The second festival of Orthodox culture and traditions of small towns and rural settlements of Rus' “Sofia. A date with art is priceless

Creative groups of the MBUK "House of Culture "Yakhroma" Russian song choir named after. Boris Lyamin and the Russian song ensemble “Rural Tunes” took part in All-Russian festival Orthodox culture and traditions of small towns and rural settlements “Sofia”.

The idea of ​​holding the festival belongs to People's Artist Russia, great bass, best performer spiritual music to Vladimir Matorin and the rector of the Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin, whose spiritual children are many famous people art.

The theme of the competition: “Orthodox and folk traditions in Russian music.” Main tasks and goals: increasing interest in national musical traditions; spiritual propaganda, folk music, Russian classics and best works contemporary Russian composers; nurturing performing culture, promoting talents and assisting in their creative growth.

Since 2012, every year at the end of July on the territory of the Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God, located on the Sophia embankment of the Moscow River opposite the Kremlin, concerts of spiritual, classical and folk music are organized to celebrate the Day of the Baptism of Rus' and the Orthodox holiday of the Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.

July 29 At the All-Russian festival of Orthodox culture and traditions of small towns and rural settlements of Rus' “Sofia”, which took place in Moscow on the Sofia embankment, in the Church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, our groups performed very successfully! Russian Song Choir named after. Boris Lyamina became a laureate of the competition; The ensemble “Rural tunes” are winners of the competition.

66 groups from different corners Russia. The festival participants were evaluated by a competent jury: Nina Nikolaevna Terentyeva - People's Artist RF, Soviet and Russian opera singer(mezzo-soprano), associate professor of the department of solo academic singing Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins, Vakhrusheva Valentina Ivanovna - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation for the Revival of the Culture of Small Towns of Rus', Fedosova Elmira Petrovna - Doctor of Historical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute Russian history RAS.

Here's what the festival participants themselves say: Marina Shevtsova “We tried very hard! The atmosphere at the festival was friendly. And how many Russian songs we heard! It's worth a lot. I was pleased with the participation of the children. Russia cannot be broken by any sanctions, because we honor our native culture. A huge thank you to everyone who voted for us online!”

And here’s what Maria Kuzmina thinks about this: “Thank you to everyone who supported us and voted for us. We tried to meet your expectations. We are happy and very excited! We discovered a lot of useful things for ourselves and heard beautiful songs. It’s great that we have so many caring people in Russia who love Russian songs and their Russia. And most importantly, among the participants there were children's groups. This means that the Russian song lives and will live!”

During the festival, online voting took place; the festival participant who received the most votes became the winner. We would like to thank everyone who took part in the online voting. Thanks to you, dear friends, Russian Song Choir named after. B. Lyamina received the Audience Award.

At the end of July, the second all-Russian festival Orthodox culture and traditions of small towns and rural settlements “Sofia”, dedicated to the 1028th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.

Rzhev and the region were represented by creative groups: folk vocal ensemble " Rzhevityanka"(City House of Culture), Russian folk ensemble folk instruments "Blizzard"(District House of Culture), a municipal brass band led by Dmitry Chernousov (Palace of Culture), as well as an instrumental duet consisting of children's students music school Arts No. 1 named after. Ya. I. Gurevich Dmitry Tobolov(accordion) and Alexander Rumyantsev(accordion).

“We learned about the Sofia festival from Galina Aleksandrovna Meshkova, Chairman of the Veterans Council, and immediately agreed to participate in it,” says Svetlana Kulikova, leader of the folk ensemble "Blizzard". – The uniqueness of the festival lies in the fact that it unites folklore groups and performers from different parts of Russia. Provides an opportunity to exchange experiences. And, of course, do not forget folk culture, folk songs. Russian song is a unique, original cultural monument. The soul of the people lives in the Russian song. And this was evident: how each performing artist tried to convey his compositions, performing them in such a way that they touched the souls of the audience. You can play well. You can sing perfectly technically. But in any case piece of music there must be its own “zest” that allows you to make the song perfect. Folk songs need to be lived. True, people of the older generation most often live in them. And I would like to see as many young people as possible in the ranks of the populists.

