Vasily Terkin heroes and their characteristics. The innovative character of Vasily Terkin is a combination of the traits of a peasant and the convictions of a citizen, a defender of his native country (According to the poem “Vasily Terkin” by A. T. Tvardovsky). Personality as a creator of history

Brief description Vasily Tyorkin

    The image of the main character Vasily Terkin, a simple Russian soldier, is an example of human dignity, courage, love for the Motherland, honesty and selflessness. All these qualities of the hero are revealed in each chapter of the work.
    Since the work was written during the war, it goes without saying that the main qualities of the hero, which the author focuses on, are selfless courage, heroism, a sense of duty and responsibility.
    He symbolic image, man-people, collective Russian type. It is no coincidence that nothing is said about his personal biography. He is “a great hunter of living until he is ninety years old,” a peaceful, civilian man, a soldier by necessity. His usual life on the collective farm was interrupted by the war. War is a natural disaster for him, hard work. The entire poem is permeated with a dream of a peaceful life.
    Already at the first mention, the surname Terkin outlines the boundaries of character: Terkin means an experienced, seasoned man, “a seasoned kalach,” or, as it is said in the poem, “a seasoned man.”
    From the first days of the bitter year,
    The world heard through the menacing thunder,
    Vasily Terkin repeated:
    We'll endure it. Let's grind...
    The author emphasizes the ordinariness and realism of the hero, and this is expressed in the author’s description:

    Terkin, who is he?
    Let's be honest:
    Just a guy himself
    He's ordinary.
    Terkin’s image is a generalized image, for all its realism and ordinariness. Tvardovsky gives his hero an “all-Russian” appearance and avoids portrait marks.
    ("Endowed with beauty / He was not excellent. / Not tall, not that small, / But a hero-hero.") Terkin is a bright, unique personality, and at the same time he includes the features of many people, he is, as it were, repeated many times in others.
    It is important that Terkin belongs to the most massive branch of the army, the infantry. Hero infantryman. “It contains the pathos of the infantry, the army closest to the earth, to the cold, to fire and death,” wrote Tvardovsky at the very beginning of his plan. Terkin is one of the unskilled workers of the war, on whom the country rests, who bore the burden of the war on their shoulders.

  2. Vasily Ivanovich Terkin, a soldier (then an officer) from the Smolensk peasants: a guy himself. He is ordinary.
    T. embodies the best features of the Russian soldier and the Russian people. T. has been fighting since the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times,

    was wounded. Motto T.: Don’t be discouraged, no matter what the difficulties. So, hero, to restore contact with the fighters,

    located on the other side of the river, swims across it twice in icy water. Or to make a telephone call during a fight

    line, T. alone occupies a German dugout, in which he comes under fire. One day T. gets into hand-to-hand combat

    with a German and, with great difficulty, but still takes the enemy prisoner. The hero perceives all these feats as ordinary actions.

    at war. He does not boast about them, does not demand rewards for them. And he only jokingly says that for the sake of representativeness he simply

    a medal is required. Even in the harsh conditions of war, T. retains all human qualities

Vasily Terkin is our modern hero.

The main character Vasily Terkin from the poem by Alexander Tvardovsky, written by him during the Second World War, provided invaluable support to Soviet soldiers in the front-line units of that period.

Because not only people seasoned in battles went to defend their Motherland, but also mustacheless boys who were not at all wise in life, who had only school life behind them and had not yet experienced the difficulties of the front.

Personality as a creator of history

The characterization of Vasily Terkin given by the author was more collective image, as if complementing the already existing personality described by Pyotr Boborikin in the novel “Vasily Terkin,” published in 1892. The name of this famous man-legend was considered by Tvardovsky back in the period of the Soviet-Finnish War, at the turn of 1939 - 1940, in his published feuilleton in poetic form.

Even then, the author’s insight was evident, as we now understand that the Finnish events were harbingers of terrible days for millions of people on the planet who gave their lives to save the modern generation.

Simple Russian guy

The poem does not regret anything, but preserves the chain of events in the military life of a simple Russian guy who went through the Finnish War and survived to give strength and courage to the youth, and to lift the spirits of the already elderly soldiers. And when Vasily Terkin talks about how this is not the first war for him in his lifetime, everything becomes clear to everyone. Because this is said by a person with experience and experience, who was captured and came out of encirclement, was wounded, but retained the fighting spirit of a real soldier.

