Painting: masterpieces of art, famous throughout the world. Masterpieces of painting (33 masterpieces of world painting - selection) “Night Watch”, Rembrandt

Every modern man should know what painting is. The masterpieces of world significance that are presented in our article cannot leave anyone indifferent. You can also find out where to find a complete list of paintings that are famous all over the world. Painting plays an important role in everyone's life. Thanks to it, you can form a multifaceted personality.

What is painting? General information

Painting is a type of fine art. Thanks to him, the artist conveys visual images by applying paint to any surface. The emergence of painting in Russia is associated with the development of realism and iconicity. Experts identify five main types of painting:

  • easel;
  • monumental;
  • decorative;
  • theatrical and decorative;
  • miniature.

For a long period of time it was believed that history begins with Dutch artist named Jan van Eyck, who created his paintings in the 15th century. Many experts call him the creator of oil fine art. This theory is also described in specialized literature. However, this cannot be confirmed. There are several known artists who worked oil paints long before van Eyck.

Great masterpieces of painting allow us to find out how people lived many years ago. Leonardo da Vinci argued that paintings are created by man, nature and time. Painting can be executed on absolutely any basis. She participates in the formation of the artificial and natural environment.

Painting is illusory. Plotinus argued that there is no need to copy nature, it is necessary to learn from it. The development of painting has long gone beyond the understanding of its main tasks of “reproducing reality.” This is why many artists abandon irrelevant methods of self-expression and influence on the viewer. New directions in painting are emerging.

Famous masterpieces of painting and this type of fine art in general can perform the following functions:

  • cognitive;
  • religious;
  • aesthetic;
  • philosophical;
  • ideological;
  • social and educational;
  • documentary

Color has the main and most meaningful meaning in painting. It is believed that he is the bearer of the idea.

There is a wide variety:

  • portrait;
  • scenery;
  • marina;
  • historical painting;
  • battle;
  • still life;
  • genre painting;
  • architectural;
  • religious;
  • animalistic;
  • decorative

Painting plays a huge role in self-development. Masterpieces of world significance, demonstrated to a child, help shape his personality and teach him to appreciate a particular object of art. Often painting helps alleviate the condition of a patient who has a particular disease. Art therapy not only involves familiarization with types of fine art, but also allows you to try to create a masterpiece yourself.

Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa"

Some paintings (masterpieces of world painting) contain many secrets and mysteries. It is still difficult to solve them. "Mona Lisa" is a painting painted by Leonardo da Vinci. She is considered one of the most famous works paintings all over the world. Its original is in the Louvre (Paris). There it is considered the main exhibit. This is no coincidence, because most tourists visit the Louvre every day precisely to look at the painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
Today, the Mona Lisa is not in the best condition. That is why the museum’s management announced several years ago that the work of art would no longer be given away to any exhibitions. You can see the portrait only in the Louvre.
The painting became popular after it was stolen by a museum employee in 1911. The search for the stolen masterpiece continued for two years. All this time they wrote about her in magazines and newspapers and featured her on the covers. Gradually, the Mona Lisa became an object of copying and worship.

Paintings (masterpieces of world painting) are actively studied by specialists. "Mona Lisa" was created more than 500 years ago. Scientists say that she changes like a real woman. Over time, the portrait has faded, yellowed, and in some places there are dark spots. The wooden supports were wrinkled and cracked. It is known that the painting contains 25 secrets.

9 years ago, museum visitors were able to enjoy the original color of the painting for the first time. Unique photographs developed by Pascal Cottet allowed us to see what the masterpiece looked like before it began to fade.

Photographs taken using a unique technology make it possible to find out that after creating the masterpiece, Leonardo changed the position of Gioconda’s hand, her facial expression and smile. It is known that there is a dark spot in the area of ​​the eye in the portrait. Scientists claim that this damage occurred due to the fact that water got into the varnish coating. His education is associated with the fact that the painting hung in Napoleon’s bathroom for some time.

The artist worked on the painting for more than two years. It is included in the list of "500 masterpieces of painting of world significance." There is a theory according to which the portrait does not depict the Mona Lisa at all. The painting received its name based on the words. Scientists of our time claim that this could be a mistake, and the masterpiece depicts a completely different woman. Largest quantity Gioconda's smile raises questions. There are many versions of its interpretation. Some argue that Gioconda is depicted as pregnant and her facial expression is associated with the desire to feel the movement of the fetus, while others believe that the smile betrays the hidden homosexuality of the artist himself. Some experts are sure that the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci.

"The Coronation of Napoleon", Jacques Louis David

Many people are attracted to painting. Masterpieces of world significance often show the viewer an episode of some important historical event. The painting, painted by Jacques Louis David, was commissioned by the Emperor of France, Napoleon I. "The Coronation of Napoleon" shows the events of December 2, 1804. It is known that the customer asked the artist to depict the coronation better than it actually is.

David created a masterpiece inspired by a painting by Rubens. He worked on it for several years. For a long period of time, the painting remained the property of the artist. She ended up in the museum after Jacques Louis David left. His work made a good impression on many. In 1808, the artist received an order from an American entrepreneur, who asked to create an identical copy.

The painting depicts about 150 characters. It is known that each image is incredibly accurate and realistic. In the left corner of the canvas all the emperor’s relatives are depicted. Behind Napoleon sits his mother. However, she did not attend the coronation. Experts say that, most likely, this was done in connection with the wishes of Napoleon himself. It is known that he treated her very reverently.

In those days, the film enjoyed fantastic success. After Napoleon was overthrown, the painting was kept in reserve for a long period of time and was not exhibited. Nowadays, the picture, just as before, delights many.

Valentin Serov, "Girl with Peaches"

Masterpieces of Russian painting are no less popular. "Girl with Peaches" is a painting painted by Valentin Serov in 1887. Nowadays you can see her live at the State Tretyakov Gallery. The painting depicts 12-year-old Vera Mamontova. She sits at a table on which there is a knife, peaches and leaves. The girl is wearing a pink blouse with a dark blue bow.

