Lesson little fox sister and gray wolf. Summary of a lesson on reading the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf. Progress of organized educational activities

4th grade

2 compartment, 1 option

Topic: "Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Wolf"

Goal: to promote understanding of the content of the fairy tale, to develop oral speech in the process of theatrical activity.


    reveal knowledge of the content of the read fairy tale in the process of actions with dolls.

    correct memory, attention, thinking, speech in the process of special exercises.

    bring up moral qualities personality.

Equipment: presentation, screen, puppet theater, finger puppets, book, pictures, masks, signs, music, box with a secret, picture with fish.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. - Hello.

Let's get acquainted.

My name is [Nadezhda Gennadievna.]

(plate with the teacher's name)

Tell me, what is your name? [What is your name?]

(children call names)

Now we will have [lesson extracurricular reading].

Repeat, [Vika]. - Extracurricular reading lesson.


(Slide 2.)

Read it. - Extracurricular reading lesson.

In the lesson we will:

work with pictures, play].

answer questions

work with pictures,


(Slide 3.)


Read, [Katya], what we will do in class.

Today you will

readers and artists.

2. Speech exercises with elements of phonetic rhythm.

Artists performing

in the theater on stage. Here's our scene. Come here.

- [We will talk].

Repeat, [Vova]. - We'll talk.

Let's speak like artists.

Speak emotionally and expressively!

Let's imagine that we are wolves.


S_ a_ s_a_ s_a_ fox

Let's say it together.

S_ a_ s_a_ s_a_ fox

Repeat, [Vitya].


Sa-so-su fox in the forest.

Let's say it together.


Now imagine that we are foxes.


S_ a_ s_a_ s_a_ fox

Let's say it together.

S_ a_ s_a_ s_a_ fox

Repeat, [Vitya].


Sa-so-su fox in the forest.

Let's say it together.


Well done, they spoke well, like real artists.

Sit down.

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson: “Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Fox”.”

(Slide 4.)

Read it.

Have you read this fairy tale? - Yes.

Did you like the fairy tale? - Yes.

Yes, very much.

Name the heroes of the fairy tale. - Grandfather, woman, wolf,


4. Exercises with dolls.

Music is playing.

(Slide 5.)

The words “Surprise...” appear on the computer.

Where's the surprise? Look under the desk. Maybe under the table

behind the closet?

Caption: "Surprise behind the scenes"

Run, bring a surprise.

The guys take out the box.

Place the box on the table.

The box is placed on the table.

Shall we open it? Let's see the surprise? - Yes.

Open up! What lies here?

The box says "Puppet Theatre".

Guys, these are toys for the puppet theater.

Choose a doll for yourself and put it on your hand.

Let's go on stage.

Let's tilt our head. Like this.

Bend only the index finger.

Let's take turns naming our hero and bowing.

Maxim, start, name your hero. Take a bow. - Dog.

Well done. Kate.

Children take turns naming the heroes of the fairy tale.

Let's join the hands of the heroes. It turned out to be a round dance. Let's spin around.

For “one” we connect our fingers, for “two” we separate them.

To make the doll walk, the actors move small

steps. The hand moves like this. Give it a try.

Now let’s try to take turns walking behind the screen.

See how I do it.

(Music sounds. The teacher shows the exercise and stands on the edge of the screen, and the students repeat the exercise one by one and stand in place, watching other students perform the exercise.)

Guys, who has the heroes from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”? - I have.

Place them on the table and sit down.

Put the heroes of other fairy tales in the chest and sit down.

Well done, played well.

5. Working with a book (1 episode). Theater activities.

a) reading a fairy tale

- [Maxim], read aloud, and listen carefully to everyone and follow

according to the book.

Everyone takes turns reading a fairy tale.

- Well done, good read.

b) answers to questions

- [We will answer questions].

Repeat, [Vova]. - We will answer questions.

Where did the fox run? - On the way.

What did the fox want? - Fish.

