Hacked correspondence from Buzovoy. Intimate video and personal correspondence of Olga Buzova, exclusive! Scandalous correspondence between Nagiyev and Buzova: is it friendly support or a secret romance?

Apparently, the situation around family problems Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov got so hot that some craftsmen tried to hack the presenter’s smartphone in order to clarify the situation. As a result, Life.ru reporters had personal correspondence, voice messages and even intimate videos and photos of Buzova at their disposal.


In the audio recordings, a girl with a voice similar to Olga’s convinces her interlocutor to accept as many orders for advertising on Instagram as possible, explaining that she now needs to earn money. “I’m already doing well in Russia, I need Europe so that people will recognize me there, so that my banners will be in European stores!” – said the girl.

Next female voice changed the topic from work to personal. Turning to an interlocutor named Anton, the girl asks him for support and advice, talks about how she has lost self-confidence and scolds a certain man named Tarasov. “Anton, Anton, Anton, he’s scum, he’s not a person. Look at this scum. You can, like a man, explain to me what the fuck he’s doing. Record me a voicemail. Please. Write down at least something, your thoughts in general,” asked the girl with a voice similar to Buzova’s.

In response, the man tries to reassure the woman: “He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but you and I have already discussed this, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is one hundred percent your merit. Lokomotiv fans they love you, they respect you. I started this message with the fact that you are fucking, he is now completely losing everything. After a while, he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are the most fucking chick. ".

Then the girl calms down and mentions correspondence with “his mother” and reproaches herself for her incontinence. “In vain, yes, I wrote to his mother, of course? I understand now. Well, tell me, I shouldn’t have written to her? Well, ***, I’m a woman. I can’t help but write to her, realizing that she knew that he * *** another woman,” the girl complained.

Reporters published screenshots of the girl’s correspondence. The girl sent one of the recipients under the name “Olga Tarasova” a photograph of model Anastasia Kostenko, the same vice-miss of Russia 2014, with whom Dmitry Tarasov is credited with having an affair, accompanying the image with the words: “Non-humans. Animals. God is your judge. You all. Mom, Goodbye. See you in court."

There is also correspondence with the addressee “Husband”. He harshly asked “not to touch” his mother.

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp, there are also messages sent from a number recorded as “Mommy WhatsApp”. In candid correspondence, the sender tries to convince “Olyushka” to save the marriage, reproaches herself for not teaching her daughters to be comfortable, raising them to be sloppy, and tries to impute that an unsettled life can cause tense relationships in the family.

Along with messages in which there were family squabbles and worries, reporters publish photographs and sensational videos of a personal nature, in which a girl, like two peas in a pod like Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of the body - either lowering her T-shirt, or lifting up her dress, showing camera stockings.

Personal correspondence of the TV presenter has been made public. The data ended up on the Internet as a result of a cyber attack on a celebrity’s phone, reports L!FE.

The public is again actively discussing the personal life of Olga Buzova. Media representatives had files at their disposal with the title “The Price of Olga Buzova’s Misfortune.” The folder sent by unknown persons contains various text messages, audio files and videos of scandalous content.

It is assumed that such material ended up on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on the mobile device of the Dom-2 star. A message was attached to the files, which states that it is planned to distribute this incriminating evidence in the near future.

Among huge amount correspondence, you can also find screenshots of messages addressed to a subscriber signed as “Olga Tarasova”.

The sender sent a photograph of the runner-up for Miss Russia 2014. It is the participant in the famous competition who is credited with having an affair with a football player. The photo is accompanied by the words: “Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. To all of you. Mother".

The correspondence also indicates that about an hour later a message was received from a person recorded as “Husband” to “Olga Tarasova”: “Don’t you dare touch my mother. If you don’t have any brains of your own, don’t touch her.”

Users of social networks are already actively discussing the published materials. Many active users were most interested in the correspondence between “Mummy-Whatsapp” and “Olyushka”. In the message, the sender repeatedly asks “Olyushka” to save the family.

The high-profile divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov seems to be taking place in best traditions the famous TV show, the host of which is the now free Buzova herself.

The network literally blew up the news about compromising evidence on Olga, which was published after the star’s phone was hacked. Special attention bloggers were attracted by intimate correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev. In the chat, the TV presenter sent the famous handsome man photos and videos of a very piquant nature.

