, languid and fresh smell - the smell of a Russian summer night. (I. Turgenev, “Bezhin Meadow”) In your closet, maybe for me, friends,
A special shelf has been allocated. (A. Pushkin, “House in Kolomna”)


Meaning 1. Unlike others, different from others. 2. Especially intended for someone or something. Examples of phrases. 1) a special sound, imprint;
. special sign, joy;
. 2) special rights, obligations;
. dissenting opinion;
. special room;
. special cutlery (cutlery);
. special courses;
. special carriage. Famous expressions Dissenting opinion (opinion that does not coincide with the opinion of the rest or the majority). Special article (translated: something completely different, something that should not be mixed with the rest). Example sentences How exactly [to process stone tools] is a special and very complex question. (B. Frolov, “What the Siberian Madonna Told About”)[Famusov:] Take it from head to toe,
All Moscow ones have a special imprint. (A. Griboedov, “Woe from Wit”) They placed a special device for him in the corner on a small table without a napkin. (I. Turgenev, “My neighbor Radilov”)

    SPECIAL, -oh, -oh.

    1. Not like others, not like everyone else; unusual. Natasha spent a long time accustoming her family to Prince Andrei and proudly assured everyone that he only seemed so special, and that he was the same as everyone else. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. In the upper, head, box of the lock, frozen horses transport gold-bearing sand in special carts with high sides and an easy-to-open bottom. Libedinsky, Education of the soul. - You lived with us, but during this time nothing special happened! You haven't even seen how the collective farm works. Zhestev, Earth living soul. || Inherent only to a given person, object, phenomenon; peculiar. The climate, the way of government, the faith give each people a special physiognomy. Pushkin, On nationality in literature. Each door had its own special voice: the door leading to the bedroom sang in the thinnest treble, the door leading to the dining room wheezed in a bass voice. Gogol, Old World Landowners. || Extraordinary, exceptional in some way. respect. The acquaintance [with the new teacher] occurred under special circumstances. Korolenko, History of my contemporary. For some reason I began to feel embarrassed by her, and I had a desire to do something special in front of her - to save a drowning man, or to distinguish himself in a fire, or generally to do something heroic. Nikolaev, That long, long ago August. I knew from the words of the adults that this [New Year's] evening was very special. To wait for the same evening, you had to live another hundred years. Paustovsky, Storyteller.

    2. More significant, stronger than always, than usual. Princess Marya approached the office door that day with special trepidation. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. || Large, significant. Not being particularly polite or talkative, he has the gift of attracting and keeping guests. Turgenev, Singers. [Kruchinina:] But if I have the opportunity to save someone from trouble without much difficulty, then I must definitely do it. A. Ostrovsky, Guilty without guilt.

    3. Outdated Separate, special. [Mr. Golyadkin] entered the tavern, took a special number and ordered dinner to be served. Dostoevsky, The Double. Almost every day, the old princess had to sit down at the table, count everyone and seat the thirteenth grandson or granddaughter at a special table. L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina. || Designated, dedicated to a specific purpose; special. Nowadays throughout enlightened Europe they clean their nails with a special brush. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin (Notes). Was immediately sent to Troitsk --- special express with instructions to purchase four tents. Mamin-Sibiryak, Privalovsky millions.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):

What is the difference in the meaning of the words “special” and “special”? and got the best answer

Answer from VeroNika[guru]
Look at the meanings and examples.
1. Not like others, not like everyone else; unusual, special. O. case. Be in special conditions. O. variety. Oh sign. Oh intonations. Be in a special position. The spirits are completely o.k.a. smell. Oh opinion (official;
statement of a participant in a meeting, a member of smb. collegium about disagreement with the majority opinion).
2.Large, noticeable, significant. Hit with special force. I went without much desire. Work with special zeal. I listened to music with particular pleasure. Classes will require special effort.
3.Separate, not shared. Oh room. O. entrance. O. carriage. Smth.'s room
4. Having a special purpose. Oh commission.
SPECIAL, oh, oh.
1. Not like others, not like everyone else; unusual, peculiar. O. child. Alexey is a man about. ! Oh smile. O. voice. Oh. laughter. Oh style of writing. O. smell. O. handwriting.
2.Unusual, exceptional in some way. respect. O. day. Ooh phenomenon. O. case. Oh circumstances.
3.Different from others in the degree of manifestation; big, significant. Oh excitement, pleasure. Oh joy. O. success. Oh the expressiveness of the verse. To feel special tenderness towards someone.< Особенное, -ого; ср. Ничего особенного. Особенно, нареч. По-особенному, нареч. Разг. (1 зн.). Уложить волосы по-особенному.

Reply from Maxim Vladimirovich[expert]
These words have very minor lexical differences

Reply from Yori[expert]
Special - close in meaning to the concept of “stand apart”, that is, it expresses something separate, artificially separated from the multitude of others.
Special - in meaning closer to “peculiarity”, expresses something distinctive, outstanding due to its own qualities.

Reply from Vladislav[guru]
Special - extraordinary. different from others.
Special-exclusive, independent from others

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what is the difference in the meaning of the words “special” and “special”?

To characterize a special product that serves as a general equivalent of the value of goods and

SPECIAL//SPECIAL* They form a nest of pairs with the paronyms especially//‘special*.
SPECIAL. 1. Exceptional in some respect, original. 2. Separate, separate (obsolete). Special: 1) voice; ~ gait, kindness, tenderness; ~th case, smell; ~ conditions; 2) room; ~th wardrobe; ~th shelf. - And everything about her then seemed to Elena something special, almost sacred. I. Turgenev. The day before. My chest felt sweetly tight, inhaling that special, languid and fresh smell - the smell of a Russian summer night. I. Turgenev. Bezhin meadow. In your closet, perhaps, for me, friends, a special shelf has been allocated. A. Pushkin. House in Kolomna.
SPECIAL. 1. Unlike others, different from others. 2. Especially intended for someone or something. Special: 1) sound, imprint; ~th sign, joy; 2) rights, obligations; ~opinion; ~th room; cutlery [cutlery]; ~th courses; ~th carriage. How exactly [to process stone tools] is a special and very complex question. B. Frolov. What did the Siberian Madonna talk about? [Famusov:] Take it from head to toe, All Moscow people have a special imprint. A. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. They placed a special device for him in the corner on a small table without a napkin. I. Turgenev. My neighbor Radilov. L Dissenting opinion (opinion that does not coincide with the opinion of the rest or the majority). Special article (translated: something completely different, something that should not be mixed with the rest). Note. In the meaning of “unusual, significant,” the words special and special continue to remain synonyms: special (special) simplicity, courtesy; special (special) desire.

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