Yuri Ermolaev short biography. Ermolaev, Yuri Ivanovich - Why the paper strips got angry Fairy tale why the paper strips got angry

Brief biography

Brief biography

Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich - children's writer, playwright, actor.
Graduated from the Theater School named after. Shchepkin in Moscow in 1943. But Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev became famous not as a dramatic actor, but as a children's writer. The first book of his stories was published in 1960. It was called “Why the Paper Strips Got Angry.” Since then books
Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich came out quite regularly. Children fell in love with the writer for his sense of humor and ability to laugh kindly at his hero. Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich wrote not only stories. He is the author of several popular stories, including “106 Missing Hours”, and “The House of Brave Cowards”, and “Unexpectedly - Unexpectedly”, etc. Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev wrote fairy tales. One of them is called “About two young men - brave men and a miracle doctor.” He called some of his works “Sad jokes”, the funnyness of which contains a lot of important and instructive things. On our book website you can download books by the author Yuri Ermolaev in a variety of formats (epub, fb2, pdf, txt and many others). You can also read books online and for free on any device - iPad, iPhone, Android tablet, or on any specialized e-reader. The KnigoGid electronic library offers literature by Yuri Ermolaev in genres fiction, adventures.

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev (1921-1996) was born on April 16 - children's writer, playwright, actor.
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He was born in 1921 in Moscow, into a working-class family. His favorite subject at school was literature. Having successfully completed school, Yuri Ivanovich in 1943 entered the Theater School named after. M. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater. He was an actor by profession. He played leading roles in performances at Moscow theaters. Then he worked as a radio correspondent. But he wanted to create his own heroes, pass on his life experience. On the radio, Yuri Ivanovich read his first stories, which were a success with listeners.

The writer's talent overpowered the actor's talent. Writing fascinated him. He dedicated all his creativity only to children and their mentors. The playwright also lived in his soul. Apparently, my artistic past took its toll. His plays and sketches were performed with pleasure in theaters and cultural centers. Co fairy-tale characters We can still see his plays at New Year's performances.

In every work of Yuri Ivanovich, something extremely unusual and interesting, funny, unusual happens. But all this is aimed at the triumph of good over evil. His heroes are honest and mischievous, kind and resourceful, ready for the most unexpected actions. They are endowed with kindness and resourcefulness, their sense of humor and optimism never leaves them, they believe in justice. The heroes of Ermolaev’s works are filled with such love of life, courage and truthfulness that you don’t want to part with them.

The first book of his stories was published in 1960. It was called "Why the Paper Strips Got Angry." Since then, books by Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev have been published quite regularly. Children fell in love with the writer for his sense of humor and ability to laugh kindly at his hero. Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich wrote not only stories. He is the author of several popular stories, including “106 Missing Hours”, and “The House of Brave Cowards”, and “Unexpectedly - Out of the Blue” and others. Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich wrote fairy tales. One of them is called “About two young men - brave men and a miracle doctor.” He called some of his works “Sad Jokes,” the funnyness of which contains a lot of important and instructive things.

To date, only one book by Yuri Ivanovich has been republished

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev: House of Brave Cowards
Artist: David Borisovich Borovsky
Publisher: Rech, 2016

We don’t often think about the fact that being healthy is real happiness. And Nadya Ermakova knows this for sure, because with early childhood she cannot run, jump or swim, and the girl can hardly walk only on crutches. But fate still smiles on her, and Nadya ends up in a clinic with a famous surgeon - they say he works miracles... In “The House of Brave Cowards” the girl will have to show perseverance, patience and courage, meet new friends and complete the difficult path to her dream.
Volume: 144 pp.
Age: 6+

Ermolaev Yuri Ivanovich a brief biography of the actor and writer is presented in this article.

Brief biography of Yuri Ermolaev

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev was born in Moscow in 1921 into a family of ordinary workers. Even at school, his favorite subject was literature, with which he wanted to spend his life. Yuri graduated from school successfully, and in 1943 he entered the Theater School named after. M. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater. Having received the profession of an actor, he plays leading roles in plays in Moscow theaters. After that I worked as a radio correspondent. But he had a small dream - to create heroes, thereby passing on his experience to the children.

Yuri Ivanovich read his first works on the radio where he worked. The stories were wildly popular among listeners. And here his talent as an actor overpowered his talent as a writer.

