“Eternal sunshine in music - your name is Mozart! "solar composer Online broadcast stream addresses

Here is a list of 10 composers you should know. Of each of them it can be said with certainty that he is the greatest composer who ever lived, although in fact it is impossible, and indeed impossible, to compare music written over several centuries. However, all of these composers stand out among their contemporaries as composers who composed music of the highest caliber and strived to push boundaries classical music to new limits. The list does not contain any order, such as importance or personal preference. Just 10 great composers you should know.

Each composer is accompanied by a quotable fact of his life, remembering which you will look like an expert. And by clicking on the link to the last name, you will recognize him full biography. And of course, you can listen to one of the significant works of each master.

The most important figure in world classical music. One of the most performed and respected composers in the world. He created in all genres that existed in his time, including opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, and choral works. The most significant in his legacy are considered instrumental works: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for piano, violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

Interesting fact.

Beethoven first wanted to dedicate his third symphony (1804) to Napoleon; the composer was captivated by the personality of this man, who seemed to many at the beginning of his reign a real hero. But when Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor, Beethoven crossed out his dedication on the title page and wrote only one word - “Heroic”.

"Moonlight Sonata" by L. Beethoven, listen:

2. (1685-1750)

German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One of greatest composers in the history of music. During his life, Bach wrote more than 1000 works. His work represents everything significant genres of that time, except opera; he summarized the achievements musical art Baroque period. The founder of the most famous musical dynasty.

Interesting fact.

During his lifetime, Bach was so underrated that less than a dozen of his works were published.

Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J. S. Bach, listen:

3. (1756-1791)

The great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, representative of the Vienna Classical School, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor, he had a phenomenal musical ear, memory and ability to improvise. As a composer who excelled in any genre, he is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Interesting fact.

While still a child, Mozart memorized and recorded the Miserere (cat. chant on the text of the 50th Psalm of David) by the Italian Gregorio Allegri, having listened to it only once.

"Small night serenade" W.A. Mozart, listen:

4. (1813-1883)

German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. Had a significant impact on European culture turn of XIX-XX centuries, especially modernism. Wagner's operas are stunning in their grandiose scale and eternal human values.

Interesting fact.

Wagner took part in the failed revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany and was forced to hide from arrest by Franz Liszt.

"Ride of the Valkyries" from R. Wagner's opera "Walkyrie", listen

5. (1840-1893)

Italian composer, central figure Italian opera school. Verdi had a sense of the stage, temperament and impeccable skill. He did not deny operatic traditions (unlike Wagner), but on the contrary developed them (the traditions of Italian opera), he transformed Italian opera, filled it with realism, and gave it the unity of the whole.

Interesting fact.

Verdi was an Italian nationalist and was elected to the first Italian parliament in 1860, following the declaration of Italian independence from Austria.

Overture to D. Verdi's opera "La Traviata", listen:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Russian (American - after emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most important composers twentieth century. Stravinsky's work is consistent throughout his entire career, although in different periods the style of his works was different, but the core and Russian roots remained, which were evident in all his works, he is considered one of the leading innovators of the twentieth century. His innovative use of rhythm and harmony has inspired and continues to inspire many musicians, not just in classical music.

Interesting fact.

During World War I, Roman customs officers confiscated Pablo Picasso's portrait of Stravinsky as the composer was leaving Italy. The portrait was painted in a futuristic manner and customs officers mistook these circles and lines for some kind of encrypted secret materials.

Suite from the ballet by I.F. Stravinsky " Firebird", listen:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian composer of light music, conductor and violinist. "King of Waltzes", he worked in the genre dance music and operettas. In his musical heritage more than 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and ballets. Thanks to him, the waltz became extremely popular in Vienna in the 19th century.

Interesting fact.

Johann Strauss's father is also Johann and also a famous musician, so the "Waltz King" is called the youngest or son, his brothers Joseph and Eduard were also famous composers.

Waltz by J. Strauss "On the Beautiful Blue Danube", listen:

9. Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Austrian composer, one of the outstanding representatives of Viennese classical music school and one of the founders of romanticism in music. For my short life Schubert made significant contributions to orchestral, chamber and piano music, which influenced an entire generation of composers. However, his most striking contribution was to the development of German romances, of which he created more than 600.

