Extracurricular activity "etiquette or the basics of good manners." Extracurricular event “Travel to the land of etiquette” Scenario of an etiquette event for elementary school

ABC of etiquette. Theme evening (scenario)/ Comp. L.D. Yakubinskaya / Poltavskaya central library PI "Center for Culture and Art of Poltava municipal district" – r.p. Poltavka, Omsk region, 2012.

State institution

"Center for Culture and Art of the Poltava Municipal District"

Poltava Central Library

ABC of etiquette

(theme evening)

r.p. Poltavka

Presenter 1;
Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about what the concept of “etiquette” includes, as well as some rules of behavior in modern society.
Etiquette is not a vignette

And not a stylish suit,

He also has a sense of life,

And education and intelligence.

He is always needed everywhere

We are on the path of life.

If you are friendly with etiquette,

Everyone will be glad to see you.
The word “etiquette” is of French origin. At one of the magnificent receptions of King Louis XIV, guests were given cards listing some rules of behavior.

From the French the name of the card is “label” and the word “etiquette” came from, which later entered the languages ​​of many peoples of the world. Etiquette is the result of the experience of many generations. The rules that humanity has developed are international; they are generally the same in all countries, although they have their own national characteristics.
Presenter 2: Etiquette is a form of attitude towards another person, a rule of human behavior among people. Generally accepted etiquette helps all people communicate. Only after mastering its basics can you safely set out on a journey through life.
Presenter 1: Knowing the rules of cultural behavior, you will feel more confident in society, you will not get into trouble by acting or doing something that, according to etiquette, is considered disrespectful to others. There is no need to cram the rules, just understand their meaning.

The rules of human behavior in society, good manners are not an idle invention of a sophisticated mind, they have been developed over centuries and are dictated by concern for a person.
- We take purity and beauty from the ancients,

We drag tales and sagas from the past,

Because good remains good

In the past, future and present.

V. Vysotsky.
- It is goodness that dictates one simple rule of etiquette: a person, with his behavior and appearance, should not cause inconvenience to others, or offend their aesthetic and moral feelings. Wherever a person is, he cannot behave as he pleases; he must take into account other people.
Presenter 2: It is not that difficult to have good manners; it is not difficult to say hello to people when you meet them.

When you wake up in the morning and meet your family, you should definitely say hello. But the way you say: “ Good morning!”, the mood of your household will depend.

Going out into the street, you meet friends and acquaintances. You should start saying your greeting no earlier than you are two meters closer to each other. When you enter school, be sure to say hello to the cloakroom attendant, classmates and, of course, teachers. When greeting adults, it is best to use the generally accepted phrases in these cases: “Good afternoon!”, “Good morning!”
Presenter 1 ; It’s so nice to be polite, friendly, and kind to people.

Now let's do a little warm-up game.

- The game is like this: I tell you the first part of the proverb or saying, and you, dear friends, take turns finishing it.

  • Bow my head......... ..(will not get sick).

  • From polite words language......... .(will not dry out).

  • My word of honor and a wild head........... .(humbling).

  • In someone else's house, don't be observant, but be........ .(friendly).

  • Wherever they imprison you, sit there, and where they don’t tell you to......... ...(don't look there).

  • Talk without thinking what to shoot .............................(without aiming).

  • Learn good, so bad...................................... ...(off the top of my head).

Presenter 2: It is customary all over the world to say hello when meeting. What kind of gestures did the residents come up with? different countries to greet each other!

Our next competition is called "Gesture of greetings." Teams take turns calling out the greetings they know. The presenter adds answers that were not named: (shake hands, hug and kiss on both cheeks; rub noses, take off hat, cross arms on chest and bow head; bow, offering right hand to the chest, to the forehead, then to the lips and heart; touch each other’s hands, shoulders, clothes; pat on the shoulder with a smile).
Presenter 1: Court scholars wrote the book “Etiquette.” In it, they first identified two main things: what needs to be said and what needs to be done in the most different situations. Much time has passed since then, and etiquette has embraced all aspects of life.

We bring to your attention excerpts from modern rules of etiquette.
Etiquette rules

1. The person you are greeting should look into the eyes in a friendly and welcoming manner. If you cannot see a person's face, you need to turn your head towards his voice.

2. The person entering is the first to greet those present.

3. When coming to visit, first of all, they greet the hostess of the house, then the owner, then the others.
Presenter 2: - What do we look like? Each of us asks ourselves this question. A Russian proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind.”

A polite, well-mannered person will always think about his appearance was pleasant to those around him.

