Exhibition for International Theater Day in the library-branch N1 named after. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “Theatre of the Book”: SMK competition project Name of events for theater day in the library

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Library plus theater

V.A. Stakheeva, head of the library

Municipal educational institution Pervomaiskaya secondary secondary school The role of theatrical art in raising children is undeniable. For many centuries now, humanity has been selflessly playing this magical game. play-theater. It is no coincidence that A.S. Pushkin exclaimed: “The theater is a magical land!” Many Russian teachers addressed the development of school amateur theater. N.N. Bakhtin reveals his thoughts about the “educational”, “educational”, “ennobling” role of school theater, using data from pedagogy, the psychology of children's play and realistic acting. Analyzing some characteristic psychological characteristics children's game, Bakhtin raises the question of what brings it closer to nature performing arts and thereby creates natural prerequisites for practicing this art with children, and which, in turn, can give children school age, compared to the game, participation in pedagogically oriented creative activity for the preparation of the performance. The specificity of stage activity, work on a play that is accessible and educationally useful for children, according to Bakhtin, “represents the discipline of this ability, the subordination of its will, a certain plan“, and such a natural ability should not be suppressed, but with the help of theatrical classes, it should be supported and developed in children precisely for the purposes of moral and aesthetic development personality. This position of Bakhtin echoes the thoughts of K.D. Ushinsky about the role of reading fiction and with statements by N.K. Krupskaya about the importance of children’s creative activity, in particular amateur theater performances, for acquiring and enriching moral experience, cultivating emotional responsiveness to someone else’s joy or grief. Bakhtin pointed out the importance of school theater for the deep mastery of literary works. He emphasized the great educational meaning of children’s participation in creative process embodiment of the play at all its stages. Unlike the adult theater, the children's theater group becomes strong in everyday life, and sometimes even for many years. This most important feature A children's theater school group is especially necessary for current pedagogy. School theater, like no other remarkable teacher, manages to unite a wide variety of children: in age, gender, intelligence, and external characteristics. Valentina Anatolyevna Stakheeva came to work as the head of the library at the Pervomaisk secondary school, having a diploma in directing club events. She managed to graduate from the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture in absentia and received the specialty of librarian-bibliographer. Having gotten comfortable, Valentina Anatolyevna realized that she could use previous experience in her work, combine forms and methods of club activities with library ones. Communicating with children of different ages, she noticed how, as they grow older, they often lose interest in fiction. This happens in grades 4-5. Schoolchildren often satisfy their cognitive needs through television, computers, and reference books, which carry a huge flow of information. It undoubtedly contributes to rapid intellectual improvement, but against this background there is a clear lag in emotional development. How to get kids to want to read good books, not only grasped the plot, but understood what problems were solved in the work, paid attention to artistic details, had their own opinion about what they read, empathized with the characters? And this must be done unobtrusively, unconventionally. Valentina Anatolyevna began to often hold matinees, competitions, quizzes, and games. The guys began to read a little more, but this did not solve the problem. How can we save the souls of the children, help them see this beautiful and amazing world? How to convey your admiration to them, teach them to love a book, understand what they read, and through this penetrate deeper into the meaning of the experiences of others, more accurately understand the worries, desires, actions - your own and your friends? Valentina Anatolyevna decided to create a school book theater at the library. Children play theater endlessly. The child finds a plot, selects the necessary furniture and things, assigns roles, chooses toys. The children feel which of their peers is better able to perform a particular role. They strive to play for real, changing movements, voice intonations, dressing in different costumes. The Fantasy Book Theater has existed for fifteen years and already has its own repertoire. How many schoolchildren have stepped onto the stage over these 15 years, how many debuts have taken place! And many participants, having once performed in front of the audience, did not leave the stage for several years. The theater welcomes the little ones with a fairy tale. Fairy tales surprisingly organically combine entertainment and morality. It is in younger age the foundations of morality, faith in goodness, in ultimate justice, and the desire to help those in trouble are laid. In the repertoire small theater mainly fairy-tale productions and theatricalizations based on the works of children's writers: S.Ya. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Nosov, G. Uspensky, A.L. Barto, K. Chukovsky, V. Dragunsky and others. High school students draw inspiration from the works of A.S. Pushkin, Fonvizin. The theater staged about ten New Year's performances– fairy tales: “On the Square of the Silver Watch”, “The Adventures of Sasha and Shura”, “ Winter's Tale", "The Snow Maiden is inviting you" and others. Creation creative team Guys. Everyone approaches this problem in their own way. Valentina Anatolyevna invites even children who, for one reason or another, have difficulties communicating with their peers and those who cannot find themselves in classes to play in the play. True, in order to go on stage, children need to work hard and for a long time on their speech, imagination, plasticity - everything that is necessary in the theater and in life. But students do this not in class, not under the critical gaze of the teacher, but in their free time, together with the same children, who still don’t know how to do much, but are ready to help and suggest, in order to later become a team of like-minded people on stage. This is how a team is born. The staff of the book theater "Fantasy" is constantly being updated, graduates are being replaced by first-graders. Surveys of graduates who have acted on stage at least once show that in their memory from the years spent at school, the most vivid episodes of their performances in plays remain. When meeting with the director of the school theater, they are always interested in modern productions. The difficulty is that literary works For children, even their favorite fairy tales, you need to be able to dramatize, that is, translate from the language of words to the language of actions. They need to be carefully rethought and conveyed with minimal losses to the modern child - the performer and the child spectator. Not every school theater director is able to cope with this sufficiently. When staging a play, Valentina Anatolyevna always writes a precise calendar plan for her work: - time for rehearsal at the table (expressive reading of the text),

Rehearsal in the “fence” (conditionally expressed space),

Assembly rehearsals in blocks - “run-through rehearsals” and - “dress rehearsals” (minimum 1-2). The children themselves and their parents are involved in the production of costumes and decorations. Design is also very important. The school's facilities are very limited. At the same time, we must not forget that without a carefully selected costume, makeup and other simple aids, even a talented performance of the role will be seriously devalued. Rehearsals, even for a very small performance, give children a lot of pleasure. The design of the scene and unusual, colorful costumes deepen their experiences. Valentina Anatolyevna says that when working on a play, they do not set goals, that any production is a performance for the sake of a performance. First of all, this is children's creativity, and its value lies not only in the result, but in the process itself. It is important that they create, create, practice creative imagination and its implementation. And the theater’s activities are organized so that the children feel that they are playing for themselves, and are captivated by this game. The faces of the guys after performances after performances are happy. They get joy from their creativity, from communicating with the audience. After the performance, they cannot separate for a long time and share their impressions. The team of the book theater "Fantasy" is a regular participant in regional theater festivals and competitions. The performances were especially noted: “Down the Magic River” by E. Uspensky, “Cat’s House” by S.Ya. Marshak, “Odolen-grass” by Lyubimov, “Two Maples” by E. Schwartz, “The Young Lady-Peasant” by A.S. Pushkin, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” by N. Nosov, “The Tale of Truth” by M. Aliger, “I Won’t Ask for Forgiveness” by S. Prokofiev, “A Light in the Wind” by T. Makarskaya. In total, the Book Theater staged more than 30 performances. The pages of the regional newspaper "Zarya Severa" repeatedly published notes about the performances of the theater of the book "Fantasy". Here is what a theater admirer writes: “I have repeatedly had the opportunity to be a spectator at performances staged by May Day actors. Looking at them, sometimes you forget that the action takes place on an ordinary regional stage, since we must pay tribute to the guys’ ability to behave in public, to get used to the images of the heroes. And you should see how happy young artists are if their performance resonates in the hearts of the audience. But for any artist this is main award. The theater has raised more than one generation of talented children. In 2005, “For acting”, Katya Gavritenko, Oleg Chernyaev, Marina Bushmanova received Certificates of Honor. And even earlier, the same certificates were awarded to Olya Ryabeva, Natasha Shasherina, Olya Zharavina, Andrey Korepin, Kolya Lobov, Zhenya Nekipelov, Tanya Goryunova, Yulia Kazakova and others. The results exceeded expectations. Indeed, when preparing a performance, the work and creativity of the author, the era, life, costumes, and customs are studied in detail; Every action, movement, feeling of the characters is analyzed; Everyone learns large passages from works by heart and already in life, when communicating, they use quotes from plays. When a person is surrounded by such a creative aura, he is not capable of committing a bad act, everything works out for him, he is ready, like a sponge, to absorb knowledge, feelings, and love, and share this wealth with others. To the question “What did the school theater give you?” Club member Marina Bushmanova responded: “The theater has given me a lot. It seems that he was the one who brought me to new way inspiration. I will create, I will perform. After all, it is on stage that I can show who I am at heart.” And here are the words of Katya Chernysheva: “Here we receive a creative charge for the rest of our lives, no matter what profession we choose. Theater is a great teacher. This is a world of beauty and fairy kingdom" Two students of the school theater Kirkina E.M. and Kazakova O.A. continued the work of Valentina Anatolyevna, they created their own theater groups. This is especially gratifying: the work started at school has been continued on a professional basis. To make readers fall in love with literature and poetry, to help shape artistic taste, to promote the development creativity, to instill the need for knowledge of beauty - these are the tasks that the library should solve. Russian teacher O. Galakhova, in a report on the influence of theatrical art on children back in 1916, stated: “Theater is a school of life. His educational value much wider than the action of the book.” A library plus a theater is a wonderful collaboration that can bear fruit in the field of developing reading for children, adolescents, and even adult readers. Literature

