Funny ditties for children are short. Fresh funny ditties: the best. Ditties about professions for children

Irina Grokhotova
Chastushki for preschool children


1. I will sail in the open air as the captain of a ship

I will study all the oceans and seas in the world

2. I will be an exemplary pilot and will fly to the moon

And like our Yuri Gagarin I will study all the planets

3. I’ll be a teacher, I won’t forget anything

I'll lay it down all the children go to bed, and quickly write.

4. I dream of being a doctor, I will be everyone treat children

So that they endure bandages, surround you with warmth and affection

5. Everyone shouts that I will be, some a doctor, some a lecturer

Well, I will be more important than everyone else, I will become the director.

6. Mom sewed me, mom sewed me a brocade skirt

And I will grow up and become ALLA PUGACHEVA!

7. I will work as a cook when I grow up

I will cook compotes and my favorite noodle soup for everyone.

8. I’ll tell everyone a secret and trust me friends

That I will fulfill this dream - I will become president!


1. Our dear guests, listen carefully

we'll sing for you ditties are very wonderful

2. I decided to clean the frying pan myself once a year,

And then they couldn’t wash me for 4 days.

3. Masha ate buckwheat porridge, laughing

We washed the buckwheat Masha for an hour.

4. The soup and porridge are burnt, salt is poured into the compote

When my mother came home from work, she had a lot of trouble.

5. Vova polished the floor until it shined, prepared a vinaigrette

Mom is looking for what to do - there is no work.

6. Lena walks as if the doll won’t turn her head

I haven’t even put on my shoes, I’m still afraid the bow will fall off.

7. There are two blue and scarlet flowers on the window

I'm a fighting boy, even though I'm small in stature.

8. I was swinging on a swing and lost my brooch

Well, who cares that I love Seryozha

9. I’m not too lazy to sew a mitten for a doll all day long.

My brother praised me - you quickly sewed a robe.

10. If little Andrey sweeps the house

Sora is not on the floor, he is flying above.

11. Seryozha took a rag and wiped everything at once

He didn't drop anything, except the vase.

12. We sang to you ditties is it good or bad

And now we ask you to clap for us.

Publications on the topic:

Ditties for children on a school theme 1. We, seven-year-old boys, will sing ditties for you. We live wonderfully in our favorite school. 2. So Antoshka shook his briefcase to find the notebooks.

Ditties for March 8 1. Our dear mothers, we will sing ditties for you. We congratulate you today and send you big greetings. 2. The lazy mother says: “Make your bed!”

Maslenitsa ditties about pancakes 1. Like during Holy Week, we wanted pancakes. They were baked for the guests. Help yourself to your heart's content. 2. I'm a rosy girl, I like to have fun Oh, here you go.

Ditties about honey Ditties about honey 1. The beekeeper breeds bees, and he pumps honey. Our folk healer bee helps people. 2. Oh, I recently got sick. I thought.

Ditties about Moscow 1. We will sing ditties for you About beautiful Moscow. Clap your hands if you like it! 2. From the high bell tower we will shout loudly, loudly.

Ditties about winter for children with speech disorders Dear teachers! Working with children in the Logorhythmics circle, I use Russian folk songs in the development of speech in preschool children.

Dear teachers, when designing work on speech development for preschoolers, I decided to use new approach to correction and automation.

New Year's ditties 1. Santa Claus was walking through the forest and found a white cone. And this is not a cone, it’s a little bunny. 2. The fox surprised everyone by attaching a bow to her tail and boasting.

Go to

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.

If only, if only
There were mushrooms growing on my nose,
We'd cook ourselves
Yes, and they rolled into my mouth.

I drank tea,
I made samovar.
I broke all the dishes -
I was cooking.

My little one and I were walking
Near our pond;
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there anymore.

Honey, what, honey, what?
Darling is angry about what?
Is it what people said?
Did you notice something yourself?

My mother sent me
Drive the gander
And I walked out the gate
And - let's dance!

I was sitting on the window
My darling rode on a cat,
I started to drive up to the window
I couldn't hold the cat.

Who has what cutie -
I have a craft one:
I gave the shoes to be sewn -
I sewed birch bark beetroot.

Oh, cat, shoot!
Don't sit on the threshold:
And then, dear, you'll go
If he stumbles, he will fall.

On my sundress
Club-footed roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfooted grooms.

Your streets are straight,
The streets are lopsided.
You can't walk down the street:
The neighbors are toothy.

You'll run, darling, it's drowning
Come and say goodbye to me:
I'll take you to the river,
I’ll point out a deeper place!