Let's imagine a man with a beautiful face, and sloppy, tastelessly dressed.

Can such a person be called perfect? (Answers).

Clothes play important role in our lives. It should decorate a person, emphasize his advantages appearance and hide his shortcomings. Believe me, a person with good appearance can turn into a caricature of himself just from one detail of his costume.

The main requirement is neatness.

Have you all seen the garden scarecrow - in torn clothes and a hat askew? It is no coincidence that sloppy, careless people are called “garden scarecrow.”

Agree, it’s nice to look at a person if he is wearing clean shoes, ironed clothes, and neatly combed hair.
“Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts.”

A.P. Chekhov.

Presenter 1: And now we bring to your attention a quiz dedicated to the rules of etiquette in modern society.
Quiz "Modern Etiquette"


  1. What if someone pushed you or said something rude to you? (You should not make a remark to such a person or try to sort things out with him. There is no need to appeal to the decency of a person who does not know what it is.)
2 . Is it possible to use the address “uncle” or “aunt” to someone older in age? (The words “uncle” and “aunt” indicate the degree of relationship. They should not be used in conversation with elders if they are not related to you.)

3 . Is it polite to eat or drink on the street? (It’s indecent, it doesn’t look nice from the outside.)

4 . Is it possible to ask your interlocutor about his monetary income? (A person who respects himself and his interlocutor will never ask about anyone else’s income; he will not talk about his own income.)

5 . Imagine that you are in the reading room of a library and your mobile phone suddenly rings. What will you do? (You need to leave the hall and talk quietly with the caller. You should not talk in the hall, as in any public place: it disturbs those around you.)

6 . We often hear people use the words “man” and “woman” to attract attention. Is this acceptable? (No, etiquette rules require the use of a faceless form of address: “Excuse me,” “Please tell me,” etc.)
Leading 2: One of the important elements of human culture is knowledge of the rules of speech etiquette. The way we speak plays a very important role in shaping our image in the eyes of our interlocutor. It is a pleasure to deal with a well-mannered and polite person. A polite person is friendly towards people, he can understand another person, sympathize, and help him.

With polite words we show our attitude towards the people around us.

It can be so offensive when they answer you harshly, rudely, and, on the contrary, your soul becomes warmer when people you know and don’t know address you gently, tactfully, and respectfully. It’s nice to hear the words “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, etc.

Try to speak kind, polite, good words to people more often.
Presenter 1: The rules of etiquette are also intended to avoid getting into an awkward situation. But if you still find yourself in an awkward, funny situation, you need to look at it from the outside and... laugh at yourself first. Laughing at yourself is much less offensive than listening to the ridicule of others. Often awkward situations arise due to intemperate speech. If you find yourself in such a situation, you just need to apologize.

Minor embarrassments do not require tearful excuses: such behavior can worsen the situation even further. Usually a short “sorry” solves the problem. Even if someone seriously offends you, this is not a reason to sort things out in front of everyone. A scandal not only humiliates both of you, but also embarrasses those around you.
Presenter 2: Let's talk about behavior on the street.

Moving along the street at the pace we need, we need to try not to cause inconvenience - neither to pedestrians nor to motorists.

A well-mannered person does not litter on the street, does not spit, does not point fingers, does not shout at children, does not walk on lawns, does not throw tree stubs, does not crack seeds.

And for drinking alcoholic beverages in public places you may be subject to administrative penalties.

You should not eat while walking. It is better to eat ice cream or a pie while standing at a kiosk or sitting on a bench.
Presenter 1:

It is impolite, while walking down the street, to make loud comments to passers-by about their clothing, height, facial expression, etc.

Young men who even send witty remarks to passing girls sadly demonstrate the shortcomings of their upbringing.

Four of you should never walk down the street. A society of 5 people is divided into a couple and three, so no one is left alone.
Presenter 2: It is very important to get rid of it once and for all bad habits. One of them is LATE. Wherever you go - to study, on a date, to visit - you should always arrive on time. And if you can’t do this, then make the saying “Precision is the politeness of kings” your motto. You must decide once and for all that from now on being on time everywhere is of paramount importance to you.

Another, not only a bad, but also a dangerous habit, like - SMOKING. In fashion these days healthy image life. Smoking is not only prohibited in public places, but is also condemned by the public. By smoking a cigarette in the presence of other people, you not only cause irreparable harm to your health, but also spoil the health of those around you.

A girl who smokes, as statistical studies have shown, looks more vulgar and more accessible in the eyes of a man than a non-smoker.

There are many more reasons why one should refuse this habit. Therefore, instead of a cigarette, put a mint candy in your mouth.