It is worth noting that the Metelitsa ensemble of Russian folk instruments was given the honorary right to open the music festival.The masterly performance was noted by everyone: the strict but friendly jury, the audience, and the organizers.As a result, the ensemble is a winner of the festival. The winner of the festival for the second time was vocal ensemble "Rzhevityanka", and instrumental duet students children's music school of arts No. 1 named after. Ya. I. GurevichDmitry Tobolov and Alexander Rumyantsev - laureates.

— All participants noted the high level of organization of the festival - everything was exceptional, thought out to the smallest detail. The organizers are great! – shared her impressionsMarina Artamonova , director of the ensemble"Rzhevityanka" . “I was struck by the sincere, friendly atmosphere that reigned at the festival. Openness of the jury. This year there were organizedonline broadcast and audience voting. A real discovery for me was the group that performed on the second day of the festival. Vocal quartet of spiritual Russian song"Orpheon" from the city Konstantinovsk Rostov region, who was masterfully accompanied on the balalaika by the rector (archpriest) of the parish of the Church of the Icon of the Blessed Virgin MarySergey Sklyarenko . They performed “Song of the Motherland” and “Just Everything” to the words of Archpriest A. Vladimirov and A. Logvinov. This team became the owner Grand Prix of the second festival day and received the most large number audience votes.

At the end of July, the second all-Russian festival of Orthodox culture and traditions of small towns and rural settlements “Sofia” was held in Moscow, dedicated to the 1028th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus. The organizer of the festival is the charitable foundation “Revival of the culture and traditions of small peoples of Rus'”, which is headed by People’s Artist of Russia, soloist Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Matorin.
In the photo: Vladimir Matorin and the festival laureates. In the center: students of children's music school No. 1 in the city of Rzhev Dmitry Tobolov and Alexander Rumyantsev.

The festival is organized by the charitable foundation “Revival of the Culture and Traditions of Small Peoples of Rus'”, which is headed by People’s Artist of Russia, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Matorin. Let us recall that three years ago worldwide famous bass sang for the residents of Rzhev on the stage of the Palace of Culture. The concert, organized by a charitable foundation and the administration of the city of Rzhev, was a success.

The second all-Russian festival “Sofia” was also a success. Just like a year ago, it took place on the territory of the Church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, which is directly opposite the Kremlin. One of his goals is to search for talented performers from the “outback”. This year the festival was represented by creative groups and soloists from 51 regions of Russia. And this only confirms the fact that musical folk culture exists. She's alive! She is not forgotten!



The festival of Orthodox culture and traditions “Sofia” was held opposite the Kremlin walls

Despite the cloudy weather over the capital for the last week, the sun came out on Saturday, July 25th. On this day, on the picturesque Sofia embankment, opposite the Kremlin walls in the Church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God, about two hundred people gathered for the musical competition “Small Towns - Pearls of Russia” of the First Festival of Orthodox Culture and Traditions “Sofia”.

This year the Festival was timed to coincide with the 1027th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' and one of its goals was to find talented performers from the outback. 36 groups and individual participants from 20 small towns in Russia came to the festival this year. Vyazma, Konakovo, Meleuz. The theme of the competition was Orthodox and folk traditions in Russian music. The audience applauded heartily Cossack ensembles, who are bearers of the Orthodox faith and are famous for their folk musical traditions.

When the song “When We Were at War” sounded from the stage, especially impressionable citizens wiped away a tear. The head of the Cossack choir “Khutor Razumovsky” of the First Cossack University, Andrei Kargopolov, explained the popularity of Cossack groups.
- There was a period in Russia when a folklore pit arose. Then the cliché appeared that folk culture is kokoshniks, a bear and a balalaika. But for the last 5-10 years it’s been like rain. Youth folk groups began to appear like mushrooms. Thousands of children are engaged folk culture and Cossack as well. I am convinced that it is necessary to educate from the cradle, and I am very happy when I look around and see toddlers running around in hats and grandmothers who pass on some experience to them. It is clear that this is not happening forcefully, but naturally,” said the artist.

The security of the event was ensured by 10 Cossacks of the Central Cossack Army, who kept order. The festival passed calmly and without any incidents.

Rector of MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University) Valentina Ivanova noted with satisfaction that the Cossacks are being revived not only from the standpoint of performing state civil service, but also preserving Orthodox culture.
- Russian culture is multifaceted, multifaceted and diverse. Its guardians are the people in all their formations, organizational structures. One of such organizational formations and manifestations of the people is the Cossacks. The Cossacks preserve the tradition of carrying civil service for border protection, public order protection. At the same time, the Cossacks throughout their existence preserved Russian Orthodox culture, said the rector of the First Cossack University.

