World Festival of Youth and Students World Festival of Youth and Students. List of items prohibited from being brought into the territory of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi

There is very little time left until Russia opens its doors to young people from all over the world.

Already taking place key events preparatory stage: the selection of festival participants and volunteers has begun, topics for the discussion program are being formed, and young people across the country and the world are joining the festival movement. WFYS 2017 will be the most ambitious youth event of the year!

The festival is designed to consolidate the global youth community, strengthen international ties, and develop interethnic and intercultural interaction. One of the main tasks of the future festival will be the joint development of an image of the future by young people from different countries world, an attempt to formulate answers to the most pressing challenges facing the generation.

Participants XIX World More than 20,000 young people from 150 countries aged 18 to 35 will attend the festival of youth and students 2017.

Young leaders from different fields will gather on one platform: representatives of youth public organizations, young journalists, creative and sports youth, young engineers and IT specialists, leaders of youth organizations of political parties, young entrepreneurs, student government leaders, young scientists and university teachers, and also compatriots and foreigners studying the Russian language and interested in Russian culture.

Program of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

The festival starts on October 14 with a ceremonial meeting of festival guests in Moscow at a parade-carnival. The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on October 15 in Sochi.

The Opening Ceremony performance will be built around real stories people who change lives for the better: among them Afroz Shah from India, who removed 5.4 tons of garbage from the Mumbai beach in 86 weeks, Roman Gek from Russia, who built a school in Nepal in 2 years, the founders of a charitable foundation for supporting children with features of the development of “I am!” Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova and others.

Throughout the festival, its guests will enjoy a rich discussion program, a varied cultural program, active sports program, a powerful scientific and educational program (the speakers of which, in particular, will be motivational speaker Nick Vujicic, WWF General Director Marco Lambertini, Google Foreign Policy Director Avni Doron, writer Frederic Begbekder, FIFA Secretary General Samuru Fatmu) .

For the first time in the history of the festival movement, the entire country will be involved in the grandiose youth festival. As part of the festival, from October 14 to October 17, 2017, a regional program is planned for more than 1,500 foreign participants who came to WFMS 2017.

October 21 at Ice Palace The closing ceremony of the festival will take place in Sochi. One of the key elements of the Ceremony will be the message “Let's change the world”, which will be composed by the participants.

Registration for the festival of youth and students

Every interested young person can register for the festival of youth and students 2017 on the official website of the festival. As of October 1, 2016, more than 1,000 young people have already applied to participate in the festival.

On October 1, the international stage of recruiting participants started on the English version of the festival website. Citizens of most countries in the world will be able to apply for participation. In addition to Russian and English languages, the official website of the festival of youth and students will soon be operational in all working languages ​​of the festival: Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic.

Thus, the audience of the entire planet will be able to familiarize themselves not only with the program of the festival of youth and students 2017, but also get information about the history of the festival movement, learn more about the host country and, of course, stay up to date with all the current news.

Foreign participants of the festival will be provided with visa-free entry into Russia.

History of the World Festival of Youth and Students

The first youth festival was held in our country in 1957 in Moscow. He had a huge influence on the further formation of culture and art and served as the founder of many innovative genres for that time.

It was then that the editorial office of “Festivalnaya” appeared on Central Television, producing the Soviet television quiz show “Evening” funny questions" Later, this format was reworked into the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, known and loved by everyone today - KVN.

There are only a few hours left until Russia solemnly opens its doors to 20,000 participants from all over the world: International festival youth and students of Sochi 2017 will begin on October 14, 2017.

According to the organizers, it will be one of the largest in the history of the festival and unique, since it will take place outside the capital, but will also capture the entire country.

President of the World Federation of Democratic Youth N. Papadimitriou

At the conference at the TASS press center, a rich program of events was announced, the purpose of which is to establish mutual understanding between representatives of different cultures and religions. During the week, young people from 150 countries will exchange experiences and become imbued with Russian culture.

