All Viagra soloists. Chronicle of changes in the composition of the Via Gra group

The VIA Gra group is a real pop phenomenon. Its composition is constantly changing (in 17 years, 16 girls have appeared in the team), but this does not diminish its popularity!

In the initial composition " VIA Gra“There were only two girls: blonde Alena and brunette Nadya.

Alena Vinnitskaya was the first to leave the group. According to the singer herself, she has outgrown the level of a girl group and decided to take up more serious music.

However, the skills to seduce men have not gone away. From time to time, Alena pampers her fans by publishing very racy pictures on Instagram.

Although now Nadezhda has nothing to do with VIA Groy, she still attracts the gaze of men like a magnet.

In April 2002, Nadezhda became pregnant and was forced to leave the team for a while. It was then that VIA Gra turned into a trio - red-haired Anna Sedokova appeared in the group.

It’s not for nothing that Anna Sedokova is considered a member of the “golden lineup” of the group; pictures from her Instagram confirm this.

The pregnant Nadya herself was temporarily replaced by Tatyana Naynik. Although Tanya stayed in the group for only a few months, she managed to be remembered by fans thanks to the video for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop!".

Tatyana's Instagram is dominated by family photos, and piquant pictures appear only as rare exceptions.

In 2003, Vera Brezhneva replaced Alena Vinnitskaya at VIA Gro. Perhaps it was she who became the most famous of all the members of this group.

After 4 years, Vera left the group and successfully started solo career. However, her name is still associated with VIA Groi.

In 2004, Sedokova was replaced by Svetlana Loboda. She was unable to settle into the group and stayed there for only 4 months.

But Svetlana’s solo career turned out to be mega-successful, and now her songs are heard on all radio stations.

The next redhead was Albina Dzhanabaeva. A huge period of the group’s creativity is associated with her name. It's no joke, Albina stayed there for 9 years!

Fans of hot shots will find Albina's Instagram boring. Her modest image is not at all associated with that of VIA Gre.

When Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group for the second time, Christina Kots-Gottlieb took her place. The newcomer did not stay in the team and left after 3 months...

3 years after leaving VIA Gra, Christina took part in the Miss Universe 2009 competition and managed to win! On our own behalf, we will say that it is completely deserved.

Christina was replaced by Olga Koryagina. She also didn't stay long and only stayed on the team for a year.

Being part of the team was not in vain for Christina - her Instagram is very hot!

After Olga, the place of the brunette was taken by Meseda Bagaudinova.

Now Meseda is engaged in a solo career and skillfully uses social networks to attract attention.

It was not easy for Tatyana Kotova to replace everyone's favorite Vera Brezhneva, but she adequately coped with the task assigned to her.

After VIA Gra, Tanya pursued a solo career for some time, and in November 2016 she became one of the members of the Queens trio.

The fourth blonde was Eva Bushmina (her real name is Yana Shvets).

After parting with the Konstantin project, Meladze took up a solo career. For some time she performed under the familiar name Eva Bushmina, and then became the singer of LAYAH.

The last member of the pre-reform VIA Gra lineup was the sizzling brunette Santa Dimopoulos.

As befits a vamp, Santa Dimopoulos loves to drive men crazy!

At the end of 2013, the composition of VIA Gra was completely renewed. Erica Herceg, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Misha Romanova became the new idols of millions.

The place of the new redhead went to Misha Romanova.

On her Instagram, the girl lives up to her image and regularly pampers her fans with hot pictures.

The new brunette is Anastasia Kozhevnikova.

Of the entire cast of the updated VIA Gra, Anastasia behaves the most modestly of all.

The role of the blonde is played by the winner of the show “I Want V VIA Gru” Erica Herceg.

She is the most relaxed of the new group members!

The Viagra project has existed for 17 years, and during this time it has included many stunningly beautiful soloists. Let's remember the brightest of them.

What happened to the former soloists of Viagra? They are all still successful and wonderful! See for yourself.

Alena Vinnitskaya, 42 years old

Alena Vinnitskaya became one of the first soloists of the Viagra group. In her youth, the girl was a fan of the Kino group. Influenced by the work of Viktor Tsoi, she began writing songs and organized her own group, “The Last Unicorn.” In 2000, Alena was invited to musical group“Viagra”, where she sang in a duet with Nadezhda Granovskaya. After the first video, the group became popular, but Alena chose to leave the project and pursue a solo career.

Now Alena lives in Ukraine, gives concerts and hosts entertainment program on television. In her personal life, everything is fine: for more than 20 years, the singer has been happily married to producer Sergei Alekseev.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, 35 years old

According to the recollections of the group's producer, Konstantin Meladze, at the beginning of her career, Nadezhda Granovskaya looked like Mowgli. The girl, who grew up in the Ukrainian village of Zbruchevka, was wild and could not put two words together, but her sex appeal and extraordinary acting talent allowed her to become one of the brightest soloists of the group. According to producer Dmitry Kostyuk:

“Nadya... was born for the stage. In life she is modest, reserved, she can sit quietly in a corner, you won’t even notice her. But as soon as he steps on stage, he fills the entire space.”

