Statements of poets about their homeland. The great ones about their homeland. Educational work program

Love for the Motherland begins with family. Francis Bacon

You cannot carry away your homeland on the soles of your boots. Georges-Jacques Danton

Where else can one find love for the Motherland and loyalty to the common will, if not among the people themselves? Maximilian Robespierre

Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts. Victor-Marie Hugo

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my Motherland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.. it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

First of all, you owe your Motherland, as well as your friends, the truth. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

To betray the Motherland requires extreme baseness of soul. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person. Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their Motherland. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

It's a strange thing - patriotism, true love to the Motherland! You can love your Motherland, love it for eighty years and not even know it; but for this you need to stay at home. Love for the German fatherland begins only at the German border. Heinrich Heine

I don’t have a longing for my homeland, but a longing for a foreign land. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The more you feel connected to your Motherland, the more realistically and willingly you imagine it as a living organism. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Everyone has two homelands: one by birth, the other by citizenship. I will never refuse the name of my homeland to the first, even if the second is more extensive, and the first will only be part of it. Marcus Tullius Cicero

The despot's subjects have no homeland. The thought of it is supplanted by self-interest, ambition, and servility. Jean de La Bruyère

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, like the particular from the general. To love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Let the homeland reveal itself as the common mother of citizens; let the benefits they enjoy in their homeland make it dear to them; let the government leave them a sufficient share in the public administration to make them feel that they are at home; and let the laws be in their eyes only a guarantee for general freedom. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are all exiles in our homeland. Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the Motherland. Guy de Maupassant

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his Motherland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

I prefer to scourge my Motherland, I prefer to upset it, I prefer to humiliate it, just so as not to deceive it. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

First, let's remember what a family is. As you know, family is small group, based on marriage and consanguinity. It is in the family that a person undergoes primary socialization; it is in the family that he is instilled with love for everything native. One of the functions of the family is the upbringing and socialization of a person. By homeland, in turn, it is customary to understand the place where a person was born. Thus, we have two concepts that are completely dependent on each other.

I completely agree with this statement.

Let us recall the work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". There, Andrei Bolkonsky was brought up in the family of a count, who from childhood taught children discipline and love for their homeland, which is why Andrei grew up to be a true patriot.

You can also recall examples from other sources, for example historical facts. So during the Great Patriotic War, many soldiers, before going into battle, remembered their home, their family and understood their responsibility to them and to their homeland.

All of the above tells us that love for the homeland begins with love for family.

Wise quotes about love for the motherland, aphorisms of great people about patriotism that are put into our heads from a very early age.

Better stale bread at home than many dishes at someone else's table.

P. Aretino

Love to the fatherland must come out of love for humanity, as the particular from the general.

V. G. Belinsky

Love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this.

V. G. Belinsky

Any a noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland.

I. G. Belinsky

P. Beranger

Love to the homeland does not recognize half-heartedness; whoever does not do everything for her does nothing; whoever does not give her everything denies her everything.

L. Berne

Homeland... We owe her our strength, inspiration, and joys.

L. Blok

Fatherland- this is the land where the soul is captive.

F. Voltaire

Truly The courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of their homeland.

G. Hegel

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world.

K. Helvetius

Alien will not become a homeland.

I. Goethe

At home you have both a past and a future. In a foreign land there is only the present.

L. Girshfeld

For almost every person, the concept of Motherland is not an empty phrase. Homeland is important for everyone, as is freedom. Unity with your native expanses, with the places where you were born and raised, unity with the people you belong to, with their customs and way of life. Love for holy native places, for the Motherland is brought up from childhood. The ability to live and work for the good of the Motherland, to love and protect it, to fully develop and improve the quality of life is the essence of each of us.

Great poets sang their love for the Motherland in poetry, writers dedicated novels to it. The ancient sages left their descendants a legacy in the form of sayings that have passed through the years and have reached our days and which we read now...

Aphorisms about the Motherland

If the Holy Army shouts "Throw away Rus', live in paradise!"

I will say: “There is no need for paradise. Give me my homeland.” (Sergey Yesenin)

There is no higher idea how to donate own life, defending his brothers and his fatherland... (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

Patriotism as capital: it exists or it does not. (Konstantin Kushner)

Only those who cannot pass by the joys and sorrows indifferently are capable of taking the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland to heart. individual person. (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)

To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul. (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

Love for the homeland begins with family. (Francis Bacon)

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger))

Universal experience says

that kingdoms are perishing

not because life is hard

or terrible ordeals.