What is the festival

70 years ago, in the capital of the Czech Republic, a congress of leaders of youth organizations with a socialist or communist orientation was organized for the first time, and was held under the slogan “For peace and friendship,” to which another component was later added - “imperialist solidarity.” In the 21st century, the organizers of each subsequent event choose a new motto at the preparatory meeting. This year it sounds like this: “For peace, solidarity and social justice, we fight against imperialism - by respecting our past, we are building our future!”

This is the third festival of youth and students for Russia. In 1957, Moscow gathered 34 thousand participants - a record number in history.

It was then that Soviet students were introduced to rock and roll, jeans and Western values, which so impressed young Soviet people that at a subsequent event in 1985, the authorities made every effort to limit the communication of our citizens with foreigners.

In 2017, the organizers tried to think through the festival’s event plan in such a way that young journalists, athletes, engineers, entrepreneurs, representatives of the creative field and programmers, scientists, teachers, as well as leaders of youth organizations and political parties had the most effective and interesting time sharing useful experience . Students can expect numerous discussions and seminars, concerts, sports competitions, and, of course, large-scale celebrations.

Sochi - beyond competition

In May 2016, in Caracas (Venezuela), at a vote of the festival preparatory committee, the decision was unanimously approved to hold the 2017 forum in sunny and hospitable Sochi, since after the 2014 Olympics the city has all the necessary infrastructure corresponding to the scale of the event, which will help significantly save organizational costs. The host party is confident that Sochi will pleasantly surprise the participants and leave an indelible impression in their memory.

Guests will be accommodated in hotels in the Olympic Village. Concerts, exhibitions and lectures will also be organized there. Regarding sporting events, then the Rosa Khutor ski resort (Mountain Cluster) will be used for their holding.

Goals and themes of the festival

This year’s event aims to consolidate youth around the world, strengthen existing international ties and do everything possible for the further development of intercultural and interethnic interaction between the participating countries.

The festival is designed to work out the image of the future of people and the world and try to find answers to the most pressing challenges facing representatives of the modern young generation.

The purpose of the festival is to increase interest in Russia, as well as preserve the common memory and history with it.

The themes of the festival are carefully thought out

  • culture and globalization ( cultural heritage nations, communication between representatives different cultures, creation)
  • economics and development of small and medium-sized businesses
  • knowledge economy: education, new technologies, ideas and discoveries
  • public sector, charity and volunteering
  • politics and security

TV presenter and journalist Yana Churikova, champion of figure skating Irina Slutskaya, director of the Moscow Circus and People's Artist Russian Federation Edgar Zapashny, high jump champion Elena Slesarenko and representative of the UN Secretary General for Youth Akhmad Alhendawi.

Anthem and mascot

You can get into the spirit of the 19th World Festival of Young Leaders even before its opening: the anthem of the 2017 event has been officially published online. The composition was created and performed by singer, actor and UN Goodwill Ambassador Alexey Vorobyov.

Listen to the festival anthem.

Especially for the flash mob as part of the festival, the song was arranged by the Swedish musician and producer RedOne, who has two Grammy awards to his name and has successfully collaborated with a number of world-famous stars (Michael Jackson, Enrique Iglesias, Rod Stewart, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, U2 and others) and wrote the anthem of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Main composition festival sounds in Russian and English and conveys as much as possible the meaning and ideas of the international forum: the ideals of peace, love, friendship and international solidarity.

The mascot for the festival was chosen through an open international vote, in which about one hundred thousand people took part. Largest quantity An unusual trinity received votes: the robot Romashka, the ferret Shurik and the polar bear Mishanya. The creator of the latter, designer from Volgodonsk Sergei Petrenko, decided that just such a character, dressed in a traditional red blouse and with a flower behind his ear, would be able to fully convey the scale of the holiday and the positive atmosphere, which simply cannot be different in Sochi.

The volunteers have not been forgotten either - they have their own anthem and excellent uniform!

Listen to the anthem of the festival volunteers


Just a week ago, the official uniform of the youth festival in Sochi, designed by the famous Russian designer Igor Chapurin.

