Questions for intellectual games for adults. Intellectual game-competition "erudite"

Questions for the intellectual game.

    By order of Napoleon, a disinfectant with a triple effect was developed for soldiers who were on a long campaign - therapeutic, hygienic and refreshing. Nothing better was invented even 100 years later, so in 1913 at an exhibition in Paris this product received the “Grand Prix”. This remedy has survived to this day.

Attention, question: Under what name is it produced in our country?

Answer: (Triple cologne)

    “Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell them.” So, in any case, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin believed and was often guided by this rule.

Attention, question: what was the great poet selling?

Answer: Manuscripts of your works.

    Aristotle was once asked: “How are you different from most people?”

The philosopher replied: “They live to eat, but I…”

Attention, question: Complete Aristotle's sentence.

Answer: “They live to eat,

I eat in order to live,”

The philosopher answered.

    Voltaire's riddle: what is the longest and shortest thing in the world that is neglected and treasured, that devours everything insignificant and resurrects everything good?

Attention, question: what is it about? we're talking about?

Answer: Time

    Offers you a charade.

Attention, question!

The beginning is the letter in the word “raft”

The end is a pronoun

And the middle is a couple of notes,

All together - encouragement.

Answer: P-re-mi-ya.

    In 1492, Russia was expecting some kind of epoch-making event that was supposed to turn the whole world upside down. This year, Christopher Columbus really discovered America, but in Russia, except for postponing the New Year celebration from March 1 to September 1, nothing happened. Over the centuries, Russians expected this event several more times. One of the dates is 2000.

Attention, question: so what have we been waiting for for 5 centuries?

Answer: The end of the world. According to the Orthodox calendar,

1492 from the birth of Christ - 7000 from the creation of the world.

    Everyone knows the unpleasant sensation of being pricked by a needle from a medical syringe. If it were technically possible to create a needle corresponding to its natural counterpart, then the pricking procedure would be completely painless. What is a natural analogue of a medical syringe needle and what is its principle of action?

Answer: (The sting of a wasp or a bee. Its length does not exceed 3 mm and its thickness is 0.001 mm.

The sting easily digs into human skin, turning into a tiny dagger.

And the pain is caused not by the injection, but by the burning poison injected with this syringe.)

    In France - Jean Chocolat, in England - Jack Pudding, in Italy - Macarone, in Holland - Pickel-Hering, in Germany - Hans Wurst. The first three names do not need explanation. As for the last 2, the German means “sausage”, and the Dutch means “smoked herring”. In all these countries these are the traditional names of representatives of this profession.

Attention, question: what profession are we talking about?

Answer: Clowns.

    He is depicted against the backdrop of an interior, a landscape, shoulder-deep, waist-deep, and at full height. Attention, question: what are we talking about?

Answer: Portrait

    – Were you born on the same day? - they asked the twin brothers.

Are you twins?

Attention, question: How can this be?

Answer: (they are triplets)

    Some patient asked the great Botkin:

Tell me, doctor, what exercises are the most useful for losing weight?

Turn your head from right to left and from left to right,” Botkin answered.

Attention, question: guess what Botkin answered?

Answer: When you are offered food.

    The famous writer Bernard Shaw once said: “My friend has a Bickford cord in his pocket. There is fire at one end and a fool at the other?”

Attention, question: What did Bernard Shaw mean?

Answer: Cigarette

    The Jia-yu-guan fortress is a fort that defended southeast China for hundreds of years. The fortress took 43 years to build. After construction, a brick was placed on the ledge of the main tower as a monument. Guess who or what it was dedicated to?

Answer: A monument to the precise calculation of the architect of this fortress.

    Once upon a time in Rus', salt was very expensive, and the owner himself salted the food for the guests; distant guests (insignificant) received little salt, or even no salt at all.

Attention, question: What expression appeared in the Russian language as a result of such poor reception?

Answer: “He left without eating.”

    The Mongol-Tatar Khan gave his son a huge territory, which is now part of Russia. Having named her, we also learn the name of the khan’s son.

Attention, question: what territory are we talking about?

Answer: (Siberia - Sai-byr)

    The Moon is located at a distance of 384.401 km from the Earth. This is approximately 35 diameters of our planet.

Attention, question: name the only creation of human hands visible from Earth.

Answer: The Great Wall of China.

    It is not for nothing that one of the widely known washing detergents is called “Lotus”.

Attention, question: How can you explain the connection between the process of washing clothes and the name of this flower?

Answer: The lotus grows in muddy water, but it always remains clean. The dirt that gets on the leaves of the flower does not stay on them. Due to the fact that on the surface of the petal there are small nodules consisting of plant wax. These nodules prevent particles of dirt and water from coming into contact with the surface of the leaf. A process called the “lotus effect” occurs.

    Serpent Gorynych got into the habit of ruining villages and kidnapping people. The region is empty. In one village there were only old people and children left... But the children were very savvy. In winter, the Snake grabbed them and put them in prison - they say they will grow up until spring, then I will eat them. But the children raised such a scream and squeal that Gorynych lost peace and sleep, and most importantly, his appetite, all seven of his heads ached. Then he decided to outwit the children. “I’ll set you free,” he told them, “if you bring me a bucket.” living water to rejuvenate. But there is one condition: the water must be brought without utensils!”

What can you do - the children agreed. It is known where the underground stream with living water is.

Attention, question: How can the Snake’s condition be fulfilled?

Answer: the guys froze water in a birch bark bucket and brought Zmey Gorynych an ice cube in the shape of a bucket.

    They say that people and volcanoes are equally omnipotent. But, nevertheless, one of these factors is stronger.

Attention, question! Who is stronger in their activities: people or volcanoes?

Answer: (People, because in the mining industry they annually remove more than 80 km3 of rock from the bowels of the earth, having long since surpassed the work of all volcanoes, “throwing out annually only 64 km3 of dust, gases and magma.)

    The one who won the competition at Olympia Olympic Games, received a reward of a wreath made of wild olive branches. It was a great honor! IN hometown the winner entered dressed in a purple robe, standing on a chariot drawn by four horses, and on this occasion, fellow citizens dismantled part of the city wall.

