Vasya Smolny mad drying. Project “Mad Drying”: reviews, training program. How he lived before he became famous

Do you dream of losing weight and have already tried all existing diets, but except bad mood and failed and achieved nothing? Perhaps you are simply following the wrong methods and going from one extreme to another. The popular blogger, creator of the Instagram marathon “Mad Drying” and Vasily Smolny knows how to lose weight without compromising your health and shares his experience not only on his pages on social networks, but also in his debut book “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process."

Like many, the road to healthy image Vasily Smolny’s life was not easy: in pursuit of an excellent figure, the man tried almost everything - from vegetarianism to protein diets. Then Smolny realized that only rational nutrition with a balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates will help achieve excellent results during training.

In 2015, Vasily created the Instagram game “Mad Drying,” which is incredibly popular among those who dream of achieving a sculpted body in a short time. However, not only a fit figure attracts project participants: in order to motivate players, Smolny has developed a reward system for giving up sweets and other products that accumulate on the waist and sides. IN prize fund traditionally includes not only large cash prizes, gadgets, but also a car and even breast enlargement. The winner is the one who qualitatively completed all the tasks of the healthy lifestyle guru and demonstrated the most impressive results.

Until recently, the healthy lifestyle preacher shared his knowledge only on his pages on social networks. However, in June of this year, the Eksmo publishing house released Vasily Smolny’s debut book “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process,” in which #madzozhnik talks about what you need to eat to feel good and not gain weight, and how to train. the site invites you to familiarize yourself with the most common myths about a healthy lifestyle and the process of losing weight, which Vasily debunks in his book.

Myth 1. Diet

Not a single diet works on its own, and half of them can seriously and permanently ruin the health of any person. What is a diet? This is a limitation. For some time you deprive yourself of sweet, salty, fried, starchy foods. And some even manage to sit on bare water and expect that this will turn them into supermodels (who, by the way, are real life look scary). The joke of nature is that our body needs everything in small quantities.

By the way, if you eliminate sugar from your diet altogether, the body will begin to produce it itself.

What happens during a diet? You suddenly leave your body without everything it has become accustomed to. The body is in shock and bewilderment. He starts to get stressed. This, by the way, significantly releases hormones into the blood that are responsible for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area - a sore spot for the male sex. After this, the body turns into a natural miser, and as soon as the weakening occurs, your weight is again with you, and it is actively added to it
"bench of reserves"

The body, being under extreme stress, has no the slightest idea about when his owner will again have another whim in his head, so he begins to make provisions for a rainy day. This thing is popularly called the “yo-yo effect” - when kilograms go away, and then roll back, and even with weight gain.

If you want to look good, you need to get the hang of it once and for all: you can’t limit yourself to everything for a few days or weeks, and then go back to eating cakes and pork and remaining with a normal body.

If your weight starts to increase, you need to change your nutrition system itself (if we talk only about food). Yes, sometimes it is useful to limit yourself in something. No one canceled the same fasting days a couple of times a month.

Myth 2. After 18:00 - no, no!

A great thing for anyone who wants to completely kill already not very lively and voluminous muscles. This myth consists in the fact that after 18:00 you need to put a lock on the refrigerator and install an alarm, and beat those who approach it with a hard baton, for which you can have a separate riot police squad in the kitchen.

And after that, universal grace will come: the arrow on the scales will fall down, and if you have electronic ones, then the numbers will start ticking back at the speed of a stopwatch on a bomb in some Hollywood film.

The main attraction of this myth is that until the hour “X” you can eat whatever you want, without limiting yourself in anything. The persistent belief in the effectiveness of the method is based on the fact that you simply won’t have time to eat enough before the evening to exceed your caloric intake. But fast food and sweets will exhaust your limit in two meals.

Only a few think about why you can’t eat after 18. That is, the carriage turns into a pumpkin at midnight, and the digestive tract closes at 6 pm?

This figure was calculated based on the schedule of a standard “lark” who goes to bed at 9–10 pm. And the original idea was that it would be better to stop hamstering 3-4 hours before bedtime.

By the way, not so much because of the supposedly sharp decrease in metabolism at night (although this is a fact - when we sleep, all processes occur more slowly, including digestion), but because digesting food while half asleep makes the body somehow immediately uncomfortable for a number of reasons - up to heaviness in the stomach. So if you are a 100% night owl and the bed has never seen you before 3-4 o’clock in the morning, you can calmly, without a twinge of conscience, have dinner at midnight, without flinching from the reproachful look of the scales.

