Female fairy-tale characters in real life. Fairy-tale characters of Russian folk literature Fairy-tale heroes girls

Female fairy-tale characters in real life.

Female roles
Fairy tales and their heroes sometimes manifest themselves very interestingly in our everyday life. modern life. Look around you and you'll probably see a few familiar roles around you. Please note that in Russian fairy tales positive characters- women - most often achieve everything not with beauty at all, but with their humility, honesty, and hard work. While men, if their bravery suddenly lets them down, more often than not simply tame a magical assistant and most often feminine- pike, Firebird, Goldfish, gray wolf - and then they get everything for nothing. So if a woman does not have any unique abilities (like Marya the Mistress) or magic, then her path is exclusively humility and hard work. And if you look at these familiar fairy tale images in the realities of modern life, you get these types of characters.

Cinderella (aka the Sleeping Princess from the tale of the seven heroes or Tiny Khavroshechka, stepdaughter from “The Twelve Months”).
She is not afraid of work and is confident that she is only a “poor relative” compared to all the other people in the office. She seems to feel unworthy, unequal among them, so she does not see anything unfair in their requests or orders, even if this goes beyond the scope of her professional duties. Of course, she dreams that one day “all of them” will see her true colors and appreciate her efforts. She does everything for everyone and does not complain, and only sometimes feels used. People avoid her. And not because she is truly unworthy, but because she tries too hard to be good. The reward she expects is not freedom from numerous responsibilities, and often not even money. Just gratitude and recognition. And she will be happy to continue working for three people on one small salary. A worthy example of an eternal performer.

Sister Alyonushka.
A perfectionist who always scolds herself for what she “didn’t finish”, “didn’t finish”, takes responsibility for other, less enthusiastic employees. She may also be the head of a small department.
She was forced to be promoted to a responsible position, but she doesn’t know how to lead people - she can’t cope, they don’t listen to her at all. Then she sighs and does everything herself, because, unlike them, she perfectly understands all the consequences of carelessness and failure to follow instructions. But she doesn’t know how to get angry - she feels sorry for her employees, she always puts herself in their position and can only mourn her painful situation.

The frog princess.
An eminence grise with hidden capabilities and leverage. You would never have thought that under this inconspicuous frog skin there was such a powerful influence. But one day she has an opportunity to show herself - to express a very useful idea at a general meeting or to show off her competence at some conference. And all those who previously ignored her or even laughed at her are sincerely amazed. She is flattered by this recognition, but for some reason her previous role as a quiet, inconspicuous employee is important and convenient for her. She is not ready to part with her completely. But who will believe her now? Then she writes a letter of resignation and forces her superiors to overcome a lot of obstacles in order to persuade her to come back - on completely different conditions and in a much more respected status.

Princess Nesmeyana.
There can be two types: a high-ranking, uncommunicative woman whom everyone is trying unsuccessfully to please (the image of a dry-witted leader from the movie " Office romance"). Or an employee of any rank who most of spends his working time complaining about his failed life. She cries about her health, children, parents, husbands (losers or tyrants), etc. And it is completely impossible to console her, because she likes (or even benefits!) to remain a victim, poor thing.

Baba Yaga.
An evil boss (most likely of middle management), or even just an employee of the accounting department, archives, or human resources department. As a rule, a lonely woman, offended by men, is a “blue stocking.” He has power and competence that is inaccessible to other employees, but he avoids people and does not trust them. He prefers to have his own office - “a hut on the outskirts.” And if he doesn’t fly on a mortar and doesn’t hang dried snakes on the walls, then in any case, he often has information about “where Kashcheev’s death is kept” (that is, the vulnerable places of his superiors).
At first glance, she seems angry and unfriendly, but if she likes you or manages to intimidate her, then the hidden traits of her character become noticeable - loneliness, resentment of being underestimated and sadness about her lost youth. (“After all, I am, firstly, just Baba, and only secondly, Yaga”). She is looking for recognition and respect, so she is ready to help (with living water, knowledge, a magic ball, office gossip) whoever bows to her - and by and large, it doesn’t matter to her which camp you belong to.