    Study, generalization and dissemination of innovative library work experience. ( Methodological recommendations to help the library collection methodologist). // School library– 2004.-№5.-s. 19-24. Rubina Yu.I. and others. Amateur theatrical performances of schoolchildren: Fundamentals of pedagogical guidance. A Guide for Teachers and Leaders theater groups.-M.: Enlightenment.-1983.-176 p. Bondarev V.P. School theater is a means for self-realization of students’ personality. // Additional education.-2000.-No.10.-p.42-43. Oparina N. School theater: Organization and directing. // Rural school.- 2003.-№3.-p. 64-69.



Based on the works of N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, E. Uspensky, V. Golyavkin, B. Zakhoder.

For students in grades 1-4.




Librarian's Daughter


Librarian: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults!

Our meeting takes place in April. And as they say: throughout April, don’t trust anyone, that is, April is associated with jokes, humor, and invention.

And today we have a fun holiday, a humorous holiday.

Do you like humor?

Do you love magic and miracles?

As a librarian, I want to ask you: where can we read about miracles? In books and magazines.

For example, in the magazine “In the Far Far Away Kingdom”.

There the heroes Tyukhtya, Master and Kolobrod introduce the children to the best works literature, reaching the most remote corners far away kingdom.

These little forest dwellers live in a small clearing in the forest.

Kolobrod has a book “Magic for Every Day”. This is a special magical book. She can be read only when she herself wants it.

At the same time, the very sheet of paper that she gives to read falls out of her, but amazingly, the sheets in her never decrease.

And then one day a leaf fell out of the book. Lesovich hastily turned it around.

It was a map. Map of our Kichmeng Town.

(the forest boy ran to his friends).

Kolobrod: I have a map of Kichmeng Town. It's time to hit the road.

Tyukhtya: What's good there?

Kolobrod: Like what? Today Kichmeng Town is turning into a Town of Miracles. The streets of the village are populated by heroes humorous stories and poetry.

Curiosity strikes:

It’s not good to sit on the stove,

And pushes and pulls out

Early in the morning over the threshold.

And even though I am a restless person!

And the road is long!

Interesting conversation

I value more than pie.

Through ravines and swamps,

Through mountains and forests

And around every turn

Miracles await!

Craftsman: Well, let's go to the gate.

(they take out the gate with the inscription on it: “Where would you like?”)

Kolobrod: (pointed his finger at the map and read: Kichmengsky Town.

(the gate opens and the heroes go through it).

Librarian: Do you think I learned about the foresters and about the town of miracles that our Kichmeng Town once turned into? And it was like this.

Librarian's daughter: One summer I climbed into my grandparents' attic and noticed a chest. I was interested in what was inside. I lifted the lid and saw that there were school textbooks and notebooks. I looked at the textbooks, notebooks, with marks written in red pencil and was about to close the lid, when I saw another notebook at the bottom of the chest.

I opened it and read: “Reliable notes from Anya and Vanya about extraordinary travels around the City of Miracles.” Of course, I was very interested in this and I brought this notebook to my mother and we read it.

Librarian: Yes, my daughter and I read the entire notebook. From these records we learned that it turns out that once the wizard Knizh flew through our Kichmeng Town at night. He liked our calm village from above. He decided to stay at least a day.

And we know that if a wizard is nearby, miracles happen.

Yes, when the residents of Kichmeng Town woke up the next day, they did not recognize their streets. Our Kichmeng Town has been turned into a Town of Miracles.

And when brother and sister Anechka and Vanechka woke up, they heard and saw this:

Lesovichki: -Have you seen a miracle yet?

Never seen a miracle?

The trouble is, I didn’t see the miracle.

So go and have a look.

You will see just a miracle

Amazing miracle!

Vanechka: What a miracle?

Anechka: I want to see a miracle!

Presenters: And our forest villagers took Anechka and Vanechka out into the street.

And it was like this on the street! It turns out that all the streets were renamed overnight.

Zarechnaya Street, on which our school and this club stands, became known as the Street of FANTASERS.

And the heroes of everyone’s favorite writer N. Nosov settled on it.

In general, you will see it all for yourself. The forest villagers Kolobrod, Tyukhtya and Master Anechka and Vanechka lead the “Fantazers” exactly to this street.

Dramatization "Dreamers"

"Bobik visiting Barbos"

Anechka: I want to see what’s on other streets.

Tyukhtya: Then go ahead.

Host: While our heroes are running across the Imagination River, that is, across the Kichmenga River. I want to say that on Fantazerov Street, that is, on Zarechnaya Street, we watched the staged story “Fantazers” and the story “Barbos visiting Bobik” by N. NOSOV.

Vanechka: Here we are on Pervomaiskaya.

Craftsman: No, this street is now called Naughty.

Tyukhtya: And the heroes of Victor Dragunsky’s stories settled on it.

Dramatization of stories:

« Enchanted letter».

"Fire in the outbuilding, or feat in the ice."

"Main rivers".

"Where is this seen, where is this heard"

Kolobrod: We have already looked at Dragunsky’s stories (lists).

But my curiosity is piqued. Let's move on. If you look at our village plan, we can get to Sovetskaya Street.

Vanechka: So it hasn’t been renamed. So it remained Soviet.

Kolobrod: The magic book says that Uspensky’s heroes settled there. And if you recite at least one poem by E. Uspensky, the book will tell you the name of this street.

(Vanya and Anya joked. Vanya recites the poem “Memory” by Uspensky.

Kolobrod: The book says that Sovetskaya Street turned into “MULTI-COLORED BOULEVARD”

Dramatization "Hunter".

"Academician Ivanov."

Tyukhtya: And now we will go along Central Street to the main square of the Kichmengsky Town.