Nadezhda left the team several times and returned again. In 2011, she finally left the group and devoted herself to solo projects. I must say that Nadezhda is very creative person: she studied academic vocals for three years, released a collection of poems, and also presented her original play “Historia de Un Amor” on October 1, 2017. The singer is the mother of three children: she gave birth to a son, Igor, at the dawn of her career from a Ukrainian businessman. Two daughters, Anna and Maria, appeared in marriage with Mikhail Urzhumtsev after Nadezhda left the team.

Anna Sedokova, 34 years old

Although Anna Sedokova was the lead singer of Viagra for only two years and left the band more than 10 years ago, she is still considered the soul of the group and its quintessence. Ambitious Anna has been involved in music and dancing since childhood, and upon joining the group, she immediately won the hearts of its fans. However, two years later she married football player Valentin Belkevich, became pregnant and decided to leave Viagra, causing mass discontent among fans.

From Belkevich Anna gave birth to a daughter, Alina, but the marriage soon broke up. A few years later, Sedokova married businessman Maxim Chernyavsky and gave birth to a second daughter, Monica, but this time she divorced her husband. In April 2017, Anna's son Hector was born, whose father was businessman Artem Komarov. A few months after the birth of the child, his parents separated.

Anna continues to be actively involved in her career: recording songs and making videos. In 2011, together with Dmitry Dyuzhev, she starred in the film “Pregnant”.

Tatyana Naynik, 39 years old

Tatyana replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya in the group when she was on maternity leave, and only managed to appear in two videos: “Stop! Stop! Stop!" and “Good morning, dad!” After leaving Viagra, Tatyana organized the group Maybe, which, however, did not achieve success and quickly broke up. For some time, Naynik worked as a model, and then misfortunes befell her family one after another: first Tatyana’s father died, then her beloved dog died, after which the girl was attacked by hooligans and, in addition, her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Tatiana’s psyche could not withstand so many terrible shocks:

“I was overcome with overwhelming fear. I convulsed on the floor, my body felt like it was on fire. I screamed, wheezed, cried..."

The girl was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with anxiety-depressive disorder, accompanied by panic attacks and cramps. The treatment lasted more than 7 years, and in order to pay for it, Tatyana had to sell her jewelry and two apartments.

In 2014, Naynik married actor Alexander Terekhov, the son of Margarita Terekhova. In 2015, their daughter Vera was born. Now Tatyana is raising her.

Vera Brezhneva, 35 years old

When Vera Brezhneva was still in school, no one could have thought that this shy girl with glasses would someday become a pop star and sex symbol. And Vera herself did not dream of the stage at all; After graduating from school, she entered the Faculty of Economics and hoped to become an accountant. Somehow fate brought her to a concert of the Viagra group, where the girl responded to the call of the soloists to sing with them on stage. The producers liked Vera’s performance, in addition, they were just looking for a replacement for Alena Vinnitskaya, who was leaving the team, so the blonde from Dnepropetrovsk was invited to the casting. So Vera got into the group and, along with Anna Sedokova and Nadezhda Granovskaya, entered the so-called “golden composition” of Viagra. According to producer Dmitry Kostyuk, Vera was the most flexible of the group’s soloists and resignedly endured all the hardships of touring life.

In 2007, Vera left the group and began a solo career, which is developing very successfully. She recorded several popular songs and also acted in films.

Vera has two daughters, born in two marriages: 17-year-old Sonya and 8-year-old Sarah. In October 2015, Vera’s wedding with producer Konstantin Meladze took place in Italy.

Svetlana Loboda, 35 years old

Svetlana Loboda was taken into the group when Anna Sedokova left. Fans were hostile to the new girl; she was too different from Sedokov. In addition, Svetlana had disagreements with the producers, therefore, without working at Viagra for a year, she left the team. This did not stop her from making a fairly successful solo career, and Svetlana was recently declared “Singer of the Year” in Russia.

Svetlana’s personal life did not work out. The marriage with Andrew the Tsar broke up, but he left behind his daughter Evangelina. On at the moment the singer devotes all her time to her upbringing and creativity.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, 38 years old

Albina Dzhanabaeva was the permanent soloist of Viagra for 8 years: from 2004 to 2012, until the closure of the group. Even before she joined the team, Albina gave birth to a son, Konstantin. For a long time she hid the name of the child’s father, but in the end it became known that he was Valery Meladze, who was married at that time.

In 2014, Meladze divorced his wife Inna and married Albina. They had a second son, who was named Luka. Albina devotes a lot of time to her family and children, but at the same time does not forget about her career. She records songs, shoots videos, and also plays a role in the enterprise “Bad Habits.”

Olga Koryagina (Romanovskaya), 31 years old

Olga joined the project in 2006. She starred in the videos “Flower and Knife” and “L.M.L.”, and then left the team due to changes in her personal life. The girl married businessman Andrei Romanovsky and gave birth to two sons. In the early years family life Olga devoted herself entirely to household chores and raising children. She leads healthy image life, practices boxing and pole dancing. The ex-soloist of Viagra passed on her love for sports to her sons.

In 2016, Olga tried herself as a host of the “Revizorro” program, but worked in it for only a few months. Then she became one of the lead singers of the Queens group, which was organized former soloists"Viagra", but soon left her.

Meseda Bagaudinova, 34 years old

Meseda came to the team to replace Olga Romanovskaya, but after 1.5 years she was forced to leave it due to the return of Nadezhda Granovskaya, since there cannot be two “darkies” in the group. Meseda tried to make a solo career, but did not achieve much success. In 2011, she married a businessman named Alan, gave birth to a son a year later, and divorced her husband in 2015.

