Why singer Alexander Novikov was imprisoned. Liberation and subsequent events

Alexander Novikov is a Russian chansonnier who was able to become truly famous not only in his country, but also abroad. He had to go through many difficult life stages, however, he turned every emotion he experienced into a sincere composition.

The man managed to achieve fame as a bard, composer, reliable equipment manufacturer, and also a successful studio manager.

Childhood and family of Alexander Novikov

Alexander Novikov was born on October 31, 1953 on the island of Iturup (the largest island of the Kuril Islands). As a child, the boy was not particularly spoiled, but his parents were loving and caring.

Alexander's father was a military pilot, his mother tried to pay a lot of attention to her son and therefore became a housewife. In 1959, the head of the family retired and decided that it was time to get out of the small village, where there were no prospects for his son. As soon as Sasha turned 6 years old, his parents decided to move to Kyrgyzstan so that their son could receive a good education in Bishkek.

At first, it was difficult for the boy to get used to the new environment and those around him, but at school he quickly adapted and made friends. He was a controversial student: already in the first grade he knew Yesenin’s poems by heart, by the third grade he had read “War and Peace,” nevertheless, he had bad grades on his report card, and because of his bad behavior he was not accepted as a pioneer.

My parents moved often, so school years boy changed 4 educational institutions. He received his certificate at one of the schools in Sverdlovsk in 1970.

For 10 years he persistently tried to get higher education: first at the Ural Polytechnic University, and then at the Mining and Forestry Universities. He failed to obtain the desired diploma, because he was constantly expelled for various reasons: behavior, academic performance, coincidence.

So, at the age of 18, he received his first sentence for fighting, but his motives were noble. Together with his friends, he witnessed the beating of a waitress and stood up for the woman. The rude man was beaten to his hospital bed, and while he lay unconscious, Alexander took a watch from his pocket and gave it to the victim as compensation. Alexander was given a “condition” and sentenced to compulsory labor.

IN student years Alexander acquired a bad reputation for himself as an “anti-Soviet”, since he flatly refused to join the Komsomol and was not afraid to criticize the regime. The authorities found out about this and subsequently closely monitored him. Giving up attempts to get a tower, the guy decided to devote himself to creativity. At the end of the 70s, he began performing in expensive restaurants in Sverdlovsk: “Malachite”, “Cosmos”, “Ural dumplings”.

Music career

In 1981, the guy opened the Novik Records studio and assembled the Rock Polygon group. The repertoire consisted of an interesting mixture of rock and roll, reggae and even psychedelic rock, which was new in the USSR. In 1983, the group presented their debut album with the group's name of the same name. Unfortunately, creativity did not pass the test of ideology, and therefore there were few concerts and they were all underground, not for the general public.

In parallel with this, the young man began the production of electronic musical equipment, which was not inferior in quality to foreign ones. He also worked as a coach at a sports club.

In 1984, Alexander decided to experiment with genres and released his debut solo album, “Take Me, Cabbie,” in the chanson style.

The fans were delighted with the record, but they had no idea how much effort it took to record it. Other musicians also came to Alexander’s aid: Alexey Khomenko, Vladimir Elizarov and Sergey Kuznetsov. Having never agreed to rent a studio located on the territory of the Uralmash plant, the guys sneaked there at night and recorded a really good album.

Alexander Novikov - “Drive me, cab driver”

After the world heard Alexander’s new creation, the authorities placed him under surveillance. His phone conversations were monitored, his every move was monitored, and, of course, information was collected piece by piece. At some point, it accumulated enough to arrest the musician.

Arrest of Alexander Novikov

On the fateful morning of October 5, 1984, Alexander was walking along the embankment when suddenly a car stopped and people in civilian clothes got out. He was arrested, placed in a pre-trial detention center, and a criminal case was opened under Art. 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (“Theft of state or public property on an especially large scale”). It was not possible to bring the lyrics of Alexander’s songs under criminal charges, so he was accused of manufacturing and selling counterfeit musical equipment. However, the singer was sure that his songs were the reason for the arrest. “The author of the above-mentioned songs needs, if not psychiatric, then prison isolation,” the expert’s conclusion noted. In 1985, a trial took place that condemned the aspiring singer to 10 years of strict regime. Sasha is left with a wife and two minor children.