Dmitry gives Olga advice on how to behave after a breakup, and Buzova herself dreams of a personal meeting. “I’m going to St. Petersburg tonight. Performances. And to Tver for Fizruk. Send me photos, videos, everything came. So far so. Consider that I joined the army. Sleep, walk, sleep. The motto of the next two weeks,” writes Nagiyev (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. - Note ed.).


In a conversation with Life.ru, the TV presenter commented on his connection with Olga: “This is such a disgusting story that it’s disgusting to my soul. It’s disgusting that there are people who are interested in prying into their personal lives, it’s a disgusting feeling. This does not apply to Olga Buzova, this applies to her whole life. A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to this, then this is all the internal disgust of the person who is interested in this.”

“Olga and I have met five times in our lives, and we are not on friendly terms, believe me. Regarding the correspondence, I think that everyone would do the same, support the person. But as for the videos, they, fortunately or unfortunately, did not reach me, because it has the ability to be erased. As for support, I am ready to support her at any moment, because, as it seems to me, he is an intelligent and frank person,” Nagiyev continued.

In the photographs, a girl very similar to Buzova shows different parts of her body to the camera. At the same time, she is dressed exactly as Olga herself was dressed, which is easy to see on the TV presenter’s Instagram.

For many fans of Olga Buzova, her marriage to Dmitry Tarasov was an example to follow, because their couple seemed ideal to them. But, as it turned out, the happiness was short-lived, and their beautiful and tender relationship was just an “Instagram fake.”

However, loyal fans of the TV star have no idea that Olya and Dima’s wedding might not have happened at all. At one time, Olga Buzova, and now Tarasova, was very persistent and simply left Dima no choice but to propose to her. But he had no intention of getting married at all, since by that time he could not get over his unsuccessful marriage with his first wife Oksana. The athlete offered Olga, with whom he fell madly in love, an open relationship, but she gave him an ultimatum - they would get married and only in an official marriage would she give birth to a child for him. Tarasov, dreaming of a large and happy family, accepted her conditions. But this time he turned out to be more prudent - a day before the trip to the registry office, they drew up and concluded marriage contract. According to this document, in the event of divorce, the TV presenter will not lay claim to any of Tarasov’s property. And she, by the way, is impressive - three expensive Mercedes cars, several plots of land, a luxurious mansion with an area of ​​up to 800 square meters and a Moscow apartment. The blonde was in seventh heaven - she completely trusted her lover, because she was sure that their happiness would last forever. And the football player had simply already been taught by bitter experience, because after his divorce from his first wife, he lost his two-room apartment in the capital.

However, time passed, but little “Tarabuzik” never appeared in the family. Friends of the star couple consider this the main reason for their separation. Now the TV presenter has moved to rented housing in the center of Moscow. As people from their circle said, Dima rented this apartment and he also invited Olya to live separately. By the way, these same acquaintances also said that Tarasov regularly sent his wife to the medical center for examinations, and no problems were found with her reproductive system. The girl was simply too passionate about herself and her career, and having a child was not part of her plans.

But Olga, who passionately loves to share her happiness with the public, did not talk about her misfortunes. And all this eventually turned into a huge revelation for her. Hackers hacked her cloud storage and gained access to all the TV personality’s personal materials. However, the attackers did not limit themselves to just studying them - they immediately posted her racy pictures, videos, and correspondence on the World Wide Web. And they titled all this as: “Olga Buzova. The price of misfortune."

Thanks to all these materials, it became known that socialite Now there are big difficulties with money. In particular, this is evidenced by her audio recordings, which were extracted by spiteful critics from her correspondence in the popular messenger. In them, Olga turns to her advertising agent and asks him to accept all offers of cooperation. The blonde also talks about her “Napoleonic” plans to “capture” Europe.

Also in his audio messages, the TV star asks his PR director Anton for support, and tells him what vile people the Tarasovs really are.

The man calms her down and tells her how wonderful she is.

Then Buzova remembers the correspondence with his mother and showers herself with reproaches for not being able to resist writing to her.

Judging by another screenshot, Tarasov also doesn’t like that Olya writes to his mother, and he asks not to touch her.

