Valery Syutkin and his ex-wives: what is known about the personal life of the birthday artist. “I was torn on two fronts, I had to lie.” Love story of Valery Syutkin Syutkin and his group

Soviet era knows several examples of soloists and groups that became popular for their time. Valery Miladovich Syutkin became one of those singers who successfully combines solo career and performing as part of a group. Throughout many years he and his team not only earned the recognition of fans, but continue to delight them to this day.

A star is born

The musician's biography contains a lot interesting facts. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow, Valery Syutkin, it seems, knew from childhood what he would do in life. He could follow in the footsteps of his father, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy. But from his school years he realized that his main passion was music, despite the fact that none of his relatives had anything to do with it.

The first lessons in the early 70s led to several amateur groups, in which Valery Syutkin participated as a drummer or guitarist. Rock direction and its representatives such as Smokie, The Beatles And Deep Purple, designated genre affiliation, which he will adhere to throughout his creative activity. Before being sent to the army, he worked as an assistant cook in one of the restaurants, and while serving in Far East, performed in the “Flight” ensemble, where Alexey Glyzin also made his mark at one time.

First serious performances and frivolous work

The desire to try myself as a singer appeared by chance. We had to replace the sick soloist, which Valery Syutkin did excellently. The first touring group was the group “Telephone”, which has a cycle in its repertoire folk songs and several albums, including one live album, recorded in Vladivostok. In his free time, the singer lived on additional earnings - first he was a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and then a conductor.

Having existed for a short time, “Telephone” disbanded, and it was replaced by “Zodchie”, in which Yuri Loza already worked. In 1989, the trio “Fan-o-man” followed, recording the only album “Grained Caviar”. Failures also plagued this group, from which Syutkin went straight to Mikhail Boyarsky’s team, and from there, at the invitation of composer Evgeniy Khavtan, he ended up in “Bravo”, replacing Zhanna Aguzarova.

Perhaps this is the most famous group in which Syutkin performed until 1995. During this period, Valery is looking closely at creating his own unique style, in which he will begin to work solo. The singer was one of the first to introduce the slang “hipsters” to the public, taking as a model American music 50s. The debut album “Bravo” was called “Hipsters from Moscow”.

Other hobbies

And again Syutkin leaves the group. In 1995, Valery organized a new band, “Syutkin and Co,” where he became its leader. He still performs with the group now. The composition “7000 above the ground” from the first album is awarded as the best hit of the year.

“Syutkin and Co” releases 8 albums, the last one, “Kiss Slowly,” dates back to 2012. In 2008, for his services in the field of art, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Valery Syutkin, whose biography also includes other incarnations, is not limited to music alone. So, he accepts an offer from Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov and becomes a professor in the vocal department. In addition, the singer participated in the humorous program “Mask Show” and the television game “Russian Roulette”, and was the host of musical television projects“Two Pianos” and “With a Light Genre!”, as an actor he performed in “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2” and “Election Day”, in which he appeared as a soloist of the ensemble “Oliver Twist”. Together with the figure skater, he participated in the “Stars on Ice” show, and was also a member of the jury of the “Muses of the World” competition. In 2014, he became an ambassador for the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

For his many years of dedication to music and his unique style, Valery Syutkin did not go without awards. In his piggy bank there is a “Golden Gramophone”, received in 2009 and 2012.

Personal happiness

Syutkin was married three times. He and his wife Violetta have been together for more than 20 years. The girl worked as a costume designer in a group and at first refused the persistent musician. According to the singer, he always tried to look after him beautifully in order to leave the right impression of himself. From previous marriages, Syutkin has children Elena and Maxim, and from his marriage to Viola, he has a daughter, also named Violetta.

Syutkin Vladimir Miladovich - Soviet and Russian musician, poet, composer, singer, multiple laureate music festival"Song of the Year"
His name is most closely associated with the Bravo group, in whose repertoire the vast majority of songs are Syutkin’s creations. Until 1995, he was the frontman of this band. The younger generation knows Syutkin from the Syutkin Rock and Roll Band, which was founded by Valery. Through concerts in clubs he gives new life old songs, and also lights up new hits.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valery Syutkin

Height, weight, age, how old is Valery Syutkin - these data are no secret to anyone. If still in Soviet era fans had difficulties accessing personal data of stars, including date of birth and marital status, then today it’s enough to turn on the computer, connect to the Internet and go to Wikipedia. Personalities like Valery Syutkin definitely have their own page there. On March 22 of this year, the artist celebrated his 60th birthday. His weight and height are 187 cm and 76 kg, respectively.

