“Weighted People”: how did life turn out for the bright participants after the project? “Weighted and happy people”: secrets from the set Peter Vasiliev weighted people before and after

Participant name: Peter Vasiliev

Age (birthday): 15.09.1986

City: Bagrationovsk (Kaliningrad region)

Job: showman

Family: not married, no children

Height and weight: 184 cm, 155 kg

Final weight: 97,1

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Peter s youth He went in for sports and devoted himself to judo. He often appeared as a participant in many competitions, in which he often became a winner.

After Peter completed his studies at high school, he quit playing sports. He began to devote a lot of time to his studies at college, and at night he worked part-time in a club as an MC.

When sports became a thing of the past, the guy’s weight began to grow. Peter didn’t pay much attention to this, but only until the girls stopped getting to know him. True, it was already too late; he couldn’t cope on his own.

Excess weight negatively affected not only communication with his girlfriend, but also at work. Peter noted that living with excess weight is incredibly difficult; you have to feel disadvantaged in almost everything.

I came to the project “Weighted People” not only to lose weight, but also to regain lost health, to become happy man. Plus, Peter noted that he wants to prove by his own example that it is possible to change your life, you just need to take the first step.

During the project he had an affair with Vesta. The young people fell in love with each other so much that Peter even decided to take his chosen one as his wife. True, after the show the wedding never took place.

Returning home, Peter continued to play sports, promotes sports and healthy image life, bought myself a Mercedes coupe, as well as a short leather jacket, which I could only dream of before.

Peter confidently walked towards the finals, showing the participants his determination. In one of the competitions, when participants lost more than 40 kg, they were asked to remember how heavy they lived with before participating in the project. The hardest thing was for Peter, who carried half a hundredweight on himself.

In the final of the “Weighted People” project, the winner was Peter Vasiliev, who proved to everyone that it’s never too late to start living again!

After the project, I met a girl, they had a son, they named him Matvey.

The project for Irina began back in May 2017 with a letter from the casting director of the show, who invited the curvaceous beauty to apply for participation.

The selection was very difficult: we needed beautiful faces, interesting stories. In addition, the characters must be different in character and type of activity. They were interested in our aspirations and dreams, relationships within the family. First of all, this is a show, and the audience should be interested in watching the participants,” recalls Irina. At the beginning of the project, the girl’s weight was 148 kg. Now she weighs half a centner less.

Irina admitted that the most difficult part was the filming process:

This is a completely different mode, life schedule. All together it caused a lot of inconvenience. There was a feeling that you were not in control of your life. Someone else decides when you will eat, when you will workout. This applied to absolutely everything! We didn’t know what to prepare for, what awaited us tomorrow. For me personally, this was the most difficult thing throughout the entire project.

- What is it like to talk about your problems and complexes to the whole country?

I guessed that I would hear both criticism and approval addressed to me. There are those who like girls with curves, but there were also those who condemned me and said: “Lose weight! What are you doing to yourself!

We were cut off from the world, in a closed space, without the support of loved ones. Emotions went wild, we cried. But as a result, we found support from those around us: we became a small family.

- What was the most valuable thing you took away from there, not counting the lost kilograms?

I closed the story with the comments that rained down on me after winning the beauty contest. They broke me very much then, I closed myself off from the world, stopped trusting people. I won a victory over myself. Now I approach everything that happens in life more simply. People are sometimes angry, without thinking, they hurt. But you shouldn’t forbid yourself to feel and enjoy life because of this. Another plus is that I made real friends. I hope that we will continue to communicate for a long, long time.

Only one training session was shown on air, something unusual. This was filmed specifically for the show. In fact, the training was daily - from an hour to four. Sometimes we had to train at night, because there was no gym in the complex where we lived; we had to go there. Everything depended on the filming process. The menu was developed by an excellent nutritionist Yulia Olegovna. The number of calories is minimal. Four meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and one snack. We didn’t take diet pills, but we did take vitamins.