Master: Again, you’re not talking like magic. Our plan of the village and the book says that we will go along the Avenue of ENCRETS to the FUN square! Is it true Kolobrod?

Kolobrod: Correct. Just let's stop a little on Chudakov Avenue and look at the heroes of B. Zakhoder

"Two and three."

Vanechka: I hear music, follow me to Fun Square.

Song of Yura Navolotsky.

Kolobrod: The magic book says that we can only leave this square if one of us sings a song.

Song "Star" by Galya Karacheva.

Tyukhtya: You also study at school. Come on, while we're on our way there, ask us a question.

Vanya: What is nine nine?

Tyukhtya: that's more than four.

Vanya: And how much more?

Master: (spreads his arms to the sides) About that much.

Vanya: Shame. You don't know the 9 times table!

Kolobrod: We don’t know why. I know everything, I’ll just look at the book for a minute.

Anya: I don't think this trick will help you. No one can learn to multiply in a minute.

Kolobrod: Do you want to know one of the secrets oral counting?

Let's read what was written in Magic book: Place your hands in front of you and mentally number all your fingers. Let's say you need to multiply 3 by 9.

Anya: Why do I need this? So I know the multiplication table.

(Suddenly Golyavkin’s heroes surround the forest villagers and brother and sister.)

Hello, you have come to visit us.

Let's get acquainted.

Tyukhtya, tinkering, Kolobrod, Vanya, Anya.

And we are the heroes of Golyavkin and settled on AMAZING street.

Yes, we called your Komsomolskaya street Amazing Street. Really beautiful.

Dramatization: “How I deceived everyone.”





Masterya: Guys, from the poems of my friends, did you understand which author’s street we came to?

Where do the animals live, besides the zoo? Right in the forest.

So, which street did we come to?

That's right, to Lesnaya.

Only, if in our opinion, then it’s WONDERFUL.

"Joiner Kushakov."

"Ivan Ivanovich Samovar."

Presenters: So the forest villagers took our Vanya and Anya until they got tired and went to bed.

And the next day they wrote it all in this notebook.

And we are left to wonder whether they saw it all in reality, or whether they dreamed about it.

Music of the song "Town". All heroes bow.

1. Generalization of the work experience of V.A. Stakheeva, head of the library of the Pervomaisk secondary school………………………..4

2. Scenario for the holiday “Town of Miracles” ………………………………………………………10

Ekaterina Yurchenko
Holiday script, dedicated to the Day Theater " Fairyland».

Target: expand children's knowledge about international holiday"Day theater» .


Unite children in the creative process, reveal to them interesting world theatrical arts;

To intensify the activity of each child in searching and transmitting stage images using a variety of expressive means;

Foster readiness for creativity;

Promote the development of creative abilities.

Materials and equipment: musical accompaniment, colorful poster, costumes, theatrical paraphernalia.

Form of conduct: costume festive event.

Preliminary work: learning poetry, role training theatricalization.

Progress of the event

Children enter the hall to the music in costumes and take their seats.

What a miracle it is to be in fairy tale

With the heroes of legends that suddenly came to life!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.

They sing, grieve, reflect...

Intensity passions are transmitted to us.

They light up our souls with their play.

Their art - theater, not a farce.

Today we praise the skill of the actors,

Congratulations on the Day we hurry to the theater,

Make-up artists, costume designers and prompters -

We thank everyone for the magic!

Leading. Good afternoon, dear viewers! Before we start our holiday, I want to make a wish for you riddle:

There is stage and backstage,

And actors and actresses,

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, sold out.

And, of course, the premiere!

You probably guessed it.


March 27 is celebrated around the world as International Day theater. We also prepared for this holiday and we are very glad to welcome you to our festive competitive program « Fairyland» . The program includes poems, songs, jokes, skits and theater quiz for viewers. At the end of the program, the jury will sum up the results and name the best participants.

Jury presentation.

Theater! How much does a word mean?

For everyone who has been there many times!

How important and sometimes new

There is action for us!

We die at performances,

We shed tears together with the hero.

Although sometimes we know very well

That all the sorrows are for nothing!

Forgetting about age, failures,

We strive into someone else's life

And we cry from someone else’s grief,

With someone else's success, we rush upward!

In performances, life is in full view,

And everything will be revealed in the end:

Who was the villain, who was the hero

With a terrible mask on his face.

Theater! Theater! How much they mean

Sometimes your words are for us!

And how could it be otherwise?

IN theater life is always right!

Millions of people around the world respect theater arts, but a special attitude towards theater for children: because it is on their favorite fairy-tale characters come to life on stage.

Song about theater performed by children.


I want some tell about the history of the theater.

Word « theater» Greek It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theater art arose a long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

IN Ancient Greece performances sometimes lasted for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on raised platforms, and the action itself took place in an arena located directly on the grass. On March 27, the Great Dionysia took place in Ancient Greece - holidays in honor of the god of wine Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers.

And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to be celebrated throughout the world as International Day theater. In Russia, the emergence of a national theater associated with folk games and rituals. In the 11th century, buffoons - wandering actors - appeared in Rus'. In the middle of the 18th century, the first theater in Yaroslavl. After 100 years, a child appears theater(1779) in the Tula province, on the estate of the Bobrinsky counts, by the manager, the famous encyclopedist Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738 - 1833) .

The most popular puppet character is Parsley.

Now in Russia there are about 200 children's theaters.

Every day ours theaters open their doors to hundreds of young spectators. IN theater all the people come dressed up, smart, and although they want to talk, they hold back, try to speak more quietly and laugh in an undertone. They came to theater.

Take a closer look: already in the foyer there is that solemnly upbeat atmosphere that seems to warn you of an upcoming meeting with a miracle. Because as soon as the performance starts, you will be transported to another time, another place.

Poem (read by children of the younger group).

IN theater for children

To the people! To the people!

Wherever you look -

Every aisle

There's a wave of guys coming.

But suddenly the lights went out,

There's silence

And ahead beyond the ramp

The wall moved apart.

And the children saw

Clouds above the sea

Stretched networks

Fisherman's hut.

All this knew the fairy tale -

About the golden fish, -

But it was quiet in the hall,

It's like it's empty.

He woke up, clapped,

When the fire was lit.

They knock their feet on the floor,

Palm on palm.

And the curtain flutters

And the light bulbs are shaking -

It applauds so loudly

Half a thousand guys.

S. Ya. Marshak

But it depends on you whether the visit will bring theater joy or will leave you indifferent, cause a feeling of annoyance or grief.

How can one not agree with the rules of conduct that state that when going to theater, to a concert, to the library, to the cinema, you need to especially meticulously examine yourself and carefully put your clothes, shoes, and hair in order. This is one of the most important rules that anyone who goes to theater.

There is one more rule that must be followed All: V theater, the movie needs to arrive 15-20 minutes before. before the start of the performance, so that you have time to undress and calmly find your place in the hall. And sometimes it happens that the performance has already begun, and the audience is still wandering along the aisles, looking for their place, and obstructing those sitting stage, you should walk facing the people who have already taken their seats. They, in turn, may stand up to let you pass.

Arriving at theater, you will see stage, curtain The curtain not only separates scene from auditorium . It separates the bustle, conversations, trifles of everyday worries from why we came to theater. The curtain rises. Quiet! The encounter with art begins. But we also have guys who get bored at any performance. They are not captivated by the skill of the actors, they are indifferent to the art of the artist, they are not touched by wonderful music. It happens, guys, So:


Once every children's theater play

I got to watch the dunce.

He sat, flapping his ears,

He looked, ate the candy,

And during intermissions, they say,

I drank fizzy lemonade.

Someone out of curiosity

A day later I asked the dunce:

Are you in there was a theater, isn't it?