The painting by Valentin Serov was painted in the estate of Savva Ivanovich Mamontov in Abramtsevo. In 1871, peach trees were planted on the estate. A specially hired person looked after them. The artist first came to the estate in 1875 with his mother.

In August 1877, 11-year-old Vera Mamontova sat down at the table, picking up a peach. Valentin Serov invited the girl to pose. Vera accepted the artist's offer. She posed every day for almost two months. After the painting was painted, the artist gave it to Elizaveta Mamontova, the girl’s mother. It hung in one of the rooms for a long time. Currently there is a copy there, and the original is located in the museum. In 1888, the author of the painting was awarded the prize of the Moscow Society of Art Lovers.

The masterpieces of Russian painting contain a large number of little-known facts. "Girl with Peaches" is no exception. It is known that Vera Mamontova, depicted on canvas, lived only 32 years. The cause of her death was pneumonia. Her husband did not marry after the death of his chosen one. He raised three children on his own.

Special literature

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to visit museums of world significance. However, many people want to see masterpieces of painting. You can find photos of some of them in our article. It is worth noting that today there is a huge number printed publications, which demonstrate best paintings from all over the world. There you can find both modern and ancient works by various artists. It is worth noting that some editions are produced in limited quantities and are not easy to find.

The magazine "50 Artists. Masterpieces of Russian Painting" is a weekly publication. It will be interesting to readers of absolutely any age. In it you can find photographs of world-famous paintings, the history of their creation and interesting facts about them. The first magazine, which was released six years ago, came with a binder for storing the publications and a reproduction of one of the paintings that could be placed on your desktop or wall. Each issue describes the work of one of the artists. The volume of the magazine is 32 pages. You can find it on the territory Russian Federation or nearby countries. "50 Russian Artists. Masterpieces of Russian Painting" is a magazine that will definitely appeal to connoisseurs of fine art. A complete collection of issues will allow you to study basic information about the most popular artists. The cost of the magazine does not exceed 100 rubles.

“Masterpieces of Russian Painting” is a book authored by L. M. Zhukova. It contains 180 pages. The publication includes 150 high-quality images. The book-album attracts many. This is no coincidence, because it demonstrates a huge number of reproductions. Thanks to them, you can trace how Russian painting was formed. The cost of the book ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles.

"Famous Museums of Italy. Masterpieces of Painting" is a book that was published this year. It presents the best paintings from six. The reader can also get acquainted with the history of the creation of museums. The book contains 304 pages.

Those who want to see works of world significance will definitely like the electronic gallery of painting masterpieces. Today there are many resources and applications that present the most famous paintings.

Viktor Vasnetsov, "Bogatyrs"

“Bogatyrs (Three Bogatyrs)” is a painting that was painted by Viktor Vasnetsov in 1898. It is one of the masterpieces of art. Vasnetsov's paintings are known to many. The work "Bogatyrs" is considered a symbol of Russian art. The basis of all Vasnetsov’s work is folklore themes.

Three Russian heroes are depicted. They symbolize the strength and power of the Russian people. The artist worked on the creation of this work of art for about 30 years. The first sketch was made by Vasnetsov in 1871.

One of the heroes depicted in the painting is Ilya Muromets. He is known to us as a character in Russian epics. However, few people know that this hero really existed. Many stories about his exploits are real, and Ilya Muromets himself is a historical figure.

Dobrynya Nikitich, who is also depicted in the picture, according to folk legends, was very educated and courageous. There are many things associated with his personality incredible stories. You can often hear stories about his enchanted sword and armor.

Alyosha Popovich differs from the other two heroes in age. He is young and slender. In his hands you can see a bow and arrows. There are many small details in the picture that will help you carefully study the characters.

Mikhail Vrubel, "The Seated Demon"

Another well-known painting is “Seated Demon”. Its author is Mikhail Vrubel. It was created in 1890. You can see its original in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is believed that the picture personifies the doubts inherent in man.

Experts believe that the artist was obsessed with the image of a demon, because it is known that he wrote many similar works. There is information that during this period, Vrubel’s acquaintances noticed that the artist was developing a mental disorder. The occurrence of the disease is associated with experienced stress. It is known that Vrubel had a son with a so-called cleft lip. The artist’s relatives noted that due to the onset of a mental disorder, his craving for art increased. However, it was almost impossible to be near him. In the spring of 1902, the disease reached a critical point. The artist was placed for treatment in psychiatric hospital. Despite Vrubel’s difficult fate, his paintings never cease to attract new fans of his work and art connoisseurs around the world. His works are shown at various exhibitions. “Seated Demon” is one of the artist’s most popular paintings.

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, "Bathing the Red Horse"

Every modern person should know the masterpieces of painting. The photos presented in our article will help you familiarize yourself with them. "Bathing the Red Horse" is a painting painted by the artist in 1912. Its author is Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. By painting the horse in an unusual color, the artist uses the traditions of Russian icon painting. The color red is a symbol of the greatness of life and sacrifice. The indomitable horse symbolizes the incomprehensibility of the Russian spirit. Bright pink associated with the image of the Garden of Eden.

On November 10, 1912, an exhibition was held in Moscow. A painting by Petrov-Vodkin was placed above the front door, believing that it would become a kind of banner. However, this opinion was wrong. The painting was not appreciated by both some visitors to the exhibition and the artists. Controversy surrounded the pioneering work. In 1914, an exhibition was held in Sweden where 10 works by Petrov-Vodkin were presented, including “The Bathing of the Red Horse.” They were valued at tens of millions of dollars.
The age of the painting is more than 100 years. Today its role in the development of painting is obvious. However, even in our time there are many art connoisseurs who did not like the work of Petrov-Vodkin.