Finding himself in prison in the small northern town of Ivdel Sverdlovsk region, Alexander could get good place in the library, but he chose only the hardest work. It was by this act that he earned the recognition of local authorities. Throughout his entire term, he cut up the forest and helped in construction.

In 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR decided to release the prisoner, and a little later the Supreme Court of Russia pardoned Alexander. The authorities agreed that Alexander spent 6 years in prison because of a fabricated case.

Further career

Once free, Alexander’s first step was to restore his studio and continue to be creative. In the mid-90s, the singer performed on the radio, recorded albums and toured. In 1993, he personally drew models and cast 7 bells for the temple, which was to be built on the site of the death of the Romanov family.

In 1995 he received prestigious award“Ovation”, and two years later he recorded new album called "Sergei Yesenin". In 2000, he went to Yekaterinburg to present the bells he had made to St. Patriarch Alexei II.

Alexander Novikov - Remember, girl

During his career, Alexander released more than 300 songs, and also received the unofficial title of a pioneer of the “urban romance” genre. His most popular albums, “Carrier”, “Remember, Girl” and “Ancient City”, became true chanson classics. The video for the song “Chansonette” is well known to all connoisseurs of the genre.

Alexander Novikov – Chansonette

In the summer of 2010, Alexander Novikov became the head of the Yekaterinburg Theater, and a few months later he released another album, “Pineapples in Champagne.” In 2012, the next album was recorded, “Break Up with Her.”

Despite his advanced age, Alexander plays sports, does not smoke, and spends almost all his free time from performing with his family.

Concert of Alexander Novikov, song “In a provincial restaurant”

In 2013, he recorded an album called “E-Album”, and a year later - “Along From Memory”. In the fall of the same year, a concert took place in the Kremlin Palace, where the singer performed many songs from the beloved album “Take Me, Cabby.” You could also hear these hits on the NTV channel.

Personal life of Alexander Novikov

Alexander has loving wife Maria, whom he met in his youth. In difficult times for him married couple a son and daughter were born. The wife did not leave her husband in prison and was looking forward to his return.

The singer is very proud of his daughter Natasha: she received a good education and became professional designer. As for Igor’s son, all that is known is that he has his own photo salon.

At one of the Chanson Award ceremonies, Novikov gave a short interview in which he thanked his wife for managing to save the family in a difficult time for them. He also officially declared in front of everyone that he would never leave her, no matter what rumors the journalists started.

Alexander Novikov today

At the end of 2015, Alexander Novikov became involved in a major scandal. Shareholders of the Bay of Queens residential complex, whose construction took three years but was frozen in 2012, accused him and his partner Mikhail Shilimanov, former deputy minister of economy of the Sverdlovsk region, of embezzling funds totaling 150 million. Shareholders were convinced that Novikov and Shilimanov simply transferred their funds to their accounts and stopped construction.

In August 2017, the singer was finally charged under the article “Fraud on an especially large scale, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.” However, the developer still completed the construction of Queens Bay.

His discography is on at the moment has 17 albums. ... Read all

Alexander Vasilievich Novikov (October 31, 1953) - poet and composer, performer of songs in the genre of urban romance.

During the time creative activity A. Novikov created more than two hundred songs, several dozen of which are already classics of the genre today (“Do you remember, girl?...”, “Carrier”, “Chansonette”, “Street Beauty”, “Ancient City”, etc.)

His discography currently includes 17 albums. Novikov is a laureate of the national Ovation award in the Urban Romance category.

Born on October 31, 1953 on Iturup Island (Kuril Islands), in the village of Burevestnik. The poet's father is a military pilot, his mother is a housewife. In 1969, Novikov moved to Sverdlovsk.

In 1985, according to the verdict of the Sverdlovsk court, Novikov received 10 years in maximum security camps for his album “Take Me, Cabby” (officially - “for the manufacture and sale of electrical musical equipment”).

In 1990, by Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, he was released, and later the Supreme Court of Russia overturned the sentence “for lack of corpus delicti.” Thus admitting that the 6 years the poet spent in prison were the result of a fabricated case.

Alexander Novikov created a completely unusual genre that does not fall under any classification - urban romance.