Attention, question! What did the city residents want to say by this?

Answer: Fellow citizens emphasized that a city with such defenders does not need fortifications.

    I’ll quote an artificial phrase: “Loving, eat the tongs,” the mayor will sigh, “the buzz is tenacious.”

Attention, question: In what situation do you think and for what purpose can this phrase be used?

Answer: the above phrase was created with a special purpose - to use all the letters of the Russian alphabet once. It can be used, for example, to test the operation of a computer keyboard.

    Since ancient times, dogs have been faithful companions and helpers of humans.

Attention, question: what fun involving dogs was banned in England due to inhumane treatment of dogs?

Answer: “Badger in a Barrel” is a game during which a badger was pitted against dogs in a barrel, and the badger always turned out to be the winner. Translated from English, the word “badger” means “to mock”

    The Russian language is great and powerful. The language of outstanding poets, writers and scientists. Our language is with you.

Attention, question: why is the humorous rhyme used in Russian:

Like once Jacques the bell ringer

Did the city guy break the lamp?

Answer: To remember some basic information on physics. The initial letters of the words here encrypt the sequence of colors in the solar spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

    We all encounter military service sooner or later. There is practically no person who does not understand military ranks

Attention, question: When is a lieutenant “more important” than a major?

Answer: a lieutenant is more important than a major when he is a general. The fact is that in the hierarchy of military ranks, major is generally higher than lieutenant. But a lieutenant general is higher in rank than a major general.

    The task is not only in the Russian language, but also in arithmetic. There is a proverb: There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly there was an altyn.

Attention, question: How many times has the condition in question increased?

Answer: (Altyn is the ancient name of a coin in denomination of 3 kopecks. As for the word penny, this coin had different values ​​in Russia: at first 2 kopecks, and starting from 1815 Ug kopecks. Judging by what is presented in the proverb

opposition (there was very little, but there has become a lot), in this case we mean precisely the last denomination of the coin. Consequently, the state increased by a factor of six)

    The Kumi tribe living in the Philippines has such a legend.

When God decided to create the first people (everything else, including animals, had already been created), he sculpted 2 human figures from clay, and, tired, fell asleep. Taking advantage of this, a huge snake crawled in and ate the figurines. God was forced to sculpt new ones. But they too suffered the same fate. This happened many times. However, God - but he is God - still found a way out. Once again taking up sculpting, he started not with people, but sculpted them... and placed them at night next to human figures.

Attention, question: Guess who God sculpted and what happened next when the snake returned.

Answer: according to the legend of the Kumi tribe, God first sculpted a dog and placed it at night next to human figures. When the snake crawled, the dog attacked it and drove it away.

    This indispensable household item is used by carpenters and builders. And it is made by blacksmiths from raw materials mined from the depths of the earth.

Mentioning this word in figuratively, they mean the best number of the concert program.

Attention, question: what subject are we talking about?

Answer: nail

    Most people like to eat hot soup more than cold soup.

Attention, question: Give possible explanations why this is so.

Answer: The surface of any liquid has surface tension, which depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower the tension of the liquid and the better the wetting of the liquid on a solid surface. Hot soup “clings” to the tongue more, passes more easily into the esophagus, moistens it better, creating additional taste sensations in the tongue’s receptors.

    In the fairy tales and legends of the Slavs, great importance is given to various superstitions.

Attention, question: Why did the Slavs have a horse or a rooster crowning their house roofs?

Answer: when building a house, a killed horse or rooster was placed under it so that they would protect the house and its residents.

    Many outstanding people: writers, scientists and others often did something else in addition to their main activities. So to speak, for the soul.

Attention, question: what was I.V.’s hobby? Goethe.

Answer: breeding violets, Goethe scattered their seeds everywhere.

    A certain W. Willett, amazed that the British were losing 154 hours of daylight in the summer, proposed saving fuel in the simplest way. His proposal was accepted by the English Parliament on May 21, 1916.

Attention question: What did Willett propose to parliament?

Answer: (The so-called “summer time” is moving the clock hands forward an hour.)

    Attention "Black box". The box contains a substance necessary for life; the ancient Incas considered it a gift from the ancestors living in the lower sea. Name the substance.

Answer: (Water.)

    In Finnish village houses it was customary to hang bread on a crossbar. What “device” did round flat rye bread have for this storage method? Answer: (Hole in the middle.)

    "Black box". There is some kind of invention in the box. Some historians believe that if Napoleon had classified the chef's invention, he could have conquered the whole world. Name the invention.

Answer: (Canned food.)

    "Black box". This improvement in clothing was invented by the American Judson, but he did not achieve commercial success. Only after the American Navy ordered 10,000 of them for naval aviator overalls, and one of the companies used it for boots, did the invention become popular throughout the world.

Answer: (Zipper fastener.)

    Casanova wrote that he once saw French court ladies jumping from one room to another, like crouched kangaroos.

Attention, question: Why did they do this?

    They say, socialite Idalia Poletika played an important role in organizing the duel of A.S. Pushkin, this is how she took revenge on the poet for his joke. In response to obsessive requests to write poetry in the album, the poet wrote that she was beautiful, smart, etc., but at the end he made a postscript that caused revenge.

Attention, question: What date was written at the end of the poem?

    The village that appeared to the eyes of the Grand Duke was called Kuchkovo. Boyar Stepan Kuchka met the prince “very proudly and unfriendly”, for which he paid with his life, and the prince renamed the village.

Attention, question: What did the prince name the village of Kuchkovo?

Answer: (Moscow.)

    It is known that the February Revolution of 1917 took place under red banners. In 1918, the flag of Russia became red; in 1954, a blue stripe was placed along the flagpole. On August 21, 1991, an emergency session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR restored the white-blue-red flag as the state flag.

Attention question: What do these colors represent in our time?

Answer: (White - frankness and nobility; blue - fidelity and honesty; red - courage, bravery, love)

    The first got its name due to its size, the second because of its ability to provide additional information, the third became famous for its location, the fourth prefers to act incognito.

Attention, question: What is the name of the fifth?

Answer: little finger.

