What band did Justin sing in? Biography. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Lead singer and youngest member of the group "NSync" Justin Timberlake born January 31, 1981 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Justin gained his first performing experience at the age of 12, when he was invited to perform at the Disney children's show"Mickey Mouse Club". Here he met his future bandmate JC. When 'NSync came out, Justin was only 16 and still in school.

This cute guy was given two nicknames in 'NSync: Curly and Handsome. Curly is the most important comedian in the group. Justin is just a living fountain of energy. For example, he not only managed to do ‘NSync, but also continued to study at school and even attended special courses for young artists. Together with JC, Justin is considered the face of the group and is always the first to pose for the cameras.

"NSync is made up of five charming young men: Justin, Chris, JC, Lance and Joy. 'NSync began with an unexpected meeting of JC and Justin in Orlando at the production of the video show "The Mickey Mouse Club" for the Disney channel. Then they were joined by more three guys. Within three weeks, these five super-talented and daring guys from Orlando polished their choreography and began writing songs.

In 1997, the first album of the group "NSync", called "NSync", was released, and in 1998, the second album "THE WINTER ALBUM" was released.

By 2000, the group received diamond status - their debut album sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. And their third release, “No strings attached,” released on March 21, sold 1.1 million copies in just one day. Even the Backstreet boys, whose "Millennium" in 1999 sold 1.3 million people in one week, cannot be compared with 'NSync, who sold three times as many records in the same time.

This artificial “feud” with the Backstreet boys, driven by roaring crowds of girls, only brings additional popularity to the group. 'NSync's manager, Johnny Wright, says: "What's happening now with 'NSync and the Backstreet boys can only be compared in scale to Beatlemania."

Released in July 2001 new album guys - "Celebrity", which truly became a big event in the world of pop music, and the single "Pop" on Teen Choice was recognized as the most successful single of the year and received 4 awards at the 2001 VMA.

Justin Timberlake

American singer, composer, dancer, actor and producer, award-winning music awards.

Justin Timberlake(Justin Timberlake) was born at the end of January 1981 in Tennessee, USA. His mother Lynn Harless(Lynn Harless) divorced her father Randall Timberlake(Randall Timberlake) back in 1985, when my son was very young. Justin I grew up as an ordinary boy, regularly attending church on Sundays and playing basketball with friends.

His distinctive feature there was only a mad love for music, rhythm and the king of the stage Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson). In 1993, young Justin Timberlake ended up in the so-called “American star factory” - "Mickey Mouse Club"(“The Mickey Mouse Club”). He performed on the same stage with today's pop music legends Britney Spears (Britney Spears) And Christina Aguilera(Christina Aguilera).

There he met Joshua Chasez(JC Chasez) After the show ended, the guys created their own boy band in 1995 N'Sync under the leadership famous manager and producer Low Pearlman(Lou Pearlman). Three more boys were invited to the group: Joey Fatona(Joey Fatone) Chris Kirkpatrick(Chris Kirkpatrick) and Lansa Basa(Lance Bass). The name of the group was invented by my mother Justina– she simply added up the last letters of the guys’ names and got N'Sync.

Timberlake was only fourteen years old, but this did not stop him from winning the hearts of millions of fans around the world. The group released three studio albums, which broke the sales record of another famous boy band. Backstreet Boys. Tours, MTV Video Music Awards, the role of an eternally in love romantic and a close relationship with an American star Britney Spears- all this made the name Justin Timberlake popular.

“If I could go back a few years and talk to myself as a sixteen-year-old boy, I would tell myself about fame.” The fact that this is just a mirage in which there is nothing to cling to - you invent it yourself. Mirage is wonderful. He gives hope, plays with your imagination... I would say to myself: “Boy, what is important to you now will be important in ten years. And all your “idols” will only change over time.”

In 2002 Justin decided to radically change my life. Britney Spears was already on his list ex-girlfriends, and the group N'Sync– in the list of past achievements. He started solo career, debuting with the album "Justified", which won two Grammy Awards.

He replaced the image of a modest romantic with the image of a stylish, brutal collector of women's hearts. On stage he undressed Janet Jackson, put on big shows with his childhood girlfriend Christina Aguilera and mocked Britney Spears in his famous composition "Cry me a river".

Your second record "Future Sex / Love Sounds" Justin Timberlake recorded in 2006, collaborating with some of the best American producers: Timberland(Timberland) Snoop Dogg(Snoop Dogg) and Nellie(Nelly).

Music Justina acquired a completely new sound, and hits "SexyBack", "My Love" And "What Goes Around..." took first place on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The album turned out to be rhythmic and incredibly stylish. We can say that under the strict guidance Timberland Justin finally found myself.

Besides musical career, Justin Timberlake successfully acted in films. He has already produced more than fifteen films, including "They swapped places"(“Model Behavior”, 2000), "Edison"("edison", 2005), "Elton John: Red Piano"(“Elton John: The Red Piano”, 2005), "Alpha Dog"(“Alpha Dog”, 2006), "Sex Guru"(“Love Guru, The”, 2008), "Social Network"(“Social Network, The”, 2010), "Bad Teacher"(“Bad Teacher”, 2011) and others.

Justin Timberlake - winner of two European music awards MTV, four MTV Video Music Awards, winner of several awards "Emmy" And "Grammy", as well as the title of the sexiest man in the world according to magazines Elle, Teen People And Cosmopolitan.

In my personal life Justin Timberlake the most beautiful and famous place was found Hollywood divasCameron Diaz(Cameron Diaz) Alyssa Milano(Alyssa Milano) Stacy Ferguson(Stacy Ferguson) and even Scarlett Johansson(Scarlett Johansson).

However, in February 2008 Justin met an actress Jessica Biel(Jessica Biel), and it's safe to say that he has settled down. The couple recently officially announced their engagement.

The main person in the musician’s life was and remains his mother – and Jessica became the first girl Justina, which she liked, which she reported more than once in her interviews.

Justin Timberlake founded his own record label Tennman Records and clothing brand William Rast. The singer likes to spend his free time on the golf course.

– If I do something extraordinary, it gives people the opportunity to forget about their problems for a second and enjoy the music. I'm not saving anyone's life. I don't reveal new philosophy to people. I just give them a break - that's my job. In no way do I consider myself special, no. We are all people. I just breathe in time with my music, and it makes me truly happy.


  • FutureSex/LoveSounds (2006)
  • Justified (2002)


  • Wrath of Job (video) (2012), Young Job
  • Demon. Mortal (2011) Untitled Justin Timberlake/Amanda Seyfried Thriller, Will Salas
  • Friends with Benefits (2011) Friends with Benefits, Dylan
  • Bad Teacher (2011) Bad Teacher
  • Yogi Bear (2010) Yogi Bear, Boo-Boo Bear, voice acting
  • The Social Network (2010) Social Network, The, Sean Parker
  • Open Road (2009) Open Road, The, Carlton Garrett
  • Sex Guru (2008) Love Guru, The, Jacques "Le Coq" Grande
  • Shrek the Third (2007) Shrek the Third, Artie, voice
  • Black Snake Moan (2006) Black Snake Moan, Ronnie
  • Tales of the South (2006) Southland Tales, Private Pilot Abilene
  • Alpha Dog (2006) Alpha Dog, Frankie Ballenbacher
  • Elton John: The Red Piano (TV) (2005) Elton John: The Red Piano, Young Elton John
  • Edison (2005) edison, Josh Pollack
  • Toronto Rocks (TV) (2003), Performer
  • Summer Music Mania (TV) (2003) Summer Music Mania 2003, Performer
  • N"Sync: The Road to Celebrity (TV) (2001), Performer
  • The Will of Chance (2000) Longshot, Valet
  • They Traded Places (TV) (2000) Model Behavior, Jason
  • Miss Teen USA Pageant, The (TV) (1999), Performer
  • ABC 2000: The Millennium (TV) (1999)
  • Touched by an Angel (TV series) (1994-2003) Touched by an Angel, Street Performer
  • Saturday evening at live(TV series) (1975 – ...) Saturday Night Live, Musical Guest
Justin Timberlake - popular American singer, performing in the genre of pop, r&b, soul, songwriter, actor. Having started his musical career in the boy band N’Sync, the musician managed to successfully go solo, becoming one of the most famous and respected American performers.

Childhood and adolescence

Justin was born on January 31, 1981 in southern Tennessee, in a religious and incredibly musical family. In his hometown Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis began their path to fame in Memphis at one time. Justin's father, Randall Timberlake, played guitar in a band and conducted the choir at a Baptist church on holidays and weekends. His grandfather was also an excellent guitarist and in his youth was even friends with Elvis Presley.

Justin's parents got married very young and divorced when their son was not yet five years old. Soon his mother remarried, and his father also started a second family, which included two more sons. Justin's parents managed to maintain friendly relations, so he never felt left out and got along well with his stepbrothers.

Musical ability the boy began to show signs of early childhood. Justin's grandfather taught him to play the guitar, and his father often took him to his concerts. WITH early years his idol was Michael Jackson, and often, just hearing the sounds of one of his songs, the boy started dancing, imitating the famous “moonwalk” of the king of pop.

It is not surprising that already at the age of 12, Justin appeared on television: first in the StarSearch program (“Looking for a Star”), where he performed simple songs in country style, and then in the children’s entertainment show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” There he met Britney Spears, who a few years later became his girlfriend, and Jaycee Chases, a future colleague in the group N'Sync.


Justin was invited to the N'Sync group when he was barely sixteen years old. Despite his mother's concerns, the guy was able to perfectly combine performances in the group with school and acting classes.

Very soon the boy band became extremely popular, and its members became the favorites of millions of fans in all corners of the planet. N"Sync performed at the world's most prestigious venues, and their discs sold in huge quantities.

The next album of the group N "Sync, entitled "Celebrity", was released in the summer of 2001 and became a big event in the world of pop music. The success of the record came thanks to the hits "Pop", "Girlfriend" and "Gone", written by Justin Timberlake.

It was in the second album that Justin's composing talent manifested itself. The single “Pop” received four MTV VMA awards and was recognized as the most successful hit of the year.

Solo career

But in 2002, at the peak of popularity, Justin decided to leave the group and start a solo career. To many then this act seemed reckless, except for his mother, who always believed in her son.

Indeed, the success of the debut album young singer"Justified", released the same year, exceeded all Justin's expectations, and his fans were able to see that their idol had his own original musical style. Everyone especially loved the tracks “Cry Me a River” and “Rock Your Body.” Within a year, Justin won two Grammy awards and was among the twenty richest and most successful performers in the world.

Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River (Official)

His second album, FutureSex/LoveSounds, released in 2006, turned out to be even more successful than his debut - the r&b style was at the peak of popularity then, and largely thanks to Justin. On this album, Timberlake collaborated with successful songwriter, rapper and producer Timbaland, which left a mark on the entire content of the original record.

With several Grammys, 10 million record sales and a joint video with Scarlett Johansson, the singer could consider this year the most successful in his career, but after a short break and duets with Beyoncé, Madonna and Lonely Island in 2013, Timberlake released his most concept album– The 20/20 Experience.

Madonna feat Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes

This record stands out against the backdrop of all the artist’s work with its change musical style– here you can hear many measured and long compositions in the neo-soul style, various experiments with sound. Timberlake recorded the single “Suit&Tie” with Jay-Z, and the video for this track was directed by David Fincher himself (director of “Fight Club” and “ Social network»).

Acting career

Justin Timberlake is a very versatile artist; in addition to his brilliant musical career, he has also distinguished himself with roles in films. The fame of a pop singer does not stop Justin from transforming into his characters. He skillfully combines filming with success in music; for some time he even wanted to devote himself entirely to this art.

His debut was in the crime drama “Edison” (2005), where he played the young journalist Pollock, and the main roles were played by Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman. In the same year, the aspiring actor starred in the sensational crime thriller about drug trafficking “Alpha Dog” by Nick Cassavetes. The film brought together actors such as Anton Yelchin, Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone.

In 2006, Timberlake starred in the musical drama Black Snake Moan, starring Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci. His other major role was in David Fincher's biopic about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, The Social Network (2010), which also starred Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield. Later, Timberlake decided to liberate himself even more and began acting in comedies - many liked his funny roles in “A Very Bad Teacher” with Cameron Diaz and “Friendly Sex” with

Celebrity biographies


31.01.15 11:21

He was a kind of “musical prodigy”, and now he is improving as a film actor. Girls' hearts skipped a beat at the words "Justin Timberlake." The personal life of their beloved performer is now arranged, so the fans are sad.

Biography of Justin Timberlake

Following the example of idols

Eight Grammys and four Emmys – that’s what award-winning performer Justin Timberlake is! The biography of the singer and artist has been very successful since childhood.

He was born on the last day of January 1981. When his son was 4 years old, his parents, Randall and Lynn, separated, but very soon found new spouses. In his father’s second family, three more children were born - Jonathan, Stephen and Laura, who died very young. Randall was a conductor (in a Baptist choir), and his eldest son was very interested in music from an early age. Justin started with the “country” style, and Elton John, Michael Jackson and Al Green became his indisputable authorities.

Justin spent his childhood in Memphis. He loved watching the children's TV series "The Mickey Mouse Show" and had no idea that he would soon join its cast. Together with other young talents - the vocal Aguilera and Justin Timberlake's future girlfriend Britney Spears, they participated in this show. Timberlake joined it as a 12-year-old, and filming stopped two years later. Together with him, Jaycee Chases remained out of work, with whom Justin teamed up to work in the newborn group “N Sync”. The name consisted of last letters the names of these five guys.

On the musical Olympus

This “boyish” quintet released its very first album in the spring of 1997. The disc immediately became very popular - 11 million copies were sold out instantly. This record was surpassed by the third disc (2000) - 15 million. The triumph was supported by three MTV awards. The army of fans and admirers of the group grew rapidly. But soon Timberlake wanted creative independence.

The soloist’s “solo voyage” was very successful from the very start: his album “Justified” won two Grammys. A curious incident happened to Timberlake at one of the grandiose shows: the singer exposed the breasts of Janet Jackson, who was performing with him (as the culprit himself says, this did not happen on purpose). The scandal was serious.

The 2006 album (the vocalist was assisted in the recording by the hip-hop composer Timbaland) stormed the charts and took first place in them, our hero was included in the lists of the sexiest men on the planet. What more could Justin Timberlake want? The singer’s biography has already been replete with many awards, global recognition flattered my vanity. But this was not enough for him - he wanted to become a movie star.

Drama, Comedy, Action

Now Justin has more than 20 works in TV series and films. He started modestly, with the drama “Edison,” which did not pay off, but after 5 years he starred in “The Social Network.” Fincher's film competed for several Oscars and won 3 (out of eight) and four Golden Globes to boot.

A year later, three films were released in which the performer had major roles: the comedies “Sex for Friendship” and “A Very Bad Teacher”, and the action movie “Time”. Exactly this one last movie proved once again: Justin is not only a talented vocalist, but also good actor. His duet with the unrecognizably brunette Amanda Seyfried impressed the audience.

But last work Timberlake's “Va-Bank” (a crime thriller about scams in online casinos) was received more than coolly. In 2016, Justin Timberlake gave the voice to the main character of the full-length cartoon "Trolls" and recorded songs for the film. The 2017 Academy Awards ceremony began in an unusual way: Justin Timberlake burst into the hall, performing a song from this cartoon. The singer made even the most sedate spectators dance and created a relaxed atmosphere.

Personal life of Justin Timberlake

Four-year romances

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears seemed beautiful couple. This “youthful love” lasted almost four years. In 2001, Timberlake broke up with his co-star. children's club, dedicating another hit (“Cry Me a River”) to his ex-lover. Fans perked up: Justin Timberlake’s personal life has always worried them very much.

The next four-year relationship began in 2003. Cameron Diaz became the chosen one of the singer and artist. The star looked absolutely happy, and her boyfriend didn’t seem to mind the eight-year age difference at all. But the guy’s strict mother was against it. After the breakup, they starred together in “A Very Bad Teacher”; this is not the first collaboration between former lovers (in 2007 they voiced the third part of the Shrek franchise).

We're expecting our first child

Immediately after the end of this affair, the paparazzi caught Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake together. The guy’s personal life seemed to be in full swing! But at first these two were considered just good acquaintances; only a year later they declared themselves a couple.

Thunder struck three years later: it turns out that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Bill have again switched to the status of “just friends.” But the feelings turned out to be stronger. In the fall of 2012, a beautiful wedding of stars took place in Italy. The bride was wearing a luxurious pink dress, the groom was glowing with happiness. In the spring of 2015, Justin became a father for the first time. The son was named Silas.

Justin Timberlake can confidently be called the most successful American pop artist. In his early thirties, the singer managed to win the hearts of fans around the world, received four Emmy awards and eight Grammy awards, and his albums sold millions of copies.

Childhood, biography of Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981 in Memphis, USA. The boy grew up in a fairly religious family. His grandfather was a Baptist minister and therefore the family adhered to the principles of Protestantism. Despite this, when Justin was still very young, his parents divorced. The father, who worked in the church choir, soon met new wife and the future star singer had two half-brothers. There was also a sister who died at birth. As Timberlake himself admitted, he considers her his guardian angel. His mother, who is in the entertainment business, remarried when the boy was only 5 years old. Despite his family's religiosity, Timberley considers himself more spiritual than religious.

Already as a child, Justin knew that he would become a singer. His idols were the great Michael Jackson and Elton John. Both performers influenced the musician’s work and shaped his taste.

Justin Timberlake's music career

In 1993, Timberlake performed in the Mickey Mouse Club. Next to him on stage was a young Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. Two years later the show ended and the singer decided to form his own music group "N Sync".

In addition to musical ambitions, Justin tried to prove himself in acting. The first film was broadcast on one of the American channels and was not particularly original, but it helped the singer feel like he was in front of a camera and get acquainted with the peculiarities of cinema.

As part of his own group “N Sync,” Timberlake released his first album in 1997. To the surprise of many, the album sold over 10 million copies.

Group N Sync:

In 2002, Timberlake began his solo career. Already for his first album, the singer immediately received two Grammy awards. Along with popularity came the first scandal. So, Justin, being on the same stage with Janet Jackson(Michael's sister, whom he had admired since childhood), accidentally tore off the girl's top and exposed her breasts. Everything happened in front of the eyes of millions of spectators.

In 2006, the musician, having reached a certain peak in his career, decided to take a break and switch to cinema. In 2013, after a 5-year break, Timberlake released new songs, which again took top places in the charts.

Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake - Love Never Felt So Good

In May 2014, Justin Timberlake presented a video for Michael Jackson's song “Love Never Felt So Good” with his participation.

Films and roles of Justin Timberlake

In addition to his career as a pop singer, Justin was also able to take his place in Hollywood cinema. So, already in 2005, the musician starred in the same film with Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey. In 2006, the actor received positive reviews from film critics for main role in the film "Alpha Dog". In 2010, one of Timberlake's biggest and most successful films was released - "Social Network".

Justin starred in a number of comedy films, one of which was "Teacher" managed to win over her audience. After this there were a number of successful roles. Some of the performer’s works have resulted in a strong negative reaction from critics, but this does not stop the American at all. Despite his age, Timberlake managed to build two careers at once - a singer and an actor, in each of which he left a significant mark.

Personal life of Justin Timberlake

The actor’s personal life has always been in plain sight and under the close supervision of fans. Since 1997, Justin has been dating pop princess Britney Spears., with whom I have known since the days of “Mika’s Club”. However, in 2001, the seemingly strong couple broke up. At the same time, the singer began his solo career.

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears:

Perhaps Justin was pressured by the popularity of Britney, who was a real popular music star in the early 2000s.

It is worth noting that Timberlake’s romantic relationships have always been constant. From 2003 to 2007, Justin dated famous actress Camera Diaz, with whom he voiced one of the episodes of the cartoon about Shrek. Later, in 2011, the couple, after their separation, played a romantic relationship in the comedy “The Teacher”.

In 2007, information appeared that the pop musician was dating Jessica Biel. However, even joint romantic photographs did not force the couple to admit their relationship.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel:

In 2012, young people announced their marriage. The marriage ceremony took place in Italy.