The presentation turned out to be a real treat!

The equipment for participants, volunteers, organizers and guests was made in the official colors of the festival, so it turned out bright and beautiful. Pleasant and important details Each uniform set features waterproof zippers, logos, embroidery and appliqués made using latest technologies clothing industry.

The sets were highly appreciated and perfectly demonstrated by journalist Alla Mikheeva, TV presenter Aurora, actresses Ekaterina Varnava and Nadezhda Sysoeva, singer Mitya Fomin and other famous personalities.

15 main words

15 is the number of regions from which participants will arrive. This is exactly how many images that personify Russia they will take home and remember with warmth. A specially prepared video presentation will help those who do not speak Russian learn a little better, and perhaps even understand the Russian soul.

These are the 15 words:


Meetings with speakers, as well as discussions, will take place in the main Media Center. In addition, a youth exhibition center will operate in the building. It is expected that it will become a platform for the start of fruitful international cooperation between young people from different countries. The building is equipped with areas for film festivals, photo exhibitions and press conferences.

The World Youth Symphony Orchestra will be located in the Adler Arena, where both rehearsals and a grand concert of a unique ensemble created specifically for the festival will take place.

Spaces have been prepared for dancers and theatergoers in the Ice Cube, where there will also be a mini-football field. Sports slot machines will be located on the site of the skate park and the Formula 1 track. Participants will enjoy many activities at other sites:

  • Olympic Park sites
  • Green Theater of Riviera Park
  • Winter Theater
  • Concert Hall "Festival"
  • Southern Pier and Sochi Circus

Youth Festival in Sochi: plan of events

The start of the festival week is scheduled for October 14 in Moscow, where a ceremonial meeting of guests and a grand parade-carnival will take place.

The opening ceremony will take place on October 15 in Sochi. A special feature is the idea of ​​the organizers to build the ceremony around history real people, trying with all their might to change the world for the better, for example, Afroz Shah from India, who cleared the beaches of Mumbai from five tons of garbage, or the Russian Roman Gek, who built a school in Nepal, and many others.

A discussion program will be implemented from the first day

  • October 15 – First educational day
  • October 16 is America Day. On this day, guests of the event have a unique opportunity to participate in a discussion on the topic “ World culture: global challenges", listen to one of the most famous modern writers Frederick Beigbeder, and also ask questions to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky.
  • October 17 – Africa Day
  • October 18 – Middle East Day
  • October 19 – Asia and Oceania Day
  • October 20 – Europe Day
  • October 21 – Russia Day

Cultural events plan

  • October 16 – Jazz Festival
  • October 17 – International Festival of New Music
  • October 18 – State Orchestra “ New Russia» with Diana Arbenina
  • October 19 – Festival of National Cultures
  • October 20 – Concert of the World Youth symphony orchestra, Gala concert classical music and ballet
  • October 21 – Russia Day

Sports program

  • October 15 – Opening of the “World GTO” site
  • October 16 – Festival race for 2017 meters, opening of the “Dancing Planet”
  • October 17 – Rope skipping show, tournament among Workout camp graduates
  • October 18 – Star Show “Eco Race”, a session of simultaneous blind play on 30 boards
  • October 19 – Final competitions in extreme sports
  • October 20 – Football freestyle team performance, GTO race, mini-football tournament final

Scientific and educational thematic areas will be implemented through the organization of speeches by more than 700 speakers. One of the most prominent guests will be motivational speaker Nick Vujicic.

The regional program involves festival participants visiting 15 regions of Russia from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, where discussions of various thematic areas will also be held.

The closing ceremony took place on October 21. The culmination of the program was the message “Let's change the world” compiled by the participants. Nail music program– Dutch singer Rochelle Peerts, winner music competition"X-Factor".

Online broadcast of the festival closing

The Sochi Youth Forum will bring together young and ambitious leaders aged 18 to 35 to once again prove to the world that friendship, love and creativity can make our planet and the future of people better.

Dates for the festival of youth and students in Sochi 2017: from October 14 to October 21, 2017.