And they die because

(and the more painful it is, the longer it takes),

that the people of their kingdom

no longer respected. (Bulat Okudzhava)

While we are burning with freedom,

While hearts are alive for honor,

My friend, let's dedicate it to the fatherland

Beautiful impulses from the soul! (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Many people tend to confuse two concepts: “Fatherland” and “Your Excellency.” (Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Even the flowers at home smell different. (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin)

Only one fatherland contains what is dear to everyone. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

The best remedy To instill in children love for the fatherland is to ensure that fathers have this love. (Charles Louis Montesquieu)

Not enough has been done for the fatherland if everything has not been done. (Maximilien Robespierre)

The air of exile is bitter, like poisoned wine. (Anna Andreevna Akhmatova)

Love for the Motherland begins with family
dedicated International Day families May 15, 2017

The relevance of the lesson lies in the need patriotic education the younger generation. The family is the main social unit of society, in which the foundations for the moral, spiritual, cultural, and physical development of the individual are laid. In the family, the formation of life guidelines and values, attitudes towards oneself, towards other people and towards the Fatherland occurs. In the family, children receive their first lessons in patriotism. The moral norms of society are presented to the child, embodied in the entire lifestyle of the family and are internalized as the only possible way of behavior. It is in the family that habits are formed, life principles. How family relationships are built, what values ​​and interests are in the foreground, determines how children will grow up and how their fate will turn out.

That's why purpose of the lesson is the formation of a conscious perception by students of the influence of the family on the development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland and is able to successfully fulfill civic duties.

Tasks The questions to be solved during the lesson are as follows:

  1. Formation of an idea of ​​the moral principles of the individual laid down in the family.
  2. Formation of a conscious perception of unity with one’s Motherland, a sense of patriotism.
  3. Formation of ethical forms of behavior in society and when communicating with each other.
  4. Formation of skills to correctly assess the behavior of others, recognize positive and negative qualities personality.

In the lesson, the formation of UUD takes place - personal, cognitive, communicative.

Planned result– students must:

  1. Be able to navigate interpersonal relationships when discussing a problem, correlate actions and events with accepted ethical standards, highlight moral aspects of behavior, navigate moral norms and rules.
  2. Be able to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form, compare and classify objects according to selected characteristics, build a logical chain of reasoning, apply skills independent work, analyze and establish cause-and-effect relationships in the events under discussion, formulate conclusions, summarize information.
  3. Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, learn to hear and listen to each other, carry out joint activities in a coordinated manner, negotiate, lead a discussion, provide support to each other and effectively collaborate with both the teacher and classmates.

Technology is used during the lesson critical thinking. The pedagogical technique is research.

Lesson form– strategy for solving the problem IDEAL.

The lesson is focused on age group – 14-16 years old.

Equipment- presentation for the lesson “Love for the Motherland begins with the family”, video “Where the Motherland begins.”

Used teaching methods:

  • verbal - story, heuristic conversation, discussion with elements of discussion, independent mental activity and students’ presentation of its results;
  • visual - viewing the presentation.

The stages of the lesson are distinguished:

  1. 1. Preparing to identify the problem.

The student reads L. Gaykevich’s poem “Family.” Students identify an object of study, generating as many ideas as possible.

  1. 2. Formation of the purpose of the lesson.

Teacher's story about the influence of family on personality development, its moral qualities, a sense of patriotism leads students to formulate the purpose of the lesson.

  1. 3. Problem identification. The chosen goal is determined in general terms.

The student's story reflects the problem of a family who tried to flee the country by hijacking a plane and putting the lives of hundreds of people at risk. The teacher's questions encourage the generation of hypotheses. Students make hypotheses about possible reasons the tragic situation that has arisen.

  1. 4. Problem identification. The selected goal is defined in a specific form.

The student’s story reflects the problem of the family from the point of view of the psychological relationship between family and society, and attitudes towards the Motherland.

The teacher's questions encourage students to generate the maximum number of options for family moral attitudes, highlighting positive and negative ones; reasons for committing criminal acts, their connection with moral attitudes.

  1. 5. Preparing to generate inferences.

It is carried out under the influence of the teacher’s story about the role of love for the Motherland in the development of the child’s personality and listening to the song “Where the Motherland Begins” and watching a video clip.

  1. 6. Generating logical conclusions.

Students generate as many logical conclusions as possible.

  1. 7. Problem solved.

The lesson ends with O. Fokin’s poem “Keep the Fire of the Hearth” as a logical conclusion research work students.

Lesson Study
“Love for the Motherland begins with family”

Lesson progress

Student 1: (preparation for problem identification)

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
Love is an inexhaustible spring.
Both in clear weather and in bad weather
The family cherishes and appreciates the moment of life.

Family is the stronghold and strength of the state,
Keeping the traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A ray of light is like a beacon for sailors.

The rays are growing, becoming brighter
And people are greedily drawn to the light.
The soul of the family becomes richer,
When love and advice reign in her.

When mutual understanding reigns,
Then the whole world lies at your feet.
Love in the family is the basis of the Universe.
So may God protect all our families!

L. Gaykevich

Teacher: Guys! What will be the object of study in our training session?