What did you like about the performance?

AND said the dunce in response:

I loved the buffet!

Was the play good?

There's no point in asking the dunce,

What will you learn from him?:

He didn't understand a single thing.

This means nothing!

J. KOZLOVSKY. "NO belmesa".

Available in theatrical In language the word is intermission. It comes from two French words meaning between and action. Have you guessed what “intermission” means? That's right, a break between the actions of the play, parts of the concert. It is intended for performers to rest and for a change of scenery.

The performance has not yet ended, and some are already rushing to leave the hall, drowning out the actor’s last words with the shuffling of their feet. Is it polite to leave early, and without even thanking the actors for the pleasure they received?

Do you guys know how to they say in the theater"thank you" to the actors? After the performance (Children's answers.)

If you liked the actor's performance, give it a round of applause. Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to the artists and authors. Don’t forget to thank the artist for the beautiful scenery, the orchestra and conductor for the music.

Giving flowers to actors, singers, musicians is one of the oldest and most beautiful theatrical customs. Flowers can be presented to the artist by going to stage, or transfer with the employee theater.

Tell me which ones there are theaters? (puppetry, drama, operetta, opera and ballet.)

That's right, well done! Have you been to theatrical performances(children's answers)

In all theaters a lot of people work. Who works in theater(answers children: artists, directors, musicians, prompters, etc.)


To become an artist you need to learn a lot, be able to do a lot.

What should an artist be able to do?

(Speak well, clearly, clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.)

I invite you today to try to become artists.

Let's remember the tongue twisters.

Children stand in a circle and say tongue twisters.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under the cap.

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.

Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling. And with Prokop the dill boils, and without Prokop the dill boils.

The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.


And children can go without a suit,

Turn into, say, the wind,

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or into a butterfly or wasp?

What will help here, friends? (Gestures and of course facial expressions).

What is facial expression? (These are body movements, no words)

The presenter conducts the game with the kids (children repeat the movements after the leader)

As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

- Suddenly we see: near the bush the chick fell out of the nest.

We quietly take the chick and put it back in the nest.

We enter a clearing and find a lot of berries.

Strawberries are so fragrant that you can’t be too lazy to bend over.

A red fox looks out from behind a bush ahead.

We will outwit the fox and run on tiptoes.

In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs

In the morning we washed ourselves early, rubbed ourselves with a towel,

They spanked with their paws, they clapped with their paws.

Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws at an angle,

Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

Fabulous quiz “How well do you know fairy tales?”

(for middle group children)

1 Competition.

He got leeches

I sold Karabas,

The whole smell of swamp mud,

His name was. (Not Buratino, but Duremar.)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple-minded

The dog's name was. (Not Totoshka, but Sharik.)

He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye.

His name was. (Not Cheburashka, but Kolobok.)

Poor dolls are beaten and tortured,

He is looking for a magic key.

He looks terrible

This is the doctor. (Not Aibolit, but Karabas.)

He was on the road for many days,

To find your wife,

And the ball helped him,

His name was. (Not Kolobok, but Ivan Tsarevich.)

He will find out everything, take a peek,

It disturbs and harms everyone.

She only cares about the rat,

And her name is. (Not Yaga, but Shapoklyak.)

And beautiful and sweet,

Only very small!

Slender figure,

And the name is. (Not Snow Maiden, but Thumbelina.)

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard,

This one is kind. (Not Santa Claus, but Old Man Hottabych.)

With blue hair

And with huge eyes,

This doll is an actress

And they call her. (Not Alice, but Malvina.)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He's grumpy like an old man

This one is sad. (Not Piglet, but Eeyore.)

He's a big naughty guy and a comedian

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is. (Not Dunno, but Carlson.)

For passersby on the path

He plays the harmonica.

Everyone knows an accordion player

His name (Not Shapoklyak, but Gena.)

Treats animals in Africa

Good Doctor (Not Barmaley, but Aibolit.)

I've got some buns for you,

Fly to me at least once.

Master of all sorts of mischief,

Best in the world (Not Karabas, but Carlson.)

Where is your ball gown?

Where is the glass slipper?

Sorry, I was in a hurry

My name is (Not Scarecrow, and Cinderella.)

2 Competition.

We continue the competition for the best knowledge fairy tales.

What song did Kolobok sing?

What did the Goat sing to her seven kids?

Who can call Sivka-Burka?

Who can call Ivanushka’s sister Alyonushka?

Emelya's vehicle?

3 competition "Who is this?"

A) Fairytale heroine, owner of the first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)

b) fairy creature, a forest dweller, the so-called Spirit of the Forest? (Leshy)

4 competition “Who says that?”

a) “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one? (Morozko)

b) “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will fly through the back streets.” (Fox)

5 competition "Who sent the telegrams?"

“I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. I’ll be with you soon.”

“Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf."

“A simple egg has already been laid.”

“Come and visit us, there’s enough room for everyone.”

6 competition (for kids)

You have Wax on your neck,

Right under your nose... (blot; "Moidodyr")

A fly went to the market

And I bought... (Samovar; "Fly - Tsokotukha")

And again the bear: - Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed sea... (hedgehog; "Phone")

Look into the tub

And you will see there -... (frog; "Fedorino's grief")

With elephants on the go

We played (leapfrog; "Barmaley")

The sea is on fire,

Ran out of the sea... (whale; "Confusion")

It's a shame for an old man to cry

You are not a hare, but... (bear; "Stolen Sun")

But like a black iron leg

She ran, jumped... (poker; "Fedorino's grief")

Here the soap jumped,

And grabbed my hair,

And it fussed and fussed,

And it bit like... (wasp; "Moidodyr")

Fleas came to Mukha

They brought her... (boots; "Fly - Tskotukha")

The little frogs came running,

Watered from... (ushata; "Confusion")

But because of the Nile the Gorilla is coming,

The gorilla is coming... (leads the crocodile!; "Barmaley")

The bunny looked out the window

It started to feel weird... (dark; "Stolen Sun")

Hey you stupid plates

What are you jumping like... (squirrels; "Fedorino's grief")

Yes, long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel,

And tooth powder

And thick... (comb; "Moidodyr")

And came to Aibolit fox:

Oops, I was bitten... (wasp; "Aibolit")

We feel sad without the sun

In a field of grain... (not visible; "Stolen Sun")

Fishes are walking across the field,

Toads in the sky... (fly; "Confusion")

The shark got scared

And with fear...(drowned; "Barmaley")

Quiz about theater(for high school students).

Which the country is considered the birthplace of the Theater(Ancient Greece).

Where does it begin? theater? (Hanger).

As in the theater is called a break? (Intermission).

Invisible theater assistant? (prompter).

What types theaters you know(Opera, ballet, operetta, puppets, etc.)

What is it called puppet theater(Puppet).

First theater puppet in Rus'(Parsley).

How audiences express their gratitude to artists (Applause).

What was the name of the text from which the actors learn their lines? (Role)

Text of the production. (Scenario)

What is the name of the one installed for theatrical actions situation (Decoration).

The warm-up has come to an end...

You tried now.

And now for a surprise, guys!

IN we invite you to a fairy tale.

Scene"Emelya and the Princess"(available on the Internet)

Scene"What's happened?"(available on the Internet)

Scene"A Goat and Four Wolf Cubs"(Appendix1)

Games with the hall (while the children are preparing for the performance)

« Theater»

The hall is divided into four parts. The first one serves as the right wing (with the right hand, it’s as if they’re pulling back a curtain from words: “Whack.” Zipper". Second - left wing (same thing, only with the left hand). The third group will be the orchestra. Each one depicts some kind of instrument. Fanfare sounds. The fourth group is the audience. Stormy applause. So, is everyone ready? Let's begin. The right wing opened. The left wing opened. Orchestra - fanfares. Applause from the audience. The show begins!

