What does it mean to suffocate in a dream. Why do you dream that you are suffocating: the most accurate meaning

The dream book describes the meaning of this phenomenon in different ways. Very often, the causes of this phenomenon are heart disease, diseases associated with the lungs, colds or high fever. Sometimes the cause is an unventilated room, an uncomfortable position during sleep, or simply the tongue retracting deep into the larynx. Therefore, the lack of oxygen during sleep may be due to physical reasons. If they were not there, then you can begin to interpret.

Narrow space and snakes

If you see that it is difficult to breathe because you have to climb through a narrow tunnel in a dream, crawl through cracks and cracks, or be crushed by the ground, expect great difficulties in life, poverty and circumstances that will be difficult and almost unbearable for you. Most likely, someone is oppressing the dreamer, forcing him not only to live by someone else’s rules, but also to work through force.

In this case, the dream book advises to slow down a little and rest so as not to get sick after such a vision.

If a boa constrictor strangles you in a dream, beware of a manipulator or a person who may become dangerous to the dreamer due to his cunning or anxiety. Most often, this role is played by a faithful wife, a vindictive and cruel man who skillfully pretends to be in love, or a mother who literally “cuts off oxygen” to a growing organism with her anxiety.

Sometimes such a dream foreshadows a heart disease or a fracture, due to which you will be put in a plaster cast, like a corset.


Choking on water in a dream means a lung disease, a severe cold, or passion. If the sea was cold, too warm and muddy, contact a medical facility. Your health is in danger. The water is clean and pleasant, transparent - to falling in love, from which you will literally go crazy.

Delight and people

Choking in a dream from admiration and short time- to amazing news that will make you very happy. The dream book is advised to expect all the best after it - an invitation to a celebration, a declaration of love, approval of plans and a reward from management or news from your friend, which the dreamer will like and will cause very strong delight and surprise.

Choking in the arms of a loved one or friends is a sign of a bright, tempting offer that will make you lose your head. It will be joyful and beautiful.

If you are being strangled or someone is going to do this, there is a person who severely restricts freedoms or creative forces. This could be either strict parents or a person who deliberately interferes with your well-being and happiness, literally “cutting off the oxygen.”

When you dream that you are suffocating, it will always frighten even the most fearless person. After all, anyone is afraid of being left without air, even in their sleep. Such death is considered to be the most dangerous, because a person begins to panic. But what should you expect in life if you had such a dream: trouble or happiness?

What if you dream why you dream that you are suffocating?

It is very useful to know what is what in a dream. Choked in your sleep? The usual dream book interprets this as an option to “suffocate with happiness” in real life. You will be short of breath for joy. But not all dream books explain this dream this way.

You can suffocate in your sleep for various reasons.

Why do you dream that you are suffocating when you are running from someone? Such a dream means that in life you should be wary of some enemy who is very close. The dreamer will choke from indignation that he trusted him, from the meanness that he will do to him.

It also happens that a dream can predict an approaching illness. So, for example, if a person dreams of suffocation in the summer, then most likely he will soon have problems with his heart or lungs. You need to check your health as soon as possible. More precisely, they will be examined for the presence of coronary heart disease.

But if the dreamer had such a dream in the spring, then hopelessness and complete ruin await him in his affairs. You need to think a hundred times before starting something. At such moments, it is best to lie low without unnecessary actions.

Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. If in real life someone “strangles” him with their lack of understanding, then this, of course, will be reflected in the dream.

Medea's dream book explains why you dream that you are suffocating in a different way. According to his interpretation, someone does not allow the dreamer to make an independent choice; the dreamer is highly dependent on someone. And this situation is strangling him. And if this fact begins to bother you in your dreams, then it’s time to correct the situation.

Such a dream can also mean a person’s physical ailments. So, for example, a dreamer can see such a dream during another attack of epilepsy in a dream, when the tongue sinks into the throat and the person actually physically becomes unable to breathe. If you have had such a dream once, it is best to tell your family about it so that they can keep an eye on the dreamer at night.

Experiencing a feeling of suffocation in a dream means experiencing a feeling of deprivation in life. Such people are tormented by the fact that they have lost something, and this “suffocates” them. This nervous state can come in the form of images in dreams and deprive a person of breath. All this comes from neuroses, emotional experiences and shocks. For a sounder and more restful sleep, you need to take sedative pills at night to help you relax. Also, a dream in which a person lacks air means that someone is “cutting off” his “oxygen” in reality. You should gently get rid of such a person in your environment. Most often it depends on the work team or family situation.

The esoteric dream book claims that when a dreamer suffocates in a dream, it means that at that time someone is remembering him very violently. Bad or good word- it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that with strong emotions.

What does it portend?

In general, such a dream is a warning that a person is being treated poorly by his relatives and colleagues. They hide something from him and do not allow him to act on his own. In general, all the little things in a dream are very important. They form an idea of ​​what the subconscious is trying to warn a person about. You need to analyze every moment of the dream to understand what it means. For example, are there other people around the person who is choking? Are they suffocating? Or do they just stand and watch? Or maybe they are trying to help the suffering? All these situations clearly show what is happening or will happen in the dreamer's life. If, for example, everyone just stands and watches, this means that the dreamer will become depressed due to misunderstanding. Those around him do not accept him, he is suffocated by contradictions with them, but he cannot do anything, because they are against him.

