Reading questions. Questions about reading. Reading aloud skill test

Description of the task: Your friend is graduating from college and wants to find a job. You read an article in the newspaper about the Perspective center.

What information will you give him about this center?

Situation No. 1.

The Moscow government has created a special center for labor and youth employment “Progress”. He is engaged in employment of young people from 15 to 30 years old. Here you can get advice or find a job. If you lack qualifications, the center recommends which courses you can take to obtain them. The city offers about 40 different courses, including about 20 (secretary, managerial, legal) for people with higher and secondary specialized education. True, referrals to courses are given only to the unemployed and only at the labor exchange. The Perspectives job bank has places for both teenagers who have no specialty or work experience, or students who want to earn extra money, as well as for fully qualified and experienced specialists.

The Progress Center organizes and conducts job fairs. The nearest one, designed for graduates of universities and secondary vocational schools and lyceums, will take place on May 28 at the Moscow Youth Palace (Komsomolsky Prospekt, 28). It will take place from 10.30 to 16.00. A computer testing service will be available. And employers will be able to interview applicants here.

The promotion program also provides:

  • fair for youth vacancies of Moscow firms and companies;
  • presentation of professional educational institutions(schools, colleges, universities);
  • computer bank of vacancies of the Moscow Employment Service and the Moscow Labor Center and the Moscow Center for Labor and Employment “Progress”;
  • consultations on career guidance and training, legal and psychological;
  • free distribution of employment publications (Labor Exchange, Jobs for You, Salary, We invite you to work, Vacancy, Metro personnel, Jobs today);

During the event, participants will be entertained by popular pop singers and theater groups

Address of the Progress center: st. Malaya Yushunskaya, 3, tel. 310-72-22, 310-16-63.


The Progress Center is engaged in:

  • (A) employment of only specialists with work experience.
  • (B) organizing special courses for young people.
  • (B) searching for work for young people.
  • (D) studying unemployment in Moscow.


In the Progress center you can:

  • (A) get advice and advice on where to find a job.
  • (B) earn extra money in your free time.
  • (B) take computer testing.
  • (D) undergo training in advanced training courses.

Situation No. 2.

There is a very interesting site on the Russian Internet called “Moscow Kremlin”. This site contains information about the history of the Kremlin, there is news from museums that are located on the territory of the Kremlin, and there is necessary information for tourists. If you live far from Moscow, log on to this site and you can take an interesting tour of Moscow.

Task 3.

This article explains...:

  • (A) about the website on the Internet
  • (B) about an interesting excursion
  • (B) about the Moscow Kremlin

Situation 3.

Your stomach hurts. Find out from the instructions how to take Gastrofarm.


A drug for the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Directions for use:

Take 1-2 tablets orally 3 times a day half an hour before meals when pain occurs. The tablets should be chewed and washed down with a small amount of water.

Task 4.

  • (A) half an hour before meals if your stomach hurts.
  • (B) half an hour after eating for stomach pain.
  • (B) 2 hours before meals daily.
  • (D) an hour after lunch, if your stomach starts to hurt.

Situation 4.

You are going to go to Russia next month. Your passport is valid for another six months. You read the announcement at the Russian consulate.

The validity of your passport must exceed the validity of your visa by three months

Task 5. Visa you...

  • (A) Receive
  • (B) Receive if you change your passport.
  • (B) You won't get it.
  • (D) It is unknown whether you will receive it or not.


Reading Quiz

3 – 4 grades.


Leading: Guys, today we have gathered for a holiday that has the unusual name “Quiz”. How many of you can explain the meaning of this word?

Students: A quiz is when the host asks questions and the children answer them.

Leading: More precisely, it is a game of answering questions united by one topic. Today we will answer questions about reading. So, two teams are invited.

The jury is selected.