The article uses materials and photographs from the sites:
Official website of the event:
PhotoBank WFYS 2017:
Official VKontakte group.


Rosa Khutor

Date and time of the festival/event

From October 14 to October 21, 2017, the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will take place in Russia.

The “World Festival of Youth and Students 2017” will be held in Olympic Sochi, and the ceremonial parade of delegations will be held in Moscow.

More than 20,000 young people from 150 countries aged 18 to 35 will participate in the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students 2017. Young leaders from different fields will gather on one platform: representatives of youth public organizations, young journalists, creative and sports youth, young engineers and IT specialists, leaders of youth organizations of political parties, young entrepreneurs, student government leaders, young scientists and university teachers, and also compatriots and foreigners studying the Russian language and interested in Russian culture.

Live broadcast of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

Watch the live broadcast of the Opening Ceremony of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students online at ALLfest using the link!

The live broadcast from Luzhniki of the concert in support of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017 can be watched online on our portal HERE.

To the participants of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students

Everything important for the participants of the “World Festival of Youth and Students 2017” can be downloaded from the link, namely: information about nutrition, medical care, rules of stay and checkpoints, festival venues, the work of transport and the call center, as well as about what things festival participants need to have with them.

Anthem of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

You can listen to the anthem of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017, which would have been written and performed by pop artist Alexey Vorobyov and presented on the eve of the opening of the Festival, at ALLfest at.

Program of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

The festival starts on October 14 with a ceremonial meeting of festival guests in Moscow at a parade-carnival. After the carnival, a grandiose concert “Music of the First at Luzhniki” will take place, in which stars of the domestic pop scene will take part.

The Opening Ceremony performance will be built around real stories of people who change lives for the better: including Afroz Shah from India, who removed 5.4 tons of garbage from a Mumbai beach in 86 weeks, Roman Gek from Russia, who built a school in 2 years in Nepal, the founders of the charitable foundation for supporting children with special needs “I Am!” Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova and others. Popular music stars will perform at the opening ceremony: Dima Bilan, Nyusha, Polina Gagarina, Sergei Lazarev, Alexander Panayotov, Quest Pistols Show, Tina Kuznetsova, Guru Groove Foundation, Lena Katina, Morandi. The headliner of the ceremony is the band OneRepublic!

Throughout the festival, its guests will enjoy a rich discussion program, a varied cultural program, an active sports program, a powerful scientific and educational program (the speakers of which, in particular, will be motivational speaker Nick Vujicic, CEO of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Marco Lambertini, Google Foreign Policy Director Avni Doron, writer Frederic Begbekder, FIFA Secretary General Samuru Fatmu).

For the first time in the history of the festival movement, the entire country will be involved in the grandiose youth festival. As part of the festival, from October 14 to October 17, 2017, a regional program is planned for more than 1,500 foreign participants who came to WFMS 2017.

On October 21, the Closing Ceremony of the festival will take place at the Bolshoi Ice Palace in Sochi. One of the key elements of the Ceremony will be the message “Let's change the world”, which will be written by the participants. World-famous artists will perform at the closing ceremony, in particular, 25-year-old Rochelle Perts, the most popular R’n’B singer in Holland.

  • The full program of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students is available on ALLfest here. There you can download the program in pdf format.
  • Discussion program of the Festival - download from the link.
  • Cultural program of the Festival - download from the link.
  • Festival program by day - download.

Registration for the festival of youth and students

Every interested young person can register for the festival of youth and students 2017 on the official website of the festival - As of October 1, 2016, more than 1,000 young people have already applied to participate in the festival.

On October 1, the international stage of recruiting participants started on the English version of the festival website. Citizens of most countries in the world will be able to apply for participation. In addition to Russian and English, the official website of the festival of youth and students will soon be available in all working languages ​​of the festival: Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic. Thus, the audience of the entire planet will be able to familiarize themselves not only with the program of the festival of youth and students 2017, but also get information about the history of the festival movement, learn more about the host country and, of course, stay up to date with all the current news.

