War and peace secular youth. Entertainment for secular youth - evening at Dolokhov's. Option. The meaning of the title of the novel and its characters

^ VI. Standards of life for young representatives of high society.

What is the friendship between Pierre and A. Bolkonsky based on?

(The friendship of the heroes is built on the commonality of their interests, therefore, as a more experienced person, Prince Andrei recommends that Pierre not be friends with Kuragin.)

What are the entertainments of the society of Kuragin and Dolokhov? What role do these scenes play in the novel?

(These scenes reveal new aspects of the life of the aristocracy, introduce new heroes (Dolokhov, A. Kuragin). The scenes in the salon of A.P. Scherer (Pierre’s preaching of freedom-loving views) and the entertainment of secular youth (Pierre’s participation in revelries) represent a psychological connection to the development storyline Pierre.)

From the first pages of the novel we pay attention to controversial nature Pierre; what principle will win in it?

Similar in style to the description of Scherer's salon is the scene of the death of Count Bezukhov and the struggle for the mosaic briefcase - the story of the struggle for the inheritance of the dying Count Bezukhov. Here is the same method of tearing off masks in society.

Briefly tell these scenes and prove the method of tearing off the masks.

(The events in the house of the old dying nobleman Count Bezukhov reveal the family and everyday relationships of the aristocracy of the 19th century and characterize many of the heroes of the work from a new perspective. The struggle for inheritance has great value to understand the moral decay that engulfed the highest circles of the court aristocracy. The writer shows the greed and greed of Prince Vasily, seeking an inheritance, claims that he wants to take care first of all of the three princesses living in the house, and in fact, because of the inheritance, he can even commit a crime (an attempt to destroy the will, the scene with the mosaic briefcase) .

The struggle for the inheritance reveals the true face of the eldest princess, Prince Vasily's ally. Always well-mannered and reserved, she becomes rude and angry when she finds out that she will not inherit the inheritance. Her role in the fight for the mosaic portfolio is especially unattractive.

^ This scene characterizes Princess Drubetskaya and her son Boris in a new way; she reveals Anna Mikhailovna’s cleverly disguised selfishness and Boris’s prudence.

This scene is no less important for understanding the character of Pierre, his inexperience, naivety, sincerity and spontaneity, and at the same time it also reveals the servility characteristic of representatives of the aristocracy (the attitude of those around him towards Pierre the heir).

The scene of the struggle for the mosaic briefcase is, by contrast, connected with the episode in which Countess Rostova, despite her upset financial affairs, reports A. M. Drubetskoy a large sum for Boris's uniform.)
^VII. Conclusion.

How does Tolstoy relate to the norms of life of high society (older, younger generations), does he treat everyone equally and why, what artistic method while using.

^ Lesson 40 (108). Name day at the Rostovs. Bald Mountains

Target: using the example of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys, show other layers of the nobility, with different standards of life; identify comparison and contrast as the main compositional principle of the novel.

Equipment: cards.
Lesson progress

^ I. Concisely tell the episode “The Rostov Family. Name day."

With elements of analysis. Answer the question: what is different and common in the behavior of guests and hosts at the Rostovs’ name days compared to the Scherer salon?

Observation plan

1. Connection of the episode “Name Day at the Rostovs” with the previous ones.

2. Reception of guests by the hosts. The nature of their conversation.

3. The arrival of young people. Her interests and behavior.

4. Gift from the Countess Mother to Anna Drubetskaya. Its meaning.

5. Dinner environment. Attitudes towards war between guests and hosts.

6. Entertainment and customs of the Rostovs.

Name day scenes are given interspersed with chapters about the death of Count Bezukhov (chap. 7-11 - name day scenes; ch. 12-13 - scenes of the count's illness; ch. 14-17 - in the Rostovs; ch. 18-21 - Bezukhov's death).

Tolstoy, alternating these chapters, thereby conveys a sense of the complexity and diversity of life, in which fun and sorrow, joy and death occur simultaneously.

The name day episode follows the scenes of the evening in Scherer's salon. Let us note the emphasized similarities: there are guests here and there. The world of the Rostovs is the world whose norms Tolstoy affirms for their simplicity and naturalness, purity and cordiality, arouses the admiration and patriotism of the “Rostov breed.” When retelling, pay attention to the description of the reception of guests at the Rostovs, the purpose of their arrival, the family and joyful nature of the holiday, in contrast to the secular stiffness of the evening at Scherer.

The mistress of the house, Countess Natalya Rostova, is the same age as Anna Pavlovna - a forty-year-old woman. But that one is a “social enthusiast,” an old maid who has not taken any roots in life (this is important for Tolstoy), and this one is the head of the family, wife and mother of 12 children. We celebrate the scene of the reception of guests - “congratulators” - by Count Ilya Rostov, who, without exception, “both above and below him” said to everyone: “I am very, very grateful to you, for myself and for my dear birthday girls.” This scene already contrasts with the “hierarchy of greetings” that Scherer established. The Count often speaks Russian to guests, “sometimes in a very bad, but self-confident French"Conventions of secular tact, secular news- all this is observed in conversations with guests. These details indicate that the Rostovs are people of their time and their class and bear its features. And into this secular atmosphere, like a “ray of sunshine”, the younger generation of Rostovs bursts in (appearance, behavior, interests, relationships - an episode in a flower or sofa room - chapters 10, 11). Even the Rostovs’ jokes are pure, touchingly naive. The quarrel and reconciliation of Nikolai with Sonya, the “date” at the tub of flowers of Natasha and Boris, their general conversation with Vera gives an idea of ​​the interests and relationships of young people. The behavior of the young Rostovs is contrasted by Tolstoy in comparison with the St. Petersburg youth (the Dolokhov-Kuragin company), where time passes in revelry, debauchery, absurd and bad jokes(story with a bear - wedding with a doll).

Evening name day celebration. The main guest of the Rostovs was Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, without whom they did not start dinner. She is famous for her directness of mind and frank simplicity of communication, “everyone without exception respected and feared her” (chapter 15). In the company of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, the main person is the sophisticated emigrant viscount. The appearance of a figure like Marya Dmitrievna is impossible in Scherer’s salon, just as her conversations are impossible: “... are you an old sinner,... are you missing tea in Moscow? Is there nowhere to run dogs?...”