The Queen-Witch from the fairy tale about Snow White (in the Russian version - the fairy tale about the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights)
She took her throne not entirely illegally, but she replaced the deceased beloved wife of the king. Therefore, she always feels extremely insecure, sincerely believing that impeccable beauty is her only advantage. Looking at such characters in real life, you always understand that they dress up not for men at all, but for other women.
In the office, this could be the boss's favorite - arrogant, jealous, intolerant of competition and ready to destroy any potential rival. Another, calmer option is any of the employees who sincerely believes that it is appearance, and not competence, that makes a woman. She always has a new wardrobe and an impeccable manicure; every day she gets up at 6 am to do her hair. She brings fashion magazines to work and willingly gives advice on makeup or diet (but only if you are a gray mouse and you will never be better than she is!). She is not so kind to other women - she compares, evaluates, sarcastic, gossips and is always in a state of slight anxiety. Because suddenly one day it turns out that “the princess is still prettier, more rosy and whiter?”

Old woman Shapoklyak.
A grumpy cleaner, a janitor, or any other woman who does not enjoy her position at all. She would like to have more power and respect, but she is treated like a minor service staff, and she has long despaired of “becoming famous.” good deeds" Therefore, she has to make herself noticeable with the help of the power of petty dirty tricks - not letting her in, yelling, throwing an offensive comment in the back, gossiping and creating inconvenience for everyone.
Did you recognize your friends and neighbors? Me too:)

Once upon a time, all women were little girls, and they enthusiastically listened to the fairy tales that their mother or grandmother read to them at night. And, of course, everyone had their favorite heroines in fairy tale world. But psychologists have found that based on what kind of fairy tales your daughter likes to listen to, you can guess who she will grow up to be in the future and how her life will turn out. further fate.


If you were attracted to this particular heroine as a child, then it is likely that your personal life is not going well now. in the best possible way. However, you shouldn’t run to the registry office with the first person you meet either - wait, and the prince will certainly find his Cinderella. You just need to gain self-confidence: visit a beauty salon, look at a perfume store, go to a makeup artist. When you feel your own attractiveness, everything will work out.

Faithful wives and homemakers love to listen to this fairy tale in childhood. Men cannot find a better life partner, she can handle anything, such a woman will be a support, a support, not only for her husband, but also for her parents, children, and friends.


The brave girl from “The Snow Queen” attracts those women who are eager to save and help out in real world. If you loved listening to this fairy tale as a child, then today, most likely, you will be the first to help in any trouble.

Snow Maiden

Lovers of such fairy tales as "The Snow Maiden" adult life often they cannot find personal happiness, they are simply afraid of love. Susceptibility to stress and lack of self-confidence are what distinguish such women. They, like Cinderellas, need emotional support and understanding. People like them would rather look to a women's online magazine for advice than make a decision themselves.

However, love for certain fairy tales can only suggest a direction for personal development. Analysis of your favorite works can explain why certain problems arise in communication and in your personal life. To get rid of them, come up with a happy ending for your story, and create your own fairy tale.

The image of a woman in Russian fairy tales
Folklorist Varvara Dobrovolskaya about two types of fairy-tale heroines, the ideal woman and the origin of Baba Yaga / FAQ

All female characters Russian fairy tales are divided into two large groups: the characters of this world, that is, the world of the fairy-tale hero, and the characters of another world, the world where the fairy-tale hero goes, where wonderful wonders are located, where enemies live, where the Serpent carries away the beautiful royal daughters.

Varvara Dobrovolskaya— Candidate of Philological Sciences, head of the folklore and ethnographic department of the Center of Russian Folklore, doctoral student at the Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky, scientific secretary of the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore.

Typology female images in Russian fairy tales

In the hero's world, women are innocent, all oppressed heroines are stepdaughters who are offended by stepmothers; wives who are slandered by their husband's relatives; women who are turned into animals by witches, and so on. The other group consists of the Tsar’s favorite daughters, smart girls and beauties, whom loving fathers protect from the harmful influence of the world. This excessive guardianship leads to the fact that sooner or later the king has to announce a competition for his daughter’s hand in marriage and come up with difficult tasks for potential suitors, the most famous of which is jumping on a horse to the princess’s window. In another case, the girl turns out to be completely unprepared for the vicissitudes of fate, and she is kidnapped directly from the care of her mothers and nannies by a large and terrible Serpent.

