What happens if you don’t wash your hair for a long time: icicle hair or voluminous hair? What threatens your hair if you stop washing your hair every day! Something to think about!

Washing your hair is an essential part of your daily routine, but many of us do it incorrectly. Do you know how much shampoo to apply, what conditioner to use, what frequency of washing is optimal for your hair? Professional trichologists dispel existing myths, explaining exactly what kind of care our curls need. Let's look at how to wash your hair properly.

"If you use a hair straightener, it also uses a product that will give you heat protection," explains Anabelle. The product you choose should be based on the department you desire, says cosmetic chemist Joe Sinkota. If you want your hair to have a glossy finish, look for serums and oils. “They give a glossy finish, providing a smoother surface that reflects more light,” says Cincotta.

If you want a matte finish, you need wax. "Beeswax, carnauba wax, and candelilla wax have the power to hold and prepare the matte finish," explains Cincotta. Otherwise, take care of what products you need for capillary decorations and choose the products that best suit you.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, washing your hair is, first of all, aimed not at maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the strands, but at maintaining their health. It is in vain to believe that the less often you resort to this procedure, the more beautiful and healthy your curls will be. Since not only the strands, but also the scalp itself needs regular cleansing and care.

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Every day, the epidermis layer secretes about 2 grams of sebum, if we add to this figure the plaque from the use of sprays, mousses and hairsprays, then we will get a very impressive plaque on the head. You should not ignore external factors - pollutants and dust settle on your skin and curls every day.

The result is “fatigue” of the hair, its limp appearance, split ends, and thinning strands. Without proper care, curls look lifeless and sluggish, they become unruly, and increased hair loss begins. All this can be avoided if you know how to wash your hair correctly.

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6 golden rules for effective hair care

Deciding on the frequency

It is necessary to wash your curls as often as the condition of your hair requires. If you wash your curls too often, you risk washing away even the minimum amount of lipids from your skin, which is necessary to nourish your curls. This can also lead to the formation of a magnifying glass. The excessively chemical composition of shampoos is also alarming and makes you think.

There are people who wash their hair daily, which is not advisable even if you have products for frequent use, but there are people who do it even less than once a week, which again is not specified. Frequent washing hair causes it to dry out and although you get the impression that it looks better and healthier, in reality you will end up with hair with a red look and shine.

Daily head wash is indicated for short or fine hair only, and the shampoos indicated are food grade, egg or aloe based, or which have various oils in their composition, such as Will Coconut, Palm or Almond.

If you resort to using the procedure too rarely, then you risk clogging the pores of the scalp, “thanks to” which the balanced nutrition of the curls will be disrupted, which will lead to the development of various problems.

  • hair type;
  • time of year;
  • necessary nutrition of the epidermis of the head;
  • condition of curls and their length;
  • type and composition of shampoos, use of additional care and styling products.

Drawing conclusions

Emphasis on shampoo

Photo: Washing hair with shampoo

How to properly wash your hair with shampoo? Proper care depends on hair type. Therefore, tirichologists recommend choosing shampoo based on this. Modern care products are divided into the following types: for dry, for normal strands, anti-magnifying agents, shampoos for strengthening strands, for colored curls.

It will also be more difficult to organize if you wash it frequently because using shampoo and styling products means chemical treatment. Instead, if you wash your hair too often, you risk getting thicker and looking very unpleasant, and this is due to sebum secretion that will accumulate in too much quantity.

If the hair is thin, there is a risk of it becoming very tangled, so it is recommended to use a special skin care product such as conditioner or spritz. Since the tips tend to split very easily, you need a nourishing conditioner, which you need to apply with a light massage only on the ends and lengths of the hair, never on the scalp, because this will make your hair thicker and take away its volume.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate the purpose of the shampoo on its packaging, so there are no problems with choosing the right care product. It is recommended to make purchases in trusted places (pharmacies, large sales offices). Otherwise, you risk purchasing a fake that will clearly not improve the appearance of your curls or their health.

No matter what type of hair you have, it is best to wash it with water as it is warm because it loosens the pores of the hair, helping the product get deeper and get a better effect. Instead, for the final rinse, it's best to use cold water without touching your scalp to close the pores back, giving your hair a healthy shine.