At the Rostovs’ table, like at Scherer’s, they talk about the war, about politics, but in a different tone. The older generation is concerned about this issue because their sons are going to war. The Rostov family is characterized by natural behavior (Natasha’s antics at the table, the singing of the young Rostovs, the count father dancing Danila Kupora, the smiling faces of the servants who admire the master).

So, in the Rostov family there is simplicity and cordiality, natural behavior, cordiality, mutual love in the family, nobility and sensitivity, closeness in language and customs to the people and at the same time their observance secular image life and secular conventions, behind which, however, there is no calculation and self-interest. Tolstoy seems to emphasize: the Rostovs and Scherer are people of the same class, but of a different “breed.” So in the storyline of the Rostov family, Tolstoy reflects the life and work landed nobility. We were presented with a variety of psychological types: the good-natured, hospitable slacker Count Rostov, the countess who tenderly loves her children, the judicious Vera, the charming Natasha; sincere Nikolai, cautious and prudent Boris Drubetskoy, etc. In contrast to the Scherer salon, in the Rostov house there is an atmosphere of fun, joy, happiness, and sincere concern for the fate of the Motherland.
^ II. From Moscow the action moves to Bald Mountains , the estate of General-in-Chief Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, where Prince Andrei is expected to go to war (chap. 22-25).

Name the most memorable details from Bolkonsky’s life.

What are the similarities and differences between the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys? Who are the Bolkonskys more like - the Rostovs or the Scherers?

(The life of the Bolkonsky family in Bald Mountains is similar in some elements to the life of the Rostovs: the same mutual love of family members, the same deep cordiality, the same naturalness of behavior, just like the Rostovs, greater closeness to the people in language and in relationships with ordinary people. On this basis, both families are equally opposed to high society.

There are also differences between these families. The Bolkonskys are distinguished from the Rostovs by their deep work of thought, the high intelligence of all family members and the old prince, and Princess Marya, and her brother, who are prone to mental activity. In addition, characteristic feature The Bolkonsky breed is a source of pride.)

Read the portrait of the Bolkonskys and show the uniqueness of their characters through the appearance of the heroes.

(Prince Andrey - chapter 3, portrait of the old prince, chapter 22. The portrait of Princess Marya is not given in assembled form: the thinness and soreness of her face and body, “heavy feet”, her eyes, sad, but deep and radiant, are noted separately beautiful. In all the portraits, the features of the Bolkonsky “breed” are visible: short stature, defined and dry “features”, small hands and feet; the main thing is the similarity of the eyes: like Princess Marya, Prince Andrei has the same “beautiful eyes” (chap. 25), they also shone with an intelligent and kind, “unusual brilliance”; Tolstoy emphasizes intelligent and brilliant eyes everywhere in Bolkonsky’s father.)

So, aristocracy, pride, intelligence and deep work of thought, the depth of the spiritual world, hidden from the eyes of strangers - here characteristic features the Bolkonsky family, visible through their portraits, This shows the mastery of Tolstoy’s portraits, his ability to convey the most essential, constant things in a person and the fleeting changes in his appearance when his mood changes.
III. Independent conclusion.

How does the author feel about the standards of life of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys, what are they? moral values these families.
^ IV. Conversation about the role of part 1 in general development action and what it gives to the reader.

In what year does Part 1 take place?

(July-August 1805, pre-war atmosphere; conflict with Napoleon is brewing, but not yet shown.)

Does the development of the main action take place in this part - the collision of two worlds, Russia and Napoleonic France, and what role does it play in the development of the action?

Tolstoy introduces us to the main characters and the setting, therefore, this part plays the role of exposition.

What layers of Russian society were shown?

(Different groups of nobility in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the city and the estate, the older and younger generations, men and women. Added to the general conflict is the conflict between Prince Andrei and - so far partially - Pierre with secular society, as well as Nikolai Rostov. In addition to the nobility, we see servants, tutors, companions, doctors, architects, i.e. already in the exhibition the breadth of life is outlined.)

What main groups of heroes does Tolstoy highlight in this crowd of people?

(The main storylines are the history of the Rostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragin, Drubetsky families and the Scherer salon.)

What events in Part 1 are these heroes grouped around?

(Four episodes: an evening at Scherer’s, a name day at the Rostovs’, the death of Count Bezukhov, the arrival of Prince Andrei in Bald Mountains.)

What repeats in the episodes, holding them together into a single whole?

(The cross-cutting action is conversations about Napoleon, through the attitude towards whom the views of the heroes are tested. So, already in Part 1 the complexity and harmony of the composition of the novel is outlined.)
^ V. Test work according to Vol. I, Part 1

Assignments are distributed to each table.

1. Answer the questions on parts 2 and 3, volume 1 “War of 1805-1807”:

Is the Russian army ready for war? Are its goals clear to the soldiers? (chapter 2)

What Kutuzov is doing (chapter 14)

How did Prince Andrey imagine the war and his role? (chapter 3, 12)

Why, after meeting with Tushin, did Prince Andrei think: “It was all so strange, so unlike what he had hoped for”? (Ch. 12, 15, 20-21).

2. Make bookmarks:

a) in the image of Kutuzov;

b) Battle of Shengraben (chap. 20-21);

c) the behavior of Prince Andrei, his dreams of “Toulon” (part 2, chapter 3, 12, 20-21);

d) Battle of Austerlitz (part 3, chapter 12-13);

e) the feat of Prince Andrei and his disappointment in “Napoleonic” dreams (part 3, chapters 16, 19).

Individual cards. Assignments are completed in writing

1. Why does the novel begin with a description of the evening in Scherer’s salon? (Vol. I, Part 1, Chapters 1-4)

2. Why does Prince Vasily appear in the salon first? What can you say and what does the author himself say about the manner of speech of Vasily Kuragin and the owner of the salon? (Vol. I, Part 1, Ch. 1-4)

3. What are the topics of conversation in the salon? What does Tolstoy compare the salon and its owner to? Make a conclusion about the author's attitude towards secular society. (Vol. I, Part 1, Ch. 1-4)

4. What can you say from your first impressions about P. Bezukhov and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky? (Vol. I, Part 1, Ch. 1-6)

5. Who caught your attention in these chapters? What exactly (vol. I, part 1, ch. 1-4)

6. What are the relationships in the Rostov family?

7. What are the relationships in the Bolkonsky family?

8. In the story “Childhood” Tolstoy wrote: “... In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds charm to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then as usual; if it spoils it, then it is bad.” How is this portrait detail used to characterize the characters?

