Write out the supporting words from the story again, deuce. Essay: description of the painting by F. P. Reshetnikov “Again deuce”. Children's theme in the artist's work

Before us is a painting by the outstanding Russian artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov “Deuce Again”.

In the center of the picture is an upset and dejected boy. From the title of the picture you can guess that the student came home from school and again received a bad grade. The boy's appearance also speaks about his attitude towards school. He is disheveled, his hair is tousled, his coat is open. And the briefcase apparently took out a lot. Perhaps the boy rode it down the hill, as the briefcase was pretty tattered. Skates are sticking out of the briefcase. This suggests that, most likely, the student did not go home immediately after school, but went to the skating rink.

The boy's mother is saddened by his poor performance. She sat down on a chair, and she no longer had the strength to scold her son, because it leads nowhere. The boy gets bad grades again and again.

The boy's older sister looks at him reproachfully. She is a diligent student, an excellent student. And such outrageous behavior and her brother’s poor academic performance are simply incomprehensible to her. My sister is ashamed of her brother. She spends a lot of time doing her homework and is praised at school. And my brother lets everyone down with his poor studies.

The little brother is depicted as cheerful and joyful. He rides a bicycle. He still does not understand such a tense and tense atmosphere in the house. He is too small and does not think about the fact that in the future he will also have to attend school, learn his lessons on time, so as not to get “D” marks and not upset his mother.

One dog is happy about the boy's arrival. She ran up to him and placed her front paws on his chest. The dog thinks that the owner will now play with it. But he has no time for that. The furnishings in the apartment are modest. Before us is the most ordinary Soviet family.

The artist has used enough bright colors when painting a picture. Reshetnikov captured a very vital moment. The picture is filled with the emotions of the characters, for whom every viewer worries. The plot of the film also makes you think about the need to study well so as not to upset your parents.

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Based on the painting “Deuce Again” by F. P. Reshetnikov. The problems of the work are quite simple and familiar to everyone, so usually schoolchildren do not have problems with this work. Moreover, the essay is written in the 5th and 6th grades. So, let's try to create a plan that is suitable for children of any age.

F. Reshetnikov, essay based on the painting “Deuce Again”: outline

First you need to make a plan that will help you write:

  • The history of creation, the opportunity to better understand the setting and characters.
  • Description of the background.
  • Images of heroes: first the main one, then the secondary ones.
  • Main idea.
  • Summing up.

History of creation

In 1952, F. P. Reshetnikov’s painting “Deuce Again” was painted. It is better to start the essay with a description of the artist’s original idea. Reshetnikov wanted to portray an excellent student telling his mother about the next A he received. To find a sitter, the artist went to school. Here he was allowed to sit in on one of the lessons. But the children were worried, and even the excellent student, embarrassed, could not solve the problem. He twirled the chalk in his hands in confusion. This is how the idea arose to depict a poor student at the blackboard. From that moment on, the search began for a teacher-model, or rather a teacher, because women often work at school. The artist even made several sketches of a painting with this plot.

But this option did not satisfy Reshetnikov either; it seemed boring. Then the idea came to transfer the action to the family, since failure in school is a blow to all its members. For each character, the artist looked for a real sitter, and then made many sketch drawings.

He found his main character in the yard on the football ground. The curly-haired, floppy-eared boy suited the role of a poor student like no one else. Work was in full swing. He was the first to appear on the canvas, then the dog, mother, sister and little brother appeared.

Description of the situation

We continue the essay on the painting “Deuce Again” with a description of the situation. Reshetnikov portrays a simple Soviet family. Consequently, the furnishings in the apartment are the most common for those years. Only seven years have passed since the end of the war (the picture was painted in 1952), the country has already begun to recover, therefore, despite the poor situation, the family is not in poverty.

The children's ages - 12, 8 and 4 years old - indicate that their father returned from the war alive, as a third child was born. It’s light outside, but it’s winter time, which means it’s still day. From which we can conclude that the head of the family is at work, and the mother takes care of the housework, keeps order - the house is clean and comfortable. The father earns enough to feed all his offspring, since the boy has a bicycle, the children are neatly dressed, and the dog also does not look hungry. From all of the above, we can conclude that the poor student lives in a good, prosperous family, he has caring and hard-working parents. That is why the boy is so ashamed - he disappointed them with his behavior.