Salvador Dali, "The Persistence of Memory"

Many people are interested in painting. Masterpieces of world art continue to amaze today. All of Salvador Dali's work is paradoxical and difficult to analyze logically. The painting "The Persistence of Memory", painted in 1931, attracted the attention of many critics. Main image the works are most often explained by the complexity and non-linear nature of the time. Salvador Dali's favorite symbols are collected in one painting. The sea symbolizes immortality, the egg symbolizes life, and the olive symbolizes wisdom. The painting depicts the evening time of day. Evening is a symbol of melancholy. It determines the general mood of the work. It is known that the three clocks in the picture are the past, present and future. It is believed that the blurry object with eyelashes is a self-portrait of the sleeping author. Salvador Dali argued that sleep releases all subconscious thoughts, and a person becomes defenseless. That is why in the picture his figure is presented as a blurry object.

Surprisingly, the artist came up with the image of the work after he looked at the processed cheese. He created the painting in a few hours.

The painting by Salvador Dali is small in size (24x33 cm). The work has become a symbol of surrealism. The painting was first exhibited in Paris in 1931. There it was sold for $250.

Let's sum it up

Painting plays an important role in our lives. Masterpieces of fine art remain relevant today. There are many worthy paintings that have global significance. Our article contains some of them. Each picture presented has individual details and images. It is worth noting that some of them are associated with little-known facts and mysteries that are not fully understood today.

Painting plays a special role in the lives of children and teenagers. By studying masterpieces, they learn to analyze, express their point of view and form an independent and highly intelligent personality. Painting plays an important role not only in the lives of children, but also of adults. It is no secret that a modern person must be a comprehensively developed personality. It is important to study all spheres of life, including painting, in order to feel worthy in an educated society, and perhaps even find your calling in art.

The most famous and significant paintings of the world for the history of art for your inspiration. Immortal paintings of great artists are admired by millions of people. Art, classical and modern, is one of the most important sources of inspiration, taste and cultural education of any person, and even more so a creative one.

Raphael "Sistine Madonna" 1512

Kept in the Old Masters Gallery in Dresden.

The painting has little secret: The background, which appears to be clouds from a distance, turns out to be the heads of angels upon closer inspection. And the two angels depicted in the picture below became the motif of numerous postcards and posters.

Rembrandt "Night Watch" 1642

Kept in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

The true title of Rembrandt’s painting is “The Performance of the Rifle Company of Captain Frans Banning Cock and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburg.” Art historians who discovered the painting in the 19th century thought that the figures were standing out against a dark background, and it was called “Night Watch.” Later it was discovered that a layer of soot makes the picture dark, but the action actually takes place during the day. However, the painting has already been included in the treasury of world art under the name “Night Watch”.

Leonardo da Vinci "The Last Supper" 1495-1498

Located in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.

Over the more than 500-year history of the work, the fresco has been destroyed more than once: a doorway was cut through the painting and then blocked, the refectory of the monastery where the image is located was used as an armory, a prison, and was bombed. The famous fresco was restored at least five times, with the last restoration taking 21 years. Today, to view the work of art, visitors must reserve tickets in advance and can spend only 15 minutes in the refectory.

Salvador Dali "The Persistence of Memory" 1931

Kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

According to the author himself, the painting was painted as a result of the associations that Dali had with the sight of processed cheese. Returning from the cinema, where she went that evening, Gala quite correctly predicted that no one, once they saw The Persistence of Memory, would forget it.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder "Tower of Babel" 1563

Kept in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.

According to Bruegel, the failure that befell the construction of the Tower of Babel was not due to language barriers that suddenly arose according to the biblical story, but to mistakes made during the construction process. At first glance, the huge structure seems quite strong, but upon closer examination it is clear that all the tiers are laid unevenly, the lower floors are either unfinished or are already collapsing, the building itself is tilting towards the city, and the prospects for the entire project are very sad.

Kazimir Malevich “Black Square” 1915

According to the artist, he painted the picture for several months. Subsequently, Malevich made several copies of “Black Square” (according to some sources, seven). According to one version, the artist was unable to complete the painting on time, so he had to cover the work with black paint. Subsequently, after public recognition, Malevich painted new “Black Squares” on blank canvases. Malevich also painted “Red Square” (in two copies) and one “White Square”.

Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin "Bathing the Red Horse" 1912

Located in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Painted in 1912, the painting turned out to be visionary. The red horse acts as the Fate of Russia or Russia itself, which the fragile and young rider is unable to hold. Thus, the artist symbolically predicted with his painting the “red” fate of Russia in the 20th century.

Peter Paul Rubens "The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus" 1617-1618

Kept in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.

The painting “The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus” is considered the personification of masculine passion and physical beauty. The strong, muscular arms of the young men pick up young naked women to put them on horses. The sons of Zeus and Leda steal their cousins' brides.

Paul Gauguin "Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?" 1898

Kept in the Museum fine arts in Boston.

According to Gauguin himself, the painting should be read from right to left - three main groups of figures illustrate the questions posed in the title. Three women with a child represent the beginning of life; the middle group symbolizes the daily existence of maturity; in the final group, according to the artist’s plan, “the old woman, approaching death, seems reconciled and given over to her thoughts,” at her feet “a strange white bird ... represents the uselessness of words.”

Eugene Delacroix "Liberty Leading the People" 1830

Kept in the Louvre in Paris

Delacroix created a painting based on the July Revolution of 1830 in France. In a letter to his brother on October 12, 1830, Delacroix writes: “If I did not fight for my Motherland, then at least I will write for it.” The bare chest of a woman leading the people symbolizes the dedication of the French people of that time, who went bare-chested against the enemy.

Claude Monet "Impression. Rising Sun" 1872

Kept in the Marmottan Museum in Paris.

The title of the work “Impression, soleil levant”, thanks to the light hand of journalist L. Leroy, became the name of the artistic movement “impressionism”. The painting was painted from life in the old outport of Le Havre in France.

Jan Vermeer "Girl with a Pearl Earring" 1665

Kept in the Mauritshuis Gallery in The Hague.