Student answers: (preparation for problem identification)

  1. Family and relationships between all family members and the child in it.
  2. The family is the stronghold of our state.
  3. A family that preserves the centuries-old traditions of the people.

Teacher: (formation of the lesson goal)

The family has a significant educational influence on the formation of a child’s personality. The family is the first social stage in a person’s life. About Us early childhood guides the consciousness, will, and feelings of the child. Under the guidance of their parents, children acquire their first life experience, skills and abilities for living in society. At the same time, it is parents - the first educators - who have the strongest influence on children. Also J.-J. Rousseau argued that each subsequent educator has less influence on the child than the previous one. His first teachers and educators are his father and mother. From the very first days of birth, when the child is still helpless and needs basic care, he learns parental intonations, perceives the emotional atmosphere of the family, learns to listen and hear, respond to affection, and appreciate beauty. The child receives his first life lessons in the family. It has long been established that for a child, common family everyday joys and sorrows, successes and failures are the source that gives rise to kindness and sensitivity, and a caring attitude towards people. The family gives the child his first ideas about good and evil, moral standards, community rules, and his first work skills. It is in the family that a person’s life plans and ideals take shape. The family circumstances in which children grew up leave an imprint on their entire lives and even predetermine their fate.

What is the purpose of our lesson?

Student answers ( generating the maximum number of options for possible lesson objectives)

So, the purpose of our lesson is to explore the problem of the moral attitudes of the family as a leading force in the development of personality and in the fate of a person, in the development of his sense of patriotism.

Let us turn to the history of the Ovechkin family, residents of the city of Irkutsk, known throughout the country.

Student 2: (identification of the problem. The selected goal is defined in general terms)
(the student’s story reflects a family problem)

The Ovechkin family is a large family from Irkutsk, which in the 1980s became famous for its family amateur jazz ensemble “Seven Simeons”. On March 8, 1988, the family made an unsuccessful attempt to hijack a plane in order to escape from the USSR. The Ovechkin family - Ninel and her 10 children - flew from Irkutsk on a Tu-154 plane to Leningrad on tour. When boarding the plane, there was no thorough search of hand luggage, which allowed criminals to carry homemade explosive devices and sawn-off shotguns hidden in musical instruments. The attempt to hijack a plane failed: the plane landed at a military airfield and was stormed. In this case, a total of 9 people died: five terrorists (Ninel Ovechkina and her four eldest sons), flight attendant T.I. Zharkaya and three passengers; 19 people were injured and wounded. Further fate for the surviving Ovechkins, things turned out differently. One of the sons was killed in prison by a cellmate, the daughter was killed by her partner during a domestic drunken quarrel, the other led an antisocial lifestyle, tried to commit suicide, and became disabled. Only two survivors lived to old age.


What led to the family's collapse? What distorted the fate of gifted children?

Student answers: (forming hypotheses)

  1. The desire to leave one's country.
  2. The desire to escape from justice may have committed an irreparable crime.
  3. They didn’t love their homeland - they wanted to have another homeland.

Teacher: to solve the problem of this family you need to know the features family relations, which were formed in it over many years.

Student 3: (identification of the problem. The selected goal is defined in a specific form)
(addition to problem description)

Description of the Ovechkin family.

The Ovechkins lived modestly, their father loved to drink, so their mother, Ninel Sergeevna, was mainly involved in raising 11 children. The woman has always been an authority for all members of a large family, but, having become a widow, she further strengthened her influence on her family. Brothers Vasily and Dmitry beat their own father to death 4 years before the plane hijacking for drunkenness and cruelty. My father drank heavily and at the same time became very rowdy and even sometimes grabbed his gun. There were cases when the father fired a gun, and the brothers had to fall to the floor to avoid being hit by bullets! The investigation qualified the father's murder as forced self-defense! After the death of his father, the older brother Vasily became the main man in the Ovechkin family. He obeyed his mother, but raised his brothers mercilessly and cruelly! Disobedience was harshly suppressed. It was a family where the younger ones unquestioningly obeyed the elders, and all together - the mother. She kept the children with her, separating them from the outside world with a palisade of bourgeois and philistine habits. According to her instructions, all the boys entered music school, and the daughters, like their mother, went to the trade part. They did not participate in cleanup days or other school events. But work was always in full swing on their plot, the children were always fussing in the ground, rushing like crazy to get water, repairing the house, caring for the cattle.