Have you been cherishing the dream of losing weight for a long time, but don’t know how to make it come true? The “Mad Drying” project will help you with this! An interesting, unique show that does not spare its participants for those who are not afraid of difficulties. “Mad Drying” is just a bomb!

What is the project?

The “Mad Drying” project is a unique show for all those who have long dreamed of losing weight. At the head of everything is the presenter Vasily Smolny. “Mad Drying” for Vasily is not only a show, but also a favorite pastime. It was his endeavors that served as the basis for creating the script for the show.

What is the meaning of the “Mad Drying” project? Nutrition that complies with all the rules of a healthy lifestyle and exercise are its main components. Participants perform certain tasks for 30 days aimed at burning fat mass. If a participant fails to complete the task, there is a risk that he will leave the project. This really motivates the players! Training and nutrition are carried out according to a specific scheme developed by specialists in the field of sports and nutrition. At the end of the project, a winner is determined and awarded a prize. As part of the project, the participant is offered up to 4 nutrition options and about 25 different sets of exercises. Thus, it turns out that every day a person has a new workout.

Assignments are published in video format, which Vasily approaches creatively. The highlight of the project is the prize fund! To get into the finals, you need to send a before/after photo. In the 6th season, 12 finalists were selected, among whom the winner was chosen through open voting. The winners of the project can receive not only cash prizes, but also a car, and even plastic surgery!

Foreigners can also take part in the project! Each season of the show features residents living in other countries. Even geography and time zones are not an obstacle for such a large-scale project.

About the Smolny family

Julia and Vasily Smolny are, first and foremost, a family. But they are also part-time Instagram bloggers who share their experiences with other people on the Internet. They write articles and shoot various videos on the topic of sports, proper nutrition and training. But they did not come to this right away. Previously, Vasily was involved in music, in particular DJing. But when Smolny decided to go over to the side of healthy lifestyle, their lives were turned upside down. Constant training, its positive effect on the body, changing the way of thinking, switching to proper nutrition simply pulled them into the world. They began to pay a lot of attention to sports, self-development, pay attention to the questions of those who want to adjust their weight, draw up training plans and nutrition programs for them. All these circumstances led to the emergence of wonderful projects that at the moment are the main activity of the family - SlimGuide and “Mad Drying”.

Yulia and Vasily have two wonderful children - Zakhar and Serafima, who have been accustomed to a healthy lifestyle since childhood. Smolny is an excellent example of a friendly, loving and healthy family!

Who's in charge?

The author of the project is Yulia Zhilina - a journalist, PR specialist, and most importantly - a mother. Having met people about whom, according to her, she simply could not help but write, Yulia decided to launch a project such as “Mad Drying”. Yulia believes that you can only do well what you are strongly involved in, so she does not take on ideas that she does not like. She sincerely hopes that the project will be useful and interesting to everyone who wants to lose weight!

Sports psychological project

The “Mad Drying” project is globally aimed at completely changing a person. Of course, the main goal is physical changes and weight loss, but the internal changes that occur in a person during the show are important. Participants overcome laziness, pain, and their fears by stepping over themselves. Heavy physical activity is exhausting not only physically, but also mentally.

But all this is not in vain! After all, at the end of the project you can see the amazing results that the participants achieved, as if they had undergone a reboot, internal and external. And all thanks to the “Mad Drying” project. Reviews and words of gratitude from graduates are extremely positive and amazing in their warmth.

Who can take part?

Men and women of absolutely any age can participate in the project. social status. But according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can only apply for prizes if you are 18 years old.

If for some reason, be it lack of finances, fear or being busy with other things, you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym and train under the guidance of a trainer, then this project is created for you! It will definitely motivate you to take decisive action and give an impetus to someone who needs it.

Cost of participation

But how much does it cost to participate in the “Mad Drying” project? The price of participation in the show is a very small amount for the current time - two thousand rubles. This is very profitable, because training in the gym with a trainer will cost you much more! If you want to lose weight correctly and inexpensively, apply and become a participant in the “Mad Drying” project. Feedback and positive comments from participants allow us to conclude that people like this format of working on themselves, and the price suits them quite well.

Feedback from participants

And of course, the audience is most interested in what are the results of grueling training and balanced nutrition in the “Mad Drying” project? Feedback from participants is simply full of words of gratitude, because the results are truly pleasing to the eye. People really manage to change themselves.