Interesting fact.

Schubert's friends and fellow musicians would get together and perform Schubert's music. These meetings were called "Schubertiads". Some first fan club!

"Ave Maria" by F.P.Schubert, listen:

Continuing the theme of great composers you should know, new material.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

V.A. Mozart was called a sunny boy in childhood, in early adolescence - a child prodigy, and then - a genius.

At the age of 4 he played the violin and harpsichord fluently, at the age of 6 he began composing music, at the age of 7 he improvised, competing with famous musicians, at the age of 14 he was recognized as a composer, and at the age of 15 he was a member of the music academies of Bologna and Verona.

He lived only 35 years and created

626 musical works,


23 operas,

18 sonatas,

23 piano concertos,

41 symphonies.

He worked in all musical forms of his time and achieved the highest success in all.

Brief encyclopedic reference

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is a great Austrian composer and conductor, representative of the Vienna Classical School of Music, author of more than 600 musical works. According to contemporaries, he had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. Internationally recognized as one of the greatest composers: his uniqueness lies in the fact that he worked in all musical forms of his time and achieved the highest success in all of them.

Early years.

1.Salzburg. The house where W.A. Mozart was born. 2.Leopold Mozart. Hood. P. Lorenz. 3.Watercolor by artist Carmontel. A lesson for Wolfgang and Anna.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (baptismal name: Johann Chrysostomos Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) born on January 27, 1756 in the small Austrian town of Salzburg. The first two words in his full name are the name of St. John Chrysostom, the last in Latin means “beloved of God.” Mozart himself preferred to be called Wolfgang.

His father, Leopolda Mozart, was a court organist and at the same time the most famous in Europe music teacher. His book “The Experience of a Solid Violin School” was published in 1756, the year of Mozart’s birth, went through many editions and was translated into Russian. The musical talent of Wolfgang and his older sister Anna was discovered in early childhood. The father himself taught his son to play the organ, violin, and harpsichord. At three years old the boy confidently improvised, and at five he composed musical works.

4.Six-year-old Mozart in a suit donated by the Empress. Hood. P. Lorenz. 5. The Mozart family. On the wall is a portrait of the mother. Hood. I. Nepomuk de Croce.

Deciding to show his little child prodigy son to the public, Leopold Mozart undertook a successful concert tour in Germany, Switzerland, and Holland in 1762, when his son was only 6 years old. The family was twice honored with a reception from Empress Maria Theresa. The Mozarts' concert tours continue for about ten years, everywhere and always The boy Mozart's music amazed listeners with its amazing beauty and harmony. In addition to Wolfgang, his older sister Anna, a gifted singer, is participating in the tour.

By the age of 17, the young composer’s repertoire included more than 40 major works. Concerts brought considerable income to the family, but required great physical and mental expenditure from the little musicians.

In 1763, four works by the young composer were published in France in sonata form for clavier and violin. It was a real confession.

6.Order of the Golden Spur. 7. The son of J.S. Bach is Christian Bach. Hood. T. Gainsborough. 8. Portrait of Mozart. Hood. Doris Stock.

The trip to London (1764 – 1765) was especially important for the Mozarts. Immediately upon arrival they were received by King George III. Composer Johann Christian Bach (son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach), whom Mozart many years later would call his teacher, was present at one of the concerts. It was in London that the first symphonies were composed.

From 1766 to 1769, living in Salzburg and Vienna, Mozart studied the work of the great masters, in particular Handel.

1769 – 1770 – trip to Italy. Mozart is received by King Ferdinand IV and Pope Clement XIV, who awards the musician the Order of the Golden Spur.

In 1770-1774, Mozart lived in Italy, where he studied European music and mastered the subtleties of craftsmanship, became acquainted with outstanding musicians of its time. His first operas were also created there (“The Imaginary Simpleton,” “Mithridates the King of Pontus,” “Lucius Sulla,” “The Dream of Scipio”), which had great success with the public.

The flourishing of creativity.