In 1960, his first book, entitled “Why the Paper Strips Got Angry,” was published. Then there were “The House of Brave Cowards”, “106 Missing Hours”, “Unexpectedly - Out of the Blue”, “About Two Brave Young Men and a Miracle Doctor”.

Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev

You can congratulate us!

Dear guys, young readers!

You will open the book, and from the first pages the writer Yuri Ermolaev will introduce you to the familiar life of the school and the pioneer detachment. Familiar and unfamiliar, because there are so many different curious and funny incidents the writer knows about which you have never heard of. He knows a lot of guys, and it will be interesting and joyful for you to get to know them.

You will laugh while reading Yuri Ermolaev’s book, you will burst out laughing even on other pages, and you will think more than once. And after reading the book, you will probably want to take a closer look at your own school, your squad, your comrades.

Yuri Ermolaev is cheerful and kind person, that’s why his books are cheerful and kind.

It rarely happens that a person becomes a writer straight from school. A writer needs life experience and a lot of knowledge to have something to talk about. Here Yuri Ermolaev first became an actor, very good actor, but at the same time I wanted to write, and specifically for children. Which talent will prevail? The urge to write overpowered me. How interesting it is to meet children at school and the Palace of Pioneers, a pioneer camp, and just somewhere in a summer park or at a winter stadium! How many schoolchildren do Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev have! When he comes to the library, they will surround him in a tight crowd and won’t let him go.

Yuri Ivanovich wrote his first stories about them, his good young friends. It was broadcast on the radio. Letters poured in, sincere, grateful responses from radio listeners, not only young ones - mothers, fathers, and grandmothers wrote. This inspired me and decided my fate - Yuri Ivanovich Ermolaev becomes a children's writer. Passionate, in love with his work. In love with their crafty and mischievous, sympathetic and intelligent, active and inventive heroes.

So in the story “You can congratulate us!” fellow fourth-graders Petya and Pavlik study, are friends, and invent interesting game, full of secrets and hopes. The game has a serious meaning and is beneficial. But I don’t want to tell you the secret of Petya and Pavlik in advance - it’s more interesting to read and find out for yourself.

In another story by Yuri Ermolaev, “Arrows Shot at the Target,” I am also fascinated by the turbulent pioneer life, childish inventions, the noise of the school, running around, conversations, and all the time, all the time, something is being invented, discovered, searched for. I like the girl Sveta Mokhova. She is very shy and appears timid because of her shyness. But when necessary, she will be able to become firm. You will probably also fall in love with Sveta Mokhova and her comrades and girlfriends.

So, dear young readers, this book is interesting, funny, exciting and, probably, once you start reading it, you will not stop until the end and say to the author:

Thank you!

Maria Prilezhaeva

You can congratulate us!


I, fourth-grader Petya Moshkin, and my friend Pavlik Khokholkov were terribly worried that our unit was not friendly. Pavlik even once said: “We don’t have a link, but a real vinaigrette!”

What was it like for me, the leader, to hear that? So I decided: this can’t go on any longer!

We tried to make friends and correct the biggest lazy person - second-year student Fedka.

This story is written about our affairs. The author called it “You can congratulate us!” He probably thought that we had already done everything. But I think it’s too early to congratulate us. Only now are things starting to work out for us. And before that there were only troubles and worries.

With pioneer greetings

manager Petya Moshkin

They didn't let me rest!

Fourteen days! One hundred sixty-eight hours! Ten thousand eighty minutes! Just think! And all this free time was already behind us. Winter holidays are over. The textbook was on the desk, I was holding a fountain pen in my hand, and I had to listen to Iraida Kondratyevna for all four lessons. I have to... and although I am aware of this, I still think about something else...

The capital's circus will soon come to our city. I read about this in the city newspaper. I wish I could take patronage over predators! Brilliant idea! I like to tinker with animals. The neighbor's puppy loves me more than his owners. During the holidays he never left Pavlik and me.

Pavlik is my friend. He and I are always together. We've been sitting at the same desk since first grade. I decided to tell him about my idea.

We won’t be allowed to patronize predators,” Pavlik shook his head, “we are minors.”

Then let's patronize the camels.

No, thank you,” Pavlik flatly refused, “I don’t need such happiness.” Camels spit. When I went to Moscow, I saw how in the Zoo, for no apparent reason, a camel spat on a citizen in a hat. He ruined the whole hat. And I have a new uniform.