Of course, there are other, smaller varieties of women in this world, but they are all distinguished by their beauty and absolute inability to live. The exception is devoted wives who go in search of their husbands, as, for example, the heroine of the fairy tale “Finist - the Bright Falcon,” or with their all-consuming love they revive a deceased lover, as in the fairy tale “ Scarlet flower" Finally, there are heroines who marry an otherworldly creature and then, after he is killed by relatives, turn into birds that mourn their loved one all their lives, as in the fairy tale “The Cancer Husband.”

The characters in the other world are significantly richer. They act in the hero's world, but in fact they are creatures of another world. These are witches and sorceresses who somehow come into contact with the hero or heroine. This is a stepmother who is actually endowed with magical powers and is even a relative of otherworldly creatures in a number of fairy tales. These are all sorts of wonderful maidens who somehow appear in the hero’s life. The Tsar-Maiden, who sails to the seashore where the hero sleeps; This beautiful princess, the existence of which the hero learns from a portrait brought from overseas countries, or from the words of a friend, who also happens to be the brother of such a girl.

The hero can find a wife on the border of the worlds, where she remains in animal form. So, the hero finds a frog in the swamp, which at night turns into Vasilisa the Wise, carrying out all the instructions of the hero’s father with the help of her wonderful assistants. Another lucky man finds his wife in the forest, where she sits in the form of a dove on a birch tree. Having taken the bird home, the hero receives not only three hot meals a day, but also a good adviser and assistant in the fight against the tsarist regime. Finally, Ivan the merchant's son, showing a certain ingenuity, steals the duck girl's dress and agrees to exchange it only for wedding ring, and with its help he not only deceives the sea king, but also returns safely to his kingdom-state.

But more often the hero is simply told about girls from another world. Usually such heroines are the subject of the hero's search. He follows them to the thirtieth kingdom, descends into the underworld, and sinks to the bottom of the sea-ocean. These can be completely independent and wealthy heroines who have not only their own kingdom-state, but also a garden with wonderful rejuvenating apples and a well with living and dead water.

It should be noted that in fairy tales there is a small group of characters who live in the borderlands between worlds. First of all, this is Baba Yaga, a wonderful old woman, and all those various assistants of the hero, all sorts of old women who appear on the road and help him with advice.

The image of a girl in Russian fairy tales

In Russian fairy tales, the age of the hero is often indeterminable. When saying that the hero is a boy and the heroine is a girl, the storyteller will not necessarily be talking about children. So, everyone is used to the fact that in the fairy tale “Little Little Khavroshechka” a girl acts, but at the end of the fairy tale she marries the king’s son, that is, we are not dealing with a child, but with a girl of marriageable age. Similar story and with his sister Alyonushka, who also, despite her little goat brother, gets married safely.

Most likely, the girl heroine appears in a small number of fairy tales. The child hero is a rather rare type in Russian fairy tales; most often it is a boy. The girl can be found in several fairy tales: this is the Snow Maiden - a girl sculpted from snow and melted under the rays of the sun or from the warmth of a fire. Probably, the heroine from the tales of the reeds on the grave, in which girlfriends or sisters kill a younger girl for a jug of berries, can be seen as a girl. Finally, most likely, the heroine of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” can be considered a child.

The girl appears very rarely in Russian fairy tales, which is understandable, because a child cannot be a hero as such. He can either be distinguished by a miraculous birth, and then the fairy tale is concerned with the problem of what will happen next when he grows up and begins to perform feats, or this miraculous birth becomes the main thing - the Snow Maiden melts.

The ideal woman in Russian fairy tales

Russian fairy tale does not give detailed descriptions, this is atypical for the genre, and accordingly, there is no ideal woman in the fairy tale. In fairy tales there is a certain conditional portrait, that is, we can assume what kind of woman might be. Which one do you like on at the moment, this is how she appears in the fairy tale. We usually don’t even know her hair color. She is simply beautiful and, of course, smart - both Elena the Beautiful and Elena the Wise. This does not mean that one is beautiful and the other is smart. She is beautiful and smart at the same time, just depending on what the hero needs more at this particular moment: for a wife to be smart or for a wife to be beautiful - depending on the need fairy tale plot It is precisely this image of a woman that will be realized in the fairy tale.