The heyday of Mozart’s work is considered to be the 70s of the 18th century, when he created such works as Symphony No. 31 (Paris), 6 clavier sonatas, spiritual choirs, a concert for flute and harp, and 12 ballet numbers.
At the same time, Mozart was having a hard time with the death of his mother. The loss changed the style of his works from serene, sunny to stormy, dramatic.

At this time (1779) Mozart begins to serve. And his first place of permanent work was the position of court organist in hometown. But court life weighs heavily on the independent and freedom-loving creative personality already famous musician, and he chooses the difficult path of a free musician and difficult worries about his daily bread.

Peak of glory.

In 1781, Mozart's opera Idomeneo debuted on the Munich opera stage and was a great success with the public. Mozart decides to finally settle in Vienna. In 1783 he married Constance Weber. At this time, Mozart became widely famous in Vienna; His “academies” were extremely popular - the so-called public author’s concerts, in which the works of one composer were performed by himself. The most significant works of the opera and symphonic genres were created in Vienna. Famous operas"The Marriage of Figaro" and "Don Giovanni" (both written together with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) are staged in all major theaters in Europe, becoming outstanding examples of operatic realism.

In 1789, the composer received a very lucrative offer to head the court chapel in Berlin. Musical world At that time I did not understand his refusal, which was at the same time fraught with material difficulties. The composer himself made a choice in favor of family and creativity.

Caring for the financial support of his children, Mozart was forced to work hard. At this time he is haunted by failures. "Don Juan" unexpectedly flops in Vienna. Mozart was forced to take the position of composer and conductor at the court of Emperor Joseph II, who understood little about music and could publicly say that Mozart’s works were “not to the taste of the Viennese.”

Mozart's last great work was the brilliant opera German“The Magic Flute” (1791) is a kind of spiritual testament.

9.Hood. I.Edlinger. Lifetime portrait of W.A. Mozart. Munich. 1790. 10.Vienna. The house in which


The last years of Mozart's life were tragic. My wife was seriously ill. Worries and intense creative work finally undermined the health of the 35-year-old composer. Since November 1791, Mozart was sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. He felt the approach of death, so he mystically perceived the order to create the funeral mass “Requiem”. The order was made by Count Walsegg-Stuppach in memory of his deceased wife. There is information that the count was distinguished by commissioning works from talented composers, which he later performed under his own name. This should have been the case with Requiem. Mozart worked until his strength left him, but the Requiem was never finished. The work was completed by Mozart's student Süssmayer, who used sketches and sketches of his great teacher.

The last months of the composer's life were spent in poverty. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died on December 5, 1791 from an acute fever. He was buried in a common grave for the poor in St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna. However famous legend about the poisoning of Mozart by his friend and rival Salieri, which has not found historical confirmation, continues to live.

For the Viennese, Mozart’s death passed almost unnoticed, but in Prague, with a large crowd of people (about 4,000 people), in memory of Mozart on the 9th day after his death, 120 musicians performed with special additions “Requiem” by Antonio Rosetti, written back in 1776.

We invite you to watch one of the best documentary biographical films about the great Mozart. It was created by German musicologist and composer Malcoln Hossick based on published materials and personal impressions. The film in mp4 format lasts 26 minutes and covers all the main events from the life of Mozart. Follow the link to youtube: https://youtu.be/updJKzBBe5A - or just click on the frame.

From April 22 to 24 in Moscow and St. Petersburg under the leadership of the artistic director Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev hosted a musical marathon dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian and Soviet composer Sergei Prokofiev. More precisely, the marathon will last the whole year and spread across three continents. The artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater told TASS how he discovered Prokofiev’s music, why he calls him a sunny composer, and also about plans to create cultural center named after Prokofiev in Nikolina Gora, where he lived for the last few years.

Having observed you in recent years, I can say that you, Valery Abisalovich, treat your own birthdays without due respect and celebrate without the Caucasian scope.

– It’s impossible to forget completely, they always remind you of the approaching anniversary, but you’re right, I see no reason to organize noisy celebrations in your honor on May 2. I understand: this is far from the most significant event in the history of classical music.