Among the many screenshots released, there is Olya’s correspondence with her mother, who simply begs her child to maintain her relationship with Dima. She asks the star to change and stop being a slob, because a messy home also affects family relationships.

In addition to all this, Buzova’s mother is also interested in the same white Mercedes that Dima gave to his wife. She even invites her to follow suit abandoned by Andrey Arshavin Yulia Baranovskaya and create their own show.

The TV personality’s sister Anna Buzova, who expressed her dissatisfaction with the behavior of Tarasov’s mother, did not mince words.

Along with these messages and proceedings, anonymous users published racy pictures and videos. In them, the presenter of House-2 lifts up her dresses and shows piquant parts of her body. This video was recorded on the day when Olga was invited to the anniversary of her close friends. It was there that she first hinted at the reason for the break with Tarasov, when she began to talk about memory and betrayal.

It’s curious, but in one of the videos Olga talks about how she intends to undergo several procedures to enlarge her cheekbones and lips, and also shows off her sexy stockings. But despite all this, she always emphasizes in public that she is a supporter of natural beauty.

The scandal that erupted around the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov escalated after hackers posted messages from the TV presenter on the Internet, as well as photographs and videos of an intimate nature. The public reaction was mixed. Many Internet users were shocked that the celebrity was in correspondence with actor Dmitry Nagiyev. The Fizruk star did not deny anything, but only noted that he did not know Olga as closely as some might think. According to him, he, as a man and colleague, decided to support Buzova in a difficult situation for her.

Ksenia Borodina confirmed that there is nothing and cannot be between Nagiyev and Olga. They are connected only by friendship. She justified the stars’ messages by saying that Nagiyev always prefers an ironic and playful form of communication, without putting words into words deep meaning. Olga’s devoted fans are convinced that in such a situation there is no place for discussing the personal problems of their favorite. They believe that, having overcome difficulties, Buzova can rebuild her life as she wants.

“When a person falls, they finish him off! They will never lend a helping hand! I don't like such people. Everyone is evil!”, “Olga, don’t listen to anyone and live your life”, “Olya, you are the best! You will be fine! God bless you!”, “You are famous, everyone knows you! Educated, beautiful. Those who love you will not stop loving you, and those who rejoice at this moment, it’s just a moment, it will pass! And all the envious people who splashed bile, this also showed them from the ugly side! And now you know them by sight! You’re not the traitor,” Olga’s fans wrote on Instagram.

Giving his commentary on what happened, Dmitry Nagiyev told Life.ru that he was unpleasant about the excessive public attention to Olga’s personal life.

“The disgusting feeling of disgusting and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to this, then this is all the internal disgust of the person who is interested in this,” the host of the TV project “The Voice” frankly stated. Fans, in turn, do not find anything reprehensible in the correspondence of their idols. Dmitry tried to tactfully hint to Buzova that she should not torment herself with doubts about the correctness of her decisions.

Scandalous blogger Elena Miro also spoke out about this situation. Apparently, unlike Olga’s fans, she is extremely negative. She tried to convince readers of her blog that the surfaced correspondence, photo and audio materials were nothing more than a clever PR move that would make the public talk about the star with even greater force.

“They say Olga Buzova’s Whats App and iCloud were hacked. The FBI begged Apple to do this with the terrorist’s phone, but Olenka’s haters got ahead of them. It turned out that Dmitry Nagiyev is a good friend. I say this without irony,” Miro wrote on her blog .

Subscribers who managed to read the blogger’s words were outraged by her harsh statements addressed to the TV presenter. They are convinced that the girl herself has no idea how the situation really is. Therefore, according to Internet users, she has no right to criticize Buzova.

Olga remained silent for some time, but then she made it clear to her fans that she did not want to justify herself to anyone. According to Buzova, she simply doesn’t have time for this. It must be said that the star is currently in Berlin, where she managed to record an interview with the actors of the film “Assassin's Creed” Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender. The “House-2” star is trying to be optimistic about the current situation, and is less and less accompanied by decadent sentiments with her posts on social networks. Fans support her in this decision, arguing that it is the most reasonable decision.

“They shot at me - I was standing. They threw knives at me - I smiled. I was tortured - I was silent. They are gone, but I am still alive,” Olga signed one of her photos on the social network.