Teams, introduce yourself! (Teams introduce themselves - name, motto)

1. Competition “Warm-up”

Continue with proverbs and sayings (one at a time)

1. Goose to pig...(Not comrade)

2. Without difficulty you can’t pull out... (a fish from a pond)

4. If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose… (into the water)

5. The word is not a sparrow…. (if it flies out, you won’t catch it)

6. Teaching is light, but... (not teaching is darkness)

7. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but... (have a hundred friends)

8. Alone in the field... (not a warrior).

The teams take turns quickly asking questions, which they answer as quickly as possible, within 1 minute.

Questions for 1 team

1. What is the name of a birdhouse made by man? (birdhouse)

2. Time of day before sunrise? (dawn)

3. How many paws do two cubs have? (8)

4. The boy is an onion. (Cippolino)

5. The tree is a symbol of Russia. (birch)

6. The enemy of mice. (cat)

7. Malicious fairytale woman. (Baba Yaga)

8. The fastest animal. (cheetah)

9. The dog's name is Malvina. (Artemon)

10. Your father's father (grandfather)

11. Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden)

12. How many heroes are there in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” (4)

13. How to cross a river without getting your feet wet. (on ice)

Questions for team 2.

1. Buro is a gray bird that is distinguished by its beautiful singing. (nightingale)

2. An unfrozen or already melted place on the icy surface of a river. (wormwood)

3. How many legs do three cows have? (12)

4. Which tree is decorated once a year. (Christmas tree)

5. Wooden boy. (Pinocchio)

6. The bird is a symbol of Russia. (eagle)

7. Man's friend. (dog)

8. His death is in the egg. (Koschei)

9. Mother's brother. (uncle)

10. The name of the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip” (Bug)

11. Foreign Santa Claus ( Santa Claus)

12. Last month year (December)

13. The bird that “brings news on its tail.” (magpie)

3. Competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”

In what fairy tale could the stove, the apple tree, and the river speak? (Geese-swans)

Which animal discovered the empty house? (fly or mouse)

Who had an ice hut? (at the fox)

What was the name of the girl who ended up in the bears' house, in which fairy tale? (Masha)

What was the river made of, the banks of which sheltered brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka? (from jelly)

He grew up in the jungle, understood the language of animals, but dreamed of living with people. (“Mowgli”. R. Kipling.)

A fairy tale about the miraculous transformation of a poor maid into a beautiful princess with the help of the most ordinary magic, shoes and love! (“Cinderella”. Ch. Perrault.)

Brothers! Always listen to your sisters and don’t drink from unknown waters behind their backs! (Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”)

This person has such a delicate body that even any legume prevents her from sleeping.

(The Princess and the Pea.)

He proved to the children once again that everyone will definitely become beautiful in their own way, the main thing is to believe in it!

(Ugly duckling.)

4. Competition “Names of Fairy Tales”.

There are 6 fairy tale names hidden here. Restore them. Each team receives cards with words. (Cat, Thumb, Red, Ugly, Skin, Sleeping, in Boots, Beauty, Hat, Donkey, Boy, Duckling)

5. Competition “Define the genre”.

1) It's a sad time! Ouch charm!


And she heard from people,



4) One summer I went to the kindergarten - I don’t know what it’s called, but

book, I sat too long, read and did not notice how evening came. (story)

5) Sadko remained on the blue sea.

From the passions from the great

Fell asleep on an oak plank...(fairy tale)

6. Competition “Question and answer” (slide)

What did the man and the bear plant in the Russian folk tale?


What did they buy in Kharms’ poem to “cure the cat’s paw”?



Who wrote the poem “Where the Sparrow Dined?”

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

Agnia Lvovna Barto

Who taught Zhenya, the hero of Charushin’s story, to say “r” correctly?


Who in Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Confusion” did not begin to pronounce other people’s sounds?

little sparrows

Who in Bianchi's story “The First Hunt” hunted birds and animals?


wolf cub


Which proverb expresses main idea Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"

Fear has big eyes

There is honey on the tongue, and ice on the mind.

A friend in need is a friend indeed

What did the old woman not give to the soldier when he was cooking porridge from an ax?


What did A. S. Pushkin call the fairy tale in which the fish fulfilled the wishes of the old woman?