But memorable dates related to the lives of outstanding Russian composers, do not miss them. You celebrated the 175th anniversary of Tchaikovsky’s birth with a concert symphony orchestra Mariinsky Theater on May 7 last year in Klin, in the house-museum of Peter Ilyich.

– And before that we visited Votkinsk, the homeland of the great Tchaikovsky. As part of the Easter festival, they traveled to three dozen cities and everywhere they performed immortal works of the classic. Including May 7 in Klin. The concert began at eight in the evening and ended closer to midnight, but I asked permission to go into the house in which Pyotr Ilyich spent the last years of his life. I was even allowed to sit at Tchaikovsky’s piano and touch the keys of the instrument. You know, at that moment I felt something special. I try to avoid loud, pretentious phrases, but there is definitely a certain aura there, the bustle of the world does not destroy it, does not penetrate the walls...

This year you decided to hold a music marathon in honor of Sergei Prokofiev.

– The terminology is sports, but I don’t know how else to call a series of concerts that we didn’t start playing yesterday and won’t finish tomorrow. The most concentrated period occurred on April 22-24, including Sergei Sergeevich’s birthday. In three days we performed all seven symphonies of this sunny composer and many of his other works. No one has done this before, including the Mariinsky Theater team. But for the sake of Prokofiev, I am ready to become a marathon runner...

By the way, Sergei Sergeevich’s music was first performed in our theater exactly a century ago. In 1916, the premiere of the "Scythian Suite" took place, and the author was at the conductor's stand.

Do you call Prokofiev a sunny composer because he was born in the village of Sontsovka in Donbass? But he has so many minor notes...

– No, not because of geographical coincidences. It seems to me that Sergei Sergeevich heard music through a spectrum of light, bright rays. He is not twilight or gloomy, although, you are right, there are many night scenes in his operas and ballets. And yet, Prokofiev’s incredible energy charge reveals him as a man of the sun, not of darkness.

When did you discover it?

- Very early. I was about ten years old, I was just starting to learn to play the piano, and my first teacher Zarema Lolaeva gave me the task of learning a short C minor etude by Sergei Sergeevich. Of course, I had no idea who he was. In general, I still didn’t understand much, but that etude was played with a special feeling and mood. Before that, I also took on Mozart’s sonatas and Bach’s inventions, but the emotions were completely different. And Prokofiev’s music is daring and tart! – suddenly awakened my inner passion, hooked me and still doesn’t let go.

It so happened that I made my debut as a conductor at the then Kirov Theater in January 1978 with Sergei Sergeevich’s opera “War and Peace”.

By 1991, when the centenary of Prokofiev’s birth was celebrated, I had already been elected chief conductor of the theater. We must remember what time it was: we started the year in one country and ended in another. Soviet Union ordered to live long, old world collapsed, a new one was just emerging. The most difficult historical period! Nevertheless, in 1991 we played the premieres of three operas by Sergei Sergeevich, two of which were “The Player” and “ Fire Angel" - were performed on our stage for the first time, and "The Love for Three Oranges" has not been shown in Leningrad since 1926.

The fact that Prokofiev’s centenary occurred at the turning point of eras seems symbolic to me. Sergei Sergeevich was a restless, searching person. He entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory early, at the age of 13, left Russia soon after the 1917 revolution, worked successfully in the West, performed as a pianist, wrote music for Sergei Diaghilev’s ballets, had brilliant prospects, nevertheless, in the mid-30s, on the eve of the Great Terror, he decided to return to his homeland, where he composed works in praise of Stalin and even died with him on the same day - March 5, 1953...

As a result, the country cried for the tyrant, and the death of the genius remained in the shadows. Those who accompanied him to Novodevichye carried flowers in pots, there were no others left, they were all taken apart for wreaths for the leader.

– You know, we don’t need to worry too much about such things. Somersaults of history should not become the main emphasis in a conversation about a gigantic figure on the scale of Prokofiev. The life of the great composer was not interrupted on March 5; his physical departure had nothing to do with the effect of the falling curtain.

Nevertheless, there was a period of oblivion. Are you trying to rehabilitate Prokofiev in some way today?