9. How does the artist reveal the uniqueness of the characters’ characters (for example, the father, son and daughter of the Bolkonskys; members of the Rostov family, etc.) through their appearance?
^ Test work on Vol. I, Part 1 of the novel “War and Peace”

Review ch. 1-5, part 1, volume I of the novel, which made up the stage episode “The Salon of A.P. Scherer.” In it, the reader is presented with a picture of the life of the St. Petersburg nobility at the beginning of the 19th century.

“The salon of A.P. Scherer, together with other salons similar to it, was a completely definite link in the St. Petersburg court circle - the link in which “public opinion” was created. Just as the highest military circles commanded the army, just as the highest civil authorities commanded the civil administration of the entire country, so the salon of A.P. Scherer, “Princess Marya Alekseevna” and others legislated in the field of noble “public opinion.” The very existence of such salons was a very characteristic historical phenomenon that took shape under Catherine II and gained greatest strength in the first quarter of the 19th century, and then gradually lost its significance” 1 .
1. The episode begins with dialogue, which generally occupies a very large place in the novel.

“For Tolstoy, a replica is still raw material; Only the accompaniment explained by the author formalizes its meaning, often changing this meaning, switching the remark into another, hidden context” (L. Ginzburg).

Read the dialogue between A.P. Sherer and Prince Vasily without the author's remarks. How will its content change? Explain the role of stage directions.
2. What is the point of comparing A.P. Scherer’s salon with a spinning workshop (chapter 2)? What words would you use to define the communication between the hostess and her guests? Is it possible to say from them: “they are all different and all the same”? Why?
3. Reread portrait characteristic Ippolita Kuragina (chapter 3). As one of the researchers noted, “his cretinism in the novel is not accidental” (A. A. Saburov “War and Peace of L. Tolstoy”). Why do you think? What is the meaning of the striking similarity between Hippolytus and Helen?
4. What stood out among the guests of the salon were Pierre and A. Bolkonsky? Can we say that Pierre's speech in defense of Napoleon and french revolution, partly supported by Bolkonsky, creates a situation of “woe from mind” in A.P. Scherer’s salon?
5. The episode “The Salon of A.P. Scherer” is “linked” (using Tolstoy’s own word, denoting the internal connection of individual paintings) with a description (chapter 6) of the entertainment of the St. Petersburg “golden” youth. Her “joint riot” is “salon stiffness topsy-turvy.” Do you agree with this assessment?
6. The episode “The Salon of A.P. Scherer” is linked by contrast (characteristic compositional technique in the novel) with the episode “Name Day at the Rostovs” (chap. 14-17, part 1, vol. I). How are the young Rostovs contrasted with the “golden” youth of St. Petersburg? Is it fair to say that childishness is inherent in the entire Rostov family? How does it manifest itself in the episode of the estate? How does the author assess this quality of a person?
7. Both the episode “The Salon of A.P. Scherer” and the episode “Name Day at the Rostovs” are in turn linked with chapters depicting the Bolkonsky family nest (chap. 22-25). Try to establish the internal connection between these episodes yourself. In what way is the atmosphere and relationships of people in Bald Mountains contrasted with their depiction in the Scherer salon, and in what way - in the Rostov house?

An open literature lesson held in group 1 “B”

Topic: “Secular aristocracy and advanced nobility. Contrast as the main artistic device in Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace”

Organizational moment
You have the right to determine your attitude towards what will happen now. You can pretend that you are present at the lesson, or you can take part, as I would really like, in its organization. So, following our long tradition, I invite you to dialogue:
- dialogue with me;
- dialogue with yourself;
- dialogue with each other
and to a dialogue with Lvov Nikolaevich Tolstoy and his heroes, which we will talk about in class.
Now let me ask you a question that, at first glance, is not related to the topic. Is it difficult to be human? Have you ever had moments in your life when you wanted to be someone other than a person?
(Students' answers)
And here is the opinion of one poet on this matter:
(music Melody of Autumn by Chopin )

A man doesn't want to be a flower
Even if the light bee
From it with a skillful proboscis
I took sweets for the future.
The spider magically pulls the thread
The wolf hears all the rustles in the darkness -
A person doesn't want to be anyone
Only a person on earth.
I asked flowers and spiders,
I asked the animals what they were:
Which of you living is ready
To get into our human skin.
Everyone shook their heads in a row:
They say it’s better in a field or a hollow.
It's damn hard, they say,
To be called a man on earth.

What is the difficulty of human existence?
(Students' answers)

The novel “War and Peace” is a hymn to the Russian people, their valor and honor, their selfless perseverance and devotion to their homeland. For the first time in literature, Tolstoy portrayed heroes who think, seek answers to the most complex questions of human existence, and have high intelligence.
Goal setting .

What do you think the lesson will be about, based on the above thoughts and the topic of the lesson? (answers)

Today in class we will talk about human qualities, about how the writer characterizes the life of high society and the middle nobility, about the meaning of life, about the main artistic technique, which Tolstoy used in his work - about contrast as the main thing. reception of the novel

There are phrases written on the board that will help you when answering to express your opinion.: (type)

    I think, I think it's noticeable that, probably from my point of view, I understand that….

    Because... because... despite the fact that... on the one hand... on the other hand... thus...

Have you ever been to a salon? L.N. Tolstoy invites us. Let's try to recognize the heroes.

Poll-quiz “Whose face is this?”

She rose with the same unchanging smile... with which she entered the living room.”


The face was clouded with idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident grumpiness.”


With a grimace that spoiled him beautiful face, he turned away..."

(Prince Andrey)

“…bright expression of a flat face.”

(Prince Vasily)

A restrained smile that constantly played on his face...”

(Anna Pavlovna)

Are these faces or masks? Prove it.

Before us are masks, as their expression does not change during the evening. L. Tolstoy conveys this with the help of the epithets “unchanging”, “unchanging”, “constantly”.

You were divided into groups in advance, each group member had his own homework

1 group . Evening at the Scherer salon.

Card No. 1B social status

characters and their relationship to each other.

Card No. 1B Topics of conversation: how interesting they are to those talking

Watch the beginning of the movie.

We hear the heroes, and they speak French. Doesn't it bother you that there is a war going on with Napoleon, and in St. Petersburg the highest nobility speak French?

Why does L. Tolstoy introduce French speech?

This was the way it was accepted. Knowledge of French was mandatory for a nobleman.

