Types of influence of art on humans. The impact of art on the spiritual world of man. The art of painting is a powerful tool for personal development


On the topic “How Art influences our lives”

Prepared by Danila Ivanov 9”A” class

Ekaterinburg – November 10, 2016

Art- This is a kind of reflection of the true essence of a person. And it doesn’t matter at all - great artist this is either a connoisseur of painting.

The power of true art lies primarily in its impact on inner world person. Agree, one picture can cause a lot of experiences and impressions, which, among other things, can be quite contradictory.

Means of art and its types

First of all, you need to decide on the types of art, and there are enough of them large number. So, main types of art: music, literature, painting, theater, cinema, sculpture, architecture, photography, as well as decorative and applied arts, graphics and much more.

How does art work?

The exact sciences are dispassionate, unlike music or painting, which can evoke a lot of emotions and experiences. Only true masterpieces can contribute to the formation of a special worldview and perception of the surrounding reality. Expressive means of art deserve special attention (rhythm, proportion, shape, tone, texture, etc.), which allow you to fully appreciate a particular work.

Means of expression in art are not intended only to evoke a specific feeling. These methods are intended for more global goals - to form a special inner world of a person who is able to see beauty and create something similar. Speaking about the influencing force of this phenomenon, we cannot limit ourselves to the concepts of good and evil.

Art shapes a person’s inner world, teaches him to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, to reason about life, as well as to structure his thoughts and even see the world in a multifaceted aspect. Books immerse you in a completely different world of dreams and fantasies, shape a person as a person, and also make you think about many things and take a different look at seemingly ordinary situations.

The influence of various types of art on human life Music

Music can have a wide variety of influences on a person. For some, it can serve as a means of peace and relaxation, and for others it will become a stimulus and impetus for further action. For example, music helps a person in terms of work and creativity. Does music help a person concentrate? Yes and no! In general, in order for a person to concentrate on something, it is not necessary to listen to music, because complete silence is good for better concentration. And this applies to most of us. However, some people in the process of work, in order to think and make important decisions, need some kind of background. The sounds of music help them not only concentrate, but also improve mental performance. To improve results, athletes can be advised to listen to music at a fast tempo during intense training, and during breaks - slow music. For office workers (or those who work remotely) who believe that music helps a person in their work, the advice is this: if you really need music while working, it is better to listen to music that does not contain words.

Music also affects a person's mood. The way music helps a person cope with difficult life situations is hardly comparable to any other influence of external factors. Music can create and maintain the right mood. It helps you relax (it’s not surprising that after work, the first thing some people do when they cross the threshold of their own home is to turn on their favorite compositions), or, on the contrary, it can charge you with energy.

In the morning, it is better to listen to upbeat and rhythmic music; it will help you wake up and make you jump out of bed in the desire to change your life for the better. Also, cheerful and energetic music influences the human psyche and makes him change sadness to joy, and sadness to optimism and love of life.

Calm and smooth music will help you relax and calm down, take your mind off everyday worries, reduce the number of thoughts in your head and focus on self-regulation. Slow and relaxing music affects a person as a sleeping pill, so if you suffer from insomnia and you don’t know how to fall asleep quickly, use this fact.

Moreover, scientists have long come to the conclusion that music is an excellent secondary means of rehabilitating patients and an excellent opportunity to achieve peace of mind. This is why music is often played in hospital wards, thus strengthening faith in a speedy recovery.


The influencing power of art is the greatest power that can radically change a person’s worldview and significantly influence the formation of his inner world. A riot of colors, rich colors and harmoniously selected shades, smooth lines and large-scale volumes - all these are means of fine art.
Scientists have confirmed the beneficial effects of works of fine art and painting on human mental health. And it doesn’t matter what you see in front of you – a portrait, still life or landscape. Contemplation of painting takes away all worries and improves well-being.

Observing painting helps improve well-being and helps get rid of negative emotions, worries, stress and depression. It has also been proven that those people who surround themselves with paintings significantly reduce their feelings of anxiety and fear (for some phobias, painting plays the role of a kind of psychotherapeutic method).

But the most powerful impact on a person’s emotional state and his psyche as a whole is exerted not so much by the perception of beauty as by the process of creating such a creation. Thanks to painting, you can form a lasting tendency to reduce chronic pain.

From different paintings, drawings, photographs, the so-called general energy will flow, which can influence a person’s subconscious, which can contribute to changing his thoughts and worldview. As a result, people’s very actions and behaviors can naturally change. This total energy consists of the following elements:

  • color range;
  • images and plot;
  • artist's energy.