– It seems to me that Sergei Sergeevich does not need volunteer lawyers and assistants. What we are doing now is not done only for his sake. This is a huge, important part of my life and, more importantly, the entire staff of the Mariinsky Theater.

April 23, Prokofiev’s birthday, in Concert hall At the Mariinsky Theater you performed the cantata “For the twentieth anniversary of October”. Isn't it a strange choice?

- Absolutely not! This is a grandiose work. Revolutionary, bold! It is not inferior to the best symphonies and ballets of Sergei Sergeevich, but it sounds extremely rarely.

Of course! The cantata is based on quotes from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

– It all starts with Feuerbach, and then – yes, there are the classics of Marxism-Leninism in full, even expanded composition... I’ll say a seditious thought: in this company I’m interested in Prokofiev. It interests me so much that for the sake of it I’m ready to re-read the works of all four.

Including Joseph Vissarionovich?

– If necessary to understand what Sergei Sergeevich did.

He also wrote “Zdravitsa” for Stalin’s 60th birthday. Did you want to please him?

“It wasn’t a matter of opportunism or a desire to please. The cantata is very bright, talented, fully demonstrating the composer's gift, technique and skill of the author. This time we did not perform it, but at one time we played it in New York along with the cantata “For the twentieth anniversary of October”. This caused a strong reaction from overseas critics, and they gave me a hard time. The New York Times devoted an entire newspaper page to analyzing our speech.

When was this?

– In 1996. The Americans carelessly entrusted me with the discovery of a new music festival at Lincoln Center. The organizers wanted to hear something interesting and original. I didn't think for long...

Do you think Prokofiev regretted returning to the USSR in 1936?

- It's hard to say. He chose difficult fate, in the end, I both lost and gained a lot. It’s stupid now, decades later, to try to evaluate the pros and cons for another person. I don’t think anyone knows the truth and can speak on someone else’s behalf. Even youngest son Prokofiev and my friend Oleg Sergeevich, who unfortunately died untimely in 1997, did not undertake to assert anything. Recent years For a year and a half of his life, we communicated closely, and I carefully but persistently raised the topic: was Prokofiev mistaken in deciding to return? Oleg Sergeevich could not give a definite answer. There was so much tragedy in their lives...

Suffice it to remember that Sergei Sergeevich’s first wife Lina, mother of Oleg and Svyatoslav, was exiled to Mordovian camps in 1948.

A Spanish woman, who followed her husband to a foreign country and was left here by him for the sake of another woman, spent eight years in the Gulag...

- Yes, scary story. The sons knew and understood everything, this probably left an imprint on their attitude towards their father. Of course, returning to Russia, Prokofiev could not foresee either the family drama or the fact that in a few years the war would begin and he would have to go into evacuation. It would have been calmer to sit out the hard times in some prosperous Switzerland, but, apparently, something told Sergei Sergeevich: in Moscow and Leningrad he had more opportunities to realize himself than in New York or Paris.

Maybe he was tired of competing with Stravinsky and Rachmaninov, who were better received in Europe and America?

– You know, everything is relative. The same Diaghilev at first sympathized with Prokofiev, then turned towards Stravinsky... He could deliberately add pepper, awakening the competitive spirit between two talented composers. Not everyone agrees with me, but I am convinced that it was in the late 30s, during the war and after the Victory, that Prokofiev wrote perhaps his best works. I'm not sure that in the West he would have created the 5th and 6th symphonies or the 7th and 8th sonatas.

Before finally returning to the USSR, Sergei Sergeevich came here on extensive tours. He was received fantastically. “The Love for Three Oranges” was staged at the Kirov Theater in such a way that it could not help but captivate the author’s heart. He experienced a shock, a real triumph. I think this became a powerful argument for Prokofiev, a positive emotion in favor of returning. I don’t insist, but this is my version.

Yes, in Soviet Russia Sergei Sergeevich did not have the same peace of mind, due to various squabbles his health deteriorated, but creatively he won. It was here that he got wonderful performers - Oistrakh, Gilels, Richter, Rostropovich, who perfectly felt what Prokofiev wanted to express with the help of notes...