According to a survey conducted by the Independent Association of Newsmakers of Russia in 1998 and covering more than 85 thousand respondents, Alexander Novikov, along with Yesenin, Galich, Vysotsky, is one of the most outstanding poets of the twentieth century.

The famous Russian chansonnier Alexander Novikov is one of the most notable domestic performers of this genre. Over the years of his creative career, the artist composed more than three hundred songs, released 20 numbered albums, as well as 10 albums of recordings from concert performances and 8 video discs.

Creative biography of Alexander Novikov

Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov was born on October 31, 1953 in the Sakhalin region to the family of a military pilot and a housewife. At the age of sixteen, the future chansonnier left for the city of Yekaterinburg, which at that time was called Sverdlovsk. The artist lives in this city to this day, holding the position of artistic director of the Yekaterinburg Variety Theater. Not long ago, Alexander Novikov released an autobiographical book, “Notes of a Criminal Bard.”

The artist has repeatedly become a laureate of various awards, for example, in 1995 he was awarded the national Ovation award in the Urban Romance category. Alexander Novikov was repeatedly awarded the “Chanson of the Year” prize.

In 1980, Novikov created the musical group “Rock Polygon”, in which he was a lead singer, playing guitar, and also wrote songs. The group's work, according to critics, was quite eclectic for that time - some songs could be called rock and roll, while others could even be called reggae and punk rock. A year after the creation of the Rock Polygon, Alexander Novikov organizes recording studio, giving it his name - Novik Records. In this studio, albums were recorded not only by the owner and founder, but also by such Ural musical groups, like “Chaif” and “Agatha Christie”.

Criminal prosecution of the artist

However, not everything was smooth in creative career artist. In the mid-80s of the last century, Alexander Novikov was convicted by the Sverdlovsk court under Article 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. According to the court verdict, the artist had to spend 10 years in prison. The artist was arrested in the fall of 1984. Shortly before this, he released the album “Take Me, Cabby.” Although musicians from the Rock Polygon, in particular Alexey Khomenko and Vladimir Emelianenko, participated in the recording of this album, it was obvious that the group had sharply moved away from playing rock music.

The musician, who became popular after the release of his first album, was accused of selling counterfeit goods.

The criminal investigation was related to the fact that Alexander Novikov, in addition to his creative activities, was engaged in the manufacture and sale of electrical musical equipment. A criminal case was initiated under Article 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, that is, “repeated theft of state or public property on an especially large scale.” It is worth noting that in 1989, the producer of the then extremely popular pop group “ Tender May» Andrei Razin, who was charged with theft of state property on an especially large scale. The producer was caught selling illegal tickets for his band’s concert performances. The total damage from Razin’s actions, according to a number of domestic media, exceeded 8 million rubles.

The verdict in the case of Alexander Novikov was passed in 1985, but 5 years later, according to the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the artist was released. Some time later, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation made a decision to overturn the verdict due to the lack of corpus delicti.

