Yuri Senkevich. Life is like an amazing adventure. Documentary (2017). "Yuri Senkevich. Life is like an amazing adventure." Documentary film Life is an amazing adventure

“Two students are walking along the beach and see a sign: “For saving drowning people - 50 rubles,” Yuri Senkevich told his fellow travelers in the middle of Atlantic Ocean. It was at that moment when waves the height of a three-story building rose above the mast like a giant wall. Then have Soviet doctor a chill ran down my spine. And once again he asked himself the question: “Why am I here?” But, without changing his facial expression, Senkevich said: “And here’s another story...”
Yuri Senkevich became incredibly popular in the Soviet Union thanks to television program"Travelers Club". As you know, 200 million inhabitants of 1/6 of the land mass “looked at the world through the eyes of Sienkiewicz.” It seemed that this smiling and prosperous man was simply a darling of fate, who had the happiness inaccessible to others - to travel freely around the world. But, having gotten to know his life better, you never cease to be amazed at how, after all the trials and experiences, he even retained the ability to joke!
It was this ability of his - to joke under any circumstances and to smile incredibly contagiously - that turned a modest researcher into a TV star, the favorite of a multimillion-dollar Soviet country. This happened when Senkevich himself felt that there was no need to live anymore, because the dream he had been pursuing for many years—flight into space—was unfairly taken away from him. For his sake, Dr. Senkevich performed painful experiments on himself, and performed hundreds of operations to implant sensors in animals - the first space explorers. And he worked for another 300 days in Antarctica at the Vostok station, where in winter it’s minus 80, and in summer minus 40. Yuri returned from there without his luxurious hair - magnetic fields...

Yuri Senkevich. Life is like an amazing adventure. Documentary (2017)

Documentary films about life wonderful people, about cinema and theater, about health and politics, about travel, science and religion - watch the works of the best documentary filmmakers in Russia and the world! namtv.ru

Yuri Senkevich became incredibly popular in the Soviet Union thanks to the television program "Travelers Club". As you know, 200 million inhabitants of 1/6 of the land mass “looked at the world through the eyes of Sienkiewicz.”

“Two students are walking along the beach and see a sign: “For saving drowning people - 50 rubles” ...,” Yuri Senkevich told his fellow travelers in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, when waves the height of a three-story building rose above the mast like a giant wall. At that moment, the Soviet doctor felt a chill run down his spine. And once again he asked himself the question - why am I here? But, without changing his facial expression, Senkevich said: “And here’s another story...”.

It seemed that this smiling and prosperous man was simply a darling of fate, who had the happiness inaccessible to others - to travel freely around the world. But, having gotten to know his life better, you never cease to be amazed at how, after all the trials and experiences, he even retained the ability to joke!

It was this ability of his - to joke under any circumstances and to smile incredibly contagiously - that turned a modest researcher into a TV star, the favorite of a multimillion-dollar Soviet country. This happened when Senkevich himself felt that there was no need to live anymore, because the dream he had been pursuing for many years—flight into space—was unfairly taken away from him. For his sake, Dr. Senkevich performed painful experiments on himself, and performed hundreds of operations to implant sensors in animals - the first space explorers. And he worked for another 300 days in Antarctica at the Vostok station - where in winter it’s minus 80, and in summer minus 40. Yuri returned from there without his luxurious hair - magnetic fields...
The meeting with Thor Heyerdahl turned the life of Yuri Senkevich upside down. Both restless and curious, they would be friends until the death of the Norwegian explorer, who said about his Russian friend: “Either he is my eldest son, or his younger brother.” On Heyerdahl's Ra-1 expedition, Sienkiewicz became one of seven crew members. People randomly brought together different nationalities, professions and views were supposed to test Tour's theory - they say, the ancients could sail across the ocean on papyrus boats. And find out: maybe it wasn’t Columbus who discovered America?

On May 25, 1969, Ra launched from the Moroccan city of Safi. The tests began in the first hour: the steering oars broke. Due to improper design, the stern of the boat began to sink into the water. The starboard side sank. "Ra" was essentially just a haystack. On the 50th day of the journey, the boat was almost completely submerged in water. It was decided to end the expedition. On the roof of the hut, seven sailors waited for help for almost five days. By a happy coincidence, their SOS signal was heard on an American yacht.