Isn't there enough forest?
I chop a birch tree.
Are there really not enough kids?
I love a married man!

Darling, don't knock
Nice one, don't shout,
Under the middle window
Scratch yourself quietly.

There's a meadow in the yard
Ducklings are running.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought: guys!

I walked through the village - the girls were sleeping,
He played the harmonica - they stood up,
We got up, woke up,
The windows dissolved.

Oh, stomp your foot,
Don't be sorry for the boot
Tyatka will sew new ones
Or these will fit.

I'm not Tyatkina
I'm not my mother's -
I grew up on the street
The chicken killed me.

I'll go dance -
Nothing to bite at home:
Rusks and crusts -
Supports on the legs.

Like Semyonovna
Sits on the stairs.
Yes about Semyonovna
Songs are sung.

You, Semyonovna,
Russian woman:
Chest high
The jacket is narrow.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Fashionable girl:
I bought a watch
She herself is hungry.

I'm going, I'm going,
Two paths apart.
Love the good one
Leave me skinny.

Here is Semyonovna
Eating jam.
That's how he fights
For acceleration.

The accordionist sits
What color is in the field?
I love him
But there is no date with him.

Oh, mountain, mountain,
And under the mountain there is a stream.
Showed me off
I don’t know whose.

If only girls
Were fish
The boys are behind them
They jumped into the water.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Leather skirt,
You, Semyonovna,
Folded folded.

For Semyonovna
My mother nags me:
Don't sing, daughter
My head hurts.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Striped skirt.
Yes at Semyonovna's
No voice.

At Semyonovna's
The shoes are tight.
How are the guys here?

Why did you bloom?
Cornflower in the rye?
Why did you come?
My dear, tell me?

Eh, Semyonovna,
Where do you hang around?
Yes, home at night
You are not.

Stands on the mountain
Big building.
There is no happiness in love -
One suffering.

Oh, Semyon, Semyon,
You are green like a meadow.
And I, Semyonovna
The grass is green.

Eh, Semyonovna,
You are my little one,
Yes I came to you
Yes, under the window.

Keep it up always
Your line
And you will stay

Ditties for children

In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.

Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said “Crow!
Give me soap and perfume
May the roosters love you!”

Irishka was riding down the hill
- I was the fastest;
Ira even has his own skis
Overtook on the way!

Rubbish - rubbish - rubbish!
I could perform all day!
I don't feel like studying
And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the supermarket.
“Mom, there’s no cereal there,
I had to buy some candy!”

Leshka is sitting at the table
Picking his nose
And the booger answers:
I still won't get out!

Yegor has two shoulder blades,
And Nina has molds.
I give them a tongue for it
I'll stick it out of the window.

I baked a cake
I treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in my glass.

Grandfather taught a mouse to write,
And what came out was scribbles.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.

I'll go out, I'll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture!

Play it, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.

The lazy mother says:
“Make your bed!”
And the lazy woman: “Mommy,
I’m still little.”

Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours in the shower Yulia
Grandma washed it afterwards.

Dima got dressed in the morning
And for some reason it fell:
He stuck it for no reason
Two legs in one pant leg.

I washed my hands under the tap,
And I forgot to wash my face,
Trezor saw me
He barked: “What a shame!”

In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.

Boiled milk
She went far away.
I approach him again:
There's no milk in sight.

Family and love

Why did you lure me in?
When am I not nice to you?
You would say in the fall,
I wouldn't go in winter.

I stood behind the porch
And they said: well done.
I took out my handkerchief
And they said: she kissed.

Darling, don't knock
Nice one, don't shout,
Under the middle window
Scratch yourself quietly.

Get up early, mommy
Wash the burner with sand,
The jerk will go to get married -
I will cry with my voice.

It's okay that I'm small -
I took a star from the sky.
I sat one evening
Made the guy crazy.

Mommy is not my own,
The stew is cold,
If only I were dear,
I poured some hot cabbage soup.

Oh, mountain, mountain,
And under the mountain there is a stream.
Showed me off
I don’t know whose.

Soon I will become a housewife
At the sweetheart's house:
They will have dinner and sit down
By my order.

Dear in autumn
He said a secret word:
- Save up, dear lady,
Engagement ring.

Darling, you will lose happiness -
You won't marry me.
I'll cry one day
You will be lost forever.

They came to marry me
With gilded arc.
While I was powdering and blushing,
We went to another one.

Well, what is it like to become,
Carry buckets up the mountain?
I'll get married there
Where there is water under the window.

The windows were curtained
Thin white linen.
You know, they got a girlfriend,
He sits and cries under the window.