A fun attention game "I am not I".

(Children and adults play, sitting on chairs:

on "I"- stand up, hands up; "not I"- sit down) .

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves pomegranate?

Who loves grapes?

Who loves apricots?

Who doesn't wash their hands?

Who loves ice cream?

Who loves cake?

Who loves toffee?

Who's lapping from the bowl?

Who loves tomatoes?

Who fries fly agarics?

Who loves movies?

Who broke the window?

Who loves cookies?

Who loves jam?

Who loves honey?

Who lies all the time?

Who wants dumplings?

Who wants a banana?

Who is stubborn like a sheep?

Who wants "Coca-Cola"?

Who will wash the whole school?


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader’s hand, one half claps their hands as usual. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves his left and then his right hand - in response to the wave of the hand, the audience claps one by one, imitating the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands up above his head - children shouting: “Too-too!”

In conclusion, the children say words:

Hold hands, friends, and take a deep breath,

And what we always say, now you are loud to everyone Tell:

I swear now and forever cherish the theater sacredly,

Be honest kind person and worthy of being a spectator.

Summing up.

Awarding the best artists and experts theater.


"The Goat and the Seven Wolf Cubs" (a fairy tale is the opposite) .

Presenter: Listen to me guys a fairy tale - a poor man, a fairy tale in reverse, at first glance the same fairy tale, but everything about her is the other way around. And what’s wrong with it - see for yourself! Whether it's true or not, it's up to you to decide.

Once upon a time there was a she-wolf and she had four wolf cubs: (they go out one by one)

1st - fluffy, fluff,

2nd - - nimble, - nimble,

3rd - nimble, - nimble,

All the wolf cubs are smart, and the 4th is the smartest of smart girls, well, just smart.

Once upon a time there were wolf cubs wolf-like friendly and cheerful, and loved each other very much. (dance)

Presenter: What is the name of the mother of the wolf cubs?

Wolf cubs: She-wolf.

Presenter: And here she is. (the she-wolf runs out dancing).

She-wolf: Wow, here I come!

She-wolf: I’ll go to the fair, like going to the market

Wolf cubs: Uh-uh (dance continues).

Presenter: The she-wolf gathered at the market and said wolf cubs:

She-wolf: Wolf kids, wait for me at home and don’t open it to anyone, they say there’s a huge goat wandering around our area, named "dereza".

Presenter: Her muzzle is long, her horns are large and sharp, she walks around and butts everyone, but whoever she can’t gore, she stupefies. Here (goat runs out).

Presenter: Goat-dereza, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, What did you eat, what did you drink?

Goat: I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, I took care of myself. I’ll stomp, stomp my feet, I’ll stomp you with my horns, and I’ll sweep you with my tail...

All: Goat, get out...

Wolf cubs: Uh-uh (V run away in fear) .

She-wolf: Baby wolves, wait for me at home, don’t go anywhere and don’t open the door for anyone, you’ve seen how big the goat is. By nickname "dereza"?

Wolf cubs: Yeah.

(She-wolf runs away)

Wolf cubs: Bye, mom.

Presenter: Just the she-wolf left the house, and the goat was right there, creeping up quietly, bleating her terrible voice:

Goat: Meee, hey, little wolf kids, it’s me, your mother has come, open the door, lean back...

Wolf cubs: You are no mother...

1st: Our mother howls like she sings a song!

2nd: You "goat-dereza"- that's who you are!

3rd: We will never open the door for you!

All together: Go away, you stupid goat!

Presenter: And the wolf cubs from howled like a wolf in fear.

Wolf cubs: Uh-uh...

Presenter: Then the goat turned on her wits and knocked an idea into her head: She decided to eat honey so that her voice would be like honey.

Goat: Ha ha ha (runs away)

(wolf cubs come out from behind the scenes)

Presenter: The goat ate honey, returned to the she-wolf’s den and bleated in a voice as sweet as honey.

Goat: Baby wolves, it’s me, your mother has come, open up, open up.

Presenter: All the wolf cubs believed her and told her:

Wolf cubs: Mom, mom!

Presenter: But the wolf cub- "smart guy" didn't believe it and said through the door"goat-derese":

Teen Wolf: Show us your paw!

Goat: That's how tender my paw is.

Presenter: And when the wolf cubs saw the huge hoof, they roared in unison.

Wolf cubs: Go away, you stupid goat! Our mother has a gray paw with claws. And you have a paw like an elephant. (and howled) oooh...

Presenter: The goat didn’t realize that the elephant didn’t have hooves, but she remembered that she really had huge hooves, she ran up and hit the door with all her goat strength.

Goat: Boeeee I’ll go sharpen the horns...beeeee

Presenter: And the wolf cubs from fear ran away and hid in all directions, and hid, shhh...

But the goat is no stranger, she laid out her witchcraft nets and went to search in all corners. As soon as he finds the wolf cub, he begins to use his witchcraft charms and hypnotize the kids.

Goat: A horned goat is following small wolf cubs, whoever does not eat porridge or drink milk. - I'm goring. I'm goring...

Make horns, bow, follow me (3 times)

Now everyone follow me (leads the wolf cubs away).

Addresses the audience:

Goat: First I’ll gore the wolf cubs, and then I’ll come to butt you and cast a spell.

Presenter: The goat bewitched all the wolf cubs, but didn’t find one clever one. That's why he's smart, not to fall for tricks.

Goat: I can’t find one smart guy, he’s cleverly hidden somewhere (looks around). But it’s okay and we’ll find him.

Presenter: And while the smart guy was hiding, he came up with a spell to bring the wolf cubs back and make the goat good.

I remember, repeat so you don’t forget!

Smart guy: Chok-chok, piglet,

I'm smart, not a fool,

I'm that little gray wolf

What will grab the barrel.

Spin like a top,

And become kinder...

Presenter: I came up with an idea and ran to save my brothers and sisters. Run...

And then the she-wolf returned from the market.

She-wolf: Baby wolves, it’s me, your mother has come, open the door, unlock it.

Presenter: The she-wolf entered the house, and there...

Goat: And now, she-wolf, I will butt you and cast a spell will: a horned goat is coming...

Wolf cubs (all together):

Chok-chok, piglet,

I'm smart, not a fool,

Goat-dereza, don’t stare your eyes,

I'm that little gray wolf

What will grab the barrel.

You, goat, spin like a top,

And become kinder...

Goat: Something’s wrong with me, I think I’ve gotten better, beee...

She-wolf: What about my wolf cubs, where are they?

Goat: And I taught them to dance.

She-wolf: How?

Goat: That's it!

(wolf cubs run out, dance with balls).

She-wolf: Baby wolves, aren’t you in pain?

Wolf cubs: No, mom, we have a lot of fun!

She-wolf: Well, if you are having fun, then let everyone have fun too. Follow me!

Goat: And I?

She-wolf: And you...where would we be without you...

Presenter: That's how they became friends. They all went to the market together to dance and entertain people, and they are probably dancing there now. Don't believe me? Go and look and tell me, But people say that since then all goats are good. At least this year...

On this day you can hold a competition " Theater stage" This event helps students develop activity, independence, and the ability to quickly navigate. To participate in the competition, 5 people are determined in advance, they prepare to present themselves (other students can help), they also bring with them any waste material for making a costume, and they learn about the rest of the competitions at the event itself.

Evening “Theater Stage”

Progress of the evening

(The presenters exit to the sound of the song “Ah, this evening...”.)