So, before us educated people. We can assume that in French we will hear philosophical thoughts about life, witty remarks, interesting conversations

What are we talking about?

Role-playing dialogue reading (in Russian).

This is the birth of gossip about Hippolyte the womanizer, about his relationship with Princess Bolkonskaya, about the unenviable position of the “officer” of Prince Andrei.

-Prove that this is gossip (lie).

-Prince Andrei later characterizes his wife as a rare woman with whom you can be calm for your honor.

-She pulled away when Ippolit “forgot” to remove his hands while handing over the shawl.

-She gets into the carriage, not paying attention to Hippolyte’s cries .

Well, education, knowledge foreign languages not always a sign of intelligence, decency, internal culture. Perhaps L. Tolstoy introduces French speech to show that behind the external gloss of some heroes there is an inner emptiness hidden.

Card no. 1A Pierre's behavior and the mistress's attitude towards him

Card no. 2A highlight the comparisons used by the author, what do they indicate?

We hardly see sincere, living people. The writer talks about the lack of spirituality among most of the guests and the hostess herself. This is the highest light. What is the middle progressive nobility?

Group 2: (also on cards) Pierre Bezukhov visiting Prince Andrei

Card no. 2b Andrey at the evening at Sherer's.Describe the portrait, manner of speaking and behaving in society. What features are expressed in his appearance?

Card no. 2B Liza Bolkonskaya at an evening at Sherer's

Card no. 3B Andrey and Pierre's attitude towards each other(film excerpt)

Card no. 4A Andrey's monologue about Bonoparte. How did you understand it?

Group 3 Entertainment of secular youth:

Dolokhov's behavior

Anatol Kuragin in the characterization of his father, in his behavior at the evening

Fun with a bear and its consequences(film excerpt)

The attitude of Andrei Bolkonsky and Count Rostov to such a pastime

Would you like to continue communicating with such representatives of the aristocracy as Vasily Kuragin, Dolokhov, etc.? No? Why? Then we leave the salon.

4 group Name day at the Rostovs

The attitude of Count and Countess Rostov to guests and to each other

Behavior and interests of children in the Rostov house

The atmosphere during the birthday dinner (the topic of conversation, how interesting they are to those talking, the general atmosphere)(film excerpt)

Group 5 Events in the house of Count Bezukhov

The behavior of Prince Vasily Kuragin, his interests

The behavior of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, its reasons

Boris Drubetskoy and Pierre Bezukhov in this situation

Group 6 Bolkonsky family in Bald Mountains

- the old prince's past

- occupations and interests of a local nobleman

- Princess Marya Bolkonskaya

- relationship between father and children

Result: novel pictriple on contrasts. The episodes reviewed show the main layers of Russian society and outline the main storylines that reflect the complexity and diversity of life. High society hypocritical and prim, the middle nobility is the complete opposite: hospitable and welcoming, everything here is sincere and humane

Summary (about morality in society)


    something I thought about especially seriously while working on the episodes...

    I was surprised...

    It was especially important for me to understand...

Teacher: Yes, it may take a lifetime to find some answers.

For students for the lesson Feedback on the performance they watched. Reviews are always subjective and individual. There is no need to retell the plot of the play. Tell us how the images embodied by the actors corresponded to your ideas about the heroes of the work. You may want to compare the performance you watched with other productions of this work, if you have seen them before. Five centuries, Prometheus, Apples of the Hesperides. Zhukovsky V. A. Stories from the series “Notes of a Hunter”: Bezhin Meadow, Burmistr, Biryuk.

Tolstoy L. N. Story “Poor People” Korolenko V. G. In a bad society. Dostoevsky F. M. Boy at Christ's Christmas tree. Stories “Thick and Thin”, “Joke. Pantry of the sun. Astafiev V. P. Horse with a pink mane.

Messages on the forum: 809.325 Registered users: 21.811 Random discussion: Instructions for assembling a garage pencil case Next discussion: Entertainment for secular youth evening at Dolokhov's.

  1. Tolstoy vividly painted the image of the adventurer Dolokhov. Duels, drinking bouts, “pranks” in the company of “golden youth”, playing with your own and other people’s lives.
  2. Ptichy's essay phonetic analysis of the word R Entertainment of secular youth evening at Dolokhov's Orange River description by.
  3. 3rd grade · Entertainment for secular youth, evening at Dolokhov's · Orange river description according to plan · How do good deeds make a person beautiful?
  4. This would be a flagrant violation of secular norms that would throw.
  5. They pointed to the house until they realized something even more powerful - entertainment. But he swore - secular, but for now held back the gusts of wind. And comet joe to the holy time is still called norn, youth, in her opinion.

O. Henry Leader of the Redskins. Gifts of the Magi. Jack London Love of life. Additionally Black Sasha.

Diary of Fox Mickey Paustovsky K. G. Distant years. The last damn thing. Electric machine. Trees grow for everyone. Traveler with luggage.

To good people - Good morning. Bronze bird Bulychev K. A girl to whom nothing will happen. Girl from the city.

Pierre on the beautiful, soulless Helen, especially the last evening, when And the fun of the “golden youth”, who know full well that their parents Moreover, for Dolokhov there is no sincere friendship. Bird phonetic analysis of the word · Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf plan · Entertainment for secular youth evening at Dolokhov's · River. Tolstoy vividly painted the image of the adventurer Dolokhov. Duels, drinking bouts, “pranks” in the company of “golden youth,” playing with his own and other people’s lives become an end in itself for him. The image of Dolokhov is an example of noble adventuristic militancy.

Entertainment of secular youth (evening at Dolokhov’s) (chapter 6). The Rostov family (characters, atmosphere, interests). Hosts welcome guests.

Pristavkin A. A golden cloud spent the night. O. Wilde The Canterville Ghost Jack London White Fang Riordan R. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Assignment based on the story by N.V. Gogol. The witch collects stars.

The devil is happy that Vakula decided to sell his soul out of love for Oksana. Travel on the line to St. Petersburg. The devil depicted in the portrait of Vakula.

Patsyuk. Episode: Vakula and Patsyuk. Textbook on the Russian language - paragraph 9. Read chapters 1. Orally answer the question:. Re-read chapters 1,3-1.

How to understand the words of Yeshua: “ evil people not in the world"? Which passages from the Yershalaim chapters seem most significant to you? What events in the Yershalaim chapters are evidence of Bulgakov’s idea: good cannot be completely destroyed, this is moral basis, on which any society should be built? Is it possible to name Professor Preobrazhensky positive hero? Can he be considered an impeccable person? What did the professor mean when he said: “?