One of the most famous paintings by the Dutch artist Jan Vermeer is often called the Nordic or Dutch Mona Lisa. Very little is known about the painting: it is undated and the name of the girl depicted is unknown. In 2003, based on the novel of the same name by Tracy Chevalier, the feature film “Girl with a Pearl Earring” was shot, in which the history of the creation of the painting was hypothetically restored in the context of Vermeer’s biography and family life.

Ivan Aivazovsky “The Ninth Wave” 1850

Kept in St. Petersburg in the State Russian Museum.

Ivan Aivazovsky is a world-famous Russian marine painter who devoted his life to depicting the sea. He created about six thousand works, each of which received recognition during the artist’s lifetime. The painting “The Ninth Wave” is included in the book “100 Great Paintings”.

Andrey Rublev "Trinity" 1425-1427

The Icon of the Holy Trinity, painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century, is one of the most famous Russian icons. The icon is a board in a vertical format. The kings (Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov, Mikhail Fedorovich) “covered” the icon with gold, silver and precious stones. Today the salary is kept in the Sergiev Posad State Museum-Reserve.

Mikhail Vrubel "Seated Demon" 1890

Kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The plot of the film is inspired by Lermontov’s poem “The Demon”. The demon is an image of the strength of the human spirit, internal struggle, doubt. Tragically clasping his hands, the Demon sits with sad, huge eyes directed into the distance, surrounded by unprecedented flowers.

William Blake "The Great Architect" 1794

Kept in the British Museum in London.

The title of the painting “The Ancient of Days” literally translates from English as “Ancient of Days.” This phrase was used as the name of God. Main character The paintings show God at the moment of creation, who does not establish order, but limits freedom and denotes the limits of imagination.

Edouard Manet "Bar at the Folies Bergere" 1882

Kept at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London.

The Folies Bergere is a variety show and cabaret in Paris. Manet often visited the Folies Bergere and ended up painting this painting, his last before his death in 1883. Behind the bar, in the middle of a crowd of people drinking, eating, talking and smoking, a bartender stands absorbed in her own thoughts, watching the trapeze acrobat, who can be seen in the upper left corner of the picture.

Titian "Earthly Love and Heavenly Love" 1515-1516

Kept in the Galleria Borghese in Rome.

It is noteworthy that the modern name of the painting was not given by the artist himself, but began to be used only two centuries later. Until this time, the painting had various titles: “Beauty, Embellished and Unadorned” (1613), “Three Types of Love” (1650), “Divine and Secular Women” (1700), and, ultimately, “Earthly Love and Heavenly Love” "(1792 and 1833).

Mikhail Nesterov "Vision to the youth Bartholomew" 1889-1890

Kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The first and most significant work from a series dedicated to Sergius of Radonezh. Until the end of his days, the artist was convinced that “Vision to the Youth Bartholomew” was his best work. In his old age, the artist liked to repeat: “It’s not me who will live. “Youth Bartholomew” will live. Now, if thirty, fifty years after my death he still says something to people, that means he’s alive, that means I’m alive too "

Pieter Bruegel the Elder "Parable of the Blind" 1568

Kept in the Capodimonte Museum in Naples.

Other titles of the painting are “The Blind”, “Parabola of the Blind”, “The Blind Leading the Blind”. It is believed that the plot of the film is based on the biblical parable of the blind: “If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit.”

Victor Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" 1881

Kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

It is based on the fairy tale “About Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” Initially, Vasnetsov’s painting was called “Fool Alyonushka.” At that time, orphans were called “fools.” “Alyonushka,” the artist himself later said, “seemed to have lived in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some special Russian spirit emanated from her.”

Vincent van Gogh "Starry Night" 1889

Kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Unlike most of the artist’s paintings, “Starry Night” was painted from memory. Van Gogh was at that time in the Saint-Rémy hospital, tormented by attacks of madness.

Karl Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii” 1830-1833

Kept in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

The painting depicts the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. e. and the destruction of the city of Pompeii near Naples. The artist's image in the left corner of the painting is a self-portrait of the author.

Pablo Picasso “Girl on a Ball” 1905

Stored in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow

The painting ended up in Russia thanks to industrialist Ivan Abramovich Morozov, who purchased it in 1913 for 16,000 francs. In 1918, the personal collection of I. A. Morozov was nationalized. The painting is currently in the collection of the State Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin.

Leonardo da Vinci "Madonna Litta" 1491
Kept in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

The original title of the painting was “Madonna and Child.” The modern name of the painting comes from the name of its owner - Count Litt, owner of the family art gallery in Milan. There is an assumption that the figure of the baby was not painted by Leonardo da Vinci, but belongs to the brush of one of his students. This is evidenced by the baby's pose, which is unusual for the author's style.

Jean Ingres "Turkish Baths" 1862

Kept in the Louvre in Paris.

Ingres finished painting this picture when he was already over 80 years old. With this painting, the artist sums up the image of bathers, the theme of which has long been present in his work. Initially, the canvas was in the shape of a square, but a year after its completion the artist turned it into a round painting - a tondo.

Ivan Shishkin, Konstantin Savitsky "Morning in a pine forest" 1889

Stored in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

"Morning in pine forest"- painting by Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky painted the bears, but the collector Pavel Tretyakov, when he acquired the painting, erased his signature, so now Shishkin alone is indicated as the author of the painting.

Mikhail Vrubel "The Swan Princess" 1900

Stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery

The painting is based on the stage image of the heroine of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” based on the plot of the fairy tale of the same name by A. S. Pushkin. Vrubel created sketches for the scenery and costumes for the 1900 premiere of the opera, and his wife sang the role of the Swan Princess.

Giuseppe Arcimboldo "Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II as Vertumnus" 1590

Located in Skokloster Castle in Stockholm.

One of the few surviving works of the artist, who composed portraits from fruits, vegetables, flowers, crustaceans, fish, pearls, musical and other instruments, books, and so on. "Vertumnus" is a portrait of the emperor, represented as the ancient Roman god of seasons, vegetation and transformation. In the picture, Rudolph consists entirely of fruits, flowers and vegetables.