Use only the right shampoos for your hair type, no matter which brand you choose. If possible, try to let your hair dry naturally after washing, since frequent use of an electric dryer leads to splinters.

An important aspect is the composition of the chosen product. The fewer chemical elements it contains, the better and safer the shampoo is. It is not recommended to choose universal products that are both shampoo and conditioner at the same time. Since the effects of these products cannot be combined, otherwise the curls and scalp will not receive either high-quality cleansing or proper hydration.

For a silky look, brush your hair long with a natural hair brush or an anti-static brush, but only after it is completely dry, so wet hair is very easy to break. If you feel like your hair is always greasy, sometimes even hours after washing it, the reason may have something to do with how you wash and style it—and the solution doesn't necessarily have to be washing it more often or using an even drier shampoo.

It is true that we cannot fight genetic inheritance, but we can eliminate most other factors and thereby improve or even get rid of it. The first step is to figure out what mistakes we make in hair care. Consider these common mistakes and solutions for each, and if you avoid them, your hair will thank you.

Trichologists advise changing shampoo regularly. No matter how good the product is, the epidermis of the head gets used to it, and the former effect becomes impossible. You can try other brands every now and then for a couple of weeks, after which you can go back to your favorite skincare line.

Photo: Washing your hair with shampoo

Shampoo analogues

A more natural and useful care product can be considered homemade shampoos. To create it you need the following components:

Don't wash your hair often enough

The method, which involves washing your hair without shampoo, is still very popular and may be the explanation for the thick hair appearance. If you don't use shampoo at all, your hair can become oily easily. This happens precisely because oils, dead cells and debris remain on the scalp and make the hair greasy.

On the other hand, even if you wash your hair too often, it's not good. The scalp is then permanently deprived of essential oils. Just like the skin in other areas, the scalp will react by producing even more oils. Oily hair that never seem freshly washed no matter how hard you try. Miller, a professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania College of Medicine, recommends that you also consider environment. For example, if you live in rural areas with clean air and little humidity, still wash your hair for several days.

  • eggs;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • warm water.

Mix the above ingredients until smooth. We use the resulting mixture as shampoo - apply to hair and rinse after a couple of minutes.

Some ladies prefer to care for their curls with soap. To do this, you should choose household and children's models. Although they also have a high alkali content.

On the other hand, if you live in an urban area or go to the gym, it would be better to wash every day. Your hair needs care to keep it hydrated and healthy, but the expression too bad can certainly be applied in this case. If conditioner comes into contact with your scalp, it can help hair growth, especially if you have oily skin scalp because hair conditioners contain moisturizing ingredients. Experts recommend cleaning your hair with shampoo, rinsing it and applying conditioner only to half the length of your hair, with greater caution in their advice.

Photo: Washing hair with soap

Followers this method We are confident that this method of washing makes the curls softer, more manageable and silky. Use pre-grated and mixed with warm water. Thus, we obtain a soap solution. Rinse off the soapy shampoo very carefully, otherwise the curls may stick together and become covered with a greasy coating. The optimal end to the soap washing procedure is to rinse the strands with water and lemon juice.

The water you rinse your hair is too hot

Sorry for the hot shower lovers, but your scalp can become extremely dry if exposed to hot water, leading to increased oil production. Therefore, if you use too hot water for rinsing, try to reduce the temperature as much as possible. In fact, cold showers are recommended to add a glow to your hair as the cuticles close. Bonus: Less heat while showering is good for your skin.

The products you are using are too strong

Styling products such as waxes, oils or hair products can make your hair look greasy because they contain moisturizing ingredients such as natural oils. Use on most hair fixatives or sprays to apply to peaks. Be careful, but instead of the balm, not with it.

Additional care

Proper care of strands is impossible to imagine without the use of balms and conditioners. They help smooth out the scales of curls, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and make curls softer and more manageable. The following tools should also be used:

  • rinse aids;
  • cream;
  • sprays;
  • masks.

All of them are used after washing your hair. Some types do not need to be washed off. They are applied to dried strands.

Straighten your hair every day

Bad news for those of you who like to use your hair straightener very often. This habit makes your hair look oilier than you want it to. If you straighten your hair, it will be closer to the scalp, it will come into contact with more oils, and it will look thicker.