The next year, on another boat - “Ra-2” - Thor Heyerdahl again assembled the same team. This time the crew successfully achieved their goal: in 57 days, having covered about six thousand kilometers from Morocco to the shores of Barbados, they proved that even in prehistoric times, Egyptian sailors could travel to New World. This will not be our last voyage together. 7 years later, Ra's team, led by Heyerdahl, sails across the Indian Ocean on the reed boat Tigris.

The film features unique archival footage of our hero's travels and his work in the studio - they were kindly provided to us by the Thor Heyerdahl Museum in Oslo (Norway) and the Yuri Senkevich Museum in Moscow, as well as by the family. About Yuri Alexandrovich in exclusive interview The son and daughter of Thor Heyerdahl tell the story.

And so Sienkiewicz was invited to the “Film Travel Club” program to talk about his journey with the most famous Norwegian of the 20th century, Thor Heyerdahl. And Sienkiewicz, in his characteristic manner, told how he saved his companions in the middle of the ocean: Heyerdahl from renal colic, and the American Baker from a fatal burn from the Physalia jellyfish - he simply ordered the entire crew to urinate on the burnt skin of their comrade. The audience was delighted! Central television was inundated with letters - we want Senkevich! And soon Yuri was invited to host a program whose popularity in those years could not be matched by any other.

What was the mystery of Yuri Senkevich? Why were his travels so attractive to the screen? It is absolutely obvious: the point here is not only the “Iron Curtain”, because of which the entire USSR for decades looked at the world “through the eyes of Sienkiewicz”. But also in the very personality of this traveler. What exploits remained hidden from prying eyes? What secret did he not want to discuss even with his loved ones? And why was the papyrus boat “Tigris”, which the crew burned as a sign of protest against the war, destined for a second life...

Sienkiewicz was a lucky man. Repeatedly during his numerous expeditions he was on the verge of death. And every time, defeating death, it seemed to him that he had enough strength to withstand any test. But in 2002 after death close friend Thor Heirdal Yuri Senkevich had a heart attack.
Studies have shown: the heart is worn out, you need to have an operation, change your lifestyle to a calmer one. But Senkevich, himself a hereditary physician and pathophysiologist, harshly cut off all conversations of loved ones about treatment.

Yuri Senkevich died at his workplace in the Travelers Club studio on September 25, 2003.

Yuri Senkevich became incredibly popular in the Soviet Union thanks to the television program “Travellers Club”. As you know, 200 million inhabitants of ⅙ of the land “looked at the world through the eyes of Sienkiewicz.” It seemed that this smiling and prosperous man was simply a darling of fate, who had the happiness inaccessible to others - to travel freely around the world. But, having gotten to know his life better, you never cease to be amazed how, after all the trials and experiences, he even retained the ability to joke!

“Two students are walking along the beach and see a sign “For saving drowning people - 50 rubles”...,” Yuri Senkevich told his fellow travelers in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, when waves the height of a three-story building rose above the mast like a giant wall. At that moment, the Soviet doctor felt a chill run down his spine. And once again he asked himself the question - why am I here? But, without changing his facial expression, Senkevich said: “And here’s another story...”.

It was this ability of his - to joke under any circumstances and to smile incredibly contagiously - that turned a modest researcher into a TV star, the favorite of a multimillion-dollar Soviet country. This happened when Senkevich himself felt that there was no need to live anymore, because the dream he had been pursuing for many years was unfairly taken away from him - space flight. For her sake, Dr. Senkevich performed painful experiments on himself, and performed hundreds of operations to implant sensors in animals - the first space explorers. And he worked for another 300 days in Antarctica at the Vostok station - where in winter it’s minus 80, and in summer minus 40. Yuri returned from there without his luxurious hair - magnetic fields...

The meeting with Thor Heyerdahl turned the life of Yuri Senkevich upside down. Both restless and curious, they would be friends until the death of the Norwegian explorer, who said about his Russian friend: “Either he is my eldest son, or his younger brother.” On Heyerdahl's Ra-1 expedition, Sienkiewicz became one of seven crew members. People of different nationalities, professions and views, randomly brought together, were supposed to test Tour's theory - they say, the ancients could sail across the ocean on papyrus boats. And find out: maybe it wasn’t Columbus who discovered America?

