Genre of the work. What are the genres in literature? Dramatic genres of literature

Every literary genre is divided into genres, which are characterized by common features for a group of works. There are epic, lyrical, lyric epic, and drama genres.

Epic genres

Fairy tale(literary) - a work in prose or poetic form, based on folklore traditions folk tale(one storyline, fiction, depiction of the struggle between good and evil, antithesis and repetition as the leading principles of composition). For example, satirical tales M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.
Parable(from the Greek parabole - “located (placed) behind”) - a small genre of epic, a small narrative work edifying nature, containing moral or religious teaching based on broad generalization and the use of allegories. Russian writers often used the parable as an inserted episode in their works to fill the narrative deep meaning. Let's remember Kalmyk fairy tale, told by Pugachev to Pyotr Grinev (A. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter") - in fact, this is the culmination in revealing the image of Emelyan Pugachev: “Rather than eat carrion for three hundred years, it’s better to get drunk with living blood, and then what will God give!” The plot of the parable about the resurrection of Lazarus, which Sonechka Marmeladova read to Rodion Raskolnikov, prompts the reader to think about the possible spiritual rebirth of the main character of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". In M. Gorky’s play “At the Depth,” the wanderer Luke tells a parable “about the righteous land” to show how dangerous the truth can be for weak and desperate people.
Fable- small epic genre; The fable, complete in plot and having an allegorical meaning, is an illustration of a well-known everyday or moral rule. A fable differs from a parable in the completeness of the plot; a fable is characterized by unity of action, conciseness of presentation, the absence of detailed characteristics and other elements of a non-narrative nature that hinder the development of the plot. Typically, a fable consists of 2 parts: 1) a story about an event that is specific but easily generalizable, 2) a moral lesson that follows or precedes the story.
Essay- genre, hallmark which is “writing from life.” The role of the plot is weakened in the essay, because... fiction is of little importance here. The author of an essay, as a rule, narrates in the first person, which allows him to include his thoughts in the text, make comparisons and analogies - i.e. use the means of journalism and science. An example of the use of the essay genre in literature is “Notes of a Hunter” by I.S. Turgenev.
Novella(Italian novella - news) is a type of story, epic plot work with an unexpected ending, characterized by brevity, a neutral style of presentation, and a lack of psychologism. Chance, the intervention of fate, plays a large role in the development of the action of the novella. A typical example of a Russian short story is the cycle of stories by I.A. Bunin " Dark alleys": the author does not psychologically draw the characters of his characters; a whim of fate, blind chance brings them together for a while and separates them forever.
Story- an epic genre of small volume with a small number of heroes and the short duration of the events depicted. At the center of the story is an image of some event or life phenomenon. In Russian classical literature recognized masters of storytelling were A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, A.I. Kuprin et al.
Tale- a prose genre that does not have a stable volume and occupies an intermediate place between the novel, on the one hand, and the story and short story on the other, gravitating towards newsreel story, reproducing the natural course of life. A story differs from a short story and a novel in the volume of text, the number of characters and problems raised, the complexity of the conflict, etc. In a story, it is not so much the movement of the plot that is important, but the descriptions: the characters, the scene, the psychological state of a person. For example: “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N.S. Leskova, “Steppe” by A.P. Chekhov, “Village” by I.A. Bunina. In the story, episodes often follow one after another according to the principle of chronicle, there is no internal connection between them, or it is weakened, so the story is often structured as a biography or autobiography: “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” by L.N. Tolstoy, “The Life of Arsenyev” by I.A. Bunin, etc. (Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / edited by Prof. A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosman, 2006.)
Novel(French roman - a work written in one of the “living” Romance languages, and not in “dead” Latin) - an epic genre, the subject of the image in which is a certain period or the whole life of a person; What is this novel? - the novel is characterized by the duration of the events described, the presence of several storylines and systems characters, which includes groups of equivalent characters (for example: main characters, minor characters, episodic characters); works of this genre cover a wide range of life phenomena and a wide range of socially significant problems. There are different approaches to classifying novels: 1) according to structural features(parable novel, myth novel, dystopian novel, travel novel, novel in verse, etc.); 2) on issues (family and everyday life, social and everyday life, socio-psychological, psychological, philosophical, historical, adventurous, fantastic, sentimental, satirical, etc.); 3) according to the era in which one or another type of novel dominated (knightly, enlightenment, Victorian, Gothic, modernist, etc.). It should be noted that the exact classification genre varieties The novel has not yet been established. There are works whose ideological and artistic originality does not fit into the framework of any one method of classification. For example, the work of M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" contains both acute social and philosophical issues, in it the events of biblical history (in the author’s interpretation) and contemporary author Moscow life of the 20-30s of the XX century, scenes full of drama are interspersed with satirical ones. Based on these features of the work, it can be classified as a socio-philosophical satirical myth novel.
Epic novel- this is a work in which the subject of the image is not history privacy, but the fate of an entire people or an entire social group; the plot is built on the basis of nodes - key, turning points historical events. At the same time, in the fate of the heroes, like in a drop of water, the fate of the people is reflected and, on the other hand, the picture folk life consists of individual destinies, private life stories. An integral part of the epic are crowd scenes, thanks to which the author creates a generalized picture of the flow of people's life and the movement of history. When creating an epic, the artist is required to have the highest skill in connecting episodes (scenes of private life and crowd scenes), psychological authenticity in depicting characters, historicism of artistic thinking - all this makes the epic the pinnacle literary creativity, which not every writer can climb. That is why only two works created in the epic genre are known in Russian literature: “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, " Quiet Don» M.A. Sholokhov.