- It’s hard to believe that a person can consistently lose 3-4 kg of weight over several months.

This is real on the project. You need to understand that there we had only one task - to lose weight, there was simply no other thing to do. You shouldn't do this at home. It is difficult both physically and mentally, and the body malfunctions. And in my head there are only thoughts about kilograms.

- Many viewers expressed the opinion that the voting, and, consequently, the elimination of participants, was staged and written in advance. Is this true?

No, we voted ourselves. There were many factors involved, each time it was difficult because we came to the project with problems. Everyone understood that each of us still needed to lose weight, have something to strive for, something to learn, something to experience. But we were placed in such conditions that everyone could not stay, and every week someone had to leave. Everyone has their own voting motives, but it’s absolutely clear that there was no script.

- How has your life changed after the project?

Now I want to move more, I like it. Previously, I had shortness of breath after going up to the second floor. Recently in Moscow I walked 20 kilometers in a day, and only calluses on my feet forced me to stop. Sweating has decreased: it’s no secret that fat people sweat a lot. In addition, there is big problems with a choice of clothes. I had to dress in some old woman’s clothes, which made me look older. I was called “woman”, but now they started calling me “girl” again. It's much nicer, especially when you're only 23 years old.

The girl came to the project weighing 148 kg, lost 33 kg in two and a half months, and approached the finale, which was filmed a little later, weighing 99 kg.

Reference. "Weighted and happy people"(formerly "Weighted People") is a Russian television reality show, a version of the popular American project "The Biggest Loser". Participants in the program who are overweight compete with each other to lose weight and compete for the main prize - 3 million rubles. The presenter Anfisa Chekhova, rapper Seryoga, actor and award-winning athlete Sergei Badyuk and Miss Olympia, Russian, European and world champion in fitness bikini Natalya Lugovskikh helped the “weighted people” get rid of extra kilos. The finale of the show took place on June 2.

During the project, Peter demonstrated his strong-willed character, losing 57.9 kg (initially the young man weighed 155 kg). It should be noted that Peter played sports in his youth, so heavy physical activity was not new to him.

According to him, the hardest part was in the first two weeks of the show, when he had to completely change all his habits, preferences, and daily routine. But maintaining the results after the project turned out to be quite easy:

— After the project, I became interested in CrossFit, and at a recent competition in Kaliningrad I showed 8th result among 15 people. Our plans are to undergo specialized training at a medical school to become a professional trainer,” says Peter.

Now he weighs 104 kg, but this is no longer fat, but muscle. The young man works out actively to keep himself in shape.

Regarding appearance, then he admits that due to sudden weight loss he was faced with sagging skin on his stomach and arms. I solved the problem with wraps and massage.

Winner of the second season - Timur Bikbulatov

The 30-year-old Kazan resident came to the show weighing 148 kg. His path was not easy: despite the fact that he was the captain of one of the teams, the participants voted for his exclusion. Timur managed to return and prove that his opponents had good reason to fear him: in 16 weeks he lost 53.7 kg.

Upon returning to Kazan, Timur did not give up training. He devoted 3 hours to cardio and strength training, 5 days a week, and achieved a result of 92 kg. After Timur restored his muscle frame and stabilized his weight, he decided to undergo skin tightening surgery.

— I don’t understand people who refuse to lose weight, citing the fact that their stomach and chest will look ugly later. With rapid weight loss, consequences with the skin can be avoided, however, even if problems appear, they can be easily eliminated, given the high level of modern plastic surgery. Excess weight kills us, and all problems with appearance are secondary in comparison.

Timur spoke in detail about the operation in social networks and even posted photos and videos from the operating room. According to him, he is very pleased with the results and has already returned to training. By the way, Timur now works as a personal trainer and offers long-term weight loss courses, including training, an individual diet and, if necessary, plastic surgery.

