Winter journey to a dense forest fairy tale

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The albums were developed by teachers of the municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 244: Vilkova Natalya Nikolaevna – teacher 1st quarter. category Gudun Alexandra Nikolaevna – teacher of the 1st quarter. categories Egorova Nadezhda Yurievna – teacher of the 1st quarter. categories Tatyana Nikolaevna Krasnova – teacher Olga Vladislavovna Kudanova – teacher 1st quarter. categories Nadezhda Alekseevna Popova – teacher Samarenkina Valentina Aleksandrovna – teacher 1st quarter. category Belova Irina Aleksandrovna - deputy head. according to UVR Tell the children about N.M. Karamzin Explanatory note The federal state standard defines unified educational processes of preschool education, focused on the formation of a citizen who loves his people, his land, his homeland, who is tolerant of the culture, traditions and customs of other peoples. The period of preschool childhood is the age of comprehension of culture and “cultivation” of personality in it. Therefore, one of the main tasks set for teachers is to introduce children to cultural heritage society. Now it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the formation inner world child, nurturing the creative principle in him. Deep, spiritual, creative morality is associated with a person’s personal spirituality, its depth. Spiritual and moral formation of the new generation, preparing children and youth for independent life- the most important condition for the development of Russia. An effective means of educating the moral qualities of the personality of preschool children is fiction. Currently, national memory is gradually returning, and society in a new way begins to relate to writers and poets who glorified their homeland. In 2016 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of our great compatriot N.M. Karamzin. The name of the writer, publicist, historian N.M. Karamzin, a native of the Simbirsk region, is world famous. His works contribute to increasing interest in Russian literature and stories awaken patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in one’s country. In the works of N.M. Karamzin there is no book that would be inaccessible or undesirable for children and youth reading: the fairy tales “The Beautiful Princess and the Happy Karla”, “Dense Forest”, “Ilya Muromets”, etc. In his work N.M. . Karamzin focused on the patriotic component of citizenship. Having identified the following types of love for the Fatherland: - physical love, i.e. attachment to the place of one’s birth, small homeland; - moral, i.e. love for fellow citizens with whom a person grows up, is educated, lives; - political, i.e. love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in all respects. Accordingly, acquaintance with the life and work of our famous fellow countryman contributes to the solution of the following tasks: - to form in preschoolers a system of ideas about the culture and history of the region; - to cultivate a positive attitude and interest in cultural and historical values ​​of the region, its inhabitants; - bring children to the realization of their own belonging to the Motherland, the region, the city and the feeling of being part of a large human community; - develop the social activity of preschoolers: the desire, to the best of their ability, to participate in the events of the surrounding social reality, to arouse the desire for its positive transformation. creation of a series of educational albums dedicated to N.M. Karamzin and the diagnostic complex based on these albums is one of the innovative approaches to the moral and patriotic education of preschool children, the implementation of which would contribute to the creation of qualitatively new directions in the organization of this activity with the younger generation. Album No. 1 “Tell the children about Karamzin” as a visual and didactic aid. In this album, children get acquainted with significant dates, starting from the birth of Karamzin until the end of his life. - Estimated place of birth of N.M. Karamzina - Childhood N.M. Karamzina - Youth N.M. Karamzin - Adolescence N.M. Karamzin - Family N.M. Karamzin - Travels N.M. Karamzina - N.M. Karamzin in Moscow - Magazines created by N.M. Karamzin - The first children's magazine - Bulletin of Europe - Tales of N.M. Karamzin - N.M. Karamzin in Tsarskoe Selo - Karamzin in Ostafyevo - Karamzin's illness - Memory of Karamzin The album also presents small tasks for joint work of parents and children, which will consolidate the idea of ​​​​the life of N.M. Karamzin. Album No. 2 “Dense Forest”. This album presents material that prepares children for reading the fairy tale “Dense Forest”: - Educational story with illustrations about the life and everyday life of the ancient Slavs. - Illustration of the mythical character “Beelzebub” - An educational story with illustrations about the Gallic tribes (Celts), their territoriality, housing, clothing, main occupation. - A story about the spiritual side of the life of the Gallic tribes: teachers - Druids ; singers-bards; legendary hero - Ossian.- Family tree family of N.M. Karamzin - Family of N.M. Karamzin, his children and grandchildren, a story about their life and achievements. Album No. 3 “Symbols of Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region.” This album presents the symbols (coat of arms and flag) of Ulyanovsk and the region from the time of their creation to the present time. - Coat of arms of the Karamzin family, representatives of the noble family. - Coat of arms of Sinbirsky. The first known coat of arms of Simbirsk was granted to the city in 1672 for the defense against Stenka Razin. - Coat of arms of Simbirsk. First appeared on the banners of the Simbirsk regiment in 1712. - Coat of arms of the Simbirsk province. On July 5, 1878, in Tsarskoye Selo, the coat of arms of the Simbirsk province was “highly approved.” Next are 11 coats of arms of the Simbirsk province since 1778. - Coat of arms of Alatyr. - Coat of arms of Ardatov. - Coat of arms of Buinsk. - Coat of arms of Canaday. - Coat of arms of Karsun. - Coat of arms of Kostyakov. - Coat of arms of Kurmysh. - Coat of arms of Sengilei. - Coat of arms of Stavropol in 1738 since 1964 - the city of Togliatti. - Coat of arms of Syzran. - Coat of arms of Tagai.- Coat of arms of Samara, which later became a provincial city. - Modern coat of arms of the city of Ulyanovsk. This coat of arms is included in the State Heraldic Register Russian Federation- No. 231.- The flag of the city of Ulyanovsk is an identification and legal sign that serves as a symbol of local self-government. The code of a resident of the Ulyanovsk region, which is a set of moral rules for everyone living on Ulyanovsk land. Album No. 4 “State symbols of Russia”. Having opened this album, you will see here the history of the emergence of the state symbols of Russia - the coat of arms and flag from the first mention to the present. - State emblem of the Russian Federation. - Coat of arms during the reign of Grand Duke Ivan III. - Coat of arms during the era of Ivan the Terrible. - Coat of arms during the reign of Feodor Ivanovich.- Coat of arms of the Romanov dynasty.- Coat of arms during the reign of Peter I.- Coat of arms during the reign of Paul I.- Coat of arms under Emperor Nicholas I.- Large coat of arms, which was approved by Emperor Alexander III.- Coat of arms of Russia 1917.- Coat of arms 1918, when it was broken with the historical symbols of Russia.- The coat of arms of the Soviet Union from 1922.- The state emblem of the Russian Federation since 1993.- The coat of arms of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2000.- The flag of Russia in 1668, which was first flown over the first Russian ship.