Everyone is discussing Olga Buzova's antics during the concert. Everyone is discussing Olga Buzova's antics during the concert Olga Buzova's solo concert

July 11, 2017

The host of “Dom-2” is preparing to become a real pop star

On November 3, Olga Buzova’s first solo concert will take place in Moscow. The presenter of “House-2”, who immediately after her divorce from her footballer husband Dmitry Tarasov took up solo career(previously, she devoted all her free time from running Dom-2 to family matters), she is determined - she is ready to invest millions in her promotion. And soon you will be able to earn money not only from Dom-2, corporate events and advertising on Instagram, but also from concerts in the regions.

In November, Buzova has her first solo album. Director of the concert “To the Sound of Kisses” Alexey Golubev (worked with Polina Gagarina, Evgeni Plushenko, Dmitry Bilan, Yegor Creed, Kristina Orbakaite and other stars). Hiring such a professional is not a cheap pleasure. At the concert, Buzova will present her first solo album, which she is currently recording.

People are discussing how Buzova will pack the hall (the Izvestia Event-Hall Club seats from 1000 to 2000 people), suggesting that a couple of weeks before the concert Olya herself will buy tickets and distribute them to fans, so as not to show the show in which she invests a lot of money and strength, in a half-empty hall... By the way, in social networks discussed Buzova’s know-how on working with the public. They say that before Olga’s performance on June 12 in her hometown St. Petersburg on Palace Square, young people were given leaflets with the words of her songs and paid 200 rubles to sing along with Buzova... It turned out great - the crowd shouted the lines of the chorus of her song: whether at the call of the heart or for 200 rubles, it is not known for sure.

And for the first solo concert of the host of Dom-2, tickets are almost sold out. Moreover, first of all, the expensive seats were sold out - 7,000 and 5,000 rubles each (there are few VIP tickets left), but there are even more than a hundred tickets for the dance floor, where the ticket price is 2,000 rubles. But most likely the fans of “House-2” (and therefore Buzova) will sort them out before November. You will have to invest a lot of money in preparing the show - costumes, special effects, advertising, renting a hall... But then Buzova is going to tour the regions, and this is good money - again, there are millions of Dom-2 fans in the regions...

— Four of my songs one after another ended up in 1st place in Russian iTunes. Moreover, the first three became leaders within an hour, and “Fly Away” became leaders in 15 minutes. None of our artists have achieved such a result. Then I shot a video for the song “I’m getting used to it”: everyone expected me to be in sequins and rhinestones, but what came out was a stylish, cool mini-film,” Olga Buzova said in an interview with “Teleprogram” magazine. — They attacked me with particular anger after the concert at the Olimpiyskiy - at BigLoveShow the organizers recognized my performance as the best, and yet all our artists performed there. I choreographed the act myself, sewed costumes for the dancers, which cost a colossal amount of money. I had a dream to go on stage beautifully - I fulfilled it. Who's stopping you from doing something cool? I’ve been working on television for a long time and I’m used to everything. But still, I’m a girl, vulnerable, so it’s easy to offend me and provoke me into emotions. What hurt me the most was that men were competing with me in the same place and allowing me to be publicly insulted. It was very unpleasant. There was no one to protect me - I endured all this alone... I don’t want to waste positive energy on the statements of people who criticize me. After all, they expect this from me. I'd rather write a kind word to those who support me. My people know that now I am free from a relationship, lonely and want to direct all my creative potential and energy into creativity.

By the way, lately colleagues began to more actively support Buzova. Remember, as Dima Bilan once said: “A person who fights so many ill-wishers and negativity can only be respected for this.” Apparently Buzova’s willpower and performance were also appreciated by other colleagues. Let her just study - she does a lot of vocals, dancing - let's see what comes of it.

Svetlana Loboda about Olga Buzova: “Now I understand that this project will exist for a long time and people will like it. A large country has a very diverse population. And these are mostly people who do not have the opportunity to read, watch, think, search. They earn money, they earn it hard, they need to feed their children, arrange their daily life and occasionally be distracted by something. You can't blame them for this. It seems to me that Olga Buzova is exactly for such people. I see that she is trying, looking for images, changing costumes, putting on dance numbers. Her singles are downloaded on iTunes, which means someone needs it, and this cannot be taken lightly.”

Yana Rudkovskaya spoke about Olga Buzova, represented new clip group “Degrees”: “B leading role Olya Buzova starred, whom I sincerely consider a very good girl! Who has a dream to sing! You can take away everything from a person, but it is impossible to take away your dream! Moreover, she is moving towards her with leaps and bounds, behind which she stands a lot of work! Her rebranding is obvious, and positivity with sincerity is now worth its weight in gold! Well, me and the guys from the group @gradusy_band made a video about a girl Olya - a girl from the neighboring yard! And let this girl be Olya Buzova! Now is her time! In general, everything with us is “Great, Great”, which is what we wish for all of you!”