On May 25, 1969, Ra launched from the Moroccan city of Safi. The tests began in the first hour: the steering oars broke. Due to improper design, the stern of the boat began to sink into the water. The starboard side sank. "Ra" was essentially just a haystack. On the 50th day of the journey, the boat was almost completely submerged in water. It was decided to end the expedition. On the roof of the hut, seven sailors waited for help for almost five days. By a happy coincidence, their SOS signal was heard on an American yacht.

The following year, on another boat, Ra-2, Thor Heyerdahl again assembled the same team. This time the crew successfully achieved their goal: in 57 days, having covered about six thousand kilometers from Morocco to the shores of Barbados, they proved that even in prehistoric times, Egyptian sailors could travel to the New World. This will not be our last voyage together. 7 years later, Ra's team, led by Heyerdahl, sails across the Indian Ocean on the reed boat Tigris.

The film presents unique archival footage of our hero's travels and his work in the studio - they were kindly provided to us by the Thor Heyerdahl Museum in Oslo (Norway) and the Yuri Senkevich Museum in Moscow, as well as the family. The son and daughter of Thor Heyerdahl talk about Yuri Alexandrovich in an exclusive interview.

And so Sienkiewicz was invited to the “Film Travel Club” program to talk about his journey with the most famous Norwegian of the 20th century, Thor Heyerdahl. Sienkiewicz, in his characteristic manner, told how he saved his companions in the middle of the ocean: Heyerdahl from renal colic, and the American Baker from a fatal burn from the Physalia jellyfish - he simply ordered the entire crew to urinate on the burnt skin of their comrade. The audience was delighted! Central television was inundated with letters - we want Senkevich! And soon Yuri was invited to host a program whose popularity in those years could not be matched by any other.

What was the mystery of Yuri Senkevich? Why were his travels so attractive to the screen? It is absolutely obvious: the point here is not only in the “Iron Curtain”, because of which the entire USSR for decades looked at the world “through the eyes of Sienkiewicz”, but also in the very personality of this traveler. What exploits remained hidden from prying eyes? What secret did he not want to discuss even with his loved ones? And why was the papyrus boat “Tigris”, which the crew burned as a sign of protest against the war, destined for a second life...

Sienkiewicz was a lucky man. Repeatedly during his numerous expeditions he was on the verge of death. And every time, defeating death, it seemed to him that he had enough strength to withstand any test. But in 2002, after the death of his close friend Thor Heirdal, Yuri Senkevich had a heart attack.

Studies have shown: the heart is worn out, you need to have an operation, change your lifestyle to a calmer one. But Senkevich, himself a hereditary physician and pathophysiologist, harshly cut off all conversations of loved ones about treatment.

Yuri Senkevich died at his workplace in the Travelers Club studio on September 25, 2003.

The following took part in the film:

Ksenia Senkevich, widow of Yuri Senkevich;

Elena Yumasheva, sister of Yu. Senkevich’s wife, former colleague;

Leonid Yarmolnik, actor, TV presenter, producer;

Leonid Yakubovich, TV presenter, friend of Yu. Senkevich;

Nikolai Drozdov, TV presenter, friend of Yu. Senkevich;

Stas Namin, musician, friend of Yu. Senkevich;

Artur Chilingarov, Arctic and Antarctic researcher, friend;

Bettina Heyerdahl, daughter of the traveler T. Heyerdahl (Oslo);

Thor Heyerdahl, son of the traveler T. Heyerdahl (Oslo);

Genrikh Sofronov, friend of his youth, scientist;

Konstantin Krylov, friend of his youth (St. Petersburg), scientist;

Evgeny Ilyin, academician of the International Academy of Cosmonautics;

Mark Belakovsky, colleague of Yu. Senkevich;

Dmitry Shparo, traveler, friend of Yu. Senkevich;

Valery Polyakov, cosmonaut, colleague of Yu. Senkevich;

Robert Dyakonov, doctor, friend of Yu. Senkevich.