- Flag of 1693, which was first used by Peter I on his yacht. - Flag of 1705. It was used as a field flag of the Russian army. - Flag of 1712. The layout of the flag was personally created by Peter I. - The flag of 1806 was the flag of the Russian-American campaign. - The flag of 1858 was approved by Alexander II. - The flag of 1865. A decree was issued in which black, gold and white were called the state colors of the Russian Empire. - The flag of 1883 was used only on special occasions. - The flag of 1896 was officially given the status of a state flag. - The flag of 1918, at the suggestion of Sverdlov, became the state flag. - Flag of 1954 year. Until this time, the flag of the RSFSR was without inscriptions and drawings. - The 1991 flag began a new history of the Russian flag. - The 1993 flag was finally approved in the form in which we have it now. - The 2008 flag can be used by individuals, enterprises, institutions and organizations. Album No. 5 “History of the Russian State” This album is dedicated to the most labor-intensive work of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzan - “History of the Russian State”. This is a multi-volume work where the author describes Russian history starting from ancient times until the reign of Vasily Ioanovich Shuiskov and the Interregnum of 1611 -1612. The work of N. M. Karamzin was not the first description of the history of Russia, but it was this work, thanks to the high literary merits and scientific scrupulousness of the author, that opened the history of Russia to a wide educated public and contributed most to the formation of national self-awareness. Historical facts the author collected from ancient chronicles, many of which he introduced into the first scientific circulation. In the preface to his book, Karamzin describes the importance of history in general, its role in people’s lives. He says that Russian history is no less exciting, important and interesting than the world's. The album contains brief data: - about the life of the ancient Slavs of Ancient Rus', - about the reign of the princes: Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. G. 862-879, - Oleg Ruler. G. 879-912-Prince Igor. G. 912-945 - Prince Svyatoslav. G. 945-972 - Grand Duke Yaropolk. G. 972 -980 - Vladimir Monomakh, called Vasily in baptism 1113 - 1125- Grand Duke Vsevolod Olgovich 1139 - 1146- Grand Duke George, or Yuri Vladimirovich, nicknamed Dolgoruky 1155 - 1157 - Grand Duke Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, Andrey Yaroslavovich and Alexander Nevsky 1247 – 1263- Grand Duke Dimitri Ioanovich, nicknamed Donskoy. G. 1363 -1389- Grand Duke and Tsar John IV Vasilyevich II. G. 1533-1538 - Reign of Theodore Ioannovich. G. 1584-1587 - The reign of Boris Godunov. G. 1598-1604 - Reign of False Myrtia. G. 1605-1606 - Reign of Vasily Ioannovich Shuisky. G. 1606-1608 Album No. 6 “Memorable places of Ulyanovsk associated with the name of N.M. Karamzin." This album introduces children to the historical places of the city of Ulyanovsk, associated with the name of our fellow countryman, writer-historian N.M. Karamzin. It includes: House of N.M. KaramzinMonument to N.M. Karamzin, discovered in Simbirsk and preserved to this day. Karamzin Library in Simbirsk Public Library named after N.M. Karamzin in Ulyanovsk Scientific Research Institute of History and Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region named after N.M. Karamzin Psychiatric Hospital named after N.M. Karamzin Karamzin Colony for the Mentally Ill of the Simbirsk Provincial Zemstvo Central Airport named after N.M. Karamzin Monument to the letter “e” Karamzin Lane Tell the children about N.M. Karamzin. Estimated place of birth of Karamzin Childhood N.M. Karamzin was born on December 12 (December 1, old style) 1766, in the village of Znamenskoye, near the Simbirsk province, into a noble family. Received a good home education; knew German, French, English, Italian. Karamzin spent his childhood on the banks of the Volga River, and pictures of the nature of the Volga region left a strong, indelible impression on his soul. In his youth, he more than once sang in his poems the places where he grew up. I fell in love with nature, To her the firstborn of my soul and heart I dedicated a tear and a smile, And I grew up in innocent joy, Like a young myrtle in a Desert forest!... N.M. Karamzin Youth 1782 - entered active service in the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, after the death of his father he retired as a lieutenant at the age of 17 (according to the custom of that time, Karamzin was recorded from the cradle in military service). Discharged January 1, 1784; leaves for his homeland. Karamzin in Moscow 1784–1785 - settled in Moscow, where, as an author and translator, he became closely associated with the Masonic circle of the satirist and publisher N.I. Novikov. Participated in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind.” Family In 1801, Karamzin married Elizaveta Ivanovna Protasova. She died in 1802. In 1804, Karamzin married a second time - to the illegitimate daughter of Prince A.I. Vyazemsky, Ekaterina Andreevna Kolyvanova. They had five children, and the family also raised Karamzin’s daughter from her first marriage, Sophia. M.I. Karamzin in Tsarskoe Selo For the first time, M.I. Karamzin came to Tsarskoe Selo with his wife and four children in 1816. His eldest daughter Sophia was then fourteen years old, youngest son Alexander is only a few months old. The writer’s family settled in one of the cavalier’s houses, which stands on the corner of Sadovaya Street and Leontyevskaya. This house is now often called Karamzin’s house; His current address is Sadovaya, 12. Karamzin’s death was the result of a cold contracted on December 14, 1825, and on June 3 (May 22, old style), 1826, he died in St. Petersburg. He was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Adolescence In 1780, at the age of 14, Karamzin was sent to Moscow and sent to the boarding school of Moscow University professor I.M. Schaden, where he studied from 1780 to 1781. At the same time, he attended lectures at the university. Travel In May 1790, Karamzin went on a trip abroad, where he stayed until mid-July 1790, visiting Austria, Switzerland, France, and England. In Paris he witnessed the events of the French Revolution. The first children's magazine The first Russian magazine for young readers appeared in 1785 under the name “Children's reading for the heart and mind.” Karamzin made a great contribution to the development of children's literature, he was a wonderful children's writer who played a significant role in the history of children's literature, wrote and translated about 30 works for young readers. Currently, there is a revival of children's journalism in the best Russian traditions. Publishers of new magazines have an excellent example to follow in the Lyceum N.M. Karamzin and his magazine “Children’s Reading...”. In 1997, the magazine “Children’s Reading for the Heart and Mind” was revived, where poems and instructive stories for children are published in an accessible and bright form. Fairy tales In 1792, Karamzin published the fairy tale “The Beautiful Princess”, and in 1795 - “Ilya Muromets” and “Dense Forest”. Magazines created by N.M. Karamzin “Children's reading for the heart and mind” (1787-1789), “Moscow Journal” (1802-30), “Bulletin of Europe” (1802-03). “Bulletin of Europe” More than 200 years ago, in January 1802, the first issue of “Bulletin of Europe”, Russia’s first literary and social – political magazine, was published. The creator, editor and publisher was Karamzin. Memory of Karamzin Karamzin is remembered not only in Ulyanovsk, but also in other cities of Russia. Monuments were created to him, streets, squares, and parks were named after him. Karamzin Square in Ulyanovsk Karamzin Library in Ulyanovsk Karamzin in Ostafyevo Monument to the 1000th anniversary of Russia in Veliky Novgorod.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

The beautiful princess and happy Karla

An old fairy tale, or a new caricature

O you ugly sons of humanity, ugly creations of a playful nature! you, who can in no way serve as an example to the artist when he wants to represent the elegance of the human form! you who complain about nature and say that she has not given you ways to please and has blocked for you the source of the sweetest pleasure in life - the source of love! do not despair, my friends, and believe that you can still be kind and loved, that the helpful Zephyrs today or tomorrow can bring to you some lovely Dog, who will enthusiastically rush into your arms and say that there is nothing sweeter than you light. Listen to the next story.