Foreign participants of the festival will be provided with visa-free entry into Russia.

Who can become a participant

A young man aged 18 to 35 years old who has an active life position, who has a favorite job, respects the interests of his country, considers himself part of the world community and belongs to one of the categories of participants:

  1. youth NGO leaders
  2. young journalists
  3. creative youth (musicians, writers, artists, directors, etc.)
  4. sports club leaders
  5. young engineers
  6. leaders of youth organizations of political parties
  7. young university teachers
  8. student government leaders
  9. young scientists (social sciences, humanities and economics, natural sciences, technical sciences)
  10. young entrepreneurs
  11. foreigners studying Russian and interested in Russian culture

What awaits participants

  • visa-free entry into Russia for foreign participants
  • a unique educational and discussion program with the participation of world-class professionals
  • real applied skills in workshops and creative workshops
  • variety of faces Russian culture: ballet, ice show, film festival, jazz festival, circus performance
  • Life-style program: street dancing, healthy lifestyle, jogging, passing GTO standards, extreme park, musical subcultures
  • meeting like-minded people and colleagues from 150 countries
  • participation in a grandiose youth event of international scale

And also - at the expense of the receiving party:

  • nutrition
  • hotel accommodation
  • access to all educational, cultural and sports venues

The purpose of the festival of youth and students

The future festival in Sochi is designed to increase interest in Russia and show its best sides.

Main news of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students - preparation for the festival

Official equipment #WFMS2017

The official uniform of the festival was designed by designer Igor Chapurin. He set himself the task of creating a complete picture of all the people who will be present at #WFMS2017: participants, volunteers, organizers and guests.
The uniform is made in the official colors of the festival. In the manufacture of equipment, the most complex modern technologies clothing industry: waterproof zippers, 3D logo application, combination of appliqués and embroidery.

Well-known uniforms were presented Russian actors, TV presenters, athletes, musicians, including special correspondent of the "Evening Urgant" show Alla Mikheeva, TV presenter Aurora, actresses Ekaterina Varnava and Nadezhda Sysoeva, winner of the title "Miss World 2008" Ksenia Sukhinova, creative producer of #VFMS2017 Ilya Bachurin and singer Mitya Fomin . Below on this page are some video presentations of the equipment of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017. For more details, visit the ALLfest link.

Headliner for the opening ceremony has been announced

From July 11 to 17, the election of the headliner of the #WFYS2017 opening ceremony among the performers Ellie Goulding, Rita Ora, OneRepublic and The Black Eyed Peas was held by popular vote. On July 18, it became known that according to the results of the popular vote, the group OneRepublic became the winner and headliner of the World Festival of Youth and Students.

Folk Museum of the Festival

June 6, the project starts " Folk Museum Festival", timed to coincide with the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS). An exhibition will be formed within a month, which will open on July 7 at the Museum of Moscow. Anyone can bring souvenirs left over from the Moscow festivals of 1957 to the collection point for exhibits that opened in the museum. and 1985. In October, the exhibition will be presented at VFMS-2017 in Sochi.

Choosing the mascot of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

The photo gallery on this page presents the 10 best competition works, selected by an expert jury consisting of well-known Russian artists, designers, representatives of the Union of Artists, Public Ambassadors of the festival. Until April 28, on the festival website and in the VKontakte community, you can vote for your favorite mascot #VFMS2017. On April 28, the results will be summed up and it will become known that we will find out the name of the winner and the winning concept for the festival mascot! Best drawing will be finalized by professionals.

On April 28, the public vote to choose the mascot of the festival of youth and students ended. About one hundred thousand users from different countries took part in the open vote. As a result, the winning entries were the robot “Romashka”, the ferret Shurik and “Mishanya”! Very soon we will introduce you to the authors and learn everything about the talismans.

On October 14, 2016 in Moscow, Sochi and other cities of Russia there were holiday events, timed to coincide with the launch of the countdown - A year before the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017. On December 14, 2016, a forum of student associations "Moscow Students" was held in the capital under the title "Towards the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students."