Biography and personal life of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin was born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow. My creative activity started in school years, was a bass player and drummer. Then Valery was a member of several creative teams, without even thinking about creating your own. But one day, after being forced to replace a sick vocalist, he realized that he wanted to become a vocalist and leader of his own band. However, at this time Valery is drafted into the army. Syutkin served in the Air Force, where by chance he ended up as a member of the Polet ensemble. After the service, I worked for some time with the “telephone” group.

Then Valery was thrown from side to side, he worked as a cook, bartender, and conductor. At the same time, music remained the main thing in his life. In 1985, with the help of musicians from the Zodchie group, he released a solo album and became part of the above-mentioned group. From 1990 to 1995 he was the leader of the then popular group “Bravo”. It is worth saying that the group was popular until the beginning of the 21st century, and even now some songs from that period of Syutkin’s work are heard on the radio as a standard musical style of that time.

In 1995, on the initiative of Valery, the group “Syutkin and Co” was created, which later transformed into the “SYUTKIN ROCK-N-ROLL BAND”. For his great contribution to the development of art in 2008, Syutkin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

A successful handsome man, Syutkin has always been a thunderstorm in women's hearts. As a result - three marriages, two of which the singer prefers not to remember, and three children - 2 daughters and a son. As we can see, the biography and personal life of Valery Syutkin is a difficult path for a man who is in love with music and even at 60 does not betray it.

Family and children of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin’s family and children are the main values ​​in his life. Valery was born into a family of scientists. Father is a graduate and later a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy named after. Kuibysheva, mother - an employee of the Moscow Research Institute of Radio Engineering. Syutkin’s parents separated when Valera was only 13. It is impossible to say that he had a hard time with his parents’ divorce. Later, Syutkin quite easily created and dissolved marriages with women. The result is 3 trips to the registry office, three children and a grandson. Today Valery is with the former costume designer of the Bravo group Violeta, with whom he has been happily married for more than 25 years. With her he is raising his daughter Violeta. Syutkin has a rather cool relationship with the children from his first marriage, Maxim and Elena. He helped them until they came of age. 18 years is the starting age for traveling to adult life, the artist thinks so and the star offspring do not argue with him on this, because on their 18th birthday they received a good gift from their father (Syutkin’s principle), and even in case of failure, he is ready to lend them his strong paternal shoulder.

Son of Valery Syutkin - Maxim

The son of Valery Syutkin, Maxim, was born in 1987. According to Syutkin himself, he did not become a good father for his son, torn between family and career. In addition, shortly after the birth of Maxim, Valery divorced his wife. The reason was Valery’s betrayal. Little is known about Maxim's life. He graduated from the Faculty of Geography and works in the tourism sector. Maxim does not hold a grudge against his father, at least he never made any open claims, and it’s a sin to complain - Syutkin put all his children on their feet, helping them financially until they came of age.

Daughter of Valery Syutkin - Elena

Valery Syutkin’s daughter, Elena, is a child from the artist’s first marriage, which Syutkin himself calls a mistake of his youth. At the same time, he communicates with his daughter, helped her financially, and participated in key moments in the girl’s life. No one has ever heard any reproaches towards her father from her side either. Elena is not a public figure; very little is known about her life. According to Syutkin himself, his daughter is now happily married to a certain businessman and is raising her daughter Vasilisa. Syutkin is proud of his daughter and simply adores his granddaughter.

Daughter of Valery Syutkin - Viola

Valery Syutkin’s daughter, Viola, is the fruit of the artist’s third, happiest marriage. The romance that began in 1992 between him and the Bravo costume designer, Viola, grew into a strong family union, and in 1995, Viola, who is Syutkin’s favorite, was born. Now the girl is studying at the Sorbonne. Upon completion of higher education educational institution she will become an art historian. Her further fate is completely in her hands. Valery made his contribution in the form of his daughter’s education, but where and how to live next is up to her to decide. The girl will probably want to stay in Paris, where she has been living for several years and has managed to get used to the local peculiarities.

Wives of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin was married 3 times. The first marriage fell apart almost immediately, despite the birth of their daughter Elena. Today almost nothing is known about the artist’s first wife, and he himself prefers not to talk about her, considering that marriage a mistake of his youth. The name of Valeria’s second wife is also a secret. From her, the musician has his only son, Maxim. The third marriage was the most successful for Syutkin. For 26 years now he has been living in a happy family with Viola, who is 20 years younger than him. The daughter from this marriage was named after her mother. Syutkin is truly in love with this woman. Marriage with her eclipsed all his previous relationships. At the same time ex-wives Valery Syutkin does not hold a grudge against the musician. With the help of the artist, the children from Valery’s first two marriages were brought up in full prosperity and were able to become worthy people.