None of the Ovechkins smoked or drank. The whole day was spent at work. And at night, until two o'clock, they beat the drums. We never visited, we didn’t let neighbors into the house, we didn’t make friends. A small, self-contained clan. The mother noticed that her boys were incredibly musical. Together with her sons she organized jazz ensemble"Seven Simeons" The success was colossal. Filmed about gifted musicians documentary. By the way, the Ovechkins, especially their mother, did not like the film: “Why did you show us as peasants? My sons are artists! Did you want to humiliate us?” - this is how the woman, already filled with pride, thought narrowly. The state, from whose strong embrace they would later want to escape, gave the mother of many children two three-room apartments. The talented seven were accepted into the Gnessin School without competition, but they didn’t want to study - they were self-taught, they considered themselves real professionals and took their studies lightly; due to tours and constant rehearsals, the “Simeons” left their studies after a year. Music and jazz were not a way of life for them, creativity was not the essence and meaning of life, but just a way to qualitatively change their lives.

The mother did not pay attention to the education of her daughters; the girls only served the musicians. Only boys in the family were involved in music, the sisters were something like servants, Olga went on tour with her brothers and performed the roles of make-up artist, costume designer, and cook. Olga was quiet, humble, even meek. Only once did she try to rebel against family oppression - she fell in love with a guy who was not Russian by nationality. “If you give birth to a black child, we will kill you and tear the child into pieces,” her beloved brothers promised her. Olga gave birth after all - already in prison. In 1987, Ovechkin had an incredible chance for those times - a trip to Japan, where young talents had to perform in front of a huge audience. When they returned, they no longer wanted to live “in a country of queues and shortages.” Later, one of the surviving Ovechkins will tell the investigation that during a tour abroad, the young people were given a lucrative offer - a good contract with an English recording company. Even then the brothers were ready to say yes and stay in a foreign land. But having done this, they could forever say goodbye to their mother and sisters, who would never have been released from Soviet Union. Then the musicians decided that in the near future they would leave Sovk at any cost, and began to prepare to escape from the country. They imagined what fame, wealth and comfort they would receive if they found themselves abroad! They didn't have much time left then. great fame! But the first success turned heads and destroyed all the plans of a life that had begun so successfully!

Teacher: The situation before committing a crime is usually a situation of moral choice; it is inextricably linked with a person’s worldview. For a person with high moral standards, the fact of committing a crime is impossible in itself.

What positive moral attitudes were evident in the Ovechkin family? Why?

Reasoned answers from students:

  1. Healthy lifestyle.
  2. Hard work.
  3. Cohesion.
  4. Uniting the family with a common idea.
  5. Love for mother.

Teacher: (incentive to generate hypotheses)

What family morals did you not like in the Ovechkin family? Why?

(generating the maximum number of problem options)

  1. Severe suppression of the will of younger family members.
  2. The desire is only to obtain material benefits.
  3. Lack of interests outside the family, self-sufficiency.
  4. The desire to realize their own interests, regardless of the impact of their actions on the fate and lives of other people.
  5. Disregard for the interests of others.
  6. Lack of an elementary sense of patriotism, love for the homeland.

Teacher: What personal qualities of the Ovechkin mother led to the collapse of an undoubtedly promising family and the death of her children?

Reasoned answers from students:(generating the maximum number of problem options)

  1. Low level of spiritual culture.
  2. Lack of spiritual interests, only a consumerist attitude towards life and others.
  3. Raising children in strict subordination to the mother and eldest son.
  4. The predominance of one’s own interests, disregard for the interests of the people around them and even their lives.
  5. Lack of patriotism, love for the Motherland.


The family is the unit of society; the socialization of the younger generation takes place in the family. The life of every family is part of the life of the country. Children receive their first lessons in citizenship in the family. Citizenship and patriotism are feelings of an inextricable connection with the Motherland, awareness of responsibility for its safety and prosperity. “The best way to instill in children a love for the Fatherland is for their fathers to have this love,” wrote French philosopher Charles Montesquieu. Love for the Motherland begins with love for father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother and other close people. Love for the Motherland is, first of all, love for the place where you were born, said the first word, took the first step, grew up, stepped into adult life. Wherever fate takes you, this place will be sacred, to which you always want to return. It's called small Motherland. Small Motherlands merge into a whole country, for which each of its citizens experiences sublime feelings - patriotism, pride, admiration. When a child grows up in a natural patriotic environment, from childhood sees manifestations of patriotic feelings surrounded by close people, understands the problems of his Motherland, comprehends its achievements, participates in its creation, his attitude towards the Motherland is uncontested - he grows up as a patriot. What if this is not the case? Then the Fatherland is in danger, as are the people living in it.

Was the Ovechkin's mother a patriot of her country? Did she raise her children to be patriots of the Motherland?(encouragement to generate options for the causes of criminal actions of the family)

Reasoned answers from students: (generating the maximum number of options for reasons for action)

  1. The patriots of their country would not have come up with the idea of ​​leaving their homeland in such a criminal way, risking the lives of hundreds of innocent people.
  2. No matter how difficult it is to live in your homeland, with hard work you can overcome everything, you can live with dignity.
  3. Just as there was no feeling of love for the Motherland in the mother, there was none in the children.