On January 19, 2017, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On the preparation and holding of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students.” The Organizing Committee of #WFMS2017 was formed by decree. First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko was appointed its Chairman.

On January 30 and 31, 2017, a presentation of the upcoming XIX World Festival of Youth and Students took place in New York as part of the Youth Forum of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which opened at the UN headquarters. The Russian delegation was led by the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Alexey Palamarchuk. During his speech, he invited forum participants to take part in thematic side events on the sidelines of #ECOSOC on January 30 and 31 and spoke about #WFMS2017. “The festival will welcome completely different youth from different countries, different continents with different cultures, with different views, but they are all united in their desire to make our world a better place!” - Palamarchuk emphasized. Following the presentation of the youth festival, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Youth, Ahmad Al-Hendawi, spoke. According to TASS, he said that the festival will help the peoples of the world unite and overcome the problems facing humanity: “We stand for bringing people closer together, for bringing young people closer together. At a time when there are so many complexities and difficulties in world politics, I count on people can get together and try to draw new way forward, based on mutual understanding, recognition of each other, and the ability of people to act as peacemakers and promote (socio-economic) development,” he said.

On February 8, the 1st meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow. Under the chairmanship of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko, the meeting participants discussed the progress of preparations for the Festival and formulated the tasks of the organizing committee for the future.

On February 6, Sergei Kiriyenko approved the composition of the Organizing Committee. The National Preparatory Committee is represented by its chairman, Grigory Petushkov. On behalf of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee Sergei Kiriyenko, specific tasks will be worked out and formulated in a short time for the joint work of the preparatory structures of the Festival and federal executive authorities. “It is necessary to formulate precise and specific tasks for joint development. I propose to do this within two weeks. The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs will be the main coordinator and organizer,” emphasized the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

Hashtags: #WFYS2017 #WFYS2017 #Rosmolodezh

The organizers of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students, which will be held in Russia in October, plan to approve the lists of Russian participants during August. This was stated on Tuesday at the “Territory of Meanings” forum by the chairman of the National Preparatory Committee of the festival Grigory Petushkov .

Participants of the 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, as well as the Ministers of Happiness of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, were invited to the World Festival of Youth and Students, the head of the Presidential Department for Public Projects, head of the working group of the festival organizing committee for the development and organization of scientific projects told participants of the “Territory of Meanings” forum. educational and discussion programs Sergey Novikov .

“In the United Arab Emirates and Qatar there is a position called the Minister of Happiness. By the way, we invited them to the festival and hope that they will come,” said Sergei Novikov, addressing the forum participants.

Sergei Novikov also noted that the main motto for young people at the festival is “Russia is a land of opportunities,” and the festival program should be of interest to the maximum number of people.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, The World Festival of Youth and Students will be held in Russia from October 14 to 22, 2017. On the first day, an international student parade-carnival will take place in Moscow, and the main events will be held in the Sochi Olympic Park from October 15 to 22.

More than 20 thousand young people will participate in the forum, including representatives of various public organizations, teachers and politicians, with half of all participants being foreigners. Applications for participation in the festival came from almost 190 countries.

As the organizers emphasize, the festival is designed to consolidate the world youth community around the idea of ​​justice, strengthen international ties, and also “develop interethnic and intercultural interaction.”

The Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi has ended: 30 thousand young people from all over the world gathered for a week in our country. Lectures, seminars, joint projects. Discussion of the future includes technology, politics, and what society will be like. They developed a common vision.

But something else is even more important. The youth festival is such diplomacy on top of official structures. Today these guys are studying or just starting to work, and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow they will occupy serious positions in their countries - in business, in politics. And these guys don't get instructions from Washington. At least for now.

Without cooperation there will be trouble, Vladimir Putin said in his speech at a meeting of the Valdai Club. Western politicians are captured by stereotypes. But these young people will destroy stereotypes. These young people understand that justice is needed, huge inequality needs to be overcome. We need to work together. And don't scare each other.