Sometimes there are some wonderful elements in the portrait of the heroine, such as, for example, “she is so beautiful that her cerebellum flows from bone to bone.” We can assume that her skin is so thin that we can see all of her insides. It's hard to say whether it's beautiful or not. But to the storyteller at the time of telling the tale, this seems to be an indicator of extraordinary beauty. If Western princesses are usually golden-haired, then our fairy-tale heroines can also be dark-haired. But such a detail as hair color is mentioned extremely rarely in the fairy tale.

Origin and features of the image of Baba Yaga

This is a mythological character who found himself in a fairy tale after the destruction of the mythological system. It is associated with the image of a priestess with initial and funeral rites. Its origin is usually associated with chthonic characters of the underworld, the world of the dead, most often with snakes.

We can talk about this based on her name. The root “-yag-” was used in a number of dialects to refer to snakes. The serpentine origin of the yaga can be inferred from certain features of its appearance preserved in fairy tales. For example, Baba Yaga never walks - she jumps. She has a bone leg. Most likely, this is the character's only leg, and she does not have a second leg. If we look at it in more detail, turning to the mythological origins of this image, it becomes clear that the yaga’s only leg is not a leg, but a snake’s tail. Baba Yaga belongs to the so-called snake deities, who are the masters of the forest and the world of the dead. In some fairy tales, animals and birds obey Baba Yaga.

Illustration by Ivan Bilibin (1876-1942)

She can be depicted as a corpse, she is in a hut, which itself resembles a coffin, she “lies from corner to corner,” “her nose is rooted in the ceiling.” In some tales, she may have pieces of rotten flesh protruding from her body. That is, she is a half-decomposed corpse. Being closest to the world of death, she acts as the first dead, the character who first passed through death, who knows how to get through the world of the dead. That is why she helps the hero-seeker overcome the difficulties of another world, gain secret knowledge and treasures located there.

But, as you know, they do not return from the world of the dead, but the hero arrives home safely. The reason for this is that the fairy tale is associated not only with ideas about funeral practices, but also with rituals of an initial nature, in which the participant goes through death in order to receive new life and new social qualities. This is most clearly seen in the fairy tales about the boy and Baba Yaga, when the hero, with the help of cunning, avoids falling into the oven. The fairy tale in this case involved the motif of the hero’s rebirth through rebirth, since the stove in mythology is synonymous with the female womb. Baba Yaga helps the hero to be reborn in a new capacity, to acquire new knowledge, that is, she, as it were, performs an initiation rite.
Russian fairy tale
Folklorist Varvara Dobrovolskaya on the formation of the genre, the image of Baba Yaga and the ritual logic of the fairy tale

How was the fairy tale genre formed? What is the audience fairy tale? What are the origins of the image of Baba Yaga? And what myth underlies the image of the fairy-tale Serpent? Varvara Dobrovolskaya, candidate of philological sciences, talks about this.

Fairy tales are a treasure trove folk wisdom! You can learn a lot from seemingly simple stories. useful information: how to marry a prince, how to deceive Koshchei, or how to turn from a frog into a princess.

Nowadays fairy tales are read only to children, but it’s never too late to learn women’s wisdom! So, what can the heroines of fairy tales teach grown girls and women?

Frog Princess

What it teaches: the ability to hold oneself in any situation and the ability to make a king out of an ordinary man.

The Frog Princess was not ashamed of her appearance, since she perceived herself exactly as she was. She understood that beauty is not the main thing, but the main thing is the ability to present oneself correctly. It was this skill that she showed at the king’s reception, when, with a wave of her hand, a lake and swans appeared from her sleeves. And thanks to her intelligence and wisdom, she was able to turn the loser Ivan Tsarevich into a successful man.

The Princess and the Pea

What does it teach: healthy sleep is important for a woman, and no peas should interfere with this!

In a fairy tale, the Prince finds his Princess. It would seem that everything will end well, but it was not so! They decided to test the girl for the authenticity of her blue blood and placed a pea under her many mattresses and feather beds. In life modern woman there are a lot of “peas” that interfere with sleep - work, children, problems, household chores, trips, etc. But you should always remember that healthy sleep not only gives you the opportunity to rest, but also contributes to the preservation of beauty.

Vasilisa the Beautiful

What it teaches: follow your intuition.

One of a woman’s strong abilities is her intuition. But sometimes women simply don’t trust her, and want to do everything logically, like men. Vasilisa received a doll from her mother. It is she who helps her overcome difficulties in the future. The doll gave advice and helped with everything. This doll can be compared with intuition.