    In June 1887, the Moscow Society of Book Lovers organized an exchange, during which everyone could, in exchange for a translated “consumer goods” book, receive a purely Russian masterpiece of an adventure novel, which had everything: prison, scrip, a duel, cards, love, and hatred, both the capital and the province.

Attention, question! What kind of work could everyone get?

Answer: “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin.

    Surely you know that the seas and oceans of the Earth have several different names.

Attention, question! What sea or lake on Earth is also called “asphalt” and why?

The Dead Sea is a lake - since it is not only the saltiest, but also asphalt that comes from the bowels of the Earth floats to its surface.

    The Russians associate the mention of this with disorder or ugliness, while the British associate it with a famous psychiatric clinic.

Attention, question! Say this word in Russian.

Answer: Bedlam.

    In the summer of 1938, the Japanese army quickly advanced to the west of China along the Yellow River valley in the area of ​​​​the hydroelectric station. The Chinese did not have sufficient military strength to prevent this advance. There is no one to call for help.

Attention, question! What should the Chinese government do to stop the invaders?

The Chinese government has ordered the opening of one of the river dams. The dirty waters of the great river, half mixed with earth, poured out. Japanese troops were literally stuck in the mud. The invaders' advance was stopped.

    In drawing and drafting classes you learn a lot of different terms. Ekaterina Viktorovna decided to check how carefully you listen or listened to the teacher.

Attention, question! What does the word "poster" mean?

Poster is a word meaning an announcement, a poster.

    This food product never spoils under proper storage conditions. Even during the first excavations of the tombs of the pharaohs, archaeologists discovered it and were surprised that it retained its taste.

Attention, question! Name this food product we all know?

The life-giving energy of the sun and earth, brought to us by bees, is familiar to us under the name “honey”.

    Among the many works of architecture and art of antiquity known to us from the descriptions of contemporaries and archaeological finds, seven are recognized as truly outstanding and are traditionally considered miracles. These are: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Pyramids of Giza, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. But sometimes they talk about the “seven wonders” of the New Age.

Attention, question! Name the miracles of the New Age.

    Taj Mahal mausoleum, India, Agra, 17th century, the most beautiful temple in the world, tomb for the beloved wife of the emperor from the Mughal dynasty. Mumtaz-mahal.

    Great Wall of China

    Eiffel Tower, France, Paris, 1887-1889, designer Gustav Eiffel, height –300 m

    Tent Cathedral

    Empire State Building, the most famous skyscraper in New York, 1931, height 381 m, 102 floors.

    Panama Canal, connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 51 km, opened in 1914, French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps.

    statues on Easter Island.

    To build the Maud ship for the assault on the North Pole, Roald Amundersen spent all his savings, so instead of a bottle of champagne, he had to break this object on the side of the ship.

Answer: Icicle

    It is known that from time immemorial in Japan and China the standard female beauty I had a small foot size. How did women in these countries manage to stop the natural growth of their legs?

Answer: When a woman’s foot grew to the required size, girls (aged 8 to 12 years) wore unique wooden platform shoes, which were popularly called “pads.” They were worn for several years (mostly until marriage). The tree tightly squeezed the girl’s feet, thereby preventing the growth of the foot.

    According to legend, the Archangel Gabriel made three wreaths for the Virgin Mary: yellow, white and red roses. A wreath of white roses meant her joy, a wreath of yellow roses meant her glory.....what did the wreath of their red roses mean?

Answer: suffering.

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Cross is a question. Intellectual marathon

3-4 teams of 10-12 people are pre-formed, they come up with names and make emblems.


Hurry up everyone to the cross!

Let's start the cross-question!

Cross-country participants,

Don't be afraid of questions

Solve problems

I wish you good luck!

Dear viewers, let us greet the participants in the intellectual game “Cross Question” with thunderous applause. These are the teams...

And this is the fairest jury in our camp, which will evaluate the knowledge and abilities of our players. (Represents the jury.)

Competition "The Best"

Leading. I hand whistles to the team captains. They will use them to notify that their team is ready to respond. Whoever answers correctly first earns his team 1 point. Are the terms clear? Let's start!

1. Most famous cartoonist? (Walt Disney)

7. The most difficult period in the life of bearded men? (Era of Peter I)

9. The very first garment of a person? (Diaper)

10. Most “resourceful” competition? (KVN)

12. Most stubborn pet? (Donkey)

14. The deepest lake on Earth? (Baikal)

16. Southernmost continent? (Antarctica)

17. What is the prickliest plant on the windowsill? (Cactus)

18. The most important god of the ancient Slavs? (Perun)

19. Largest island? (Greenland)

21. The tallest building in Moscow? (Ostankino TV tower.)

22. What is the shortest month of the year? (February)

23. What is the funniest genre of play? (Comedy)

25. What is the most common timing mechanism? (Watch)

26. The very first astronaut to go into outer space? (Leonov)

27. The most famous competitions in Hellas? (Olympic Games.)

28. Most famous novel in verse? (A.S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin.”)

29. The most famous liar? (Baron Munchausen.)

30. The slowest animal? (Three-toed sloth.)

32. Tallest plant in the world? (Eucalyptus)

33. The thickest plant in the world? (Baobab)

34. The most famous words of Yu. Gagarin? (“Let's go!”)

Summing up.

Competition "Multi-remote"

Leading. You all love cartoons and know the lines of cartoon characters well. Answer which cartoon character owns the words:

1. “It’s an everyday matter!” (Carlson)

2. “This is the wrong sandwich!” (Cat Matroskin.)

3. “I don’t want anything!” (Princess from the film “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”)

4. “Guys, let’s live together!” (Leopold the Cat)

5. “Well, crazy guy, wait a minute!” (Wolf)

6. “Eat, daughter, a dietary egg” (The King from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians.”)

7. “I’m lying in the sun.” (Turtle and Lion Cub.)

8. “Have you been to Tahiti?” (Parrot Kesha.)

9. “I live like a toadstool, but I want to fly.” (Water)

10. “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?” (Hare)

Summing up.

Competition "Talking Surnames"

Leading. The occupations of these people are anagrams of their first and last names. Your task is to figure out professions by last name.