"The Tale of the Goldfish"

"The Tale of the Greedy Old Woman"

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

From which fable by I. A. Krylov the moral “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well”

"Elephant and Moska"

"Swan, Crayfish and Pike"

"The Monkey and the Glasses"

Who in L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Kitten” saved the kitten from the dogs?


Which proverb expresses the main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Two Frosts”

An ax warms you better than a fur coat

Where it's warm, there's good

If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove.

Who scared the boys in Charushin’s story “A Scary Story”


Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything

G. H. Andersen.


Puss in Boots

H. C. Andersen

Snow Queen

Dwarf Nose

K. Chukovsky


A. Lingren

Pippi Longstocking

8. “Magic chest”

This magical chest contains many fabulous items. Try to recognize the fairy tale from them.

1. The glass slipper("Cinderella)

2. Pea. ("The Princess and the Pea")

3. Mirror fragment (“The Snow Queen”)

4. Spindle (“Sleeping Beauty”)

5. Beautiful hat. ("Little Red Riding Hood")

6. Walnut shell. ("Thumbelina")

7. A book with pictures. (“Geese are swans”)

8. Shell beads and sea flower. ("The Little Mermaid")

9. Competition "Travel"(on pieces of paper for each team, and at this time there is a competition with the fans.

Winnie the Pooh for honey _____________________________ in a balloon

From a mole's hole to warmer climes Thumbelina __________________ on a swallow

On the roof Baby ________________________________________on Carlson

To the south frog frog ___________________________________on ducks

10. Competition “Don’t Yawn, Help”! (competition with fans)

1. According to the Russian proverb, who is fed by the feet? (wolf)

2. How does a magpie bring news (on its tail)

3. What flies when a forest is cut down? (chips)

4. What is called the mirror of the soul? (eyes)

5. What, according to the saying, has ears? (near the walls)

6. Which horse is advised not to look in the mouth? (to the gift)

7. What does a penny do to a ruble? (protects)

8. Who pays twice? (stingy)

11. Creation of a fairy-tale dictionary. Captains competition

Now tell me, what dictionaries do you know? (Explanatory, spelling, vocabulary words, foreign words, etc.) Let's create a new Incredible Fairytale Dictionary! Come up with 5 unusual words and, if possible, explain them in a funny way. The captains are working. At this time, the teams compose a fairy tale.

12. We compose a fairy tale.

Well done! Each team earned a lot of points!

Now let's try to write a fairy tale ourselves. What words do fairy tales usually begin with? But there are other reasons. I will give each team a sheet. There are words written on it that will help you. Listen to music and write a fairy tale!

Text on a piece of paper.

A tale about ________.

After writing, the teams read out their stories.

Wonderful! You have created interesting and funny fairy tales!

Leading: So, guys, our fun quiz has come to an end. You are great, you know a lot and know how to work together.

Summing up. Team awards.


Thumb Cat Adventures Red Ugly Skin Sleeping

in boots Beauty Cap Donkey boy duck Pinocchio

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty...

And she heard from people,

That this evil is not yet so big...

In the summer of 1037 Yaroslav founded the great city, near the same city the Golden Gate;

He also founded the Church of Hagia Sophia...

One summer I went into a kindergarten - I don’t know what it’s called, but

Vasilyevsky Island, near the white church. I had an interesting one with me

book, I sat too long, read and did not notice how evening came.

Sadko remained on the blue sea.

From the passions from the great

Fell asleep on an oak plank

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty...

The monkey's eyes became weak in old age;

And she heard from people,

That this evil is not yet so big...

In the summer of 1037 Yaroslav founded the great city, near the same city the Golden Gate;

He also founded the Church of Hagia Sophia...

One summer I went to a kindergarten - I don’t know what it’s called, on Vasilyevsky Island, near the White Church. I had it with me interesting book, I sat too long, read and did not notice how evening came.

Sadko remained on the blue sea.