Edgar Degas "Blue Dancers" 1897

Located in the Museum of Art. A. S. Pushkin in Moscow.

Degas was a big fan of ballet. He is called the artist of ballerinas. The work "Blue Dancers" dates back to the late period of Degas's work, when his eyesight weakened and he began to work in large spots of color, giving paramount importance to the decorative organization of the surface of the picture.

Art is almost as old as humanity itself, and over all the centuries of our existence, countless unique works have been created.

It would probably be too bold to make a list of the most outstanding masterpieces, because the criteria for assessing creativity are too subjective. That is why our rating contains paintings and sculptures that are certainly the most recognizable in the world, which does not mean that they are somehow better than other brilliant works.
Which creations are the most famous? Find out now! Perhaps you don’t know everyone, and it’s time to test your erudition and horizons.

25. Bathers, by Paul Cézanne

This painting is considered a true masterpiece of modern art. “Bathers” is one of the most famous works Paul Cezanne. The work was first presented to the general public at an exhibition in 1906. Cézanne's oil painting paved the way for artists of the future, allowing them to move away from traditional patterns, and built a bridge between Post-Impressionism and 20th-century art.

24. Discus thrower, author Miron (Miron)

"Discobolus" is a legendary Greek statue, executed by the famous Greek sculptor Myron of Eleutherae in the period from approximately 460 to 450 BC. e. The work was greatly admired by the Romans, and they even made several copies of this sculpture before its original disappeared without a trace. Subsequently, the Discus Thrower became a symbol of the Olympic Games.

23. Apollo and Daphne, by Bernini

Apollo and Daphne is a life-size sculpture created by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini around 1622-1625. The masterpiece depicts a half-naked woman trying to escape from her pursuer. The sculpture clearly demonstrates the high skill of its creator, who recreated the climax famous story Ovid about Daphne and Phoebus (Daphna, Phoebus).

22. Night Watch, by Rembrandt

A masterpiece by the internationally acclaimed Danish artist Rembrandt, The Night Watch is one of the most famous paintings of the 17th century. The work was completed in 1642, and was commissioned to depict a group portrait of the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburgh (Frans Banning Cocq, Willem van Ruytenburgh). Today the painting adorns the exhibition of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

21. Massacre of the Innocents by Rubens

“The Massacre of the Innocents” is a picture that tells about the terrible order of the Jewish king Herod, by whose command all the babies of Bethlehem and its environs under the age of 2 years were killed. The tyrant believed in the prophecy that the day was coming when the King of Israel would remove him from the throne, and hoped that his future rival would be among the murdered children. A representative of the Flemish Baroque, Rubens wrote two versions of the famous biblical story 25 years apart. The first version of the painting is now in front of you, and it was painted between 1611 and 1612.

20. Campbell's Beef Onion Soup by Warhol

Painted by American artist Andy Warhol in 1962, Campbell's Beef Onion Soup is one of the most famous examples of modern art. In his work, Warhol masterfully demonstrated the monotony of the advertising industry by reproducing multiple copies of the same product on his giant canvas. Warhol also said that he ate these soups every day for 20 years. Perhaps this is why a can of onion soup became the subject of his famous work.

19. Starry Night by Van Gogh

The oil painting “Starry Night” is by the Danish post-impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, who completed this legendary work in 1889. The artist was inspired to paint the painting by looking at the night sky through the window of his room in the Saint-Paul hospital, the city of Saint-Rémy, Southern France(Saint-Paul Asylum, Saint-Remy). It was there that the famous creator at one time sought relief from the emotional suffering that haunted him until the end of his days.

18. Rock paintings of the Chauvet Cave

The drawings, discovered in the south of France in the Chauvet Cave, are among the most famous and best-preserved prehistoric masterpieces of world art. The age of these works is approximately 30,000 - 33,000 years. Hundreds of prehistoric animals are expertly depicted on the cave walls, including bears, mammoths, cave lions, panthers and hyenas.

17. The Kiss, by Rodin

“The Kiss” is a marble statue created by the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin in 1889. The plot of the masterpiece was inspired by the sad story of Paolo and Francesca, characters from the legendary work of Dante Alighieri “The Divine Comedy” (Paolo, Francesca, Dante Alighieri). The lovers were killed by Francesca's husband, who suddenly caught the young people when the guy and girl, fascinated by each other, exchanged their first kiss.

16. Manneken Pis, authorship unknown

"Manneken Pee" or "Manneken Pis" is a small bronze sculpture that has become a real attraction of the fountain in the center of Brussels. The original authorship of the work is unknown, but in 1619 it was modified by the Belgian sculptor Jerome Duquesnoy. Business card city, “Manneken Pie” was supposedly installed in memory of the events of the Grimbergen War, during which a peeing baby, according to one version, urinated on soldiers, and according to another, extinguished enemy ammunition that threatened to destroy the entire city. During the holidays, the sculpture is dressed up in themed costumes.

15. The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dali

Painted in 1931 by the famous Spanish artist Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory is one of the most recognizable masterpieces of surrealist art in the history of painting. The work depicts a bleak sandy beach strewn with melting clocks. Dali’s unusual plot was inspired by Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.

14. Pieta or Lamentation of Christ, by Michelangelo

"Pieta" - famous sculpture Renaissance era, created by the Florentine creator Michelangelo in the period from 1498 to 1500. The work describes a biblical scene - Mary holds in her arms the body of Jesus taken from the cross. The sculpture is now in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. "Pieta" - only job Michelangelo, which he signed.

13. Water lilies by Claude Monet

“Water Lilies” is a series of approximately 250 oil paintings by the world-famous French impressionist Claude Monet. The collection of these works is recognized as one of the most outstanding achievements of art of the early 20th century. If you place all the paintings together, it creates the illusion endless landscape filled with water lilies, trees and clouds reflected in the water.