The image of the main character

Must be dedicated central character essay based on the painting “Deuce Again” (Reshetnikov). The boy stands with his head bowed, his hair is tousled, his ears and cheeks are flushed. In his hands he holds a disheveled briefcase tied with a rope, from which skates peek out. The condition of the backpack indicates the boy's careless attitude towards things. The skates indicate that he did not go home immediately after school, but went to the skating rink with his friends. Such an act could be caused by a desire to delay punishment or by shame.

It is clear from his clothes that the hero just entered the apartment, did not even have time to undress, but it immediately became clear to everyone that he had returned from school with bad news. Therefore, this is not the first time. This assumption is confirmed by the title of the painting.

The dog's behavior is remarkable. She joyfully rushes to greet her little owner. Apparently the boy treats her very well. Therefore, we can say that our hero is a kind fellow. He's not a bully, just an irresponsible and conscientious tomboy. His whole appearance speaks of repentance. The boy did not want to upset his mother and did not prepare for the lesson out of malice or harm. Rather, it came out of frivolity.

Other characters

One of the key roles was given to the boy’s mother by Reshetnikov (“Deuce Again”). Description of the picture (essay) is impossible without characteristics of this character. Her hair is gathered under a headscarf, she is wearing an apron over her dress, apparently she was preparing dinner before her son arrived. It is also important that she is sitting - this indicates fatigue. The house is clean, therefore, cleaning is done often. There is a flower on the windowsill, the table is covered with a tablecloth - the mother is trying to create comfort. Her gaze is full of silent, tired reproach. The woman is not angry, she is just upset and disappointed. For her part, she did everything to provide the children with a comfortable life, and cannot understand what her son still lacks.

Our hero’s older sister is standing at the table. The girl is neatly dressed, her briefcase is in perfect order. She takes out notebooks and textbooks from it, apparently planning to do homework. The girl has a bright red pioneer tie around her neck; she is clearly an excellent student. The sister looks at her brother sternly, her gaze is not as soft as her mother’s. She is the complete opposite of her brother. The girl is angry not only because the youngest is not a good student, but also because he is hurting his mother. The kid, cheerful and carefree, rides a bicycle. He doesn't understand the seriousness of what's happening.

Main idea

An essay based on F. Reshetnikov’s painting “Deuce Again” should reveal the main idea of ​​the work. The mood of the canvas can be understood by the faded color scheme; the only bright spot is the pioneer tie. As for the rest of the family, before the appearance of the poor student, each of them was busy with his own business. The mother was cooking, the sister was getting ready to start her homework, and the little brother was rolling around the apartment. But the arrival of the boy seemed to stop the peaceful course of their life. Thus, the picture teaches children how an irresponsible attitude towards learning can upset family and friends. Makes you think about their behavior and how they themselves feel about schoolwork.

How to write a good conclusion

An essay on the topic “Deuce Again” (Reshetnikov’s painting) should end with a short conclusion in which you need to express your opinion about this painting and the problem that it touches on. It is important to remember that this is your personal opinion and there is no “right” answer. You can condemn or support the hero. The main thing is to justify your judgment.

You can start writing a conclusion with the words “I believe”, “I think”, “I agree/disagree” and so on. Next, formulate a thought, for example, “the boy behaved badly, he had all the conditions to study well...”. And at the end you can tell us how you would behave in our character’s place. An essay based on the painting “Deuce Again” by Reshetnikov is quite easy to write if you follow the plan presented here.

Elena Pislegina
Conversation on the film “Deuce Again”

Hello guys. Guests came to our lesson, they want see: what have you learned, how can you answer.

Today in class we are again working on picture and get acquainted with the new artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov. A painting, which we will work on, is very interesting because any of you could be in the place of its main character. Look closely at the reproductions paintings famous Russian artist Fyodor Reshetnikov. Read titles: "Enough of the tongue", "Arrived on vacation", "Boys", « Another deuce» .

Who are the heroes of these paintings?