The music for the films “Alexander Nevsky” and “Ivan the Terrible” stands out. The composer had a sincere friendship with Eisenstein. Their meeting was a great success, a real gift for both. It’s the same as if Rachmaninov had never met Chaliapin. There would be trouble! And so the nuggets found each other...

Let's return to the Prokofiev marathon. You already mentioned that it didn’t start for you last weekend...

– The whole of 2016 is passing under the sign of Prokofiev. Already this year we performed his works in the most different countries- in Cuba, Chile, Mexico, USA, England, Germany, on trips to Russian cities - from Vladivostok and Tomsk to Kemerovo and Ulan-Ude... Ahead is the Easter festival, where Sergei Sergeevich’s music will again be heard, tours to China , Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland...

It’s impossible to list everything!

It’s clear that you don’t expect thanks, but if we assume that Sergei Sergeevich saw your efforts, do you think he would be a little happier?

“It seems to me that he would have thought that maybe he did the right thing by returning to Russia, since he is still so valued and honored here.”

A year ago you said that your friends bought and gave you Prokofiev’s dacha in Nikolina Gora, which was in disrepair, for your birthday. Realtors were going to demolish the composer's dilapidated house and sell the land. This, fortunately, did not happen. Have your plans to create a cultural center where Prokofiev lived for the last few years changed?

- Of course not. I donated the dacha to my own charitable foundation. The point is not who is formally the owner. It is important to preserve the historical and cultural monument. The foundation has had a number of successful projects, its employees have the necessary experience... Until it comes to reconstruction, certain bureaucratic formalities must be observed, but, as they say, the process is underway. The house will not be abandoned, that's for sure. All it takes is time.

Knowing you a little, I can assume that after finishing this marathon race, you will move on to the next distance. Which one?

– I think that the abundance of Prokofiev’s music heard at the Mariinsky Theater in no way offends the memory of Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov... By September 25 of this year, in other words, for the 110th anniversary of Dmitry Shostakovich, together with his son Maxim, we will prepare program cycle. Dmitry Dmitrievich has not created many operas and ballets, in this sense the theater is limited in its choice, but in terms of symphonies it is ahead of the rest, which the Mariinsky Theater “takes advantage of” with great pleasure. We have played and will continue to play Shostakovich around the world.

So we do not stand still, we continue to move forward.

Interviewed Andrey Vandenko

What would our life be like without music? For many years, people have asked themselves this question and come to the conclusion that without the beautiful sounds of music, the world would be a very different place. Music helps us feel joy more fully, find our inner self and cope with difficulties. Composers, working on their works, were inspired by a variety of things: love, nature, war, happiness, sadness and much more. Some of the ones they created musical compositions, will forever remain in the hearts and memories of people. Here is a list of ten of the greatest and most talented composers of all time. Under each composer you will find a link to one of his most famous works.


Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer who lived only 32 years, but his music will live on for a very long time. Schubert wrote nine symphonies, about 600 vocal compositions, and large number chamber and solo piano music.

"Evening Serenade"

German composer and pianist, author of two serenades, four symphonies, as well as concerts for violin, piano and cello. He has been performing at concerts since he was ten years old, performing for the first time with solo concert at 14 years old. During his lifetime, he gained popularity primarily due to the waltzes and Hungarian dances he wrote.

"Hungarian Dance No. 5".

George Frideric Handel is a German and English composer of the Baroque era, he wrote about 40 operas, many organ concerts, and also chamber music. Handel's music has been played at the coronations of English kings since 973, it is also heard at royal wedding ceremonies and is even used as the anthem of the UEFA Champions League (with a small arrangement).

"Music on the water"

Joseph Haydn- a famous and prolific Austrian composer of the classical era, he is called the father of the symphony, as he made significant contributions to the development of this musical genre. Joseph Haydn is the author of 104 symphonies, 50 piano sonatas, 24 operas and 36 concertos

"Symphony No. 45".

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is the most famous Russian composer, author of more than 80 works, including 10 operas, 3 ballets and 7 symphonies. He was very popular and known as a composer during his lifetime, and performed in Russia and abroad as a conductor.

"Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

Frédéric François Chopin is a Polish composer who is also considered one of the best pianists of all time. He wrote many pieces of music for piano, including 3 sonatas and 17 waltzes.

"Waltz of Rain"

Venetian composer and virtuoso violinist Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is the author of more than 500 concertos and 90 operas. He had a huge influence on the development of Italian and world violin art.

"Elf Song".

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an Austrian composer who amazed the world with his talent with early childhood. Already at the age of five, Mozart was composing short plays. In total, he wrote 626 works, including 50 symphonies and 55 concertos. 9.Beethoven 10.Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and organist of the Baroque era, known as a master of polyphony. He is the author of more than 1000 works, which include almost all significant genres of that time.

"Musical joke"

"Eternal sunlight in music, your name is Mozart!”

  1. Acquaintance with the work of W. A. ​​Mozart.
  2. Determination of the most important stylistic features of the composer’s work (the predominance of bright, joyful moods, lively melodies) using the example of “A Little Night Serenade”.

Musical material:

  1. W. A. ​​Mozart. A little night serenade. Part IV. Fragment (listening);
  2. W. A. ​​Mozart, Russian text by A. Leikina. "Magic bells" Fragment of the chorus “Listen, how crystal clear the sounds” from the opera “The Magic Flute” (singing, playing children’s musical instruments)

Description of activities:

  1. Establish a connection between the nature of the melody and the nature of the content of the musical work.
  2. Compare the characters of melodies in musical works of different composers.
  3. Play children's musical instruments

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and lived in Austria, but his music is known and loved by the whole world. This music is full of light, joy and beauty. This is probably why the Russian composer Anton Rubinstein called Mozart Helios - the sun god.

Mozart's fate was amazing. Many of you have probably heard the expression “talented like Mozart.” This is what they say when they want to talk about a person who is unusually gifted and outstanding. Mozart lived only 36 years. But he managed to create a lot of musical works - 50 symphonies, 19 operas, sonatas, songs and other works of various genres.

In those days, when there was no electricity, no radio, no television, no computers, people rode horses or in carriages, wore white powdered wigs, men wore camisoles and lace pantaloons, and women wore beautiful long dresses, it was in those distant times that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived and worked.

Wolfgang's father, Leopold Mozart, was a court musician in the city of Salzburg and gave music lessons.

The boy's unusual talent manifested itself very early. Already at the age of 3, he discovered an amazing and persistent interest in music: as soon as he heard sounds, Wolfgang abandoned all fun and rushed towards them.

The kid could listen for hours to how Sister Nannerl practiced the harpsichord. It was difficult to tear him away from the instrument: while pressing the keys, the child listened attentively for a long time, noisily rejoicing when he found the harmonies he liked, then he began to select the motives of songs familiar to him, entire excerpts from the plays he had heard.

One day, three-year-old Wolf walked up to the instrument and hit the keys with both palms. A sharp piercing sound was heard! The kid covered his ears in horror and... lost consciousness. After this incident, he treated the instrument with great care as a living being with magical properties. He talked to him, stroked him, listened to each sound for a long time and rejoiced noisily when he found harmonious consonances.

Having made sure that his little son was attracted to music, the father decided to slowly start lessons with him.

When Wolfgang was six years old, the entire Mozart family went to Munich. The Elector of Munich listened to the performance of Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl and praised them. After that, returning home, young virtuosos They began to study music even more diligently, and in the fall of 1862 the children performed in Vienna in front of the imperial court.

The Mozart family visited all the largest cities in Europe - Paris, London, Geneva, Amsterdam. The trip lasted four years and turned into a triumphal procession.

Thus began the difficult creative path great composer. Already as a child, Mozart worked a lot.

The little virtuoso performer in a white wig with a pigtail and a heavy embroidered gold camisole, given to a boy at the imperial court, looked like a funny doll. Of course!

A child who masters the instrument! Hurry up to see! Hurry up to hear! The little musician will play the harpsichord according to the notes! And from memory! WITH eyes closed! And with the keyboard covered with a scarf! With two hands! With one hand! And with one finger! He will guess any note named from the audience... He will play any unfamiliar works from sight... And his musical improvisations on any topic are simply unique... Hurry! Hurry...