For the high mansions,
Daddy, don't give it away:
Human more expensive than a house -
Choose a person.

Isn't there enough forest?
I'm chopping birch trees.
Are there really not enough kids?
I love a married man.

It would be nice to have shoes
At a gentle pace,
So that mommy doesn't hear,
When I go home.

Don't scold me, mom
Don't scold me, dear:
She was young herself
Came late.

I sewed a pouch for my dear one,
And the mitten came out.
My darling came and praised:
- What a craftswoman!

Ditties for children are great for themed evenings for kindergarten and school. They are often humorous and cheerful, making them quickly and easily remembered. Ditties for children are most often instructive. With their help, you can not only brighten up a matinee dedicated to any holiday, but also tell about the seasons, animals, and any phenomena.


Ditties for children about the seasons

Ditties about the seasons are especially popular; they can be told in creative evenings and holidays. Ditties about spring and summer for graduation, about autumn for Teacher’s Day, and about winter for the New Year’s holiday are relevant.

Ditties for children about spring

The last snow from our roof,

It's pouring down like rain.

Under the spring rays

It's more fun to sing.

Ah, mischievous Spring,

What have you done?

The entire hockey rink

Turned me into a puddle.

Oh, why does it smell so sweet?

Is there a lilac outside my window?

Now I have to learn my lessons

For some reason I became lazy.

The sun is burning hot,

The buds are swelling

IN long tale about winter

We'll put an end to it.

Oh, beautiful spring,

Be honest with the girls:

Give everyone your freckles,

Well, we'll sing ditties!

Soon our forest will be young

Will be clothed with foliage again,

The nightingale will sing in it,

So that our life is more fun.

Ah, it's time, guys,

Build houses for birds,

Children's ditties about summer

For the holidays, hooray!

The kids ran away!

Let's tan, grow up -

And we won’t recognize each other.

– How soft the grass is in the village! –

Slava rejoices from the bottom of her heart. –

I've been in the meadow all summer

I can tumble in it!

It’s good for me to dive with a mask -

The sea colors are all visible.

I'm not diving alone

My friend is a dolphin.

In the summer, every clearing

Like a self-assembled tablecloth.

Delicious wild berries

He'll feed you and me at once.

Jellyfish are splashing in the sea,

Watermelons are sweeter than sugar,

And the sand is already golden -

You and I have gone to heaven!

The guys and I over the summer

Bronze-colored steel.

We were baking in the sun

They stocked up on them for the winter.

On the golden sand

The sun was shining -

How summer it is sometimes

We had a good time!

Ditties for children about autumn

Oh, the trees have turned yellow,

They sway in the wind.

Oh, it's always vacation

They end so quickly!

Oh, you artist, Autumn,

Teach me how to draw like this.

I'm in your work then

I will help you!

Autumn is so generous

He will reward everyone for their efforts.

We are at the Harvest Festival

They bore its fruits.

Autumn is a damp time,

The rain is pouring down from above.

People are more likely to disclose

Multi-colored umbrellas!

Autumn is a wonderful time,

Kids love autumn!

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there!

How beautiful everything is around

Golden autumn day:

Yellow leaves are flying,

They rustle underfoot!

The stupid cloud didn't know

It's already autumn here.

Fire forest outfit

It rains for an hour straight.

Ditties for children about winter

New Year is coming soon

He'll come rushing in on a sleigh.

He's probably already

There's a knock on our window.

In our yard there is

Snowman with a broom,

Watches over the dark night

He is our home from the wolf.

The fluffy snow turns silver,

Santa Claus is racing in a troika,

The elegant spruce is noisy,

And fireworks thunder in the forest.

They don't want to stand in winter

Maples without clothes.

Instead of leaves on the branches

Sparrows, crows.

I study lessons at the skating rink

Winter sunny day.

That's right, I write all the numbers,

But not with a pen, but with a skate!

We are all our own toys

We decorated the Christmas tree.

She doesn't have any free time

Not a single needle!

Oh, winter, winter, winter,

How many snowdrifts she made!

The people are not sad -

It will be interesting for parents and other schoolchildren to listen to humorous ditties about school in the assembly hall. Very often ditties for 4th grade children become one of the most interesting graduation scenes. Ditties for children 10 years old can be funny and humorous.

You only have two grades,

Are you going to salt them?! –

I want a Guinness book

I need to break the record!

Masha hid it in the closet

Notebook from parents.

Together the mice were indignant: -

We're munching on deuces again!

Oh, we don’t like it when Pasha

Answers at the board.

From his sleepy mooings

We are dying of boredom.

Tolya bragged to the guys,

How he climbs ropes. –

Don't boast about the rope,

Get up to speed in your studies!