Lyric genres

Song- a small poetic lyrical genre characterized by simplicity of musical and verbal construction.
Elegy(Greek elegeia, elegos - plaintive song) - a poem of meditative or emotional content, dedicated to philosophical thoughts caused by contemplation of nature or deeply personal experiences about life and death, about unrequited (as a rule) love; The prevailing mood of the elegy is sadness, light sadness. Elegy is V.A.’s favorite genre. Zhukovsky (“Sea”, “Evening”, “Singer”, etc.).
Sonnet(Italian sonetto, from Italian sonare - to sound) is a lyric poem of 14 lines in the form of a complex stanza. The lines of a sonnet can be arranged in two ways: two quatrains and two tercets, or three quatrains and a distich. Quatrains can have only two rhymes, while terzettos can have two or three.
The Italian (Petrarccan) sonnet consists of two quatrains with the rhyme abba abba or abab abab and two tercets with the rhyme cdc dcd or cde cde, less often cde edc. French sonnet form: abba abba ccd eed. English (Shakespearean) - with rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg.
The classic sonnet assumes a certain sequence of thought development: thesis - antithesis - synthesis - denouement. As the name of this genre suggests, special meaning is given to the musicality of the sonnet, which is achieved by alternating male and female rhymes.
European poets have developed many original types sonnet, as well as a wreath of sonnets - one of the most difficult literary forms.
Russian poets turned to the sonnet genre: A.S. Pushkin (“Sonnet”, “To the Poet”, “Madonna”, etc.), A.A. Fet (“Sonnet”, “Rendezvous in the Forest”), poets Silver Age(V.Ya. Bryusov, K.D. Balmont, A.A. Blok, I.A. Bunin).
Message(Greek epistole - epistole) - a poetic letter, in the time of Horace - philosophical and didactic content, later - of any nature: narrative, satirical, love, friendly, etc. A mandatory feature of a message is the presence of an appeal to a specific addressee, motives for wishes, requests. For example: “My Penates” by K.N. Batyushkov, “Pushchina”, “Message to the Censor” by A.S. Pushkin, etc.
Epigram(Greek epgramma - inscription) - a short satirical poem that is a teaching, as well as a direct response to topical events, often political. For example: epigrams by A.S. Pushkin on A.A. Arakcheeva, F.V. Bulgarin, Sasha Cherny’s epigram “In the album to Bryusov”, etc.
Ode(from Greek ōdḗ, Latin ode, oda - song) - a solemn, pathetic, glorifying lyrical work dedicated to the depiction of major historical events or persons, speaking about significant themes of religious and philosophical content. The ode genre was widespread in Russian XVIII literatureearly XIX centuries in the works of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina, in early work V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkina, F.I. Tyutchev, but at the end of the 20s of the XIX century. Ode was replaced by other genres. Some attempts by some authors to create an ode do not correspond to the canons of this genre (“Ode to the Revolution” by V.V. Mayakovsky, etc.).
Lyric poem- a small poetic work in which there is no plot; the author's focus is inner world, intimate experiences, reflections, moods lyrical hero(the author of a lyric poem and the lyrical hero are not the same person).