1. Rapov (cook).

2. Korovin (escort).

3. Egor Platonov (neurologist).

4. Sidorov (rice farmer).

5. Podelov (field farmer).

6. Katadov (lawyer).

7. Kologin (dog handler).

8. Pechkin (stove maker).

9. Rezhenin (engineer).

10. Dosadov (gardener).

11. Verterina (veterinarian).

12. Tildoev (driver).

13. Protsedova (seller).

14. Lobyrov (fisherman).

15. Arkhipova (cook).

Summing up.

Competition "Do you believe that..."

1. Does a horse snort to warn others of danger? (No, he clears his nose to smell better.)

2. Is there a stuffed Kamchadal in the zoological museum in St. Petersburg? (No, Kamchadal is a resident of Kamchatka.)

3. Is the dollar the monetary unit of Ethiopia, Liberia, and Singapore? (Yes)

4. Do migratory birds have two nests - in their place of residence and in the southern regions? (No)

5. Will bunnies, like kittens, be born blind? (No)

6. When devouring their victims, do crocodiles cry? (No. Crocodiles that live in salt water often cry on the shore, but at the same time they simply get rid of excess salt, and do not cry out of remorse or remorse.)

7. Do swifts even sleep on the fly? (Yes. At sunset, swifts fly to a low altitude and sleep on the fly, and at dawn they descend closer to the ground.)

8. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? (No, this diagnosis is given to a patient who has constant desire to be treated.)

9. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush with colored ink? (Yes)

10. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

11. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

12. Does the cobra dance to the fakir’s pipe? (No, the cobra is not able to hear music: when the lid is removed from the basket where the snake is located, the cobra rises, preparing to defend itself. And then follows the movements of the pipe, preparing to attack.)

13. Are there man-eating flies in Africa? (Yes, the larvae of African tumbu flies penetrate deep into human skin, creating painful open wounds.)

14. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)

15. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid.)

Summing up.

Competition "Trick Questions"

1. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out of the window.)

2. What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Take off each person’s boot.)

3. When a horse is bathed, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

4. In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

5. What disease on earth has no one ever had? (Nautical)

6. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)

7. When does a sentry walk upside down? (Always)

8. What do a crocodile and a suitcase have in common? (Leather)

9. What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (Letter C)

10. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step.)

11. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months)

12. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

13. Three tractor drivers have a brother, Ivan, but Ivan has no brothers. Could this be possible? (Yes, if the tractor drivers are women.)

14. What comes first in Russia and second in France? (Letter P)

15. Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who is this? (Baby elephant)

16. What is the name of the costume for those who are taller than everyone and shorter than everyone? This word is translated from Greek as “man in a boat.” (Spacesuit)

17. Everyone knows that Cheburentia has two right legs, two left legs, two legs in front and the same number in back. How many legs does Cheburentia have? (Four)

18. How should you throw a stone to make it come back? (Up)

19. I have two coins totaling 15 kopecks. One of them is not a nickel. What kind of coins are these? (The other coin is a nickel, and the first is 10 kopecks.)

20. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)

Summing up.

Competition "Alphabet Sundries in Riddles"

A. Striped toddler. (Watermelon)

B. He strains himself, yells, and doesn’t let sleepyheads sleep. (Alarm)

B. I’ll spin, spin, and fly into the heavens. (Helicopter)

G. The box jumps on its knees - sometimes it sings, sometimes it cries bitterly. (Accordion) D. She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door)

E. What kind of girl is this?

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Hedgehog)

E. Prickly, but not a hedgehog. (Ruff)

G. An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)

3. If you roll it up, it’s a wedge, if you unfold it, it’s a damn thing. (Umbrella)

I. She gave clothes to everyone, but she herself was naked. (Needle) K. Made a hole, dug a hole,

The sun is shining, but he doesn't even know it. (Mole) L. He doesn’t take anything for himself - he gives everything to others. (Spoon)

M. A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (Lightning)

N. A flock of birds is resting on five wires.

O. What is before us:

Two shafts behind the ears,

Before our eyes on the wheel

And the nurse on the nose? (Glasses)

P. There is a ladder in the field,

The house is running down the stairs. (Train)

R. Whoever touches -

He clings to him. (burdock)

S. There are balls hanging on the branches, blue from the heat.

(Plums) T. Frowns, frowns,

If you fall into tears, there will be nothing left. (Cloud)

U. I come from fire, and from fire I die. (Coal)

F. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

It scares passersby. (Owl)

X. In our kitchen all year long

Santa Claus lives in the closet. (Fridge)

C. Two legs conspired

Make arcs and circles. (Compass)

Ch. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

Sh. On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

Not for regimental battles

No cartridges, no bayonets. (Chess)

Shch. Bone back,

There are bristles on the back. (Toothbrush)

E. A mole climbed into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate.

A ton of earth will enter your mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth. (Excavator)

Yu. I'm spinning, spinning,

And I'm not lazy

Spin around all day. (Yula)

I. If it weren’t for him,

I wouldn't say anything. (Language)

Summing up.

Competition "Color Questions"

1. Which city is called “Belokamennaya” and “Zlatoglavaya”? (Moscow)

2. What is lilac in Vladimir Markin’s song, and blue in Vyacheslav Dobrynin’s song? (Fog)

3. Which “white” person always has a red nose? (At the snowman's)

4. What starts with the red line? (Paragraph)

6. In the movie “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” the turtle Tortilla was played by an actress named Zelenaya. What's her name? (Rina)

7. What is the name of the fun establishment located in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard? (Circus)

8. What do we call “green-eyed” transport? (Taxi)

9. What is the name of the most famous painting K. Malevich? ("Black Square")

11. How many and what colors did the first traffic lights have? (Two: green - “you can go”, red - “stop”.)

12. What is the name of the Chinese “yellow river”? (Huang He)

13. What is the name of V. Shukshin’s film about the fate of a thief? (“Red Viburnum”)

14. Which tree is called “white-trunked” and “green-trunked”? (Birch)

15. “The black cow conquered the whole world.” What is this? (Night)

16. What is indigo? (Blue paint is from India, which was brought to Europe in ancient times.)

17. What bird does A. Sviridova sing about: “...child of sunset”? (Pink flamingo)

18. What is the name of a marine mammal that survives today only in the north Pacific Ocean? (Gray whale)

19. Which red gem became the brand of domestic TV? (Ruby)

Summing up.