In some kingdom, in some state there lived The king is a good man, the father of one daughter, a beautiful princess, dear to the heart of the parent, dear to every sensitive heart, rare, incomparable. When The king is a good man, dressed in rich scarlet, crowned with a sapphire-ruby crown, sat on a high throne among the crowd and, holding right hand the golden scepter, judged his subjects with righteousness; when, sighing from the depths of his heart, he pronounced the sentence of due punishment, then the beautiful princess, she looked straight into the eyes of her parent, raised her white hand, extended it to the judge, and the gloomy face of justice was suddenly illuminated by the sun of mercy, the guilty one, saved by her, swore in his soul to be from that time on a good subject of the good king. Was the poor man approaching To the princess? she helped him; Did the sad person shed tears? she consoled him. All orphans in the spatial area King of a good man they called her mother, and even those whom nature itself oppressed, the unfortunate, deprived of health, were relieved by her healing hand, for Princess She completely knew the science of healing, the secret powers of herbs and minerals, celestial plants and underground springs. Such was the soul Princess. Her bodily beauty was described by all the poets of that time as the best work of skillful nature, and the poets then were not such flatterers as they are now; They did not call black white, dwarf a giant, or ugliness an example of harmony. I managed to find one of these descriptions in an ancient book depository; Here is the correct translation:

“The full moon, rising in the sky between countless stars, is not as pleasant as our dear Princess, walking through green meadows with her friends; The rays of the bright month do not shine as beautifully, silvering the wavy edges of the gray clouds of the night, as the golden hair shines on her shoulders; she walks like a proud swan, like the beloved daughter of heaven; ethereal azure, on which the star of love, the evening star, shines, is the image of her incomparable eyes, thin eyebrows, like rainbows, bend over them, her cheeks are like white lilies, when the morning dawn paints them with its scarlet color; when do tender lips open beautiful princess, two rows of the purest pearls seduce the eye; two hills, covered with eternal fog... But who will describe all its beauty?

The winged goddess, called Glory, was as talkative in those days as she is now. Flying all over the sunflower, she told wonders about beautiful princess and couldn’t stop talking about her. From far away, princes came to see her beauty and pitched high tents in front of the stone palace. King of a good man and came to him with a bow. He knew the reason for their visit and rejoiced heartily, wishing for a worthy husband for his dear daughter. They saw beautiful princess and were inflamed with love. Each of them said To the Tsar, a good man: “Tsar, a good man! I came from beyond the nine lands, the thirtieth kingdom; my father owns a countless people, a beautiful land; Our towers are high, silver and gold shine in them, multi-colored velvets are cast. Tsar! give your daughter for me!” - “Seek her love!” - he answered, and all the princes remained in his palace, drinking and eating at the oak table, behind the tablecloth. scolding along with Tsar and with Princess. Each of them looked with touching eyes at the beautiful one, and with their gazes said very clearly: “Princess! love me! You need to know that in the old days lovers were timid and bashful, like red girls, and did not dare to express themselves verbally with the mistresses of their hearts. Nowadays they are much bolder, but eloquence of glances has now lost almost all its strength. Admirers beautiful princess They used another way to express their passion, a way that also went out of fashion with us. Namely, every night they walked under the window Princess towers, played banduras and sang plaintive songs in a quiet voice, composed by the poets of their lands; Each verse concluded with deep sighs that could touch even a stony heart and soften it to tears. When five, six, ten, twenty lovers met there at one time, then they cast lots to whom to sing first, and each in turn began to sing of heartache; others, with their hands clasped, walked back and forth and looked at the window Tsarevnino, which, however, was not opened for any of them. Then they all returned to their tents and in deep sleep forgot their love grief.

Days, weeks and months passed in this way. Beautiful Princess she looked at this and that, at the third and the fourth, but in her eyes nothing was visible except cold indifference to her suitors, princes and princes. Finally they all started To the good man king and demanded unanimously that beautiful daughter she announced solemnly which of them pleased her heart. “We have lived long enough in your stone palace,” they said, “we have eaten your bread and salt and emptied more than one barrel of sweet honey; It’s time for us to return to our countries, to our fathers, mothers and sisters. The king is a good man! we want to know which of us will be your son-in-law.” Tsar answered them with these words: “Dear guests! even if you lived in my palace for several years, then, of course, the owner would not get bored, but I don’t want to keep you against your will and I will go now to To the princess. I can’t force her to do anything; but whoever she chooses will receive my entire kingdom as a dowry and will be my son and heir:.” Tsar went to the mansion to see his daughter. She was sitting at the hoop and sewing in gold, but when she saw her parent, she stood up and kissed his hand. He sat down next to her and said to her in tender words: “My dear, sensible daughter, beautiful princess! you know that I have no children except you, the light of my eyes; our family must reign in future centuries: it’s time for you to think about the groom. The princes have lived with us for a long time and are seduced by your beauty; choose a spouse from among them, my daughter, and comfort your father!” Princess she sat in silence for a long time, looking down at the ground with her blue eyes; Finally she raised them and directed them at her parent, then two shining tears rolled down from her scarlet cheeks, like two raindrops blown from a rose by a breath of marshmallow. “My dear parent! – she said in a gentle voice. “I’ll have time to grieve when I’m married.” Oh! and birds love freedom, but a married woman does not have it. Now I live and rejoice; I have neither worries nor sadness; I only think about pleasing my parent. I can’t discredit the princes with anything, but let me, let me stay in my maiden’s mansion!” The king is a good man teared up. “I am a gentle father, not your tyrant,” he answered To the princess, - prudent parents can manage the inclinations of their children, but they can neither excite nor change them; This is how a skilled helmsman steers the ship, but cannot say to the silence: turn into the wind! or east wind: be Western!” The king is a good man embraced his daughter, went out to the princes and told them with a sad look and with all possible courtesy that beautiful princess He doesn’t want to leave his maiden mansion for any of them. All the princes became dejected, became thoughtful and hung their heads, for each of them hoped to be a husband beautiful princess. One was wiping himself with a white handkerchief, another was looking at the ground, the third was covering his eyes with his hand, the fourth was pinching his dress, the fifth was standing leaning against the stove, looking at his nose, like an Indian Brahmin reflecting on the nature of the human soul, the sixth... But what about this? he did the sixth, seventh and others for a minute, the chronicles are silent about that. Finally, they all sighed, so much that they almost shook. stone walls, - and in a languid voice they thanked the owner for the treat. In an instant, the white tents in front of the palace disappeared, the princes mounted their horses and, with sadness, rushed off at full speed, each on their own path; the dust rose in a column and fell back into place.

