The Return of the Valiant Knight - a review of Andrei Usachev’s book “Bova the Prince. The legend about the brave knight, about the prince's son

BOVA KOROLEVICH – literary hero. In the second half of the 16th century, European " chivalric novels" The first place among them is occupied by “The Tale of Bova Korolevich”. Its source is a French-Italian novel about the exploits of Bovo d’Anton, but it came to us through South Slavic media (in a Belarusian retelling). Usually the Russian texts of this story were called: “History of a certain brave knight and about the glorious hero Bova Korolevich.” It was used in the form of amusing books at court, and in handwritten versions among the lower classes.

This was not just a translation: a foreign work received a Russian coloring, various kinds of details were introduced into it, giving it a Russian flavor, the content was deliberately associated with Russian life, and the heroes became similar to Russian people.

ORIGIN: Bova was the son of King Guidon and Militrisa, daughter of King Kirbich. The father gave Militrisa to Guidon against her will, the matchmaker was Lichard's equerry. Militrisa, hating her husband, entered into an agreement with King Dodon: he came with an army to the appointed place, she sent Guidon there to hunt, and Dodon hacked him to death. Sinbalda, Bova’s uncle, told him about what had happened and tried to take him away, but Dodon managed to capture the boy. Dodon had a dream that Bova, armed with a treasure sword and a spear, was ready to pierce his heart. Having learned about this, Militrisa, for the love of Dodon. She decided to persecute her son, put him in prison and did not give him food. Then she sent him three loaves of bread soaked in poison. The girl, bringing Bova bread, warned him, he threw the bread to the dogs, and they immediately died. Bova cried bitterly, and the girl also cried, looking at his beauty. When leaving, she did not lock the dungeon, and Bova fled.

APPEARANCE: His appearance played a significant role in his fate: the beauty of a boy, and then a young man, is spoken of more than once. “Bova had bright eyes, and hair as yellow as silk, and a face as ruddy as gold.”

THE ADVENTURES OF BOVA: Bova is picked up by a ship, he pretends to be the son of a sexton and a washerwoman. He is taught to read and write, and he “blooms like a flower on the ship, his face shines like a ray of sunshine.” He becomes the property of King Zinzowei, who appoints him chief groom. Zinzovey's daughter, captivated by Bova's beauty, asks her father to allow him to come to her chambers. When he came for the first time, “the chamber lit up with his face, but the beautiful Druzhnena and the girls could not sit still.”

Funny details testify to their love. King Markobrun with an army of two hundred thousand approaches the city and demands Druzhnena as his wife. King Zinzovey is forced to agree, but Bova defeats the aliens in tournament fights, including Markobrun. Tsar Saltan Saltanovich appears with a hundred thousand army; he wants to marry his son Lukaper to Druzhnen. Bova enters into a duel with Lukaper - “ glorious hero three fathoms high” - and cuts his head in two with the wonderful treasure sword that Druzhnena gave him. Having freed Zinzovey and Markobrun, captured by Saltan, Bova reminds his master that he himself is waiting for liberation. Druzhnena begs her father to give her to Bova, the son of King Guidon, and receives consent.
Now - instead of a happy fairy-tale ending - the story about Bova takes on such an incredible turn, is filled with such dizzying adventures that the previous Russian reader could not even think about. Bova's rivals manage to send him far away; he does not have time to warn his bride, and she is forced to agree to marry Markobrun, although she has negotiated a year's delay for herself.
Bova many times finds himself on the verge of death, robbed, losing his name, heroic horse and treasure sword. He is forced to wander under the guise of a poor old man, is imprisoned by Tsar Saltan, and his daughter tries to convert Bova “to the Latin faith.” Fortunately for Bova, his wonderful sword returns to him, and he again wins victory after victory. On the way to Druzhnene, he learns about the condition she accepted - to wait for him for a year, and meanwhile more has passed since their separation. He receives a “potion” that allows him to change and restore his appearance. Unrecognized by the bride, he goes with her to the stable where his heroic horse is chained. At the sight of its owner, the horse broke 70 chains, “jumped onto Beauvais’s throat, and placed its front hooves on his shoulders.” Then Bova reveals himself to Druzhnena, they run, the chase rushes after them, and the most important of the pursuers - Polkan - a man from waist to head, and a dog from waist to feet) fights with him desperately until Druzhnena reconciles them. One adventure builds on another - first Bova disappears, then Druzhnena and her two children. Bova ends up in her native place and deals with Dodon, meets the children whom Druzhnena sent to search for her husband... Everything comes to a happy end.

“THE TALE OF BOD” is the most entertaining, most intricate work of intrigue and richest in adventurous events. Ancient Rus'. Bova combined in himself at the same time the features epic hero, a fairy-tale prince and a courageous and successful knight, external beauty which was in harmony with the nobility of actions, directness and determination, loyalty and heartfelt sensitivity. Bova did not remain a hero only of Ancient Rus': the story passed into modern times, in the 18th century popular retellings of it (with pictures) appeared, it turned into an oral fairy tale, and many generations read and listened to the entertaining story about the brave knight. Have you noticed how many familiar names there are: Guidon, Dodon, Saltan, Polkan? These names came from “Bova” in Pushkin’s fairy tales and poems.

(221) Information found on the Internet and partially edited.

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    Since there is an ocean, everything is connected. Here is a medieval gesture, a song about deeds, a typical example of the French heroic epic, traveling across Europe, reflected in the mirrors of the English, Irish, and Welsh languages. By the end of the 12th century, the knight “Bev of Anton” reaches Italy, where in the Venetian dialect he turns into “Bovo d'Antona”.


    And Usachev managed to update the language of the fairy tale in the same way. It reads like a ready-made script for a puppet theater; the rhythmic prose with poetic inserts fits so clearly into the format of the folk theater that I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere the actors have already stolen the roles. So I’m reading “Bova” to my son and waiting for “Eruslan Lazarevich” from the same author and in the same publishing

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    “Bova the Prince” is a modern poetic retelling of the heroic story about valiant knight Bova Gvidonovich. Having run away from home from his evil mother Militrisa and stepfather King Dadon, Bova ends up with King Zenziwei and falls in love with his daughter Druzhneva. In her honor, he performs miracles of courage and alone defeats the insidious contenders for Druzhneva’s hand - kings Markobrun and Lukoper.


    The roots of this story go back to the Middle Ages heroic epic European peoples. In our country in the 17th-19th centuries, the adventures of Bova the Prince were very popular both among the people and among the educated class. Even Radishchev and Pushkin turned to this story.


    In a modern book about Beauvais the Prince published by Rosman, Andrei Usachev retold old story modern language, and Larisa Ryabinina, in her illustrations for the book, masterfully conveyed the intricacy and simplicity of Russian popular print.

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