Lyric epic genres

Ballad(Provençal ballada, from ballar - to dance; Italian - ballata) - a plot poem, that is, a story of a historical, mythical or heroic nature, set out in poetic form. Typically, a ballad is built on the basis of dialogue between characters, while the plot has no independent meaning - it is a means of creating a certain mood, subtext. Thus, “Song of prophetic Oleg» A.S. Pushkin has philosophical overtones, “Borodino” by M.Yu. Lermontov - socio-psychological.
Poem(Greek poiein - “to create”, “creation”) - a large or medium-sized poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot (for example, “ Bronze Horseman» A.S. Pushkin, “Mtsyri” by M.Yu. Lermontov, “The Twelve” by A.A. Blok, etc.), the system of images of the poem may include a lyrical hero (for example, “Requiem” by A.A. Akhmatova).
Prose poem- a small lyrical work in prose form, characterized by increased emotionality, expressing subjective experiences and impressions. For example: “Russian language” by I.S. Turgenev.

Genres of drama

Tragedy- a dramatic work, the main conflict of which is caused by exceptional circumstances and insoluble contradictions that lead the hero to death.
Drama- a play whose content is related to the depiction of everyday life; Despite the depth and seriousness, the conflict, as a rule, concerns private life and can be resolved without a tragic outcome.
Comedy- a dramatic work in which the action and characters are presented in funny forms; The comedy is distinguished by the rapid development of action, the presence of complex, intricate plot lines, a happy ending and simplicity of style. There are sitcoms based on cunning intrigue, a special set of circumstances, and comedies of manners (characters), based on ridicule of human vices and shortcomings, high comedy, everyday comedy, satirical comedy, etc. For example, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedova - high comedy, “Minor” D.I. Fonvizina is satirical.

Genre - type literary work. There are epic, lyrical, dramatic genres. There are also lyric epic genres. Genres are also divided by volume into large (including Romani and epic novels), medium (literary works of “medium size” - stories and poems), small (short story, novella, essay). They have genres and thematic divisions: adventure novel, psychological novel, sentimental, philosophical, etc. The main division is related to the types of literature. We present to your attention the genres of literature in the table.

The thematic division of genres is rather arbitrary. There is no strict classification of genres by topic. For example, if they talk about the genre and thematic diversity of lyrics, they usually single out love, philosophical, and landscape lyrics. But, as you understand, the variety of lyrics is not exhausted by this set.

If you set out to study the theory of literature, it is worth mastering the groups of genres:

  • epic, that is, prose genres (epic novel, novel, story, short story, short story, parable, fairy tale);
  • lyrical, that is, poetic genres (lyric poem, elegy, message, ode, epigram, epitaph),
  • dramatic – types of plays (comedy, tragedy, drama, tragicomedy),
  • lyric epic (ballad, poem).

Literary genres in tables

Epic genres

  • Epic novel

    Epic novel- a novel depicting folk life in critical historical eras. “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “Quiet Don” by Sholokhov.

  • Novel

    Novel– a multi-issue work depicting a person in the process of his formation and development. The action in the novel is full of external or internal conflicts. By topic there are: historical, satirical, fantastic, philosophical, etc. By structure: novel in verse, epistolary novel, etc.