Who did she see? - Grandfather.

What did the fox do? - Stretched

on the road.

For what? - To deceive


Why did grandfather take the fox? - On a collar for his wife.

Did your grandfather bring fish home? - No.

Why? - The fox threw out all the fish

with a sleigh.

Well done, you answered the questions correctly.

c) viewing and staging the sketch

- [We'll play.]

Repeat, [Vika]. - We'll play.

Look what the fox did when he saw his grandfather.

(Slide 6.)

Who will be the fox? Who is the grandfather?

Come here. Put on the doll.

Go behind the screen.

Children show the sketch “How the fox deceived his grandfather.”

Well done, played well, sit down.

d) working with pictures

Guys, you have pictures on your desk.

Choose a picture that matches the passage

which you have read.

Do you agree with the opinion of...?

Stick it on.

6. Phys. a moment for the eyes

Let's play.

(Slide 7.)

Follow the fox with your eyes.

Well done.

7. Working with a book (episode 2). Theater activities.

Vika, read.

Listen carefully, then we'll

answer questions.

Well done.

b) answers to questions

We will answer questions.

Who did you meet on the road? - Wolf and fox.

What did the wolf ask the fox? - Fish.

How many fish did the fox give to the wolf? - Not at all.

What did the fox answer? - Catch it yourself.

V) finger theater

Let's play.

Guys, there are toys on your table.

This is a finger theater.

Put toys on your fingers.

Show the fox. Hide the wolf.

A fox walks along the road and collects fish.

A wolf is approaching.

The wolf says: “Hello, fox.”

The fox replies: “Hello, wolf.”

The teacher approaches the students and says the words of the wolf

d) role-playing

(Slide 8.)

The teacher puts on masks for the children. Music sounds for the fox.

- [Vika], go on stage like a fox.

What a beautiful fox! The fox is happy, she has a lot of fish.

- [Maxim], go on stage like a wolf.

Music sounds for the wolf.

The wolf is hungry. Looking for food.

You are artists, read expressively, emotionally!

Well done, sit down.

e) working with pictures

Do you agree with the opinion of...?

Stick it on.

8. Working with a book (episode 3). Theater activities.

a) reading a fairy tale

Maxim, read aloud, and listen carefully and follow everything.

b) answers to questions

We will answer questions.

How did the wolf catch fish? - Tail.

Where did the wolf fish? - In the hole.

Here's the ice hole

(Slide 9.)

What words did the wolf say? - Catch, catch, fish,

big and small!

Let's say like a wolf.


- ..., say it loudly.

c) viewing and demonstration of the sketch

Let's play.

Guys, look how the wolf catches fish.

(Slide 10.)

Who will be the wolf?

Come here. Put on the doll.

What words will you speak for the wolf?

(a sign with words if the child has forgotten the words)

How should you say them? - Loud.

The child shows the sketch “A wolf catches a fish.”

Well done, sit down.

d) working with pictures

Choose the picture that matches this passage.

Stick it on.

9. Working with the book (4.5 episodes).

a) reading a fairy tale


b) answers to questions

How many fish did the wolf catch? - The wolf didn’t catch any fish.

Why couldn't the wolf catch fish? - He caught with his tail.

On the fish's tail

can't be caught.

How do they catch fish? - With a fishing rod.

What happened to the wolf? - The wolf was beaten

his tail came off.

Why did the wolf's tail come off? - The tail is frozen.

(Slide 11.)

What happened to the fox? - She got dirty with dough.

What did the fox say to the wolf? - My brain is leaking.

Did the fox tell the truth? - No. I deceived.

Did the wolf punish the fox? - No.

(Slide 12.)

How did the fairy tale end?

(Slide 13.)

Choose the correct answer.

    The fox asked the wolf for forgiveness.

    The fox took pity on the wolf and carried him on her back.

    The wolf took pity on the fox and carried her on his back.

10. Summarizing what you read.

We discussed the fairy tale. Now think about it

what fox?