IN lately Meseda became very similar to Angelina Jolie. Fans suspect that she has enlarged her lips.

Tatyana Kotova managed to become famous even before she joined the project: in 2006 she was awarded the title “Miss Russia”, Tatyana also took part in the “Miss Universe” and “Miss World” competitions. She got into Viagra after Vera Brezhneva left and immediately fit into the team, but after 2 years, unexpectedly for everyone, she announced her departure and began performing solo.

In 2016, Tatyana joined the Queens group, which was organized by the ex-soloists of the Viagra group, but soon left it.

For almost ten years now, their appearance on stage has been exciting the entire male population of the country. They increase potency, like the medicine of the same name, kindle passion in the hearts and delight fans with more and more new songs, videos, soloists...

Each member of VIA Gra went through a rigorous casting, demonstrating their talents and merits, so we can say with confidence: only the best bodies and faces made it into the team. Alena Vinnitskaya, Nadezhda Granovskaya, Anna Sedakova...Can't remember them all? We will help!

Before the anniversary concert of the VIA Gra group, which will take place on March 27, decided to remember, watch and evaluate all the members of the sexiest group in the country.

VIA Gra soloist Alena Vinnitskaya

It was for her sake that the “VIA Gra” project was started: the talented, sexy and smart “girl with character” Alena Vinnitskaya is still associated with the group “VIA Gra” by most listeners.

But this Ukrainian pop diva was always not averse to classifying her work as rock music. In her youth, she listened to “Kino”, and founded her first musical group at the age of 19. The rock band with a sexy lead singer was called “The Last Unicorn”, but this project, contrary to the name, was not the last for Alena Vinnitskaya.

After a short break and work on television, Alena became the first soloist of the VIA Gra group. Later, the producers found a couple for the girl - singer Nadezhda Granovskaya. It was with this composition that the duo hit the first wave of fame with the song “Attempt number five.”

Three years later, Alena Vinnitskaya left the team. She later released a solo album, “Dolls,” in which she ridicules the beautiful and brainless puppets of show business, placing herself in contrast to them. She does not like to focus her attention on the fact that she was a member of the VIA Gra group, but this project still remains the most successful in creative career artists.

Now the ex-soloist of “VIA Gra” has seven solo albums. She is loved in Ukraine and not forgotten in Russia. However, Alena Vinnitskaya’s work is mainly intended for a Ukrainian audience.

VIA Gra soloist Nadezhda Granovskaya

She managed to stay among the soloists of VIA Gra the longest: from the first lineup to the last. Nadezhda Granovskaya periodically left the group, either because of pregnancy or because of difficult relationships within the ensemble. Other members of the group often complained about her complex character and stubborn disposition, but this is what helps the singer still stay afloat.

Throughout her childhood, Nadezhda Granovskaya studied at a choreographic school and dreamed of conquering the stage, so immediately after graduation educational institution went from the outback to Kyiv. The girl was lucky because during her visit to the capital of Ukraine she accidentally met Valery Meladze, who invited her to participate in the casting.

Nadezhda Granovskaya immediately sent her photographs to Moscow and - to her joy - became the lead singer of the VIA Gra group.

Later, when the duo transformed into the Granovskaya-Sedokova-Brezhnev trio, which was called the “golden lineup” of the VIA Gra group, the girls traveled all over the world, recorded the most popular compositions in the history of the ensemble, sold an incredible number of albums and even became stars in Japan. However, after five years resounding success Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group, and was replaced first by Olga Koryagina, and then by Meseda Bagaudinova.

But in January 2009, Nadezhda Granovskaya returned to VIA Gro again, and has no plans to leave yet.

VIA Gra soloist Tatyana Naynik

A professional fashion model from St. Petersburg, Tatyana Naynik, stayed in the VIA Gra group for only a few months. Having taken the place of the pregnant Nadezhda Granovskaya, this busty beauty recorded several compositions together with Alena Vinnitskaya and Anna Sedakova. However, the artist’s talent, charisma and sex appeal were not enough to replace Granovskaya forever: as soon as Nadezhda gave birth to a baby and decided to return to the group, Tatyana Naynik was sent back to St. Petersburg.

After such a successful project as VIA Gra, it was not easy for Tatyana Naynik to continue her career in show business. The girl was helped by the fact that she worked as a professional model, traveled around the world and posed for magazines, but Tatyana could not forget about the unfulfilled dream of a pop star.

Now Naynik produces and is a member of the girl group Maybe. The little-known group sometimes performs at corporate events and even records their own songs, but Tatyana Naynik herself is content with the rare attention of the press, which is interested in the artist only as an ex-soloist of VIA Gra.

VIA Gra soloist Anna Sedakova

Singer Anna Sedakova has always been considered one of the most seductive members of the VIA Gra group. Her magnificent bust on posters lured fans to concerts. Together with Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya, this Kiev beauty conquered not only Russia and Ukraine, but also became widely known abroad.

When Anna Sedakova married football player Valentin Belkevich in 2004 and immediately became pregnant with his child, the producers were horrified. The artist left the group, and VIA Gra's ratings immediately fell. Photos of Anna Sedakova continued to be placed on posters, despite the fact that the girl had been replaced by new member- Svetlana Loboda.