Alexander Vasilievich Novikov. Born on October 31, 1953 in Iturup (Kuril region, Sakhalin region) - Soviet and Russian songwriter in the Russian chanson genre, artistic director of the Yekaterinburg Variety Theater. During his creative career, Alexander Novikov wrote more than three hundred songs, including “Do you remember, girl?..”, “Carrier”, “Chansonette”, “Street Beauty”, “Ancient City”, “ School Romance"and others. Novikov’s discography currently includes 20 numbered albums, 10 albums of concert recordings, 8 video discs. Since 2002, the book “Bell Tower” (a collection of poems and songs) has been published. Alexander Novikov is a laureate of the national Ovation award in the Urban Romance category (1995), and a repeated winner of the Chanson of the Year award. Born on October 31, 1953 on the island of Iturup in the Kuril archipelago, in the village of Burevestnik. Father is a military pilot, mother is a housewife. In 1969, Novikov moved to the city of Sverdlovsk, where he continues to live and work to this day. As a child, Alexander loved sports. First he practiced boxing, then sambo. “When I was a child, I fought very often, I never let myself get hurt, I broke my arms and legs over some of them. According to the philosophy of martial arts, which I also practiced, the spirit of a warrior is most important in a man. So I tried to take a worthy position,” - he said. In high school high school In addition to sports, Alexander was captivated by two other activities: music and cards. He first became interested in it under the influence of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky - in 1967, Alexander first watched the film “Vertical” with his participation. He was taught to play cards by his "sidekicks" from the yard company. Soon Alexander mastered both music and cards. Novikov's strong character very often forced him to go against the opinion of the majority, to challenge established norms and principles. For example, he went to study at various universities three times and was expelled from there three times. According to him, because “he beat Komsomol members. I really didn’t like them.” While studying at the third university, he met his future wife, Masha. In 1975 they got married. That same year they had their first child, son Igor. Seven years later - daughter Natasha. Novikov's passion since the 70s has been cars. In the mid-70s, he got a job as an auto mechanic, where in one of the auto repair shops in Sverdlovsk he restored cars damaged in accidents. Novikov got his first “penny” precisely in those years - a certain reckless driver crashed to death on it, Alexander literally restored his car piece by piece and took it for himself. In the late 70s, Novikov got a job as a musician and singer in one of the Sverdlovsk restaurants. I worked there for about four years. During this time, he managed to save a decent amount of money and opened his own studio-workshop, where he not only recorded songs in the rock style (his ensemble was called “Polygon”), but also manufactured studio equipment for state Palaces of Culture and cinemas. In 1980 he created the group “Rock Polygon”, where he performed as a soloist, guitarist and songwriter. The songs were performed in the styles of rock and roll, reggae and new wave with elements of punk rock and psychedelic rock. The group recorded two albums of the same name - in 1983 (when officially released on CD, the year was mistakenly indicated as 1981) and 1984. In 1981 he founded the recording studio “Novik Records”, where not only Novikov’s albums were recorded, but also those of many Sverdlovsk musicians - the groups “Chaif”, “Agatha Christie” and others. The lion's share of the Polygon group's repertoire consisted of rock compositions. Alexander Novikov in 1984 However, at the beginning of 1984, Novikov wanted to sing several of his own songs, written in the genre of urban romance, popularly called “thieves”. Among these songs were three that would soon become hits: “Take Me, Cabbie,” “I Came from the Jewish Quarter,” and “Remember, Girl?” Musicians from “Rock Polygon” took part in the album, including Alexey Khomenko and Vladimir Elizarov. A certain elderly gentleman, a great specialist in this matter, took on the promotion of this album. True, after listening to the recording, he honestly admitted to Novikov: “I can broadcast this to the whole country in two months, but you, young man, will be imprisoned.” This warning did not stop Novikov, and on May 3, 1984, the magnetic album “Take Me, Cabby” was released. The success of the album was stunning: within a week it was being listened to throughout the Union, including the most remote corners of the country. He did not go unnoticed by the authorities. On October 5, 1984, he was arrested. Novikov said about how the arrest took place: “They arrested me right on the street, shoved me into a car and took me to the local police department. There they put in front of me a document called “Expertise on the songs of Alexander Novikov.” The document contained the lyrics of my songs from “Carrier” , and for each - an impressive review. And then a general review of everything. In this final one, it was written that the author of the above-mentioned songs, they say, needs, if not psychiatric isolation, then definitely prison isolation. This document was signed by composer Evgeniy Rodygin, the author. songs "New settlers are traveling across virgin land", several party functionaries and cultural officials, in short, I was accused of all sins: humiliation of national minorities, propaganda of immorality, vulgarity, violence, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction - there was a huge set ... "In 1985. year, by the verdict of the Sverdlovsk court, Novikov was convicted under Art. 