Is Pavlik such a neat guy, he’s just terrible? Because of his neatness, he has been our permanent orderly for three years now. Just as they were chosen in the second grade, they have not yet been replaced by anyone.

What are we going to do after school then? - I asked.

Shall we go to the cinema? - Pavlik suggested.

No, that’s enough,” I waved my hands.

The same film that Pavlik and I saw six times during the holidays was shown in the House of Culture. Almost learned it by heart. I looked at Zhenya Rogov and began to write him a note: after all, his father is the director of the House of Culture, and Zhenya always knows before anyone else when there will be a new movie. But then Fedka Batov hummed behind me like a bumblebee in his bass voice.

“Today they will show a new film comedy at the House of Culture,” he told his friends sitting behind him, Anton Zdobnov and Grishka Gvozdikov, “It’s called “Striped Flight.” You'll fall under your chairs laughing.

“I won’t wallow,” Grishka Gvozdikov was upset, “I don’t have money.”

“No need,” Fedka consoled him, “we’ll get through for free.”

Have you become the director of a cultural center? - Anton grinned.

Will he let everyone in? - Anton asked doubtfully.

“Be calm,” Fedka nodded his head. “She wants to make us an asset to young viewers.” So that we can help before children's sessions.

Then he’ll miss it,” Anton decided.

“I’ll bring two,” Grishka Gvozdikov squeaked obsequiously and smacked his lips deliciously, as if he was already drinking fruit water.

Dear reader!

Far away in the Trans-Urals, the wonderful doctor Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov lives and works. Like a fairy-tale wizard, he brings seemingly terminally ill people back to life, makes them healthy and happy. He and his assistants - doctors, nurses, orderlies and, of course, the children they treat, gave the writer Yuri Ermolaev the material for this book.

The story “The House of Brave Cowards” (as it is called in the book chief doctor children's department of the clinic) is not documented. It does not talk about what new treatment methods the Trans-Ural doctor has found and successfully applied. The writer first of all strives to show little patients, to convey their great desire to overcome their illness and become healthy.

Together with Nadya Ermakova and her ward friends Varya Osipova, Jannat Shamkhalova and little Olechka, you, the reader, will go through many trials and learn the joy of victory that the heroine of the book won over herself. And this joy was the greatest in the world for her.

Chapter one. Agree!

From the windowsill high first floor Nadya can see the entire courtyard. Here, by the open window, is her favorite place. Nadya knows almost all the residents of her house, although it is not small: four entrances and five floors. Girls and boys often run up to her. They tell something, share news. Her classmates Tanechka Markova and Sonya Gurova have just told Nadya that Lena Kuznetsova won’t go out because she got a bad grade in math. Because of this, they cannot jump over the rope. After all, two people can only twist the rope, but there is no one to jump.

If you were healthy, you’d give us a spin on the jumping ropes,” plump Tanya told her and ran home to get a bicycle.

They bought Tanya a “Schoolboy” bicycle so she could ride and lose weight. Tanya's skating is still bad. Every now and then he takes his feet off the pedals and lowers them to the ground: he’s afraid of falling. Here is Dimka Novikov from apartment eight, riding a bicycle like an acrobat. Sometimes he can’t even hold the steering wheel. And this is very difficult. Dimka is kind. All the kids ride on his “Eaglet,” and Dimka puts the little ones on the frame and carries them around the yard himself. If Nadya is sitting on the windowsill at this time, Dimka will definitely drive by and loudly greet her, otherwise he will throw Nadya a matchbox with a new label. Dimka knows that Nadya is collecting a collection of match labels. Now Dimka also skates. Driving past Nadya, he threw a small yellow flower on her windowsill. And then he disappeared around the corner of the house. Even Nadino didn’t hear “thank you”.

Worth the most good time year - spring. There is just over a week left before the May holiday. Nadya loves this time very much. He loves to watch how the gray sky turns blue day after day and the air from cold and tasteless becomes warm and slightly sweet, how the buds on the trees burst and tiny green leaves jump out of them, looking like open bird beaks.