The fox is greedy and cunning.

This is a fairy tale. There are such people in life too: greedy,

cunning. You can't be like that.

What would you do if you had a lot of candy and

And you?

Well done.

Vika, come here. Here's some candy for you. You can eat them yourself

and you can treat the guys. What will you do? - I'll share.

Well done, treat the guys.

(Slide 14.)

Be kind and generous!

11. Lesson summary- Guys, our lesson has come to an end.

What did we do in class today? - Played, answered

to questions,

read, worked

with pictures.

Yes, you and I discussed the fairy tale, played, stuck pictures in

book. I give these books to you. Read this fairy tale

to your parents.


Lyubov Baraukhina
Lesson summary “Sister Fox and Wolf”

Reading a Russian folk tale « Fox-sister and wolf»

Abstract educational activities V middle group on speech development

Prepared by the teacher

Baraukhina Lyubov Vasilievna


Introduce children to Russian folk tales « Fox - sister and wolf» (arranged by M. Bulatov, to help evaluate the actions of the heroes.


Learn to participate in a conversation and answer questions clearly for the listener. Develop a dialogical form of speech.

Develop and activate vocabulary. Enrich children's vocabulary words: ice hole, sauerkraut.

Cultivate an active interest in fairy tales, good relations to each other.

Materials: Clothes for the Storyteller, fairy tale « Fox - sister and wolf» , illustrations for a fairy tale.

Preliminary work: The day before, place an illustrated edition of the book in a corner of the book. Pay attention to it, invite them to look at the drawings, guess who this fairy tale is about.

(I throw a large bright scarf over my shoulders and turn to the children)

Hello guys, I am the Storyteller, I came to visit you. Do you know who the Storyteller is? (children's answers). Why do you think I came to you? (read a new interesting fairy tale). Do you know what a fairy tale is? (children's answers) What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers) How many fairy tales do you know, well done! I want to introduce you to one more an interesting fairy tale, and try to guess who its heroes are. Listen carefully, remember who is so spoke:

- “Oh, I can’t hear you well, Kolobok, sit on my nose and sing your song louder.” Who said that? (children's answers) Well done, you guessed it right! This is a fox.

Listen again. “He took even more air into his mouth and blew on the straw house. And at the same moment the house scattered in different directions.” Who was it? (children's answers) Yes it is wolf!

Well done! You guessed correctly. Who are we going to read a fairy tale about? (Children's answers) Yes, guys, today I will read a fairy tale called « Fox - sister and wolf» . Sit comfortably on the chairs. Russian folk tale « Fox - sister and wolf» . So here I go.

(Reading a fairy tale)

Guys, did you like the fairy tale? (Children's answers) Who remembers what it's called? (Children's answers) Let's remember all the heroes of the fairy tale (children's answers).

Dynamic pause:

"Animal Round Dance"(Children walk like a horse, fox-sister, wolf how fish swim. They sit down on the chairs again).

What is the name of the fairy tale we read? (Children's answers) Tell me, guys, did you understand all the words in the fairy tale or were there some words that were unfamiliar? (children's answers) Who knows what an ice hole is? (children's answers) What is kvashnya (children's answers) How a fox got dirty with a pickle (children's answers) What is the character of the fox in the fairy tale? (Children's answers) What in a fairy tale wolf by nature? (stupid, gullible) Why did the fox deceive wolf? (She was cunning and greedy, and hungry wolf) . Did the fox do the right thing? (No, we need to respect each other, treat each other kindly, because the fox and the wolf were friends) Who can you feel sorry for in a fairy tale? Why? ( The wolf was killed on the river, he was left without a tail, and the fox deceived him and still rode him). Who remembers how a fox sitting in a hole laughed at wolf? (Fox spoke: "I don't have no wolf sense, no use!)

