The film festival “Stalingrad Lilac. The film festival “Stalingrad Lilac” starts in the Volgograd Region

This is already the fourth film festival that has become traditional. This year, film forum events will be held at film venues in the regional center and in municipal areas Volgograd region. One of the main events of the “Stalingrad Lilac” will take place in Kamyshin, the homeland of Alexei Maresyev. In total, as part of the film forum, film screenings will be held at 14 venues in Volgograd, Volzhsky and Kamyshin.

Volgograd is not a foreign city for me, I’ve been here many times, but I came to the Stalingrad Lilac film festival for the first time,” admitted People's Artist Russia Natalya Gvozdikova. - For seven years in a row I have been coming to your city for various events. I arrived in Volgograd by plane and immediately went to meet with students. I just had an amazing meeting with the guys. At a film festival, I am interested in listening to my colleagues, watching films and immersing myself in the atmosphere of the film festival.

The “Stalingrad Lilac” program included 28 paintings, of which 18 Russian films, 2 foreign films and 7 documentaries. In addition to screenings, the film forum will include creative meetings, master classes and a round table with the participation of famous actors and directors of Russian cinema.

The highlight of this year is that there are more films compared to last year, said film expert, vice-president of the St. Petersburg Film Press Federation Alexey Dunaevsky. - Our international program has strengthened. We will look at pictures that no one in our country has seen. To do this, we had to work quite seriously with Estonia and Finland. But the point is not only in the international program, but also in the Russian one. We will show films that have a festival destiny. They do not have rentals, but they are very good and we consider it our duty to show these films to Volgograd residents. In honor of the 100th anniversary of Alexei Maresyev, we will show the painting “Valery Chkalov” in its original form. The fact is that it was subject to censorship, and we will show the original version.

“I am so grateful that I was invited to this film festival,” noted theater and film artist Vera Sotnikova. - I’ve been to Mamayev Kurgan many times, but today I visited the Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve for the first time. And this excursion shocked me. As for the “Stalingrad Lilac” festival, it’s not just that we all need it, it’s necessary for the future generation. And I am proud that I was born in this city.

Tomorrow at 12-00 in Kamyshin at the Tekstilshchik cultural center, as part of the film forum, a round table will be held on the topic “War Hero on the Screen,” which will be dedicated to the feat of Alexei Maresyev. Guests of the film forum, the public and Kamyshin leaders will participate in it. On the same day at 14-30 in the center of culture and leisure "Friendship" there will be creative meeting with guests of the film forum and benefit performance of Aristarkh Livanov.

May 14 at 13-00 in the District House of Culture r.p. The settlement will host a creative meeting with a creative meeting with actress Vera Sotnikova. May 14 at 12-00 at the Kalachevsky District House of Culture municipal district there will be a creative meeting with People's Artist RF Aristarkh Livanov.

This year, film screenings of the IV International Film Forum of films about the Great Patriotic War “Stalingrad Lilac” will be held at 14 venues in Volgograd, Volzhsky and Kamyshin. The program includes 28 films: 18 Russian and two foreign films, as well as seven documentaries. Among them are both new films and those known to several generations. In addition to films about the war, Volgograd residents will enjoy creative meetings, master classes and a round table with the participation of famous Russian actors and directors. And the guests of the film forum will be actors Natalya Gvozdikova, Aristarkh Livanov, Vladimir Litvinov, Vera Sotnikova And Sergey Mokhovikov, film experts Alexey Dunaevsky, Alexander Pozdnyakov, director Andrei Kravchuk and others.

The grand opening of “Stalingrad Lilac” with the participation of all guests of the film forum will take place at 19:00 on May 12 at the Kinomax cinema. Afterwards the film “Contribution” will be shown.

A “round table” on the topic “War Hero on the Screen”, dedicated to the feat of Alexei Maresyev, will be held in Kamyshin, the hero’s homeland, on May 13. On the same day, a creative meeting with guests of the film forum and a benefit performance by Aristarkh Livanov will take place at the Druzhba culture and leisure center. Volga residents will meet our fellow countrywoman actress Vera Sotnikova on May 12, and residents of Gorodishche on the 14th.

All films will be shown to Volgograd residents free of charge. Invitations will be distributed in schools, libraries, youth, veterans and public organizations. They will also be available at box office in cinemas.