Teacher: K.D. Ushinsky believed: “Just as there is no man without self-love, so there is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the sure key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for the fight against his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.” Homeland. Fatherland. The roots of these words contain images close to everyone: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being. Love for loved ones, for home, for hometown And home country play a huge role in the development of a child’s personality. Unfortunately, in the Ovechkin family, devotion to their mother and their home coexisted with indifference to the fate of the country, to the fate of its ordinary citizens. And the seed for the future death of her family was laid by her mother, who was not a patriot of her country!

(preparation for generating logical conclusions)

There are songs about the Motherland, which also contain the theme of the connection between family and fatherland.

The song “Where the Motherland Begins” plays, watch the video.

Teacher: (encouragement to generate logical conclusions)

Let's formulate together the basic principles of the family that will allow children to grow up as happy citizens who love their homeland!

Reasoned answers from students: (generating the maximum number of logical outputs)

  1. Parents, first of all, must be educated, patriotic people.
  2. It is necessary to instill in children discipline, collectivism, and a sense of camaraderie from childhood; the closed world of the family does not allow the individual to develop.
  3. The family should not have a cult of consumerism, but of spiritual and intellectual development.
  4. Everyone must fulfill family work responsibilities, join in the real affairs of the family, and social work for the benefit of society.
  5. Travel, admire the beauty together native nature, unique and original.

Student4:(problem solved)

Keep the fire of your home hearth
And don’t covet other people’s fires -
Our ancestors lived by this law
And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:
Keep the fire of your home!
Cherish a piece of your father's land,
No matter how swampy, no matter how rocky it is,
Don’t reach for clean black soil,
What others have gained before you.
Cherish a piece of your father's land!
O. Fokina “Keep the fire of your native hearth”

Educational work program

"Creation of Personality"

"People are not born
and become what
who they are."

K. A. Helvetius.

I. Explanatory note.

The current Law “On Education” defines priorities in construction educational process. State policy in this area puts forward “the priority ... of the free development of the individual” as a priority task.

Free personality -

  • This is, first of all, a spiritual and moral personality, enriched with spiritual values ​​developed by humanity over thousands of years;
  • this is a person who is physically and intellectually mature, capable of active creative, transformative and useful activities;
  • This is a person who has the needs and abilities for self-knowledge, self-realization, self-development, and self-determination.

The latest achievements of domestic and world psychophysiology give every reason to assert: the free development of a child’s personality is possible only on the basis of freedom of movement and sensory impressions from images of the world in free space, as well as freedom of expression of emotional experiences in hand- and speech-making, creative activity in all areas of learning and everyday life Only under such conditions is it possible to liberate the bodily and spiritual potentials of the species.

The true creative activity of every person, and especially of a child, always works on the intuitive algorithm of “insight - epiphany” and shapes thinking. The basis for the emergence and rooting of such an ability is the model of the world built by one’s mental creativity. This is why the child is initially the creator of his spiritual nature. But the path to mastering creative freedom for every child is long and difficult. Creativity is the foundation on which a child's mind is formed.

A creative mind is characterized by:

  • brightness and artistic imagery of thinking and speech;
  • richness and variety of artistic and constructive creativity, including solutions to any problem situations.;
  • ideological search, which includes the social orientation of the individual, awareness of oneself as an element of a social community.

A creative mind is not given in finished form: it, like a spiritual scion, is grown through the long, painstaking efforts of adults and the child himself.

The “Creation of Personality” program provides a holistic educational influence of the teacher on the formation of the child’s free personality, includes all the ways and methods of active cooperation between the teacher, child and parents.

II. Purpose of the program:

creating conditions for development personal qualities students, their socialization and adaptation in modern society.

Program objectives:

  1. Creating conditions for the development of intellectual, creative, moral qualities of students, the formation of a scientific worldview.
  2. Provide pedagogical support to students to develop their creative potential.
  3. Creating conditions for developing healthy lifestyle skills.
  4. Creating conditions for the social adaptation of every child to modern society.
  5. Creating conditions for strengthening intra-family ties between children and their parents.

Basic principles of educational work for the development of progressive, creative activity of the child.

  1. 1. The principle of psychological comfort.

Removing all stress-forming factors, creating an atmosphere of goodwill, safety, cooperation, understanding and acceptance of each child as he is. Acceptance of everything that is in the child as natural, consistent with his nature, even if it does not correspond to cultural ideas and moral guidelines. Creating an atmosphere of interest around each child, establishing spiritual contact. Formation of motives for different types his activities and, above all, internal motives for self-improvement and self-development.

  1. 2. The principle of holistic development of the child.

Creating conditions that ensure the overall mental, social and biological development of each child. All these processes occur in unity and interconnection. A child matures by being raised and trained, under the guidance of adults, mastering the content of culture that humanity has created.

  1. 3. The principle of variability.