From the passions from the great

Fell asleep on an oak plank

Puss in Boots

G. H. Andersen.


Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything

G.H. Andersen

Snow Queen

Pippi Longstocking

K. Chukovsky


A. Lingren

Dwarf Nose

Puss in Boots

G. H. Andersen.


Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything

G.H. Andersen

Snow Queen

Pippi Longstocking

K. Chukovsky


A. Lingren

Dwarf Nose

From a mole's hole to warmer climes Thumbelina___________________________

On the roof Baby ______________________________________________

To the south frog frog ________________________________________

Winnie the Pooh for honey _____________________________________________________

From a mole's hole to warmer climes Thumbelina___________________________

On the roof Baby ________________________________________________

To the south frog frog ________________________________________

A tale about ________.

One day I was walking ____________. On the way, he found _______________, took it and took it to the king. ______________ came to the palace. There are royal servants all around with axes and spears. I was scared _____________, I wanted to ____________, when suddenly _____________ jumped out from behind ________________ and let’s ____________________. I looked at ______________ and __________________. The king thanked the smart __________________ and he went home. I began to live and live and ___________________________.

A tale about ________.

One day I was walking ____________. On the way, he found _______________, took it and took it to the king. ______________ came to the palace. There are royal servants all around with axes and spears. I was scared _____________, I wanted to ____________, when suddenly _____________ jumped out from behind ________________ and let’s ____________________. I looked at ______________ and __________________. The king thanked the smart __________________ and he went home. I began to live and live and ___________________________.


Continuation of the “Question and Answer” topic. Today I will answer not just one question, but several questions at once. Reading your letters and replies, I noticed that many people are worried about the same problem, but they all expressed it differently. It's not surprising that many parents have the same concerns. The problem is very acute now. Despite the abundance of beautiful and good books, children don't want to read. There are many reasons for this, we won’t talk about them today. It’s better to try to find a solution to this problem that is convenient for everyone.

These are the questions that were asked to me by survey participants on the site; the same questions are often asked by subscribers in letters. Take a look, maybe this is familiar to you:

At the moment we have no problems with reading; he reads reluctantly. (If he reads reluctantly, then there is still a problem)

Interested in practical exercises for a 6-7 year old child?

I am interested in topics related to both preschooler reading (initial stage) and increasing junior school student.

We are now interested in materials on selecting texts and, as well as exercises to improve reading technique (at the initial stage).

I really want my child to be interested in learning to read.

What reading technique is the norm for a child who has completed 2nd grade and a child who has completed 6th grade?

How to develop reading skills in a primary school student? How to interest a child? How to develop memory? ? How to overcome “I won’t”, “I don’t want”.

The eldest granddaughter is entering the 5th grade, but she doesn’t want to read at all and her reading technique is unimportant. No interest in books: everything is replaced by a computer. What can you tell me?

It is very difficult to answer these questions within the framework of this article. The article does not allow you to clearly demonstrate techniques and exercises. Therefore, very soon, on July 16, I will hold a webinar where I will answer these questions and show practical techniques for developing a student’s reading skills.

To receive a link to the webinar, you are among the participants right now. You are guaranteed to learn a lot of new and practically useful information on the subject. learning to read with interest. Come yourself, bring your friends. To let your friends know about the upcoming webinar, share the information with them on social networks.

If you have any more questions, write in the comments so that I can prepare answers.

Olympics literary reading for 2nd grade

1. Which of the proposed texts gives the definition of a TALE? . Circle the letter of your chosen answer. A. Folk storytelling, told on behalf of the narrator. B. Narrative work about fictitious persons and events, often involving magical, fantastic forces. B. A story of historical or legendary content.
2. Connect with lines in in the right order names of authors and their works. K. Chukovsky Crocodile Gena and his friends S. Mikhalkov Fedorino grief. E. Uspensky The Snow Queen A. Pushkin Uncle Styopa
3. Test.
    The house of Moroz Ivanovich was made from it ________________________
    Who is the author of the lines: I am the great Washbasin, the famous Moidodyr. _______________________________________ The Tin Woodman feared her most. _______________________________________ The name of the famous nanny A.S. Pushkin. _______________________________________ A terrible room in Malvina’s house, where Pinocchio was imprisoned as punishment for his sloppiness. ________________________________________ In Russian folk tales it is called alive and dead. _________________________________________ Another name for the alphabet. ____________________ What pulled Alyonushka to the bottom of the river and did not allow her to surface? _________________________________________

9. Name Baba Yaga’s vehicle?


4. Underline the names of small folklore genres.

Tale, nursery rhyme, ditty, fairy tale, short story, joke, riddle, proverb, saying, song, tongue twister, poem.