Presenter 1: Hello, dear spectators, fans and those who just looked into our cozy hall.

Presenter 2: Today, on International Theater Day, we announce the start of the “Theater Stage” competition.

Presenter 1: The host of this evening is...

Presenter 2: And... (the presenters introduce each other)

(Before the competition starts, the presenters can tell you a little about what theater is in general, when it arose, etc.)

Presenter 1: We traditionally begin by introducing our participants - these are the five most daring, creative students of our school. They cooked business card about ourselves - this will be our first competition. We are the first to invite you to this stage...

(Participants are being introduced.)

Presenter 2: We met our participants, you know us too, but we still forgot someone.

Presenter 1: Of course, we forgot, we have not yet introduced our arbiters of destinies - a fair and respected jury.

(Presentation of the jury.)

Presenter 2: Well, now everyone is introduced, and we move on to our second competition. It's called "Questions".

Presenter 1: We invite all participants to the stage and give them cards with questions. While they are reading the questions and thinking about how to answer them, I will explain to you that the questions were taken from literary works that you know.

(Participants take turns reading the question out loud and answering it.)

Sample questions:

1. Which Russian writer and to which work gave the epigraph “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” (N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General.”)

2. What silk fabric were the dresses of the merchant’s daughters made from in the fairy tale? Scarlet flower"? (Atlas.)

3. Which Russian writer wrote three novels whose titles begin with the letter “O”? (I.A. Goncharov “Breakage”, “Oblomov”, “Ordinary History”.)

4. The works of which English economist did Eugene Onegin read? (Adam Smith.)

5. What event happened between Uncle Fedor and his parents that caused the departure to Prostokvashino? (Argument.)

Presenter 2: Great, the jury made notes about who answered the question correctly and we move on to the third competition, which is called “The Chewing Man.”

Presenter 1: It is often important for an actor to perform a pantomimic, non-objective sketch. Now our participants are asked to eat the item in such a way that it is immediately clear to everyone that you are eating. Each participant receives a card with the items that he needs to eat.

Presenter 2: Each participant has three items. As soon as the music starts, you begin to “eat” the first item, as soon as we say that the item is changing, you move on to the second dish, and then, when we give the command, you move on to “eating” the third dish.

(Music sounds, participants show pantomime, the following items can be used for the task: seeds, a wormy apple, bony fish, ripe watermelon, melting ice cream, undercooked kebab, spaghetti, semolina porridge, castor oil, ripe pear, banana, rice porridge with Chinese chopsticks, plum, hot baked potato, candy.)

Presenter 1: Great, you ate so deliciously that I wanted to have a snack too.

Presenter 2: The jury gives marks, and we hear the results of the three competitions.

Presenter 1: The first results are clear and we continue the competition tasks. For the next competition, called “Theater begins with a hanger,” the participants brought with them junk material.

Presenter 2: Now the participants will be given cards with the names of the characters and the costume they will have to make. Their friends may help prepare the costume backstage.

(To the music, the participants go backstage and prepare the costumes of the following fairy-tale characters: Snow Queen; Koschey the immortal; Baba Yaga; Water; Leshy. The costume can be demonstrated by both the participant himself and his assistant.)

Presenter 1: While our participants are behind the scenes, we will play a game with the audience.

(The audience, together with the presenter, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came - they came

(We walk on the spot.)

Hedgehogs - hedgehogs

(We open our palms, squeezing and unclenching our fingers.)

Forged - forged

(We hit fist on fist.)

Scissors - scissors

(We show scissors with our hands.)

Running in place - running in place

(We run in place.)

Bunnies - bunnies

(Show ears.)

Come on, together! Come on, together!

(All the girls shout loudly “Girls!”, all the boys shout “Boys!”)

The game is usually played 2-3 times.

As soon as the participants are ready, the presenters name the fairy-tale character to the music and the participants demonstrate the costumes. You can offer to demonstrate the costumes, and the jury and the audience should recognize the character.)

Presenter 2: While our participants take off their costumes, we will listen to the results of past competitions, which the jury will announce to us.

Presenter 1: We have prepared another competition for our actors - “Mannequins”. We invite all actors to the stage to participate in it.

Presenter 2: They are asked to imagine the following situation: the glass of a clothing store was broken and all the mannequins were damaged. The administration of this store turned to the theater for help, asking the actors to stand in the window until new mannequins arrived. Our participants need to freeze in various poses.

Presenter 1: Great, as long as you cope with this task. But that's not the difficulty. While our actors are standing in shop windows, new mannequins are brought in and they begin to change places and change clothes. The task of the competition participants is to hold out in the chosen position, no matter what the circumstances.

Presenter 2: If the actors are ready, then we invite movers to our store.

(Music sounds, a group of stronger guys appears on the stage, dressed as movers and having a certain imagination. They drag frozen figures of actors around the stage, put outerwear on them, it is possible to create entire compositions from “mannequins.”)

Presenter 1: Excellent, our actors successfully coped with the role of mannequins.

Presenter 2: Our next competition is “Pattern Talkers”. Professional actors must be able to speak quickly and clearly, so our participants need to pronounce the tongue twister that is written on their card.


The snakes are already in a puddle.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

Frol was walking along the highway to Sasha’s place to play checkers.

The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system.

The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

Presenter 1: We realized that our participants are excellent at pronouncing tongue twisters, and now we will find out what the jury thinks about the talents of the participants.

(The jury sums up the results of past competitions and announces the total score for all competitions.)

Presenter 2: Let's applaud those participants who are in the lead and support those who still have few points, don't be upset, there are still many competitions ahead.

Presenter 1: Very often actors have to dub various radio plays or films, so our next competition is “Voice Acting”. Participants will have to depict in their voice the phenomena that are indicated on their cards.

(Participants receive cards containing two tasks:

Mooring motor boat;

Drainpipe during rain;

Car engine starting;

Boiling kettle;

Sirens wail;

Storm at sea;

Braking car;

Horse tramp;

The noise of a plane taking off;

The cry of seagulls.)

Presenter 2: All the actors did a great job with the voice acting and we continue our competitions.

Presenter 1: Competition "Situation". For an actor, the ability to read poetry is important. But reading with a certain intonation is quite difficult. Participants must read the well-known poem by Agnia Barto “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in the proposed situations, which are indicated on the cards.

(You can use the following situations - for each participant there are two situations: it is minus forty on the street, and you are standing barefoot; you are chewing a hot potato; you are a speaker who is listened to by humanity; you are a police officer drawing up a report; you are a three-year-old child reading a poem in front of guests; you are a priest giving a sermon in a church; at rush hour you get on a minibus; you are a participant in a concert working without a microphone; big hall; you find fault with small child; you have a heavy load on your back.)

Presenter 2: We move on to the next competition. The most difficult thing about being an actor is playing an animal. After all, for this you need to be very observant, especially since you cannot use words, but you need to accurately recreate sounds and movements. After all, animals know how to communicate with each other.

Presenter 1: And now, two animals will meet here and before our eyes they will talk to each other through the fence. Our participants will portray all this in the “Animal Conversation” competition.

(To conduct the competition, it is necessary to put up a screen so that the actors do not see each other. Each participant has the names of two animals written on a card. The presenters take turns naming the bunks that will communicate; they can be the following: a rooster and a chicken; a small dog and a big angry dog ; lion and kid; ram and goose; pig and goat.)

Presenter 2: We’ve got a wonderful zoo, but now we’ll find out what our jury thinks about it.

(The jury announces the results for all competitions.)

Presenter 1: The next competition is very serious, it is called “Helpline”. Now there will be a recording of a telephone call from a person who asks for help in a particular situation, and the participants’ task is to get their bearings and give good advice to the caller.

