The use of drugs in cosmetology. Forms of application of basic medicinal products in cosmetology practice

This article will not talk about Mother Nature’s treasure trove or the variety of natural cosmetics. The conversation will concern what pharmacology offers us today. To maintain the beauty of your skin, you can easily buy cream at a pharmacy or any specialty store. But will it be effective? It is likely that its individual components will contribute to obtaining a good result. However, will it suit the consumer?

Luc Audouy, Director of Relations with the Federation of Pharmaceutical Trade Unions of France. The cream should only be used as a supplement to skin irritations. It is, in particular, the concentration of boric acid contained in the medicinal ointment that poses a particular problem for the two scientists. In cases where the product is likely to be ingested, the maximum concentration of boric acid is set to 0.1%. We are very far from the 4% carefully dip in the evening in a thick layer before bed, they explain, turning to makeup artist Corinne Sauvaget, who advises, for the lips of stars, to “brush with their product in the evening before bed.”

The use of drugs in cosmetology

Medicines are often used for other purposes, that is, not only for the purpose of getting rid of various pathologies. Thus, the drug “Dimexide” is used to improve hair health, and “Blepharogel” is used to eliminate existing wrinkles. The medicine “Tiogamma” is also a wonderful remedy. Cosmetologists themselves recommend using it for the face.

Misuse of Common Medical Products

For well-moisturized lips, we will stay with one or one whose swallowing is risk-free. Unfortunately, the diversion of medical devices for aesthetic purposes is not new. The use of hemorrhoid creams has already been popular on the Internet, but is likely to cause skin reactions such as irritation or flare-ups.

Use of beauty products that may cause severe burns to the epidermis. Laurence Coiffard and Céline Couteau also warned against overusing the prescription-only topical corticosteroid and were often distracted by "wiping away" pimples, irritations and other dermatitis. This cortisone derivative, if used long-term without medical advice, may result in skin peeling, depigmentation, acne, stretch marks or hair growth.

Scope of application

The drug "Tiogamma" was created for patients with diabetes and... alcoholics. Moreover, the drug is ineffective if taken for prophylactic purposes. What are the indications for Tiogamma? This drug is prescribed in the case of diabetic polyneuropathy, as well as alcoholic neuropathy, atherosclerosis, liver disease (fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, hepatitis) and poisoning with heavy metals or mushrooms. It is a hypoglycemic agent that lowers blood glucose levels.

Any substance that a person applies to his skin, hair, nails or teeth for cleaning or for the purpose of improving or modifying it appearance, is "cosmetic". Cosmetics and toiletries are also cosmetics.

Beauty product or medicine?

Products that claim to have a therapeutic effect or that contain active ingredients that are prohibited in cosmetics are considered drugs, such as topical antibiotic creams. Products containing natural active ingredients that claim therapeutic effects are considered natural health products. Products that are eaten or chewed that have no real therapeutic effect or therapeutic claims are foods such as chewing gums, insect repellents are pesticides and foods that have a therapeutic effect. on animals, such as dandruff creams, are veterinary drugs. A personal care product is defined as a substance or mixture of substances that is generally accepted by the public as a cleaning or routine care product.

It brings significant relief in case of existing problems with the nervous system. Available in the form of tablets, ampoules, and solutions for droppers. If the drug is used for its intended purpose, you should listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

Active ingredient

Name medicine“Tiogamma” is consonant with the name of its main active component. It is thioctic, or This substance is an antioxidant that affects metabolism. The result of this effect is the binding and removal of waste in the body, as well as increased breakdown of fats and cholesterol.
In a healthy person, thioctic acid is produced by the body itself. However, in the presence of a pathological condition, it becomes necessary to administer this substance externally.

Ingredients and claims serve as criteria for determining that such a product is a cosmetic or drug. A cosmetic or toiletry product is usually classified under the category of cosmetics. However, if it is given the power to alter body functions or prevent or treat disease, it is considered a drug or natural health product within the meaning of the law. identification of the drug or natural product number on the label.

To find out whether the product you are using is a cosmetic or a drug, consult the Drug Database or the Licensed Natural Health Products Database to determine whether it is listed as a drug or drug. than a natural health product.

The drug "Tiogamma" has analogues, which also contain such drugs as "Berlition 300" and "Berlition 600", "Octolipen" and "Neurolipon", "Lipomide" (tablets) and "Tiolepta", "Lipothioxone" and "Espa Lipon", "Tioctacid BV" and "Tioctacid 600". Just like the drug "Tiogamma", these analogues are prescribed for symptoms and alcoholic neuropathy.

An image illustrating a bottle of a cosmetic product similar to a bottle of a medicinal product and contrasting with the two bottles. The cosmetic label simply displays “Cleanser for oily skin", while the drug label displays the therapeutic property of "prevents and kills acne-causing bacteria", the drug identification number and the active pharmaceutical ingredient of 3% benzoyl peroxide gel.

Cosmetics safety criteria

Some products that straddle the line between cosmetics and drugs are more difficult to classify. The Food and Drug Act and the Cosmetic Regulations set safety requirements. All cosmetics sold in Canada must meet the following requirements.

Unusual use

The drug "Tiogamma" is Thioctic acid, which is part of it, works real miracles. The main indication for the use of the drug is to relieve the patient of diabetic neuropathy. However, the similarity of thioctic acid to B vitamins allows this drug to be used unconventionally. So, “Tiogamma” for the face is a great way to make your skin clean and smooth. At the same time, the drug helps eliminate bags under the eyes.

They must be free from contamination or substances that may be harmful to the health of the person using them in accordance with the directions or instructions for use. The manufacturer must submit a cosmetic declaration to the government. . In Italy, in the field of health and wellness products, dermocosmetics are increasingly talked about: success due to the particular effectiveness of these products, which are very useful for skin and body care. These special cosmetics are essentially the result of new technologies for cosmetics and the use of natural substances from the great beneficial properties of the human epidermis.

The medicine is used by women as an external local The contents of bottles and ampoules can be used in pure form, or can be mixed with other substances and applied as a tonic or mask.

Action of thioctic acid

This active substance is a universal, powerful antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid fights free radicals in the body, slowing down or reversing the aging process that has already begun. It is activated not only in the aquatic environment, but also in the fatty environment. This fact distinguishes thioctic acid from other antioxidants (for example, vitamins E and C).

In addition, they are the result of research carried out in the most renowned laboratories in the world: even in this sense, dermocosmetics are able to guarantee an absolute level of safety, avoiding any unpleasant side effects. Because dermocosmetics are useful.

Dermocosmetics are intended to treat all types of skin soreness and have many beneficial properties for your skin: they moisturize, antioxidant, exfoliate, and also protect the epidermal surface from signs of aging caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun and the effects of toxic substances in the air. These products are suitable for all ages and focus on their effectiveness, especially in small areas of the body such as the face and hands: from the very early age You can guarantee that your skin and your children's health will have natural elasticity that lasts forever.

The anti-wrinkle remedy “Tiogamma” also helps because its main element inhibits the processes of collagen glycation. loss of skin elasticity due to the gluing of collagen fibers with saccharides (glucose). It is this process that causes moisture to cease to be retained in the cells of the epidermis. Alpha lipoic acid prevents the fiber from joining the glucose cell and activates sugar metabolism.

A good habit that you cannot do without once you see results on your epidermis. How to use dermocosmetics. There are several ways to use dermocosmetics and make your skin fresh and elastic. The most popular cosmetic preparations are, without a doubt, creams containing natural extracts: applying them on the skin of your face will be very simple thanks to the delicacy of the compound, its high absorption and, always positive, the fact that it does not leave the skin unchanged. Just put on the nut product onto a cotton swab so that it is evenly applied and massage the indicated area until completely absorbed.

Therapeutic effect

The use of the drug "Tiogamma" in cosmetology is explained by its excellent positive effect. This remedy helps accelerate cell regeneration and increased energy production.

Why is Tiogamma so good for the face? Its effect on the skin is difficult to overestimate:

In any case, there are other dermocosmetic products designed for different purposes, such as lip protection oil, foot gel, shampoo and bubble bath, intended to treat pathologies such as psoriasis. The next two tabs change the content below.

In the video, Professor Francesco Costa talks about the effectiveness of generic drugs and reminds in this regard how Italian legislation does not provide them for clinical effectiveness. Gallelli argues that to date we do not have definitive studies that establish superior efficacy between generic drugs and “brand name” drugs. Excipients are the same as the active substance, an important component of drugs; they serve to transmit the active principle into the body. They have longer life expectancies, smoke less, drink less alcohol, but consume more drugs. Clinical effectiveness of generic drugs - interview professor. . Some of my favorite cosmetic ads are those that claim to contain stem cells or DNA repair - complete nonsense.

  • relieves hypersensitivity;
  • reduces the depth of wrinkles (the drug makes them almost invisible even in the corners of the lips and eyes);
  • smoothes skin folds;
  • heals acne marks and even scars (this effect is achieved due to the penetration of thioctic acid into the intercellular space, where it stimulates the function of reparative mechanisms);
  • tightens pores;
  • regulates the functional ability of the sebaceous glands (and thus relieves the woman from the problems of greasy and oily skin);
  • acts as a powerful antioxidant of endogenous origin;
  • reduces the likelihood of skin damage from UV rays;
  • makes age spots less noticeable;
  • improves the overall condition of the skin, returns the natural complexion.

When beauty companies, cosmetics and dermatologists team up, who is really protecting consumers? Is there hardly a woman who does not show vanity? Even if they put minimal effort into making them appear, it is likely that each carries with them a being that promises to keep them young forever. Nobody wants to grow old - everyone makes an effort to maintain youth, and cosmetic companies are ready to “help”.

Because most manufacturers aggressively protect their products with patents or laws that protect the brand, consumers have no way of knowing what exactly is in these products or how they are tested. Most women swear by the miraculous effects of the products they use, although they have little knowledge of how companies use junk science to achieve higher sales. The magic is in marketing, not science.

"Tiogamma" product: application in cosmetology

Having discussed the effect of this medication, we can move on to the procedures. How is the drug "Tiogamma" used for the face? It should be borne in mind that for cosmetic purposes only the form intended for droppers is used. This solution is contained in a bottle with a volume of fifty milliliters. This drug is already diluted and ready for use in its pure form. The medicine "Tiogamma" (solution contained in ampoules), intended for intravenous infusion, is not used as a cosmetic product. The fact is that the concentration of the active component in it is increased, and its use can cause an allergic reaction. Now let's move directly to the features of the procedure.

Gradually, this group of cosmetic products is differentiated as different and has properties similar to medicinal, but not drugs - they are attributed to various biological actions. Euphemistic jargon is rich in phrases like “therapeutic cosmetics” or “active treatment.” But drugs and medications are subject to very strict controls and testing before they are placed on the market, and cosmetic products are simply not subject to strict controls.

Contains rare variety apple stem cells and seaweed peptides. We can say that a variant of vegetative stem cells is a meristemic tissue from which all other types of tissues are formed - located in the apical part of leaves or the tips of roots and others. But it is absurd to think that such cells are in this product, because they need to be kept alive, and creams are not a suitable medium. Even if they were alive, it would mean that they changed the composition of the cream, which is dangerous.

Treating the skin with this pharmacological agent is quite simple. It should be applied to a sponge and wiped over the face, previously cleansed with any lotion (for example, cucumber). This procedure is carried out twice a day, usually in the morning and evening. The course should last ten days or until one bottle is completely used up.

But even if there were plant stem cells, it wouldn't matter. Vegetable tissue cannot be built on us. Even the cosmetic companies themselves cannot clearly explain what the function of these plant cells in creams is. Interestingly, the product description does not describe the clinical trials performed and proven effects, but attempts to impress upon the intended source of the plant extracts in question.

But the only thing this product can do is protect you from solar radiation. Most often, the difference between drugs and cosmetics is based solely on the manufacturer's statements and determinations. Although there are no claims regarding product packaging and promotional materials to treat, cure a disease or, in other words, have any effect on the structure and function of the body, they are considered cosmetics, which relieves them of the burden of proof of what is claimed.

Another way to use Tiogamma for the face? Some ladies pour the product into a bottle with a spray bottle - this makes it easier and more convenient to apply. It is worth remembering that the drug “Tiogramma” does not like heat and sunlight. It should be stored in a cool and dark place.

How quickly do you see the effect of using Tiogamma for the face? Reviews from women contain information that after just two procedures the skin is noticeably fresher. Not knowing about the use of an amazing remedy, many acquaintances assumed that the ladies had recently returned from a sanatorium - the result was so amazing.

It is important to remember that Tiogamma for the face is used only in a concentration of 1.2%. If the drug is thicker, then it must be diluted with saline solution.

By the way. Women who have bought this product more than once share a little trick with others: the solution, packaged in dark glass bottles, costs several times less.

So, to restore youth and health to your facial skin, you decided to use the drug “Tiogamma”. Reviews of women who have already used it recommend first consulting with a cosmetologist. A specialist can recommend additional ingredients for preparing a healing tonic. For example, combination with alpha-lipoic acid (oil solution 3.4%) can give a more vivid anti-aging effect. Similar means Because of their strong impact they are called “Killer”.

Rejuvenating mask recipe

This product can produce an immediate effect. The main ingredient in its composition is alpha-lipoic acid, which is found not only in the drug "Tiogamma". For the face, “Uboinyak” (a popular but very apt name) is prepared using “Korilip” candles according to the following recipe. Use sea salt, finely ground. In a pinch, cookware will do. A little water is added to the salt. In terms of consistency and concentration, the composition should be a thick mass. With the resulting mixture - using a cotton swab - carefully fill in all the wrinkles on the face. The salt mass should be carefully compacted.

After this, the Korilip candles (which, as we remember, also contain thioctic acid) are heated in the microwave until completely dissolved. The hot mass is thoroughly mixed and aspirin powder is added to it. If you wish, you can also take pills. All ingredients must be kneaded to a thick marshmallow consistency.

It is worth keeping in mind that melted candles will harden very quickly. That is why you should not waste time. The mask should be applied immediately. How is this procedure performed? The resulting mixture is applied to the face. In those areas where there are wrinkles treated with salt, the mixture should be lightly compacted using patting movements. We wait five minutes, then massage the face with light movements for 30 seconds and wash off the mask.

At the end of the procedure, wipe the skin with a bag of chamomile brewed and cooled in the refrigerator. This is necessary to activate all processes. The bag must be moist and always cold. You should not dry your face with a towel. It's better to wait until it dries on its own.

According to reviews from women who have made such a mask, the mixture applied to the skin can tingle slightly and cause temporary pinking of the skin. However, everyone notes the remarkable effect of the product, visually rejuvenating by about twenty years.

Recipe for a mask with lipoic acid tablets

This product also uses thioctic acid, not from the drug "Tiogamma". For the face, “Uboinyak” is prepared from the weight loss mask “Grandma Agafya’s Recipes.” Take approximately 1 tbsp. l. (10 g) of this wonderful natural composition. Three milliliters of caffeine (3 ampoules) are added to it, as well as five pieces dissolved in one or two tablespoons. cognac lipoic acid tablets. The drug can first be crushed or crushed using a coffee grinder. The finished mass should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week.

You can do it a little differently. Dissolved lipoic acid mixed with caffeine is stored in the refrigerator (always in a dark bottle). In this case, to prepare the mask, take a spoonful of “Grandmother Agafya’s Recipes” and mix it with the prepared solution until it reaches a mushy consistency. The resulting mass is applied with a brush to the décolleté, neck and face.

According to reviews from those who have tried this mask on themselves, the effect is simply stunning. The morning after the procedure, you can go straight to the “Red Carpet”.

“Uboynyak” can also be made with the direct use of the drug “Tiogamma”. Reviews indicate that such mixtures store well, but can go rancid if kept in the sun or even in a regular, not dark, bottle. In the refrigerator, especially in cardboard packaging, they can last up to two years.

If desired, “Uboinyak” can be taken with you on the road. To do this, a small volume should be placed in a dark glass bottle.

How effective is the drug "Tiogamma" against wrinkles? Reviews indicate that such an unusual use of the drug allows you to smooth out everything that is possible. At the same time, the skin acquires healthy looking, becoming like porcelain.

The drug "Tiogamma" is a powerful anti-aging agent. It is not without reason that the world-famous brand “Dr. Perricone” produces its cosmetic products based on alpha-lipoic acid.

The "Tiogamma" product is distributed over the face, covering the area under the eyes and eyelids. While the skin is still a little damp, you can apply your favorite cream to it.
It is worth keeping in mind that a pure solution of the drug intended for droppers is used only for treating oily skin. It will simply dry out dry and normal skin.

According to reviews from ladies who use thioctic acid to preserve the beauty of their skin, “Uboinyak” removes wrinkles much better than “Tiogamma” in its pure form. The effect of the drug is more aimed at detoxification and improving complexion.

If the bottle of Tiogamma is in the refrigerator unpacked, then the guaranteed effect of the drug will not exceed one month. This is necessary to know. IN in this case the drug will not have the desired effect due to the weakening of the activity of the main component. In general, the medicine can be stored for up to six months. This is possible if you do not open the lid, but remove the contents using a syringe.

The drug "Tiogamma" receives numerous reviews as an excellent cosmetic product. Thioctic acid really copes with wrinkles in the most difficult areas, which is confirmed a huge amount thanks on various information resources, dedicated to the topic facial skin care.

However, sometimes women note the occurrence of an allergic reaction when using the drug. This is mainly due to hypersensitivity to its main ingredient or hereditary idiosyncrasy. That is why, before you start using Tiogamma, you should conduct an allergy test.

For topical use in cosmetics, drugs can be used in various pharmaceutical forms. Each of these forms has its own characteristics of therapeutic effects. When choosing the form and method of application of a particular drug, it is necessary to take into account the cause of the disease process, the reactivity of the patient’s body, and, in particular, his skin, conditions and influence environment and the condition of the patient’s central nervous system.

The above considerations acquire particular interest in the light of the scientific research data of M.K. Petrova from the laboratory of I.P. Pavlov. M. K Petrova observed dogs in which, by sharply weakening their nervous activity and removing the nervous system from a state of equilibrium under the influence of hard work, it was possible, along with clearly expressed nervous phenomena, to observe extensive lesions of the skin. Under the influence of various therapeutic procedures on the nervous system, these experimentally induced skin manifestations quickly disappeared.

Considering the unequal reactivity of the body in different people, it is necessary, when starting treatment, to first use weak concentrations of medicinal substances and, only after making sure that they are well tolerated, move on, if necessary, to stronger concentrations. One of the guidelines for prescribing medicinal substances in cosmetology practice is the following: the more acute the process, the more careful the treatment.

The choice of dosage forms is also important. For example, you should not use pastes on the scalp, as this will cause the hair to stick together and make it difficult to continue treatment. When the skin of the face is inflamed, it is more convenient for the patient to use shaken mixtures instead of lotions. You should not prescribe foul-smelling ointments that stain your linen to outpatients, as they will undoubtedly create difficulties for the patient in communicating with other people. Without dwelling in detail on recipe formulas and various combinations of medicinal substances, we will move on to the forms of medicinal substances that are most often used in cosmetology practice.