12. The Scream by Edvard Munch

The Scream is an iconic masterpiece by Norwegian expressionist Edvard Munch. He wrote 4 different versions of this plot in the period from 1893 to 1910. The artist's famous work was inspired by the artist's real-life experiences during a nature walk during which Munch was abandoned by his companions (who are also depicted in the background of the painting).

11. Moai, authorship unknown

Moai statues are massive stone monoliths discovered on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean, Western Polynesia. The statues are also known as the Easter Island Heads, but in reality they all have bodies hidden underground. The Moai statues date back to approximately 1400 - 1650 and are believed to have been carved from stone by Aboriginal people who once lived on the island of Rapa Nui (local name for Easter Island). In total, about 1000 such gigantic masterpieces of antiquity were discovered in this area. The mystery of their movement around the island still remains unsolved, and the heaviest figure weighs about 82 tons.

10. The Thinker by Rodin

“The Thinker” is the most famous work of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. The author completed his masterpiece in 1880 and originally called the sculpture “The Poet.” The statue was part of a composition called “The Gates of Hell” and personified Dante Alighieri himself, the author of the famous “Divine Comedy”. According to Rodin's original idea, Alighieri leans over the circles of Hell, reflecting on his work. Subsequently, the sculptor rethought the character and made him into a universal image of the creator.

9. Guernica, by Pablo Picasso

An oil painting the size of an entire fresco, Guernica is one of the most famous works of the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The black and white painting is Picasso's reaction to the Nazi bombing of the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The masterpiece demonstrates all the tragedy, the horrors of war and the suffering of all innocent citizens in the person of just a few characters.

8. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

You can admire this painting today while visiting the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Leonardo da Vinci's legendary painting, The Last Supper, is one of the most famous masterpieces in the world. The artist worked on this fresco from 1494 to 1498, and depicted a famous biblical scene on it last supper Jesus Christ surrounded by his disciples, which is described in detail in the Gospel of John.

7. Statue of Liberty by Eiffel, Bartholdi

The iconic sculpture is located on Liberty Island in New York, and was once a gift as a sign of friendship between the people of France and the United States. Today the Statue of Liberty is considered international symbol freedom and democracy. The author of the composition was the French sculptor Bartholdi, and it was designed and built by the architect Gustav Eiffel. The gift was presented on October 28, 1886.

6. Hermes with the baby Dionysus or Hermes Olympus, by Praxiteles

"Hermes with the Child Dionysus" is an ancient Greek sculpture discovered during excavations in 1877 among the ruins of the temple of the goddess Hera in Greece. The right hand of Hermes is lost, but archaeologists believe that in the story the god of trade and athletes held a grapevine in it, showing it to the infant Dionysus, the god of wine, orgies and religious ecstasy.

5. The Creation of Adam, by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam is one of Michelangelo's most famous frescoes. It was created between 1508 and 1512 and is considered the most popular ceiling composition Sistine Chapel, a Catholic religious center located in the Vatican. The painting illustrates the moment of the biblical creation of the first man in history, described in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.

4. Venus de Milo, or Aphrodite from the island of Milos

The "Venus de Milo" was born approximately between 130 and 100 BC and is one of the most famous ancient greek sculptures. The marble statue was discovered in 1820 on the island of Milos, part of the Cyclades Archipelago in the Aegean Sea. The identity of the heroine has not yet been precisely established, but researchers suggest that the author of the masterpiece carved Aphrodite from stone, greek goddess love and beauty, which was often depicted half-naked. Although there is a version that the statue is molded in the image of the sea goddess Amphitrite, who was especially revered on the island where the artifact was found.

3. Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli

“Birth of Venus” – work Italian artist Sandro Botticelli painted between 1482 and 1485, and it is considered one of the most famous and valuable masterpieces of art in the world. The painting illustrates a scene from famous poem Ovid's "Metamorphoses", in which the goddess Venus first comes ashore from the foam of the sea. The work is on display at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

2. David, by Michelangelo

The legendary Renaissance sculpture was created between 1501 and 1504 by the brilliant creator Michelangelo. Today, "David" is considered the most famous statue in the world. This delightful masterpiece is the biblical hero David etched in stone. Artists and sculptors of the past traditionally depicted David during battle, the winner over the formidable Goliath, a warlike husband and hero, but Michelangelo chose for his work the image of a charming young man who had not yet learned the art of war and murder.

1. Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci

Perhaps some of the works on this list were unknown to you, but everyone knows the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. This is the most famous, most talked about, most celebrated and most visited painting in the world. The brilliant master painted it in 1503-1506, and Lisa Gherardini, the wife of silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo, posed for the canvas. Famous for its mysterious expression, the Mona Lisa is the pride of the Louvre, the oldest and richest museum in France and the world. Majestic and diverse Russian painting always delights viewers with its inconstancy and perfection artistic forms. This is the peculiarity of the works famous masters art. They always surprised us with their extraordinary approach to work, their reverent attitude towards the feelings and sensations of each person. Perhaps this is why Russian artists so often depicted portrait compositions that vividly combined emotional images and epically calm motifs. No wonder Maxim Gorky once said that an artist is the heart of his country, the voice of an entire era. Indeed, the majestic and elegant paintings of Russian artists vividly convey the inspiration of their time. Like aspirations famous author Anton Chekhov, many sought to bring into Russian paintings the unique flavor of their people, as well as an unquenchable dream of beauty. It is difficult to underestimate the extraordinary paintings of these masters of majestic art, because truly extraordinary works of various genres were born under their brushes. Academic painting, portrait, historical picture, landscape, works of romanticism, modernism or symbolism - all of them still bring joy and inspiration to their viewers. Everyone finds in them something more than colorful colors, graceful lines and inimitable genres of world art. Perhaps such an abundance of forms and images with which Russian painting surprises is connected with the enormous potential of the artists’ surrounding world. Levitan also said that every note of lush nature contains a majestic and extraordinary palette of colors. With such a beginning, a magnificent expanse appears for the artist’s brush. Therefore, all Russian paintings are distinguished by their exquisite severity and attractive beauty, which is so difficult to tear yourself away from.

