Yaroslav the small. The lead singer of the Tokyo group, Yaroslav Maly, turned out to be a full-blown Jew

For four years now, the leader of the groups “Machete” and “Tokyo” has not seen the daughter who was born in his marriage to actress Natalya Simakova. The couple broke up in 2013, and then the singer promised that neither his wife nor baby Michelle would need anything - neither money nor a father. But he didn’t keep his word. Only recently Natasha managed to literally extract child support from 44-year-old Yaroslav - Maloy had to transfer ex-family the entire amount accumulated over the years is several million rubles.

“The last time Yaroslav met with Michelle was when she was one year old,” Simakova tells StarHit. “This upsets me very much, I can’t understand why he does this.” I would be happy if dad took part in the child's life. The girl needs him, I feel it. I appeal to him in every possible way.”

Maly left Natalya for another woman, Rachel Ora, who at that time was raising four children from a previous relationship. Yaroslav, having abandoned his infant daughter, accepted her heirs as his own.

“I tried for a long time to find a job, to get used to the fact that I would raise a child alone,” continues Simakova. - It was a lesson. I couldn’t even imagine such a turn. Yaroslav and I have always been one, looking in the same direction. He dedicated songs to me. But when my daughter was born, my husband unexpectedly suggested living separately - they say, we were a little tired of each other... After some time, I found out that he was in a relationship. And his lady was sure that he was doing the right thing. I tried to talk to her, explained that we have a child, a family, there is no need to ruin this. But everyone pretended that I didn’t exist and never existed. We divorced, Yaroslav did not help me or my daughter financially. He lived in different countries - in to a greater extent in Ukraine, he was hiding, he didn’t want to pay alimony, although there was money. I did everything I could to achieve at least some result!”

“The bailiffs and my friends were looking for him, I sent telegrams, called mutual friends, his current woman. For a long time, the ex-husband did not come to Russia, because he was listed in all services as a malicious defaulter; he would not have been released from the country without paying off his debts. As a result, with the help of people who have influence on him, everything finally happened. This helped save the house that I have a mortgage on. I thought that now he would think about it, remember about his daughter... But I still can’t find Yaroslav. He's gone missing again."

The host of the #Selection on Jam FM chart, Alexander Stasov, talked with Yaroslav about his plans and projects, his life priorities and his attitude towards events that cannot be influenced.

- Is it true that in 2016 Yaroslav Maly will practically disappear from the radars of music lovers?

Yes, we are going on a long vacation for almost a year. We will not be giving concerts during this period. Only selectively, pointwise and very little. Because we will be creating Havakkuk, recording and, in general, we are now focused only on this.

- After moving from Moscow to Kyiv, did you begin a reclusive lifestyle?

I am not sitting in a vacuum or in emptiness. From the moment we supported Ukraine and moved to Kyiv, we gave concerts of the Machete group, also very selectively, there were several of them. And mostly we were working on our new project, which is called Havakkuk. We worked both in Europe and in

Israel over this music, and now we continue. Overall, we were focused on this project. We don't lead a reclusive lifestyle, we just decided that we don't hang out anywhere and don't spend time just to show off somewhere. Not interesting. Each of us has our own duty. I, as a musician and poet, have a duty to express my thoughts, feelings about what is happening in my life - in my songs, so I spend huge amount time. I have a beloved family, and I am more eager to devote time to my family than to being in companies that are not interesting to me.

- What is the fate of the album War and Peace of the Machete group? Its release was announced back in the fall of 2015 ?

We plan to start finishing recording this album. We're partly writing it in Ukraine, because it just so happened that we finished working on the EP somewhere around three or four months ago. A few more tracks that we have, we will again finish writing in Ukraine, maybe in Israel or partially in Belgium, we’ll see. I think that the bulk of this work will be recorded in Ukraine.

- It is possible to clarify the differences between the Tokyo, Machete and Havakkuk projects for those who do not discover them.

First of all, if we talk about the projects Tokyo, Machete and Havakkuk, then, probably, one can trace the personal or spiritual growth of the person who writes these songs. I'm talking about myself. I can say that if we are talking about the spiritual component of all these three projects, then, of course, it is love, its various expressions, manifestations in this world. As for how we distinguish which track belongs to which album and which group, we're talking about about the musical component. Havakkuk is a completely different music, symphony musicians, brilliant musicians, world stars take part in the project, so the music is qualitatively different. This is the lyrics

About the relationship between people, between a person and the Almighty, about what a person must do in this world, being here for such a short period of time, what we can influence, what we can change, what is in our power and what is not.