(The heroes of these paintings children)

What do you think the topic of today's lesson will be?

(We will describe picture)

That's right, we will study talk through the picture. To find out which one picture We will work with you, you need to put the letters in order. (game moment)

Let's remember which vocabulary words on this topic you already know.

Painting(from Russian « map» ) - a work of painting in colors.

Reproduction (lat.)– a drawing reproduced by printing or painting.

-« Another deuce» , Right! This the picture was painted by F. P. Reshetnikov, Dima Demchenko prepared a historical background for this lesson.

Fyodor Pavlovich was born in 1906 in the village of Sursko-Litovsky, Ekaterininsky region, into the family of a hereditary icon painter. The boy developed an interest in painting early. Little Fedya looked closely at everything that his older brother, the artist, did, and often helped to him: I rubbed paints, stretched canvases, washed brushes, and sometimes painted myself.

As a fourteen-year-old boy, Reshetnikov comes to Moscow and enters first the workers' faculty of arts, and then the Moscow Art Institute. As a student, he sailed on the legendary ship "Chelyuskin" and made many sketches there. The harsh and unusual nature of the Arctic, the heroic work of courageous people - all this captured the artist. Together with other Chelyuskin heroes, he was taken from a drifting ice floe by brave pilots and, upon returning, wrote several paintings dedicated to the Arctic.

During the Great Patriotic War, he was at the front, defended Sevastopol, and liberated Crimea from the Nazis.

During the war, he unexpectedly discovered children's themes. Arriving from Sevastopol to Moscow, where he worked as a war correspondent for a front-line newspaper "Red Chernomerets", one day on the street he stopped to watch the children play war. For the role "fascist" Naturally, no one wanted to go. Only kids who had little understanding of politics fell for this bait. They had a great time, because the guys got into character and beat him hard "Krauts". The artist was interested in this story.

The kids dreamed about the same thing everyone else dreamed about around: about victory. Reshetnikov seemed to see the finished composition of the future canvas. With great enthusiasm he set to work and wrote "Got it" "language"».

Fedor Reshetnikov themes of many of his paintings took from everyday life. After the war, he quite often saw Suvorovites being greeted by relatives near the metro. Everyone walked home together, and the guys walked so briskly - just beautiful! The artist imagined one of them coming home and reporting to his grandfather, a career military man, about the whole form: “Arrived for vacation!”. The boy is already little soldier, you can see how proud he is of it. Grandfather, receiving the report, also stands at attention. The correlation of two figures - old and small - expanded the boundaries of past and future and gave the scene a half-joking character. At the same time the picture is serious. At that time, boys whose parents died at the front were accepted into Suvorov schools.

History of creation paintings« Another deuce»

Painting« Another deuce» was written in 1952. One day the artist was sitting in a mathematics lesson in one of the Moscow schools and observed how a student could not solve a problem at the blackboard. He immediately imagined how the boy would be welcomed home with deuce how sad will be family again. The artist wanted to show why not A's, but deuces This student brings it in his briefcase.

Now painting« Another deuce exhibited in Moscow, in Tretyakov Gallery. There are always a lot of spectators in front of her, especially schoolchildren. There is something to see and something to think about. Some smile, looking at the loser, others look with sympathy, even with anxiety, remembering their ill-fated deuces. But there are no indifferent people in front of this painting.

But what about working on painting spoke myself Reshetnikov: "For the hero paintings Four ordinary boys posed for me. What happened to them then? As soon as picture placed at the exhibition, three of the guys came to me. They talked about their successes. I recently met the fourth "low student" and found out with difficulty his“He grew up, got stronger, graduated from a vocational school and now works as a foreman at a factory.”

Reading a letter.

Guys, look, we have received a letter. Let's read it.

Dear guys!

I know that in one of your classes you will be discussing the content paintings« Another deuce» .

I am very pleased that my creative work deserves your attention, and therefore I want to do a lot more for you (to the best of your ability, of course).

General discussion works of art will bring you great benefits for the development of your horizons. You will understand art better and more freely in the future. And for us, as artists, it is more interesting to create works for those who are interested in them, who understand correctly. So I would like you to have a discussion « Again deuces» - A+! I wish you health and great success in your studies!