  • Tale

    Tale- an epic work of medium or large form, constructed in the form of a narrative about events in their natural sequence. Unlike the novel, in P. the material is presented chronically, there is no sharp plot, there is no cunning analysis of the feelings of the characters. P. does not pose tasks of a global historical nature.

  • Story

    Story– small epic form, a small work with a limited number of characters. In R. most often one problem is posed or one event is described. The novella differs from R. in its unexpected ending.

  • Parable

    Parable- moral teaching in allegorical form. A parable differs from a fable in that it draws its artistic material from human life. Example: Gospel parables, the parable of the righteous land, told by Luke in the play “At the Bottom.”

Lyrical genres

  • Lyric poem

    Lyric poemsmall form lyrics written either on behalf of the author or on behalf of a fictional lyrical character. Description of the inner world of the lyrical hero, his feelings, emotions.

  • Elegy

    Elegy- a poem imbued with moods of sadness and sadness. As a rule, the content of elegies is philosophical reflections, sad thoughts, grief.

  • Message

    Message- a poetic letter addressed to a person. According to the content of the message, there are friendly, lyrical, satirical, etc. The message may be addressed to one person or group of people.

  • Epigram

    Epigram- a poem that makes fun of a specific person. Characteristic features are wit and brevity.

  • Ode

    Ode- a poem distinguished by solemnity of style and sublimity of content. Praise in verse.

  • Sonnet

    Sonnet– a solid poetic form, usually consisting of 14 verses (lines): 2 quatrains (2 rhymes) and 2 tercet tercets

Dramatic genres

  • Comedy

    Comedy- a type of drama in which characters, situations and actions are presented in funny forms or imbued with the comic. There are satirical comedies (“Minor”, ​​“The Inspector General”), high (“Woe from Wit”) and lyrical (“Woe from Wit”) Cherry Orchard»).

  • Tragedy

    Tragedy- a work based on an irreconcilable conflict in life, leading to the suffering and death of the heroes. William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet".

  • Drama

    Drama- a play with an acute conflict, which, unlike the tragic one, is not so sublime, more mundane, ordinary and can be resolved one way or another. The drama is based on modern rather than ancient material and establishes a new hero who rebelled against circumstances.

Lyric epic genres

(intermediate between epic and lyric)

  • Poem

    Poem- an average lyric-epic form, a work with a plot-narrative organization, in which not one, but a whole series of experiences are embodied. Features: the presence of a detailed plot and at the same time close attention to the inner world of the lyrical hero - or an abundance of lyrical digressions. Poem " Dead Souls» N.V. Gogol

  • Ballad

    Ballad- a medium lyric-epic form, a work with an unusual, intense plot. This is a story in verse. A story, told in poetic form, of a historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of a ballad is usually borrowed from folklore. Ballads “Svetlana”, “Lyudmila” V.A. Zhukovsky

Genres of literature- these are historically developing groups of works of literature that are united by a set of formal and substantive properties based on formal features.

Fable- a poetic or prosaic literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a short moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality.

Ballad is a lyric-epic work, that is, a story told in poetic form of a historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of a ballad is usually borrowed from folklore.

Epics- these are heroic and patriotic songs and tales, telling about the exploits of heroes and reflecting life Ancient Rus' IX-XIII centuries; a type of oral folk art, which is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality.

Visions is a genre of medieval literature, which is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of the image of a “clairvoyant” in the center of the narrative and the afterlife, otherworldly, eschatological content of the visual images revealed to the clairvoyant, on the other.

Detective- this is predominantly literary genre, whose works describe the process of investigating a mysterious incident in order to clarify its circumstances and solve the mystery.

Comedy- a type of dramatic work. Displays everything ugly and absurd, funny and absurd, ridicules the vices of society.