Developing in a child an understanding of the variability of ways to solve cognitive and life problems, tasks, the ability to compare them and find the best option. All independent statements and actions of children are encouraged, their desire to find various options solutions to the same problem, put forward and justify new ideas. Seek the truth with him.

  1. 4. The principle of creativity.

To develop in every child the need and ability for creative activity: initiative, inventiveness, readiness to think through, generate ideas, produce them, and solve problems in a non-standard way. If you help and approve the creative, cultural work of a child in every possible way, stimulate his ideas, then they will grow and develop in him. The child participates in creative, transformative activities, overcomes stereotypes, and realizes his abilities.

  1. 5. The principle of a holistic view of the world.

A holistic view of the world “Nature – society – I” shapes the orientation of the individual, his motives, values, beliefs, and subjective experience.

  1. 6. Operating principle.

Providing your own active work child, aimed at independent creation of new things, embodiment of produced ideas. Inclusion of the child in the activity as its main subject.

  1. 7. The principle of the optimal combination of group and individual activities for children.

Basic rules of educational work.

  • Take into account the interests and desires of the children.
  • Always look for the best in children and use it in educational work.
  • Convince not so much with a word, but with a demonstration of worthy behavior, a clear action.
  • Find a reasonable measure of trust.
  • Do not do for students what they can do themselves.
  • Don’t put up with mistakes, but don’t highlight the guys’ shortcomings either.
  • Don't let the guys stop there, encourage them to do better and more.
  • Do not impose your opinion, quietly lead them to a correct assessment of events, to a fair decision.

III. Educational process in the classroom.

1. Characteristics and main directions of educational work.

The educational program includes nine blocks, interconnected areas of educational work:

  • educational direction;
  • legal direction;
  • patriotic direction;
  • labor direction;
  • ethical direction;
  • leisure direction;
  • aesthetic direction;
  • sports direction;
  • development of communication.

The main directions of educational activity must necessarily be based on and supported by the creative activity of the child, first with the help of a teacher-educator, and then independently (Appendix 1).

The block of educational direction under the motto “Life is endless knowledge” (Appendix 2) is the first stage of the program implementation:

  1. The special and practical abilities of students are identified with the help of a psychologist and social teacher.
  2. Assistance is provided in choosing a training profile.
  3. Assistance is provided to students in successfully preparing for school and specialized courses.
  4. Gifted children are being prepared for school and city Olympiads in subjects.
  5. Students who achieve best results in teaching.
  6. Correction of learning is carried out for children with poor academic performance.

Expected result- high level of training, deep knowledge of the subjects.

The block of patriotic direction under the motto “Not only plants should have roots” (Appendix 3) provides:

  1. Formation of children's knowledge about the history of the country's development.
  2. Involvement and creative participation of children in the preparation of classroom hours dedicated to patriotic themes.
  3. Encouragement to participate in the collection of humanitarian aid for Russian military personnel and the poor.
  4. Encouraging students to write articles for the combat sheet, dedicated to the Victory, the liberation of the city of Mineralnye Vody from the German fascist invaders, on military and patriotic themes.

Expected result- a conscious feeling of love for the native Fatherland, small Motherland.

The block of ethical direction under the motto “You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, you can lead shelves with a word” (Appendix 4) provides for:

  1. Assisting students in developing literate, clear speech skills.
  2. Assisting in the formation of a rich vocabulary and literary expressions in the process of communication.
  3. Formation of discussion skills and polite treatment of opponents.
  4. Formation of knowledge about the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society.
  5. Correction of behavior, relationships and speech of students.

Expected result- a person with a rich vocabulary.

Block aesthetic direction under the motto “They greet you by their clothes” (Appendix 5) provides:

  1. Formation of knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene - keeping the body clean; length and cleanliness of nails and hair; cleanliness of teeth.
  2. Formation of skills in maintaining cleanliness of clothing and its appearance– accuracy, compliance with school requirements.
  3. Developing knowledge about the appropriateness of use cosmetics– facial cosmetics, manicure, rules of application.
  4. Formation of knowledge about the socially acceptable level of facial expressions and pantomime, tempo and pitch of speech, body posture.

Expected result– a person with a clearly defined culture of behavior that corresponds to generally accepted norms.

The sports block under the motto “From a healthy lifestyle to Olympic achievements (Appendix 6) provides:

  1. Formation of knowledge about healthy way life - gymnastics in the morning, hardening procedures, quitting smoking, alcohol .
  2. Building knowledge about the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle
  3. Ensure knowledge of the skills to determine the state of your health - methods for determining poor posture, flat feet, and chest development.
  4. Encouraging students to play sports, involving them in sports clubs and sections

Expected result– physically mature person.

The labor block under the motto “Labor created man from a monkey” (Appendix 7) provides for:

  1. Encouragement to maintain cleanliness in public spaces and on the street.
  2. Formation of knowledge about the influence of work activity on the development of the body.
  3. Encouragement to carry out cleaning work on the school grounds.
  4. Encouragement to participate in community cleanups.
  5. Encouragement to participate in school renovations during the summer.
  6. Encouragement to help parents.