Competition "Who thinks what"

1. The Chinese believe that seven things are necessary for human life: firewood, oil, tea, salt, vinegar, rice. What else? (Soy)

2. The great commander Hannibal believed that you can fight not only with weapons, but also... with vessels with living creatures, which soldiers threw onto enemy ships. This practice often brought victory. Who was in the vessels? (Poisonous snakes)

3. Disneyland cleaners think "it's trash #1." What is it? (Chewing gum)

4. Muslims consider this day of the week a holiday. What day is it? (Friday)

5. Ethiopians believe that a man who has been married to one woman for 25 years is worthy of a reward. Which? (In Ethiopia, men are given the Order of Marital Fidelity.)

6. What did Homer consider “the river that flows around the Earth”? (Ocean)

7. The Japanese rightly believe that they are the record holders for the production of this product. Which one? (Japan produces the most fish per year.)

8. The Eskimos of Greenland consider their language to be the calmest. Why? (There are no swear words in it.)

9. Bernard Shaw believed that this particular caricature of him was the best. What is this? (Reflection in the mirror)

10. Residents of this European capital believe that they are the ancestors ballroom dancing. Name the country. (England)

Summing up. Awarding the winners.

Objectives mind games.

Learning goals.

· Check the level of acquired knowledge.

IN in this case the game acts as a modified exam. Questions to reproduce learned information are acceptable here. Control and recording of knowledge in game form significantly increase interest in learning.

· Encourage independent study of the material.

To achieve this goal, players are informed in advance of the topic and amount of material that will be involved. And the game is the result independent work participants (reading literature, visiting a museum, consultations or lectures by specialists, etc.) on the instructions of the organizers. Regularly successfully conducting games of this type not only gives children a lot of additional knowledge, but also teaches them how to acquire it independently.
Developmental goals.

· logical thinking;

· intelligence;

· communication skills.

To achieve these goals, it is important to be especially responsible in the selection of questions and tasks, as well as in the organization of the game itself.
If these tasks are successfully solved, children’s participation in the game will allow them to gain experience:

· public speaking;

· conducting a discussion;

· strategic and tactical behavior of individuals and teams in changing conditions.

These goals are achieved mainly during strategy games.

Main types of intellectual games:

§ Quizzes: text (“Oh, lucky guy”, “What? Where? When?”, “Brain Ring”) or plot (“Polundra”, “Wheel of History”);

§ Strategies: role-playing (improvisation: “Impromptu Theater” or scenario “Yacht”, economic (“Manager”), combat (checkers, chess).

In reality, there are much more intellectual games, but they are obtained by combining and compiling the basic material, that is, if you have a good understanding of each of the types presented below, you can independently assemble their various elements to obtain your own diverse forms of games.

Quiz– a form of intellectual game where success is achieved through the largest number of correct answers. Quizzes are divided into two groups – test and story.
Test quizzes are the simplest form of intellectual games. Participants answer the question and receive a score. Examples of games of this type: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, “What? Where? When?”, “Own Game”, “Clever Guys”, “Brain Ring”, etc.
Story quizzes - a more interesting activity, from the point of view of external attributes. The organizers come up with some kind of game plot. Elements of theatricalization are used, the game looks more lively, bright and emotional. Examples of games of this type: “Halfway”, “Wheel of History”.

Strategy– a form of intellectual game where success is achieved through the most accurate planning by the participants of their actions and actions.
The classification of strategies is based on the principle dominant path to success.
IN combat strategy the dominant path to success lies through proper planning for the destruction of the enemy (checkers, chess).
IN economic – through successful acquisitions and sales (“Manager”).
And in role-playing – through the best achievement of goals determined by the role assigned to the player (“Impromptu Theater”, “Yacht”).

Rarely does an intellectual game go without questions, so high-quality selection and preparation of questions is a serious problem for the organizers of such activities.

Classification of questions and tasks for intellectual games:

· Productive

· For intelligence: “the answer is in the question”, “questions-jokes”, “originally about the banal”, “question-hint”;

· “The known about the known”;

· Logical and associative thinking;

· For “luck”;

· To “get closer”;

· Conditionally acceptable

· Reproducing;

· Reproducing “with a trick”;

· Transfer;

· Invalid

· Questions - jokes;

· Unethical issues.

Examples of questions and tasks of different types for intellectual games.

Questions for intelligence. They allow you to create intrigue and attract attention. These questions are based on the basic level of human knowledge, but are somewhat encrypted so that the player fully demonstrates his thinking abilities. During the discussion of such issues, entertaining and unexpected versions and arguments arise, which increases interest in the game.

· The English King George I, from the age of 54 until the end of his life, was forced to constantly use the services of a translator. What happened to him at this age? (He became the English king, and since he was German, he did not know English language and didn’t want to teach him, I used the services of translators)

· In the early 90s of the 20th century, a new team appeared in the National Hockey League - the “Mighty Ducks” from the city of Anaheim. How does the name of the ice arena built in this city sound when translated into Russian? ("Pond")

"The answer is in the question"
An interesting variation of intelligence questions, where the answer is contained in the question itself. These questions perfectly train players' instinct for the correct answer and the ability to extract the necessary information from the information presented.

· IN Ancient Rus' In order to pay, they could cut off part of a silver bar. What do we now call the severed part? (Ruble)

· Imagine that you are the captain of a spaceship. There are 5 people in your team, they are 20 years old. How old is the entire crew? (5x20=100 + the number of years of the captain, i.e. the person to whom the question is asked)

Questions are jokes
These are witty questions, where the essence is hidden behind the outer elementary shell, which leads to the side.

· A wheel is rolling, one corner is red, the other is green. When the wheel reaches the edge of the table, what angle will it have at the top? (The wheel has no corners)

· What do football players run on? (Across the field)

"Original about the banal"
A very interesting version of questions for intelligence. Here, the most ordinary, well-known things are looked at from an unusual angle. Players experience a surge of emotion when they are agonizing over a difficult question, but the answer is simple and almost obvious.