^ Children's tales by Karamzin

N.M. Karamzin continued to write for children even after the children's magazine was closed. In 1792 he published the fairy tale “The Beautiful Princess”, and in 1795 - “Ilya Muromets” and “Dense Forest”. Of greatest interest is prose tale"Dense Forest" The subtitle to it stated: “A fairy tale for children, composed in one day.”

Everyone was afraid of the Deep Forest and did not go there, since it was believed that an evil wizard, sorcerer, godfather and friend of Beelzebub (the head of the demons) reigned in it.

In a village, not far from the forest, lived an old man and an old woman with a twenty-year-old son, who was like “an angel of beauty and a dove of humility.”

One night there was a knock on their door and a loud voice said: “Send your son to the Deep Forest. The parents were horrified, and the son “proved that the Deep Forest could be scary for others, but not for him.” The parents were forced to agree, and the son went into the Deep Forest “following the little white rabbit, who was frolicking and jumping in front of him.”

In the forest near a wonderful house, the young man met a beauty who was destined by fate to be his wife.

It is clear that after the wedding the heroes lived happily ever after. And if the reader wants to know where the evil wizard and the monster are, the author replies that this is a rumor that “belonged to the fables,” “a terrible monster existed in the imagination of good villagers.”

The fairy tale “Dense Forest” is purely literary. There are no traces in it folk art. As in his other works, Karamzin adheres to the poetics of sentimentalism.

"Ilya Muromets"

The fairy tale paints poetic pictures of nature in the style of sentimentalism, creating the image of Ilya Muromets, who is not like epic hero. Using delicate colors, the poet paints multicolored pictures of nature, notes the shades and sounds of the surrounding world:

The waters flowed with glitter, the grass refreshed at night,

And fragrant flowers

They dissolved the morning air with a sweet spirit and aromas.
The red sun has appeared

On the azure clear sky

And the rays of bright gold

Illuminated the quiet grove,

Green hill and blooming valley.

All creation smiled

Ilya Muromets, riding through the meadow “on a stately horse,” with a shield in one hand and a damask spear in the other, enjoyed such a beautiful morning.

The image of the hero created by Karamzin only partially resembles the epic. He is shown not in battles with the enemies of his homeland, but in communication with a charming beauty in knightly armor. As in other works of the writer, there is little action here, but a lot of tender feelings and bright pictures.

We don't know how the hero's adventures end, because the fairy tale was not finished. One thing is clear: the image epic hero was transformed on the basis of the poetics of sentimentalism.

Another thing should be noted: with a similar structure of Karamzin’s verse, he prepared the ground for some of V. A. Zhukovsky’s fairy tales.

No Russian writer had previously enjoyed such love and popularity as Karamzin experienced. Contemporaries saw representatives of different classes and all ages. One of them wrote: “Men, artisan monks, soldiers - everyone knows about him, everyone loves him, what could be sweeter for Karamzin? What is better than this eulogy? 2.

A relative of A.I. Herzen, Passek, recalled that at the age of seven, while reading “Poor Liza,” she cried so much that she fell asleep on a wet pillow. Many such examples can be given.

^ Karamzin in reading for children and youth

There is no work in Karamzin’s work that would be inaccessible or undesirable for children’s and youth’s reading. Among children and youth, the writer’s largest work, “Letters of a Russian Traveler,” which described the pictures and events the author saw in Europe during his one and a half year stay there, enjoyed success.

Karamzin rightly called his “Letters” “the mirror of the soul.” This property of theirs did not leave young readers indifferent,” but attracted children even more because, together with the author, he made an imaginary journey through different countries, got acquainted with nature and culture Western Europe, museums, architectural monuments, famous people. Karamzin spoke about all this with great warmth, knowledge, brilliant literary talent and pure Russian language,

Memoirs of Russian people whose childhood took place at the end of the 18th century or at the beginning of the 19th century testify to the delight with which, at the age of 7-12, they read “Poor Liza,” Karamzin’s historical stories, as well as his autobiographical novel “A Knight of Our Time” ”, which in Russian literature marked the beginning of the genre of stories about childhood.

Karamzin’s poems, which were as innovative for that time as his prose, were no less popular among children and youth. His landscape lyrics, filled with tender filial love for the Motherland, deeply ideological in content, brilliant in form and rich in feelings, aroused particular delight among readers of different ages.

Where the cities and villages flourish, the wavy fields shine

Under the shade of dense forests. ...Teki, decorating Russia,

Shumi, sacred river)
Such, for example, is the famous poem “Volga”, a kind of hymn to the great Russian river, on the banks of which the poet spent his childhood and adolescence:

The most sacred river in the world,

Queen of crystal waters, mother!

Am I daring on a weak lyre?

Let us magnify you, O Volga!

Praise the beauty of your shores,

It is no coincidence that many generations of Russian people have memorized these poems since childhood.

Karamzin’s poems, each of his poetic miniatures, seemed to be specially created for children. He knew how to bring the whole world to life, to talk to his beloved Volga, to his native forests, to the birds as equals, close and dear creatures. In a number of poems, he glorified the Motherland, the exploits of its sons, nature and peaceful life. Among them there are works that express thoughts and feelings that are in tune with our era. This is his “Song of Peace”:

It's enough for us to destroy each other,

To shed tears for the poor,

And the sad wife

Let him stop grieving.

Karamzin was keenly interested in public education and reading issues and devoted a number of articles to this. He wrote: “Whoever wants the public good, let Enlightenment be his first law.” The poet dreamed of a time “when the light of teaching, the light of truth, will illuminate the entire earth and penetrate into the very dark caves ignorance." His articles reflected educational ideas that were propagated by N.I. Novikov in his magazine for children. Like N.I. Novikov, Karamzin looked at children and youth as the hope and support of society and addressed them from this position.

In his worldview, N.M. Karamzin was an ideologist of the nobility, a supporter of enlightened absolutism. As in the best works published on the pages of the Novikovsky magazine for children, he believed that a person of any class is valuable in himself and deserves interest and respect. Moreover, the peasant girl in the story “ Poor Lisa"turned out to be richer in soul, morally purer and nobler than the noble Erast who seduced her.