Now Sedakova has a successful solo career as a singer and TV presenter. She writes books about how to seduce men, records new hits and stars in TV series. She divorced her first husband, and since February 2011 her husband is businessman Maxim Shevchenko.

In November 2010, when Anna appeared on anniversary concert group "VIA Gra" in Kyiv, the audience greeted her with incredible applause. Journalists later wrote that all VIA Gra fans are actually fans of Anna Sedakova, who to this day remains one of the sexiest Russian pop stars.

VIA Gra soloist Vera Brezhneva

Charming, sexy and talented Vera Brezhneva has been recognized more than once as a sex symbol of the national stage. She joined the VIA Gra group in 2002 - then the producer of the group kindly invited the singer to take the place of the soloist of the first line-up - Alena Vinnitskaya.

As part of VIA Gra, Vera Brezhneva gained the love of the audience, fame and, undoubtedly, vast experience in show business. In 2008, she decided to leave the team and start a solo career.

Brezhnev became a presenter on TV, simultaneously recorded several videos for her own songs, and took part in the show “ Ice age"and won the title of "The Most sexy woman» Russia.

After such successes on stage and television, Vera Brezhneva was invited to star in the film “Love in the City,” where actor Alexei Chadov became her partner.

Busy life Vera Brezhneva would not be so happy without her beloved daughters, Sonya and Sarah. For girls different fathers– the singer had her second child quite recently, in marriage to Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. They say that Vera Brezhneva has a very jealous husband, nevertheless, the girl continues to expose herself in front of cameras and still leads an active social life.

VIA Gra soloist Svetlana Loboda

A very brave and very enthusiastic person, Svetlana Loboda, took the place of Anna Sedakova in the VIA Gra group in 2004. The little-known singer immediately began to be compared with the previous participant - and this comparison was clearly not in favor of the new soloist.

Svetlana Loboda stayed in the group for only four months, but during this time she traveled all over Asia with VIA Groi, recorded new videos and established friendly relations with Valery Meladze. So, just a month after she left the group, the artist’s first solo song appeared on the radio. In 2009, she represented Ukraine at Eurovision, and now she has set about creating her own clothing brand.

In addition to the creative achievements of Svetlana Loboda, fans of the VIA Gra group love to discuss her appearance. They say that once a girl made an incredible amount plastic surgery to change her appearance and hide from the producers of a certain group “Cappuccino”, with whom she had a two-year contract. The consequences of these “adventures” are clearly visible on Svetlana’s face: enlarged lips, rhinoplasty – braces in such early age turned her into a victim of plastic surgery.

VIA Gra soloist Albina Dzhanabaeva

The soloist of the next lineup of the group is known not so much for her creative achievements as part of the ensemble, as well as due to the connection with the singer and producer Valery Meladze. They are united by their common son Kostya and a romantic relationship, which in the past became their “pass ticket” to the group.

Albina worked for a long time as backing vocals for Valery Meladze, after which she was invited to the VIA Gra group in place of Svetlana Loboda. Dzhanabaeva’s debut in the group was the video for the song “The World I Didn’t Know About Before You.”

Albina Dzhanabaeva is still the soloist of the country’s “hottest” band. In 2009, the girl decided to study as a psychologist, so in addition to concerts, tours and celebrity parties, the artist attends lectures at the institute. And in 2010, Albina Dzhanabaeva also became interested in the fashion business, becoming the face of one of the clothing brands.

VIA Gra soloist Christina Kots-Gottlieb

The winner of numerous beauty contests, holder of the title “Miss Ukraine 2009” and professional fashion model Christina Kots-Gottlieb was in the VIA Gra group for only three months. The girl justified her record-breaking short tenure in the ensemble too “ complex character", which did not allow her to bend to the demands of the producers.

Christina has a very bright appearance and beautiful, long hair. But the girl never studied vocals and was unable to bring anything to VIA Gro except her beautiful face. Christina Kots-Gottlieb appeared in the “Lie, but Stay” video, took part in several photo shoots as part of the group, and then disappeared from show business without a trace.

Christina Kots-Gottlieb managed to make a career in the modeling business much easier than to conquer the fans of the VIA Gra group.

Soloist of VIA Gra Olga Koryagina

Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra", created in 2000 in Kyiv, is considered one of the most successful Russian-language groups of the 2000s. "VIA Gra" recorded 5 studio albums and released more than 30 radio singles and video clips. The band's name is an allusion to medicinal product Viagra stands for VIA - vocal and instrumental ensemble; Ukrainian gra - game. Distinctive feature group is a frequent change of participants, which once again proves that "Via Gra"- commercial project. Music producer of the group - composer Konstantin Meladze.
For 2013 on TV channels 1+1 (Ukraine) And NTV (Russia) Konstantin Meladze's reality show is planned to start “I want to go to VIA Gro”, consisting of eight episodes and telling viewers how girls from all over the CIS are trying to become soloists popular group. New group, which will include the winners of the reality project, Meladze plans to give it a different name. At first it was reported that the project would start in the spring, but later the start of the show was postponed indefinitely.

13. Alena Vinnitskaya(born December 27, 1974, Kyiv) - Ukrainian author and performer of pop-rock songs, one of the first members of the female pop group “VIA Gra”. Lives and works in Ukraine, writes and performs songs in Russian.