Immortality of personality

In the chapters “Before the Battle,” “Crossing,” and “Terkin is Wounded,” the hero is infectious with optimism, and each chapter is permeated with episodes from life in which there is no place for fiction. Personality in history has always had great value, because his actions leave an indelible mark on everyone's soul. And to understand him, it is not enough to read only one chapter, because the character of Vasily Terkin, his true traits and new qualities inherent only to this hero, are revealed in each individual story.

And Vasily Terkin represents an ideal to follow:

  • as a person;
  • with deep patriotism and love for the Fatherland;
  • optimism and hope for a wonderful future;
  • faith in the immortality of the Soviet soldier.

The chapters “Duel”, “Who Shot?”, “General”, “Battle in the Swamp”, “Terkin’s Rest”, “Two Soldiers” eloquently tell about this, and even in the chapter “Death and the Warrior” the hero is not afraid of death and believes in long life. This is the whole meaning of the work, that the warriors who remained on the battlefield and even those who are destined to remain alive will be immortal in the hearts of people and the memory of them will live for centuries, and each of them will become a legend: “Saint and sinner / Russian miracle man..."

This image has folklore origins. It arose from the sketches of the early Vasya Terkin, a hero and a merry fellow, as well as the feuilleton hero Ivan Gvozdev. However, first of all, this is the result of the author’s close observations during battles and everyday life at the front, a reflection of the best features of fighters, “ordinary”, simple, taken from life itself, although acting in the exceptional conditions of a terrible war.

Terkin bears all the difficult trials that the fighting people went through: encirclement, severe wounds in no man's land, a disastrous crossing, loss of friends, hospital, new battles. Related to this hero's surname. Having arisen from the verbs “rub” and “to wash” (as indicated by the author) and coinciding with the surname of the hero of the novel P.D. Boborykina "Vasily Terkin" (1892), she emphasizes the hero's experience- he is “worn by life”, mangled by all its vicissitudes. It’s not for nothing that vital marks are visible on his naked body (chapter “In the Bath”):

The signs are exactly like writing

Memorial page.

Here are Yelnya and Desna,

And the native side

In line with abroad.

A. Tvardovsky does not endow his hero with a remarkable, let alone beautiful, appearance(“Endowed with beauty/He was not excellent”). There is also no external heroism in him, inherent in popular print Vasya Terkin. The emphasis is on inner heroism, on deeds and actions akin to the exploits of epic heroes. At the same time, the author emphasizes Vasily’s beauty, his ordinariness and exceptional modesty, designed to highlight his dislike for ostentatious bravado, the everyday and natural nature of his exploits. But his heroism is obvious - both in bloody battles, and in grueling transitions, and in unexpected, extreme situations. So, without thinking, Terkin throws himself into the icy water to convey an extremely important report to the other side of the river.

A notable feature of the hero is his unity with the fighters, the inseparability of his fate with the fate of thousands, his nationality.

Always and everywhere he is “one of his own.” He feels so “at home” with the infantrymen, with the soldiers of the “grave” team saving him, with the tank crews. But they, having met Vasily, look at each other: “One of our own!” It becomes clear why the tank drivers give him an accordion: not only because he plays infectiously on the three-row, but also because they want to generously reward this wonderful guy. Terkin is unusually sociable, approachable, friendly, and easily fits into any group of fighters. And when he returns from reconnaissance, he is especially happy:

To see, to know that everyone you meet is

Transverse is yours.

Stranger, but heartily glad,

Tyorkin is characterized by boundless devotion to the Motherland, which he perceives differently: and how father's house, and as the native land (Smolensk region), and as something great, boundless and living “for a thousand years” and as something intimately close, “our own”, called “Mother Russia”. It’s hard to forget the poignant ending to the chapter “About the Hero”:

I don’t need, brothers, orders,

I don't need fame

But I need, my homeland is sick,

Native side!

The hero lives not just love for the Motherland, but the highest feeling responsibility for her fate. Seeing his dialogue with his friends from the infantry, he reminds that behind every soldier stands Russia (“Battle in the Swamp”), and she will not remain in debt: “And Russia, our dear mother, / Will give full honor to everyone.” In the chapter “On Loss,” Terkin says to a soldier who has lost his pouch:

But Russia, the old mother,

There is no way we can lose.