One of the winners of the project “Mad Drying 5” claims that this show is, first of all, about overcoming oneself. After all, the “elimination” tasks, which sometimes seem simply impossible, were exhausting both physically and internally. But the support of family and friends helped me overcome all difficulties and not give up.

"Mad Drying 5" was far from the limit. The popularity of the project grew. And soon he left new season project - “Mad Drying 6”. About 3,000 people took part in it. Of these, about 600 people were guaranteed to receive prizes and gifts. Participants from previous seasons who did not become prize-winners came again. This happened in the project “Mad Drying 6”. There were more and more people who wanted to get their bodies in order, so the sixth season was followed by the seventh. The eighth season of the project will start very soon. Therefore, if you want to change yourself and try your luck, quickly go to the official website of “Mad Drying” and apply for participation!


Before deciding to participate in the show, you must undergo a medical examination and make sure that physical activity is allowed for you. The first tasks may seem very difficult to you. But if you have ever played sports, then this is not a hindrance for you! The “Mad Drying” project will help you get off the couch and overcome your laziness. The exercises and their correct implementation are presented on the official website of the project. Here is an example of one of the workouts.

Total: 6 exercises, 4 circles, rest between circles - 1 minute.

  1. Squats: 25 times.
  2. Push-ups: 15 times.
  3. Hyperextension: 20 times.
  4. Bicycle: 20 times on each leg.
  5. Sitap: 20 times.
  6. Plank: 1 min.

Typically the workout takes no more than 40 minutes. There is no specific schedule for doing the exercises. You tailor your workouts to your free time.

Experts advise doing them, but if you are uncomfortable, you can do them at any other time.

You may ask: who monitors what and how I do? Your daily assignments are monitored in your personal member account through a report in in writing. But the special tasks or “knockout” tasks that you will receive every Saturday will need to be filmed, which the project administrators carefully study.

What are the special tasks? They can be completely different. Basically, tasks are related to performing physical exercises over a certain period of time. One of the most common special challenges is timed burpees.

Surely you are wondering why they can expel you from the project. Basically, participants are expelled for only two reasons - this is either failure to complete a weekly task, or it may happen that your task is considered unfulfilled. This will happen if you completed the exercise within an unspecified time frame, did not send a report, or completed the exercise incorrectly.


Of course, you can’t go anywhere without training, but you also need to constantly monitor your nutrition. This is what the project specialists will do. They will make an individual calculation of your daily calorie needs, and also give advice and recommendations on developing a diet. That is, you create the menu yourself. They only give you certain “frameworks” that you cannot go beyond. Since “Mad Drying” is a unique project, nutrition programs are prepared even for vegetarians, which will greatly please animal activists.

Sunday is the day of your wishes. You are allowed to eat any dish, but on condition that it is in the morning or at lunchtime. The rest of the time you should eat according to the schedule.

In a word, the “Mad Drying” project, the reviews of which are exclusively positive, is motivation, support and a kind of “push” for those who have long wanted to lose weight, but cannot decide to take this step.

Vasily Smolny, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, a famous blogger, a promoter of a healthy lifestyle, the author of the “#Mad Drying” project, in which people who paid to participate must improve their physical fitness every day through exercise and proper nutrition. Vasily Smolny - shining example how you can successfully monetize your popularity on social networks.

Vasily Smolny was not always a charismatic “jock” and a popularizer of a healthy lifestyle. He was born in Tajikistan, where his father served at that time. He spent his youth in Orenburg. Then there was a period of formation in Samara. "I don't have one higher education– I’m a completely unsocialized dude. I don’t care about crusts or stable work. Maybe that’s why I think more freely than many,” he says about his education.

He was brought to St. Petersburg by a love named Yulia, who soon became Yulia Smolny and gave birth to two Smolny brothers, who are now four and two years old.

Vasily became a “jock” only a couple of years ago. Before that, he was a thin, long-haired DJ. “From the age of 16, I worked in nightclubs: I was a bartender, an administrator, a DJ, and something else. In the end, I settled on DJing. In St. Petersburg, music was released under my name. I had tours, radio broadcasts, my own music program on Europe Plus.

Catharsis occurred in 2011: “I suddenly realized that the drunk, smoking, schmuck leading an unhealthy lifestyle was me, and that this matter needed to be changed.” And he changed it.