Range musical styles The festival had a wide variety of performances: vocal performers, dance groups, shepherd's horns and even a saxophone. Festival participant Philip Antonov said that, despite the seeming discrepancy between the rhythmic jazz music With the traditions of Orthodox culture, many jazz performers were religious people. Philip took 17th place and received a festival participant diploma.

The real discovery of the festival was the horn choir from the city of Nerekhta, Kostroma region. A group of five people played unique homemade shepherd's horns. Art, almost lost in the 20th century, is carefully preserved by the residents of Nerekhta. Last year they recorded their first album.

The laureate won the Grand Prix of the music competition “Small Towns - Pearls of Russia” international competitions Nikita Karo.
- Today I performed two songs. One is called “Dashing Ataman”, the second is Russian folk song“I’ll go outside.” I chose these two songs because they are distinctive and expressive. By performing them, you can show acting and reveal your vocal abilities,” said the winner.

Festival participants received certificates and diplomas, and laureates received valuable prizes.

The idea of ​​holding the Festival of Orthodox culture and traditions “Sofia” belongs to the People’s Artist of Russia, the great bass, performer of sacred music Vladimir Motorin and the rector of the Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin, whose spiritual children are many famous people of art.

On July 25-26, 2015 in Moscow, in the Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, the first all-Russian festival of Orthodox culture and traditions “Sofia” was held with great success.

Organizers of the Festival:
Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Rus';
Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki;
Non-profit Partnership Center for the Revival of Traditions.

The idea of ​​holding Festival of Orthodox culture and traditions "Sofia" belongs to the People's Artist of Russia, the great bass, the best performer of sacred music Vladimir Motorin and the rector of the Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, Archpriest Vladimir Volgin, whose spiritual children are many famous people of art.

Since 2012, sacred music concerts dedicated to the Baptism of Rus' have been organized on the territory of the Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God. The popularity of these concerts exceeded all expectations. About 1,000 parishioners and guests gather every year to listen to masterpieces of Russian sacred, classical and folk music. Both seasoned performers and young, aspiring musicians perform at the concerts. Among the guests and listeners there are always delegations from small towns in Russia.

In 2015, for the first time, a traditional holiday concert program supplemented with a musical competition creative teams and performers “Small Towns - Pearls of Russia”. The theme of the competition: “Orthodox and folk traditions in Russian music.” Main tasks and goals: increasing interest in national musical traditions; propaganda of sacred, folk music, Russian classics and the best works of modern Russian composers; nurturing performing culture, promoting talents and assisting in their creative growth.

On July 25, on the territory of the Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God, 36 groups and individual participants from more than 20 small towns of Russia presented their work to the judgment of an authoritative jury. The co-chairs of the jury were famous actor theater and cinema Egor Pazenko, People's Artist of Russia Nina Terentyeva and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Rus' Valentina Vakhrusheva. The artistic directors of the participating groups also took part in the work of the jury.

On July 26th took place festive concert masters of art.
Sacred and folk music was performed by the State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova. Artistic director And chief conductor- Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Gennady Dmitryak.
People's Artists of Russia Yuri Rozum and Vladimir Redkin, together with scholarship holders of the Yuri Rozum International Charitable Foundation, performed works. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
The organizers of the Festival - the Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Rus', the Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki and the Non-Profit Partnership Center for the Revival of Traditions - helped in holding the Festival:

General partner of the Festival:

MSUTU (Moscow state university technologies and management. K.G. Razumovsky, First Cossack University)

Organizational support:

Association of Small and Medium Cities of Russia
Association "Folk Art Crafts of Russia"
International Charitable Foundation of Yuri Rozum
Soyuz Corporation

General sponsors:



JSC Plant "Mashinoapparat"

Vintegra Group of Companies

CJSC Municipal Foundation "Paris Commune"


Information support:

Moscow Union of Journalists

The piano was provided by the Royal company and the ZonaZvuka Classic piano salons.