Vice-champion of the first season - Alexey Uskov

Alexey did not reach the final of the show, however, according to the rules, he had the opportunity to come to the final weigh-ins. His result - minus 63.5 kg - allowed him to take second place in the first season of “Weighted People” and receive a prize of 500,000 rubles.

However, the participant failed to save the result. According to him in my own words, in just a year he gained 50 kilograms, giving up training. On social networks, Alexey admitted that he wants to take charge of himself and lose those extra pounds again. He did not rule out turning to plastic surgeons.

Vice-champion of the second season - Yakov Povarenkin

32-year-old Izhevsk resident Yakov Povarenkin managed to lose even more weight after finishing the project. Returning home, he continued his training and worked out in the gym for 8-10 hours.

As a result, after losing 56.9 kg on the show, he lost another 20 kg. This allowed the man to radically change his life. Today he trains in functional training and CrossFit and “leads” more than 30 people.

The completion of the Weighted People project changed the lives of many participants. After the project participants went through such a difficult path, many of them received a second chance at normal life. After the show ended, these people returned home, and the same temptations appeared that could lead to weight gain. According to the terms of the contract, participants did not have the right to post their photographs on social networks. The main reason to take part in this show was due to the fact that excess weight interfered with a personal life, or destroyed the family.

Life after the project Weighted People by Vesta Romanova

Vesta Romanova herself comes from St. Petersburg. The participant's height is 170 cm and her weight is 123 kg. At the final weigh-in, Vesta weighed 83 kg, and after the project she followed all the recommendations and took care of herself, and was able to lose another 10 kg. On at the moment Vesta is making plans to soon become a clothing designer.

During the project, Vesta Romanova began an affair with the finalist Pyotr Vasiliev, everyone was waiting for the continuation and believed in this couple, but fate decreed otherwise. After the end of the project, each of the participants returned to their hometowns. It was agreed that Vesta would move in with Peter, and during the time they were apart, he would arrange a comfortable place for them to live together. But after almost a month, changes occurred in the relationship. Petya admitted that upon arriving at home he met a girl and fell in love with her.

Vesta had a hard time with this separation, because not long before the start of the project, her loved one betrayed her and married her best friend.

After everything she had experienced, Vesta found a good trainer, continued to eat right, and take care of herself. Currently, she has a loved one who appreciates and loves Vesta.

While on the project, Vesta very carefully watched how the presenter was dressed. I was interested in which company and in which stores it can be purchased. And then luck struck: a store of exactly that clothing was opened in St. Petersburg, and Vesta was offered a job as a manager. She agreed, but she has one dream, which is to produce her own clothes. Currently taking courses in sketching.

Life after the project “Weighted People” by Maxim Nekrylov

Maxim Nekrylov is from Nizhny Novgorod with a height of 187 cm and a weight of 176 kg. At the final weigh-in the result was 113 kg.

After finishing the project, I returned home and bought a new wardrobe, since the old one was too big. The second action was purchasing a gym membership. Despite all his efforts, Maxim now weighs 125 kg.

When communicating with Maxim, he said that he had gained some weight due to his muscle mass. Throughout the entire period after the project adheres to proper nutrition, exercises daily, both in the gym and at home.

After the project, when Maxim returned home, he found himself right at the time when perestroika took place, and finding a job was not entirely easy. Currently working in one of the gyms hometown, but plans to find a decent job, perhaps return to military service.

Life after the project “Weighted People” by Pyotr Vasiliev

Petr Vasiliev is from Kaliningrad, height 184 cm, at the first weigh-in his weight was 155 kg. At the final weigh-in the weight was 97 kg. Peter Vasiliev became the winner of the “Weighted People” show.

The main prize of the show is 2.5 million rubles, which the winner plans to spend on moving to the capital. After all, in Moscow there will be more chances to realize your dream. People are in similar situations and are afraid to change something, so Peter’s plans are to help such people.