Our Vova is at recess

I checked the strength of the walls.

He tried so hard

That he was all in a cast!

Katka is a black sheep!

According to the dictation, “five” again.

I couldn't make a mistake

To support us all.

If, Petya, you then

You will be a deputy

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

Ditties about kindergarten

I wrote words in a notebook,

I checked it with emphasis.

Hit, hit

So much so that the desk was broken!

Oh, to your ears, guys,

We shouldn't trust.

Even though we sometimes hear “A”,

The letter "O" must be written!

Together we learn English,

There are successes and progress:

Instead of "yes" it's everywhere now

Children of any age always like to learn ditties about animals; it trains memory and artistry well. You can read ditties by role.

Fantômas, my faithful dog,

Dearest of all friends.

He brought me a bone

Licked my neck.

You can't see the guys in the river,

Only the heels stick out.

One - dive and two - dive,

The duck gives them a lesson.

- Why does the hedgehog have

Sticky needles?

- So that they don’t eat it

Neither fox nor wolves!

- It’s been four days now

I have only misfortunes.

- What's the problem, centipede?

- I’m getting up on the wrong foot!

Sees crayfish from the bottom of the river:

Fishermen appeared.

He began to save perches -

Tear the fishing line with your claw

Nowadays mother is a kangaroo

For your little ones

I bought them everything

One hundred pocket books.

- While you were at school, Vitya,

Our parrot has flown away!

- That's why on the world map

Keshka always looked like that.

Oh, how I feel sorry for the horses:

They all need to sleep standing up,

And in the nose with your hoof

It's hard to pick them!

And our Barsik all year round

He fed on Whiskas.

And now the kitten is ours

Turned into a tiger!

– Your sweet dog

Howled under the window all night!

- You, neighbor, don’t worry,

Ditties for children about vegetables

Ditties about plants are varied and funny. With the help of the following ditties you can teach young children to kindergarten so that they know the names of plants, vegetables, and fruits better.

There are no tastier apples than ripe ones,

The kids know this.

How can we see apples?

We all shout at once: “Hurray!”

Tomato with cucumber

They whispered merrily.

In the evening they are in the salad

We ended up together.

We love beets and carrots

And there is cabbage too,

Because vitamins

Found in vegetables and fruits!

A friend said: “There’s a cucumber,

Ripe and green."

“This is a cunning zucchini,

You are my friend, scientist."

Beetroot is a fat girl,

And the carrot is slim,

And each has a braid,

It flutters.

Why, like a little man,

Is the cucumber all covered in goosebumps?

He's lying in the sun

Why is he trembling?

Oh, carrots, my carrots,

It thins the blood.

I will eat vegetables

And listen to your ditties.

I caught a mouse in a cage

And locked it there tightly,

After all, you can’t assemble without a mouse

There's a turnip in the garden.

What kind of pig is this?

Where is the holey patch?

Why can't you hear a squeal?

Well, brother, this is a zucchini!

We don't get the flu anymore

We are not afraid of drafts.

Replaces all tablets

Once I was sailing along the Irtysh (or along the Lovat?)
And I met a naked Kalmyk woman very opportunely.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk!
But I took the master key out of my shorts in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the Cuban woman with what was at hand...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her very depths!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls stared at the "Heart of Bonivur" in droves.
There I noticed two young Tuvans
And he stayed with them all night between their halves.

One night on the Oka, on an empty barge
I crumpled the dude’s breasts in my hand carefully.
We sat down on the mattress, poured some beer...
And the dream of a young Chuvash came true (seven times).

One day in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The polka's legs hung on my shoulders.
The food of the long-legged polka was good!
By morning I went crazy, pushing the slices apart.

And one day in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman who was mentally ill.
I burrowed into it like a mole and bit like a horsefly...
The German woman defended her degree about a year later.

One night a longboat sailed on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just taught the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at the young Kazakh girl...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile flooded widely downstream...
There I persuaded the Bashkir woman to engage in porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave!.. I will be Bashkir by morning
I barely pulled it away from myself by the scruff of the neck!

Once on the Limpopo River, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
What stood in the way, bending low...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somehow near a vacant lot, somewhere on the Hudson,
I was picking a Buryat woman in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat woman...
The next morning she couldn’t go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or Huron?)
I chambered my cartridge for the Uzbek woman.
The Uzbek woman ran away from me as fast as she could...
But in vain - I could not allow a misfire.

Past a quiet village along the Ohio River
The Swede was swimming naked, and naked at that!
It's a pity that her mother is so Swedish
May be encountered on the road extremely rarely!