When choosing a painting, you should pay attention to all these elements. One cannot help but pay attention to a beautiful painting, and the energy it emits can not only shape a person’s inner world, but also perfectly change his life for the better. Therefore, a person should surround himself with beautiful paintings and contemplate beauty!

Poetry and prose

Masterpieces of world classics are huge amount amazing works, which to one degree or another influenced the life of almost every person. Drama, tragedy, poetry, poems and odes - all this was reflected to varying degrees in the soul of everyone who was able to touch the works of the classics. The impact of art on a person - in particular literature - is multifaceted. So, for example, in troubled times Writers with their poems called on the people to fight; with their novels they took the reader into a completely different world, filled with different colors and characters.

Today, reading and understanding poetry and prose is a real art that requires special effort. Most of the poets of the “silver” and “golden” ages left unsurpassed examples of art, which today are the most revered among the entire population of the planet.

A very important aspect when reading any fiction poetic work is his understanding, feeling. For example, the poetry of nature is not a temple, but a real workshop, which cannot be understood without feeling all the beauty of the surrounding world. And accordingly, if you do not understand poetry, it cannot in any way influence your life, change it, make it more perfect.

Music, literature, fine arts- is an integral part of a person’s culture and the society in which he lives. Thanks to all this, a person not only receives aesthetic pleasure, he improves, develops spiritually and finds peace of mind. Art can create miracles

Let's start with the fact that the human brain absorbs any information like a sponge. Therefore, any music, literature, painting, etc. capable of influencing us, although we are not always aware of it. Scientists have long proven that, for example, listening to Mozart’s music develops our intellectual abilities, and Vivaldi’s works can cure depression, neurosis and irritability.

In the next study of the influence of music on humans, scientists divided a group of schoolchildren into two teams. One listened to rock while solving a difficult problem, and the other listened to the music of Mozart. The second group completed the task 60% better than the first. Many similar studies have been conducted. And it all comes down to one thing: from listening to low-quality rap, pop and hard rock, a person gradually loses his intellectual abilities, and from listening to classics, on the contrary, he gains.

By the way, pay attention to the lyrics of modern songs. Agree, this shining example bad taste and low intelligence of the performer. But these same texts are “absorbed” by our brain. Therefore, limit your listening to such songs as much as possible.

Painting also has a significant influence on us. There are many known facts, when people fainted from the impression from the picture they saw. Some people say they cry when watching the original “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son.” This picture has a very powerful impact. Of course, if you see it in the picture, there will be no effect. You need to see the original.

However, literature has the greatest influence on us. Recognized classics shape our worldview, can radically change our views and teach us to look at life situations from different angles. And magazines with scandalous stories about celebrities, detective stories by Daria Dontsova and other “garbage” only “clutter” our psyche.

I teach my children to read the classics. It not only develops intellectually, but also from the very early age forms such character qualities as honor, conscience, nobility. A person will grow up spiritually healthy if his parents are able to instill a love of quality literature at the right time.

The influence of cinema on our psyche is also important. A film, like a book, shapes our beliefs and attitudes. And this is not fiction. It has been confirmed by research that those children who from an early age watched movies with a lot of violence usually grow up to be aggressive.

Unfortunately, society is now dominated by popular culture. And it is all saturated with dirt, stupidity, scandals and intrigues. Therefore, to minimize its impact, try to read more classics, watch quality films and go to museums. In this way, you will at the same time rise above the gray masses, which is the vast majority. You will become more interesting in communication, and you will form your own beliefs, and not stereotyped ones imposed by society.

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Art... It can revive a person’s soul from its ashes, make him experience simply incredible emotions and feelings. Art is a means by which authors try to convey their thoughts to people, to accustom them to beauty.

The author talks about the need for art in our lives, he focuses on the fact that “beauty must be learned and appreciated, just as one must learn to feel high music" Yuri Bondarev cites as an example Mozart’s work “Requiem”, which has an unimaginable impact on listeners, “people openly shed tears in the episode where the life of the great composer was cut short.” This is how the author shows that art can touch thin strings the soul of a person, make him experience extraordinary feelings.

Bondarev claims that art can greatly influence a person, because it is the most beautiful thing in his life. Art can change a person, his inner world. This is something you definitely need to learn. Indeed, one cannot but agree with the author. I believe that art can make us feel joy and sadness, sadness and excitement, happiness and many other emotions.