The history of the creation of the poem. How many parts would you highlight? How do they relate to each other?

What do we see, what do we touch? Let's note the key words in the first part of the poem. Give examples. What role does anaphora play in the first part of the poem? What vocabulary accompanies this appearance? What sound writing techniques are used by the author?). How is the title character of the poem portrayed, are the author given specific features to her?

Prove with examples from the text. Why, in this case, does not there arise a feeling of monotony, boring repetition, as is felt in the first part of the poem? Which artistic media contribute to a feeling of unreality? What does he imply? The lesson will focus on Luke's role in the drama. What is the meaning of using the past tense in the characters’ self-characteristics?

Which character is opposed to the others? How does Luke affect night shelters?

What does Luke say to each of the inhabitants of the shelter? Bunin? 8. Why did it come only when the heroes separated? What torments the hero the most? What would change if the heroine told the lieutenant her first and last name?

Why of the two definitions of what happened given by the heroine (“ sunstroke” and “eclipse”), was the first chosen as the title of the story? Choose one of the statements below and write an essay based on the story by I. A. Bunin. Take a line from a statement as an epigraph or title. Also, the topic of the essay can be called as follows: . Dostoevsky) Man, be a man, for, living madly, you are an ox; indulging in fornication, you are a pig or a mad horse; living treacherously, you are a serpent and an asp; acting recklessly, you are an ass; when you're restless. But the Lord said before your existence, O man: “Let us make man in our image and likeness” (Gen.

Saint John Chrysostom) My life is a reverent and joyful communion of the eternal and temporary, near and far. Bunin) This short life eternal change.

I will tirelessly console myself with this early sun, the smoke over the village, In the fresh park of leaves slowly falling. And you, familiar old bench. To future poets, unknown to me, God will leave a secret - the memory of me: I will become their dreams, I will become incorporeal, inaccessible to Death, - a wonderful ghost. In this pink park, in this silence.

Bunin for his poem? How does this reflect the author's intent? What does the author achieve through this? Which verses most clearly emphasize this? How do they reflect the main idea of ​​the poem? What trope is present here and how does this characterize the lyrical hero?

Isolate the plot backbone of the story, identifying the exposition, the plot, the development of the action, the climax and the denouement. What elements of the picture depicted are not motivated by the plot, that is, not connected with it in any way?

Why main character deprived of a name? How does the author describe it? How is society shown in the story? What images in the story have symbolic meaning?

I. A. Bunin Stories “Mr. from San Francisco”, “Clean Monday”, “Easy Breathing” A. I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya", "Duel" M.

Gorky's play "At the Bottom". Yesenin's poem "Anna Snegina" V. V. Mayakovsky poem “Cloud in Pants” by A.

A. Akhmatova “Requiem” M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, “Heart of a Dog” M. A. Sholokhov Novel-epic « Quiet Don", "Don Stories" ("Mole", "Alien Blood", "Food Commissar") A.

P. Platonov “Return”, “In the Beautiful and furious world», « Hidden Man", "At the dawn of foggy youth" B. L. Pasternak. The novel "Doctor Zhivago" by V.

T. Shalamov “Kolyma stories” A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matrenin’s Dvor”, “Gulag Archipelago” V. P. Astafiev “Lyudochka”, “Sad Detective” V. V. Bykov “Sotnikov” V. Kondratyev "Sashka" B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was war” E.

Zamyatin “We” Yu. V. Trifonov “Exchange” V. M. Shukshin Stories “Freak”, “Cut off”, “Microscope”, “Alyosha Beskonvoyny”, “Letter”, “Sorry, madam!” V. S. Rozov “Forever Alive” A. Vampilov “Elder Son” A.

Pristavkin “The golden cloud spent the night” Ch. Aitmatov “The Scaffold” Homework on literature for 3. Why did the meeting with P. Karataev return Pierre’s sense of the beauty of the world? Subject people's war(ch. How the author explains the causes and significance of guerrilla warfare.

What is the significance of the image of Tikhon Shcherbaty in the novel? The death of Petya Rostov (part. What words in the text help to clearly imagine the whole scene? What thoughts and feelings does Petya’s death give rise to in the reader? Individual tasks: 4. (To Prozorov L., Derevitskaya N.) Tolstoy about the war 1.

Personality of Kutuzov (part. What does the author see as the main significance Patriotic War 1. Kutuzova? 5. (To Zykov Yu., Vasenin A.) Pierre after captivity (part. How did Pierre begin to relate to others after returning from captivity? Melnikov S., Putintsev I.) Pierre’s meeting with Natasha (part. Determine ideological and compositional the significance of these chapters in the novel.

Why does Tolstoy begin his description of the battle by describing its disposition? Why is the battle shown through Pierre's eyes? How did Pierre become convinced of the truth of the old soldier’s words: ? Why Prince Andrey? Are the words of Prince Andrei fair that the French should be executed? Did Pierre find his place among the soldiers at Raevsky's battery? Is it easy to be Russian in battle?

Show this using the example of Prince Andrei's regiment. Heroism and courage of the participants in the battle. How does the scene with the portrait of his son and the phrase: ? What is the mood in the French camp?

How is the true heroism of the people revealed in one of the episodes of the Battle of Borodino - at the Raevsky battery? What meaning does Tolstoy put into words about the moral victory of the Russian army? Image of war 1. I part 2- 3)1. Analysis of the review scene in Braunau (part. The uselessness and unpreparedness of the war. The attitude of Kutuzov and the soldiers towards it. Tolstoy’s attitude towards the war.

His assertion of the senselessness and inhumanity of war. The storyline of Nikolai Rostov, her role (part Description of the Battle of Shengraben.

Tolstoy, the cowardice of Zherkov and the staff officer, the ostentatious courage of Dolokhov, the true heroism of Timokhin and Tushin (part of Andrei, dreams of? What are the hostess and visitors of the salon like (their relationships, interests, views on politics, behavior, Tolstoy’s attitude towards them) ? Which characters and in what order does Tolstoy introduce the reader in the first chapters of the novel?

French and Russian in the description of Anna Pavlovna's salon. Name the details that reveal the spiritual closeness of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Hosts welcome guests. Her interests and behavior. Gift from Countess-Mother Anna Drubetskaya. Attitudes towards war between guests and hosts. Entertainment and customs of the Rostovs.