Valery Syutkin and the BBPE meme

In the early 2000s, Syutkin found himself in a not very pleasant situation. His face was used by the Lurkmore website to represent the phrase BBPE. Valery Syutkin and the BBPE meme are completely opposite to each other, and it was this fact that became the key when choosing Syutkin’s face for the meme. The meme with Syutkin received approval from users, but caused a flurry of emotions from the artist himself. As Syutkin has repeatedly stated, BBPE discredits his good name. Litigation that began in 2014 ended in favor of the artist. Now his name and face are not discredited by a ridiculous meme and a sexist phrase that is inappropriate life position Valeria.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin is a fairly active user of social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Syutkin will be able to tell fans everything that the artist lives today. Photo albums are regularly updated on his Instagram. IN social network the artist shares with fans photographs from concerts, rehearsals and other significant events in his life. Sometimes there appear joint photographs of Valery with his wife and children and the artist’s reflections on the meaning of life, his role in raising children, assessing himself as a father and a person in general.

Syutkin Valery Miladovich is very talented person. He succeeded in many ways talented singer and a musician, for a long time he was a soloist in the Bravo group.
He has a daughter from his first marriage, Elena Syutkina, born in 1980. From his second marriage he was named Maxim, born in 1987. IN at the moment he has a wife, Viola, they have been together since 1993. She gave birth to his daughter Viola Syutkina, born in 1996, an art historian by training. Valery's height is 187 cm and his weight is 76 kg. Today he performs with the jazz group “Light Jazz”.

Family and childhood

Valery was born in Moscow, 1958 on March 22. As a young man, he was interested in subjects such as history and genealogy. And he soon proved that his surname comes from its roots in the Urals. Valery said that in Perm there was a man who found the largest piece of gold in the Urals, his name was Nikifor Syutkin. The musician also often said that his Ural ancestor was the main assistant of Peter the Great.

His father, Milad Syutkin, was a military engineer and worked in Perm as a teacher at the Kuibyshev Academy of Military Engineering. He was well versed in underground construction. And about him unusual name Valery said that at birth his father was very handsome, and therefore his mother gave him this unusual name.

And our musician’s mother’s name was Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya. She worked as a junior employee at a military scientific institute, and Milad Syutkin worked at the same institute. His mother’s parents are Polish Jews; they settled in the town of Balta, which is located in the Odessa region. And Valeria’s mother was born in Moscow.
Valeria's father and mother met in a dance club. Unfortunately, when Valery was 13 years old, his parents divorced. And of course this affected Valery’s psyche. After that, he decided to live with his grandmother.

Talent Development

Valery Syutkin began to be interested in music back in 1969. When he saw the program on TV, he was interested not in the program itself, but in the music in the introductory video. And he stubbornly began to learn to play the guitar in order to play this melody. After Valery finally learned all the chords, the guys from the yard suggested that he learn to play the percussion instruments. Valery became a drummer in a yard band; he independently assembled drum kit from different boxes and cans. That's how he learned to play the drums.

Valery was in the 8th grade and decided to save money, he barely earned his 270 rubles and bought a drum kit. He soon gained experience in music with the school band. Later, Valery figured out the bass guitar, and soon he could play it easily.

Valery, like everyone else, graduated from school. And he went to work as an assistant cook at a local restaurant. And then he was drafted into the army, and he had the opportunity to serve in the Far East. And there he was not left without music; Valery was a drummer in a military ensemble. For a long time Valery was just a musician in the ensemble, but it so happened that the soloist caught a cold and Valery was offered to replace him, since he was the most talented. And I just found out that he has a wonderful voice.

After Valery served, he went to work as a loader at the station, and later he worked as a train conductor. And how could he leave music? Valery often played the guitar or the drum; he did more than just his main job. But he also began performing with the group “TELEFON” and thanks to Valery Syutkin the group became famous and began to gain momentum. And he was even able to get a correspondence education; at that time, without education it was impossible to get on stage. Valery’s diploma says “choir conductor.”

In 1990, Syutkin became the lead singer of the then popular group “Bravo”. He replaced the departed Zhanna Aguzarova. Valery came to this team at the invitation of the group leader Evgeniy Khavtan. His time at Bravo brought him maximum popularity.


Valery Syutkin, today’s birthday boy (March 22), as you know, has been happily married for a quarter of a century. And he often talks about how lucky he is! But extremely interesting interview The site also tells how his first two marriages turned out.

What Syutkin himself says

That previous marriages are something he even tries not to remember. Twenty-five years ago, he decided to marry one specific woman and live for her, period! And before that, there were situations when, after the first successful date, it was decent to ask for a girl’s hand in marriage. As soon as you kiss her, her parents are already asking about your intentions, Syutkin complains, explaining the reasons for his two marriages.