· What do you call an acorn that has lived to old age? (Oak)

· This name is given to the shark of the Vologda rivers. (Pike)

· He was an accomplice of an arrested representative of royal blood. (Wolf. “...In the dungeon there the princess is grieving, and gray wolf serves her honestly")

Hint question.
Such questions consist of 3-5 hints to the correct answer. First, the presenter says the first clue. If the team guesses correctly, it receives 5 points. Otherwise, the presenter says the second clue, etc. The cost of an answer decreases with each attempt, and the hints, naturally, become more and more transparent.
a) In ancient times, the ruler of this country was the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.
b) One of my friends associates this country with Sangria wine,
c) “Ikarus” is a good bus. (Hungary)

Questions like “the unknown about the known.” An excellent type of question for mind games. They provide surprising, entertaining, little-known information about simple things. Often, after hearing such a question, players offer the most incredible versions. And imagine their surprise when they find out the correct answer. Such questions increase interest in the game and add to the knowledge of participants and spectators.

· With a blow of his tail he can knock down a horse. (Crocodile)

· In Spanish and Turkish, like centuries ago, one of the meanings of this word is “the art of reducing dislocations.” But for us this is a section of science that has nothing to do with medicine. (Algebra)

Questions on logical and associative thinking. Such questions are especially interesting to players because they require them to build a chain of reasoning. These are questions-tasks, questions-tasks.

· There are three matches lying down, remove the match from the middle without touching it. (Transfer the outer match to the other side, and the middle one will become the outer match.)

· Decipher the line of a famous song if each word is replaced with the opposite meaning: “Football makes false women sick.” (" Real men play hockey.")

· In the given series of words, find the odd one out: table, hippopotamus, car, parrot.( Parrot, because the remaining words denote concepts that have four points of support.)

Questions for luck. These are multiple choice questions, called test questions. They are good because you can ask the most abstruse question and the player has a chance to answer correctly. The optimal number of options is from 3 to 5. To make it more difficult, you can add a condition that none of the answer options may be correct or two options may be correct at once.
Grandfather Mazai could run 40 miles:
– to Vologda;
- to Kostroma;
- behind a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Approaching questions. Questions for which the answers are obvious, but more precise data are very difficult to obtain. It is important that the facts underlying the question are interesting and entertaining. The team that gives the answer closest to the truth wins.
In Veliky Ustyug the greatest depth of soil freezing in the Vologda region was recorded. It is... (126 cm)

Conditionally acceptable

This section groups questions that are acceptable in intellectual games under any conditions.

Questions to reproduce acquired knowledge (reproducing questions). These questions are of the lowest value for intellectual games. They are designed only for memory, require virtually no explanation, and cannot be answered using intelligence and logical thinking. Allowed only in games for educational purposes, when it is necessary to test the level of knowledge. All such questions should be asked only based on the material covered.

· What is the name of the first president of Russia? (Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin)

Reproducing questions “with a trick”. Such questions have several more high value, since they require not only memory, but also attention.
When did the second one begin? world war? (They usually answer that July 22, 1941, confusing it with the beginning of the Second World War. The correct answer is September 1, 1939)

Enumeration. Such questions, or rather tasks, require you to list something that has some common feature: the Kremlin towers, the names of girls, Russian fairy tales about animals, etc. But it looks quite monotonous and even boring, and it can be difficult for judges to assess the correctness of the answer, because They themselves sometimes do not have complete information on the topic asked. Such questions are possible only at intellectual auctions, or with the proviso that at least 2-3 concepts must be named.

Questions-lectures. Such questions require a very detailed answer, which immediately reduces interest in the game. are permissible only if games are played at stations where the judge can calmly listen to the participant.
What are the climatic conditions of central Russia?

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Intellectual questions offered to schoolchildren during extracurricular hours allow them to develop the logical thinking of the younger generation. We offer different questions that the class teacher can use in his work.

The Importance of Creative Play

Questions for an intellectual quiz with answers offered to high school students contribute to their self-development and self-improvement. In every educational educational institution Our country has its own special teams of schoolchildren and teachers who take part in various intellectual games.

During joint tournaments, children and their mentors not only develop logical thinking, gain new knowledge, but also learn to work as a team.

Intellectual games for high school students

Various intellectual questions for the class team are intended for full extracurricular activities in grades 9-11. They are aimed not only at specific knowledge, but also at the intelligence and general erudition of schoolchildren.

Play is an important activity that allows you to develop social communication skills and the emotional environment of the child. Educational games containing intellectual questions, give children the opportunity to increase their level of development.

Tournament scenario

The purpose of the event is to develop the cognitive interest of senior students. The teacher creates conditions for children to demonstrate their creative abilities and develops communication skills.

Here are questions for an intellectual game that can be offered to schoolchildren.

Questions for ninth grade children

First question. According to folk legends, the formation of writing in Japan and modern hieroglyphs were influenced by creatures close to humans. Who are these creatures? (Chickens that have individual paw prints).

Second question. How should Europeans look at Arab miniatures to see in them what the Arabs see? (Arabs tend to write from right to left, so you need to use a mirror to evaluate the miniature).

Questions for intellectual games can be associated with historical facts, art, and culture.

Third question. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the cocked hat was a fashionable headdress, decorated with feathers and braid. But they didn’t put it on, but placed it in the left hand, why? (The man had a wig on his head, so the cocked hat was only used for bowing).

Fourth question. What detail of appearance is missing from the woman depicted by Leonardo da Vinci in his painting “Mona Lisa”? (She has no eyebrows).

Fifth question. The British and French tried to get the hand of an amazing lady. The conflict turned into a clash between fans, because of which the lady herself suffered. Who is she? (We are talking about the Venus de Milo, whose statue lost its arm as a result of an armed clash between the French and the British).

Sixth question. What was the name of the activity in Rus' when chocks for wooden spoons were prepared? (Knock it off).

Intellectual questions offered to schoolchildren can be composed on the basis of a regional component.

Seventh question. What did Pomors give to newborn babies at birth? (The boy was given a hatchet, and the girl was given a spinning wheel).

Eighth question. What is the connection between the traditional Japanese miniature art of netsuke and Japanese kimono? (The kimono has no pockets; items are attached to the belt using counterweight keychains, which are netsuke).