5. Find a match by remembering full name or nickname literary hero, the name of fairy tale objects.

1 Sivka

2 Alyosha

3 Carpet

4 Frog

5 Vinny

6 Horse

7 Vanka

8 Moomin

9 Ivan

10 Soroka

6. Connect the beginnings of the phrases and their ends with arrows.

It will be better on our street... home.

To be afraid of wolves - ... floated away.

It was, yes... ...a century of learning.

It’s good to visit, and... ...a holiday.

Live forever -… …don’t go into the forest.

7. Find rhymes for the words:


8. Read the names of Russians folk tales by adding vowels.

« GS-LBD"_________________________________________________


"LS TTRV"_______________________________________________

"KSH Z TPR" _____________________________________________
9. Working with text. Read it.

Chickens and sparrows.

Yellow fluffy balls rolled out of the barn and immediately began to look for something to eat? The chickens were just born, but they were already running after their mother chicken... But she doesn’t feed them - after all, chickens know how to eat themselves...There is a loud squeaking sound under the roof of the barn almost all day long. There, in the nest, are tiny little sparrows. Thin bare necks are stretched out. Big yellow mouths open. The mother sparrow brings them all kinds of midges, caterpillars, and butterflies all day long. But it’s not enough for the sparrows - they are very voracious.The chickens were surprised: there is a lot of food on the ground, but for some reason the little sparrows demand to be fed. And the little sparrows, looking at the chicks, wondered how they, having just been born, already knew how to find food on their own.How do chickens and sparrows know that all birds are different...

Answer the questions based on the text:

1. Who knows how to eat themselves? Mark the correct answer with a “+” sign- Chicks - Sparrows 2. What does the author compare chickens to? Underline in the text.3. Why are chickens surprised? 4. Why are the sparrows surprised? - Because the birds themselves look for food? - Because birds demand to be fed. 5. Underline the sentence in the text that expresses the main idea.

_____________ points from ____________


1. B. 2. TO .Chukovsky Crocodile Gena and his friends WITH .Mikhalkov Fedorino grief. E. Uspensky The Snow Queen A .Pushkin Uncle Styopa G. H. Andersen Little Humpbacked Horse P. Ershov Tale of a Fisherman and a Fish
    From ice Chukovsky Rust Arina Chulan Water Primer Stone

9. Stupa

4. nursery rhyme, ditty, joke, riddle, proverb, saying, tongue twister.












6. Every dog ​​has his day.

To be afraid of wolves - DO NOT GO INTO THE FOREST.

It was, yes... GONE

It's good to be away, but... HOME IS BETTER

Live for a century - ... LEARN for a century.

7. Find rhymes for the words:

Heat_____________________ River___________________________


8. Geese Swans, Teremok, Fox and black grouse, Ax porridge

9. 1. - Chickens 2. Balls 3. - Because birds require to be fed. 4. - Because the birds themselves look for food? 5. All birds are different

Reading as a type of speech activity requires a special approach to assessing the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in primary school.
Proposed tests are exemplary and are selected by the teacher based on the level of development of reading skills at the end of the year, not only of the class as a whole, but also of each student individually, as well as taking into account the requirements of variable author’s programs.
An individual test of reading skill (reading aloud) gives the teacher a fairly complete picture of the level of development of this skill in primary schoolchildren.
Students are offered to read aloud an unfamiliar text with accessible content. The teacher, by recording errors made while reading, determining the number of unreasonable pauses, time spent on reading, and answers to questions posed, assesses the level of mastery of reading skills by students.
In grades 2, 3, 4, reading skills are monitored as “reading aloud” and “reading silently.” Large texts can be read by two or three children (in a chain). Answers to questions can be constructed in the form of conversation and dialogue.