Once a Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora River
She sang “The Boston Waltz” in B-flat major.
Oh, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had...
Since then, both eardrums have hurt.

A huge crocodile swam along the Elbe,
Where I and a Czech woman conducted live firing...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian woman was kneading her tonsils against me.

Once a Karelian came to see me and brought a Karelian girl.
I heated up a whole plate of borscht for her...
On the bend of the Ob River somewhere closer to night
I loved that Karelian very much in an unconventional way.

Once upon a time in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked Nanayka and her deer.
Oh, I’ll go to the wilds of the Amazon in the spring!
The Finnish and Estonian women missed me there.

Russian ditties- amazing folklore genre, which combined rhymes and sayings with a song. The Russian people call chastushkas funny short songs, which most often consist of 4 lines.

The term chastushka was introduced by G.I. Uspensky in 1889. Russian folk ditties have been and remain very popular among both young people and adults. Ditties are sung at holidays, at various feasts, at children's matinees. Many ditties are invented by people even now. They keep up with the times and remain both old and modern at the same time.

Russian folk ditties were often performed to the accompaniment of a balalaika or accordion to one melody, but could also be performed without the support of an instrument. The listeners simply laughed and clapped to the rhythm of the ditty.

Like other oral folk art, ditties are quickly remembered by children. Ditties remain in the holiday repertoire of preschoolers and schoolchildren. At the age of 3 to 5 years, children easily and quickly remember short funny ditties and songs and happily perform them.

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.

In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.

Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said “Crow!
Give me soap and perfume
May the roosters love you!”

Irishka was riding down the hill -
She was the fastest;
Ira even has his own skis
Overtook on the way!

If only, if only
There were mushrooms growing on my nose,
We'd cook ourselves
Yes, and they rolled into my mouth.

I'll go out, I'll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture!

Play it, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.

I drank tea,
I made samovar.
I broke all the dishes -
I was cooking.

My little one and I were walking
Near our pond;
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there anymore.

My mother sent me
Drive the gander
And I walked out the gate
And - let's dance!

I was sitting on the window
My darling rode on a cat,
I started to drive up to the window
I couldn't hold the cat.

On my sundress
Club-footed roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfooted grooms.

In the yard and across the meadow
Ducklings are running.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought: guys!

I'm not Tyatkina
I'm not my mother's -
I grew up on the street
The chicken killed me.

If only girls
Were fish
There would be boys behind them
They jumped into the water.

Stands on the mountain
Big building.
I have no happiness in love -
One suffering.

Rubbish rubbish!
I could perform all day!
I don't feel like studying
And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the supermarket.
“Mom, there’s no cereal there,
I had to buy some candy!”

Leshka is sitting at the table
Picking his nose
And the booger answers:
I still won't get out!

Yegor has two shoulder blades,
And Nina has molds.
I give them a tongue for it
I'll stick it out of the window.

I baked a cake
I treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in my glass.

Grandfather taught a mouse to write,
And what came out was scribbles.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy woman: “Mommy,
I’m still little.”

Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours in the shower Yulia
Grandma washed it afterwards.

Dima got dressed in the morning
And for some reason it fell:
He stuck it for no reason
Two legs in one pant leg.

I washed my hands under the tap,
And I forgot to wash my face,
Trezor saw me
He barked: “What a shame!”

Boiled milk
She went far away.
I approach him again:
There's no milk in sight.

Folk ditties and funny songs develop children and introduce them to the musicality of the Russian language. The rhythm and cheerful melody invites the child to dance to the rhythm of the ditty, and the meaning makes him laugh. Along with nursery rhymes and pestushki, children should also be introduced to ditties. By humming a ditty, you can show your child simple movements, and the baby will repeat after you.

My friend and I were dancing
Rubber boots.
The audience was looking at us
Everyone's mouths were open.

Eh, once again, once again,
We'll bow now
Let's start dancing
We will try for you!

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We might get confused!

I've grown a centimeter
And Vitek - by as much as five.
And Lariska got fat,
You can't hug the whole class.

Vanka sits at the gate
With my mouth wide open,
But people won’t understand
Where is the gate and where is the mouth.

I caught a mouse in a cage
And locked it there tightly,
After all, you can’t assemble without a mouse
There's a turnip in the garden.

The rook dreams of spring,
And the fisherman is talking about carp.
And my little sister
Only about the Barbie doll.

Like my girlfriend
Ears pierced.
Earrings suit her
Well, like Babka-Yozhka.

From girlfriends who laugh
So much noise and ringing
Like a hundred rattles,
Even from a million!