Guys, fairy tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, that’s why we read them. Did you listen carefully to the story today? « Fox - sister and wolf» , thank you, well done! I brought you books with illustrations for the fairy tale « Fox - sister and wolf» , you can take them and look at them. It's time for me to leave, goodbye! (The storyteller takes off her scarf, turns to the children, like a teacher, and sits down with the children to look at the books.)

Publications on the topic:

Purpose of the lesson: to teach children to transform the basic form into various crafts, to develop variability of thinking. Objectives: Build skills.

Goal: familiarize children preparatory group with the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf” with tunes, including didactic game By.

Abstract of the educational activity for speech development “Reading to children the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Wolf” Purpose: To introduce children to the Russian folk tale “The Fox-Sister and the Wolf”, to help evaluate the actions of the heroes, to dramatize an excerpt from.

Summary of GCD for speech development. Reading an excerpt and dramatization of the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, reading nursery rhymes in the middle group. Made it up.

Section topic: Fairy tales.

Lesson topic:"Sister Fox and the Wolf." Lesson 2.

Lesson type: combined.

Objective of the lesson: systematize students’ knowledge on the topic “Russian folk tales”; learn to evaluate the character of the characters and their actions; learn to plan a text.


  • Develop the ability to work with text, highlight fragments in the text necessary to answer the question.
  • Select and use linguistic means to realize your own speech intention.
  • Express your attitude to what you read and justify it.
  • Determine the mood expressed in the work and convey it when reading.


  • Develop a positive attitude towards learning, understanding the value of moral standards.
  • Develop attention to your own feelings caused by a literary work.


  • Search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments, work with a dictionary, use signs, make comparisons.


  • Accept and maintain a learning task, understand the purpose and meaning of the tasks being performed, and carry out self-tests.


  • Learn to express your thoughts orally, work in pairs, listen carefully to your interlocutor and evaluate his statement.

Forms of organization: frontal, individual, steam room.


Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Educational activities of students

I. Organizational

Technique: riddle

The bell rang again.
We are starting our lesson.
From the riddle:
There is good in her, everyone knows it,
Definitely wins. (Fairy tale)
Appendix 1 Slide 1
1. Self-monitoring of readiness.

2. Reaction to the teacher, attention.

II. Setting a learning task.

Technique: dialogue

– Today in class we will continue to work on the fairy tale, enrich our knowledge, characterize the characters, and learn to work in pairs and help each other.
- A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
good fellows- lesson!
– What other goal of the lesson will we set?
– What qualities should you and I have in order for us to fulfill the objectives of the lesson?
– What does it mean to be attentive readers? Slide 2
- Find lessons for us, good fellows.

Attentive, thoughtful readers.

III. Updating knowledge

A) Classification of fairy tales

Technique: working with the diagram

– What is the name of the fairy tale we are working on?
– Characterize the fairy tale according to the scheme: “Classification
fairy tales"
Slides 3-4
– “Sister Fox and the Wolf”

– Tales about animals, everyday tales and fairy tales.
– “Sister Fox and the Wolf” is a Russian folk tale about animals.

B) Rereading a fairy tale

Technique: rereading a fairy tale in a different edition, reading in a chain

– We reread the fairy tale from the slides.
Slides 5-32
Independent reading (following, listening)
B) Making a plan

Goal: create a text plan
Methods: work in pairs.
Remedies: self-test

– How many parts are there in our fairy tale?
- Guys, make a plan for a fairy tale. You have suggestions on pieces of paper.
Appendix 2
Place them in the correct order.
We work in pairs.
1. Do it yourself.
2. Compare with your neighbor.
- Let's see what happened. Each row has its own name.
– Check your work. Rate Slide 33
Three parts.

The ability to express your feelings and thoughts.
Checking the work.


Goal: health preservation, activation of attention.

One - squat, two - jump.
This is a rabbit exercise.
And when the foxes wake up,
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn.
Well, wag your tail.
And the wolf cubs arch their backs
And jump slightly.
Well, well teddy bear,
With paws spread wide:
First one, then both together,
Marks time for a long time
Let's read the verse together.
Let's take action.
Slide 34
Actions are performed according to the text
"Discovery of new knowledge"

Goal: learn to evaluate characters by their actions and speech characteristics. Methods: dialogue, pair work.