Karamzin contrasted the licentiousness and depravity of Catherine’s court with the idealized boyars of the 17th century or good villagers (peasants). He did not oppose the monarchical and serf system, but wanted to see an enlightened king on the throne and a humane, respectful attitude to serfs on the part of their owners.

The lessons he learned while working for a children's magazine left a mark on his work, which was reflected in various ways in a number of his works. In response to the arrest of N. I. Novikov, the poet addressed Catherine II with an ode “To Grace,” in which he wrote:

As long as you give everyone freedom, Visible in all your deeds, -

And you can’t darken the light in your minds; Until then you will be sacredly honored

While the power of attorney to the people is glorified from generation to generation.

This ode was not successful, and N.I. Novikov was imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress without trial. Karamzin refused to dedicate an ode to the empress, which he openly stated in the poem “Answer to my friend who wanted me to write a laudatory ode.” Great Catherine" In “Answer” he called himself a poor little siskin who “does not dare” to sing of thundering glory, since he “sings only love” “in a living grove.” In a word, he made it clear that he did not intend to glorify the empress.

With his creativity N. M. Karamzin served the development of Russian culture, prepared the reading public, aroused interest in literature among more wide circles, contributed to the education of patriotic and aesthetic feelings. Its popularity is increasing these days.

Karamzin's work - the most important, turning point in the history of children's literature - played a huge role in its further fate.

^ Radishchev's ideas in literature

N. N. Sandunov (1768-1832) and his drama “Soldier’s School”

The most significant, most revolutionary work of Russian literature - 18th century appeared “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. Radishchev. This work in its entirety was unlikely to reach children. But excerpts from it, and most importantly, its ideas were known to Russian people even in childhood and adolescence.

We can speak more confidently about the influence of “The Journey” on children’s literature. Echoes of Radishchev’s ideas are perceptible in a number of works, but most clearly reflected in N. Sandunov’s “Soldier’s School”.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Sandunov (1768-1832) was a gymnasium teacher, collaborated in the magazine “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind,” and worked at the Noble Boarding School at Moscow University, where he directed a children's theater, for which he wrote several plays. Later he became a professor of civil and criminal law at Moscow University, paid a lot of attention to issues of education, and adhered to progressive views.

Sandunov fervently urged educators to study the age characteristics and interests of children and take them into account in their activities. In these views one can feel echoes of ideas gleaned from Novikov’s circle. But Radishchev had the greatest influence on him.

For many years N. N. Sandunov was active literary activity: translated poems, plays, including “The Robbers” by F. Schiller, he himself wrote several plays: “Father of the Family” (1793), “Soldier’s School” (1794), “The Tsar’s Deed” (1817), etc. Many of his the plays were banned by censorship, remained in manuscripts and did not reach us.

There is reason to believe that one of the most best plays, distinguished by the most advanced ideas, published in Novikov’s children’s magazine - “Generosity in a low state,” written by N. N. Sandunov.

Sandunov wrote his works for the theater he directed at the university Noble boarding school, that is, for the children's theater. Later, from the plays that were part of the repertoire of this theater, he compiled two collections - “Children’s Theater for the Education of the Heart and Mind” (1819), as well as “Children’s Theater. A collection of plays performed in the noble boarding school established at the Imperial Moscow University" in two parts, published in the printing house of Moscow University. The first part of this publication opened with a large introductory article about educational value children's theater

N. Sandunov’s most significant work is the drama “Soldier’s School,” which depicts the horrors of serfdom.

The entire village is at the complete disposal of the clerk Zanoza, who feels like an absolute master, robs and punishes the peasants. He forces the beautiful Anyuta to marry him. In retaliation for the refusal, he ruins her father and gives her brother Joseph as a soldier. “The whole village, your little house, your belongings, everything that is in it, it’s all in my hands. I am free here, I am a complete master over life and death, you all just breathe with me... I am the only one on whom you all depend from head to toe,” he says to Anyuta and others. Anyuta’s father Bedon protests against this, is ready to die, but not allow himself or his daughter to be violated.

A regiment arrives in the village, in which Anyuta’s brother Joseph serves. Knowing that a lot of money is paid for the capture of a deserter, Joseph runs away from the regiment, persuading his uncle Starodum to catch him. The deserter was caught, and the money Starodum received for this was given to Bedon, who paid the master.

Joseph is to be executed. But at a critical moment the reason for his desertion becomes known. The selfless act of a soldier is regarded by those around him as a feat, for which he is not only justified, but also nominated for a reward.

Appears in children's literature new hero- a cruelly trampled serf, ready to speak out against tyranny without sparing his life. He feels strong and boldly protests. In response to Splinter’s threat to take him into custody and “shackle him in glands” (i.e., shackles), he does not get scared, does not retreat from the fight, since he is confident that he is right. The people rise to his defense, which the clerk rightly classifies as a riot. The voice of protest against arbitrariness is also raised by the best officers of the arriving regiment, ready to fight together with the peasants. They call the manager a robber, a rust that is corroding society.

The play "Soldier's School" was distinguished by its undoubted literary merits: a stormy and vivid plot, intense development of the action, motivated actions of the characters, and a logically justified denouement. The speech of the characters is bright, precise, moderately individualized, and full of proverbs. At the same time, some peasants speak like aristocrats.

The author's main views are reflected through the images of landowners and their manager Zanoza. They are shown as cruel monsters who do not recognize any laws, morals, or human rights. And these traits are depicted not as manifestations of individual characters, as was the case in “Unfortunate Orphans” by A. Bolotov, but as a social phenomenon. And this is the main feature of the play, in this it comes close to “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. Radishchev, and raises Russian children's literature to a new ideological height. "Soldier's School" is the pinnacle of the progressive trend in Russian children's XVIII literature century, evidence of her ideological growth. By painting pictures of lawlessness and cruel exploitation, the author fosters hatred of the serfdom and the desire to fight it.

Children's literature developed rapidly in the last decade of the 18th century, published large number new books. In the first place are instructions, encyclopedias and travel. Such are “The Path to Good Morality” by P. Zakharyin (1793, 1796, 1798), “Guide to Happiness and Bliss” by V. Bogdanov (1798), “The Path to Virtue and Philosophy” by K. Damsky (1794), “A new brief concept of all sciences” (in 4 hours, 1796-1797) by D. and I. Nekhachev, “Children’s month book” by F. Tumansky, “The Spectacle of Light, or World Description of the World” (1789), “ The latest narrative (description of land. For young children" (in 3 parts, 1795).