They were sure that something extraordinary awaited them in Russia. But this turned out to be beyond expectations. The whole week is breathtaking! Sochi-2017.

The final point in a marathon of ideas, discoveries, music, sports, cinema, dating and conversations about everything in the world. The closing ceremony is like a manifesto for youth: let's take it and change this world!

It's getting louder in the stands - that's how this week has brought them together. At the closing ceremony there are no longer delegations, countries and continents. Everything is mixed up - there are simply a lot of new friends here, whom you really don’t want to part with after the hot festival days.

Festival participants in a group photograph with the President of Russia. To accommodate everyone, they did it on the medal square, from an airship. In ultra high quality. You can see everyone who was in the Olympic Park.

“I know that an unusual, absolutely unusual energy reigned at the festival, just as it reigns today in this square. This is the energy of the young! I am sure that when you leave Russia, you will leave a piece of your heart here. But Russia will always remain in your heart. We believe in you! Future starts here and now. Future is you. All the best, dear friends. All the best. Thank you,” the President of Russia addressed the Festival participants.

25 thousand people from 188 countries. If you look for them all on the globe, your head will spin.

Greetings from Jamaica! I'm from India! I'm from Liberia! I came from Libya.

So different, and this is the first surprise of the festival. It seems that it’s not the middle of the last century, in every phone for a long time already the whole world. But it’s a completely different matter to see it live. And look into the eyes - a reflection of peoples and civilizations.

"As you know, we have there is a war going on, but we want to show that soon it will end and everything will be fine with us. We were greeted very warmly. Russia and Syria are friends!” - says Zeina Nabil Rustum, a participant of the Festival from Syria.

It turned out that they had the same experiences inside. Same dreams. How to get through to them if you get off the ground is a problem - said Australian Nick Vujicic. The writer, philanthropist and speaker worked to break with the audience. They listened to him with bated breath, he spoke about what is close to everyone.

“I want to ask you, who are you today and who do you want to become? Go towards your goal step by step. If you fall, get up. Don't make excuses and dream big, even if your parents don't believe in you. Mine thought I was crazy when I said I wanted to be a speaker. And today I have traveled all over the world, and I believe that the future belongs to your generation. With the permission of the person sitting next to you, hug him or shake his hand. I want to see the love spread throughout the room!” - said writer, philanthropist Nick Vujicic.

Stars came to the festival for frank conversation. What is the strength and who is the hero of our time? The writer Frederic Beigbeder could become an anti-example. A fashionista, a cynic, a bon vivant, he even spent two days in a Paris prison for drug use. He was talking about the line between freedom and responsibility.

“When you're 20, it's good, you're sensitive. I experienced all my deepest emotions when I was young, before I was 25. You feel emotions, beauty, sadness, madness, humor, anger. You are young, you are attractive, so don’t waste your time - don’t listen to the advice of some old French guy,” says writer Frederic Beigbeder.

We listened. Authoritative experts - in art, sports, science, politics. Ministers and Olympic champions, heads of large corporations and astronauts, Nobel laureates, actors... It would seem, who at the resort can you lure to a lecture?! But the halls are filled to capacity.

They also gained new knowledge about Russia. Not lectures - practice. For the first time at the festival, trips to 15 regions of the country. From Kaliningrad to Vladivostok!

“I was in Siberia, in Krasnoyarsk. It was so great! I was greeted so friendly!” - said Festival participant from Australia Natalie Buckman.

Superfestival - that's what they called it. The air here was saturated with the idea: young people love everything. Hundreds of projects from volunteerism to nuclear energy were presented in Sochi. We prepared the ground for working together - building the future. What this world will be like depends on them. Therefore, at a seminar on future technologies, the president addressed young people. With an important note.