A) Characteristics of heroes
Reception: Insert, cluster.

– Who are the heroes of the fairy tale?
– Fox is one of the most famous heroes Russian folk tales.
– What character traits are endowed with the fox and the wolf in Russian folk tales?
– Read the characteristic words on the piece of paper. Place icons.
Appendix 3
Slide 35
– What words do you not understand? What about your neighbor?
– What can help us find out the meanings of words?
– Fill out the tables yourself.
Combine quality and hero.
- Check yourself. Rate it.
Slide 36
- This is a fox and a wolf.

Cunning, stupidity, greed

– Working with a dictionary.
– Drawing up a diagram.
– Assessment and reflection of one’s own and collective activities.

B) The idea of ​​the work

Reception: conversation

– Who is to blame for what happened to the wolf? Is it only the fox?
– Why is the wolf condemned in fairy tales?
– Is it possible to talk about the friendship of a fox and a wolf?
-Are they relatives?
- Do they call each other? (brother, sister)
(canine family)
-Which of the characters in this part of the tale inspires sympathy? Why?
– The fox is not much inferior to the wolf, but it is smart and this is especially dangerous.
These are robbers. They do evil. The heroes tolerate each other, are ready for betrayal and treachery, and friendship, as we know, is strong through care and help.
– Showing attention to the judgments of comrades.
C) Organization of observation of the plot-event basis of the text.

Reception: selective reading.

– Now look at the slide. Slide 37
Here are illustrations made by the artist for this fairy tale. Find words in the text that accurately convey what the artist depicted.
– Arrange them in order, according to the plot of the fairy tale.
– Children independently find words in the text and mark them.
- Read out the proposals.
- A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!
One of the objectives of the lesson:
Find lessons for us, good fellows.
– What does a fairy tale teach?
– Which fairy tale is funny or sad?
– Why does this fairy tale evoke sadness and pity?
– Which of the heroes can be called SIMPLES?
– Where can I get information about the meaning of this word?
– In life there are people who are cunning, resourceful, like a fox; But there are gullible people, stupid like a wolf. I wish you to be smart, quick-witted and kind.
– Any fairy tale teaches us communication, kindness, and the ability to get out of difficult situations. Therefore, fairy tales remain the most favorite genre among people of all ages.
Children's statements.
Working with a dictionary.
Lesson summary. Reflection of activity. The lesson is coming to an end. Let's summarize the lesson .
– What tasks did we set at the beginning of the lesson? ?
Slide 39
  • What have I learned?
  • What did I learn new?
  • What was the most difficult task?
  • Which task was the most interesting?

- Guys,
The bell rang for us.
Thanks everyone for the lesson

– Listing your actions

– Assessment and reflection of one’s own and collective activities.

Homework At home you can draw an illustration for a fairy tale.
Slide 40


  1. E. E. Katz. Literary reading: textbook for 1st grade. four liters beginning school: at 2 o'clock. Part 1/ E.E. Katz. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2012.
  2. E. E. Katz. Literary reading: workbook No. 2: to the textbook by E.E. Kats “Literary reading” (part 2): 1st grade / E.E. Kats. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2012.
  3. E. E. Katz. Training in 1st grade using the textbook “Literary Reading”: program, thematic planning, methodological recommendations/ E.E.Katz. – M.: Astrel, 2012

GKS(K)OU RM "Saransk special (correctional) comprehensive boarding school I And II kind"

Lesson summary of extracurricular reading "Russian folk tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Prepared by Kiushkina S.V.