The concerts of the Mozart children lasted 4-5 hours and caused a storm of surprise and admiration. Wolfgang's program was especially striking in its difficulty. The little virtuoso played the harpsichord, violin and organ. He improvised musical works on a given theme and played unfamiliar works on the spot. You can’t say anything - a real child prodigy, that is, a gifted child.

Little Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a sunny boy. He almost always smiled, like a gentle spring sun. Because music lived in him... Heavenly, sunny, joyful music! Music filled his entire being. Music was his breath. Music was his vision. Music was his ear.

Listen to one of the most charming opera excerpts - the chorus from the fairy-tale opera "The Magic Flute". It’s called “Listen to how crystal clear the sounds are”; you will immediately feel the lightness and naturalness of the melody. This is probably why such music is easily remembered by both adults and children.

Do you know what other music the composer W. A. ​​Mozart created? We are all familiar with Mozart's music without even realizing it.

Listen to the Lullaby “Sleep, my joy, sleep” (sings):

Sleep, my joy, sleep.
The lights in the house went out.
The birds fell silent in the garden.
The fish fell asleep in the pond.

The moon is shining in the sky,
The moon is looking out the window.
Close your eyes quickly
Sleep, my joy, sleep!

Everything in the house has been quiet for a long time,
It's dark in the cellar and kitchen.
Not a single door creaks,
The mouse is sleeping behind the stove.

Someone sighed behind the wall,
What do we care, dear?
Close your eyes quickly
Sleep, my joy, sleep!

My little bird lives sweetly.
There are no worries, no hassles.
Plenty of toys, sweets,
Lots of fun things to do.

You’ll hurry to get everything,
If only the baby didn't cry.
If only it were like this all day!
Sleep, my joy, sleep.

At one time this song was a musical theme song television program « Good night, kids! But Mozart wrote her music. But that's not all. Do you know this children's song (sings):

Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother,
That's how, that's how, little gray goat,
That's it, that's how it is, little gray goat.

Grandma loved the goat very much,
Grandma loved the goat very much,
That's how, that's how, I loved you very much,
That's how, that's how, I loved it very much.

The goat decided to take a walk in the forest,
That's how, that's how, take a walk in the forest,
That's how, that's how, take a walk in the forest.

Gray wolves attacked the goat,
That's how, that's how gray wolves are,
That's how, that's how gray wolves are.

All that's left of the goat are the horns and legs,
That's how, that's how, horns and legs,
That's how, that's how, horns and legs.

This song is also Mozart's music. It turns out that Mozart, who lived more than 200 years ago, wrote music for songs that, in their popularity and longevity, beat all existing world songs. music records. It turns out that each of us knew them from infancy.

In the unusually musical city of Vienna, day and night one could hear either wonderful singing or violin playing. Listen to Mozart's "Little Night Serenade" and you will understand what kind of music it is. Even the most simple music was extraordinarily beautiful. After all, Mozart wrote it!

Serenade. Silence, the heat of the day has gone, a clear, warm evening is coming.
“Sereno... that's what they called the warm evening weather. It was on such an evening that “serenades” were heard - evening songs of gentlemen in love, which they brought under the windows of their beloved. Serenades were performed in the open air by small orchestras.

  1. Did you like the music of W. A. ​​Mozart?
  2. What kind of Mozart music did you listen to today?
  3. Is it possible to distinguish the music of W. A. ​​Mozart from the music of other composers?
  4. What characterizes his music? (Joyful beginning, major key, melody, grace.)
  5. Remember the names of W. A. ​​Mozart's songs.
  6. What was the nature of the music?

Time will pass, but the name of Mozart will still be on the lips of grateful listeners. He is the author of unforgettable musical works. Mozart was sincerely convinced that music should give people pleasure, and he always followed this rule, composing melodies to which our hearts still respond with warmth and delight today.


1. Presentation, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Once upon a time there lived a little gray goat with my grandmother (a nursery rhyme), mp3;
Mozart. Magic bells, mp3;
Mozart. Little night serenade, mp3;
Mozart. Sleep, my joy, sleep , mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.