Nastenka from Morozko

What it teaches: be a woman to the core! Position yourself in such a way that a man feels needed, so that he wants to protect and take care of you.

A humble, patient, modest girl, Nastenka finds her happiness thanks to her kind, sympathetic character. The man next to her understands that such a fragile girl needs to be taken care of and does it without any questions.


What it teaches: They are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their intelligence.

It’s not for nothing that Marilyn Monroe said: “Give a woman a pair of good shoes and she will conquer the whole world!” The heroine Cinderella teaches neatness, beauty and harmonious appearance. What can we say - men like beautiful, well-groomed and stylishly dressed girls. Of course, the Prince fell in love with Cinderella not for her appearance, but for her kindness, talent and sincerity, but at first she made an impact with her dress, shoes and hairstyle!

Baba Yaga

What it teaches: hospitality and thriftiness.

Despite the fact that Baba Yaga is a negative character, you can also learn a lot from her. Remember how this grandmother greeted good fellows? And she heated the bathhouse, and treated her to tea, and put her to bed. And only after that she asked about business.

Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”

What it teaches: do good and it will definitely come back to you.

When Alyonushka's brother was stolen, Alyonushka went in search of him. On her way, she met various characters who asked for help, but the girl did not help. When she herself needed help, those who crossed her path also refused to help her. And only when Alyonushka herself began to help those around her, they also came to her aid.

Snow Queen

What it teaches: never hold a grudge to yourself, otherwise your heart will become cold as an ice floe.

Apparently the Snow Queen had a hard time in life, since she imprisoned herself in an ice castle and stole the innocent boy Kai. Callous, evil and cold heart Snow Queen does not accept the joy of others, nor love, nor mercy. And all from resentment towards the whole world, which ultimately destroyed her.

Live in reality, but don't forget about good fairy tales- take from them all the brightest and best that is missing in modern world. And remember that all fairy tales end with a happy ending! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Amy Adams and Megan Ory are two such different actresses, similar in three things. Firstly, they both played fairy-tale heroines: Amy as Giselle in Enchanted, and Megan as Little Red Riding Hood in Once Upon a Time. Secondly, both actresses were born on the same day - August 20, and today Amy turns 41 years old, and Megan turns 33 years old. Thirdly, they have almost identical noses, which makes the actresses look a little similar.

In honor of Amy Adams and Megan Ory's birthday, Love2Beauty looks back at other actresses who played fairy-tale heroines.

As already mentioned, Amy played the beautiful princess of the fairy-tale kingdom of Andalasia in the fantasy musical film Enchanted. Giselle dreamed of a handsome prince, had incredible in a beautiful voice, an open soul, an optimistic outlook on life and obvious design talent (just look at her cute dress made from curtains). Thanks to an evil witch, the girl came into our world and for a long time could not adapt to the usual everyday life of harsh New York. And her fluffy wedding dress (which, by the way, weighed 18 kg) clearly embarrassed the residents of the metropolis, since they were not used to seeing such princesses on the city streets. The creators of the film came up with Princess Giselle herself for this fairy tale - she collected the image of many fairy-tale princesses. In it you can see Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, and Belle. As the story progresses, Giselle becomes more mature and less naive, but continues to look at the world cheerfully, and her modern dresses make the princess a real girl. All fantasy costumes were designed by Mona May, who made it her mission to combine Disney design with fashion, style and fun.

This fairy-tale heroine from the fairy tales of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm has been familiar to everyone since childhood. In the fantasy series Once Upon a Time, her image is slightly changed. Riding Hood lives with her grandmother, but her relationship with the gray wolf is somewhat different, because she is a real werewolf. Little Red Riding Hood is saved from the curse by a stylish red cloak sewn by her grandmother.

But the fairy-tale heroine also has a real one - this is the waitress Ruby, who she became after the curse. This girl is distinguished by her bright appearance, love for red lipstick, short shorts, blouses and skirts. In general, her image is more reminiscent of light girl behavior than the kind little girl Little Red Riding Hood, which we are all used to seeing. And she does not have a soft disposition. Even if such a girl met in the forest gray wolf, it would be bad for him, not for her.