Ninth question. In the 14th-16th centuries, men wore this outfit. Since the seventeenth century, it has been made a women's item of clothing. Kumashnik, curtain-maker, fur coat, motley - these are all his names. What kind of outfit is this? (Sundress).

Smart questions with answers can be created based on historical facts, considered by schoolchildren when studying a history course.

Eleventh question. The Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich made an inscription, which later became a Russian proverb. What is this inscription? (“Business is time, fun is an hour”).

Twelfth question. The national flag of France has three stripes: blue, white, red. Why is the width of the stripes used in the ratio 30-33-37? (This proportion gives the effect of visual equality of the stripes of the flag).

Assignments for high school students

We offer various intellectual questions with answers that can be used when conducting horizontal bars among high school students.

First question. Why do workers scatter pieces of marble around the Parthenon at night in Athens? (To save the temple from destruction by tourists, the authorities resort to such a trick).

Second question. What is the connection between women's wide skirts and the mass extermination of whales? (In the eighteenth century, skirts retained their volume only with the help of frames, which were created from whalebone).

Intellectual questions for schoolchildren can be chosen with a humorous meaning, so that in order to find the answer the children show their ingenuity and innovative thinking.

Third question. Why did the Frenchman Guy de Maupassant dine only in a restaurant located on Eiffel Tower? (The writer believed that the tower disfigured Paris and did not want to see it).

Fourth question. Why did ladies in the sixteenth century wear animal skins on a chain, hanging them from their belts? (Fleas collected on the skin and infested in the folds of the fluffy dress).

Thematic tournaments

The teacher can take questions for an intellectual quiz from special books, as well as compose them independently. For example, you can offer several tasks that relate to the calendar.

There is astronomical time, and there is its biological analogue. What are its units of measurement? (Generations).

What was the significance for our country of the entry that appeared in the twelfth century: “January 30, Friday. Before lunch, the day is windy and cold...” (This is a fragment of the first weather report, talking about the creation of a weather service in Moscow).

The father asked his first-grader son to name the largest last number. The child's answer surprised him extremely. What did the boy answer? (31 because this is the largest number of days in a month).

IN Ancient China this substance, associated with the sea, was used as a currency. IN Ancient Greece it was integral part warrior armor, what substance are we talking about? (This is salt).

Educational football

Intellectual questions for children help develop creativity the younger generation, therefore they are actively used by school teachers in pedagogical activity. Intellectual football can be carried out outside of lessons to develop the general erudition of schoolchildren and team building.

The class is divided into two teams, in which midfielders, forwards, goalkeepers, and defenders are selected. The number of participants is not limited, it depends on how many children need to be included and intellectual activity.

Teams carry out attacks in turns, using three combinations.

The corner option requires full team participation. The judge, whose role is school teacher, reads the question, and his assistant monitors which team has the fastest answer.

The guys give answers to intellectual questions only after they receive the judge's permission. The correct answer counts as a goal against the opponent. If the answer is incorrect, the right to attack is transferred to the players of the second team.

A free kick involves the participation of two attackers in the game: midfielders and forwards, as well as three defenders (goalkeeper and defenders). The team independently selects those guys who will participate in the drawing. If within thirty seconds they do not give the correct answer to the judge's question, the right to answer is transferred to the opponent.

A penalty requires the participation of only one team player - the goalkeeper. He must give the correct answer to the teacher’s question in order to “hit the ball” from the goal.

Questions for intellectual games with answers can be compiled together with children, parents, and other teachers.

Game "Octopus"

This game will require interesting intellectual questions that involve the development of logical thinking. The teacher can come up with his own rules for the tournament, opportunities for getting extra points, taking into account how strong the teams are entering the game. For example, in addition to the main questions, players may be offered additional tasks, with correct answers to which the team will be assigned “defensive” points. If necessary, participants will always be able to use them so as not to lose progress in the game.

What's behind Gleb and what's in front of Boris? (Letter "b").

The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs did she carry in the basket? (Not a single one, since the bottom fell along with the eggs.)

When will a person be headless in an apartment? (If he sticks his head out the window).

How does night and day always end? (Soft sign).

Which clock is shown twice a day? right time? (Those that are broken).

Which is lighter: a kilogram of copper or cotton wool? (They have the same mass).

Why do you go to the sofa when you plan to sleep? (By gender).

What needs to be done to leave four guys in one boot? (Each of them must take off a boot.)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into your home? (If the door is open.)

In what month does chatty Mashenka talk the least? (In February, since it is the shortest month of the year).

Two aspens grew. Each of them had six cones. How many cones are there on the trees? (Not a single cone, since cones do not grow on aspens).

What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for ten minutes? (It will become wet).

How can you write the word “mousetrap” using five letters? (Cat).

What is a horse like when you buy it? (Wet).

The bear has none, the crow has two, and the man has one. What is it? (Letter "o").

A flock of birds flew into the grove. Two of them sat on the tree, and one remained free. When there was one bird for each village, there was not a single one left. How many birds are there in the flock, how many trees are there in the grove? (Four birds, three trees).

The grandmother was heading to the capital with cabbage. Two old men came towards her, each of them carrying a sack of potatoes. How many people were heading to the capital? (One grandmother was going to Moscow).

Such intellectual questions with answers for adults can be used when conducting joint events with children, for example, during a ten-day family celebration.

Adults approach the search for answers to questions too responsibly, so they often lose to schoolchildren. Unusual intellectual questions for adults are a great option for a break from everyday problems and bustle.

Examples of humorous questions

There were three hollows on the birch trees. Each of them has four branches. There are six apples on each branch. How many apples are on the tree? (Not a single apple, since apples don’t grow on birch trees).

Fifty wolves ran, how many tails did they have on their necks? (Tails do not grow on necks).

What fabric are sundresses not made from? (Clothes cannot be made from railroad tracks.)

When do hands act as pronouns? (When they are you-we-you).

Which forests do not contain big game? (In construction).

Which of the car wheels does not rotate while driving? (Spare).

What do drummers and mathematicians use? (Fractions).

What belongs to a person, but is much more often used by other people? (Name).