The following situations can be used for the competition:

"I am ten years old. We have a kitten at home. I got a bad grade in math, and my mother promises to throw my kitten out into the street for this. What should I do, because I can’t quickly correct this deuce?”

“I am seventeen years old, I am in the eleventh grade, but I have not yet decided what to do next - where to study or work. They say you have to choose what you love, but what should I do if I only like sausage?”

“I’m already twelve years old, but my grandmother continues to accompany me to school, my classmates laugh at me! What should I do?"

“I really like one boy from a parallel class, but he doesn’t pay any attention to me. What should I do?"

“I was betrayed by a friend. We have been friends for eight years, and when he had to choose who to sit at his desk with, he chose a girl. What should I do?"

Presenter 2: Unfortunately, our competition is coming to an end and we ask the jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

(Summing up, awarding the winners - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.)

Theater Day script.

Two buffoons appear on the stage:

Come on in, honest people,

The theater invites you to visit.

First Leader:

Today we will show you how talented our friends are,

Today we will reveal to you all the secrets of mastery.

Second presenter:

It's so good that there is a theater!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to say:

Everything in the world is human.

Everything is fine here -

Gestures, masks, costumes, music, games.

Our fairy tales come to life here

And with them a bright world of goodness.

First presenter:

The word "theater" is translated from Greek as "a place where spectacles take place." Theater arts arose more than 2.5 thousand years ago. In Ancient Greece, performances lasted for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on raised platforms. The action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. On March 27, great holidays took place in Ancient Greece; they were accompanied by a cheerful procession, in which there were many mummers. And since 1961, International Theater Day began to be celebrated on this day all over the world.

Second presenter:

What kind of theaters do you think there are? (Puppetry, drama, operetta, opera and ballet)

First presenter:

Theater! Do you love theatre? Because I love him. With all the strength of your soul, with all your enthusiasm With all the frenzy that lush youth is capable of, greedy and passionate for impressions of grace, or better to say, can you not love the theater more than anything in the world except goodness and truth. Which of all the arts has such powerful means of striking the soul with impressions and playing it autocratically? In the theater, thousands of eyes are fixed on one object, thousands of hearts beat with one feeling! Oh, go, go to the theater!

And we were visited by versatile, tragic, funny and simply mischievous artists. Greet them with loud applause.

The second presenter announces the name of the first production.

First presenter:

- The theater was born from folk rituals, and the first actors in Rus' were buffoons and puppeteers. They performed dramatic skits and heroic songs, played on various musical instruments, showed trained animals, told fairy tales, and performed acrobatic performances. For the performance, they erected light buildings - booths. Buffoons gathered in special “gangs” - artels - to wander around cities and villages and show their art.

(song performed: “We are wandering artists”)

Second performance.

Second presenter:

Now let's check how familiar you are with the theater. (Make theatrical riddles).

Third performance.

Music "Island of Bad Luck"

Absolutely populated with talents
There is a theater competition at our school

Beautiful on the face, kind on the inside
We learn all the roles from night to dawn

Fourth performance.

First presenter:

Our actors did a great job, and now let’s check how attentive and artistic you are.


Understanding “Depict a song without words”1. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”2. "Smile"3. “We wish you happiness”4. “Oh, frost, frost”- To hold the mise-en-scène “Show the picture”1. “Barge Haulers on the Volga”2. “A deuce again”3. “Alyonushka”- The ability to lead (agitating for some action)1. For the construction of birdhouses2. For swimming in winter3. For admission to a circus school4. Going to the cinema5. On Saturday

Fifth performance.

Music "No I'm not crying"

Everyone sings:
No, we don't cry or weep,

We answer all questions openly!

That our life is a game, and who is to blame?

We are so carried away by this game!

And to whom should we apologize?

They offer us - we cannot refuse!

And is it our talent and our spiritual heat

Don't deserve a modest fee?!

Chorus: Let the cruel wind rage
In the fog of the training seas,

Our theater plays so gifted
Against the backdrop of everyday problems!

"Theater Day"

competitive program

To International Day theater

Development carried out by:

Teacher at the GPD

Mashentseva Tatyana Petrovna

March 23, 2016

Goals and objectives of the competition:

promotion of theatrical art;

development of students’ abilities in joint creative activities;

identifying the most gifted and talented children;

development of communication skills.

Age of participants : 7-9 years.


Stand “Development of theatrical art in the Saratov region”;

Multimedia equipment;

Appendix No. 1 Presentation “Theater of Ancient Greece”

Appendix No. 3 Invitation tickets to the play “There is a tower in the field.”

Literature used:

V. Barmin. On the school stage in Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2009 - 144s.

I.A. Agapova, M.A Davydova. Theater productions V high school. Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2009 - 412 s.

Christy G.V. Basics acting, Soviet Russia, 1970

Theater where children play: Educational and methodological manual for directors of children's theater groups / Ed. A.B.Nikitina.-M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2001. - 288 pp.: ill..

Internet resources:

[email protected] ;

http://www.myshared.ru/user/4776/ ;


Progress of the event

Introductory part.


What a miracle it is to be in a fairy tale

With the heroes of legends that suddenly came to life!

We are surprised by their costumes, masks,

Captures the action of the moment.

They sing, grieve, reflect...

The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.

They light up our souls with their play.

Their art is theater, not a farce.

Today we praise the skill of the actors,

We hasten to congratulate them on Theater Day,

Make-up artists, costume designers and prompters -

We thank everyone for the magic!

Alena: Good afternoon, guys. Before we start our holiday, I want to ask you a riddle:

There is a stage and backstage,

And actors and actresses,

There is a poster and intermission,

Scenery, sold out.

And, of course, the premiere!

You probably guessed it... (THEATRE)

Appendix No. 1. Presentation " Ancient Greek theater»

Alexandra: Yes, today we will talk about the theater. I want to tell you a little about the history of the theater.

The word "theater" is Greek. It means both the place where the spectacle takes place and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a long time ago, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

Anna: In Ancient Greece, performances sometimes lasted for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on raised platforms, and the action itself took place in an arena located directly on the grass. On March 27, the Great Dionysia took place in Ancient Greece - holidays in honor of the god of wine Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to be celebrated all over the world as International Theater Day.


It's so good that there is a theater!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to say:

Everything in the world is human.

Everything is fine here -

Gestures, masks, costumes, music, games.

Our fairy tales come to life here

And with them a bright world of goodness.

Alexandra: Today we will prove to you that you are talented friends,

Today we will reveal to you all the secrets of mastery.

Teacher: Versatile, tragic, funny and simply mischievous artists came to visit us. Greet them with loud applause. But now, guys, you applauded yourselves. After all, today you will be our artists!

Did you know that when you clap your hands, you perform one of the oldest rituals of communication with higher world. And in our time, scientists claim that clapping your hands has a beneficial effect on the entire body. So, clap more often - it's useful and always cheers you up! Let's clap again!

Anna: There are many theaters in the world, and of course, artists

And we are growing to replace them, growing up very quickly.

And today we have a holiday. Quietly the curtain opened

And on stage, first-graders are our school artists.

Main part.

Alena: Our holiday continues and there are many creative challenges ahead, and in order to cope with them, we suggest doing a warm-up for a real actor!

1. Competition “Warm-up of an actor”.

the teacher explains the rules, the girls-Leaders are distributed around the room

Teacher: Claps are our special acting warm-up, because a real actor can turn any action into creativity. So today you and I will clap not simply, but creatively. To do this, we will hit the right palm with our left palm. Like this. At the same time, the palms seem to slide over each other. At the same time, right hand- the guide goes forward, and the left one goes back. This is a "shot". Let's try it. Now let's change hands.