Photo: Pinterest

Syutkin's children

He has two children from previous marriages. Elena is thirty-eight, Maxim is thirty, and they are friends with their father. The children are generally doing well, but Valery stopped helping them with money as soon as they grew up. On their eighteenth birthday, says Syutkin, I give the children a good gift, the same car, and then let them go wherever they want! Lena is married to a businessman, Max lives in a civil marriage with his beloved girl Yulia, and Viola is dating a German, and the Russian-German couple rents an apartment on their own, without the help of Syutkin. Valery never restricted children, but at the same time he did not give too much.

He always gives his wife a lot of gifts! Viola Sr. constantly receives expensive gifts. The woman you love must be pleased every day to be happy.

Photo: Pinterest

Valery's first marriages

Almost forty years ago he met his first wife, but lived with her for only two years. But Elena was born! She is an economist, graduated from Moscow State University, and in 2014 she became the mother of little Vasilisa - now Syutkin has a granddaughter. And the second time he was married to ex-girlfriend his friend... The marriage broke up, because Syutkin was carried in all directions, including to the side... Maxim was born in 1987, but Valery was not tied to the house. The marriage would have continued “for the sake of the son,” but Syutkin met Violetta!..

Valery and Viola

It was 1992, Viola was eighteen years old, and she got a job as a costume designer at Bravo. It would seem that the romance of an accomplished musician with an eighteen-year-old girl should not have ended well, smiles JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn! And he took it and developed. Two years later, Viola Jr. was born. Now she has already graduated from college in Switzerland and is studying at the university in Paris. In a word, love simply blooms and smells!

It’s even strange that it was Syutkin’s photographs that were played on the Internet at one time, making collages with his face and the call to “Beat a woman in... let’s say, the face.” Probably the point is precisely that he is a gentle person, with a very happy family, so the game is in contrast!..

And a couple of years ago Valery Syutkin for crazy money. We believe that the money was needed for a reason - of course, to please his beloved wife! So we can congratulate Viola on the fact that once, as an eighteen-year-old girl, she met Valery Syutkin, and the Bravo group as a whole.

Birthday March 22, 1958

Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia


Valery Syutkin was born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow at the intersection of Yauzsky and Pokrovsky boulevards, on Obukha Street (now Vorontsovo Pole Street), in the family of Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin, a teacher at the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy, who was born in Perm, and Muscovite Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya. He began to study music in the early 1970s, participating in several amateur bands as a bass guitarist or drummer. While playing in school ensembles, he performed songs by “The Beatles”, “Grand Funk Railroad”, “Deep Purple”, “Led Zeppelin”, “Slade”, “Smokie”. Before the army, he worked as an apprentice cook at the Ukraina restaurant. He served in the army in the Far East. And in the army I was in the ensemble "Flight", in this group in different times many spoke famous musicians, among them Alexey Glyzin.

Once he replaced a sick vocalist, after which he remained in this role. In 1982, he began working with the Telefon group, which two years later became a professional touring philharmonic group. "Telephone" released the album "Ka-Ka", which is a cycle of songs about folk characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Kaskade. First I went to work as a loader at the Belorussky railway station. Then he worked as a conductor international communications for a year and a half, I carried guitars.

In January 1985, Telefon released the album Twist Cascade, where Syutkin’s name was indicated on the album cover for the first time. Then Telefon was dispersed, and Syutkin moved to Zodchie, where he sang with Yuri Loza. After leaving “Zodchikh” he created the trio “Fan-o-man”, with which he recorded the only album “Grained Caviar”. For two years he worked in the group of Mikhail Boyarsky, where the musicians of the Fan-o-Man group played. From there he went to Bravo, having received an offer from Khavtan.

In August 1990, the singer moved to the Bravo group, where he worked until May 1995. The time of collaboration with Bravo became for the singer a period of developing his own original style, in which he works to this day. In the lyrics of his songs he uses the slang of the "hipsters" subculture, and musically he is focused on American popular music of the 50s. At Bravo, Syutkin recorded the albums “Hipsters from Moscow,” “Moscow Beat,” and “Road to the Clouds.”

In 1995, he left Bravo and created the group Syutkin and Co., in which he still works. In 1995, the song “7000 above the ground” from the album “What You Need” was recognized as the best hit of the year.

From 2001 to 2002, he was the host of the musical television game “Two Royals” on the RTR television channel.

Participated in the Channel One project “Stars on Ice” together with figure skater Irina Lobacheva. He starred in the second part of the television musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing.”

In March 2008, the singer was awarded the title “Honored Artist Russian Federation"for services in the field of art.