Comedy of manners(comedy of characters) is a comedy in which the source of humor is the inner essence of characters and morals high society, funny and ugly one-sidedness, exaggerated trait or passion (vice, flaw). Very often a comedy of manners is satirical comedy, which makes fun of all these human qualities.

Lyric poem(in prose) - view fiction, emotionally and poetically expressing the author’s feelings.

Melodrama- a type of drama whose characters are sharply divided into positive and negative.

Myth is a narrative that conveys people’s ideas about the world, man’s place in it, the origin of all things, about gods and heroes.

Essay- the most reliable type of narrative, epic literature, displaying facts from real life.

Song, or Song- most ancient look lyric poetry; a poem consisting of several verses and a chorus. Songs are divided into folk, heroic, historical, lyrical, etc.

Science fiction - a genre in literature and other forms of art, one of the varieties of science fiction. Science fiction is based on fantastic assumptions (fiction) in the field of science, including various types sciences, such as: exact, natural, and humanities.

Novella- this is the main genre of short narrative prose, more short form literary prose than a story or novel. The author of the stories is usually called a short story writer, and the collection of stories is called a short story.

Tale- medium shape; a work that highlights a number of events in the life of the main character.

Ode- a genre of lyricism, which is a solemn poem dedicated to some event or hero, or separate work this genre.

Poem- a type of lyro epic work; poetic story telling.

Message(uh pistol literature) is a literary genre that uses the form of “letters” or “epistles” (epistole).

Story- a small form, a work about one event in the life of a character.

Fairy tale- This genre of literary creativity, h Most often, fairy tales contain magic and various incredible adventures. .

Novel- large shape; a work in the events of which many characters usually take part, whose destinies are intertwined. Novels are philosophical, adventure, historical, family and social.

Tragedy- a type of dramatic work telling about the unfortunate fate of the main character, often doomed to death.

Folklore- view folk art, which reflects the general patterns of social development of peoples. There are three types of works in folklore: epic, lyrical and dramatic. At the same time, epic genres have poetic and prose forms (in literature, the epic genre is represented only by prose works: short story, novella, novel, etc.). A feature of folklore is its traditionalism and focus on oral method transfer of information. The carriers were usually rural residents (peasants).

Epic- a work or a series of works depicting a significant historical era or a major historical event.

Elegy- a lyrical genre that contains in free poetic form any complaint, expression of sadness, or the emotional result of philosophical reflection on the complex problems of life.

Epigram is a short satirical poem that makes fun of a person or social phenomenon.

Epic is a heroic narrative about the past containing complete picture folk life and representing in harmonious unity a certain epic world of heroic heroes.

Essay is a literary genre, a prose work of small volume and free composition.

The above types of classification are not mutually exclusive, but demonstrate different approaches to defining genres. Therefore, the same book can refer to several of them at once.

Classification of literary genres by type

When classifying literary genres by gender, they start from the author’s attitude to what is being presented. The basis for this classification was laid by Aristotle. According to this principle, four major genres are distinguished: epic, lyrical, dramatic and lyric-epic. Each of them has its own “subgenres”.

Epic genres tell about events that have already happened, and the author writes them down according to his memories, while he distances himself as much as possible from assessing what was said. These include epic novels, short stories, myths, ballads, fables and epics.

Lyrical genre involves the transmission of feelings experienced by the author in the form of a literary work in poetic form. These include odes, epigrams, epistles and stanzas.

A classic example of stanzas is Byron's Childe Harold.

The lyric-epic genre combines the characteristics of epic and lyrical genres. These include ballads and poems, in which there is both a plot and author's attitude to what is happening.

The dramatic genre exists at the intersection of literature and theater. Nominally it includes dramas, comedies and tragedies with a list of the characters involved at the beginning and author's notes in the main text. However, in fact, it can be any work written in the form of a dialogue.

Classification of literary genres by content

If we define works by content, they are combined into three large groups: comedies, tragedies and dramas. Tragedy and drama, telling, respectively, about tragic fate heroes and about the emergence and overcoming of conflict are quite homogeneous. Comedies are divided into several types, according to the action taking place: parody, farce, vaudeville, sitcom and character comedy, sketch and sideshow.