Bolkonsky (character, interests, activities, family relationships, war). Raskolnikov's theory and its collapse. The fate of the humiliated and insulted on the pages of the novel. Riot of Rodion Raskolnikov. What the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky made me think about.

The image of Raskolnikov in the novel. The meaning of the novel's title. What kind of punishment are we talking about in the novel? Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov. Comparative characteristics.

The Christian concept of F. M. Dostoevsky and its humanism in the novel. How Raskolnikov's theory is debunked in the novel. Why did he torture her? How are his relationships with others? Why is he separated from the world, who is to blame for this? What is worse for him than hard labor?

Why didn't he repent of his crime? Why did the convicts fall in love with Sonya? What role did illness and the dream he had during his illness play in Raskolnikov’s revival? What helped Raskolnikov to revive? How did Raskolnikov help Sonya? What role does the author assign to the “Epilogue” in understanding the meaning of the entire novel?

When the reader first meets Sonya (Part.

^ II. Lecture material.

The novel “War and Peace” is one of the most patriotic works in Russian literature of the 19th century. K. Simonov recalled: “For my generation, who saw the Germans at the gates of Moscow and at the walls of Stalingrad, reading “War and Peace” at that period of our lives became an forever remembered shock, not only aesthetic, but also moral...” It was “War and Peace”. "peace" became during the war years the book that most directly strengthened the spirit of resistance that gripped the country in the face of an enemy invasion... "War and Peace" was the first book that came to our minds then, during the war."

The first reader of the novel, the wife of the writer S.A. Tolstaya, wrote to her husband: “I am rewriting War and Peace and your novel lifts me up morally, that is, spiritually.”

What can be said about L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” based on the statements heard?
1. The history of the creation of the novel.

Tolstoy worked on the novel War and Peace from 1863 to 1869. The novel demanded from the writer maximum creative output, full exertion of all spiritual forces. During this period, the writer said: “Every day of labor you leave a piece of yourself in the inkwell.”

The story was originally conceived for modern theme“The Decembrists” only three chapters remain from it. S. A. Tolstaya notes in her diaries that at first L. N. Tolstoy was going to write about the Decembrist who returned from Siberia, and the action of the novel was supposed to begin in 1856 (amnesty of the Decembrists, Alexander II) on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. In the process of work, the writer decided to talk about the uprising of 1825, then pushed back the beginning of the action to 1812 - the time of the childhood and youth of the Decembrists. But since the Patriotic War was closely connected with the campaign of 1805-1807. Tolstoy decided to start the novel from this time.

As the plan progressed, there was an intense search for the title of the novel. The original, “Three Times,” soon ceased to correspond to the content, because from 1856 to 1825 Tolstoy moved further and further into the past; Only one time was in the spotlight - 1812. So a different date appeared, and the first chapters of the novel were published in the magazine “Russian Messenger” under the title “1805”. In 1866 it appears new option, no longer concretely historical, but philosophical: “All’s well that ends well.” And finally, in 1867 - another title where the historical and philosophical formed a certain balance - “War and Peace”.

The writing of the novel was preceded by a huge amount of work on historical materials. The writer used Russian and foreign sources about the War of 1812, carefully studied the archives, Masonic books, acts and manuscripts of the 1810-1820s in the Rumyantsev Museum, read the memoirs of contemporaries, family memoirs of the Tolstoys and Volkonskys, private correspondence from the era of the Patriotic War, met I talked with people who remembered 1812 and wrote down their stories. Having visited and carefully examined the Borodino field, he compiled a map of the location of Russian and French troops. The writer admitted, talking about his work on the novel: “Wherever historical figures speak and act in my story, I did not invent, but used material from which I accumulated and formed a whole library of books during my work” (see diagram in Appendix 1).
2. Historical background and the problems of the novel.

The novel "War and Peace" tells about the events that took place during three stages of Russia's struggle with Bonapartist France. Volume 1 describes the events of 1805, when Russia fought in alliance with Austria on its territory; in the 2nd volume - 1806-1811, when Russian troops were in Prussia; Volume 3 - 1812, volume 4 - 1812-1813. Both are dedicated to a broad depiction of the Patriotic War of 1812, which Russia waged on its native soil. In the epilogue, the action takes place in 1820. Thus, the action in the novel covers fifteen years.

The basis of the novel is historical military events, artistically translated by the writer. We learn about the war of 1805 against Napoleon, where the Russian army acted in alliance with Austria, about the battles of Schöngraben and Austerlitz, about the war in alliance with Prussia in 1806 and the Peace of Tilsit. Tolstoy depicts the events of the Patriotic War of 1812: the passage of the French army across the Neman, the retreat of the Russians into the interior of the country, the surrender of Smolensk, the appointment of Kutuzov as commander-in-chief, Battle of Borodino, council in Fili, leaving Moscow. The writer depicts events that testify to the indestructible power of the national spirit of the Russian people, which suppressed the French invasion: Kutuzov’s flank march, the Battle of Tarutino, the growth of the partisan movement, the collapse of the invading army and the victorious end of the war.

The range of problems in the novel is very wide. It reveals the reasons for the military failures of 1805-1806; the example of Kutuzov and Napoleon shows the role of individuals in military events and in history; pictures of guerrilla warfare are painted with extraordinary artistic expressiveness; reflects the great role of the Russian people, who decided the outcome of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Simultaneously with historical problems era of the Patriotic War of 1812, the novel also reveals current issues of the 60s. 19th century about the role of the nobility in the state, about the personality of a true citizen of the Motherland, about the emancipation of women, etc. Therefore, the novel reflects the most significant phenomena of political and public life countries, various ideological movements (Freemasonry, legislative activity of Speransky, the emergence of the Decembrist movement in the country). Tolstoy depicts high-society receptions, entertainment of secular youth, ceremonial dinners, balls, hunting, Christmas fun of gentlemen and servants. Pictures of transformations in the village by Pierre Bezukhov, scenes of the rebellion of Bogucharovsky peasants, episodes of indignation of urban artisans reveal the nature of social relations, village life and city life.

The action takes place either in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow, then in the Bald Mountains and Otradnoye estates. Military events - in Austria and Russia.

Social problems are resolved in connection with one or another group of characters: images of representatives of the masses who saved their homeland from the French invasion, as well as images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. Tolstoy poses the problem of the masses and individuals in history; the images of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky - the question of the leading figures of the era; images of Natasha Rostova, Marya Bolkonskaya, Helen - affects women's question; images of representatives of the court bureaucratic horde - the problem of criticism of rulers.
3. The meaning of the novel's title, characters and composition.