- Great! Now I see that you are all warmed up. However! On stage, any action must be justified by the actor. Justified - that is, to become true. This is the only way the viewer will believe what is happening on stage. (If the actor himself does not believe in what is happening on stage, the viewer will definitely feel it as an act or falsehood). Now we will have a shootout again, but now we will definitely put some kind of emotion into our shot. For example, if it is anger, you will see it in my facial expressions, my body position, the force of my clap. I can shoot at you like this (angrily), or I can shoot at you like this (joyfully).

So, now your presenters will shoot at you with different emotions, you shoot at them with the same emotion, but... do not copy the presenters, but just return the same feeling. Some people have this kind of joy, and some people have this kind of joy.

Well, let's try, your hosts will help you. Our first emotion isAnger !

- Fright! -Sadness! -Joy !

It was great, guys! Now I tell everyone to send our last emotion straight into space! Like this! Our emotion isHappiness! We are all filled with the greatest joy, happiness that we have gathered here today, that we still have many interesting challenges ahead, that the holiday continues, that His Majesty the Theater has united us all here. So, the emotion is happiness. Get ready! Hands raised, we shoot loudly on the count of three. Once! Two! Three!( cotton)

Well done! Great! Space received our signal. Do your palms still hurt? Then clap for yourself again! Thank you, and now I will ask everyone to take their seats( children sit down).

Anna: How wonderful! What a great fellow you are! How talented and artistic!

Teacher: Guys, which of you performed at the holidays? What did you do? (sang, read poetry), or maybe some of you danced? Who took part in the skits? How many artists we have!

Alena: I propose to take an exciting journey to magical world theater, because everyone who gets into this world becomes a little different, you just need to use your imagination and a little imagination. Let's go behind the scenes to find out the secret of the birth of the play and become active participants in this creative process.

Appendix No. 2 Presentation “Image of a theatrical hero”

The teacher voices the presentation.


Just today

Only with us

The theater opens

Magic curtain for you!

Come to our theater.

10-15 children are invited to the stage.

Teacher: To become a real artist you need to be able to do a lot: master facial expressions, gestures, clearly pronounce the text, move plastically.

So, we invite you to become artists for a while. Stand in a circle and carefully follow what I say and do it with me.

2. “Acting Skills” Competition.

Look, there's a puddle ahead,

We need to get around it.

But here lies a huge log,

It is very difficult for us to climb over it.

Now the path has become so narrow,

Which is a bit of a balancing act.

But here is a deep and wide ditch,

And we can hear the roar of water from it.

How will we cross the ditch?

Well, have you guessed it? Of course, by jumping.

And suddenly we found ourselves in a fairy tale.

Looking around, we were very surprised.

A mischievous little bunny is running.

Wait, little coward, don't run, wait!

We jump just like you

If you don't believe me, well, look!

We know how to sneak like a cunning fox,

Sweeping the road with your tail: you wouldn’t leave a trace!

We know how to prowl like an angry wolf,

Which is called “snap teeth”.

We will be able to pass like a bear,

Sweeping away everything that gets in the way.

Anna : All the guys here are born actors!

Alena: Well, now we are ready to conquer theatrical heights! Well, let's go?

Together: Let's go!

3. Competition “Announcers Competition”. Every actor must have good stage speech and diction.

The presenter asks the children to repeat the tongue twisters.

They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt, Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

Weavers wove fabrics for Klava and Tanya's dresses.

There is grass in the yard, and there is firewood on the grass.

The little chatterbox chatted and chattered the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

4. Competition “Stage plasticity”.

Each artist must have excellent plasticity, a sense of tempo and rhythm, and also be able to change time, situation, appearance with the help of action, because action is the main material in the art of acting.Now you will have to show not only your acting abilities, but also your imagination!

Try to imitate a person's gait:

who has just had a good lunch;

whose shoes are too tight;

who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;

who suffered an acute attack of radiculitis;

who found himself in the forest at night;

walking along the edge of a skyscraper.

5. Competition “Supporting roles or extras.”

Guys, you know that leading roles are not given to every actor. Some artists play them regularly, while others wait their entire acting career. However, without supporting roles and extras, there would be no plays and films. There are actors who play only supporting roles all their lives, but it is this role that the viewer remembers even more than the main character’s performance. And now we will try ourselves in this role.

After 2 minutes, each team member tries to portray their hero using sounds, facial expressions, and gait.

The teams are given the task to depict a scene; for example, the first team depicts a morning in the village - the bleating of sheep, the mooing of cows, the creaking of a gate, the croaking of frogs, the crowing of a rooster, the quacking of ducks, the clanging of a well chain, and the second team must guess what it is.

Then the second team shows their skit; for example, a circus troupe. The presenters give tasks to the team members to portray: the leader of the troupe, a trainer, a clown, an acrobat, a monkey, a bear, a snake, a trained dog, etc. The first team guesses what it is. You can ask leading questions.

Teacher: And now we will check how attentive and collected you were today, because real artists must have an excellent memory.

He is a theater worker -

Productions "conductor"

Performance manager -

This is probably true...(DIRECTOR!)

The director is the main person in the theater, he selects the artists, helps them to correctly portray the hero, then the fairy tale becomes special, unlike one another.

What will the screenwriter write?
That will show us...(ARTIST)

Anna: There is a wide screen in the cinema,

In the circus there is a manege or an arena.

Well, in the theater, an ordinary theater,

The venue is special - …(STAGE!)

Alena: What is “Countermark”? -

The dictionary will give you the answer:

Know that she is a free ticket.

Or simply -…(TICKET!)


Everything you see on stage:

What lies, hangs, stands,

All items presented -

This, you know,...(PROPS!)

Anna: To make the show more interesting,

Applause was heard in gratitude,

The stage design needed is:

House, trees and others...(SCENERATION!)

Alena: For storing visitors' clothes,

Theatergoers or moviegoers,

To make them comfortable and not hot -

There is a wardrobe. Or simpler -…(LOCKER ROOM!)


Once the performance is over -

You can hear “Bravo!”, compliments;

To all the actors, in gratitude,

We give...(APPLAUSE!)

Teacher: Well done!Today we visited magical land, whose name isTHEATER. Love the theater. He will make you kinder, more honest, fairer. Tell us who you were in our theater today and what you did?

Theater is always a miracle. To be an actor, a person who creates this miracle, even on a small, modest stage - what could be more exciting? A fairy tale on theater stage- this is a double miracle. "Miracle squared!"

Our whole life is theater!

Epigraph, action, intermission

And again the action is on stage.

Our whole life is just a performance,

Sometimes comedy and drama,

Sometimes it’s a novel, sometimes it’s a story.

Sometimes actors change

The script is being written for us

Gods above

So that people each play their role.

And life is a theater, a theater nothing more,

Theater, and we are actors in it.

Alena: Thank you guys for your hospitality.

Anna: And now we invite you to visit.

Alexandra: Our young artists have prepared a Forest Tale gift for you

“There is a tower in the field.”

Alena: Don't forget fairy tales

Read them with interest.

We are waiting for you to visit, friends,

We will always be glad to see you.

The song “Theater is joy and love” sounds

Students of the Sintez children's association hand out tickets

for the play “There is a tower in the field.”

Invitation card

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

“There is a tower in the field”

in the house children's creativity

Invitation card

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

children's association theater "Sintez"

“There is a tower in the field”

in the House of Children's Creativity

Invitation card

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

children's association theater "Sintez"

“There is a tower in the field”

in the House of Children's Creativity

Invitation card

Dear friend!

We invite you to the performance

children's association theater "Sintez"

“There is a tower in the field”

in the House of Children's Creativity