12.Nadezhda Granovskaya(born April 10, 1982, Zbruchivka village, Volochyssky district, Khmelnitsky region) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, poetess. Former soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (2000-2006); (2009-2011).

11. Tatyana Naynik(born April 6, 1978, St. Petersburg) - lead singer and producer of the group “Maybe”. Former member of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (April 2002 - November 2002).

10. Anna Sedokova(born December 16, 1982, Kyiv) - Ukrainian pop singer, TV presenter, actress. Former soloist of the “golden lineup” of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra”.

9. Vera Brezhneva(born February 3, 1982, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, former member of the pop group VIA Gra (2003-2007).

8. Svetlana Loboda(born October 18, 1982 Kyiv, Ukraine) - Ukrainian singer, presenter, actress, designer of her own brand “F*ck" n" macho", photographer. She represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. She performs under the stage name LOBODA. In May 2004, she replaced the departed Anna Sedokova in the VIA Gra group and four months later she left the group for a solo career. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2013).

7. Albina Dzhanabaeva(born April 9, 1979, Gorodishche, Volgograd region) - Russian singer, actress, TV presenter. Former soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (2004-2012).

6.Christina Kotz-Gottlieb(born May 2, 1983, Donetsk, Ukraine) - Ukrainian fashion model, singer. Former member of the Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra (2006). Winner of the competition "Miss Ukraine Universe 2009".

5. Olga Romanovskaya(born January 22, 1986, Nikolaev) - Ukrainian designer, singer. Former member of the female pop group “VIA Gra” (2006-2007). She was known in the group as maiden name Koryagina.

4. Meseda Bagaudinova(born October 30, 1983) - Russian singer of Avar and Ukrainian-Belarusian origin, former member of the Ukrainian women's group"VIA Gra" (2007-2009).

2.Eva Bushmina(born April 2, 1989, Sverdlovsk, Lugansk region) - Ukrainian singer, former soloist of the group “VIA Gra” (March 22, 2010 - January 2, 2013).

1. Santa Dimopoulos(born May 21, 1987, Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian singer, former soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" (December 2011 - October 2012), graduate of the third season of the Ukrainian project "Star Factory", former soloist of the Ukrainian group "Seventh Heaven". World Fitness Champion (2011).

Pop project group Viagra 2018 is still successful, although having again new line-up soloist, tours and regularly delights fans with new hits, is a multiple winner of the Golden Disc, Muz-TV, Golden Gramophone awards, etc.

The girls from ViaGra recorded six studio albums, three of which received gold status in our country, and one became platinum in Thailand.

Viagra group -Ulyana Sinetskaya, Erica Herceg and Olga Meganskaya .


The history of the popular female group Viagra began on September 3, 2000. It was then that the debut video “Attempt No. 5” premiered on the Ukrainian television company “Biz-TV,” which immediately flew to the top positions of the main charts. After this, the group experienced rapid ups and downs more than once, changed its lineup several times, its soloists began successful solo careers and gave birth to children. But despite this, the popularity of Viagra did not decrease.

In 1999, Ukrainian businessman and owner of the Biz-TV channel Vladimir Kostyuk, inspired by the success of the Russian “Brilliant” and Western “Spice Girls”, decided to launch a similar Ukrainian project. He called Konstantin Meladze to play the role of music producer. One of the first confirmed soloists was Alena Vinnitskaya, who had previously worked as a presenter on Biz-TV. Thanks to the casting, Meladze and Kostyuk found two more girls: Marina Modina and Yulia Miroshnichenko. But in the process of working on “Attempt No. 5,” it was decided to leave Alena alone and freeze the project for a while, continuing the search for suitable soloists.

When Nadezhda Granovskaya appeared on the horizon, it was decided to retrain the trio into a duet, in which Vinnitskaya got the role of the leading soloist. Initially the group was to be called "Silver". There are several versions about where the name “Viagra” came from. According to one of them, VIA is a vocal-instrumental ensemble, “gra” in Ukrainian means game. Some believe that “Viagra” is a derivative of the surnames and names of vocalists (Vi-Vinnitskaya, A-Alena, Gra-Granovskaya). But the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word “Viagra” is a famous drug that increases male potency. By the way, bringing out the team V.I.A. "Gra" to the English-language music market, Sony Music management received a pre-trial claim from the tablet manufacturers. Therefore, in the West the group is known under the pseudonym Nu Virgos.

Initially, critics considered Viagra a one-hit wonder and predicted its short-lived fame. But the next one after "Attempt No. 5" dance composition“Hug Me” increased the interest around the group even more. Girls began to be invited to interviews and concerts. By the end of 2000, their repertoire already included seven songs. First solo concert team took place on stage Ice Palace Dnepropetrovsk December 20. It was attended by 4 thousand spectators.

During its work, the group changed 16 lineups. Almost all former soloists connected their lives with show business and were able to build successful careers.

Composition of the Viagra group for 2000-2003:
  • Alena Vinnitskaya;

Alena (Olga) Vinnitskaya was born on December 27, 1974 in the capital of Ukraine. Almost immediately after graduating from school, I met my future husband, who at that time performed in the group “Seven”. Over time, they together changed the name of the group to “The Last Unicorn”, where Vinnitskaya became the author of the music and lyrics of the songs they performed.