Russian painting is rightfully distinguished from world art. The fact is that until the seventeenth century, Russian painting was associated exclusively with religious themes. The situation changed with the coming to power of the reforming tsar, Peter the Great. Thanks to his reforms, Russian masters began to engage in secular painting, and icon painting separated as a separate direction. The seventeenth century is the time of such artists as Simon Ushakov and Joseph Vladimirov. Then, in the Russian art world, portraiture arose and quickly became popular. In the eighteenth century, the first artists appeared who moved from portraiture to landscape painting. The artists’ pronounced sympathy for winter panoramas is noticeable. The eighteenth century was also remembered for the emergence of everyday painting. In the nineteenth century, three movements gained popularity in Russia: romanticism, realism and classicism. As before, Russian artists continued to turn to the portrait genre. It was then that the world-famous portraits and self-portraits of O. Kiprensky and V. Tropinin appeared. In the second half of the nineteenth century, artists increasingly depicted the common Russian people in their oppressed state. Realism becomes the central movement of painting of this period. It was then that the Itinerant artists appeared, depicting only real, real life. Well, the twentieth century is, of course, the avant-garde. The artists of that time significantly influenced both their followers in Russia and throughout the world. Their paintings became the forerunners of abstract art. Russian painting is a huge amazing world talented artists who glorified Russia with their creations

The mysterious world of art may seem confusing to the uninitiated, but there are masterpieces that everyone should know. Talent, inspiration and painstaking work Every stroke gives birth to works that are admired centuries later.

It is impossible to collect all the outstanding creations in one selection, but we tried to select the most famous paintings, drawing giant queues in front of museums around the world.

The most famous paintings by Russian artists

“Morning in a pine forest”, Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky

Year of creation: 1889

Shishkin was an excellent landscape painter, but he rarely had to draw animals, so the figures of bear cubs were painted by Savitsky, an excellent animal artist. At the end of the work, Tretyakov ordered Savitsky’s signature to be erased, considering that Shishkin had done much more extensive work.

“Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581”, Ilya Repin

Years of creation: 1883–1885
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Repin was inspired to create the masterpiece, better known as “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son,” by Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Antar” symphony, namely its second movement, “The Sweetness of Revenge.” Under the influence of the sounds of music, the artist depicted a bloody scene of murder and subsequent repentance observed in the eyes of the sovereign.

"The Seated Demon", Mikhail Vrubel

Year of creation: 1890
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The painting was one of thirty illustrations drawn by Vrubel for the anniversary edition of the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. “The sitting demon” personifies the doubts inherent in the human spirit, the subtle, elusive “mood of the soul.” According to experts, the artist was to some extent obsessed with the image of a demon: this painting was followed by “Demon Flying” and “Demon Defeated.”

“Boyaryna Morozova”, Vasily Surikov

Years of creation: 1884–1887
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The film is based on the plot of the Old Believer life “The Tale of Boyarina Morozova”. The understanding of the key image came to the artist when he saw a crow spreading its black wings like a blur on the snowy surface. Later, Surikov searched for a long time for a prototype for the noblewoman’s face, but could not find anything suitable until one day he met an Old Believer woman with a pale, frantic face in a cemetery. The portrait sketch was completed in two hours.

"Bogatyrs", Viktor Vasnetsov

Years of creation: 1881–1898
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The future epic masterpiece was born as a small pencil sketch in 1881; For further work on the canvas, Vasnetsov spent many years painstakingly collecting information about the heroes from myths, legends and traditions, and also studied authentic ancient Russian ammunition in museums.

Analysis of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”

“Bathing the Red Horse”, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin

Year of creation: 1912
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Initially, the painting was conceived as an everyday sketch from the life of a Russian village, but during the work the artist’s canvas became overgrown with a huge number of symbols. By the red horse, Petrov-Vodkin meant “The Fate of Russia”; after the country joined the First world war he exclaimed: “So that’s why I painted this picture!” However, after the revolution, pro-Soviet art critics interpreted the key figure in the painting as a “harbinger of revolutionary fires.”

"Trinity", Andrei Rublev

Year of creation: 1411
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The icon that laid the foundation for the tradition of Russian icon painting in the 15th–16th centuries. The canvas depicting the Old Testament trinity of angels who appeared to Abraham is a symbol of the unity of the Holy Trinity.

"The Ninth Wave", Ivan Aivazovsky

Year of creation: 1850

A pearl in the “cartography” of the legendary Russian marine painter, who without hesitation can be considered one of the most famous artists in the world. We can see how the sailors who miraculously survived the storm cling to the mast in anticipation of meeting the “ninth wave,” the mythical apogee of all storms. But the warm shades dominating the canvas give hope for the salvation of the victims.

“The Last Day of Pompeii”, Karl Bryullov

Years of creation: 1830–1833
Museum: Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Completed in 1833, Bryullov’s painting was initially exhibited in the largest cities of Italy, where it caused a real sensation - the painter was compared to Michelangelo, Titian, Raphael... At home, the masterpiece was greeted with no less enthusiasm, securing the nickname “Charlemagne” for Bryullov. The canvas is truly great: its dimensions are 4.6 by 6.5 meters, which makes it one of the largest paintings among the works of Russian artists.

The most famous paintings of Leonardo da Vinci

"Mona Lisa"

Years of creation: 1503–1505
Museum: Louvre, Paris

A masterpiece of the Florentine genius that needs no introduction. It is noteworthy that the painting received cult status after the incident of theft from the Louvre in 1911. Two years later, the thief, who turned out to be a museum employee, tried to sell the painting to the Uffizi Gallery. The events of the high-profile case were covered in detail in the world press, after which hundreds of thousands of reproductions went on sale, and the mysterious Mona Lisa became an object of worship.