“Regardless of what we do or will do in the future, do you know what it is? This is the moral component of our business. Anyone. Genetic engineering is so good. But there is another component to this process. What does it mean? This means that a person acquires the ability to get into genetic code, created either by nature, or people with religious views say - by the Lord God. What practical consequences can come from this? This means that it is already possible to imagine it, not even very theoretically, but it is already possible to practically imagine that a person can create a person with given characteristics. It could be a genius mathematician, it could be genius musician, but maybe also a military man. A person who can fight without fear and without feelings of compassion, regret and without pain. And what I just said can be worse than a nuclear bomb. When we do something and no matter what we do, I want to repeat this thought again: we must never forget about the moral and ethical foundations of our work. Everything we do should benefit people, strengthen people, and not destroy them,” the Russian President emphasized.

They talked not only about projects - they shared their impressions.

“It was a wonderful week for me. But the question from all of us is: how to continue this work? And today we have with us one of those people who make decisions, the President of Russia. Mr. President, I really hope that you will hear the voices of the entire festival and I hope that you and your colleagues, the leaders of other countries, will reflect on the changes that need to be achieved,” said Fraser Dixon (Canada).

Our love's battery has run out!

In fact, they have more than enough energy. And then there’s an unexpected additional charge of emotions.

The President of the Russian Federation is in front of me! I don't believe!

Pinch me!

For many, this festival week is truly like a dream come true!

Tanzania thanks for the festival, for the forum where young people from all over the world meet!

I would like to thank the organizers! A first-class world event, young people gathered here, we discuss the future.

“This is very important for us, because this is exactly the result we were counting on. We expected young people from all over the world to come. They will communicate with each other and establish direct contacts. They will disperse and take with them the memory that these contacts took place in Russia, they will take away good memories of our country,” Vladimir Putin noted.

After a personal meeting, it is easier to answer the question: who are you, Mr. Putin?!

“He’s like a pop star - that’s what I thought at first. But then I realized that this was a simple person who came to communicate with us, just like us. I think Vladimir Putin is a president who cares about his people. He cares about peace and cooperation with other countries,” says Festival participant from Brazil Marcio Tavares de Souza.

"He is very smart man He is perhaps the last leader of the free world. He put Russia back on the map of world power, world superpower to be precise,” said festival participant Boyan Novak from Slovenia.

“Thank you to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for such a platform. He is truly an example for many politicians in the world, he is a patriot of his country,” said Festival participant from Afghanistan Mohamad Tamirn Ekhlas.

Only without the Iron Curtain! Foreigners did not bring jeans and chewing gum to this festival, as in 1957. On the contrary, they studied our native land with pleasure.

I see meat, but what is this...? - Buckwheat! - Buckwheat?

This is my first snow in my life! He's amazing! And delicious too!

This is no longer a thaw - a turbulent global flow, and in it Russian youth are like fish in water. In this whirlpool of events, incredible meetings took place. After 60 years, the Italian and Russian participants of the 1957 Festival met!

If only there was internet in their time, we wouldn’t have to wait so long. Today, people exchange addresses not by postal address, but by electronic one, and instead of paper photo albums, they exchange memories that do not fade with time.

And where would we be without love stories?! A delegate from Kenya proposed marriage right outside the hotel. She said, "Yes."

And someone else still has trips to see friends, and more!

Veronica, come to me in China, in Beijing!

I would like to invite my girlfriend to Zimbabwe. Will you go?

Anything is possible.

From Russia - with love. This festival has been preserved the best traditions Moscow meetings in 1957 and 1985, but turned the idea of ​​the forum upside down, showing what a global platform the World Festival of Youth and Students could be.

“Since I spent the whole week here at the festival, I had many opportunities to talk with Russian participants, and with foreign participants. I understand for sure that they left with such a good charge of optimism and energy. Well, for foreign participants, I am absolutely sure that for 99% of them today they understand differently what Russia is. Guys from different countries talk about what they thought about Russia, primarily due to what their media shows and writes in the country, and how radically different what they saw,” said the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration , head of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students in 2017, Sergei Kiriyenko.

Through the years, across distances and through prejudices - this is the meaning of the festival! Saying goodbye is not the endgame. And only the beginning of their new life line...