Nadya names almost all the trees in her yard differently. Nadya nicknamed the cherry, on which not a single berry had appeared in all four years, Markovskaya, because fat Tanya Markova also never gives anything to anyone and does not share anything with her friends. And the apple tree strewn with white petals is Dimkina’s. After all, Dimka planted it three years ago, when the residents organized a cleanup day in the yard. For some reason, they made a sandbox next to the apple tree, and now the apple tree often gets hit by kids. Someone will hit the trunk with a shovel, someone will jump and pick a flower. Nadya feels sorry for the apple tree. She repeatedly shouted to the kids not to touch her. But the kids rarely listen to Nadya. After all, she cannot run after them or shout that she will catch up and punish them. Even on crutches, Nadya walks with difficulty and very slowly.

When she was four years old, Nadya became seriously ill and suffered complications. Mom and Dad have already taken her three times to a children's sanatorium near the Black Sea. There Nadya was buried waist-deep in hot sand, given water massages, and forced to stand against the wall for an hour, stretching out as far as she could. But all efforts were in vain. The same way Nadya came to the south, the same way she came back every time. There, on the Black Sea, she wanted to learn to swim. Everyone around was diving and swimming in a race, and she would just go into the water with her mother by the hand, take a plunge and immediately come back. He buries himself in the sand on the shore and watches others swim. Now at home, when swimmers’ competitions are shown on TV, she simply cannot be taken away from the screen. After each program, Nadya tumbles for a long time on a spring mattress: she imagines that she is participating in competitions and swimming, overtaking all her rivals. It's a pity that you can't dive on the sofa. But Nadya still found a way out. She pulled a sheet over the cushions of the sofa and cut several round holes in it. Then she climbed under the sheet and “swimmed” under it, every now and then sticking her head into the cut holes. (This is in order to gain air on the surface of the water for a new long dive.) Well, that day she got it from her mother for ruining the sheet! Nadya herself felt sorry for her. And most importantly, no matter how much you play, it is still impossible to become a swimmer with such disease-damaged legs.

Now all Nadya can do is watch the other guys frolic. Nadya was very surprised that they hung out in the yard all the time. If she were in their place, she would go to the House of Pioneers in some circle, study in the pool and go to all sorts of interesting exhibitions. It’s such a shame that she can’t even get on the bus alone. But mom has no time to travel with Nadya. Although she does not work in an institution, she takes handwritten papers from one publishing house and retypes them at home on a typewriter. Nadya also wants to learn to type as quickly as her mother. But so far she can only tap on the keys with letters with one finger, and then she often gets confused and hits the wrong letter.

But today Nadya can’t take on anything. And she didn’t sit on the windowsill to look at the guys. Every now and then Nadya turns her head towards the courtyard arch to see if dad has appeared there. Early in the morning he went to some famous surgeon to show pictures of Nadya’s legs. There was a big article about this doctor in the newspaper. It was written there that he helps patients like Nadya. Maybe he will undertake to treat her too. The doctor lives somewhere far away, but came to Moscow for an important meeting.

Nadya's dad also went to this meeting. He will try to talk to the surgeon during the break. Dad keeps assuring Nadya that she will be healthy in the end. And when she left for the sanatorium, he assured her, and when Nadya was put on plaster casts. But only now Nadya has little faith in it. Now daddy's words are like a fairy tale without good wizard. That’s why her ending is sad every time.

Nadya thought about it. How often had she imagined this non-existent wizard! An ordinary old man comes up to the window near which she is sitting and asks her:

“Why don’t you, girl, go for a walk?”

Nadya answers. And suddenly the old man, like a real magician, waves his hands and utters some incomprehensible words, like: “Cribly-crably-boom!” - and Nadya jumps up, spins around the room on completely healthy legs and immediately runs to the girls to jump over the rope. Everyone froze in place in surprise. And the old wizard instantly disappears. It’s as if he wasn’t there at all. And then Nadya signs up for the pool and, of course, sets a swimming record.

And how many times did the old wizard come to Nadya at night, in a dream. Then he gave her difficult tasks: to rescue Dimka from the kingdom of Baba Yaga, who entered her domain on his “Eaglet”. Or save second-year student Sashulya from the bad students who overcame him. If Nadya helps Dimka or Sashulya, her legs will become straight and healthy, like the ballerinas on the TV screen. And Nadya saved Dimka and Sashulya more than once. She even managed to turn Baba Yaga into a kind and sympathetic old woman in her dreams. And when he wakes up, his legs still hurt. And tears well up from resentment.