When a dreamer cannot breathe in a dream, this may be a sign of his stagnation in life, that he is not moving anywhere, is not developing, and has little going on in his life. You just need to “take a breath of fresh air”, have fun, have fun, and then life will sparkle with new colors, you will breathe more freely, life will become brighter. Because there is no need to suffocate in gray big cities, you need to live.

With the help of dreams, the subconscious gives people clues about what they need to achieve. happy life. Thus, if you know how to analyze your own dreams, you can easily change your life on your own. better side. And then no one will make the dreamer choke.

After all, your own inner “I” is much more important than agreeing with everything that is not to your liking. And the brain understands this, but for some reason the person refuses to accept it. Then his wildest desires and possibilities awaken in his dreams. You just have to start understanding the clues correctly.

When you dream that you are suffocating, it will always frighten even the most fearless person. After all, anyone is afraid of being left without air, even in their sleep. Such death is considered to be the most dangerous, because a person begins to panic. But what should you expect in life if you had such a dream: trouble or happiness?

What if you dream why you dream that you are suffocating?

It is very useful to know what is what in a dream. Choked in your sleep? The usual dream book interprets this as an option to “suffocate with happiness” in real life. You will be short of breath for joy. But not all dream books explain this dream this way.

You can suffocate in your sleep for various reasons.

Why do you dream that you are suffocating when you are running from someone? Such a dream means that in life you should be wary of some enemy who is very close. The dreamer will choke from indignation that he trusted him, from the meanness that he will do to him.

It also happens that a dream can predict an approaching illness. So, for example, if a person dreams of suffocation in the summer, then most likely he will soon have problems with his heart or lungs. You need to check your health as soon as possible. More precisely, they will be examined for the presence of coronary heart disease.

But if the dreamer had such a dream in the spring, then hopelessness and complete ruin await him in his affairs. You need to think a hundred times before starting something. At such moments, it is best to lie low without unnecessary actions.

Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. If in real life someone “strangles” him with their lack of understanding, then this, of course, will be reflected in the dream.

Medea's dream book explains why you dream that you are suffocating in a different way. According to his interpretation, someone does not allow the dreamer to make an independent choice; the dreamer is highly dependent on someone. And this situation is strangling him. And if this fact begins to bother you in your dreams, then it’s time to correct the situation.

Such a dream can also mean a person’s physical ailments. So, for example, a dreamer can see such a dream during another attack of epilepsy in a dream, when the tongue sinks into the throat and the person actually physically becomes unable to breathe. If you have had such a dream once, it is best to tell your family about it so that they can keep an eye on the dreamer at night.

Experiencing a feeling of suffocation in a dream means experiencing a feeling of deprivation in life. Such people are tormented by the fact that they have lost something, and this “suffocates” them. This nervous state can come in the form of images in dreams and deprive a person of breath. All this comes from neuroses, emotional experiences and shocks. For a sounder and more restful sleep, you need to take sedative pills at night to help you relax. Also, a dream in which a person lacks air means that someone is “cutting off” his “oxygen” in reality. You should gently get rid of such a person in your environment. Most often it depends on the work team or family situation.

The esoteric dream book claims that when a dreamer suffocates in a dream, it means that at that time someone is remembering him very violently. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a bad or a good word, the main thing is that it comes with strong emotions.

What does it portend?

In general, such a dream is a warning that a person is being treated poorly by his relatives and colleagues. They hide something from him and do not allow him to act on his own. In general, all the little things in a dream are very important. They form an idea of ​​what the subconscious is trying to warn a person about. You need to analyze every moment of the dream to understand what it means. For example, are there other people around the person who is choking? Are they suffocating? Or do they just stand and watch? Or maybe they are trying to help the suffering? All these situations clearly show what is happening or will happen in the dreamer's life. If, for example, everyone just stands and watches, this means that the dreamer will become depressed due to misunderstanding. Those around him do not accept him, he is suffocated by contradictions with them, but he cannot do anything, because they are against him.

When a dreamer cannot breathe in a dream, this may be a sign of his stagnation in life, that he is not moving anywhere, is not developing, and has little going on in his life. You just need to “take a breath of fresh air”, have fun, have fun, and then life will sparkle with new colors, you will breathe more freely, life will become brighter. Because there is no need to suffocate in gray big cities, you need to live.

With the help of dreams, the subconscious gives people clues about what they lack for a happy life. Thus, if you know how to analyze your own dreams, you can easily change your life on your own for the better. And then no one will make the dreamer choke.

After all, your own inner “I” is much more important than agreeing with everything that is not to your liking. And the brain understands this, but for some reason the person refuses to accept it. Then his wildest desires and possibilities awaken in his dreams. You just have to start understanding the clues correctly.