Classification of literary genres by form

When classifying genres by form, only formal features such as the structure and volume of the work are taken into account, regardless of their content.

Lyrical works are classified most clearly in this way; in prose, the boundaries are more blurred.

According to this principle, thirteen genres are distinguished: epic, epic, novel,

Video tutorial 2: Literary genera and genres

Lecture: Literary genera. Genres of literature

Literary genera

Epic- a story about past events. Large epic works contain descriptions, reasoning, lyrical digressions, dialogues. The epic involves participation large quantity characters, a multitude of events not limited by time or space. In works of an epic nature, a significant role is assigned to the storyteller or narrator, who does not interfere with the course of events and evaluates what is happening detachedly and objectively (novels by I. Goncharov, stories by A. Chekhov). Often the narrator tells a story he heard from the narrator.

Lyrics unites a lot of poetic genres: sonnet, elegy, song, romance. Lyrical work it is easy to distinguish from the other two main types of literature - epic and drama - by the lack of eventfulness and the presence of an image of a person’s inner world, a description of the changes in his moods and impressions. In lyrics, a description of nature, an event or an object is presented from the perspective of personal experience.

Between these main types of literature there is an intermediate one, lyric-epic genre. Lyric-epic combines epic narrative and lyrical emotionality into one whole (A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).

Drama- the main literary genus, existing in two forms - genus stage action and genre of literature. IN dramatic work there is no detailed narrative description; the text consists entirely of dialogues, remarks, and monologues of the characters. In order for a stage action to have signs of drama, a conflict is necessary (the main and only one, or several conflict situations). Some playwrights masterfully know how to show internal action, when the characters are just thinking and worrying, thereby “moving” the plot towards the denouement.

So, let’s remember what the difference is between the main literary genres:

    Epic - an event is told

    Lyrics - the event is experienced

    Drama - an event is depicted

Genres of literature

Novel- belongs to the epic genre of literature, is distinguished by a significant time period for the development of the plot, and is filled with many characters. Some novels trace the fate of several generations of one family (“family sagas”). In a novel, as a rule, several plot lines develop simultaneously, complex and deep life processes are shown. A work written in the genre of a novel is full of conflicts (internal, external); events do not always maintain a chronological sequence.


Structural varieties

novel in verse
epistolary, etc.
adventure, etc.

Novel - epic describes broad layers of folk life in climaxes, at the breaking point historical eras. Other features of an epic are similar to the features of a novel as an epic work. The genre includes “Quiet Don” by M. Sholokhov, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy.

Taleprose work average volume ( less romance in terms of the amount of text and the number of characters, but more of a story).

Compositional features: the story is characterized by a chronicle development of events; the author does not pose large-scale historical tasks to the reader. Compared to the novel, the story is a more “chamber” literary genre, where the main action is focused on the character and fate of the main character.

Story is a work of short prose form. Characteristic features:

    short duration of events,

    a small number of characters (there may only be one or two characters),

    one problem,

    one event.

Essay- a literary prose work of small form, a type of story. The essay touches on mostly essential social problems. The plot is based on facts, documents, and observations of the author.

Parable- a short prose story of an instructive nature, the content is conveyed using allegories, in an allegorical manner. The parable is very close to a fable, but unlike it, it does not end the story with a ready-made moral, but invites the reader to think for himself and draw a conclusion.


Poem- a voluminous poetic plot work. The poem combines the features of lyricism and epic: on the one hand, it is a detailed, voluminous content, on the other, the hero’s inner world is revealed in all details, his experiences and movements of the soul are carefully examined by the author.

