Ukrainian culture of the 14th - 16th centuries. Culture of Ukraine in the 16th - first half of the 17th century. Origins. Trypillian culture

History of Ukraine, 8th grade

Topic: Culture of Ukraine in the 16th century.

Purpose: to determine the conditions and state of cultural development in Ukraine in the 16th century, to characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art; develop in students the ability to independently work with different sources of information and, on their basis, determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art, draw conclusions and generalizations, and develop students’ ability to work with ICT; to cultivate national-patriotic and aesthetic feelings.

Predicted results:

Students will be able to:

  • determine the conditions and state of cultural development in Ukraine in the 16th century;

  • characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art;

  • name the names of outstanding cultural and artistic figures;

  • evaluate their activities;

  • recognize and describe outstanding cultural monuments;

  • independently work with different sources of information and, on their basis, determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art;

  • Work with ICT.
Lesson form: project defense.

Lesson progress
Students are divided into 3 groups.

Group 1 received a proactive task to prepare a mini-project “Development of Education in the 16th Century”

Group 2 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “The Development of Literature and Printing in the 16th Century”

Group 3 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in the 16th century.”

Each group prepared a presentation on a given topic.

I. Updating basic knowledge.


Problematic question: determine the conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in the 16th century.

  1. Did Ukraine have its own state during this period?

  2. Which states did Ukraine belong to?

  3. What policies did these states pursue towards the Ukrainian people?

  4. What role did it play in the life of the Ukrainian people? Orthodox Church?

  5. What is culture?

  6. How do you think socio-economic and the political situation of Ukrainian lands influenced the development Ukrainian culture?

  7. Could this stage in the history of Ukraine become a period of nationwide cultural revival?
Students work with historical document while filling out the following table:

“Conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in the 16th century”

Positive factors

Negative factors

Document No. 1

“Ambiguous processes have been integral to the cultural development of Ukraine at this time. The officials who destabilized the cultural process became the fall of the Byzantine Empire. This gave the Christian Orthodox religion more support from the outside world, radically reoriented trade, and influenced the culture of rule in the Ukrainian lands; the existence of a powerful state; the growing threat of Polarization and Catholicism after the establishment of the Union of Lublin; Tatar aggression. The advent of Ukrainian culture was supported by technical and technological progress; viniknennya and the development of the Vlasny Drukarstva; the appearance of the Cossacks. Together, these officials have radically changed the cultural image of the Ukrainian lands.” (Boyko O.D. History of Ukraine)

Checking Student Tables

Conclusion: At this stage historical development Ukrainian lands did not have their own state and were part of other states, which determined the unique development of their culture.

II. Development of education.

Mini-project 1 group.

Questions for consolidation:

  1. What and how was taught in fraternal schools?

  2. What requirements were put forward to the teachers of such schools?

  3. What do you think the students of such schools were like?

  4. What place did educational institutions occupy in national and cultural development?
"Press" method

How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of education during the period under study?

III. "The Development of Literature and Printing in the 16th Century"

Mini-project 2 groups

Questions for consolidation:

  1. What do you know about the activities of Schweipolt Fiol? What significance did the appearance of his printed books have for the cultural life of Ukraine?

  2. What was the significance of Ivan Fedorovich’s activities? What books were published?

  3. What role did chronicles play?
Ranked series method

Make a ranked series in groups based on the given topic.

Yes, that's true...

Yes, that's true, but...

No, that's not true...

No, that's not true, but...

IV. Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in the 16th century.

Mini-project 3 groups

Students receive creative task: based on the group’s mini-project, draw up block diagrams:
1. Main directions in the development of architecture.

2. Main directions in the development of sculpture.

3. Main directions in the development of painting.
V. Generalization and systematization.

Microphone method

1.Today in class we studied the topic...

2.During the lesson we learned...

3. Basic characteristic features development of Ukrainian culture during the period under study are...

4. Today we met such cultural figures as...

5. Today we got acquainted with such cultural monuments as ...

6. We learned such characteristic signs of the development of art as...

Discussion method

Did Ukrainian culture experience a period of revival in the 16th century?

Summing up.

Homework: preparation for control testing, prepare an additional message on the topic:

“The culture of our region during the period under study”

Main directions in the development of sculpture

History of Ukraine, 8th grade

Topic: Culture of Ukraine in XVI century.

Goal: to determine the conditions and state of development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century, characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art; develop in students the ability to independently work with different sources of information and, on their basis, determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art, draw conclusions and generalizations, and develop students’ ability to work with ICT; to cultivate national-patriotic and aesthetic feelings.