From 1997 to 2000, Vinnitskaya successfully combined the professions of a VJ and reporter on music television channels and a DJ on radio stations. On Biz-TV she hosted the Ukrainian Twenty, which was also broadcast on the Russian MTV. It was there that she met Kostyuk, who invited her to the Viagra group. With Alena's participation, they shot 6 videos, released a debut album, starred in two musicals and recorded several non-album songs.

On January 20, 2003, the girl left the group and began a solo career, performing pop-rock compositions. Among the notable works in this field, it is worth highlighting the compositions “Let's Forget Everything,” which became a shock hit on all Ukrainian charts, and the single “Tormented Heart,” which made it possible to feel the full depth of Alena’s original lyrics.

In 2004 Alena performed with the world famous group"The Cardigans" in the Sports Palace, the largest concert venue Ukraine, and released her first album “Dawn”. The girl still actively performs, records new albums and is active in social activities.

Nadya Meikher was born in the village of Zbruchovka on April 10, 1982. From the age of 11, she attended a folk dance club and performed at various events. After school, Nadezhda entered the choreography department and musical dance to the Khmelnytsky Pedagogical School.

In 2000, the girl passed the casting for the Viagra group, but already in 2002 she left the team due to pregnancy. However, maternity leave did not last long, and a month after giving birth, Nadya returned to the group. Nadezhda's repeated departure occurred in 2006. Then she decided to start a career as a TV presenter.

But in 2009, Granovskaya again became a member of the team. In 2013, she was on the jury of the reality show “I Want Viagra.” In 2016, Nadezhda presented her play “Historia de Un Amor” and opened the “Meiher by Meiher” boutique in Kyiv, where she presented her clothing collection.

For 2002:

After Nadezhda Granovskaya went on maternity leave, the producers decided to turn the duo into a trio and announced an urgent casting. So the new composition of the Viagra group was replenished with Tatyana Naynik and Anna Sedokova.

Tanya was born in St. Petersburg on April 6, 1978. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an artist, but after graduating from school she entered the psychological and pedagogical faculty of Herzen University. In 1996, Naynik got into the modeling business. Her photos have appeared in such popular fashion publications as major publications such as Elle, Shape and Top Ten.

Tatyana Naynik was recruited into the Viagra group to replace Granovskaya. Together with her participation, the songs “Good Morning, Dad” and “Kill My Girlfriend” were recorded. After Granovskaya-Meicher returned, the girls performed as a quartet for some time and the four of them appeared on the cover of the Russian magazine Maxim. But in the same year, Tatyana left the team, not avoiding problems with management.

After leaving, the girl starred in full-length European films in the art-house and horror styles (unfortunately, the films did not go beyond European distribution) and the comedy television series “Matchmakers.” Now she collaborates with various charitable and public organizations and is a soloist and producer own group"Maybe", created immediately after leaving Viagra and successfully functioning to this day.

The girl was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. She graduated with honors from both general education and music school. She studied at the Kiev National University, also graduating with honors. At the age of 15 she worked as a model, and later as a presenter in clubs and on TV.

Anna tried to get into the Viagra team back in 2000, but due to the fact that she was not yet 18 years old, she failed to pass the casting. In the new lineup of the group, she immediately became the leader and front vocalist. It was under her that the group became the No. 1 female pop group in domestic show business.

In 2004, Anna Sedokova left the group, got married and gave birth to a daughter. In 2006, she starred for Playboy magazine and began performing on stage under the pseudonym Annabelle. At the moment, Sedokova’s career is developing quite successfully. She regularly releases new singles, acts as a presenter, is nominated and receives various prizes and awards for her songs. In addition, Anya is raising two children, and at the end of 2016 she announced her third pregnancy.

In 2003 -2004:

Vera Brezhneva (Galushka)

She was born into a poor large family in Dneprodzerzhinsk on February 3, 1982. She first performed with Viagra in 2002 as a participant from the audience. In 2003, she successfully passed the casting and took the place of the departed Alena Vinnitskaya. It is the composition of “Brezhnev-Sedokova-Granovskaya” that critics call “golden”.

In 2007, Vera left the group and began a solo career as a singer and actress. Her compositions “Rose Petals” (together with Dan Balan), “Love will save the world”, “ Real life" occupied the top of the charts. The films “Love in the City” and “The Jungle”, where she played leading roles, were also successful.

Besides creative activity Brezhnev is the founder of the Ray of Faith Foundation, which helps children with oncohematological diseases, and the UN Ambassador for the UNAIDS program.

Viagra in 2004:

She came to replace Anna Sedokova. Sveta was born in Kyiv on October 18, 1982. She graduated from a music school with classes in academic vocals, piano and conducting. From a young age she toured actively. After school, I entered the pop vocal department at the Variety and Circus Academy in Kyiv.

At the same time she performed as part of the popular Ukrainian group “Cappuccino”, which performed with the hits “Feelings” and “Fairy Tale”. After leaving Cappuccino, she took part in the first Ukrainian musical show Equator, where she played the role of the savage Mirana. In 2003, Svetlana Loboda founded her own creative team"Ketch." It was then that Dmitry Kostyuk noticed her.