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, receiving 10 years in prison. This happened in connection with his activities in the manufacture and sale of electrical musical equipment, where he was accused of selling counterfeit goods. Novikov recalls: “I waited in prison for almost a year for a decision on my cassation appeal. First in Sverdlovsk, then in Kamyshlov, 250 km from Sverdlovsk, in such a quiet provincial prison, which was probably already three hundred years old. And they transported me there as if a particularly dangerous repeat offender." “When we arrived in Kamyshlov, I saw a huge crowd of guards on the platform. Really, I think, for my soul? And definitely, for me. As soon as I jumped off, they immediately grabbed me by the arms, by the legs, by the belt, and so on, without putting me down to the ground, they ran and dragged me into the “crater.” And before that, the entire station was blocked - the passengers were driven inside and guards were posted near the doors. And so, the whole station watched how the Kamyshlov prison “received” me. in this “funnel”, the driver played a recording of “The Cabbie.” After all, everyone was listening to me, and the cops were listening, and the investigators who were interrogating me said so directly: I personally like your album, but what can I do. ? The prison in Kamyshlov is shaped like an “o”, the windows of the cells face the courtyard. To prevent the cells from talking to each other, there are loudspeakers in the courtyard - they play music, if anything happens. They were driving me, again in the “funnel” they played “Take me, cab driver” ...,” the artist said. After serving a year in Kamyshlov, Novikov was then transferred to one of the camps in the north of the country. The camp leadership greeted the singer with all the “honors” due to his rank. A large-scale search was carried out in the zone - all guitars and tape recorders were confiscated from the prisoners, as well as from the guards. It was strictly forbidden to bring these things into the camp territory. Novikov was prohibited from moving through the zone towards the club. “Various provocations were staged against me. In the camp there are enough bastards who want to be released early, join these prevention councils, “bandages”, or, in the camp, “goats”. These “goats” were set against me. But I He didn’t tolerate insults, he broke one’s chest, broke another’s jaw, and he constantly ended up in a punishment cell...”, Novikov recalled. In 1990, by Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Novikov was released. Later, the Supreme Court of Russia overturned the verdict for lack of evidence of a crime. Alexander Novikov - Take me, cab driver In his youth, he wore a tattoo on his arm in the form of the letters “N. WITH." (Novikov Sasha). A. Novikov wrote the song “On Eastern Street” (album “City Romance”, 1995) in 1984, when he was in solitary confinement in a punishment cell for 30 days. In Yekaterinburg, Alexander Novikov lived in an apartment on Vostochnaya Street, house number 62. best song Novikov himself thinks “Do you remember, girl?..”. Alexander Novikov - Remember the girl?.. In August 1991 he spoke out against the State Emergency Committee. In 1993, Novikov suddenly acted as a producer - he began to promote the young singer Natalya Sturm. "We met Natasha by chance. At the Moscow Variety Theater. I looked there for a minute. On some business. I see him in the mirror beautiful girl. He came up and asked: “Girl, do you sing or dance?” Of course, with the purpose of “staying in”, starting a conversation. She was offended: “What kind of dancing? I’m a singer. Natasha Sturm. Who are you?” - "Alexander Novikov". She looked carefully: “And I thought Novikov was a little bald Jew and lived in America.” I was even taken aback by such an idea about my person,” said Novikov. There was a legend (told by Novikov himself) that he won the singer at cards from certain mafia structures. But this was a PR fairy tale in order to arouse the interest of the public. “This was a joke. If Alexander had said that he met me at the Lenin Library, no one would have believed it. And the cards - beautiful legend. They fall on the image of a tough guy who spent time in the camps,” Natalya Sturm later admitted. In 1994, together with director Kirill Kotelnikov, he filmed documentary about the group "Boney M." and its creator Frank Farian “Oh, that Farian!” (“Oh, this Farian!”). Filming took place in Luxembourg and Germany, the film included unique interviews with Farian and materials from his personal archive. However, according to Russian television the film was never shown. On June 16, 2003, Alexander Novikov was awarded the highest church award - the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for his services in the construction of the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg. Since 2004, President of the Foundation “400th Anniversary of the House of Romanov” in the Urals. June 24, 2010 appointed artistic director Yekaterinburg Variety Theater. Having become the artistic director of the theater, Novikov first of all banned the play “Blue Puppy”, in which he saw signs of promoting pedophilia. “These vuvuzelas of homosexuality, looking at the world through an eyesore, which are always in a bulging state for some reason... So, through these eyesores, any healthy event and normal act seems to them to be an attack on their mythical homosexual rights, growing straight from Sodom and Gomorrah," says Alexander Novikov. After this incident, the expression “homosexuality vuvuzelas” gained great popularity on the Internet. On October 28, 2010, a new album by Alexander Novikov based on poetry by poets was released Silver Age, in the recording of which Maxim Pokrovsky took part. “The record “Pineapples in Champagne” is a gallery of bizarre and unique gems of “Silver Age” poetry. I made a musical frame for each of them. Five years of fine jewelry work” - this is how Novikov briefly described the result of his work on the creation of this album.