When does a vehicle travel at the same speed as a train? (When the car is on the platform of this train).

If one egg takes four minutes to boil, how long will it take to boil six eggs? (Same period of time).

Which flower has a feminine and a masculine gender? (Ivan da Marya).

Indicate five days without naming the numbers or the days themselves. (The day before yesterday, today, yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow).

Which bird, having lost its letter, becomes the name of the largest European river? (Oriole).

Which city was named after a large bird of prey? (Eagle).

Which woman was the first in the world to master a flying machine? (Baba Yaga).

In which year do they eat more food? (During a leap year).

Which city name is suitable as a filling for delicious buns? (Raisin).

Which month is shorter than the others? (May, it contains only three letters).

What bird does every physicist know? (Pheasant, since it is she who helps to remember the main colors of the spectrum).

Any intellectual tournament held for schoolchildren or adults is aimed at developing erudition and forming teamwork.

Depending on the age characteristics of the participants in the game, the presenter, who can be the class teacher, selects questions a certain level complexity. Each team chooses a captain who maintains discipline and chooses the correct answer from the versions proposed by the players.

One turn involves answering one question. If the team gives the correct answer, they are awarded a point. If the answer is incorrect, the opponents get the right to answer.

Among the rules that are strictly observed during intellectual tournaments, we note:

  • the rightness of the leader;
  • maintaining silence.


IN lately There has been a growing interest in holding a variety of intellectual games and tournaments not only among adults, but also among schoolchildren. What is the reason for this interest? There are serious changes in Russian education. The traditional form of education, aimed at students acquiring theoretical knowledge, has been replaced by the second generation Federal State Educational Standards.

According to new educational standards, the main emphasis is on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, capable of self-education and self-development.

Logical thinking, which develops when searching for answers to non-standard questions proposed at intellectual games and tournaments, has a positive effect on the development of a creative personality.

Society puts before educational institutions The task is to form a younger generation capable of making independent decisions and being responsible for their actions and actions.

That is why such attention began to be paid in educational institutions organizing intellectual clubs, conducting creative games. Those high school students who answer non-standard questions, in addition to acquiring new knowledge and skills, gain experience working in a team. Those guys who have been trying to find answers to intellectual questions since school life are much more successful than their peers.

Fun intelligence tests with a trick

Test No. 1

Answer quickly without hesitation. And don’t peek at the answers!

1. You are competing and have passed the runner in second position.
What position do you take now?

<< Answer to the question >>

Try to answer the second question of the test

2. You passed the last runner, what position are you in now?

<< Answer to the question >>

3. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

<< Answer to the question >>

4. Mary's Father has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Cheche 3. Chichi 4 Chocho. Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think fast. The answer is just below.

<< Answer to the question >>

Test No. 2

This test is very simple. You need to answer one question...
Why is honey golden?

P because flowers receive a lot of sunlight.

P because flower pollen is naturally golden in color.

P because bees enrich it with enzymes that have such a shade.

P because that’s how people make honey.

I Don't know.

Mini-test for intelligence No. 3

Want to test your intelligence? A little test!
1. So, the deaf-mute decided to buy a toothbrush. He goes to the store and gestures to the seller that he is brushing his teeth. The seller guesses what it is about, and the deaf-mute gets his brush.
Now the blind man decided to buy himself sunglasses. How can he inform the seller about this?
Think and then look at the correct answer...

<< Answer to the question >>

2. Make one word from the given set of letters - L O S O N D O V

<< Answer to the question >>

3. The pilot jumped out of the plane without a parachute. How was he able to remain unharmed after landing on solid ground?

<< Answer to the question >>

Test No. 4

1. There are two bottles of 5 and 3 liters. How to use them to measure exactly a liter of water, without using any other containers.

<< Answer to the question >>

2. There are 5 mushrooms in the basket. How to divide mushrooms between five mushroom pickers so that everyone gets an equal share and one mushroom remains in the basket?

<< Answer to the question >>

3. In 1970 a person was 30 years old, and in 1975 he was 25 years old. How is this possible?

<< Answer to the question >>

4. Guess how many cats are in the room, if there is 1 cat in each of the 4 corners of the room, 3 cats are opposite each cat, 1 cat is sitting on the tail of each cat.

<< Answer to the question >>

5. Many of you have seen bottles of alcohol in liquor stores that also contain some large ripe fruit inside: an apple, a pear, etc. Now tell me how to place a fairly large ripe fruit (not dried) into such a bottle with a narrow neck without damaging it. without dividing it.

<< Answer to the question >>

6. Not far from the shore there is a ship with a lowered rope ladder. The staircase has 15 steps. The distance between the steps is 45 cm. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. Suddenly the tide begins, due to which the water level rises by 15 cm every hour. Question: after what period of time will the water level reach the third stage?

<< Answer to the question >>

7. There are two traffic police inspectors standing by the road. One looks to the left to see if a car is approaching from the north, and the other looks to the right to see if a car is approaching from the south. Suddenly one asks the other: “Why are you smiling?” How could he know that the other inspector was smiling?

<< Answer to the question >>

8. Imagine two cities, in one of which people tell only the truth, and in the other only lies. People from one city often visit people in another city and vice versa. If you find yourself in one of the cities, what is the only question you should ask a passerby to find out which of the two cities you are in?

<< Answer to the question >>

9. A motorist in the parking lot this morning discovered that his car had one tire that was flat. Despite this, he got into the car and drove 50 km to work and drove 50 km back in the evening again, without carrying out any repairs or replacing the wheel. How is this possible?

<< Answer to the question >>

10. A tool for measuring time with a minimum number of moving parts is a sundial. Which timing instrument has the maximum number of moving parts?

<< Answer to the question >>

11. At a sports car competition, two of the best drivers made an unusual bet - whose car is slower will be the winner and prize fund takes it for himself. At the start, when the start gong sounded, both cars did not even think about moving forward. Everyone is confused, the competition breaks down. To young people (racers). An elderly man came up and said something to both of them. After a short pause, both accelerated, whoever was faster, trying to overtake each other. The rules are unchanged - the fund will be taken by the one whose car arrives second. Question: What did the old man say to the racers?