A. Tvardovsky set himself a huge task - to embody the features of the Russian national character in his Terkin. And he succeeded. The poet revealed in him fearlessness and courage, endurance, unique life experience and a willingness to share it with people, a sense of humor and lively slyness, ingenuousness and good nature, a passion for song and a love for infectious dance.

Terkin, a man of the earth in the past, is distinguished by his great hard work.

He also perceives war as tireless work. At the same time, he can literally do everything: dig a trench, set up a saw, repair walkers in a peasant hut.

Terkinsky humor is magnificent, taking the most diverse forms (a joke, a grin, a witty word, irony, a lively laugh) and infecting everyone around. It is designed to create an uplifting mood, encourage, and inspire. A sense of humor and love of life help a fighter in critical moments (“Death and the Warrior”).

Tyorkin’s unshakable faith in victory is also associated with love of life. He is deeply convinced that “this hour is not far off”, that “the time will come, we will return back.” That’s why Terkin repeats so stubbornly and insistently: “don’t be discouraged,” “we’ll endure it, we’ll grind it out.” The last words echo the hero’s surname - Tyorkin.

But Tvardovsky does not depict individual fate in the poem. This is a generalized image that embodies the appearance and paths of many hundreds of thousands of fighters:

A guy like that

Every company always has

And in every platoon.

This typification is of a large-scale nature, Terkin’s sayings and jokes, judgments and beliefs are known to everyone (“the world has heard”). His name becomes a household name. And in order to emphasize that such soldiers are often encountered, Tvardovsky spoke about Vasily’s meeting with Ivan, also Tyorkin (“Terkin - Tyorkin”), moreover, he notices that the author himself is similar to the hero (they have a related biography, similar characters, common feelings). So Terkin is a global phenomenon. It is no coincidence that the foreman decided that

According to the regulations of each company

Terkin will be given his own.

And every soldier can say or speak through the mouth of Tyorkin:

Three times I was surrounded.

Three times - here it is! - got out.

Thus, A. Tvardovsky’s book became a true epic about a fighting people. It is distinguished by a rare breadth of coverage of events, a detailed narrative about war and peace, reflections on life, encyclopedic content, a fusion of the tragic and comic, and fusion with folklore.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky - the most famous Soviet writer, journalist and poet. The image of Vasily Terkin, created by him in the most difficult years for our country, is familiar to everyone since childhood. The brave, resilient and resourceful soldier still retains his attractiveness today. Therefore, it is Tvardovsky’s poem and her main character became the topic of this article.

Vasya Terkin and “The Book about a Fighter”

A hero named Vasya Terkin was created even before the Great Patriotic War a team of journalists, one of whom was Tvardovsky. The character was an invincible fighter, successful and strong, somewhat reminiscent of an epic hero.

For the journalist, who Tvardovsky was, the image of Vasily Terkin evokes the idea of ​​​​creating a full-fledged work in verse. Having returned, the writer begins work and plans to complete the book in 1941 and call it “A Book about a Soldier.” However new war mixed plans, Tvardovsky goes to the front. In the difficult first months, he simply does not have time to think about the work; together with the army, he retreats and leaves the encirclement.

Creating the image of the main character

In 1942, the writer returned to his planned poem. But now her hero is fighting not in the past, but in the current war. The very image of Vasily Terkin in the poem also changes. Before that, he was a merry fellow and joker Vasya, now he is a completely different person. The fate of other people and the outcome of the war depend on him. On June 22, 1942, Tvardovsky announced the new title of the future poem - “Vasily Terkin.”

The work was written during the war, almost in parallel with it. The poet managed to quickly reflect front-line changes and preserve the artistry and beauty of the language. Chapters of the poem were published in the newspaper, and the soldiers eagerly awaited the new issue. The success of the work is explained by the fact that Vasily Terkin is the image of a Russian soldier, that is, a collective image, and therefore close to every soldier. That’s why this character was so inspiring and encouraging, giving me strength to fight.

Theme of the poem

The main theme of Tvardovsky's poem is the life of people at the front. No matter how cheerfully and fervently, with humor and irony the writer described the events and heroes, at the same time he did not let us forget that war is a tragic and severe test. And the image of Vasily Terkin helps to reveal this idea.

The poet describes both the joy of victory and the bitterness of retreat, soldier’s life, everything that befell the people. And people passed these tests for the sake of one thing: “Combat to the death is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth!”