Five stars

May 14, 11.00 - “Soul of a Spy”, Russia, 2015 16 +. Presented by playwright, film critic, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Pozdnyakov

May 14, 13.00 - “AgnusDie”, Russia - Germany, 1994, 12+; “Semyon Aranovich. The last frame", Russia, 2015, 12 +. Presented by film director and screenwriter Andrey Kravchuk


May 12, 13.00 - “Musa Jalil, sentenced to immortality”, Russia, documentary, 2015 12 +; “Red streptocide”, Russia, 2002 12 +

May 12, 21.00 - “Dear Hans, dear Peter”, Russia - Germany, 2015 18 +. Represented by Alexey Dunaevsky

Kinomax - Volgograd

May 13, 12.00 - “The gloomy don’t live to be a hundred,” Russia, documentary, 2015 12+; "Bridge", Russia, 2015 12+

Mori Cinema

May 14, 13.30 - “Bridge”, Russia, 2015, 12+. Presented by Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Litvinov


May 14, 11.00 - “Under the Stone Sky”, USSR/Norway, 1974 12+. Presented by film director and screenwriter Andrey Kravchuk

Central CDC of the Krasnoarmeysky district

May 14, 10.30 - “Red streptocide”, Russia, 2002 12 +. Presented by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Litvinov



Yunost, Volzhsky

Kamyshin, Central Cultural Center "Druzhba"

11.00 - “Winter Morning”, USSR, 1967 6+

11.00 - “Actress”, USSR, 1942 12+

13.00 - “Under the Stone Sky”, USSR/Norway, 1974 12 +

May 13, 14.30 - creative meeting with film forum participants, benefit performance by Aristarkh Livanov. “Red streptocide”, Russia, 2002 12 +

House of Culture "Textilshchik", Kamyshin

RDK r.p. Settlement

RDK Kalachevsky district

Attention, the film may be replaced!


about the 18th All-Russian Patriotic Literary and Art Competition-Festival for Children and Youth


The 18th All-Russian patriotic literary and artistic competition-festival for children and youth “Stalingrad Lilac” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held by the Union of Writers of Russia, All-Russian Center spiritual culture named after the holy righteous warrior Admiral F. Ushakov. Committee on Education of the Volgograd Region, Committee on Culture of the Volgograd Region, Committee on Nationalities and Cossacks of the Volgograd Region, Department of Education of the Administration of Volgograd, Volgograd City Duma, Volgograd regional public organization “Promotion of activities in the field of culture, art and education “Club Parnas”.

  1. General provisions

This Regulation defines organizational foundations and the procedure for holding the Competition.

Purpose of the Competition: spiritual and moral education of youth, revival of the traditions of patriotism among children and youth.

Objectives of the Competition: development creative talents in the area fiction, fine arts, support for children’s musical, acting, and choreographic abilities.

The award ceremony will take place on April 21, 2016

Information about the time of awarding will be posted from April 14 to April 20, 2016

On partner websites, as well as in open media.

  1. Conditions of the Competition

2.1. The competition is held among students educational institutions cities and regions, circles, houses children's creativity, children's art studios, art schools, student literary clubs and other children's and youth organizations.

2.2. The competition is held in 3 age groups(1st group – up to 11 years old; 2nd group – from 12 to 16 years old; 3rd group – from 17 years old to 21 years old) in four categories: literary works, fine arts, plot and non-plot choreography. The main themes are the theme of Victory in the Great Patriotic War And Battle of Stalingrad, the theme of Memory and the greatness of the heroic deed of a soldier who defended a city on the Volga and peace on Earth, the history of a family that survived the war and preserved its relics, the theme of Heroes who lived and are living on our land.

2.3. Forms of participation: work can be individual or collective.

2.4. All participants register on the official website in the section:

2.4. Application form.

2.5 Competition nominations:

Inomination. "They fought for their homeland." Literary works (stories, poems, essays, fairy tales, travel notes, legends, stories about family life).

IInomination. "Immortal Crew" Literary works about the exploits of sailors during the Great Patriotic War.

Requirements: sent in printed and electronic form (on CD RW, in one file; file name – full name, educational institution).

IIInomination. "Battle for the Motherland." Fine works (graphics, drawings dedicated to heroes and the exploits they performed in the name of the Motherland and Victory).

Requirements: works must be registered for participation in the exhibition, equipped with a 5 by 10 cm tag indicating the title of the work, full name of the participant, name educational institution. Photo figurative work, the participant's application is attached on a CD RW disc in the format .jpeg (JPEG).

IVnomination. "Victory Waltz". Plot and non-plot choreography in the following areas: folk dance, ballroom dance, modern dance.

Requirements: Dance composition sent in electronic video version (on CD RW orDVD RW disk, video recordings are accepted only in the format . avi (AVI) The maximum recording duration is 4 minutes).

3. Summing up

3.1 The Competition jury determines three winners in each age category in nominations: Inomination. “They fought for their homeland”;IInomination. "Immortal Crew";IIInomination. "Battle for the Motherland"IVnomination. "Victory Waltz".

3.2. Works will be accepted until April 18, 2016. Awarding the winners will take place on April 21, 2016 at the MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF CULTURE “THE YOUTH CENTER OF CULTURE AND CINEMA “XXI-CENTURY”.

Time information awards will be posted from April 14 to April 20, 2016 on the official website of the organizer:

In the official group