Thus, in the work of I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” the main character’s attitude to music is vividly described. Oblomov, visiting Olga Ilyinskaya, heard her play the piano for the first time. The author shows us how music can influence a person’s inner world and his emotions. Listening to the magnificent performance, the hero could hardly hold back his tears, he felt strength and vigor, a desire to live and act.

However, the attitude of the protagonist of I. S. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons” towards art is very negative. Bazarov does not perceive it as an integral part of a person’s life, he does not see its benefits and advantages. This was the limitation of his views. But a person’s life without art, without a “sense of beauty” is very boring and monotonous, which, unfortunately, the hero never recognized.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that art is the most important part in the life of each of us. You just need to let it into your heart and soul, and it can conquer the whole world.

Option 2

Any type of art for a person is the highest reward for the efforts that he made to take part in it - either by being the creator of a masterpiece, or simply admiring its results from the outside.

Musical compositions, mysterious paintings, and elegant sculptures arose thanks to human knowledge, a natural gift, or the desire to achieve such perfection.

In the process of creating any masterpiece of art, a person uses his talent, showing his capabilities to the fullest. Art develops and does not allow you to remain in one place, in a state of inaction. Due to this, people improve. Those who to any extent relate to this area are creative people who are in constant search. Immersing themselves in this world, they actively develop spiritually.

Thus, through demonstrated imagination, determination, fantasy, and patience, art helps in affirming life position, influences a person’s worldview, helps to find oneself, to form one’s own way of thinking.

If we're talking about about music, then after listening exactly classical works the emotional, mental and even physical state of a person improves. Depending on the rhythm and content of the melodies and songs, you can either get a charge of incredible vivacity or calm down.

Under the influence of art, a person’s inner world is transformed. Any of its types - graphics, theater, painting, etc. contains so much deep meaning and passions that are expressed through peculiar expressive means that they make you think about yourself, the meaning of life, and allow you to look at the world in a new way.

Any work of art helps to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad. Literary works have enormous power, capable of acting on a person, transporting him to another world. By becoming a hero of the events depicted in books, people learn new information, on the basis of which they become better, correct mistakes after meeting its characters, sympathize and rejoice with them. Literature can radically change a person's worldview.

Under the influence of painting, the formation of a person’s spiritual world occurs. Participation in this type of activity promotes self-expression and enhances impressions. In sculptures, people embody their aesthetic desires, and for outside observers they are educational.

Thus, art cultivates only the best character traits in a person, increases intelligence, identifying and developing those qualities that were previously invisible.

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to accomplish the miracle of unity." Based on this postulate, we can say that art was sent down to humanity from above. Therefore, it has a very strong influence on us people.

Let's start with architecture. This art form deals with the construction of forms. And, if we compare various types art with various structures that make up a person, namely the physical body, astral, mental, etc., then architecture affects the physical body of a person. After all, the physical body is the basis for existence on Earth, and the buildings surrounding us are the place where a person spends, especially in our urban age, the main part of his life. And as M. Handel writes: any architectural structure, from the smallest cell to God himself, is based on cosmic law and is built according to pre-established images, and any deviation from the plan leads to ugliness and has the same result as a false note in a musical chord. Architecture is often compared to frozen music.

The second art form worth remembering is sculpture, which defines the contours of shapes. It can be compared with the human etheric body, which is responsible for the harmony of all forms of the physical body.

The sculpture can be called captive music.

Painting can be called the third art form given to humanity. Interest in it is associated with the desire to reproduce vivid paintings and or images that affect emotions. This means, when compared with one of the human structures, painting is associated with the astral body, consisting of emotions, feelings and desires. Painting can be compared to music fighting for liberation.

Now let's turn to music. It is music that, according to M. Handel, reflects the tonal expressions of the highest ability of both God and man - their will. Humanity has embraced architecture, sculpture and painting in such a way that these forms of art have become part of its nature. But precisely thanks to our own human strength the will of the musician is able to perceive and to some extent reproduce the tones expressed by the will of God.

Speaking about the impact of music on a person, F. Nietzsche wrote: “give me the opportunity to write music for the nation, and I will not care who makes up its laws.” The term “musician” in this context does not refer to an ordinary singer or performer of music, but to such masters, creators of music as Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Glinka and others of the same class. Speaking about music, it can be called a free floating expression of sounds.

Pythagoras argued that the world emerged from chaos, thanks to sound or harmony, and was created according to the principles of musical proportion: 7 planets that govern the destinies of mortals move harmoniously, and the distances between them correspond to musical intervals, as a result they produce such harmonious sounds that They compose the most euphonious melody, which a person does not hear only because of the greatness of the sounds that are not perceived by his hearing.