If we talk about Tokyo, this is still a more electronic component. These are lyrics, relationships between a man and a woman, love and all sorts of manifestations in this very form.

If we talk about Machete - practically live music, with a social focus in the songs.

- Over the past two years, Yaroslav Maly has changed in appearance. Fans on social networks complain that they cannot immediately recognize the “blue-eyed rebel.”

Firstly, I have never been blue-eyed, and secondly, I have never been a rebel. Maybe it wasn't me.

I was not a rebel. I was always looking for some way out of the questions that had been brewing inside me all my life. The answers I received from people, even those I respected, did not always suit me. That's why I always looked for my way. And it can be clearly seen in my songs. As for whether someone recognized me or not, people change. The inner world corresponds to the outer. Therefore, I am now studying Torah, learning Hebrew, devoting my time not to fashion or self-care, but to things that are more subtle and, for me, more beautiful. So I think I still look cool.

- Was the decision to go to Maidan in the fall of 2013 difficult?

I just thought that I should support my Motherland and that’s all. I couldn’t do it any other way. My wife Rachel and I were flying from Israel, learned about the events that were happening in Ukraine and flew to Moscow, gathered the guys and immediately flew to Kyiv on the next flight. We called our friends, they gave us the opportunity to land normally and calmly and go to the Maidan. And we gave a concert there.

- Almost three years later, is there any disappointment in Euromaidan?

I now understand that what is happening now cannot be corrected in any way, neither by the desire to monitor the information space, nor simply by the desire for something to change. This can only be corrected by turning to the Almighty. Because where Ukraine is moving now compared to where it could have been moving at the beginning of all these events are two different routes, in my opinion. We need to understand that we are now in circumstances where neither Europe, nor America, nor other countries will help us; or the desire to look more powerful, militarized - this is all unrealistic. And the only thing that can help us is an appeal to the Almighty, with a real request that he help us.

You know, parents always punish their beloved children. If he doesn't move in the direction he wants, it just means sometimes you can get your ass kicked. The same thing is happening now with Ukraine. Right now we are getting hit in the head, in the ass, in all other places. We need to understand that as soon as our desire to simply accept these blows ends, and the desire to really think about the reasons this happened begins, we all need to turn to God and apologize for what happened.

that we did something wrong and ask for help. Then everything will be top-notch. It’s like in a person’s life, it’s a mini-society, like a family, just like a country - if something happens wrong, then you need to find out the spiritual reasons first of all. I am sure that the physics of the manifestation of some circumstances is like a twig, and the root is located in something else. You need to think, understand what was done wrong, what needs to be corrected, in which direction you need to move. More often you need to look at the sky, and not at your feet. And to think about what we really did wrong, my opinion is this. There is no other way out, because some people change, while for others the situation only gets worse. Everyone is focused on disrupting financial preferences for themselves, for their clans, and moving further in this direction. And no one is interested in the country moving forward.

- Being one of the opinion leaders, you can broadcast your ideas and influence the situation?

We are broadcasting. It's just that our influence is not in the area physical world. Nothing can be done here if you do not pay attention to the spiritual component, I am 100% sure of this, we talk about this in our songs.

- Changes for the better are possible if you first start with yourself?

I dream that people, this world and everything that happens to us, thanks to some simple things changed in better side. And these are actually really simple things. We always come up with something for ourselves, try to find some excuses, to distract attention from serious, big problems, which are actually very easy to solve. And here is my desire, my dream - a simple understanding of complex things, so that each of us has it inside, so that we understand that we are here for a reason, not to eat pasta or watch some program on TV or write comments on social networks, and we are here to really change this world for the better. In order to find our Daddy in this world, who loves us very much. It's very simple. Without taking this into account, it is impossible to change anything. I'm sure of it. This is my dream - for people to understand this. And I understand that each of us has a duty in this life and we can only do something, but whether it works out or not is up to the Almighty. My opinion is that everyone should do something towards this. Everything else is bullshit.

- What causes a smile to appear on Yaroslav Maly’s face during the war?