Expected result- a person capable of free creative work.

The leisure block under the motto “Time for business, time for fun” (Appendix 8) is based on

  1. Involving students in extracurricular and club activities
  2. Organizing field trips
  3. Encouragement to visit local history museum, theater, cinema.
  4. Encouraging students to participate in competitions - scholars, YID teams.

Expected result- a person who spends his free time creatively.

The legal direction block under the motto “Know your rights, fulfill your responsibilities!” (Appendix 9) provides:

  1. Providing assistance in solving acute life problems.
  2. Encouragement to comply with rules and norms of behavior.
  3. Ensuring the acquisition of knowledge about rights and responsibilities.
  4. Correction of student development and behavior.

Expected result- a person who follows the laws of the country.

Communication development block under the motto “Great and mighty is the Russian language!” (Appendix 10) is provided:

  1. Encouragement to prepare and conduct classroom hours.
  2. Joint activities in the preparation of wall newspapers and combat leaflets.
  3. Encouragement to participate in inter-class competitions in subjects.
  4. Encouragement to participate in sports.
  5. Visiting school discos.
  6. Participation in excursions around the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the outskirts of the city.

Expected result- a person who communicates freely with elders and peers

2. Arsenal of diagnostic tools.

The teacher must have knowledge of diagnostic tools in order to guide moral development children - to foresee the course of events, it is advisable to change the direction of the pedagogical plan, and clearly determine the means of its implementation. It's not easy to penetrate the complex inner world personality, special methods are needed to help reflect the variety of characteristic shades, which together will help to understand the essence.

a) observation method - an everyday unfixed vision of school life with a target setting and a previously developed guideline. (Appendix 15)

b) the conversation method - listening to the opinions of various people who are in direct communication with the child, comparing their subjective assessments in order to correctly determine the true essence of the emerging person in the polyphony of opinions. (Appendix 16).

c) ethical disputes - they allow us to identify the beliefs and ideals of the children. Aphorisms are offered, behind which certain life aspirations, you need to choose those that are most suitable for the child and justify your choice.

d) questioning is an indirect way to understand the motives of behavior and activity. The questionnaire reveals not only a rich picture of self-analysis, but the desire to express oneself in a certain way. Along with sincere answers to questions, you can find formal replies that mask genuine beliefs, or the absence of your own views on the problem (Appendix 17).

e) essays - provide space for expressing one’s own attitude to the moral criteria surrounding.

3. Motivation in the educational process.

Motivation is a source of human activity, a system of incentives for any human activity and behavior. It includes all types of motivations: motives, needs, interests, aspirations, goals, drives, attitudes, ideals.

Social motives relate to a child's various social interactions with other people. Can be very different:

  • The desire to fulfill one’s duty and prepare for one’s chosen profession.
  • The desire to take a certain position in a class, society, a place in relationships with other people, to gain approval, to earn authority.
  • The desire to be first, to take the place of a leader, to dominate in a team.
  • Awareness, analysis of methods and forms of cooperation, relationships, their improvement.
  • The need for group affiliation, the desire to identify himself with a strong, cohesive group that can provide him with support, where he could show initiative, independence, and express his point of view.

Cognitive motives are associated with the content of the child’s activity and the process of its implementation:

  • Interest in new facts, phenomena, ideas.
  • Interest in acquisition techniques new information, its implementation in the course of active creative activity.
  • The child’s focus on independent production and implementation of ideas, improvement different ways activities.

4. Methods of encouraging students to engage in active creative activity.

1. Social (Appendix 11):

  • interest in the results of one’s own and collective activities;
  • the urge to imitate a strong personality;
  • the desire to fulfill one’s duty, to prepare for one’s chosen profession;
  • development of the desire to be useful.

2. Strong-willed (application 12):

  • presentation of educational requirements;
  • information on required performance results;
  • assistance in the pursuit of self-realization;
  • formation of attitude towards one’s own development.

3. Cognitive (Appendix 13):

  • reliance on personal experience;
  • intellectual stimulation;
  • creating problematic situations;
  • brainstorming;
  • performing creative tasks;
  • search for an alternative solution.

5. Forms of educational work in the classroom.

(Appendix 14)

A). Creative activity guys in groups - units.

Goes by the motto:

“Create, search, fantasize more boldly-
The search is on for an unusual idea!
Pile your thoughts up a big mountain,
Out of hundreds of simple ones, we will find the golden one!
Don't you dare throw a stone at your neighbor,
If you throw a stone, there will be no ideas!
The complex of ideas is especially appreciated,
Ideas are ripe – implement them quickly!”