They tried to give the educational book a more entertaining game character. These are “For the benefit and fun of young children by A. Shelekhov (1799), “Geographical game of cards” by I. Todorsky (1798), “Hocus Pocus” (1795), “Toys useful for children” (1797), “Curious for children riddles with answers" (1790), etc.

Collections of stories, novellas, plays, poems, and children's almanacs were published. These are the collections “The Reasonable Nanny” (Kostroma, 1796), “The Diligence of Children” (1796).

Fairy tales, both folk and literary, are published. These are “The Mockingbird” by M. Chulkov, “Russian Fairy Tales” by V. Levshin, “Grandmother’s Tales” and “Owl, the Night Bird” by S. Drukovtsev, “The Cheerful Old Lady, the Fun of Children” by P. Timofeev, etc. Although some of these collections ( V. Levshin, M. Chulkova) are considered to be books for adults, but they were also included in the circle of children's reading. The rest, even judging by the names, were addressed to children. This is evidenced by the prefaces to them and reviews of them.

Although at the end of the 18th century many books were published for children, they did not satisfy the need for reading. Children usually began to learn to read and write at the age of five. Some could read already at the age of three. The course of study was most often limited to the ability to read and write, which created interest in the book. Therefore, the children read everything they could get their hands on from their parents’ libraries. So in early childhood read not only Pushkin, Herzen, Aksakov, as is known from their biographies, but also many others.

Therefore, in the reading of children at the end of the 18th century, more than 80 percent was occupied by books for adults, which included works by Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Kheraskov, Derzhavin, Karamzin and other Russians, as well as foreign writers both in translations and in the original. TO early XIX century, Karamzin begins to take first place in children's reading, followed by Derzhavin.

Thus, despite the relatively rapid development of children's literature in the last third of the 18th century, especially last decade, it has not yet met the needs, both quantitatively and qualitatively. At the same time, she indicated ways for its further growth: a close connection with modernity, with advanced ideas, with literature for adults, a combination of science and art. These problems continued to be solved by children's literature of the next, 19th century.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Russian historiographer, writer, was born on December 1, 1766 in the Simbirsk province, on the family estate - the village of Bogoroditsky. Karamzin's father was a poor man and belonged to the middle nobility. The future reformer received his initial upbringing in his parents' home, without the care of his mother, who died very early.

Karamzin spent his childhood in a village on the banks of the great Russian river Volga.

Of the forces that influenced the development of Karamzin’s character and personality during this period, the first place belongs to nature itself, which endowed him with sensitivity to the highest degree. This sensitivity (sentimentality), which developed in him even more from his early reading of books of romantic content, became the predominant feature in Karamzin’s character. She showed up in him from childhood and did not leave him until his death. The entire life and work of Nikolai Mikhailovich is imbued with this sensitivity, and partly it explains many phenomena, facts and even contradictions in the life of this wonderful person. Karamzin introduced the so-called “sentimentalism” into Russian literature and is considered its true representative.

Karamzin's father, a poor man, could not invite his son the best teachers, so the future scientist had to learn the basics of literacy from the village sexton. Books of a religious nature in the Slavic language were what the boy had to read at first. Studied by Nikolai Mikhailovich and German. His mentor was a doctor, a German, who had a great influence on the impressionable boy with his kind and warm-hearted disposition.

The second period of Karamzin's education took place in the boarding house of Schaden, a professor of philosophy at Moscow University. Here he studied foreign languages, listened to lessons in moral philosophy from Schaden and attended other lectures. After graduating from the boarding school, Karamzin thought to complete his education abroad, at the University of Leipzig, but for some reason this plan did not come true, and he, according to the then custom of the nobles, entered service in the guard. During the service, he became friends with his fellow countryman, the fabulist I.I. Dmitriev, and following his example, he began to study literature and began translating from German.

After the death of his father, Karamzin retired and went to Simbirsk to arrange inheritance affairs. Here he began to lead a rather absent-minded life. Fortunately, I. Turgenev, a very smart and educated man, was in Simbirsk at that time. With pain in his soul he saw how a gifted man was wasting his time and began to persuade him to go to Moscow. He succeeded. In 1785 they arrived in the big city. There they joined the circle of Novikov, then a Russian public figure. Novikov's circle had enormous influence on Karamzin. The time spent in it can be considered the third and almost the most important period of Karamzin’s mental and moral education. In this circle he became friends with A. Petrov, an educated and honest man. Together with Petrov, he set about publishing “ Children's Reading" Within five years, young writers published twenty parts of Children's Reading. Already here Karamzin began to think about the beauty of Russian speech. The audience was delighted with his style. In 1788, the publication of Children's Reading ceased, and in 1789 Karamzin carried out his long-conceived plan for traveling around Europe.

He traveled all over Germany, France, Switzerland and England. The fruits of this journey were his travel notes, known under the title “Letters of a Russian Traveler”. These letters introduced his compatriots to the West from the Russian point of view, they reported a lot interesting information about European celebrities and, most importantly, showed an example of hitherto unheard of elegant language. In terms of language, Karamzin, generally speaking, rendered an important service to Russian literature. He, so to speak, “recreated” the Russian language and is rightly called its reformer. This reform consisted of the following: firstly, he adhered to the view that one must write as they speak, and completely abandoned the narrow framework in which Lomonosov was forced to place Russian speech, and by this he finally contributed to the separation of Russian literary language from Slavic speech - book speech; secondly, he removed the heavy Latin-German construction and replaced it with lighter French and English figures of speech; thirdly, he quite successfully introduced into the Russian language many individual words from foreign literary and Russian folk speech.

Like any reform, Karamzin’s also met with strong resistance: a whole party of admirers of literary antiquity, led by Shishkov, appeared, which clearly rebelled against Karamzin and his innovations; but supporters of the Karamzin style and views also appeared - and thus a literary dispute about the language began. Karamzin himself did not take any part in this dispute; he only listened to both sides and used sensible comments. Returning from Europe, Karamzin devoted the rest of his life to literature and began publishing magazines. Of these, the “Moscow Journal” is remarkable, which contained “Letters of a Russian Traveler”. He also published many collections under various titles. But the most remarkable magazine he published was “Bulletin of Europe”. This magazine is remarkable for the breadth of its program and the success and influence it has had on Russian society. It was noticeable that Karamzin was not content with magazine and publishing activities. In 1803, when the thought of capital work that would serve as a great monument to this loud literary name, of course, was already occupying him. In the last book of “Bulletin of Europe” it seemed how much he was burdened by this journal activity and his subsequent almost 25-year activity was devoted to the “History of Russia”. Starting this work, Karamzin turns to M.N. Muravyov, a fellow minister, a well-known patron of education. A month after sending the letter, Emperor Alexander I, having approved the idea, ordered Karamzin to be given 2,000 rubles annually in banknotes and to open free access to the state archives, according to the rank of historiographer.