Predicted results:

Students will be able to:

  • determine the conditions and state of development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century;
  • characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art;
  • name the names of outstanding cultural and artistic figures;
  • evaluate their activities;
  • recognize and describe outstanding cultural monuments;
  • independently work with different sources of information and, on their basis, determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art;
  • Work with ICT.

Lesson form: project defense.

Lesson progress

Students are divided into 3 groups.

Group 1 received a proactive task to prepare a mini-project “Development of education in XVI century"

Group 2 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Development of literature and book printing in XVI century"

Group 3 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in XVI century."

Each group prepared a presentation on a given topic.

І. Updating basic knowledge.


Problematic issue: to determine the conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century.

  1. Did Ukraine have its own state during this period?
  2. Which states did Ukraine belong to?
  3. What policies did these states pursue towards the Ukrainian people?
  4. What role did the Orthodox Church play in the life of the Ukrainian people?
  5. What is culture?
  6. How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of Ukrainian culture?
  7. Could this stage in the history of Ukraine become a period of nationwide cultural revival?

Students work with a historical document, filling out the following table:

“Conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in XVI century"

Positive factors

Negative factors

Document No. 1

« Ambiguous processes have been an integral part of the cultural development of Ukraine at this time. The officials who destabilized the cultural process became the fall of the Byzantine Empire. This gave the Christian Orthodox religion more support from the outside world, radically reoriented trade, and influenced the culture of rule in the Ukrainian lands; the existence of a powerful state; the growing threat of Polarization and Catholicism after the establishment of the Union of Lublin; Tatar aggression. The advent of Ukrainian culture was supported by technical and technological progress; viniknennya and the development of the Vlasny drukarstva; the appearance of the Cossacks. Together, these officials have radically changed the cultural image of the Ukrainian lands.”(Boyko O.D. History of Ukraine)

Checking Student Tables

Conclusion: At this stage of historical development, the Ukrainian lands did not have their own state and were part of other states, which determined the unique development of their culture.

ІІ. Development of education.

Mini project 1 group.

Questions to consolidate:

  1. What and how was taught in fraternal schools?
  2. What requirements were put forward to the teachers of such schools?
  3. What do you think the pupils of such schools were like?
  4. What place did educational institutions occupy in national and cultural development?

"Press" method

How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of education during the period under study?

III . "The development of literature and printing in XVI century"

Mini project 2 groups

Questions to consolidate:

  1. What do you know about the activities of Schweipolt Fiol? What significance did the appearance of his printed books have for the cultural life of Ukraine?
  2. What was the significance of Ivan Fedorovich’s activities? What books were published?
  3. What role did chronicles play?

Ranked series method

Make a ranked series in groups based on the given topic.

Yes, that's true...

Yes, that's true, but...

No, that's not true...

No, that's not true, but...

IV . Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in XVI century.

Mini project 3 groups

Students receive a creative task:Based on the group’s mini-project, draw up block diagrams:

1. Main directions in the development of architecture.

2. Main directions in the development of sculpture.

3. Main directions in the development of painting.

V . Generalization and systematization.

Microphone method

1.Today in class we studied the topic...

2.During the lesson we learned...

3. The main characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian culture in the period under study are...

4. Today we met such cultural figures as...

5. Today we got acquainted with such cultural monuments as ...

6. We learned such characteristic signs of the development of art as...

Discussion method

Did you worry in the XVI century is Ukrainian culture a period of revival?

Summing up.

Homework: preparation for control testing, prepare an additional message on the topic:

“The culture of our region during the period under study”

Construction of religious buildings

Urban planning.

Defense palaces

construction of defense structures and castles





Monumental sculpture

Main directions in the development of sculpture


Portrait genre






Main directions

In the development of painting

8th grade" width="522" height="40" class=""/>

History of Ukraine, 8th grade

Topic: Culture of Ukraine in the 16th century.

Purpose: to determine the conditions and state of cultural development in Ukraine in the 16th century, to characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art; develop in students the ability to independently work with different sources of information and, on their basis, determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art, draw conclusions and generalizations, and develop students’ ability to work with ICT; to cultivate national-patriotic and aesthetic feelings.

Predicted results:

Students will be able to:

· determine the conditions and state of cultural development in Ukraine in the 16th century;

· characterize the influence of these conditions on the development of education, printing and art;

· name the names of outstanding cultural and artistic figures;

· evaluate their activities;

· recognize and describe outstanding cultural monuments;

· independently work with different sources of information and, on their basis, determine the characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian art;

· Work with ICT.