Jury composition:

  • The co-chairs of the jury are People's Artist of Russia Nina Vladimirovna Terentyeva, Egor Stanislavovich Pazenko, theater and film actor, and Valentina Ivanovna Vakhrusheva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation for the Revival of Culture and Traditions of Small Towns of Rus'.
  • Fedosova Elmira Petrovna - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Art. Researcher at the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Board of the Institute of National Remembrance
  • Porfiryeva Oksana Konstantinovna - teacher of the highest category at Children's Art School No. 2 named after. A.G. Rozuma from Rzhev, Tver region
  • Ryabtseva Nina Ivanovna - Civil Defense, Safety, Emergency Engineer, one of the founders of the “Bakynka” team from Aleksandrov, Vladimir region and permanent participant (25 years old)
  • Gladilina Lyudmila Ivanovna - specialist in the “Alex & Andr group show” folk art and leisure
  • Gavrilov Denis Aleksandrovich - assistant to the manager of the Bezhetsk diocese of the Tver region, represents the Rodnik team from the city of Bezhetsk
  • Alekseeva Svetlana Evgenievna - chief director Gagarin folk drama theater, represents the Cossack song ensemble “Alatyr” from the city of Gagarin, Smolensk region.
  • Baltaga Irina Sergeevna - choirmaster of the vocal folk ensemble “Russianochka” at the city Palace of Culture in Kanash, Chuvash Republic
  • Pritchina Tatyana Yuryevna - choirmaster of the folk group of the Russian song ensemble "Spinning Spinning", Kolomna, Moscow region
  • Artamonova Marina Evgenievna - choirmaster vocal ensemble“Rzhevityanka” MUK “GDK”, Rzhev, Tver region
  • Ptashnik Oksana Valerievna - choirmaster of the MBUK "House of Culture May 1st" Ozherelye, Moscow region
  • Starikova Tatyana Nikolaevna - director of the Folk Instruments Ensemble "LOZHKARI", MU DOD Dom Children's Creativity Rzhev, Tver region.

Participants of the competition

  • Vocal ensemble "Gloria", Tver region, Konakovo
  • Tobolov Dmitry - button accordion (4th grade), Tver region, Rzhev
  • Folk group folklore ensemble"Russian song" Moscow region,
  • Kotelniki
  • Ensemble folk song“Stitches-paths”, Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny
  • Dance group"Yaroslavna", Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets
  • Maria Pashkova - vocals (9 years old), Tver region, Rzhev
  • Russian song ensemble "Baku" Vladimir region, Alexandrov
  • Rumyantsev Alexander - accordion (3rd grade), Tver region, Rzhev
  • Folk vocal women's ensemble "Rzhevityanka", Tver region, Rzhev
  • Anna Melnikova - soloist of the ensemble "Rzhevityanka", Tver region, Rzhev
  • Cossack song ensemble “Alatyr”, Smolensk region, Gagarin
  • Antonov Philip - saxophone, Tver region, Konakovo
  • Ensemble folk dance"Youth", Tambov region, Michurinsk
  • Folklore group of the folk song ensemble “Slavic Traditions”, Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets
  • Alexey Tonkodubenko - academic singing (5th grade), Tambov region, Michurinsk
  • Vocal studio of the folk ensemble "Bylina", Vladimir region, Alexandrov
  • Ensemble of folk instruments "LOZHKARI", Tver region, Rzhev
  • Folklore ensemble "VIUNITSA", Vladimir region, Alexandrov
  • Popov Kirill Aleksandrovich - academic singing (6th grade), Tambov region,
  • Michurinsk
  • Nikita Karo - vocals, Smolensk region, Vyazma
  • Dance Studio"Cadenza", "Moscow Quadrille", Krasnodar region, Temryuk
  • Kuzmina Olga Mikhailovna - accordion, Tver region, Rzhev
  • Vocal ensemble "RODNIK", Tver region, Bezhetsk
  • Folk ensemble “Rossiyanochka”, Chuvash Republic, Kanash
  • Voropaeva Natalya Vladimirovna
  • (choirmaster of the vocal ensemble “Inspiration”), Moscow region, Chernogolovka
  • Folklore ensemble "Cyrillic", Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk
  • Kutsenko Natalya Nikolaevna, Moscow region, Ruza
  • Choreographic ensemble"Polyushko" Kirov region, Urzhum
  • Solovyova Nadezhda Sergeevna (choirmaster of the Exemplary children's music choral studio "Harmony"), Moscow region, Chernogolovka
  • "Theater of Cossack Song" Bryansk region, Unecha
  • Folk group Ensemble of Russian song “Spinning Spinning”, Moscow region, g.o. Kolomna
  • Exemplary ensemble of Russian folk instruments "Ozherelye", g.p. Necklace
  • Agrova Victoria Yurievna (Spanish Cossack songs), Samara region, urban-type settlement Bezenchuk
  • Folk group choir of Russian songs “Pavlovsk Patterns”, Moscow region,
  • Pavlovskoe village
  • Leonova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Moscow region, Chernogolovka
  • Nerekhta horn choir, Kostroma region, Nerekhta
  • Dance Studio "Cadenza", Krasnodar region, Temryuk
  • Pokhilko Andrey Vladimirovich - vocals, Altai Territory, Barnaul