Seven years later, that is, in 1810, Karamzin became personally known to Emperor Alexander. In 1816, Karamzin presented the emperor with the first eight volumes of the History of the Russian State, was awarded an order, and received 60,000 rubles in banknotes for the publication of his work. From that time on, Karamzin lived in St. Petersburg, continuing his work.

In 1823, Karamzin suffered from a severe fever, his health began to deteriorate, and continuous work disposed him to debilitating consumption, which began in 1826. Karamzin hoped to improve his health by traveling to Italy. The Emperor, having learned about this, granted him permission to go a large amount money and ordered to equip a frigate to send it south. But Karamzin did not live to see this and soon died. His last days were blessed with the joy of a letter that he received personally from Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich. This letter clearly showed the high favor and touching sympathy of the emperor for him.

Karamzin died on May 22, 1826. He is buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Twenty years later, a monument to him was erected in Simbirsk.

“Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. Dense forest. A fairy tale for children, composed in one day using the following given words - balcony, forest, ball, hut, horse, meadow, raspberry bush, oak, ... "

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin.

Dense forest.

A fairy tale for children, composed in one day using the following given words - balcony, forest, ball, hut, horse, meadow, raspberry bush, oak, Ossian, source, coffin, music. Eight o'clock strikes. Time for tea, my friends. The kind hostess is waiting for us on the balcony.

The evening is gloomy. Menacing clouds rush across the blue sky. There, in the west, a black cloud forms. The wind howls among the ruins of our ancient church. Everything is sad, everything is sad!

You are looking at me, dear little ones!.. I understand. You want me, under the sound of the wind, under the shadow of gray clouds, to tell you some old story, pitiful and terrible, and turn the past into the present for you. Isn't it true? - Okay, listen.

Look at the ancient, dense, gloomy forest that rises before our eyes: how terrible its appearance is, what black shadows lie on its curly top! You hear the dull noise of trees shaken by the wind - and feel the coldness of horror in your hearts. Know, in the old days, ten centuries before our century, this forest was ten times more extensive, darker, more terrible. No one laid any paths or paths in it; wild animals lived in its gloomy deserts, and the languid wanderer, on the hottest noon, did not dare to seek coolness in its thick canopy.

The rumor that spread through the surrounding villages frightened the timid villagers even more. They said that in this dense forest - you need to know that it had no other name,” - for a long time, one evil wizard or sorcerer, godfather and friend of the hellish Beelzebub, lived and reigned. Often, in the dead of midnight, fiery balls flew out from there, rushed through the gloomy air and suddenly disappeared with a crash.

Often in the light of the moon, when the villagers looked at the forest from afar, some kind of monster would walk among the trees, along with the tall pines, and with its fiery eyes it would illuminate everything around it for a hundred fathoms. Moreover, it happened several thousand times that young horses, which, being bolder than people, sometimes entered the thicket of the forest, returned home all wounded, all covered in blood; and the villagers, by natural logic, concluded that one evil sorcerer, the godfather of Beelzebub, could bite them in such an merciless way. “You will agree, my friends, that it was, in fact, very, very scary.”

I don’t know what our village was called at the time I’m talking about, but I know that a good old man and a kind old woman, husband and wife, lived in it then under the roof of a humble hut, in peace and harmony, according to the law of Heaven, the law of a clear conscience , lived happily, like Philemon and Baucis, with the difference that the Phrygian spouses had no children, but ours had a son, an angel with beauty, a dove with humility, and - at twenty years old - an old man with intelligence. Envy found only one vice in him, namely, that he did not love women and did not think of looking for a bride, to the great chagrin of all the village beauties, who, having sensitive hearts, could not look indifferently at his white-ruddy face, black eyes, the majestic posture and straight figure of the amiable young man. His father and mother approached him in vain; in vain they told him: “Give us joy in our old age, priceless son, make us glad with your marriage. Oh! Will our dear grandchildren never play on our laps?” - “Dear parents! - he answered through tears. – Don’t torture your poor son; For God's sake don't torture him! I am ready to die for you; but I just can’t get married without my heart’s inclination. What should I do? Our beauties do not seduce me. Let us wait for the betrothed bride, dear parents, and pray to God!” - What to do? The good old people sighed and prayed to God.

Now - listen with attention!.. One night, when the kind old man, the kind old woman and their kind son were enjoying a quiet and peaceful sleep, a thundering voice was heard in the hut and said to the parents: “Send your son to dense forest; there he will find his and your well-being” - and to his son: “Go into the dense forest; there you will find yours and your parents’ well-being.” The old people woke up with trepidation; but the young man opened his eyes with a smile and said to his father and mother: “You heard the Heavenly voice, the voice of my Guardian Angel; we must obey him, we must go into the dense forest.” - “Go into the dense forest! – the kind old people exclaimed in horror. - Dear son! What are you saying? There certain death awaits you. No, it was not your Guardian Angel, but some evil, hellish spirit who wanted our destruction, who uttered such terrible words.” “The young man did not want to change his thoughts, and finally, it was necessary to wait for further incidents. - What? Another night came, and the same voice was heard in the hut: the words were the same: “Go into the dense forest!” Again the parents trembled, and the young man with the same smile said to them: “See!” - The third night came: the same voice, the same words, with the addition: “Woe to those who have no faith!” “Then the father and mother, despite their horror, despite their fearful love for their dear son, felt the need to obey Heaven. His will was clear and undoubted: what evil, hellish spirit could speak of holy faith? The young man exhorted them to have full confidence in the dark ways of the highest Wisdom; he tried to calm them down with his cheerful appearance and proved that the dense forest could be scary for others, and not for him.

Finally, the parents, weeping bitterly, agreed to part with the beloved of their souls. The tender mother sent him with everything he needed for the journey and put around his neck a small image with which her late grandmother had blessed her and which protected their humble home no worse than the statue of Minervinus protected the once magnificent Troy. The kind old man put both hands on the young man’s head, looked up at the sky and said: “Be his shield!” “They parted... at dawn of the most beautiful spring day.” The parents stood motionless and looked at their sweetheart, who, with a staff in his hand, walked straight towards the dense forest, not knowing exactly what business he was doing. He had already disappeared from their eyes... But they still looked; They looked at the gloomy forest, which seemed to them darker and more menacing than ever.

But we, my friends, should not abandon the young Hero. Being kind and innocent in his heart, without any horror he approached the forest - he entered it - and (following the little white rabbit, who was frolicking and jumping in front of him) went out through the density of trees into a green meadow, where the flowers were fragrant, bright streams gurgled and white goats were nibbling grass around a beautiful rural house, surrounded by raspberry and currant bushes. But the young man forgot the flowers, and the streams, and the white goats, and the country house, when he suddenly saw before his eyes... “Some kind of monster? - you think.