Reading aloud skill test

1st class

By berry

So the strawberries are ripe. Grandmother and Nadya took the mugs, went into the forest - and let’s collect them. Only grandma - in the mug, and Nadya - in her mouth.
We came home. Grandma’s mug is full, and Nadya’s is empty; even grandpa has nothing to treat her with. Nadya felt ashamed.
The next day she went into the forest, didn’t eat a single berry - it was all in a mug. She came home and said to her grandfather:
- Eat!
- And what about yourself?
- I ate yesterday.
“Yesterday doesn’t count,” said grandfather. - Let's go together.
And she and Nadya began to eat from the same mug. Nadya - a berry, grandfather - a berry, Nadya - a berry, grandfather - a berry. So they ate everything.

(97 words)
(Ya. Taits)

Questions and tasks

1. What berries did grandma and Nadya go to the forest to pick?
2. Why did Nadya feel ashamed?
3. How did the girl correct her mistake?

2nd grade

Squirrel and wolf

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell straight onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me go.
Wolf said:
- Okay, I’ll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I’m always bored, but I look at you, you’re up there playing and jumping.
Belka said:
“Let me go up the tree first, and from there I’ll tell you, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”
The wolf let go, and the squirrel went up a tree and said from there:
“You’re bored because you’re angry.” Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

(110 words)
(L.N. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

1. What animal did the squirrel fall on?
2. What did the wolf want to do with her?
3. Why are squirrels cheerful?

3rd grade

Which is easier?

Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed. Will hit home!
So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?
“I’ll say,” says the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.
“I’ll say,” says the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.
“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. – It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and you don’t need to invent anything.
So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, lo and behold, the forest guard was coming.
“No,” he says, “there are wolves in these places.”
The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.
The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - coming to visit.
Mother found out the truth. I was angry for the first guilt, and twice as angry for the lie.
And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.

(157 words)
(V. Oseeva)

Questions and tasks

1. Why didn’t the boys notice how the day went?
2. Why were the parents angry with the first and second boys?
3. Why is it always better to tell the truth?

4th grade


The eagle built itself a nest on a high road, far from the sea, and brought out its children.
One day, people were working near a tree, and an eagle flew up to the nest with a large fish in its claws. People saw the fish, surrounded the tree, began to shout and throw stones at the eagle.
The eagle dropped the fish, and the people picked it up and left.
The eagle sat on the edge of the nest, and the eaglets raised their heads and began to squeak: they asked for food.
The eagle was tired and could not fly to the sea again; he went down into the nest, covered the eaglets with his wings, caressed them, straightened their feathers and seemed to ask them to wait a little. But the more he caressed them, the louder they squeaked.
Then the eagle flew away from them and sat on the top branch of the tree.
The eaglets whistled and squealed even more pitifully.
Then the eagle suddenly screamed loudly, spread its wings and flew heavily towards the sea. He returned only late in the evening, he flew quietly and low above the ground, he again had a big fish in his claws.
When he flew up to the tree, he looked back to see if there were people nearby again, quickly folded his wings and sat down on the edge of the nest.
The eaglets raised their heads and opened their mouths, and the eagle tore the fish apart and fed the children.

(186 words)
(V. Oseeva)

Questions and tasks

1. For whom did the eagle get the fish?
2. Why did he drop it?
3. What force forced the bird to fly for prey a second time?

Testing the reader's ability to work with the text of a work of fiction

2nd grade

Wind and Sun

One day the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength with the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.
“Look,” said the Wind, “how I’ll fly at him: I’ll instantly tear off his cloak.”
He said - and began to blow as hard as he could. But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further.
The wind became angry, fierce, and showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into the sleeves and tied it with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.
The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler.
Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.
“You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.”