Lesson form: project defense.

Lesson progress

Students are divided into 3 groups.

Group 1 received a proactive task to prepare a mini-project “Development of Education in the 16th Century”

Group 2 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “The Development of Literature and Printing in the 16th Century”

Group 3 received an advanced task to prepare a mini-project “Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in the 16th century.”

Each group prepared a presentation on a given topic.

I. Updating basic knowledge.


Problematic question: to determine the conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in the 16th century.

1. Did Ukraine have its own state during this period?

2. Which states did Ukraine belong to?

3. What policies did these states pursue towards the Ukrainian people?

4. What role did the Orthodox Church play in the life of the Ukrainian people?

5. What is culture?

6. How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of Ukrainian culture?

7. Could this stage in the history of Ukraine become a period of nationwide cultural revival?

Students work with a historical document, filling out the following table:

“Conditions for the development of culture in Ukraine in the 16th century”

Positive factors

Negative factors

Document No. 1

“Ambiguous processes have been an integral part of the cultural development of Ukraine. The officials who destabilized the cultural process became the fall of the Byzantine Empire. This gave the Christian Orthodox religion more support from the outside world, radically reoriented trade, and influenced the culture of rule in the Ukrainian lands; the existence of a powerful state; the growing threat of Polarization and Catholicism after the establishment of the Union of Lublin; Tatar aggression. The advent of Ukrainian culture was supported by technical and technological progress; viniknennya and the development of the Vlasny drukarstva; the appearance of the Cossacks. Together, these officials have radically changed the cultural image of the Ukrainian lands.” (History of Ukraine)

Checking Student Tables

Conclusion: At this stage of historical development, the Ukrainian lands did not have their own state and were part of other states, which determined the unique development of their culture.

II. Development of education.

Mini-project 1 group.

Questions for consolidation:

1. What and how was taught in fraternal schools?

2. What requirements were put forward to the teachers of such schools?

3. What do you think the pupils of such schools were like?

4. What place did educational institutions occupy in national and cultural development?

"Press" method

How, in your opinion, did the socio-economic and political situation of Ukrainian lands influence the development of education during the period under study?

III. "The Development of Literature and Printing in the 16th Century"

Mini-project 2 groups

Questions for consolidation:

1. What do you know about the activities of Schweipolt Fiol? What significance did the appearance of his printed books have for the cultural life of Ukraine?

2. What was the significance of Ivan Fedorovich’s activities? What books were published?

3. What role did the chronicles play?

Ranked series method

Make a ranked series in groups based on the given topic.

Yes, that's true...

Yes, that's true, but...

No, that's not true...

No, that's not true, but...

IV. Features of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting in the 16th century.

Mini-project 3 groups

Students receive a creative task: based on the group’s mini-project, draw up flowcharts:

1. Main directions in the development of architecture.

2. Main directions in the development of sculpture.

3. Main directions in the development of painting.

V. Generalization and systematization.

Microphone method

1.Today in class we studied the topic...

2.During the lesson we learned...

3. The main characteristic features of the development of Ukrainian culture during the period under study are...

4. Today we met such cultural figures as...

5. Today we got acquainted with such cultural monuments as ...

6. We learned such characteristic signs of the development of art as...

Discussion method

Did Ukrainian culture experience a period of revival in the 16th century?

Summing up.

Homework: preparation for control testing, prepare an additional message on the topic:

“The culture of our region during the period under study”