It is generally accepted that a man smokes on the street, although under strict rules good manners this should have been avoided. But if you are asked for a light, it would be more polite to offer a match rather than a smoking cigarette.
Presenter 1: We live in an age of high speeds. Walking is definitely good for your health. But due to large distances, public transport often comes to our aid.

The same rules of politeness apply in transport as elsewhere. Here, just like on the street, we are surrounded by strangers.

Now we will look at several rules of behavior in public transport.

What public transport do you use? (answers).

1. You will never try to squeeze into the bus with all your might in order to find a seat. Let elderly people or young mothers with babies sit in such places. They are the ones who are passed forward when landing.

2. Upon entering the salon, immediately go to its middle, (For what) to make boarding easier for those who come in behind you.

3. It is impolite to stand at the exit, blocking it, if you are not going to go out.

4. If your seat is given up, (in which case you can sit down) You can sit down only if there are no women with heavy bags or grandmothers standing next to you.

5. If you step on someone's foot, apologize immediately, very politely and kindly.

6. Now imagine that someone stepped on your foot? What will you do?

7. If you buy a ticket from the driver, prepare the money in advance so as not to delay the departure of the bus.

8. If you are traveling on public transport crowded with people, how will you behave? It is indecent, while on public transport crowded with people, to try to gain space for yourself by pushing your neighbors with your elbows or your bag. In such cases, the elbows should be pressed to the body. Try not to step on people's feet, do not lean on the person standing next to you. Hold the handrails or the backs of the seats with your hands so as not to fall on other passengers when turning.

9. Try not to sneeze or cough in transport. If you just can’t restrain yourself, be sure to cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or palm.
Presenter 2: Rules of conduct in a taxi:

The rules of good manners require that a passenger getting into a taxi must say hello. Thus, a friendly atmosphere will be established in the cabin during the journey. If the driver is overly talkative, and you don’t want to talk to the driver, you can answer the questions as briefly as possible, in monosyllables, and he himself will guess that he should shut up.

They sit in the front seat, next to the driver, if there is not enough space in the back. But such rules exist only in Russia. In other countries of the world, it is generally not customary to sit next to the driver.

And here is another very important rule, failure to comply with which can lead to the most tragic consequences: you cannot distract the driver with extraneous conversations and requests, because he must watch the road.
Leading 1: How do you spend your free time? (answers). How many of you go to the cinema, concerts, museums? How many of you guys know how to behave at a concert, in a cinema, in a museum?


Nowadays we don’t go to the cinema very often, because many people have video equipment at home. But sometimes it’s really great to go to the cinema to see a sensational film in the company of friends or with your best friend (girlfriend).

1. It is extremely impolite to be late, because you interfere with others’ watching and you yourself won’t know what happened at the beginning. If you still have to disturb those sitting, then apologize and go to your seat facing the audience, but in no case vice versa.

  1. If they pass by you, you can stand up and let them pass.

  2. Try to lower the seats of the chair silently. When standing up, hold the seat with your hand. Don't occupy both armrests at once.

  3. The person sitting in front is unlikely to like it if you lean on the back of his chair or rest your feet on it.

  4. If you don't like movies, refrain from talking and sit silently.

Presenter 2 : When you come to a museum or exhibition, leave all your bags and packages in the cloakroom; they will get in your way. In addition, you may accidentally touch some display case or display and damage something. But the museum displays unique items that exist only in a single copy. Damage cannot always be repaired, which means that the museum will lose a valuable, and possibly priceless, exhibit.

It is not customary for a museum to view the entire exhibition in a matter of minutes. Only a leisurely, calm inspection of the halls or exhibitions will be remembered for a long time and will bring results.

Have you noticed that the museum is very quiet? Try not to disturb this silence, walk around the hall so as not to disturb those around you. Do not stand too close to paintings, sculptures, or in front of other visitors viewing exhibits. Do not point with your finger, much less touch: anything with your hands.

If the tour was led by a museum employee, do not forget to thank him before leaving.
Presenter 1: Concert

How should you behave at a concert?

At a concert, it is acceptable that applause is accompanied by shouts, whistles, and stomping, since at the concert the atmosphere is free, relaxed, screams and whistles are perceived as an expression of delight - and therefore no one will consider you rude.
Presenter 2: The concept of etiquette is very broad - from washing your face to the final heights of human thought. Therefore, we can talk about it endlessly. Remember the main rule of human communication: “Don’t do to others what you don’t want for yourself” and a smile is highly valued in etiquette. So let's smile at each other more often.
Presenter 1: Our event has come to an end. We talked to you about etiquette - a kind of set of rules for communication between people. Everyone is free to choose for themselves whether to comply with its requirements or not. But if you want to make a good impression on people, you cannot do without knowing the rules of good manners. And we hope that our conversation helped you find answers to many questions that may arise during the communication process.
Presenter 2: Every meeting is threatened with separation.