I smile because such a frivolous person is entrusted with such a serious task. I mean that I have always perceived this world somehow easily. And I was just lucky because my wife always supported me in this too. And as soon as we start taking some things seriously, we have a huge number of problems. As soon as we think that something depends on us, we immediately find ourselves in some circumstances, from which we then barely get out. There is lightness in each of us. Why do you sometimes look at a child, at his reaction, and get a thrill from how easy it is for him to express the most complex things in two or three words, and for everyone it turns into a huge smile, for everyone who sees it. We miss this. And in this there is the great humor of the Almighty, which gives each of us the feeling that he can change something and at the same time - a feeling of who we are without him at all.

- Have you made any progress in improving yourself?

I have not succeeded in anything in working on myself. The only thing is that I found a wife who helps me work on myself.

“I just believe in miracles. I'm coming from nowhere."
There are quite a few artists that I like, and I go to their concert or performance as soon as the opportunity arises. And then there are people whose creativity charges you with incredible energy! You just need to hear a song, read a book or watch a movie, and fulfillment and harmony come from the sincerity that a creative person puts into his brainchild! For me, there are only a few such people, and Yaroslav Maly is one of them. His songs have been accompanying me through life for a long time, and each of them reminds me of one of its fateful moments. When I learned his biography and heard the interview, this man amazed me even more with the depth of his worldview. Even more incredible was the fact that, having reached the peak of his fame, at a conscious age, following the call of his heart, he came to Judaism, gradually beginning to observe the Jewish tradition. Re-reading his articles, where he talks a lot about his spiritual growth, I begin to understand more and more that people who are on a spiritual quest have a lot in common.
The impetus for such a search is usually a feeling similar to an internal impulse or urge. It either encourages you to move forward or tears you apart from the inside. At least that's what happened to me...
For many secular Jews, observance of Jewish tradition is associated only with external manifestations. Society pays more attention to what religious people eat, how they dress, and how they behave... But no one really thinks about what is happening in their souls.
I have been following the tradition for 14 years, which is exactly half of my life... During this time I have seen a lot: different teachers, different countries... The damp streets of Jerusalem, Uman, with an incredible spirit, and many other holy places... I was among the Hasidim and among the Zionists... I learned about different directions in Judaism. She studied the holy scriptures from both religious and academic points of view. My attitude, stage, appearance and self-awareness are constantly changing. And only one thing remains unchanged: the feeling of belonging to something great, holistic and unshakable.
It is this feeling, no matter what happens to me, that helps me piece together my inner world. The merciless flow of life breaks our integrity day after day. In order to survive, we are forced to scatter ourselves, to think about material things, which, unfortunately, is very down-to-earth and does not allow us to satisfy our spiritual needs for knowledge. And then a person consciously comes to devote more time to understanding this world, realizing the meaning of life, studying the laws of the Higher Power that governs this world.
In a word, I was very happy that Yaroslav was coming to Chisinau. And on Saturday evening my husband and I went to a concert.
The performance took place in one of the most pretentious clubs in Chisinau. IN ordinary life we don't go to nightclubs. I just can’t understand how anyone can relax in such an atmosphere...
And here there is also face control... This is when you may not be allowed into the club for no apparent reason. If there is no reservation and “connections,” then you must look into the camera and an unknown voice sends your verdict “into the guard’s ear.” For some reason, this time an unknown voice decided that my husband and I were not destined to get into this establishment... We returned to the car very upset.
We were already thinking about going home, but then my husband reminded me of a story that I myself told him. I have a friend in Poland. She paints funny portraits of people. And there is a Hasidic reggae performer who has become famous throughout the world - Matiskha. He came to visit them in Poland, but she was unable to get tickets for his concert. She really wanted to somehow convey to him the portrait she had painted. She messaged him and asked how she could do this, to her amazement he quickly replied to her and told her where to go. As a result, she not only gave him a painting, but also went to his concert.
I found the Facebook page of Yaroslav’s wife, Rachel Ora, and wrote to her. She answered me immediately and happily volunteered to help us. “Say your name and that you are friends of Yaroslav,” she wrote. On the way back we met a couple more Jewish guys. They weren’t allowed in either... I resolutely approached the guard, who was again ready to turn us away. “Hello, we are Yaroslav’s friends,” I said proudly. The guard, widening his eyes, pretended to be looking for us on the lists. He hastily nodded in our direction so that we would be allowed to pass. It was impossible to believe it!
The concert has begun. Yaroslav came out. At the beginning I didn’t even recognize him. I was pleasantly surprised! Beard, tzitzit (special Jewish attire), covered head... He greeted everyone in Moldovan and Russian, and, of course, in Hebrew!
At the beginning there was a song about dad. At that moment I was overwhelmed with emotions, and I cried... Mentally, dedicating this song to my father, I remembered the lessons during his life. From the basics of Judaism to the deep worldly wisdom that guides me after his passing to this day. It was as if I heard his voice: “You see, daughter, I always told you that nothing is impossible! All boundaries are only in your head!” Yes, dad. That's true! “Who am I without you?” My husband loves to sing this song, it was also played when we met. “Tenderness”... “Heart”... “Between the temples”... etc. As a result, in one hour my whole life flashed before my eyes... His songs give me hope, give me strength, make me believe that everything I dream about will definitely come true. This is how faith is strengthened...
Thank you very much to Rachel Ora and Yaroslav Maly for the wonderful concert and their assistance to us! It was an incredible evening, full of emotions, joy and surprises of fate!
“I dedicate my life to my dream! I believe in miracles!”
“I believe too, otherwise, why all this?”