Ballad. Works written in the ballad genre are not so common in modern literature, like poetry or songs, but in earlier times ballad creativity was very widespread and popular. In ancient times (presumably in the Middle Ages), a ballad was folklore work ritual in nature, combining song and dance. A ballad is easily recognized by its narrative plot, its subordination to a strict rhythm, and repetitions (refrains) of individual words or entire lines. The ballad was especially loved in the era of romanticism: the thematic diversity of the genre allowed romantic poets to create fantastic, fabulous, historical, humorous works. Quite often, plots from translated literature were taken as a basis. The ballad experienced its rebirth at the beginning of the 20th century; the genre developed during the years of development of the ideas of revolutionary romance.

Lyric poem. The most beloved representative of the poetic genre by readers and listeners is the lyric poem. Small in volume, often written in the first person, the poem conveys the feelings, moods, experiences of the lyrical hero, or directly the author of the poem.

Song. Short-form poetic works containing stanzas (verse) and refrain (chorus). As a literary genre, the song is in the culture of every nation, it is the oldest samples amateur oral creativityfolk songs. Songs are composed in the most various genres: there are historical, heroic, folk, humorous, etc. A song may have an official author - a professional poet, or a song may have a collective author ( folk art), songs are composed by amateur professionals (the so-called “author’s”, amateur song).

Elegy. You can guess what an elegy is by translating the meaning of the word from Greek - “lamentable song.” Indeed, elegies always bear the imprint of a sad mood, sadness, sometimes even grief. Some philosophical experiences of the lyrical hero are turned into elegiac form. Elegiac verse was very popular among romantic poets and sentimentalists.

Message. A letter in verse addressed to a specific person or group of people received the name “message” in poetry. The content of such a work could be friendly, lyrical, mocking, etc.

Epigram. This small poem could be quite capacious in content: often just a few lines contained a capacious, devastating description of a person or several persons. Two circumstances gave recognition to the epigram: wit and extreme brevity. A. Pushkin, P. Vyazemsky, I. Dmitriev, N. Nekrasov, F. Tyutchev were famous for their magnificent, sometimes unpleasant epigrams. In modern poetry, A. Ivanov, L. Filatov, V. Gaft are considered outstanding masters of the “striking line”.

Ode was composed in honor of an event or a specific person. Poetic work small form was filled with solemn content, distinguished by stilted presentation (“high calm”) and pomposity. If the Ode was dedicated to a reigning person, the small form could be significantly “enlarged” so that the poet could note in verse all the excellent qualities of the addressee.

Sonnet– a poem of 14 lines (4+4+3+3), has certain rules of construction:

Three-liner. Denouement

Three-liner. A denouement is planned

Quatrain. Development of the exhibition

Quatrain. Exposition

The final line of the denouement expresses the essence of the poem.

Comedy, tragedy, drama

It's very difficult to define funny. What exactly causes laughter? Why is it funny?

Comedy(Greek “cheerful song”) from its inception to the present day has been the most beloved type of stage work and literary creativity. In works of comedic content, authors depict human types and various life situations in a comic manifestation: ugliness is presented as beauty, stupidity is presented as a manifestation of a brilliant mind, etc.

There are several types of comedies:

    “High” (“Woe from Wit”) - a serious life situation is presented against the backdrop of the actions of comic characters.

    Satirical (“The Inspector General”) – exposes characters and actions in a funny, absurd light.

    Lyrical (“The Cherry Orchard”) - there is no division of heroes into “good” and “bad”, there is no action, there is no visible conflict. Sounds, details, and symbolism become important.

Tragedy- a special dramatic genre: the work does not and cannot have a happy ending. The plot of the tragic work lies in the irreconcilable clash of the hero with society, with Fate, with the outside world. The outcome of a tragedy is always sad - in the finale the hero always dies. Were especially tragic ancient greek tragedies created according to strictly prescribed rules. Later (in the 18th century), tragedy began to gradually lose its genre rigor, moving closer to drama. New genres are being formed - heroic historical, tragic drama. IN late XIX V. the unification of tragedy and comedy took place, new genre - tragicomedy.

Drama differs as a genre of literature and as a type of stage performance.

To understand the features of drama, you can compare the features characteristic features tragedy and dramatic work.