Did the heroes of the novel have prototypes? Tolstoy himself, when asked about this, answered negatively. However, researchers later established that the image of Ilya Andreevich Rostov was written taking into account family legends about the writer’s grandfather. The character of Natasha Rostova was created on the basis of studying the personality of the writer’s sister-in-law Tatyana Andreevna Bers (Kuzminskaya).

Later, many years after Tolstoy’s death, Tatyana Andreevna wrote interesting memoirs about her youth “My life at home and in Yasnaya Polyana" This book is rightly called “the memoirs of Natasha Rostova.”

In total there are over 550 people in the novel. Without so many heroes, it was not possible to solve the task that Tolstoy himself formulated as follows: “Capture everything,” that is, to give the broadest panorama of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century (compare with the novels “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev, “What is to be done? "Chernyshevsky, etc.). The very sphere of communication between the characters in the novel is extremely wide. If we remember Bazarov, then he is mainly given in communication with the Kirsanov brothers and Odintsova. Tolstoy's heroes, be it A. Bolkonsky or P. Bezukhov, are given in communication with dozens of people.

The title of the novel figuratively conveys its meaning.

“Peace” is not only a peaceful life without war, but also that community, that unity to which people should strive.

“War” is not only bloody battles and battles that bring death, but also the separation of people, their enmity. The title of the novel implies its main idea, which was successfully defined by Lunacharsky: “The truth lies in the brotherhood of people, people should not fight each other. And that's all characters show how a person approaches or departs from this truth.”

The antithesis inherent in the title determines the grouping of images in the novel. Some heroes (Bolkonsky, Rostov, Bezukhov, Kutuzov) are “people of peace” who hate not only war in its literal sense, but also the lies, hypocrisy, and selfishness that divide people. Other heroes (Kuragin, Napoleon, Alexander I) are “people of war” (regardless, of course, of their personal participation in military events, which brings disunity, enmity, selfishness, criminal immorality).

The novel has an abundance of chapters and parts, most of which have plot completeness. Brief chapters and the many parts allow Tolstoy to move the narrative in time and space and thereby fit hundreds of episodes into one novel.

If in the novels of other writers a large role in the composition of images was played by excursions into the past, unique backstories of the characters, then Tolstoy’s hero always appears in the present tense. The story of their life is given without any temporal completeness. The narrative in the epilogue of the novel ends at the outbreak of a whole series of new conflicts. P. Bezukhov turns out to be a participant in secret Decembrist societies. And N. Rostov is his political antagonist. Essentially, we can start with the epilogue new novel about these heroes.
4. Genre.

For a long time they could not determine the genre of “War and Peace”. It is known that Tolstoy himself refused to define the genre of his creation and objected to calling it a novel. It's just a book - like the Bible.
“What is “War and Peace”?

This is not a novel, still less a poem, even less a historical chronicle.

“War and Peace” is what the author wanted and could express

in the form in which it was expressed

^ L. N. Tolstoy.
“... This is not a novel at all, not historical novel, not even stories-

A historical chronicle is a family chronicle... it’s a true story, and a family true story.”

N. Strakhov
“...an original and multifaceted work, “combining

an epic, a historical novel and a right essay.”

I. S. Turgenev
In our time, historians and literary scholars have called “War and Peace” as an “epic novel.”

“Novel” features: plot development, in which there is a beginning, development of action, climax, denouement - for the entire narrative and for each storyline separately; interaction of the environment with the character of the hero, the development of this character.

Signs of an epic - theme (the era of major historical events); ideological content- “the moral unity of the narrator with the people in their heroic activities, patriotism... glorification of life, optimism; complexity of the composition; the author’s desire for a national-historical generalization.”

Some literary scholars define War and Peace as a philosophical and historical novel. But we must remember that history and philosophy in the novel are only components. The novel was not created to recreate history, but as a book about the life of an entire people, a nation, artistic truth was created. Therefore, this is an epic novel.
III. Checking the notes (key points on the questions).

1. Retelling of the lecture and textbook materials p. 240-245.

2. Choose a topic for an essay on the novel “War and Peace”:

a) Why can Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky be called the best people their time?

b) “The Club of the People’s War.”

c) The real heroes of 1812

d) Court and military “drones”.

e) Favorite heroine of L. Tolstoy.

f) What do Tolstoy’s favorite heroes see as the meaning of life?

g) Spiritual evolution of Natasha Rostova.

h) The role of a portrait in creating an image - a character.

i) The character’s speech as a means of characterizing him in the novel.

j) Landscape in the novel “War and Peace”.

k) Theme of true and false patriotism in the novel.

l) Mastery of psychological analysis in the novel “War and Peace” (using the example of one of the characters).

3. Prepare for the conversation on Volume I, Part 1.

a) Salon of A.P. Scherer. What are the hostess and the visitors of her salon like (their relationships, interests, views on politics, behavior, Tolstoy’s attitude towards them)?

b) P. Bezukhov (chap. 2-6, 12-13, 18-25) and A. Bolkonsky 9th chapter. 3-60 at the beginning of the path and ideological quest.

c) Entertainment for secular youth (evening at Dolokhov’s, chapter 6).

d) The Rostov family (characters, atmosphere, interests), chapters 7-11, 14-17.

e) Bald Mountains, the estate of General N.A. Bolkonsky (character, interests, activities, family relationships, war), ch. 22-25.

f) What is different and common in the behavior of people at the Rostovs’ name day and in the house in Bald Mountains compared to the Scherer salon?

5. Individual task. Message “Historical commentary” on the contents of the novel “War and Peace” (Appendix 2).
Appendix 1

L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” History of creation.

Conclusion:“I tried to write the history of the people.”

1857 - after a meeting with the Decembrists, L.N. Tolstoy conceived a novel about one of them.

1825 - “Involuntarily, I moved from the present to 1825, the era of my hero’s delusions and misfortunes.”

1812 - “To understand my hero, I need to travel back to his youth, which coincided with the glorious era of 1812 for Russia.”

1805 - “I was ashamed to write about our triumph without describing our failures and our shame.”

Conclusion: A huge amount of material has accumulated about historical events 1805-1856 and the concept of the novel changed. The events of 1812 were at the center, and the Russian people became the hero of the novel.
Appendix 2

Historical commentary to volume I of the novel “War and Peace.”