More precisely, a small part of them, unexpectedly for dad, came to congratulate him on his solo concert. As it turned out later, there are already eight of his offspring living in the world, which Yarik carefully keeps silent about. And, judging by the latest data, the artist is not going to stop there.

Very little is known about the singer’s personal life, although he assures that answers to all questions can be found in his songs. Each album is a piece from the story of his life.

Yarik had several wives and, it seemed, each one tried to tie him to themselves in the old proven way - with children. But Maly is not the kind of person who agrees with conventions. Therefore, when his last official wife gave birth to a daughter, he still filed for divorce a couple of months after this pleasant event. What to do - love in life creative people occupies a special place. If it is not there, then there is no inspiration.

By the way, the singer shows himself as a caring and attentive father. He does not shy away from responsibility and provides for his children. It’s just a pity that he doesn’t like to brag about their successes and achievements.

The children of Yaroslav Maly, Luka, Eva and Solomon (what names!), ended up on solo concert father is not accidental. True, no one thought that this fact would lead Yarik into such confusion. Of course, he could not avoid curious fans who were filming the happy dad both on stage and behind it. It is important that the guys prepared not only flowers for him, but also congratulations. A good reminder about yourself, right?

They danced backstage, periodically ran out onto the dance floor of the fan zone and, according to others, sang all the songs that their father performed that evening.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find out anything about the other five guys. Still privacy, Yaroslav Maly guards with enviable stubbornness.

That is why, once again, we turn to you, our beloved readers. If you know the names of the children, what they do and how they live, share this information with us and everyone else. Comments are provided for this case.

The lead singer of the group "Tokyo" and "Machete" Yarosav Maly, after 8 years of marriage with actress and singer Natalya Simakova, filed for divorce. After a long period of discord in the family, the couple came to a mutual decision to separate. The couple have been living separately for several months now.

From her marriage, Natalya has a daughter, Michelle, who was born just a few months ago. As Heat.ru learned from close circle Yaroslav, she will stay with her mother, and Yaroslav himself promised that Natasha and Michelle will not need anything. Just recently, Maly posted photos of himself with his daughter and seemed very happy. He does not give any comments about the divorce.

They wrote a lot about the high-profile romance between Maly and Simakova and with great enthusiasm. Young, eccentric, in love - this is how most friends and fans spoke about them. Yaroslav always said in his interviews that love comes first for him. And Natasha admitted that Yarik is the love of her life. The plans of the then newlyweds were to create a large, strong family with 6 children.

By the way, in Yaroslav’s work everything sounds much simpler: in his lyrics he asks listeners - “no matter how strong you are, do not part with your loved ones.”

Over 8 years of marriage, the Maly - Simakova couple has become one of the most beautiful and stable in show business. The couple constantly appeared together at various film premieres and screenings. But a few months ago the situation changed dramatically. The guy began to appear alone while Natasha was busy with her creativity. And the artist categorically refused to answer questions about his wife and personal life.

Besides, music label Machete Records terminated the contract with the group Siberia - the project of Natalia Simakova. From February 1, his wife will be free from any contractual obligations. Now the Machete Records label consists of only two music project: groups "Tokyo" and "Machete".