6. Individual activities to complete tasks.

The student team is created, grows and strengthens in the process of various joint activities of the children. This activity makes the life of the team meaningful and interesting, serves as a source of collective interests, experiences, and a source of accumulation of life and moral experience. Working in groups promotes cohesion children's group, the emergence of a sense of pride in belonging to the group, responsibility not only for one’s own activities, but also for the work of comrades.

Organization of group work.

Receiving a task.

Defining goals and mastering tasks.

Providing work - conditions, means, performers.

Work planning and distribution of responsibilities.

Operational consulting.

Analysis of effectiveness and summing up of activities.

Report on the completion of the task.

Rules for the guys when completing the task.

Once you receive a task, figure it out.

Don't neglect the experience and help of others.

Consider the capabilities of your group members.

Make a work plan based on real conditions.

Discuss the progress of the work collectively.

Everyone bears personal responsibility for their area of ​​work.

Conduct a final analysis of the work performed.

The work of the units takes place under the control and, if necessary, with prompt consultation of the teacher-educator.

The creative activity of groups - links in the class team - begins with specific and useful common tasks that require coordinated work of all participants in the educational process - the children, the class teacher.

An extracurricular activity will be successful if the following conditions are met:

  • when jointly developing or writing a script for an interesting event didactic material for quiz, brain-ring;
  • diluting the event with non-standard, unexpected moves, amateur performances, determining the roles of all subjects or responsible;
  • with constant consultation from the teacher, monitoring the implementation of all parts of the event;
  • with high-quality implementation of the event.

The list of activities carried out by the class is huge and begins with choosing the team name, motto, distributing the guys into units and electing team members, choosing the name of the units, their motto.

A report on the work done is being prepared by the end of the year.

7. Activities that require a creative approach and active participation of all groups - links:

Equipment and decoration of the classroom before the start of the school year, before the holidays, preparation of class hours - all this helps the children to become more deeply aware of their connection with the team, imbued with a sense of responsibility towards it.

The children are involved in work activities during cleanup days, when cleaning classrooms - here they are complete masters, organize their activities, and join forces to achieve common success.

Carrying out public assignments contributes to team unity, manifestation individual abilities child. All students carry out social assignments; weak or disorganized children cannot be left without them, because Diligence, responsibility to the team are fostered, organization and self-discipline are taught.

  • The educational work of children is a creative collective work directed by the teacher - the subject specialist. The success and failure of a student in a friendly team is considered as a personal, but also a public matter. The team organizes active participation in the struggle for high quality knowledge, mutual assistance in educational work, requires everyone to take a serious and conscientious attitude to learning.
  • The unity of the children occurs as a result of the correct organization of the children’s free time. Exciting walks, joint sledding, excursions, hiking and travel, sports competitions, musical evenings– leave a bright, indelible impression on the guys.
  • Class traditions are a good custom, a positive experience of activity, enshrined in the life of the team. Chronicle of creative activities of the class, report of the class to parents about class activities at the end of the school year, participation in activities junior schoolchildren who replaced the elders, participation in traditional school holidaysfestive concert on March 8th, New Year's parties etc.
  • Thematic class hours are held by the units in consultation with the teacher, choose the form of implementation, ways to implement the topic, attract children from other units, and jointly develop an original idea.

8. Parents in the educational process.

The effectiveness of educational work largely depends on the influence of parents. The joint activities of family and school provide the basis on which the student’s abilities develop and a free personality is formed. The selfish interest of the mother or father only in the successes and failures of their child is overcome.

The forms of communication between parents and students in the class are varied:

  • Participation of parents in school competitions - sports, intellectual, even as spectators.
  • Organized excursions to places of military glory and into nature.
  • Ensuring the business rhythm of the child’s educational work, the sequence of requirements for the implementation of the regime, the daily routine.
  • Participation of parents in thematic classroom hours– creates an educational atmosphere, children’s pride in their parents, their high intellectual or professional level.
  • Deepening scientific knowledge educational process for parents through parent universities, thematic class parent meetings.

9. The main stages in the development of a class team.

With systematic educational work, the class team goes through several stages in its development, in which the functions of the class teacher and the children of the class change.

First stage: the main organizer of the children’s creative and useful activities is the class teacher, coordinating and directing. The behavior of the children is spontaneous, unorganized, the motivators of activity are group and individual needs. The asset of the class is the teaching assistants.

The second stage - the class activist acts not only as assistants to the class teacher, but as independent organizers of activities. They put forward new perspectives, identify those responsible for different areas teamwork. The role of the class teacher is to ensure the expansion of the active class, provide support to children with low initiative, regulate the behavior of the class active, and expand the field of social activity.

The third stage – the initiative is transferred to student government. Homeroom teacher adjusts activities as necessary.

Based on materials from the 2017 Unified Lesson “Family and Fatherland in my life.” Author: Shamilova Liliana Shamilovna, Average secondary school No. 7 Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol Territory.