But I'll see you again.

It's so nice to say: "Goodbye!"

To “Hello!” say again.
Presenter 1: No matter how hard life is for us.

We must not lose politeness.

We will pay attention to each other

And we will be able to understand each other.
Now we say to you a polite “Goodbye!” This means that the meeting was pleasant for us.
1. Guseva, E.N. Learning the rules of good manners / E.N. Guseva // Read, learn, play. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 100-102.

2. Kamychek, J. Behavior in public places / J. Kamychek // Politeness for every day. - 1975, pp. 10-37.

3. Gorobchenko, E.N. Know how to behave / E.N. Gorobchenko // Read, study, play. – 2003. - No. 6. – P. 82-83.

4. Malashenko, O.V. ABC of etiquette] / O.V. Malashenko // Read, study, play. – 2009. - No. 7. – P. 108-109.
Script prepared by: Yakubinskaya L.D.,Librarian of the Youth Library Library

Scenario game program on etiquette “Politeness Lessons”.


A literature exhibition has been organized. First, children in the hall are given sheets of quatrains.

Music is playing.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to

our etiquette program “Politeness Lessons”. You, of course,

The word etiquette and the rules of conduct themselves are well known.

Etiquette- a word of French origin. At palace receptions hosted by the “Sun King” Louis XIV, guests were given cards with rules of conduct written on them. The word “etiquette” comes from the name of the label card. The first printed manual on etiquette in Russia appeared in 1717 under Peter I and was called “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Conduct.” In it, following the alphabet and arithmetic, the rules were set out for how to sit at the table and handle a fork and knife, at what distance to take off your hat when meeting friends, and so on.

Etiquette- this is good manners, good manners, the ability to behave in society. Fine educated people must know and follow the rules of etiquette every day, every hour, everywhere.

Music is playing. Clown Busya comes out

Bwuxia: Oh-ho-ho! How many people! Wow! What are you all doing here? AND

no one called me!

Leading: Busya, weren’t you taught to say hello to the guys?

Busya: Nope, why would I say hello?

Leading: Weren't you taught how to get acquainted?

Busya: Here's more! I have nothing else to do but get acquainted!

Leading: You see, guys, how bad it is to be ill-mannered. Let's

Let's help our Busya? Shall we teach her the rules of etiquette?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Let's try again! Busya, you need to be with everyone

say hello and get to know each other!

Busya says hello, but no one hears her.

Leading: Well, is that really how they say hello? Busya, I need to say hello to you

everyone heard. Try again.

Busya: Well, okay, so be it. Hello friends!

Children: Hello!

Busya: My name is Busya! I'm very, very glad that you will teach me the rules

Leading: Presents you with a creative act vocal group "Nika"

Busya: Applause!

Leading: Thanks a lot!

Concert number

Leading: Guys, did you know that inviting guests to your home

you need to know a few rules. For example:

1. The hostess must unwrap the gift she brought and then thank the guests.

2. If you have given flowers and a large bouquet, it is not advisable to place it on the table. It will interfere with communication and take up a lot of space. The bouquet needs to be placed in a vase somewhere nearby, in the room.

3. Guests should be invited to go to the bathroom so that they can clean themselves up, wash their hands, and comb their hair.

Busya: Guys, I suggest you divide into 2 teams and come up with

each team name.

Busya: So, team..., team....

Leading: You will need to raise your hand and answer correctly

Busya: Well, are you ready?

Children: Yes!

Leading: 1. You entered the bus at the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front door. How to greet them ? (Just nod)

Busya: 2. Should you give up your seat on public transport to older people? (Yes)

Presenter: 3. Someone stepped on your foot on the street or in public transport. What will you do? (I won’t say anything, it doesn’t happen to anyone)

Busya: 4. Who should finish first? telephone conversation: the one who called, or the one who was called? (The one who started it)

Presenter: 5. If they brought you a gift wrapped, can you unwrap it and look at it? (Yes, unwrap it and thank the person who gave it)

Busya: 6. Is it possible to interrupt the speaker? (No)

Leading: 7 . You are walking with a friend down the street. He greeted

a stranger to you, paused. Is it necessary

say hello to you? (Yes)

Busya: 8 . Is it possible to tilt a bowl of soup? (If necessary,


Leading: You see, guys, your opinions differ, but sometimes they coincide. I hope you remember the correct answers? And you, Busya, have you learned everything?