F. Reshetnikov

Let's take a closer look at picture Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov « Another deuce» (silent viewing)

Tell us what is shown in picture?

(A boy with a briefcase from which skates treacherously peek out; a faithful dog, affectionately rushing to the owner; a mother sitting at the table, a brother on a bicycle; a sister, a clock on the wall, a door, a large room, a window)

Conversation on issues. Analysis paintings.

What is shown in the foreground paintings?

(In the foreground is a dressed boy with a guilty look, a dog is cuddling up to him and is very happy about his coming home)

Describe appearance the boy, his posture, facial expression.

(The boy is dressed in an oversized coat with a fur collar, he stands with his head down, not daring to raise his eyes to his family, he feels guilty, in his hands he holds a briefcase from which skates are peeking out)

What is he talking about? "experienced" briefcase? How do you understand the meaning of the word "experienced"(dictionary word, work with a dictionary?

(In his hands the boy holds a worn, torn briefcase, most likely it serves him instead of a sled in winter, and in summer - soccer ball, the lock on the briefcase was broken long ago, so the briefcase is tied with a long string, skates stick out treacherously from the briefcase)

What is the approximate age of the student?

(The boy is approximately 10-11 years old)

Considering that painting was written in 1952, then approximately what year was the boy born?

(in 1941-1942)

Do these years tell you anything?

(period of the Great Patriotic War)

What do you know about the war?

Great Patriotic War touched every family in the country. Hunger, cold, daily bombings, lack of water and sewerage, heat and electricity - these are the trials that befell families during this period.

The Second World War brought a lot of victims. Many fathers, mothers and sons went to the front and never returned, and how many people died in the rear!

The children who lived during this period were consumed by the war and post-war devastation and hunger. During this terrible famine the norm was such: breakfast and dinner - 100 grams of bread, lunch - 200. At this time, no one sat idly by. In the older, sad years of the Second World War, children grew up quickly. In a difficult time for the country, they already understood the involvement of their fate in the fate of the Fatherland, recognized themselves as part of their people, trying to be in no way inferior to adults, sometimes even risking their lives. Children who just recently were careless and simple-minded found themselves drawn up to their necks into the war. It was these children who restored the destroyed economy during the war, at the age of 12 standing at the machines in factories and factories, working on the machines. Raised by labor and valor, they grew up early, replacing the dead parents of their brothers and sisters.

Was it easy for children to live during the war and post-war period?

(It was very hard for them)

Why does the boy feel guilty?

(the student received two)

Is this the first time this has happened?

(Name the paintings say that that this happens often)

Why do you think this happens?

Why is a dog happy when its owner comes home?

(The dog loves him very much, for her the owner’s return home is always a joyful event, since a walk is expected, the dog is used to running with his friend through the streets all evenings)

What's in the background?

(mother, older sister, younger brother, house interior)

What is interior (dictionary word?

(reading the definition to a student who worked at home with a dictionary)

What is the difference between a schoolgirl and modern students?

(tie, school uniform, briefcase)

Which schoolchildren wore red ties?


And Alexey Stepanov will tell us who these pioneers are.

A pioneer is the first in something, a pioneer. In the post-war years, images of Pioneer heroes-schoolchildren who bravely fought the Nazis appeared. The images of pioneer heroes were actively used as examples of high morality and morality.

What pioneer heroes do you know?

(Zina Portnaya, Volodya Dubinin, Marat Kazei)

Every pioneer of the post-war era wanted to become a real pioneer, useful to his homeland. “Pioneer is an example to everyone!”- the main motto of every schoolchild. And our hero paintings are also a pioneer.

How does a mother feel about the arrival of her son? deuce?

(Clenching her hands until it hurts, this young but tired woman looks at her son with silent reproach, the mother has so many problems, and even her son is letting her down)

What is the attitude of the little brother towards the boy?

(He rides a bicycle, laughs at the poor student, thinks that when he grows up, he will definitely bring home only A’s)

Do you think it was easy to buy a bicycle for a child in the post-war period?

(no, the period was difficult, despite the fact that about 7 years had already passed since the war)

How did you know that 7 years had passed?