The solar system is one musical instrument. Just as there are twelve semitones in the chromatic scale, so there are twelve signs of the zodiac in the sky, and just as we have seven white keys on a piano, so we have seven planets. The signs of the zodiac can be likened to the soundboard of a cosmic harp, and the seven planets to strings. Therefore, they influence the human race in different ways. “There is not the slightest sphere that we see that, when it moves, does not sing like an angel,” wrote Shakespeare.

In our earthly life we ​​are so immersed in the noises and sounds of our limited surroundings that we are unable to hear the music of the moving spheres. However a real musician consciously or unconsciously may tune in and hear a sonata or symphony as a single rainbow chord, which he later turns into musical composition the highest harmony, grace and beauty.

Music consists of three main elements, namely melody, harmony and rhythm. A melody consists of a sequence of harmonic sounds perceived by the auditory nerves connected to the brain - physical organ, which comes into contact with the mind. Therefore, it is through the mental body, consisting of thoughts not expressed in form and ideas not colored by emotions, that the human Spirit can feel the melody created on the physical plane.

A weak-minded or crazy person does not respond to a melody.

Harmony consists of a pleasant combination of tones and is associated with feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions are an expression of the astral body and, therefore, harmony can act on both humans and animals, since both of them have astral bodies. Rhythm is a measured and balanced movement, expressed by the vital force that provides gesticulation and other physical movements. The etheric body, which is associated with the absorption and transformation of solar energy, is responsible for the production and distribution of vital force. Plants have an etheric body and are therefore sensitive to rhythm.

In music, between melody and rhythm, there is harmony, which can either rise and merge with the harmony of pure thought, melody, or be launched and mixed with purely active movement - impulse. If the purely melodic element, carrying within itself the volitional vibration of the Spirit of music, is absent in the composition, then there is no control over the astral and physical bodies; then desires run rampant and take power, and since there is no control of the mind, the person becomes an uncontrollable emotional-sensual impulsive machine.

Musical instruments made by man express a certain phase of his inner nature. Wind instruments relate to melody - will, intellect, thought - and the spirit or tone they carry is easily remembered. String instruments relate to harmony - emotion, imagination, heart - and evoke feelings of joy, happiness, pleasure, pain, sadness, longing and regret. Percussion instruments relate to rhythm - movement, muscles - and awaken in listeners the desire to act: march, dance, tap their feet to the rhythm.

From this we can conclude that if a person consciously wants to develop his spirit, his mind, then he should turn to music, in which the basis is melody, with a predominance of wind instruments. If a person wants to influence his emotional state, then he needs to listen to music in which the basis is harmony, with a dominant in the form string instruments. And, accordingly, if you need to develop your physical body, then drums should be the basis.

The person himself is a real triple instrument, so it must be remembered that an emphasis on any of the above musical components can be destructive for the emotional and intellectual sphere of an individual's life. Ruskin wrote: “... music, being healthy, is a teacher of perfect order and a companion to the flow of the celestial spheres; in her own perversity she is a teacher, but of complete disorder and disobedience.”

>Essays by topic

The influence of art on humans

“The task of art is to excite hearts,” as the famous French writer and Enlightenment philosopher Claude Adrian Helvetius. It seems to me that that short phrase already contains the answer to the question about the influence of literary, artistic, musical and other works on a person.

What happens to us when we see in front of us beautiful picture, hear a wonderful melody or watch a performance on the theater stage? Our soul seems to come to life, and many new thoughts immediately appear in our heads. Everyday problems fade into the background, and their place is taken by memories of the pleasant moments of our lives.

Art awakens vivid emotions in us. This can be a feeling of joy and euphoria or, conversely, light sadness and sadness. Many works are specially created for the purpose of making a person think about certain problems and rethink something for themselves.

When a person himself is a creator, the influence of art on him is especially strong. Sometimes, obsessed with a new idea, a master can completely immerse himself in his illusory world, forgetting about everything around him. At this moment, he lives only with his dream, and such endless devotion to it allows him to ultimately create a real masterpiece.

We need art almost as much as we need air, water or food. What else can lift our spirits so much when we are suddenly depressed, give us inspiration, make us believe in our strength!

I have noticed more than once how pleasant it is sometimes to walk along art gallery, visit a museum or just visit a cinema. After such sessions of contact with beauty, your soul immediately becomes light.

Art makes us kinder and more sympathetic, develops in us the ability to empathize with the grief of others and respond to people’s requests. In a word, it makes us better! Therefore, I want as many new creations as possible to appear in the world every day, changing and transforming our lives.