The tape, brush or brush you are using is dirty

Just like using makeup brushes, which can cause acne, using dirty tools has consequences for your scalp. In this case, you only transfer the oil and suffering to your hair. Read the instructions for styling utensils and brushes carefully and see which one best method cleaning.

Water – does it affect the health of curls?

Many girls desperately monitor the quality of shampoos, conditioners and styling products, but completely forget about the water with which we wash our curls. Tap water is extremely dangerous because it contains high concentrations of chlorine.

Trichologists recommend choosing boiled, bottled or filtered water, which has a soft composition and has a beneficial effect on the external condition of the strands. If you do use tap water, add herbal decoctions or a small amount of soda to it.

You brush your hair too often

One of the biggest hairdressing myths is that if you brush your hair 100 times a day, your hair will look healthy and silky. In fact, this habit makes him faster. If you brush yourself too often, you stimulate oil production. He smooths his hair, but doesn't spend too much time in front of the mirror combing it.

Call dry shampoo too often

We totally understand, and we love dry shampoo, but that doesn't mean it's great to use it five days a week. You can use dry shampoo, but be sure to clean your hair regularly to avoid scalp damage. Plus, no one wants powdery, dry hair - the result of too many uses of dry shampoo!

These components neutralize some harmful substances. Pay attention to the temperature of the water used. The best option is a temperature of 40-50 degrees. If you have oily skin type, you can choose cooler water.

Photo: Washing hair with water

How to wash your hair correctly - an effective technique:

  • prepare the necessary care products and a couple of towels for the procedure;
  • Before washing, comb your strands well, this will allow you to cleanse your hair more efficiently and remove dead scales;
  • set the correct water pressure at the recommended temperature;
  • wet your hair evenly over the entire length;
  • squeeze out the shampoo and rub it in your palms;
  • Apply the product to the roots, smoothly distributing it over the entire length, use massage movements;
  • regular shampoo should be washed off immediately; if the product is specialized for “restoration”, then leave the shampoo on the strands for several minutes;
  • Rinse off the product well, giving it a few minutes;
  • repeat the washing procedure - this will help eliminate contamination completely, and will also have a beneficial effect on appearance hair;
  • When using a balm, apply the product to already washed columns, wait the specified time and rinse.

When washing your hair, you can use additional techniques that will improve blood circulation in the epidermis. The most common option is a massage in the form of stroking (carried out with the fingertips). No less effective are the techniques of rubbing (circular movements with your fingertips), pulling (grab thin strands between your fingers and gently pull them up), and tapping (lightly tapping your fingers on the scalp).

Apparently this is not a great philosophy to wash your hair with! Choose a shampoo that suits you, a conditioner from the same range, a hair mask once a week, and that’s it. Completely wrong, say experts in the field. This is why when you wash your hair at the salon, you notice that your scalp is no longer losing oils. In addition, the capillary decoration looks perfect. Do hairdressers have secret products? It's not very difficult, so it can be put into practice by anyone.

Rona Hartner - talented actress and an exceptional singer. That's why he doesn't touch his hair to anyone. "We see what's happening in the scalp first, because we know that a healthy scalp equals healthy hair." Apparently the hairdressing course helped her choose the right products. But what if a woman doesn’t have much experience?

Actions after washing your hair

It is necessary to comb the strands, but doing this on wet curls is strictly prohibited. Under the weight of water, they easily fall out and break. For combing, choose smooth combs rather than combs. The best option is a wooden comb, which bends easily and does not scratch the epidermis of the head.

Natural bristle brushes are an acceptable option. Their use is recommended for increased hair loss. Please note that combs can also collect oil and dirt, transferring them to the curls after washing. Therefore, clean them from time to time with an alcohol solution.

Long strands should be combed from the ends, gradually moving to the roots. If you have short hair, then the pattern of movement of the comb will be reversed - from roots to tips. If during washing the curls become too tangled, then you first need to divide them into small strands and start combing from the periphery to the center.

Next comes the issue of drying your hair. Let the strands dry naturally or use terry towels to speed up the process. To do this, take a high-quality towel, pre-heated on radiators. Wrap it around your curls, tilting your head down, and start rubbing. The towel will absorb excess moisture and allow your hair to dry much faster.