(I am from 1952, when it was written painting, subtracted 1945, the end of the war, and I got 7)

What does having a bicycle in the family mean?

(Mom tries very hard for her children, tries to do everything possible so that the children do not need anything)

Now look carefully at your sister. What does the sister’s gaze and posture express? How do you think she learns?

(She looks at her brother with condemnation, with reproach, it is felt that the girl is very neat and she is an excellent student, now she is repeating her lessons, getting ready for school, her briefcase is new, not shabby, like a boy’s)

Why does the sister look at her brother with such reproach?

(She is embarrassed by him, because he does not at all correspond to the image of a pioneer, which every schoolchild strives for at this time)

Does the boy have the opportunity to study?

(There are conditions: in the room we see a table, to the left there is a desk with a table lamp; in another room there is a geographical map, the sister will go on the second shift to study, the mother is busy with household chores, most likely, she will do everything possible to ensure that the boy during preparation homework no one interfered)

Do you children now have conditions for a good life and study?

(We have bright classes where we learn a lot of new things)

(Game room for leisure, in the game room we have a TV, computer, board games)

(Large cozy and warm bedroom)

And to whom do we owe all this?

(To the Governor Krasnodar region Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev and the Ministry of Social Development)

Alexander Nikolaevich made a great contribution to the development of our region. He loves and cares for all the children of Kuban.

Let's go back to picture. What is the main idea paintings?

(It's very embarrassing to bring home deuces)

Paints also help reveal the artist’s intentions. What is the ratio of colors to picture?

(The artist combines various colors, which are mostly dim, muted, because he is not talking about a festive event, but talking about an ordinary everyday day in one family, these are the bluish-gray walls of the room, the brown floor, the boy’s marsh-colored coat)

Let's make up short story on this picture, take the envelopes with the words. Construct sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

Holds, in his hands, a briefcase, in, a shabby, boy, torn.

Him, sister, with condemnation, looks at, with.

Bicycle, lol, little brother.

With, looks, condemnation, mother, worries, very much, for her son.

Speech, good, listen, and, well.

Let's think about the order in which we arrange these sentences?

Find the extra sentence, explain why you exclude it?

(Proverb “Good speech is good to listen to”- not relevant to our topic)

Name the proverbs that you know and that are suitable for this work.

If you've done your job, go for a walk.

Talk to a smart guy about drinking honey.

The book is good, but the reader is bad.

You can’t even pull a fish out of labor without labor.

Without studying, you can't weave bast shoes.

Time for business, time for fun.

Our lesson has come to an end. Now tell me, what did you and I do in class?

(We talked about the picture, got acquainted with painting)

Which picture did we look at today?

(Picture« Another deuce» )

Who wrote it?

(It was written by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov)

When was he born?

(He was born in 1906)

When did he die?

(He died in 1988)

How long did he live?

(He lived to be 82 years old)

What new have you learned? What words did you come across?

(We learned about the life of the great artist F. P. Reshetnikov, met his paintings, remembered the life of children during the Second World War, remembered the pioneers; seasoned, interior)

How does it make you feel? painting« Another deuce» ?

(Regret and resentment for a mother who cares about the well-being of her children, raising them alone, and her son once again upsets her by receiving another two)

Now you guys live in a different time. You don't know the need. Wear shoes and clothes for the season, sleep in warm bedrooms.

Here the people who take care of you replace your mother. And therefore you should be grateful to those people who come at 5 in the morning to feed you, the people who get you up in the morning and teach you only good things. In a word, to everyone who cares and protects you.

Another deuce

The artist depicted in his painting an ordinary family 60s of the twentieth century. The hero of the picture is a boy wearing a coat, black boots, and trousers. In his hand he firmly holds a briefcase, from which skates peek out. Student in bad mood, he bowed his head and looked down. The boy knows his guilt because he got two points in school. He wants to quickly wait out the wave of his mother’s anger and run off to skate with friends. The student waits to see what the mother will say.

The mother looks at her son with bitterness for his offense. However, she is not angry with him, only compassionate. However, she is very upset about her boy, because he can grow up to be lazy and ignorant. A kid sat on a bicycle - the brother of a poor student. He looks at his brother and smiles, because he still understands little and only has games on his mind. Someday this little kid will become a student.