Busya: And I learned everything, I’ll try not to forget anything!

Leading: A trio performs for you vocal group"Nika"

Busya: Guys, I need your help. I need 2 from each team


We choose a boy and a girl.

Imagine the case that you came to visit together.

Please show me how to seat a girl at the table.

The team starts...

Music is playing.

Well done. Well, team... are you ready?

Music is playing.

A couple (boy and girl) dramatize the presenter's story.

Leading: Did you know that a gentleman, when inviting a lady to dance, must bow slightly to her with the words: “Allow me to invite you.” However, first, he should make sure that his suit is in perfect order and all the buttons of his jacket are fastened.

If the lady is accompanied by other persons (brother, father, mother, girlfriend), then the gentleman should first bow to them or ask: “May I invite your lady, friend, daughter to dance?”

Having made the invitation, the gentleman either lets the lady go ahead to follow her onto the dance floor, or, if it is not very crowded, offers her his hand.

After the dance, the gentleman must escort his partner to her

table and thank you for the dance.

Busya: Friends, tell me, but you are all so smart, right? Do you know how to run? I need 6 people from each team. At our stand we have 3 pictures, the first one shows a school, the second one shows a forest, a picnic, and the third one shows your friend’s birthday. We also have clothes (he gives each of the teams a stack of sheets of paper, upside down, with clothes written on them). Guys, while listening to cheerful music, you need to take turns hanging your clothes under each picture. What clothes you can wear and where you can wear them is up to you! Are you ready? Let's go!

Music is playing. Game.

Leading: I think everyone completed the task! Busya, now for you

Is it clear how well it is to apply the rules of etiquette in life?

Busya: Yes! Now everything is clear to me!

Leading: What about you guys?

Children: Yes!

Busya: Guys, let's play my favorite game. I'll throw mine

the ball, and the one who catches it will need to read out his


Music is playing.

Give room to old ladies

If it gets too crowded.

Stand still and not melt.

There is no need to litter anything here -

It's a joy to be educated.

Don't throw the candy wrapper on the floor,

If he fell, pick him up.

Don't kick others

And don't get your boots dirty.

Don't sing songs loudly

Slowly close your mouth.

First you agree

Then get ready to visit.

We dress smartly

To look smart.

You got dressed, combed your hair...

Why didn't you wash your face?

Don't go without a gift

You shouldn't feel sorry for him.

If you are not invited,

Don't force your way in.

Don't forget to take off your shoes,

You can't walk around in them at home.

Don't be naughty and don't bite

Don't be offended for no reason.

Don't break tables and furniture,

Wherever you have been as a guest, my friend.

Be well-mannered and modest

Don't poke around in secluded places.

No need to kick a cat

And throw potatoes under the table.

You put on your shoes, took your jacket,

Did he say “Goodbye”?

Music is playing.

Leading: I really hope that today we talked for a reason and you guys,

learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Busya: And I will try to apply the rules of etiquette at school, on the street,

at home, away!

Leading: We wish you all the best!

Busya: See you again!


1. quatrains

4. 3 pictures (school, forest, friend’s birthday)

8. 2 stacks of sheets with different clothes written on them (identical)

Give room to old ladies

If it gets too crowded.

Don’t shout that you’re dreaming of sitting down -

Stand still and not melt.

There is no need to litter anything here -

It's a joy to be educated.

Don't throw the candy wrapper on the floor,

If he fell, pick him up.

Don't kick others

And don't get your boots dirty.

Don't sing songs loudly

Slowly close your mouth.

First you agree

Then get ready to visit.

We dress smartly

To look smart.





Target: Introduce children to the rules of behavior in various situations, help them look at themselves from the outside.


  1. To promote the development of creative original thinking, intelligence, sense of humor, and interest in human culture.
  2. To promote a culture of behavior in adolescents and polite, respectful attitude to people.
  3. Promote the ability to apply acquired knowledge.

Ruin everyone's mood
Maybe your behavior.
Many children don't know
Nothing about etiquette.
And they don’t see anything bad in it,
That someone will be offended.

Hello guys. Today we will talk about etiquette. What is it? Why do we need it? Rules of conduct help you feel more confident in society and avoid getting into an unpleasant situation. There are many rules. In China, for example, there are about thirty thousand ceremonies: how to knock on a house, how to enter, stand up, sit down, take a cup of tea. Here in Russia we also have a whole set of rules, which fit into several books called “Domostroy”.