Together with Loboda, the team shot the video “Biology” and took part in New Year's musical“Sorochinskaya Fair” on the “Inter” channel. After staying in the Viagra group for about six months, Svetlana decided to leave. In 2009 she represented Ukraine at Eurovision, in 2010 she founded her own brand “LOBODA”, in 2012 she became a coach in the show “The Voice. Children".

Composition for 2004 -2006:

She was born on April 9, 1979 in Volgograd. At the age of 17 she entered the Gnessin School. After graduation I sang in Korean musical production"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", performing the role of Snow White.

Afterwards she worked as a backing vocalist for Valery Meladze. Initially, it was Albina who received the offer to fill the vacant position of Anna Sedokova. But at that time the girl had just given birth to a son, so she refused. After Loboda left, she nevertheless joined the musical group.

Albina worked as a member of the group for more than 8 years, at the same time managing to star in the film “Betrayal” directed by Kirill Serebrennikov and taking third place in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” On January 1, 2013, Konstantin Meladze announced the collapse of VIA Gra and invited Albina to build a solo career under his wing. In 2013, she was a jury member (later a mentor) in the show “I Want V Viagra.” She has released several solo singles.

Group for 2006:

Born in Donetsk on May 2, 1983. Graduated from an economics university with honors. From the age of 15, she participated in numerous beauty contests, developed a modeling career, and won the title “Miss Donbass 2003.”

After Nadezhda Granovskaya left again, she successfully passed the casting and took her place. She took part in the filming of the video “Deceive, but stay,” but left the team after 3 months. In 2009 she won the Ukrainian national competition “Miss Ukraine Universe”. In 2014 she released a solo video for the song “Trust your heart”.

Soloists of 2006-2007:

Olga Koryakina (Romanovskaya)

Born in Nikolaev in 1986. At the age of 15 she won the Miss Black Sea Region 2001 competition, worked in one of modeling agencies. In 2004 she won the title “Miss Koblevo”. She took part in the casting together with Christina Kots-Gottlieb, but lost. After Christina did not fit into the trio, the producers decided to give Olga a second chance.

During her stay in the group, Olga starred in the videos “Flower and Knife”, “L.M.L.”, participated in the recording of the album “L.M.L.” in English. In March 2007, she announced her pregnancy and departure from the group. Olga's solo career began under her husband's last name. When she was 8 months pregnant, Olga recorded the song “Lullaby.”

She tried to collaborate with Maxim Fadeev, but they could not work together. In 2012, she received an offer to become one of six mentors in the reality show “I Want V VIA Gro,” but the girl refused.

On December 2, 2015, the singer presented her debut album “Hold Me Tight.” From April to October 2016, she tried herself as the host of the popular program “Revizorro” instead of Elena Letuchaya.

Participants for 2007-2008:
  • Bagaudinova Meseda.

Born on October 30, 1983 in the city of Grozny. Since 2002 she has performed in the international group “Dreams”. On April 1, 2007, Bagaudinova came to Viagra, where she replaced Olga Koryakina. She performed in the group for a year and a half.

The video clip “Kisses” and three more videos were shot with her participation. With the return of Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group. She recorded the solo composition “Smoke”, but suspended her career due to marriage and the birth of her son Aspar. In 2013, she became one of the mentors at “I Want Viagra.” In 2013-2014, she presented the singles “Just Freeze”, “Intersection”, “I Believe”.

Singers of 2008 -2010:

Was born in the village. Sholokhovsky September 3, 1985. Even in her youth she began to take part in beauty contests. In December 2006 she won the title “Miss Russia”, gaining more than 50% of the audience votes.

She joined the Viagra group on March 17, 2008. With Kotova’s participation, the videos “I’m Not Afraid”, “American Wife”, “My Emancipation” were shot and the singles “Anti-Geisha” and “Crazy” were recorded. On April 22, 2010, she announced her resignation. Now the singer has several solo compositions (“He”, “Red on Red”, “Hop-Hop”, “Dissolve”, “I’ll Say Yes”, etc.), with which she performs at large venues and group concerts .

Girls 2010-2011 year:
  • Bushmina Eva.

Yana Shvets (Bushmina)

Born in Sverdlovsk on April 2, 1989. She studied at the same time as Nastya Kamenskikh at the vocal department at the Variety and Circus Academy. Later she was a TV presenter of the program “Guten Morgen” on M1, was a soloist in the group “Lucky”, danced in the show ballet “The Best”, and participated in the Ukrainian “Star Factory”.

In March 2010, she announced an early exit from the “Factory-Superfinal” project and a transition to “Viagra”. In the same year, according to the Life-Star portal, she entered the Top 10 open year. Yana, like Albina Dzhanabaeva, successfully performed as part of Viagra until its closure.

In 2011-2012:
  • Eva Bushmina;

Born in Kyiv on May 21, 1987. early years was studying sports dancing, at 17 she entered the Faculty of Law. In 2011, she became the absolute world champion in fitness in Thailand in the “Female Model Physique” category. In the same year, she received a law degree, but decided to connect her life with creativity.

Her first group was the Ukrainian group “Seventh Heaven”, followed by participation in the third Ukrainian Star Factory. In December 2011, she took the place of the newly departed Nadezhda Granovskaya in the Viagra group, but already at the beginning of October 2012 she decided to pursue a solo career.