Ukrainian culture XVI- first half of the 17th century developed in difficult conditions. It was negatively affected by the strengthening of social and national oppression after the Union of Lublin, as well as the aggravation of religious discord after the Union of Brest. The government of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Catholic Church implanted the Polish language and Catholic rites in Ukraine. The king's servants sought to eradicate everything Ukrainian, especially the school and language. This caused stagnation in the development of culture and in the spread of education in the native language. At the same time, the educational and charitable activities of the brotherhoods had a positive effect on the development of culture. The Ukrainian Cossacks provided military and material support. Belonging to the European state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth allowed Ukrainians to study at European universities and perceive the ideas of humanism and the Renaissance. The cities of Ostrog, Lviv, and Kyiv became centers for the development of education in Ukraine. At the end of the 16th century. outstanding role Brotherhoods began to play a role in organizing Ukrainian schools. The first and largest in Ukraine was the Lviv fraternal school founded in 1586. Printing spread in Ukraine in the second half of the 16th century - early XVII V. At this time, printing houses appeared in Lvov, Ostrog, Kyiv, Chernigov and other cities, where the same brotherhoods were engaged in them. A famous printing house in Ukraine was founded in 1615 by Archimandrite Elisha Pletenetsky at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In the 16th century Ukraine has its own, diverse and multi-genre literature. IN large quantities Religious works were distributed. Chronicle writing continued . Poetry was born, the first works were close in meaning and form to folk songs. The creation of school theaters was a completely new phenomenon. At first they arose in Ostroh and Lvov schools, and later in Kyiv, Lutsk and others. The mobile puppet theater- nativity scene Received significant development folk epic. Orally folk art born like this talented monument Ukrainian epics, such as “The Escape of Three Brothers from Azov”, “Marusya Boguslavka”, “Ukraine Has Been Tight”. Reached a high level fine arts Ukraine, in particular, painting - portrait and wall painting, iconography and graphics. At the beginning of the 17th century. In construction, the bizarre forms of the Baroque style borrowed from Europe became noticeable. The buildings were decorated both on the facade and in the interior with sculptures, paintings, and decorative ornaments. Thus, despite the difficult living conditions under foreign rule, the Ukrainian people still developed their own science, education, and various fields of art and culture.

25. Reasons, goals and driving forces of the Liberation War:

After the suppression of the Cossack uprisings of the first quarter of the 17th century. The colonial policy of Poland intensified, which resulted in the National Liberation War of 1648-1667.


1) The deterioration of the situation of the peasantry under the dominance of magnates and the panschigla-farm farming system. (enslavement of peasants occurred, panshchina increased, various forms of taxes and labor in favor of the feudal lords)

2) The dissatisfaction of the Ukrainian philistinism, suffering from private owners and the arbitrariness of royal officials, increased.

3) Restriction of the rights of the Cossacks, the introduction of measures aimed at eliminating them as a class.

4) Inculcation of Catholicism.


1) elimination of Polish political, national-religious and social domination on Ukrainian lands;

2) formation and development of the Ukrainian national state;

3) elimination of serfdom; the peasants' conquest of personal freedom;

4) the rise to the top of power of a national Cossack elder;

5) liquidation of medium and large feudal land ownership;

6) approval of a new type of management based on small Cossack ownership of land;

7) liberation of Ukrainian cities from the power of the king, magnates, gentry, and Catholic clergy.

The nature and driving forces of the National Liberation War. By its nature, this nationwide movement was national liberation, religious, anti-feudal. Driving forces The Cossacks, peasants, townspeople, Orthodox clergy, and part of the small Ukrainian gentry fought in the national liberation war. The most important role in the National Liberation War was played by Cossacks, which bore the brunt of the struggle for independence on its shoulders. It was this that created the backbone of the army, the basis of the new political elite.

Brotherhood Ukrainian provided military and material support. Belonging to the European state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth allowed Ukrainians to study at European universities, that is, to know many languages, take advantage of world achievements, perceive the ideas of the Reformation and disseminate them in Ukraine.

Observing the neglect of the education and culture of their native people, the small Ukrainian population began to think about the rise of national education. Centers for the development of education in the cities of Ostrog, Lviv, Kyiv.

Old Russian city Ostrog in the 70s pp. XVI century was a significant center of Ukrainian culture, "Athens". Its owner, Konstantin Ostrozhsky, became a zealous defender of Ukrainian culture. Occupying the Kyiv governor, he served and participated in the suppression of the Cossack-peasant movement. However, while remaining Orthodox, K. Ostrozhsky defended the faith and language of the Ukrainian language. In 1576 he founded the Greco-Slavic school, which existed until 1640. It studied Old Church Slavonic, Greek, Latin languages, as well as “free sciences”: arithmetic, grammar, logic, rhetoric, music, etc. Soon the school received the status of Ostrog and took its rightful place among contemporary European universities. The position of the first rector was taken by a famous teacher and writer. It was taught by Vasily Surazhsky, a graduate of European universities, Demyan, and Cleric Ostrozhsky. The school contributed to the spread of education in Ukraine, graduated many educated people. Among them are the hetman of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and the son of the rector, later a famous scientist, writer and church leader Meletiy. He authored many polemical works, and also published the book “Slovenian Grammar” in 1618; for many years, until late XVI II century, was used as a manual of the Old Church Slavonic language and was reprinted several times.