A French interpretation of the fairy tale of the same name by Jeanne-Marie Leprince De Beaumont, where the beautiful Lea Seydoux played the role of the daughter of a poor merchant, and the charming Vincent Cassel played the role of the terrible but kind Beast. Belle is a brave girl who is not afraid to go to the Beast’s castle and even sometimes contradict him. Main feature The film is incredibly beautiful and expensive costumes of the main characters (especially Belle, since throughout the entire film the Beast was dressed in the same red suit with a lush high collar), for which Pierre Yves Gayraud himself was responsible.

While working on Belle's costumes, the artist played with styles, textures, fabrics and colors. Each heroine’s dress is a real work of art that you want to not only try on, but also study thoroughly. According to Leia herself, her outfits were not only spectacular, but also comfortable. Some dresses even had to be made in several copies - for especially extreme scenes.

A new version of everyone's favorite fairy tale has revealed to the world such talented actress as Lily James. The plot is not very different from the classic Western European fairy tale - a girl named Ella loses her mother early, her father marries a real bitch with two daughters, who humiliates her stepdaughter. The poor girl doesn’t see the light of day - she cleans, washes, cooks, endures bullying. At the same time, she does not give up hope for a bright future. The filmmakers came up with special attention to the search for a costume designer - the choice fell on three-time Oscar winner and a true professional in her field, Sandy Powell. She was inspired by the 19th century, the 40s and 50s of the 20th century and the Golden Years of Hollywood. When creating Cinderella's everyday dress, Sandy abandoned the rags, opting for a simple dress with a little embellishment at the bottom. Cinderella's ballet shoes were made of silk and looked more like pointe shoes than regular shoes. It is impossible not to note the chic dress made of azure-lavender silk, in which the heroine went to the ball - it was made in best traditions Disney and, as it were, shouted to the prince about the upcoming wedding.

Well, Cinderella’s famous crystal shoes were made by Swarovski and made of crystal. The actress did not even try them on, since the shoes were not intended to be worn - they were made specifically for demonstration on camera.

In the fourth season of the fantasy Once Upon a Time, you could see a character Disney cartoon"Frozen" performed by Georgina Haig. Elsa is the Queen of Arendelle, who from birth has the amazing ability to freeze everything around her. She is beautiful, reserved and reserved, because she is forced to hide her gift from ordinary people. Throughout the entire series, Elsa appears to us in the classic image created in the cartoon - she has a stylish braid and a “cold” sky-colored dress with a weightless train. The dress turned out to be so airy, stylish and simple that you could easily go to a prom in it.

Anne Hathaway played the role of the enchanted Ella in the film of the same name, based on the novel by Gail Carson Levine. The plot is somewhat reminiscent of the story of Cinderella - Ella's mother dies of illness, her father marries a nasty aunt with two daughters, and the girl also has a fairy godmother. From this inexperienced fairy godmother (who is not averse to drinking with giants in a bar), the girl received unusual gift- the gift of obedience. No matter what she is told to do, Ella does everything unquestioningly. Having opened unique ability Ella, her stepsisters take advantage of this. To get rid of the gift, the poor girl is forced to go in search of her godmother. In this fairy tale, Ella wears rather modest outfits of the same type (mostly white and blue color), the only exception was the wedding dress that she wore to her wedding with the prince.

In the humorous film adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, Snow White appears before us as a fairy-tale, warlike, kind and sometimes cold-blooded girl who had to endure an obnoxious stepmother. The make-up artists did a good job on the image of Lily, making her a real Snow White, as we remember her in the cartoon - scarlet lips like blood, snow-white skin, resinous hair and eyebrows.

The costumes for the film were created by the magnificent Eiko Ishioka, inspired by Asia, Eurasia and Russia. Snow White's outfits (as well as other characters) were distinguished not only by their pomp and richness, but also by bright accents. For example, Snow White's costume at the ball in the palace personified a snow-white swan (as if referring us to the famous Tchaikovsky ballet " Swan Lake"), and the distinctive detail of the costume was an absurd headdress in the form of a swan's head. It is impossible not to note the yellow dress in which the girl escaped from the palace - its bright spot was the golden cape with a hood, in which you can easily hide from the rain.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for Kleo.ru, Wmj.ru, Cosmo.ru, MarieClaire.ru about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, his favorite pastime is watching good movies, and his personal recipe good mood- beach holiday.