(164 words)
(K. D. Ushinsky)

Read the text “Wind and Sun” by K.D. Ushinsky. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. Identify the characters in the work.

a) Sun, Wind, traveler;
b) Sun, Wind;
c) Sun, Wind, Horse.

2. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

a) On a forest path;
b) in a mountain gorge;
c) on the big road.

3. What did the Sun and the Wind start arguing about?

a) Which of them is more needed;
b) which of them is stronger;
c) which of them is loved more.

4. Choose a phrase that is close in meaning to the meaning of the expression blow as hard as you can.

a) With all his might;
b) with all my might;
c) whenever possible.

5. Restore the sequence of actions of the traveler in response to the efforts of the Wind.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the Sun.

a) Looked out;
b) smiled;
c) drained;
d) warmed up.

8. Give your description of the Sun.

9. Write out words from the text that help us understand what the main thing the author wanted to tell us.

10. Determine the genre of the work. Justify your answer.

Correct answers to tasks

Angry, northern

Affectionate, kind, powerful

Last 9 words

3rd grade

Bee and fly

This is the parable Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets once told.
There were many flowers growing in the meadow. There were white fragrant lilies, hyacinths, and tall blue irises. And there was also a place for small flowers in the grass. The wind tilted them, merrily swayed the grass and leaves, and the aroma spread far, far away!
Bees were working over the clearing, over the flowers. They collected sweet nectar to feed the young in the hive and stock up on food for the long, cold winter.
This is where the fly flew. She buzzed displeasedly and looked around.
One little bee, who was here for the first time, politely asked the fly:
- Do you know where the white lilies are?
The fly frowned:
– I didn’t see any lilies here!
- How? - exclaimed the bee. “But they told me that there should be lilies in this meadow!”
“I didn’t see any flowers here,” muttered the fly. - But not far away, behind the meadow, there is one ditch. The water there is deliciously dirty, and there are so many empty cans nearby!
Then an older bee flew up to them, holding the collected nectar in its paws. Having found out what was the matter, she said:
– True, I never noticed that there is a ditch behind the meadow, but I can tell so much about the flowers here!
“You see,” said Father Paisiy. “The poor fly only thinks about dirty ditches, but the bee knows where the lily grows, where the iris grows, and where the hyacinth grows.”
And so do people. Some are like bees and like to find something good in everything, others are like flies and strive to see only bad in everything. Who do you want to be like?

(235 words)
(M. Aleshin)

Read the text “The Bee and the Fly” by M. Aleshin. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place? (There are two possible correct answers.)

a) Winter;
b) spring;
c) summer;
d) autumn.

2. What kinds of flowers grew in the meadow?

a) Lilies, hyacinths, irises;
b) lilies, hyacinths, irises, tulips;
c) lilies, hyacinths, irises, small flowers.

3. Identify the characters in the work.

4. What were the bees doing in the clearing?

5. What word does the author characterize the actions of bees?

a) Worked;
b) flew merrily;
c) basked in the sun.

6. Why didn’t the little bee know where the white lilies grow?

7. Why didn’t the fly see the lilies in the meadow? (There are two possible answers.)

a) She found herself in the meadow for the first time;
b) she was not interested in lilies;
c) she was only interested in the dirty ditch.

8. Restore the deformed plan of the read work.

a) “Who do you want to be like?”
b) Fragrant meadow.
c) Dialogue between a little bee and a fly.
d) Nectar collection.
e) Everyone sees only what interests him.