Abstract open lesson extracurricular reading "Russian folk tale "Little Fox and the Wolf" Target: Systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge about the content of the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Wolf” Tasks: formation of correct, conscious reading skills; correction of the sound pronunciation side of speech, auditory perception, development of oral coherent speech; vocabulary enrichment; education of morality through analysis of the content of a fairy tale Equipment: computer, projector, filmstrip "Little Fox and the Wolf", tablets with speech material, a series of pictures based on the content of the fairy tale

Lesson progress

I . Organizational moment The bell has rung for us.Everyone entered the classroom quietly.Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,We greeted each other politely.Sit down quietly, backs straight,I see that our class is no different!We'll start the lesson, friends. II . Speech exercise -Read the syllablesVa val In the ox you howled -Julia, repeat the syllables (the syllables are voiced behind the screen)-Read the poems, pronouncing the sound clearlyV The wolf howled and howled all evening, He was afraid of sharp pitchforks. -What date is today? (behind the screen)-What is the lesson now? (behind the screen)-What time of year is it now? (behind the screen)-What time of year will come after autumn? (behind the screen)-What is the weather like in winter? (behind the screen) III . Lesson topic message The theme of our extracurricular reading lesson is the Russian folk tale "The Little Fox and the Wolf."-Have you read the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”?-Did you like the fairy tale? (behind the screen)-Who are the main characters of the fairy tale? (behind the screen) IV . Watching the film strip "Sister Fox and the Wolf" Guys, let's remember the content of the fairy tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf" and watch the filmstrip(using ICT) V . Vocabulary work Guys, when you read the fairy tale, you came across difficult words, the meaning of which we will now analyze with you.Ice hole - a hole cut in the ice on the river.Rocker - item for carrying two buckets on the shoulder.I pretended - took on some appearance (dead) in order to deceive.Polegonk y - slowly, carefully VI . Working with a series of pictures - Look at the drawings on the board. Are they arranged sequentially according to the content of the tale?-Who did the old man see on the road?-Find a passage in the text.-How can you title this passage, choose from the proposed tablets (Grandfather saw a fox)-This is the first point of the plan. Attach a sign.-Look at the second picture. What is the fox doing?- Find a passage in the text.- How can you title this passage (The fox threw out the fish)- This is the second point of the plan. Attach a sign.-Who do you see in the next picture?- Read the dialogue between the wolf and the fox by role.- Title the passage (The fox asks the wolf for fish)- Attach a sign.- What happened to the wolf's tail?- Give it a title. (The wolf's tail froze)- Attach a sign.-Who do you see in the next picture?- Read the passage.- Title the passage you read. (The women began to beat the wolf.)- Attach a sign.- What happened to the fox in the meantime?- Find and read the passage.- Select the next plan item. (The fox got covered in dough)- What do you see in the next picture?- Read the passage.- Attach the last point of the plan. (The wolf carries the fox)- We have a plan. Zhenya, read the plan (behind the screen) VII . Physical education minute Exercises to relieve visual fatigue1. Movement of the eyeballs to the right and left.2. Movement of the eyeballs up and down.3. Rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.4. Fixation of gaze on the tip of the nose.5. Blinking.6. Close your eyes and relax (30-40 minutes) VIII . Retelling a fairy tale based on a plan and a series of drawings. IX . Conversation on the content of the fairy tale - Guys, is this fairy tale funny or sad? (behind the screen)- Do you think the fox did well in the fairy tale?- Is it possible to be as trusting and simple-minded as a wolf?- Choose signs with words that characterize the fox.- Choose signs with words that characterize the wolf. X . Work in notebooks Write down in your notebook in two columns the words that characterize the wolf and the fox. XI . Lesson summary - What did we do in class today?- Everyone worked well today. Well done

Literature used

1.Komarov K.V. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school for hearing-impaired children. - M.: 000 “Publishing house “ONICS 21st century”, 2005.

2. Krasilnikova O. A. Teaching reading to schoolchildren with hearing impairments: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2005

Municipal budget educational institution "TsLP and DO" Kazan.