"Viagra" for 2013 early 2018:

Anastasia was born in Yuzhnoukrainsk on March 26, 1993. IN childhood she studied at a music school, sang in the choir and studied acting and choreography.

Having passed the preliminary castings for the show “I Want Viagra,” Nastya also successfully performed in the first round. A little later she seemed to be paired with Misha and Erica. Initially, Albina Dzhanabaeva acted as their mentor.

But after the girls, having cut up their concert dresses before the performance, almost flew out of the project, Granovskaya’s hope for patronage over them faded. According to the results of the audience vote, the trio won. In the final they presented new song“Truce”, which later became their calling card.

Natalya Mogilets (Misha Romanova) was born on August 3, 1990. in Kherson. At the age of 5, Natasha was very scared and began to stutter. Doctors advised sending the girl to vocal lessons, where it turned out that when she sang, the defect instantly disappeared.

So Natasha began to dream of becoming a singer and participating in various competitions. In 2007, together with Nikolai Bortnik (Max Barskikh), they came to Kyiv and passed exams at the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts.

In the same year, Natalya began her solo career under the pseudonym Misha Romanova, and in 2013 she was cast on the show “I Want V Viagra.”

Erica Herceg was born in the village of Malaya Dobron on July 5, 1988. As a child, Erika sang in a Hungarian church choir, and later entered the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Ferenc Rakoczi II Institute.

At the age of 17, the girl weighed more than 80 kg. But in 8 months she was able to lose 30 kg, correcting minor flaws with the help plastic surgery, receive a highly paid contract for advertising French lingerie in 2012.

That same year, she appeared nude in the November issue of Playboy. Now he sings as part of the group Viagra.

In September 2013, Konstantin Meladze launched a new reality project “I want to join VIA Gro”, with the help of which girls could audition for the revived group. Anastasia, Misha and Erica became the winners and presented a new composition of the pop trio.

Since April 2018:

  • Olya Meganskaya

Olga Meganskaya

Olga Meganskaya’s date of birth was 1992, born in the city of Yaroslavl. WITH early childhood Olya devoted herself entirely to music, loved this business and even graduated from music school, which is quite natural under the circumstances.

However higher education preferred to get as a "history teacher and English language"But Meganskaya did not stop improving herself on this, enrolling in the pop department of culture and art, which is located at Leningrad College.

Olya loves our little brothers very much, so she doesn’t eat animal meat, and naturally none at all. An ardent opponent of natural fly. Of course, he has pages on Instagram and VK. Before becoming the new lead singer of the Viagra group, Olya tried to get into other musical projects, but not so successfully.

New composition of the Viagra group from September 2018:

  • Olya Meganskaya
  • Ulyana Sinetskaya

Ulyana Sinetskaya

Ulyana Sinetskaya was born in the spring of March 29, 1995, in a very small Yugorsk, which is located in the Tyumen region, its northern part. From the age of five she attended music school, and even then the girl’s parents recognized her talent for music. Then the family moved to Yekaterinburg, where Ulyana continued to devote herself entirely to creativity.

Since 2014, the aspiring singer began her career growth. Participation in the show "The Voice", getting into the project " New Factory stars", was in the team "CASH" and now has become a member of the group "Viagra". From the first days, work in the group began to boil - photo sessions of all the soloists, recording of new tracks, which promise to be amazing according to the producer of the pop trio.

So young age, the girl is only 23 years old, new soloist not a hindrance, Ulyana Sinetskaya started her work right off the bat, we are waiting for her success.

Hits of the group "Viagra"

Since the successful start of the project, thanks to the compositions “Attempt No. 5”, “Bomb”, “I will not return”, the group has managed to record six studio albums:

  • In 2001 - “Attempt No. 5”;
  • In 2003 - “Stop! Removed” (Russian and Japanese edition);
  • In 2003 - “Biology”;
  • In 2004 - “Stop! Stop! Stop!” (international edition);
  • In 2007 - “L.M.L”.

In 2002, the group presented new videos “Stop! Stop! Stop!” and "Good morning". In the second video, fans again saw Nadezhda Granovskaya, who had previously left the group, which led to a new surge in the popularity of Viagra.

In February 2003, a video for “Don’t Leave Me, Darling” was released. The composition topped many charts and is still considered one of the best in the group’s history. This was the time of the “golden lineup” and its successful duets with Valery Meladze. Hits were released one after another: “Ocean and Three Rivers”, “No More Attraction”, “Kill My Girlfriend”, “Diamonds”.

Then the team began to storm. The "Golden Squad" broke up. The participants constantly replaced each other. But the compositions “Flower and Knife” recorded with Olga Koryakina, “Kisses” - with Meseda Bagaudinova, “Antigeisha”, “Crazy” - with Tatyana Kotova, “A Day Without You”, “Get Out”, “Hello, Mom!” -with Eva Bushmina they did not allow the group to lose their status as the sexiest pop trio on the Russian stage.

The new composition of Viagra, like most of the previous ones, has been criticized more than once. Many were sure that the success of the previous participants could not be repeated. Despite this, the group confidently wins high places in the charts, receives music awards, and their songs “Truce”, “Oxygen”, “I got someone else”, “So much” do not cease to be rotated on radio stations. Over time, the group's repertoire included 17 past hits with changed arrangements.