9. Make a three-point text plan.

10. Describe the bees. (What are they?)

11. Describe the fly. (What is she like?)

Correct answers to tasks

Bees, a fly, Father Paisiy

Collected sweet nectar

She found herself in the meadow for the first time

4th grade


Well, what a weather, so that it has no bottom, no tires!
Rain, slush, cold, just - brrrr!.. In such weather, a good owner will not let the dog out of the house.
I decided not to release mine either. Let him sit at home and warm himself. And he took the binoculars, dressed warmly, pulled the hood over his forehead - and went! It’s still interesting to see what the animal does in such bad weather.
And as soon as I left the outskirts, I saw a fox! Mouses - hunts for mice. It prowls through the stubble: its back is arched, its head and tail are towards the ground - well, a pure rocker.
She lay down on her belly, her ears upright, and crawled: apparently she heard the voles. Now they crawl out of their holes every now and then to collect grain for the winter.
Suddenly the fox jumped up in front, then fell with its front paws and nose to the ground, rushed - a black lump flew up. The fox opened its toothy mouth and caught the mouse in flight. And she swallowed it without even chewing it.
And suddenly she started dancing! Jumps on all four, as if on springs. Then suddenly he jumps on his hind legs like a circus dog: up and down, up and down! She wags her tail and sticks out her pink tongue with zeal.
I’ve been lying there for a long time, watching her through binoculars. My ear is close to the ground - I can hear her paws stomping. I was covered in mud myself. I don’t understand why she’s dancing!
In this weather, just sit at home, in a warm, dry hole! And what kind of tricks does she pull out with her feet!
I got tired of getting wet - I jumped up to my full height. The fox saw it and barked in fright. Maybe she even bit her tongue. Get into the bushes - I was the only one who saw her!
I walked around the stubble and, like a fox, kept looking at my feet. Nothing remarkable: rain-soaked soil, rusty stems. Then I lay down like a fox on my stomach: wouldn’t I see something? I see: a lot of mouse holes. I hear mice squeaking in their holes. Then I jumped to my feet and let’s dance the fox dance! I jump up on the spot and stamp my feet.
Just then the frightened field mice will jump out of the ground! They move from side to side, bump into each other, squeak piercingly... Eh, if I were a fox, then...
What can I say: I realized what a hunt I had ruined for the fox.
She danced - she didn’t spoil her, she drove mice out of their holes... She would have had a feast here for the whole world!
It turns out what animal tricks you can recognize in this weather: fox dancing! I would spit on the rain and the cold, I would go to observe other animals, but I would feel sorry for my dog. It’s a shame I didn’t take it with me. He's bored, I guess, in the warmth under the roof.

(383 words)
(N. Sladkov)

Read the text “Dancer” by N. Sladkov. Complete the tasks. Mark the statements that correspond to the content of the text read.

1. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

a) In winter;
b) in spring;
c) in summer;
d) in the fall.

2. Justify your answer with words from the text.

3. Write out a stable expression from the text that characterizes the weather.

4. Determine the correct meaning of the word stubble.

a) A field with ripened grain crops;
b) a field sown with flax;
c) an unplowed field with the remains of straw on the root, from which grain has been harvested.

5. Determine the meaning of the word outskirts in this text.

a) Fence around the village;
b) the outskirts of the village;
c) a roundabout, not direct road.

a) Hare, fox, field mice;
b) hare, field mice;
c) fox, field mice.

8. Restore the sequence of actions of the fox when mouseing.

a) She opened her mouth and caught the mouse in flight;
b) fell with her front paws and nose to the ground;
c) lay down on her belly and crawled;
d) jerked;
e) threw up her whole front;
f) swallowed without even chewing.

11. Write down the answer to the little fox’s dance.

12. Restore the sequence of points in the outline of the text you read.

13. Make a three-point text plan.

14. What new things have you learned from the life of nature?

Correct answers to tasks

Rain, slush, cold

Third sentence

Seventh sentence

Like on springs, like a circus dog, he performs tricks with his feet

I danced the fox dance myself

Checking your reading level

4th grade

1. Give 2–3 examples of small folklore genres.

2. Write down 2–3 names of genres of works included in the “Oral Folk Art” section. Indicate the titles of works for each genre.

3. What three groups can folk tales be divided into? Write down the names of the works of each group.

5. Write down 2–3 titles of works by storytellers.

6. Name your favorite fairy tale character. Why do you like him?

7. Write down 2-3 names of children's poets and writers.

9. Name 2-3 names of great Russian writers and poets.

10. Write down the title of your favorite poem about Russian nature.

11. What children's magazines are you familiar with?

12. Write down the names of books related to reference and educational literature that you most often use.