In the first volume of the epic novel “War and Peace,” the action takes place in 1805.

In 1789, at the time of the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte (in his homeland, the island of Corsica, his surname was pronounced Buanaparte) was 20 years old, and he served as a lieutenant in a French regiment.

In 1793, a counter-revolutionary uprising supported by the English fleet occurred in Toulon, a port city on the Mediterranean Sea. The revolutionary army besieged Toulon from land, but could not take it for a long time, until no one appeared famous captain Bonaparte. He laid out his plan for taking the city and carried it out.

This victory made 24-year-old Bonaparte a general, and hundreds of young men began to dream of their Toulon.

Then there were 2 years of disgrace, until 1795 there was a counter-revolutionary uprising against the Convention. They remembered the young, decisive general, called him, and he, with complete fearlessness, shot a huge crowd in the middle of the city from cannons. The following year, he led the French army operating in Italy, walked along the most dangerous road through the Alps, defeated the Italian army in 6 days, and then the selected Austrian troops.

Returning from Italy to Paris, General Bonaparte was greeted as a national hero.

After Italy there was a campaign in Egypt, Syria to fight the British on the territory of their colonies, then - triumphant return to France, the destruction of the gains of the French Revolution and the post of first consul (from 1799).

In 1804 he proclaimed himself emperor. And shortly before the coronation he committed another cruelty: he executed the Duke of Enghien, who belonged to the French royal house of Bourbon.

Proposed by the revolution and having destroyed its conquests, he is preparing a war with the main enemy - England.

In England they were also preparing: they managed to conclude an alliance with Russia and Austria, whose combined troops moved west. Instead of landing in England, Napoleon had to meet them halfway.

Russia's military actions against France were caused primarily by the tsarist government's fear of the “revolutionary infection” spreading throughout Europe.

However, under the Austrian fortress of Braunau, an army of forty thousand under the command of Kutuzov was on the verge of disaster due to the defeat of the Austrian troops. Fighting off the advanced units of the enemy, the Russian army began to retreat in the direction of Vienna to join forces coming from Russia.

But French troops entered Vienna before Kutuzov’s army, which faced the threat of destruction. It was then that, fulfilling Kutuzov’s plan, General Bagration’s four-thousandth detachment accomplished a feat near the village of Shengraben: he stood in the way of the French and made it possible for the main forces of the Russian army to escape from the trap.

The efforts of the Russian commanders and the heroic actions of the soldiers ultimately did not bring victory: on December 2, 1805, in the battle of Austerlitz, the Russian army was defeated.

Questions about the novel "War and Peace" 1.Which of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" is the bearer of the theory of non-resistance?

2.Which member of the Rostov family in the novel “War and Peace” wanted to give carts for the wounded?
3.What does the author compare the evening in Anna Pavlovna Sherer’s salon in the novel “War and Peace” to?
4.Who is part of the family of Prince Vasily Kuragin in the novel "War and Peace"?
5. Having returned home from captivity, Prince Andrei comes to the idea that “happiness is only the absence of these two evils.” Which ones exactly?

Essay. Depiction of the War of 1812 in the novel War and Peace. according to the plan, supposedly (in the role of critics) 1) introduction (why

called war and peace. Tolstoy’s views on war. (3 sentences approximately)

2) the main part (the main image of the war of 1812, the thoughts of the heroes, war and nature, the participation in the war of the main characters (Rostov, Bezukhov, Bolkonsky), the role of commanders in the war, how the army behaves.

3) conclusion, conclusion.

Please help, I just read it a long time ago, but now I didn’t have time to read it. PLEASE HELP



1) header in which it is entered keyword

2) 2 adjectives

3) 3 verbs

4) a phrase carrying certain meaning

5) summary, conclusion



1. epic novel

2.historical, world

3. convinces, teaches, narrates

4. learned a lot of lessons (me)

5, encyclopedia of life

Help please! War and peace! Answer questions about the Battle of Shengraben:

1. Trace the contrast between the behavior of Dolokhov and Timokhin in battle. What's the difference? (Part 2, Ch. 20-21)
2. Tell us about the behavior of officer Zherkov in battle? (Ch. 19)
3. Tell us about the Tushin battery. What is her role in battle? (Ch. 20-21)
4. The name of Prince Andrei is also correlated with the problem of heroism. Do you remember with what thoughts he went to war? How have they changed? (Part 2, Chapter 3, 12, 20-21).

1) Does Leo Tolstoy like the characters presented in the Sherer salon?

2) What is the point of comparing the interior of A.P. Scherer with a spinning workshop (chapter 2)? What words would you use to define the communication between the hostess and her guests? Is it possible to say from them: “they are all different and all the same”? Why?
3) Re-read the portrait description of Ippolit Kuragin (chapter 3). As one of the researchers noted, “his cretinism in the novel is not accidental” (A.A. Saburov “War and Peace of L. Tolstoy”). Why do you think? What is the meaning of the striking similarity between Hippolytus and Helen?
4) What stood out among the guests of the salon were Pierre and A. Bolkonsky? Can it be said that Pierre’s speech in defense of Napoleon and the French Revolution, partly supported by Bolkonsky, creates A.P. in the salon. Sherer situation of “woe from mind” (A.A. Saburov)?
5) Episode “Salon A.P. Scherer” is “linked” (using Tolstoy’s own word, denoting the internal connection of individual paintings) with a description (Chapter 6) of the entertainment of St. Petersburg’s “golden” youth. Her “joint riot” is “salon stiffness topsy-turvy.” Do you agree with this assessment?
6) Episode “Salon A.P. Scherer" is linked by contrast (a characteristic compositional device in the novel) with the episode "Name Day at the Rostovs".
7) And the episode “Salon A.P. Sherer”, and the episode “Name Day at the Rostovs” are in turn linked with chapters depicting the Bolkonsky family nest.
8) Can you name the purposes of different visitors coming to the salon?
9) But at the same time, a foreign element is detected in the cabin. Someone clearly doesn’t want to be a faceless “spindle”? Who is this?
10) What do we learn about Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky, barely crossing the threshold of the salon of Her Majesty's maid of honor A.P. Scherer?
11) Do they belong in a high society living room, judging only by the portraits and demeanor of the characters?
12) Compare the portrait of Pierre and Prince Vasily and their manner of behavior.
13) Name the details that reveal the spiritual closeness of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky.