A summer festival of organ music opened at the Kuskovo estate museum. Invitation to the organ festival in the Kuskovo estate. Who is it suitable for?

Summer concerts in Moscow estates and palaces, in the surroundings of blooming nature, park beauty, in ancient palace interiors, illuminated by the setting sun - a special genre concert life, which gives the music itself a different dimension. That's why almost everything museum complexes hold their own summer music festivals - Arkhangelskoye and Ostankino, Tsaritsyno, Izmailovo. One of these festivals has been taking place for the eighth year in a row in the Dance Hall of the Kuskovo Museum-Estate Palace - “Organ Evenings in Kuskovo”. The festival's artistic director, organist and producer Elena Privalova-Epshtein spoke about the program that one hundred of its participants will present this summer.

Photo: Press service of the festival "Organ Evenings in Kuskovo"

Why was Kuskovo chosen to host the organ festival?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Kuskovo itself - amazing place, the former residence of Count Sheremetev, a unique historical monument, and not a remake. This is the only palace and park ensemble in Moscow, where there are both Italian and Dutch houses, a grotto, a greenhouse, a palace with a unique Dance Hall, decorated with mirrors, “dancing parquet,” crystal and an incomparable panel on the ceiling. All this, of course, contributes to a special perception of music. In addition, the location of the estate is very convenient - within Moscow. And it so happened that in 2010 I purchased a Viscount electronic organ, similar to the one now in the Kuskovo estate. I appreciated how well it suited salon music, and I immediately had the idea of ​​an organ festival in Kuskovo. In Moscow, all churches - Catholic and Lutheran - have live instruments, and it would be impossible to do a project there with an electronic organ.

Meanwhile, do you play in church yourself?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Yes, I have been living in Riga for four years and am the main organist of St. Paul's Church. This church is known to Russians from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring,” fragments of which were filmed in Riga. There is a scene where Pastor Fritz Schlag is walking down the stairs, while the organ of St. Paul's Church is playing and the camera shows the façade of our organ. This is very good tool, and we hold various festivals and concerts in the church. I also play in the Dome Cathedral: every month Latvian organists give small solo concerts, the so-called "piccolo".

How does the festival program in Kuskovo differ from those programs that are usually heard in concert halls and cathedrals?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Our programs are aimed at different audiences: both philharmonic listeners and casual audiences who come to Kuskovo for a walk. The poster includes academic programs, for example, " Great Bach", which will be performed by one of the best Russian organists Alexey Shevchenko (July 29), solo concerts of such famous organists as Fyodor Stroganov (August 11), Evgenia Lisitsyna from Riga (August 5). By the way, she performed with us last year, and the listeners later said that they had the feeling that the electronic organ had grown pipes. We have programs of popular music: for example, film music in an unusual ensemble of pan flute (Anton Rogozhin) and organ (Igor Goldenberg) - August 18, " Piazzolla Plus" (July 5) performed by Anton Kotikov, who plays the saxophone, duduk and flute, harpist Maria Kulakova and organist Maria Moiseeva. Many people think that the organ is a religious instrument, so music for the organ is uninteresting and boring. But when they appear on the playbill names Morricone or Piazzolla, this attracts the public, who most often after such concerts go to the cathedral or concert hall listen to a live organ. Will be presented at the festival and very unusual combinations instruments: organ and marimba, organ and duduk, saxophone, theremin.

Were the arrangements for such lineups made specifically for the festival?

Elena Privalova-Epstein: Many works performed in Kuskovo were written for some kind of solo instrument and symphony orchestra. But the organ is the most suitable instrument, capable of conveying in transcription the entire palette and richness of colors of a symphony orchestra. The organ has timbres that imitate and wind instruments- oboe or flute, and string instruments. When beautiful recording and competent transcription are done, the organ accompaniment sounds incomparable. In addition to the organ itself, we wanted to present at the festival in Kuskovo the whole variety of instruments and voices. We will have singers performing - Ekaterina Shcherbachenko (July 19), a young singer from Estonia Olesya Litnevski (August 9), Ekaterina Liberova (August 16), will perform huge amount solo instruments, ranging from violin, cello, viola de gamba. You might even hear something like this unusual instrument, as a terminvox, on which multi-instrumentalist Olesya Rostovskaya will perform (August 23). The poster includes concerts for flute, duduk, saxophone, guitar and organ. Rostislav Sharaevsky and Maria Lesovichenko will play the program “Wind in the Bamboo Grove” on marimba and organ (June 24). And several programs will take place with the participation of the harp - a wonderful instrument that sounds magically in the Kuskovo estate. You can listen to all this beauty on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and in August - even three times a week. Those guests who come to the palace early may be lucky enough to see the Kuskovo miracle - the “dancing parquet”. Usually in the summer it is hidden under a carpet, but guides always lift it up, showing an 18th-century relic preserved by the museum.

From May 26 in Moscow, at the Kuskovo Museum-Estate, the summer festival will be held for the tenth time. music festival"Organ evenings in Kuskovo." Founded in 2010 as a community of young performers, over the years of its successful existence the festival has grown into one of the leading summer music forums in the capital.

The 2018 poster included the names of leading Russian organists, stars of the opera stage, instrumental soloists and ensembles early music. Masterpieces of European and Russian classics will be performed, original programs ethnic and medieval music, jazz arrangements and works by contemporary composers.

Who is it suitable for?

For adults and classical music lovers.

Why is it worth going

  • Opportunity to enjoy famous musical works
  • Stunning renditions of classic masterpieces
  • Music for the soul
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Dear visitors!

“Opening” Summer!

The Kuskovo estate traditionally welcomes guests. On the first day of summer, ordinary and unusual guests came to the “Moscow Region”, once a country estate. On June 1, Children’s Day, the “Summer in Kuskovo” festival was held at the museum-estate.

On this day, they “sounded out” in festive unison different arts: musical and visual. Young talented people performed in the Dance Hall of the Palace and, we hope, in the future famous musicians Central music school at the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. They performed with inspiration classical works Russian and foreign composers.

Not far from the Kitchen Wing, master classes on pottery and red clay modeling were organized, which were conducted by the artist - teacher of the Art and Industry Academy named after. G. Stroganova Viktor Nikolaev and teacher, ceramic artist Elena Mach. The exhibition “Fairy Tale in Children's Drawings” was opened in the center of the park. Students of the Moscow Art School No. 6 showed their bright, expressive, interesting works

But the main event took place on the ground floor of the French regular park of the estate, where, thanks to the creative initiative of the group of artists “Workshop No. 1” Elena Mach, Elena Potapova and Elena Gamaryan, an exhibition of ceramic works by Moscow artists “Fairy Tale in Ceramics” was created, in which 23 artists and 50 ceramic works were presented: sculptures, volumetric-spatial compositions and decorative forms.

On the flat space of the ground floor of the regular Kuskovo park, as if on a stage under open air, for more than 250 years, various marble characters and heroes of ancient Greek and Roman myths, created by Italian and Russian masters, have been “inhabited”. But the new guests did not “compete” at all with the old owners of the green lawns and alleys of the park. The works of ceramic artists were organically placed on the ground floor carpets, brightly and festively enlivening the even, smooth spaces of the lawns. They freely placed themselves in front of a memorial sign - a column erected in honor of the important guest of the 18th century P. Sheremetev - Empress Catherine II.

While the serious music of young performers was playing in the Palace, in the park there was the “music” of fairy tales, amazing fantasies, ancient epics and tales, reflections and memories of childhood.

It is necessary to remember that ceramics have not been a random guest of the estate for more than eighty years. She is a full-fledged “resident” of it, since in 1932 the museum-estate housed the collection of the Museum of Ceramics, created on the basis of the collection of collector and philanthropist Alexei Vikulovich Morozov. The museum regularly organizes porcelain exhibitions, and an art glass exhibition will soon open. But I would like to remind you about ceramics, such a close and well-known universal material, from which you can create not only utilitarian objects used in

everyday life, but also plastic and decorative compositions. Today, ceramics are once again popular and are widely used in the design of modern interiors and in the design of natural landscape spaces.

Who was not there on June 1st in the estate park! Here sits “Frogs” by Elena Potapova. Maybe they are ready to turn into princesses, or are waiting for Thumbelina. Here is a white hare sleeping comfortably under a colored patchwork blanket - the composition “Hare under a blanket” by Mikhail Sobolev. Nearby there was a magic pillow painted with blue-blue cornflowers - the composition “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Anna Filippova. In front of the audience, almost on the edge of the lawn, is “Rabbits” by Svetlana Mogutina, which, of course, was reminiscent of the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” Dressed in all adult, “human” clothes, they were waiting for children and friends for memorable photographs!

Even several birds “flew in” - “Sirins”: Vera Sedacheva, artists from Khotkovo near Moscow - Alexei Illarionov and Alexandra Tikhonenko. Amazing birds with open wings seemed to invite guests of the estate to make friends with them, to listen to magical legends and tales. Important large motley birds “Gannets” with huge beaks, red or blue paws by Elena Gambaryan were peacefully “talking” with each other about something, while other smaller ones, works by Sania Yurchenko, “walked”, “watched” and “sang” .

Quite a few unusual and almost fairy-tale cats “came running”: Vera Sedacheva’s group of colorful cats gathered “on important matters", and "Blue Cat" by Elena Potapova, with sad eyes, sat alone in a cage and for some reason was sad. I really wanted to let him out and take a walk on the green grass. The girl with wide open eyes, Valentina Kuznetsova, tightly held the goose, which also wanted to break free. From nowhere, Nikolai Turkin’s huge “Fly Agarics” “grew up” and from their height proudly “looked” at those around them.

Along with artists, experienced technologists who are well aware of the characteristics of the ancient material, together with teachers, young artists - graduates and students of the Art and Industry Academy named after. G. Stroganova: sculpture “Twilight” by Ekaterina Bazlova, decorative form-shell “Ammanite” by Ekaterina Vasilyeva, decorative forms by Ekaterina Guseva and Mila Kuzina. And it’s impossible to count all the ceramic “guests”! These are sculptures and compositions by Tatyana Punans, Olga Ravinskaya, Viktor Nikolaev, Pavel Fadeev and many others.

Undoubtedly, the easel works, quite significant in size, were not “lost” in the space of the park lawns. Thanks to professional artists and experienced exhibitors Elena Potapova and Elena Gambaryan, ceramic plastic turned out to be commensurate with parterre carpets. The round sculpture and decorative compositions organically fit into its space. They were perfectly visible from all sides, which is what three-dimensional forms need.

We really hope that ceramic “guests” will come to Kuskovo again and invite new friends! The artists and museum staff plan to continue creative collaboration and organize similar festivals several times a year. Perhaps not only ceramics, but also glass will take part in them. We hope that the summer festival will continue in August.

From May 28 to September 3, 2017 at the Kuskovo Estate Museum, in the center of a wonderful park ensemble among ancient statues, gilded chandeliers and candelabra, traditionally there will be a festival"Classics in Kuskovo".

Twenty concerts will take place at the Manor Palace, varying in theme and composition of performers.

On summer evenings, under the arches of the Dance Hall, you can hear masterpieces performed by soloists of the Mosconcert concert philharmonic association: people's and honored artists of Russia, laureates international competitions.

Listeners will be presented not only the best concert programs of the outgoing season, but also new ones, specially prepared for this event.

“Every summer, the Kuskovo estate turns into a real feast of art, where a huge number of famous artists come.

Here anyone can get acquainted with the diversity of the world musical heritage: from Vivaldi, Bach and Mozart to Piazzolla and McCartney and find an exquisite “musical dish” to suit your taste.

There is no other place in Moscow in which music, architecture, painting, sculpture, the beauty of nature and the skill of musicians merge in a harmonious and magical unity.”

- says People's Artist of Russia, Mosconcert soloist, cellist Mikhail Utkin.

The festival opened on May 28, 2017 with a performance chamber orchestra“Seasons” under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia V. Bulakhov.

On June 4, in the program “Music in the Palaces of the Classical Era,” the Ensemble of soloists “Orfarion” led by artistic director O. Khudyakova (flute) will perform works by composers of the 17th and 18th centuries, including Bach, Sarti, Mozart, Haydn, Bortnyansky, Berezovsky.

Connoisseurs of quartet art will have a meeting with the famous group. On June 11, the State Quartet will play for you. P.I. Tchaikovsky, soloists - laureates of international competitions N. Korshunova (piano) and E. Nesheva (soprano).

In the program “Waltz Kings. Straussian" you will hear waltzes, polkas, gallops, quadrilles of two Johann Strauss - father and son, as well as excerpts from the operetta "Die Fledermaus".

Noteworthy is the program on June 15 with the poetic title “On Lake Wallenstadt”, which not only corresponds to the setting of the estate, but also fully conveys the amazing flavor surrounding nature. This concert is dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.

Talented musicians, laureates of international competitions N. Belokolenko-Kargina (flute), N. Makarova (soprano), I. Pokrovsky (violin), O. Bugaev (cello), I. Nikonova (piano) will perform a number of colorful and effective pieces by Western European classics .

June 18th awaits you unforgettable meeting with the chamber orchestra “Moscow Camerata” under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia N. Sokolov, as well as bright and charismatic soloists.

One of the gifted and sought-after European violinists, Honored Artist of Russia G. Murzha, will perform the popular “The Seasons” by Astor Piazzolla and Fantasia on themes from the opera “Porgy and Bess” by George Gershwin, transcribed by Igor Frolov.

And on June 25, a magnificent line-up of musicians N. Bogdanov (piano), People's Artist Russia S. Lukin (domra), Y. Igonina (violin), O. Bugaev (cello) will offer you the program “Music of the Russian Estate”. Works by Berezovsky, Alyabiev, Glinka, Balakirev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Glazunov will be performed.

Vocal fans are waiting for their own programs. On June 29, they will be delighted by the “Mirror of the Stage” program with arias and ensembles from the famous Singspiels - comic operas by Pergolesi, Paisiello, Mozart, Donizetti, Rossini, Verdi.

On July 2, lovers of the new will meet with the chamber orchestra “Cantilena” conducted by A. Istomin. Extravagant plays in different styles will be performed in an inimitable, fiery and masterful performance by soloists accompanied by an orchestra. Among the compositions are Fantasia on themes from Bizet’s opera “Carmen”, “Carnival of Venice”, soloist – N. Belokolenko-Kargina (flute), as well as a guitar concert by A. Abril, which will be performed by laureate of international competitions A. Reznik (guitar).

“Remembering New York” is the name of a brilliant program of works by Piazzolla, Popper, Lennon-McCartney, which will take place on July 9. A real discovery for listeners will be an acquaintance with a new modern opus - “Spanish Suite” for cello and orchestra by People’s Artist of Russia M. Utkin.

For those who love the cello, the exclusive program “Violoncellissimo” is addressed. In various combinations - one, two and three cellos will sound on the stage of the Grand Palace. On July 16 you will hear works by Couperin, Handel, Boccherini, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky. Soloists - People's Artist of Russia M. Utkin (cello), O. Bugaev (cello), R. Komachkov (cello), N. Astapenkova (piano).

On July 20, the Moscow Quartet ensemble will demonstrate its skills with the program “Classics in Folk Style.” Works famous composers of various eras - Bach, Rossini, Glinka, Borodin, Tchaikovsky, Glier - will be performed by balalaika, domra, gusli and piano.

This is precisely the composition of the Moscow Quartet, distinguished by its unique colorful flavor and masterful arrangements. The ensemble's performance will be graced by soloists - E. Nesheva (soprano), L. Molina (mezzo-soprano), A. Fomin (bass).

On July 23, you will have an unforgettable meeting with the Moscow Camerata chamber orchestra under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia N. Sokolov, as well as bright and charismatic soloists.

The world-famous concerts “The Four Seasons” by A. Vivaldi will be performed, as well as the rarely heard flute concerto of C. F. E. Bach and the double concert of J. S. Bach. Soloists are laureates of international competitions L. Semenova (violin), N. Belokolenko-Kargina (flute), S. Usacheva (oboe).

For lovers of the enchanting violin, we invite you to listen to the virtuoso pieces of Wieniawski, Saraste, Gade, and Galliano on July 30 in the “Ice and Fire” program performed by the famous duet Yu. Pokrovskaya (violin) and I. Pokrovsky (violin).

Another evening called “Summer Pleasures” is dedicated to the music of the great Venetian A. Vivaldi.

On August 3, the Early Music Ensemble “Laudes” will introduce listeners to brilliant instrumental and vocal compositions composer. Soloists - V. Nosovskaya (soprano), O. Sidorenko (mezzo-soprano), E. Lopukhina (mezzo-soprano).

August 6 at the Opera Gala - a brilliant divertissement opera masterpieces each singer will demonstrate their vocal capabilities in arias, ensembles and scenes from famous operas“Don Juan”, “The Barber of Seville”, “Norma”, “Troubadour”, “Turandot”, “Carmen”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Enchantress”.

"Kammermusik" is dedicated to the greats Viennese classics. On August 13, you will hear the brilliant works of Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn in the masterful performance of the duet - Honored Artist of Russia V. Yampolsky (piano) and N. Savinova (cello).

As always, we don’t forget about romance lovers. This time, popular romances by Russian composers will be performed by soloists and the chamber orchestra “Seasons,” conducted by Honored Artist of Russia V. Bulakhov. The program entitled “Elegies Captivating Sounds” will take place on August 17.

And on August 20, a magnificent musician will play for you - Honored Artist of Russia A. Chernov (violin). Works of two geniuses musical Olympus– Mozart and Mendelssohn will form the basis of the program.

Jazz has long been a tradition for the festival in Kuskovo. On August 27, the program “Wanderers in the Night” will feature audience favorites jazz compositions Kampfert, Warren, Ellington, Hendy, Emerson in a unique and enchanting performance by the Classic`n`Jazz Ensemble.

On May 28-29, the Kuskovo Museum-Estate will host the III festival “Summer in Kuskovo”, timed to coincide with Children’s Day. And according to tradition, the festival program includes events under the motto “Young singers, musicians and artists - for young listeners and spectators.”

Kuskovo Estate – unique monument XVIII culture century, - belonged to the Sheremetev counts and was intended for holding lavish receptions, crowded theatrical celebrations and festivities. Just like in the old days, music plays here, people come here to relax and admire the beauty of Kuskov. The magnificent views of the estate will become the backdrop for performances by young artists.

On May 28 at 12:00, the area in front of the Palace will turn into an improvised stage, on which the best choirs of the Kuskovo Children's Art School will perform, and the innovative open-air format, uncharacteristic of choral music concerts in Russia, will make the performance bright, colorful and unforgettable. Classic, modern music, folklore - all directions will be presented at this concert, and musical content will consist of masterpieces of the world musical heritage.

Towards evening, the young performers will be replaced by recognized stage masters. At 17:00 in the Dance Hall of the Palace there will be a concert from the series “Organ Evenings in Kuskovo”. Works by P.I. Tchaikovsky, M. Berezovsky, E. Fomin, A. Lokshin will be performed by A. Chertok (organ) and A. Lundina (violin).

May 29 music program The Palace will continue with a concert of young musicians from the Kuskovo Children's Art School, which will begin at 12:00, and at 14:00 the musical baton will be picked up by students of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

On the eve of Children's Day on May 29 at 18:00, the festival "Classics in Kuskovo" will open with a performance by the Ensemble of soloists "OPUS POSTH". The program includes works by two great composers of the Baroque era Bach and Handel. Soloists - M. Rubinstein (flute) and E . Svetozarova (soprano). In virtuoso performance you will hear concerto grosso, sonatas and vocal works Handel, as well as Bach's famous B minor suite with the enchanting "Joke". The ensemble "OPUS POSTH" is participating in festival concerts at the "Classics in Kuskovo" for the first time, so regular listeners will be interested in discovering a new ensemble.

As part of the "Summer in Kuskovo" festival, the park will present an exhibition "Under the Blue Sky..." by recognized ceramic masters. And in the basement of the Palace you can get acquainted with the works of future ceramic artists and students art schools and studios.

Moreover, guests of the festival can not only admire the works of venerable and young artists, but also try your hand at creativity by participating in entertaining workshops not only on ceramics, but also on creating amazing fun souvenirs from paper, beads and other materials.

The park will also host an exhibition-fair of arts and crafts products and souvenirs.

III festival "Summer in Kuskovo". "Opening" Summer!