9-11-2017, 15:04 // 39 704

Olga Buzova’s recent solo concert is still being actively discussed on the Internet. However, it is far from the best. First, Tatyana Vladimirovna started talking about the tickets that were distributed free of charge, inviting students into the hall, and then the audience shared more shocking facts. It turns out that Olga has prepared gifts for her fans.

Olga Buzova’s concert passed, but the impressions about it remained. Spectators discuss what they saw. While fans admire bright show, haters are looking for something to criticize..

Olga Buzova's concert was hot in every sense of the word. The singer, who was constantly under bright lamps, was doubly hot. As a result, She sweated often. To eliminate sweat in a timely manner, towels were laid out throughout the stage, which Olga used as needed.

But Olga did not remove the towels into some trash bin, but into the living room. After using the towel for its intended purpose, Buzova threw it into the hall for fans as a souvenir. Haters immediately cursed the star, comparing her to Rapunzel and saying that she had gone completely crazy.

“Well, at least they’re not cowards”, “Buzova has completely lost her mind”, “Let the fans rejoice that she didn’t throw away the dancers’ socks”, “It’s clear why she supports Rapa - they’re all the same” - the audience speaks out.

But the fans didn’t see anything wrong with Olga’s act and reminded them that abroad it is considered quite normal when performers in the audience or spectators throw something at them on stage. And the same cowards fly in both directions and are considered the best trophy.

the site visited Olga Buzova’s first solo concert show.

Solo concert Olga Buzova in Moscow turned into a queue of many kilometers. To get into the hall, her fans had to wait outside for about an hour. No one left - as a result, by the appointed time there was nowhere for the apple to fall in the hall.

“Were you faking an orgasm?”

Not only ordinary fans, but also celebrities gathered to see Buzova the singer. Among them, our correspondents discovered Yulia Baranovskaya and Anna Khilkevich. Olga’s old friend Masha Pogrebnyak also appeared. The football player’s wife admitted: she supports her star friend in everything and because of this she even announced a boycott of her ex, Dmitry Tarasov.

I decided not to communicate with him! - said Maria.

They waited until the last minute for Ksyusha Borodina. But the other presenter of “House-2” never showed up at the concert. “I don’t like fake girlfriends!” - Ksyusha wrote later. True, she never reported what kind of black cat ran between her and Buzova.

Olga makes her exit, as expected big star, delayed exactly an hour. All this time, the audience was warmed up by the presenters of one radio station. At some point, they called two girls onto the stage and began bombarding them with questions: “Did you fake an orgasm?”, “Did you have a threesome?”, “Did you wear holey underwear?”, “Did you make a fuss in front of your boyfriend? ", "Have you ever peed in the shower?" The girls, not at all embarrassed, answered almost all questions positively.

Photo: Denis Sorokin/ "Companion"

Olga appeared on stage spectacularly - on ropes. Music connoisseurs recalled that Kylie Minogue also repeated this trick at her concerts. In general, Buzova borrowed a lot from her: for example, a spectacular bodysuit resembled Madonna’s outfit, and the drummer show was from Michael Jackson. Even with Russian stage Buzova licked the best. If Pugacheva more than once addressed the audience: “My people,” then Buzova said, “My people.”

How long it took me to achieve this,” Olga did not hide her emotions. - Thank you for being with me.

The diva's favorite is 9 years younger than her

Between songs, Buzova wanted the audience to believe in themselves. According to Olga, only thanks to this can great success be achieved.

They didn’t believe in me either, they continue to offend me and hurt me,” the star confessed. - But I see that I am on the right path. The most important thing in this life is to love yourself.

Photo: Denis Sorokin/ "Companion"

After one of the songs, Buzova was given a note. Olga, noticing the leaf, was inspired.

A love note, I hope? - said the artist. - I’m already used to waking up alone: ​​I hope I’ll get out of the habit soon.

Buzova clearly said these words for a reason. Among the spectators of her first concert, we noticed Olga’s current favorite, Dom-2 participant Roman Gritsenko. Buzova is credited with having a particularly warm relationship with him. Rumor has it that Buzova spends a long time talking with Roma on the site and regularly gives him rides in her luxury car. He turns away all the girls who come to him to build love. The chosen one is nine years younger than Olga, but the TV presenter is not at all afraid of the age difference. In a social gathering, it is even fashionable for a woman to be older. That evening Gritsenko did not take his eyes off the stage and sang all her hits with Olga. Buzova herself is in no hurry to introduce her new favorite to the public. From the stage she thanked only her sister, who came to her performance.

The concert ended with Olga's name being chanted. Buzova, seeing the jubilation of the audience, could no longer hold back her tears. Yes, she still lacks a quality repertoire. But, apparently, this problem will be solved very soon. In the meantime, Olga went on tour: her next the concert will take place in Minsk. There, too, all the tickets for her solo album have already been sold out.