The festival was attended by 36 creative groups and performers of sacred, classical and folk music from small Russian cities, which is 278 participants.
Geography of competition participants:
1st republic (Chuvash)
2 regions (Altai, Krasnodar)
9 regions (Vladimir, Tver, Tambov, Samara, Moscow, Smolensk, Kaluga, Kostroma, Bryansk)
21-city (Alexandrov, Bezhetsk, Rzhev, Konakovo, Michurinsk, Bezenchuk, Naro-Fominsk, Kotelniki, Kolomna, Ozherelye, Zheleznodorozhny, Ruza, Pavlovskoye, Chernogolovka, Mytishchi, Gagarin, Kanash, Barnaul, Urzhum, Maloyaroslavets, Nerekhta).


Grand Prix
Nikita Karo - vocals, Smolensk region, Vyazma

Alexey Tonkodubenko - academic singing (5th grade), Tambov region, Michurinsk
Tobolov Dmitry - button accordion (4th grade), Tver region, Rzhev
Nerekhta horn choir, Kostroma region, Nerekhta
Folk group of the folklore ensemble "Russian Song", Moscow region,
Folklore ensemble "Cyrillic", Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk
Ensemble of folk instruments “Lozhkari”, Tver region, Rzhev
Solovyova Nadezhda Sergeevna (choirmaster of the Exemplary children's music choir studio "Harmony"), Moscow region, Chernogolovka
Folk dance ensemble "Youth", Tambov region, Michurinsk
Pokhilko Andrey Vladimirovich - vocals, Altai Territory, Barnaul
Popov Kirill Aleksandrovich - academic singing (6th grade), Tambov region,

Diploma holders:
Folk vocal women's ensemble "Rzhevityanka", Tver region, Rzhev
Vocal studio of the folk ensemble "Bylina", Vladimir region, Alexandrov
Folk group Ensemble of Russian song “Spinning Spinning”, Moscow region, g.o. Kolomna
Vocal ensemble "Gloria", Tver region, Konakovo
Folklore group of the folk song ensemble “Slavic Traditions”, Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets
Antonov Philip - saxophone, Tver region, Konakovo
Folk group choir of Russian songs “Pavlovsk Patterns”, Moscow region,
Pavlovskoe village
Kuzmina Olga Mikhailovna - accordion, Tver region, Rzhev
“Theater of Cossack Song”, Bryansk region, Unecha
Voropaeva Natalya Vladimirovna (choirmaster of the vocal ensemble “Inspiration”), Moscow region, Chernogolovka
Exemplary ensemble of Russian folk instruments "Ozherelye", Moscow region, urban settlement. Necklace

Participant certificates were received by:
Rumyantsev Alexander - accordion (3rd grade), Tver region, Rzhev
Pashkova Maria - vocals (9 years old), Tver region, Rzhev
Folk ensemble “Rossiyanochka”, Chuvash Republic, Kanash
Kutsenko Natalya Nikolaevna, Moscow region, Ruza
Choreographic ensemble "Polyushko", Kirov region, Urzhum
Dance Studio “Cadenza”, “Moscow Quadrille”, Krasnodar region, Temryuk
Folklore ensemble "VIUNITSA", Vladimir region, Alexandrov
Leonova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Moscow region, Chernogolovka
Vocal ensemble "RODNIK", Tver region, Bezhetsk
Russian song ensemble “Baku”, Vladimir region, Alexandrov
Agrova Victoria Yurievna (Spanish Cossack songs), Samara region, urban-type settlement Bezenchuk
Dance group "Yaroslavna", Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets
Folk song ensemble “Stitches-paths”, Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny
Cossack song ensemble “Alatyr”, Smolensk region, Gagarin