But Tvardovsky understands the problems, not only does he talk about the war in general. Raises philosophical questions about life and death, peaceful life and battles. Through the prism of the main human values The writer looks at the war.

Symbolism in the name of the main character

The image of Vasily Terkin is noteworthy from a symbolic point of view. An essay dedicated to this hero can start with just this, and then move on to detailed description hero, which will be presented in detail below. So, as noted above, Tvardovsky’s hero has changed dramatically, he is no longer the same joker Vasya. His place is taken by a real fighter, a Russian soldier with his own biography. He took part in the Finnish campaign, then returned to the army in 1941, retreated, was surrounded, then, together with the entire army, went on the offensive and ended up in Germany.

The image of Vasily Terkin is multifaceted, symbolic, embodying the people, the Russian type of person. It is no coincidence that there is not a single mention of his family or personal relationships in the poem. He is described as a civilian forced to become a soldier. Before the war, Vasily lived on a collective farm. Therefore, he perceives the war as an ordinary civilian: for him it is an unimaginable grief, akin to He lives the dream of a peaceful life. That is, Tvardovsky creates in Terkin the type of an ordinary peasant.

At the hero's speaking surname- Terkin, that is, a seasoned man, a seasoned man; the poem says about him: “Grated by life.”

Image of Vasily Terkin

Often becomes a topic creative works image of Vasily Terkin. An essay about this character should be supplemented with a short note about the creation of the poem.

The disparate composition of the work is united into one whole by the main character, a participant in all the events described, Vasily Ivanovich Terkin. He himself is from Smolensk peasants. He is good-natured, easy to communicate, tries to maintain morale, for which he often tells soldiers funny stories from his military life.

Terkin was wounded from the first days at the front. But his fate, fate common man, who was able to endure all the hardships of the war, personifies the strength of the Russian people, the will of its spirit and thirst in the image of Terkin - that he does not stand out in any way, he is neither smarter, nor stronger, nor more talented than others, he is like everyone else: “Just a guy himself / He’s ordinary... There’s always a guy like that / There’s always one in every company.”

However this ordinary person endowed with such qualities as courage, courage, simplicity. By this, Tvardovsky emphasizes that all these qualities are inherent in all Russian people. And this is precisely the reason for our victory over a ruthless enemy.

But Terkin is not only a seasoned soldier, he is also a craftsman, a jack of all trades. Despite the harshness of wartime, he repairs watches, sharpens a saw, and plays the accordion in between battles.

To emphasize the collective nature of the image, Tvardovsky allows the hero to speak about himself in the plural.

Terkin’s conversation with Death is noteworthy. The fighter lies wounded, his life ends, and Bones appears behind him. But the hero agrees to leave with her only if she gives him a one-day reprieve so that he can “hear the victorious fireworks.” Then Death is surprised by this dedication and retreats.


So, the image of Vasily Terkin is a collective image designed to emphasize the heroism and courage of the Russian people. However, this hero also contains personality traits: dexterity, ingenuity, wit, the ability not to lose heart even in the face of death.

Vasily Terkin is the main character of the poem of the same name by Alexander Tvardovsky, a brave soldier from the Smolensk region. This ordinary guy from the people, who embodied the best features of the Russian soldier. He does not stand out in any way in appearance or mental abilities, but during battle he shows considerable courage and ingenuity. The image of Vasily Terkin can be classified as a generalization. The author notes more than once that there was such a Tyorkin in other companies, only under a different name. This image is close to ordinary soldiers, he is one of them.

In the poem “Vasily Terkin” the main character more than once helps out his comrades and bravely fights for his homeland. So, for example, when contact with the commander is lost, he swims across the river in the cold to report on the situation and receive further orders. And when an enemy plane circles above the soldiers, he is the only one who dares to fire a rifle, thereby knocking out the bomber. In any situation, Terkin proves himself to be a hero, for which he is awarded an order. The author emphasizes the fact that even death could not defeat such a fighter.

In addition to courage and love for his homeland, Vasily more than once demonstrates the humanity and breadth of his soul. Along the way, he amuses everyone with jokes, plays the accordion, helps old people whose watches and saws have broken, and also supports the morale of his comrades.

Over time, Terkin rises to the rank of officer and participates in the liberation of his native village, and his surname becomes a household name. At the end of the poem, a German bathhouse is shown, in which Russian soldiers are steaming. The soldier who has the most scars and awards is called the real Tyorkin by his fellow soldiers.