At the moment, Peter is involved in sports and takes part in many competitions. The finalist weighed 97 kg at the end of the project, and now his weight is 104 kilograms.

The first thing Peter did after finishing the project was buy himself a favorite car. Peter’s future plans are to complete his specialized studies at a medical school in order to work as a trainer.

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Everyone who wants to take part in a TV show has one goal - to win. Participants decide for themselves what this means for them: find love, receive a cash prize, change themselves for the better, or become famous. A striking example serve the stories of those who won the shows “Weighted People” and “Boys”: they did not stop and as a result received even more than they expected, already beyond the walls of the projects.

website remembered the participants of the most interesting shows and found out how their lives turned out after the project.

“Weighted People” / Season 1 / Petr Vasiliev

Peter came to the program weighing 155 kg and, having lost 57.9 kg, walked away as a winner with a prize of 2.5 million rubles. Now Peter weighs 125 kg and does CrossFit at the amateur level. He recently took part in the show on Channel One “Russian Ninja”, but did not make it through the qualifying round. IN instagram Peter commented on his current weight: “I’ve been overfed, now I’m trying to get back into normal shape.”

“Weighted People” / Season 2 / Timur Bikbulatov

Timur Bikbulatov won the 2nd season of the show. He completed his participation in the project with a weight of 94 kg ( having lost weight in the end by 53.7 kg, which was 36.2% of the initial weight), then in a few months he lost weight to 80 kg, but Timur was not very comfortable with this weight, so he returned to normal at 87 kg. Timur took up coaching. IN Instagram account he shares the results of his students, and also motivates all those who want to lose weight.

“Boys” / Season 1 / Yulia Kovaleva

Julia became the winner of the 1st season of the show. She was awarded a gold brooch “Lady School” and a cash prize of 500 thousand rubles. At the moment, the girl writes a blog “about transformation and finding oneself”, in which You can read interesting and motivating posts. At the same time, he takes part in the filming of various projects of the Friday TV channel. Julia removes her tattoos and remains as feminine as the project made her.

“Minute of Glory” / Season 1 / Maxim Tokaev

“People’s Artist” / Season 1 / Alexey Goman

After winning the show " People's Artist» Alexey also took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, where he took 3rd place. In 2010 he was awarded the orders " Young talent Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art”, 1st degree (“Golden Star”). After 8 years of marriage, Alexey married his colleague, Maria Zaitseva, and in 2012 the couple had a daughter, Alexandrina. In 2013, the couple separated, but Alexey continues to support Maria in her career and does not stop communicating with her daughter. He, as always, cannot imagine his life without writing songs and filming videos. Instagram is full of cool “sketches”: listen, it's a hit!

“Bachelor” / Season 1 / Evgeniy Levchenko

Before the start of the project, Evgeniy was paired with Victoria Koblenko. They say that he wanted to propose to the girl, but she chose to go to Hollywood. The long-distance relationship did not suit the football player, and he went on the show to look for the only one who could give him family happiness. In “The Bachelor” he chose Olesya Ermakova, but life in different countries and the constant flights did not last long - only 9 months. Evgeniy resumed his relationship with Victoria. In October 2015, he released a biographical book "LEV" in Dutch. And in August 2016, the couple had their first child, who was named Kiy. Today Evgeniy, Victoria and their son live in Amsterdam.

“The Bachelor” / Season 2 / Maxim Chernyavsky

In the finale of the project, Maxim Chernyavsky chose Maria Drigola, but their union ended almost immediately: the girl was unable to move in with her chosen one for personal reasons. And 3 years ago Anastasia Reshetova, ex-girlfriend Timati introduced Maxim to Daria Sidorova. Not long ago, Daria gave birth to Maxim’s daughter, but the couple never entered into a legal marriage. He also has a daughter from a previous marriage with Anna Sedokova.

“MasterChef” / Season 1 / Rafael Kazumyan