I invite three teams to join us (5, 6A and 6B). We will try to find out which of them knows the most about etiquette.

You have been invited to a birthday party. What will you do first?(children's answers) Indeed, but everywhere you must follow the rules of decency: on the street, in the store, at home. We will talk about all this, but first, warm up. I ask questions, and you must give correct answers with explanations.

Questions for backfilling:

Who says hello first?boy or girl?(boy)

Who gives their hand first: a boy or a girl?(girl)

Where to put chewing gum if you are visiting, at the table?You need to wrap it in paper and throw it in the trash. You should not leave it in a plate, even in paper, much less stick it to the table.

Is it possible, while talking, to actively gesticulate, to take the interlocutor by the sleeve, by the button?It is forbidden; The rules of etiquette provide for moderation in gestures: a gesture is needed where words cannot be heard.

Is it possible to refuse a gift?When refusing a gift, they emphasize their gratitude for the attention and motivate their refusal (it is indecent to accept a gift or it is very valuable).

Is it possible to give even number flowers?In Estonia, it is customary to give an even number of flowers, but in our country it is an odd number, and the even number is brought to a wake or on the day of the funeral.

When getting on the bus, do you need to say hello to everyone?Only if you have friends. Otherwise, you should just smile.

Is it possible to give flowers to men?Yes, but only on special occasions.

Is it possible to come to visit one hour before the appointed time?No, because you can take the owners by surprise.

What to do if you suddenly forget the name of your interlocutor?It is better to ask the interlocutor to give his name, this is better than calling a person by someone else’s name.

How will you respond if someone asks you to apologize?“Please” or “No problem.”

How to get to your seat in the cinema?In front of the audience.

How long should a man's socks be?The length should be such that under any circumstances the leg is not visible between the top of the sock and the bottom.

How will you talk to your friend's mom on the phone?You definitely need to say hello, state your first and last name, say that you are a friend of her son (if you don’t know each other), and only then ask to call him to the phone.

Until what time can you call someone?(until 9 pm)

What would you do if someone sneezed in the room next to you?If there are a lot of people around the person sneezing, it is not entirely necessary to say: “Be healthy,” it is enough to simply not pay attention to it.

If you need to tell each other something that strangers should not hear, is it possible to say it in a whisper in his ear?Whispering in the presence of third parties is considered the height of indecency.

When should you remove your hat?Women may not remove their headdress; a man must take it off when entering a room. The custom of removing a headdress when meeting is almost a thing of the past.

When showing courtesy (for example, giving up your seat on public transport), is it necessary to be persistent?You should try to be kind, but don't overdo it. For example, like this:

Evgeniy promised his father:

I'll be polite:

I will thank everyone

Be the first to say "hello"!

Here is a boy with diligence

Keeps its promise.

He sees - in the morning at the guardhouse

The watchman on the threshold is dozing.

He didn’t sleep at night on duty,

Just dozed off.

And Evgeniy yells:

WITH good morning, grandfather Fedot!

His grandfather scolded him in his sleep:

Get out, shooter!

Zhenya caught up with Irinka

Yes, as he pulls the scarf:

Where are you going, Irina, stop,

I say hello to you!

She stepped aside...

What an impolite girl...

The teacher was carrying a stack of books,

And Zhenya jumped off the fence.

Almost sat on his shoulders:

Sorry, good evening!

“You,” the counselor shouted, “

Both ignorant and impudent!

Petya is very surprised:

Was he impolite?!

Was he impolite?(children's answers)

Let's observe ourselves from the outside and try to correct our mistakes.

Situation 1. Behavior on the street.Walking down the street sweet couple": a young man takes a sip of beer from a can as he walks, his companion relishes gnawing on sunflower seeds. An acquaintance sees them and starts waving his hands and shouting to say hello.

Question: What do you think about their behavior? Maybe you behave this way yourself? Or do you think it’s normal because everyone does it?How many errors did you count? What should you do if you want to chat with a friend?

Answer: Don't adopt bad manners. From the point of view of etiquette, such behavior is considered the height of indecency. For “food” you can find a more comfortable place than the street. In a crowd, there is no need to violently express your feelings by slowing down the movement. And if you absolutely need to communicate, then you need to step aside.

Situation 2. Behavior in the store.The hero stands in front of the store doors. People come and go. He, tired of waiting, pushes people aside and climbs forward.

Question: Who should let whom through?

Answer: First you need to let those leaving the store pass. There will be less crowds there. In a crowd, you risk getting injured and being crushed. The boys should definitely skip the girls. And if the girl is familiar, then you can give her a hand and hold the door.