A hairdryer should only be used in emergency cases, as thermal exposure damages the strands; they become dry and easily damaged. The best option is to use a hairdryer on a cold setting. You should also use various oils and sprays that will protect your hair from exposure to temperatures.

How to train your hair to wash less often:

  • use shampoos for dry curls;
  • try to touch your curls less, as you leave lipid deposits and dust on their surface;
  • comb your hair regularly, especially before bed;
  • thoroughly rinse off shampoo and other care products;
  • use high-quality products, preferably with a professional twist;
  • in your free time, collect your strands in a ponytail - this way less dust and dirt gets on them;
  • Keep the use of restraints to a minimum.

Previously, washing your hair every day was considered the norm. But today, as various dry shampoos and other hair care products continue to gain popularity, the breaks between washing your hair are becoming longer.

Many hairdressers and stylists argue that washing your hair every day is too often. “You need to let your scalp balance and repair itself,” says Ellie Kinney, a hairstylist at a beauty salon in New York City. “It is best to wash your hair every two to three days, and if your hair does not become greasy during this time, you can further increase the interval.”

In this article, we will tell you about the changes that can happen to your hair if you start washing it less often.

1. Your hair won't be as dry.

Your scalp produces sebum, which serves to moisturize your hair. But daily hair washing can destroy this beneficial natural substance. “This is a great hair mask! says Kinney. “Sebum is as effective as any store-bought conditioner for silky locks.”

2. Your hair will become shinier

Another merit of sebum. “Oil production will make your hair look shinier,” says Kinney, who advises making the most of your hair's natural reserves by using a boar hair comb to distribute the natural oils from your hair's roots to its ends.

3. Your curls will be softer and more defined.

“Curly hair tends to be dry because it is harder for natural oils to travel from the roots to the ends,” says Kinney. “If you stop washing your hair every day, it will allow your hair to naturally nourish itself and give you silkier curls.” The stylist also advises, on the second day after washing, to massage your scalp and then comb your hair with your fingers - this will help the sebum to be distributed along its entire length.

4. Your hair dye will look better and last longer.

If you tell your colorist that you wash your hair every day, it will make her shudder. “Hair is like clothing: the more you wash it, the more it fades,” says Will Francis, a salon colorist in New York City.

The main culprit in in this case the water itself comes out. “Even if you wash your hair without shampoo, water will dull the color,” says Francis, who recommends washing your hair at least a couple of days apart. Wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo designed specifically for colored hair and not too hot water. “Cool and warm water will prevent hair from fading,” he says. “Hot heat helps to open the hair cuticles, which causes the dye to wash out faster.”

5. Your style will last longer

The less often you wash your hair, the longer your hair will stay styled. Also, ask your hairdresser to use less styling products and different oils. In the following days, apply a small amount of dry shampoo to your hair to absorb the oil that your scalp produces. The day before washing, tie your hair into a ponytail to keep it fresh longer.

6. It may make dandruff worse.

According to Annie Chiu, a dermatologist in California, excess sebum can increase flaking of the skin and, therefore, dandruff - as counterintuitive as that may sound.

7. There may be excess product left on your hair.

If you use different styling products, if you don't wash them regularly, they tend to stay on your scalp. This can make your hair look dull and also cause inflammation of the hair follicles, leading to acne on your scalp.

To get rid of excess styling products, hairstylist and co-founder of New York salons Lauryn Cairns recommends washing your hair with a deep-cleansing shampoo (or “clarifying shampoo”) once a month. “These shampoos are best way get rid of any buildup in your hair,” she claims. “But try not to overuse them as they can dry out your hair.”

8. Your hair may look greasy (but only temporarily!)

For all their benefits, natural oils can also make your hair greasy, especially if you have fine hair. “What can happen to your hair if you start washing your hair less often depends on your hair type. In some cases this will make it look oily, but no matter your hair type, natural oil will still benefit your hair!”

“When you try to wash your hair less often, your skin will start to produce more oil, but over time, oil production will normalize,” says Cairns. “The first few weeks may be difficult, but your scalp will soon adapt to the new schedule.” And for the period of “getting used to it,” Kinney advises putting your hair in a ponytail in the days following washing.

As you can see, there are still more positive aspects among those listed. Therefore, we advise you to try to gradually increase the interval between washing your hair - this will significantly save you time, money and allow your hair to remain healthy and beautiful.