Quit smoking and drinking, started a blog, became a vegan: “I stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and all sorts of substances, and started eating a certain way. I followed total veganism for several years, but gave up because it was a real religion. People who become vegans have problems in their heads.”

Vasily described his successes in healthy lifestyle on his blog and on Instagram, and quite quickly acquired thousands of subscribers. The first set of participants was made in April 2015 - this was a test. Vasily Smolny offered participants “entrance” for 500 rubles and a percentage of the total amount of contributions to the winners.

Vasily Smolny is main enemy lazy people and those with a sweet tooth, master of dumbbells and preacher of a healthy lifestyle. I got the whole beautiful half of the RuNet hooked on healthy eating, gorizhops and sysetryas. His debut book was published by Eksmo Publishing House.

Vasily Smolny, the creator of the “Mad Drying” project, an example of a correct lifestyle, was born in 1986 on February 13 in Tajikistan.

Vasily was not always a handsome, fit and pumped-up man. Before the creation of the project “Mad Drying”, he was a thin guy, with long hair, who devoted his time to being a DJ. But the healthy lifestyle specialist does not talk about his physical parameters. But he regularly goes to the gym, has given up bad habits and keeps himself in good shape.

The family fully supports Vasily. Household members lead a healthy lifestyle and go to the gym.

How he lived before he became famous

The boy's father was a military man, and therefore the Smolny family constantly traveled following military career senior Smolny. He spent his youth in Orenburg, followed by a period of residence in Samara. From the education he received, Vasily only has information about graduating from high school.

The young man came to St. Petersburg after his beloved Julia.

Since 2002, Vasily has worked on the stage of DJ clubs. He did not disdain to stand behind the bar or perform the functions of an administrator. As a result, I decided and finally became a DJ. He even released his own music. He often toured, performed on the radio and led his own project on Europe Plus.

One day, looking at himself in the mirror, Vasily saw scary picture: A drinking, smoking schmuck was looking at him. Then it dawned on me that all this needed to change radically. Got busy with myself, quit bad habits, went to the gym, started eating right. There was even a moment of complete vegetarianism, but this culture did not take root in the body of Smolny.

Simultaneously with the formation of the new Vasily, a blog is being maintained on Instagram, where the guy’s achievements are posted. The first subscribers appear.

The “Mad Drying” project appears in 2016. This is Smolny’s direct income. Since it was the introduction of the project that increased the number of subscribers from 5,000 to 117,000.

Paid and free marathons are constantly held as part of the weight loss program and learning a healthy life.

What he does/what he is known for

Today, the 21st season of the “Mad Drying” project is already underway. Vasily Smolny is not going to stop. Releases new videos, helps people find a beautiful body and teaches a healthy lifestyle.


Vasily is married. His wife is Yulia Smolnaya. There are two children Zakhar and Seraphim. The family supports dad and also goes to the gym and eats right.

  • — VKontakte

An important component of the life of modern humanity is a beautiful figure. In order to encourage a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, trainers and nutritionists use various techniques. An example of a media person showing the results of personal weight loss can be an excellent incentive. But for some, this is not enough to start working on their body.

Sometimes you need to use an additional method of stimulation - material reward for achievements. Vasily Smolny is confident that all means are good in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

People come to Vasily Smolny’s project “Mad Drying” for real changes. Looking at the participants of previous seasons and receiving gifts for their successes, people practiced daily and proper nutrition reach personal heights.

Another project, “I’ll Buy Your Fat,” proved the effectiveness of an extraordinary approach. Vasily Smolny stopped people on the street and rewarded them financially for doing the exercises.

Vasily Smolny – healthy lifestyle specialist

Vasily Smolny did not immediately become a charismatic “jock” and popularizer of healthy lifestyle. In his youth, he worked as a bartender and DJ, released music under his own name, toured and broadcast on the radio.

One day, Vasily completely changed his lifestyle and plunged into a healthy lifestyle: he gave up alcohol, cigarettes, was a vegan for several years and lost 30 kg. He exhibited his successes in healthy lifestyle for everyone to see and quickly gained popularity. Now main value human health – Vasily Smolny brings to the masses.

A clear example of an opinion leader, gaming competition and financial reward - this is the kind of motivation Vasily Smolny provides in his projects. There are still many new and exciting projects ahead, the goal of which will remain the same - education of a healthy lifestyle.