“Some kind of dragon, snake, crocodile or evil wizard, wearing a high hat, riding a bat?”...No, my friends! Completely different, completely different. He saw a young, beautiful woman (in a light white dress with a gold belt), who looked not like Venus, but like an immaculate Angel. She approached the young man and looked at him with large bright eyes. blue eyes, which simultaneously portrayed both meekness of heart and touching sorrow, bowed to him, took him by the hand with tenderness and, without saying a word, led him to the village house. Could he have gone with her? Could he be afraid of anything, seeing her charms and courtesy, the seal of Heavenly favor, the mirror of spiritual beauties? Already his heart was tenderly drawn to her heart; her grief was already touching his soul; He was about to ask about the reason for the tears shining on her eyelashes... But then another phenomenon appeared before his eyes.

Under the shadow of an ancient oak tree, which darkened the house with its thick branches, sat a white-haired, venerable old man in a long woven robe, which the Scottish mountain winds had once blown on the sacred Druids and Bards, contemporaries of the Ossians. He looked at the young man with languid eyes... but sparks of heavenly fire still shone in them, blazing in the hearts of great men... he looked up and, stretching out his arms to him, said in a quiet but intelligible voice: “Heaven sends you, oh virtuous young man ! to this lonely desert, so that you may be a witness of my death and the owner of a treasure that is worthy of the first of the kings of the earth, but which not all kings of the earth are worthy of. Come closer to my heart, so that I will embrace you together with this dear daughter, the beloved of my soul, whom good Providence has appointed for you as your wife. She will love you, you will love her, and peaceful happiness will crown your days. Know, my son, for I have already been given the sacred right to call you this

name - know that I was one of these mortals to whom the Divine is pleased to reveal His eternal wisdom and the secrets of wonderful Nature, so that they worship His greatness in the delight of their souls. Here, removed from the bustle of the world, removed from evil and corrupt people, in the silent silence of solitude, I delved in spirit into the heavenly laws that govern the universe. But earthly joys also gladdened my soul. I enjoyed this tender, heartfelt union, without which there is no true well-being for mortals; enjoyed the love of a sweet, virtuous wife, whom you see in the blooming image of her daughter. But she has long since moved to the heavenly abodes: I hasten there to unite with her in a new union. My hour has come - I feel the cold hand of death - its sharp scythe sparkles before my eyes. All who live under the sun must sooner or later turn to dust. I foresaw my end and only lamented the fate of my dear daughter: innocence remained an orphan in the world. I prayed - poured out my soul before eternal Grace - and the Merciful One heard the prayer of a pure heart: He promised to send a virtuous husband to my beloved - the voice of Heaven announced to me the time at which you were supposed to appear in our desert. This peaceful solitude shall be your abode forever; here you will have everything you need for a moderate and peaceful life. Bring your parents here: let them lie in the ground next to my wife, together with me, on the shore of a holy spring, in the shadow of this ancient oak tree, where I so often delved into sacred thoughts!.. Providence is not pleased to include you among the sages earthly; but It includes you among the good - that’s enough - don’t complain about your fate. You will never feel these inexplicable sorrows and internal torments, which, according to the law of the Almighty, are part of much knowledge... The future is opening before my eyes... I see times of horror and fear, I see centuries of death and oaths, amid enlightenment and the greatest successes of the human mind. These times are still far away; but they will come. Pale malice, armed with a deadly dagger, will rage on globe and smite the weak; the rivers will flow with blood, and the lamentations of the unfortunate will drown out the storm. The good and righteous will sprinkle ashes on their heads, cover their faces and shed bitter tears... But even then there will still be quiet refuges for peace-loving virtue. Thus, a sensitive family, a society of tender friends, moving away from the noisy world, will one day settle near this dense forest, whose night will be illuminated with rays of light over time; here, despite the worldwide rebellion, it will enjoy love and holy friendship... My eyes darken; the words freeze on my lips... Forgive me. God will not leave you, dear children. Embrace me... my cooling heart still feels the warmth of yours... Forgive me... I’m dying.” - And the holy man died, just as the quiet light of the evening dawn dies under the mantle of night.

I will not tell you about the tears of the tender daughter, which, together with the tears of the kind young man, poured onto the cold body of the old man; but there was no soul in this body, and the earth demanded it into its bowels. The mortal remains of the immortal husband, in accordance with his will, were buried on the shore of a bright spring, in the shade of an ancient oak tree, near the coffin of his wife. Tradition says that at that very moment heavenly music was heard in the forest and that its harmonic sounds quietly disappeared into the highest spaces of the air.

Touching and solemn words of a dying father; his tender gaze, turned now to his dear daughter, now to the kind young man; the name of the dear children, which he called them together, lovingly pressing them to each other in his cooling embrace; finally, his last gaze, which, so to speak, was shared between them, and the sad, sacred rite of burial, merging their feelings into one - everything nourished, everything multiplied the mutual passion of two young hearts, one created for the other. The shady evening was already ready descend to earth when the Hero, leading his beloved by the hand, appeared to the eyes of kind old people; Having parted with him, they did not want to enter the hut, they stood at the gate and constantly waited for his return. “Dear parents! Here is mine, here is your well-being! This is it!”... He told them everything.

You can easily imagine their surprise, their joy. They cried, hugged, talked and did not hear their words.

But - marvel at the strange attachment of people to hereditary shelter, even to the lowest and poorest! - they did not want to exchange their huts for a beautiful house in the dense forest. One miracle could force them to do this: suddenly the wind came out of nowhere, tore the hut down and carried it out of sight, so that not the slightest trace of it remained on the ground. There was nothing to do; The old men sighed, shed two drops of tears and went where Heavenly will called them and where they could better enjoy the rest of their days. As for the young lovers, their bliss was perfect; it died only with their lives; and it still shone in the world like the evening dawn - it shone in the well-being of their numerous offspring.

Herein lies the story of the deep forest.

“And the evil wizard; and the fiery balls that flew out of the forest; and a terrible monster that walked along with the pine trees; and his fiery eyes, which illuminated everything around for a hundred fathoms; and the young horses that returned home were all wounded, all covered in blood?” – You demand an explanation, my friends! Know that the rumor about an evil wizard is one of the absurd fables that good people have long been hunting for; that the fiery balls were composed of ordinary aerial fires; that the terrible monster existed only in the imagination of timid villagers, and its bright eyes were nothing more than small worms that glitter on the grass and trees on summer nights; that the young horses were bitten in the forest not by Beelzebub’s godfather, but by a strong gadfly.

Note: The fairy tale “Dense Forest” is published according to the publication: Gerlovan, O. K. N. M. Karamzin. Dense forest // Russian literature. – 1993. – No. 5. – P. 12-17.

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