Educator: Shaidullina A.G. Kazan 2015

Goal: To teach to distinguish between bad deeds and treacherous advice, to understand that a beautiful, attractive appearance does not always correspond to good internal qualities, to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; create a desire to help them; develop thinking, intelligence, imagination; learn to compose fairy tales and new endings to famous fairy tales.

Lesson notes.

Educator: Today we will talk about safety. After all, unpleasant situations can happen to anyone at any time. Let's talk about this using the example of a fairy tale . Think about it, could grandfather, when he was driving home happy from a successful fishing trip, imagine that something bad would happen to him?

Reading a fairy tale "Little fox-sister and gray wolf» .

Educator: You listened to the fairy tale "Fox - sister and gray wolf" . Remember the unpleasant situations that happened to her heroes.

Children's answers: - Grandfather was left without a catch, the fox tricked him into taking all the fish.

The wolf was beaten and left without a tail.

The fox deceived everyone, and even rode into the forest on a beaten wolf.

The grandmother was left without fish and without a collar.

Another fox in the hut got into a tub and ruined the dough.

Educator: Well done! We remembered all the bad deeds of the fox. She deceived everyone, outwitted everyone, caused harm to everyone. Which one of you will describe the appearance of the fox?

Children's answers:

Red, fluffy.

The fox is beautiful, the tail is long, fluffy, beautiful.

The look is cunning.

The muzzle is sharp.

The fox is the most beautiful of animals.

Educator: And if you didn’t know how much bad the fox did, would you be able to appearance understand that she is bad?

Children's answers:

No, she looks very beautiful and good.

But she has a sly look.

Educator: Correct! The fox looks very beautiful and seems good and kind, but he does bad things and gives treacherous advice. Tell me: why did the fox deceive the grandfather?

Children's answers:

Because she's cunning.

Because she's lazy. She’s hungry, but she doesn’t want to go hunting to catch mice.

She knows how hard it is to chase a hare: the hare is fast, and even confuses its tracks - you might not catch up. Grandfather is easier to deceive.

Because her grandfather believed her.

Grandfather should have checked better whether she was dead or not.

Educator: What should the grandfather have done to avoid ending up in such a situation?

Children's answers:

Grandfather is old and knows that the fox is a deceiver. He should have thought before throwing the fox into the sleigh, and then he would have come up with something.

It was necessary to drive past and not pay attention to the fox.

He had to look carefully into her eyes - he would have noticed that she was alive.

The grandfather knew that the fox was cunning, but he really wanted a collar for the grandmother. It was necessary to put the fox in a bag and tie it tightly. And then there would be a fish and a collar.

Educator: Correct! The grandfather, seeing easy prey, forgot about the possible danger. Forgot. That the fox is insidious, cunning, and can deceive. If grandfather had thought before he acted, he would have had both a fish and a collar. And if I had passed by, I would have at least been left with some fish. But the cunning fox was counting on the fact that the grandfather would be tempted by easy prey, become greedy and forget about caution. We discussed one situation. Now let's talk about how the fox punished the greedy and lazy wolf.

Children's answers:

The fox herself is often hungry, but she did not share the prey with the wolf, but sent him to certain death. It's good that he was left without a tail.

The fox advised us to fish in an ice hole using a wolf's tail.

She is greedy, did not share with the wolf, and even deceived him.

She knew that the wolf was hungry, greedy, would sit for a long time and his tail would freeze.

Educator: What could a wolf do to end up with a tail?

Children's answers:

The wolf knows better than anyone what kind of godfather the fox is; she constantly deceives him.

I would say: “Show me how to catch fish with your tail.” .

The wolf could punish the fox for greed - take the fish.

The wolf could have divided the fish equally - that would have been fair.

The wolf and the fox are godfather and godfather, they are both lazy, wander around, looking for something to profit from, but do not want to hunt. I don't feel sorry for the wolf. He is stupid, he is even too lazy to think what will happen to him if he puts his tail in the hole.


Can you come up with your own version of a fairy tale or ending to a fairy tale?

Children's answers:

The grandfather was returning from fishing, and was carrying a bag of fish in his sleigh. He sees a fox lying dead on the road. But in reality she was faking it. At first the grandfather wanted to take the fox, but then he thought: it’s not for nothing that the fox is lying here. I took a closer look: and she turned out to be alive. Her grandfather drove her away; she was unable to profit from the fish. The sad fox went into the forest and met there an equally sad and hungry wolf. She told him about her failure. Then the wolf invited the fox to go catch the fish themselves. The fox advised the wolf to lower his tail into the hole and use it, like a fishing rod, to catch fish. The wolf realized that the fox wanted to deceive him, and did not agree. He got offended by the fox and went into the forest. And the fox remained so hungry.

Educator: Well done, Masha! She preserved the instructive plot of the fairy tale and taught the fox. Who else will try to come up with a fairy tale? Vanya, tell me your story.

On a winter day, my grandfather was returning from fishing. He was traveling with the fish he had caught. I was driving and saw a fox on the road. The grandfather stopped to see if she was alive? He looks at the fox’s fur, which is beautiful and fluffy. He remembered about his old woman: he would make a good collar. He looked at the fox again and saw that it seemed to be dead. He put it on the sleigh, near the fish, and rode on. But the fox turned out to be cunning and pretended to be dead. She lies on the sleigh and watches: is her grandfather looking at her? The grandfather did not look at her and the fox began to throw out the fish. But the grandfather also turned out to be cunning. I looked back and saw that the fox had thrown away the fish. The grandfather took out a gun - the fox got scared, jumped off the cart and ran into the forest. The grandfather left, but the fish remained lying in the snow. A hungry wolf walked behind. He saw the fish, was happy and ate it. The fox returned to pick up the fish, but the fish was gone. That's the end of the fairy tale.

Educator: Well done, Vanya! Today, using the example of a fairy tale "Fox - sister and gray wolf" we saw that trouble can happen at any moment. In life, as in fairy tales, there are people like the fox - cunning and deceitful. In the fairy tale, the fox deceived the grandfather and the wolf. It is fashionable to remake the fairy tale in a good way, so that bad things happen to the fox. But grandfather should have acted differently - not take the fox. It's the same in life. We are taught not to pick up or lift unfamiliar objects or things: they can turn out to be dangerous. And the wolf needed not to listen to the fox, but to think with his own head.

We all need to try to avoid meeting such people, or at least not listen to their advice, think for ourselves. People invented fairy tales to warn us against possible dangers and bad people. Think: if you find some object, even a very beautiful one, even a toy, what will you do?

Children's answers:

You can't touch it.

It cannot be picked up.

I'll tell my mom about this.

Educator: Correct! You should never pick up unknown objects; they can be dangerous and lead to disaster.

And yet, attractive appearance does not always mean that the person himself is good. Do you remember similar examples from other fairy tales?

Children's answers:

The Snow Queen was beautiful, but cruel, treacherous, heartless.

In a fairy tale "ABOUT dead princess and about the seven heroes" the beautiful but evil queen turned into "kind" old woman to poison the princess with an apple.

In a fairy tale "Wild Swans" The beautiful, but evil and treacherous queen turned the little princes into wild swans.

Educator: Well done! We remembered fairy tales where appearance does not correspond to a person’s spiritual qualities and intentions. But don't think that's all beautiful people bad or want to do bad. This is wrong. You should always be careful and attentive with strangers.

And most importantly, remember and follow simple rules:

Never go anywhere with strangers.

Do not take anything from strangers: neither food, nor toys.

The main thing: before you commit any action, you need to think carefully about what it will lead to.

This is what fairy tales teach. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” . They warn us by showing the possible consequences of rash actions. Fairy tales teach us, by listening to them, and then by reading, to remember their lessons for the rest of our lives and not to get into trouble, not to get into the situations in which we find ourselves fairy-tale heroes. Fairy tales want to protect you, protect you, warn you.