Years of creation: 1495–1498
Museum: Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

After five centuries, the fresco with a classical plot on the wall of the refectory of the Dominican monastery in Milan is recognized as one of the most mysterious paintings in history. According to Da Vinci's idea, the painting depicts the moment of the Easter meal, when Christ notifies the disciples of imminent betrayal. The huge number of hidden symbols has given rise to an equally huge number of studies, allusions, borrowings and parodies.

"Madonna Litta"

Year of creation: 1491
Museum: Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Also known as the Madonna and Child, the painting was kept in the collection of the Dukes of Litta for a long time, and in 1864 it was purchased by the St. Petersburg Hermitage. Many experts agree that the figure of the baby was painted not by da Vinci personally, but by one of his students - a pose that is too uncharacteristic for a painter.

The most famous paintings of Salvador Dali

Year of creation: 1931
Museum: Museum of Modern Art, New York

Paradoxically, but the most famous work genius of surrealism, was born from thoughts about Camembert cheese. One evening, after a friendly dinner, which ended with appetizers with cheese, the artist was lost in thought about “spreading pulp,” and his imagination painted a picture of a melting clock with an olive branch in the foreground.

Year of creation: 1955
Museum: National Gallery of Art, Washington

A traditional plot given a surreal twist using arithmetic principles studied by Leonardo da Vinci. The artist put the peculiar magic of the number “12” at the forefront, moving away from the hermeneutic method of interpreting the biblical plot.

The most famous paintings of Pablo Picasso

Year of creation: 1905
Museum: Pushkin Museum, Moscow

The painting became the first sign of the so-called “pink” period in Picasso’s work. Rough texture and simplified style are combined with a sensitive play of lines and colors, the contrast between the massive figure of an athlete and a fragile gymnast. The canvas was sold along with 29 other works for 2 thousand francs (in total) to the Parisian collector Vollard, changed several collections, and in 1913 it was acquired by the Russian philanthropist Ivan Morozov, already for 13 thousand francs.

Year of creation: 1937
Museum: Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid

Guernica is the name of a city in the Basque country that was subjected to German bombing in April 1937. Picasso had never been to Guernica, but was stunned by the scale of the disaster, like “the blow of a bull’s horn.” The artist conveyed the horrors of war in abstract form and showed the real face of fascism, veiling it with bizarre geometric shapes.

The most famous paintings of the Renaissance

"Sistine Madonna", Raphael Santi

Years of creation: 1512–1513
Museum: Gallery of Old Masters, Dresden

If you look closely at the background, which at first glance consists of clouds, you will notice that in fact Raphael depicted the heads of angels there. The two angels located at the bottom of the picture are almost more famous than the masterpiece itself, due to its wide circulation in mass art.

"Birth of Venus", Sandro Botticelli

Year of creation: 1486
Museum: Uffizi Gallery, Florence

The picture is based on the ancient Greek myth of the birth of Aphrodite from sea foam. Unlike many masterpieces of the Renaissance, the canvas has survived to this day in excellent condition thanks to the protective layer of egg yolk that Botticelli prudently covered the work with.

"The Creation of Adam", Michelangelo Buonarotti

Year of creation: 1511
Museum: Sistine Chapel, Vatican

One of nine frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, illustrating the chapter from Genesis: “And God created man in His own image.” It was Michelangelo who was the first to depict God as a gray-haired old man, after which this image became archetypal. Modern scientists believe that the contours of the figure of God and angels represent the human brain.

"Night Watch", Rembrandt

Year of creation: 1642
Museum: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

The full title of the painting is “Performance of the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Kok and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburg.” Modern name The painting received its attention in the 19th century, when it was found by art critics who, due to the layer of dirt covering the work, decided that the action in the painting was taking place under the cover of the darkness of night.

"The Garden of Earthly Delights", Hieronymus Bosch

Years of creation: 1500–1510
Museum: Prado Museum, Madrid

Perhaps the most famous triptych by Bosch, named after the central part of the composition: the figures depicted on it selflessly indulge in the sin of voluptuousness. In contrast to the middle part, which is full of small, “hectic” details, the left wing of the picture, depicting genuine paradise, conveys an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, and the right wing, full of devilish mechanisms, on the contrary, recalls the torments of hell.

The most famous paintings of the 20th century

"Black Square", Kazimir Malevich

Year of creation: 1915
Museum: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Malevich wrote “Black Square” for several months; Legend has it that a painting is hidden under a layer of black paint - the artist did not have time to finish the work on time and, in a fit of anger, covered up the image. There are at least seven copies of the “Black Square” made by Malevich, as well as a kind of “continuation” of the Suprematist squares – “Red Square” (1915) and “White Square” (1918).

"The Scream", Edvard Munch

Year of creation: 1893
Museum: National Gallery, Oslo

Due to its inexplicable mystical effect on the viewer, the painting was stolen in 1994 and 2004. There is an opinion that the picture created at the turn of the 20th century anticipated numerous disasters of the coming century. The deep symbolism of "The Scream" has inspired many artists, including Andy Warhol, directors, musicians and even animators.

"Walk", Marc Chagall

Year of creation: 1918
Museum: Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

If you were also tormented by the question: “Why are the people in Marc Chagall’s painting soaring in the air?”, here is the answer from the artist himself - the force that can give a person the opportunity to fly is nothing other than love. It is believed that the man and woman on the canvas are Marc Chagall and his wife.

"No. 5, 1948", Jackson Pollock

Year of creation: 1948
Museum: Private collection, New York

This painting still causes a lot of controversy. Some art critics believe that the excitement around the painting, painted using the signature splashing technique, was created artificially. The canvas was not sold until all the artist’s other works were purchased, and accordingly, the price for a non-figurative masterpiece skyrocketed. “The Fifth Number” was sold for $140 million, becoming the most expensive painting in history.

"Marilyn Diptych", Andy Warhol

Year of creation: 1962
Museum: Tate Gallery, London

A week after the death of Marilyn Monroe, the controversial artist began work on the canvas. 50 stenciled portraits of the actress, stylized in the pop art genre based on a 1953 photograph, were applied to the canvas.
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