Situation 3. Behavior in the store.The hero is in the store with his mother. He constantly tugs at her and laments: buy an iPhone, buy a tablet, or at least a flash drive. Mom... well mom...

Question: Does anyone recognize themselves? How will your mother behave?

Answer: If you know which store you are going to, you should

At home, discuss the possibility of purchasing something in advance so as not to cause inconvenience to your mother. And if you don’t know, then just admire what you see. A loving mother, if she has the opportunity, will definitely buy you the desired item.

Situation 4. Behavior on the bus.The hero is sitting on a crowded bus. An elderly man enters. The hero, chewing gum, asks his neighbor, younger in age, stand up and give way. And then, he says that polite people always give in to the elderly.

Question: Did he do the right thing?

Answer: Well-mannered people must give up their seat themselves, and politeness at someone else’s expense is not a sign of good manners.

Situation 5. Choosing a gift.The characters are in the store buying a gift for their girlfriend.

-So, what a good bunny, I’ll buy it. And inexpensive.

But she has a lot of soft toys. Let's buy a photo album.

Come on, it's cheaper. Although she doesn’t have any photographs...

Oh, flowers in the flowerbed, let's pick them.

They come to see a friend.

Congratulations. You chose it yourself, you know, it costs 200 rubles. We collected some money and got it together. I wanted a hare, but it’s better if you give it to me for my birthday.

There are 9 flowers, we barely found the 9th, otherwise they were like reminders.

Question: How many mistakes have you found in girls’ behavior?

Giving and receiving gifts is also an art of etiquette.

1. When choosing a gift, you cannot rely on your taste and inclinations.

3. When presenting a gift, any comments about its value, difficulties associated with its purchase, or any flaws in the gift are unnecessary.

4. Presentation of the gift is accompanied by good wishes and a smile.

5. You should always accept a gift with gratitude, even if this thing is not needed or there is a similar one in the house.

6. Fruits and sweets received as gifts are offered to everyone present.

7. If a gift given to very close people turned out to be unsuccessful, you can offer to exchange it.

8. Flowers are one of those gifts that are always appropriate. Flowers suitable for gifts are chosen very carefully.

You're finally at your girlfriend's or boyfriend's place and ready to sit down festive table. How should it be covered?

Table setting. Already More than two hundred years ago, rules of decent behavior at the table were developed and adopted. In the Middle Ages, during ceremonial dinners, pages rode horses into the hall and served bowls of food directly from the saddle to the guests, and threw the remains of the meal to the dogs. And they wiped their greasy hands directly on the skins of the dogs. Would you like it if your guests wiped their hands on their beloved dog? In some countries, they wiped their hands on pig skins. And the pigs walking around the hall were as good as ever, by the way, because they were eating leftovers. There was less to clean up. But as times changed, so did ideas about decency. The Romans are already getting napkins. Nowadays, a fork, knife and spoon are required on the table. And once upon a time, in the 16th century, this was a newfangled invention. Forks were made of gold or ivory; they could only be found in very rich families. So you and I are lucky: we have napkins, spoons, and forks; all that remains is to be able to use this wealth.

Practical work No. 1. Table setting.And now the teams will try to set the table correctly.

We have discussed several types of etiquette: in the dining room, on the street, on the bus, at a party. There are many types of etiquette. And the last one we would like to focus on is the school one. I invite the teams to show us skits. Here are the stories, but you can add something of your own.

Practical work No. 2.

Situation 7: How not to behave in a company, at school.

Boys and girls are running. Some rush around the school, jump on each other, sit on chairs, the boys spread their legs. The girls are making faces and chewing gum. Many people look at their phones.

Situation 8: How not to behave in class.

Call. The teacher comes in. There is only one person in the class. After a while, another person comes in and the teacher starts the lesson. Then again. At the end of the lesson, the last one comes in. During the lesson, students constantly interrupt the teacher, chew gum, play on the phone, and draw.

Situation 9: How not to behave at the table.Mothers set the table and talk about the upcoming holiday. Children run up to the table all the time, grabbing food from it or constantly asking for something, and are indignant when they can finally eat. And they run away without helping to clear the table.

While the teams are preparing - Playing with spectators.It turns out that welcoming and feeding guests well is not the most important thing. It is very important that they are not bored. And various games provide us with invaluable help in this. There are many fun games, which can keep guests busy. For example, “shifters”.

1. Giant girl. (“Tom Thumb.”)

2. Fat man is mortal. (“Koschei the Immortal.”)

3.Get away from the new washing machine. (Stay with nothing.)