The boy’s sister is standing near the table on which there are books and notebooks; she is probably a good student. Next to my sister is a chair on which lies her briefcase with textbooks. The girl looks at her brother reproachfully. She doesn’t care about him - it’s his own fault, he should have learned his lessons better.

The dog ran up to the offender and put its paws on his stomach. She is cheerful and thinks that everything is fine with her owner.

Family relationships are quite simple, but here everyone sticks to each other because the family is strong. Yes, indeed, at that time families were much stronger and stricter than they are today. Let's pay attention to how Reshetnikov depicted the old way of life of that time: clothes are quite voluminous and tightly dressed in people, and a twentieth-century apartment is capable of transporting viewers to the past.

At the end of examining the picture, I was quite pleased with it, because the artist correctly depicted all the characters: a poor student boy, who at first seems to be ashamed, but then he again runs for a walk and does not do his homework, an excellent student girl who actually also loves her brother, a suffering mother who is tired of enduring the mistakes of her careless stepson, a cheerful baby and a cheerful dog. This picture is very touching and sincere, which makes us think about all our mistakes and shortcomings in life, change our attitude towards family and friends. The picture contains the hope that a person will improve and will always be obedient to his parents.

Essay on the painting Again Reshetnikov's deuce, grade 7

F.P. Reshetnikov is famous artist. He painted many wonderful paintings, but his favorite for many people is “Deuce Again.” After all, every adult was once a child and received a bad grade at least once in his life. The worst thing was to come home and tell me everything.

5th grade

So this picture shows a boy of about ten who had just come from school and talked about his bad grade. Looking at him, you feel a feeling of pity and bitterness: the boy is standing very upset, and, apparently, not because of a bad grade, but all because he had to upset his mother. Arriving home, he didn’t even take off his coat and hurried straight into his shoes to break the news. He looks guiltily at the floor - after all, he knows his guilt. In his hands he has a briefcase tied with a rope, and skates are peeking out of it, which means we can conclude that it’s winter outside and the blond boy, having spent too little time studying, was skating with friends. The dog greets the baby with its tail wagging happily; the animal tries with all its might to console its beloved owner.

In the background of the painting there are three people: a woman, a girl and a boy. A woman sits in an apron and scarf, with her hands folded on her knees. Her face is worried and sad - after all, this is the boy’s mother and she was upset by the news about the deuce. Looking at her son, she thinks about how to tell him more gently strict father family this news. After all, most likely the boy will get it from his father, and the mother feels sorry for her son. Next to mom little boy on a bicycle - the brother of the main character of this picture. He looks at his older brother and smiles, because he is too small and does not understand the seriousness of everything that is happening.

A stern sister stands at the other end of the table. Dressed in a school uniform, with a red tie and ribbons in her braids, it is immediately clear that she is an excellent student and does not approve of her brother’s action. She has a book in her hands, on a chair next to her, there is an open briefcase, and notebooks are laid out on the table - she was studying her homework before the boy arrived.

The room depicted in the picture is saturated with different emotions and thoughts: the culprit is afraid of getting a belt from his father, the mother is sad, because it is also her fault that her son is not studying well, the little boy rejoices at the sight of his brother, and the pioneer schoolgirl is indignant, after all, having a bad brother will have a bad effect on her reputation at school.

The artist very accurately expressed the atmosphere; it is clear that silence reigns in the room, which is diluted by the pendulum of the clock and the squealing of the dog.

Looking at the picture, you never cease to be amazed at Reshetnikov’s skill - after all, it’s not possible for everyone to depict this situation so accurately.

2nd, 5th, 7th grade.

Description of the painting Again deuce 5th grade

F.P. Reshetnikov is one of the most famous Russian artists who defended his country during the years terrible war XX century. Perhaps this gave its echoes that the frequent heroes whom he depicted in his paintings were children. One of these paintings is “Deuce Again,” painted in 1952.