4. Baldness is a male disgrace. (The braid is a girl's beauty.)

5. Chicken is a boar's friend. (The goose is not a friend to the pig.)

If the teams are not ready yet, then we can discuss what the proverbs mean:

  1. “In someone else’s house, don’t be noticeable, but be friendly,”
  2. “Treat the smell, but do not force the will,”
  3. “They go to mass when the bell rings, and to dinner when they call,”
  4. “Where they are welcome, do not attend, and where they are not welcome, do not go!”
  5. “When you go on a visit, you also need to take you to your place,”
  6. “Know how to invite people, know how to meet them”
  7. “I arrived - I didn’t say hello, I left - I didn’t say goodbye,”
  8. “The four corners are visiting him, he is happy with himself.”
  9. “Teach a young man to poverty, and he will get used to luxury himself.”
  10. “Instill in him the concept of duty, and he will naturally observe his own benefits.”
  11. “In China, a father is awarded for the services of his son, but in our country, a son is awarded for the services of his father. To preserve morality, one must use the Chinese principle.”

After viewing situations 7, 8, 9, show how not to behave.

Etiquette for girls: it is very important to be able to walk and sit gracefully. And it is simply unacceptable:

When sitting down, lift your dress or coat;

Collapse noisily onto the seat of a chair;

Sit with your legs wide apart;

Sit back on a chair;

Sit perched on the very edge of a chair;

Wrap your legs around a chair leg;

Hug your knees with your hands;

When standing up, push the chair away.

Etiquette for boys:

A boy should never look slack, uncollected, defiant or rude;

Don’t walk around with your collar raised unnecessarily, don’t keep your hands in your pockets;

Help anyone who needs your help;

Be attentive to girls and women, the disabled and the elderly: help them carry a heavy bag, let them through the door, help them cross the street, get off the bus, climb the stairs;

Never get into bickering and quarrels, do not be petty and quarrelsome.

So guys, you now know that there are many different types etiquette, many books teaching correct behavior.But even if you own all the tableware, know when to take off your hat and when to kiss a lady’s hand, you may not arouse the sympathy of others if you are not cordial, delicate and self-possessed. Which class is the most well-mannered in our country? Applause.

To make life easier for everyone,
I didn't have to cry often
My friendly advice to you:
Follow etiquette!

October 20, 2010 in the library spiritual development“Spring” the results of the series of events “Etiquette and culture of behavior” were summed up.

For several months, students of the 7th and now 8th grades of school No. 12 took part in a conversation on the history of etiquette “The Etiquette of Our Ancestors”, a situational game “Your behavior at school, public places, at home and on the street”, hour useful information“Dining etiquette from an early age”, master class in communication over the phone, the Internet “Do you respect me on the mobile?”, Knight tournament, educational conversation “Always in fashion and to the face”.

Pupils of grades 8a and 8b took part in the brain ring “Etiquette from A to Z”.

The guys demonstrated the art of communication in the first round, “Let’s talk while admiring each other!” Questions for this round: “How many times a day do you say hello to the same person?”, “Should you say hello to people you don’t know?” caused a heated discussion among the guys, because. It is impossible to give a definite answer to them. But the participants tried to prove they were right and justify their answers, answering with a certain amount of humor. The guys in this round also showed their ability to use sign language: how a person emphasizes his superiority, how to determine that your interlocutor is tired of you, what gesture can be used to express praise, how to guess that your interlocutor is lying...

In the second round, “This changeable fashion,” the guys tried to answer the questions: what is fashion, do they obey or follow fashion, how many colors can you combine in your clothes at the same time, where did the expression “change like gloves” come from.

The most interesting guys found the last round of “Enjoyable Tea Party”. The participants were asked to set a tea table for two people; the jury assessed the aesthetics of the table design and the correct behavior of the boy and girl at the table.

We hope that " external beauty and grace will become an expression of inner purity and beauty.”

On November 17, 2010, an event was held in the RaDuGa library dedicated to culture communication, etiquette and fashion, which was attended by students of grade 9 “B” of school No. 22.

The guys listened to and discussed Bulat Okudzhava’s song “Let’s Exclaim,” identified the qualities of a “cultured person,” solved a puzzle of proverbs about etiquette, became acquainted with the concepts of “taste” and “manner,” analyzed the clothing style of stars, and learned about fashion trends school clothes for high school students and designed their own fashionable outfits for school and business meetings.

With the help of game situations of a problem-search nature, we remembered the rules of good manners, and also took note of the experience of the ancient eastern sage, who learned good manners from the ill-mannered, avoiding doing what they do.