The plot of the picture itself is very simple, but deep meaning. The picture shows a mother and children. First of all, attention is drawn to the boy - a poor student. He brought home a bad grade again. The boy is dressed simply. He is wearing a coat, trousers and boots. His eyes are lowered to the floor, in his hands is a briefcase from which his skates are visible. Apparently, the boy did not go home immediately after school. His whole image makes it clear that he is ashamed of his behavior, but he also has no desire to improve.

In general, the whole mood of the picture conveys the fatigue and a certain powerlessness of the mother in relation to her son. This can be seen in the fact that the mother is sitting on a chair with her hands folded, weak from grief, and at the same time her gaze is full of melancholy and bitterness. But, what’s most interesting is that there is no anger in her eyes at all.

All this can be understood from the muted color scheme of the picture; only the bright red pioneer tie on the neck of the boy’s sister stands out. Before the guy arrived, everyone was busy at home: my sister was doing her homework, my mother was doing household chores, and my brother was riding a bike.

The dog is the hero’s only friend who doesn’t care about the marks in the diary. She greets him joyfully, as if comforting him.

Looking at the picture, you can understand that family relationships are not as simple as we would like, but at the same time everyone loves each other. The picture itself was painted so that it seems that you yourself were transported to that time, to that life.

The picture evokes the warmest and bright feelings to all the characters depicted on it. Probably the main and most important thing this picture teaches is responsibility for one’s actions, which can upset loved ones, and patience.

The painting was painted by Romadin in 1944 in the Volga region. Before us appears a village with the telling name Khmelevka, as if hidden by the Lord of the Gods in this secluded and invisible place

  • Kramskoy I.N.

    Comes from a family of an official. WITH early years was drawn to art. After graduating from college in 1850, he worked as a scribe. Then he became a photographer's assistant and retouched photographs. At the age of 19 he comes to St. Petersburg. Enters to study at the Academy of Arts.

  • Essay based on a painting by Firsov Young painter 5th grade

    The canvas “Young Painter” was painted in the 18th century. For a long time the authorship of this painting was not certain. And only in the twentieth century it was established that this canvas was painted by the hand of the Russian artist I.I. Firsov.

  • The painting “Deuce Again,” in which a boy stands with his head bowed, and his family looks at him reproachfully, is probably known not only to Soviet people, but also to modern schoolchildren. Parents often reproached their children, comparing them with the child on the canvas when they brought trouble. And at school it was compulsory to write an essay based on the painting. It would seem that the plot is simple and understandable, but the picture was created under curious circumstances.

    Fedor Reshetnikov painted the painting “Deuce Again” in 1952. It is one of three paintings related to each other by a common theme. If you follow the chronology, the first picture painted was “Arrived on Vacation.” The artist depicted a young Suvorov student who came to visit his family on vacation. It is clear that the boy is proud of his position, and his grandfather greets him, as befits a soldier, standing at attention.

    In his next work, Fyodor Pavlovich decided to make an excellent student the main character. To do this, he went to school and asked the teacher to be present in class to observe the children. An excellent student was called to the board and given a simple task, but to everyone’s surprise, the boy couldn’t cope and stood with his head bowed. He was very confused, believing that the artist in the back desk was the inspector.

    Then Reshetnikov came up with another idea - to paint a picture about a poor student. At first, the artist planned to depict a boy in a classroom near a blackboard, but then he moved the action into the house.

    The disheveled young goalkeeper from the neighboring yard was perfect for the role of the main character. Fyodor Pavlovich, just in case, did not tell him that the boy was playing the role of a poor student.

    The hardest thing was with the dog - she refused to stand on two legs. Then I had to buy sausages. The owner beckoned the dog with a piece of sausage, and she took the desired pose. This continued until the treat ran out. By the way, in the background of the wall you can see the artist’s previous painting, “Arrived on Vacation.”

    The final picture of this “trilogy” was “Reexamination”. This time the action takes place in the village. The boy needs to prepare for a re-exam, and he is absolutely unhappy, because his friends invite him to go out. And again, Reshetnikov’s previous painting is visible on the wall, emphasizing the continuity of the theme.

    The paintings of Fyodor Reshetnikov fully conveyed the mood Soviet era mid-twentieth century. These are further confirmation of this.