At the end of the 16th century. Brotherhoods began to play an outstanding role in the organization of Ukrainian schools, and the Ostrog school contributed to the opening of fraternal schools in Lutsk and Lvov. The number of schools increased, and therefore the number of educated people increased. The spread of education contributed not only to the development of culture, but also to the liberation movement.

The first and largest in Ukraine was founded in 1586 in Lviv fraternal school. In accordance with the charter, children were recruited into it different classes. The students were taught the then Ukrainian book language that they understood. They studied Old Church Slavonic, Greek and Latin, rhetoric (literature), theology and music. The school produced highly educated people, through whom it had a great influence on school education not only in Ukraine, but also in Belarus, Moldova, and other countries.

The Kyiv fraternal school founded in 1615 deserves even greater recognition. One of its organizers and the first rector was, who had previously been the rector of the Lviv fraternal school. Having borrowed the main statutory and educational ideas from the Lvov school, the leaders of the Kyiv fraternal school significantly expanded the range of subjects studied and deepened their content. The school has won public recognition. Private individuals, including the hetman, helped her.

The students of the fraternal school came from a Cossack background. In 1632, on the initiative of Peter, the Kyiv fraternal school merged with the school Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and was reorganized into higher education educational institution- Kiev-Mohyla Collegium.

Printing spread in Ukraine in the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries. At this time, printing houses appeared in Lvov, Ostrog, Kyiv, Chernigov and other cities, where the same brotherhoods were engaged in them. Printing especially developed upon the arrival in Lvov of an experienced printer expelled from Moscow, a graduate of the University of Krakow. Arriving in Lvov, I outlined my educational objectives in these words: “I must scatter throughout the world and distribute spiritual benefits to everyone. In 1573 I. opened a printing house in Lvov, and 1574 p. published a complete edition of the book “,” which tells about the deeds of the disciples of Jesus Christ. This was the first book printed in Ukraine with highly artistic design in miniatures, the coat of arms of Lviv and the personal sign of the printer. Ivan’s Primer was also published here.

Having moved through material deprivation to the estate of K. Ostrogsky in Ostrog, Fedorov founded the Ostrog printing house there and published the now unique “Ostrog Bible” in it in 1580. This was the first complete edition of the Bible in Old Church Slavonic, for many years served the Orthodox in the fight against the offensive in Ukraine. The printer also published an ABC book called “ABC with Grammar,” which became an important tool for the dissemination of education.

A famous printing house in Ukraine was founded in 1615 by Archimandrite Elisha Pletenetsky at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. It was already a fairly developed enterprise and produced a significant amount of literature. It published mainly works of religious content: stories about the deeds of Christ and ministers of the Orthodox Church. The first book of this enterprise printed in 1616 was the Book of Hours, a collection of prayers. Some copies of the book have survived to this day. And most famous book This publishing house has also been preserved to this day, “Kievo-Pechersk Patericon”. This precious collection of stories about the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, imbued with religious fiction, absorbs original works from the times of Rus' to the 15th century. The Patericon glorifies the leading figures of Rus'-Ukraine and the Pechora Monastery, builders, and artists. It describes the life and everyday life of princes, church ministers and the attitude of different segments of the population towards them and the monastery.

3 late 16th century writers, teachers, printers are increasingly beginning to turn to living colloquial speech Ukrainian people. This “plain language” gradually became the language of business papers and works of art, and she herself began to acquire new features of the “book”, or literary, language. Translations were also carried out from Church Slavonic into the language of the Ukrainian common people. At 1561 p. In the town of Peresopnitsa, the son of Archpriest Mikhail Vasilyevich and Archimandrite of the local monastery Gregory translated the Gospel from Church Slavonic into “simple” language. Written on parchment, it has many decorations, ornaments, miniatures, and headpieces. And phonetics, grammar, vocabulary have distinct signs of a living conversational Ukrainian language. Today, the President of Ukraine took the oath of allegiance to the people at the “Peresopnytsia Gospel”.

Ukrainian scientists paid great attention to the study of language. Even before at 1596 p. In Lviv, Lavrentiy Zizaniy published “Slovenian Grammar”, containing the foundations of the future Ukrainian grammar. A 1627 p. Pamvo Berinda published the first Ukrainian-Old Church Slavonic dictionary in Kyiv - “The Slovenorsky Lexicon. It contains about seven thousand explanations of Church Slavonic words in Ukrainian.

In the 16th century Ukraine has its own, diverse and multi-genre literature. The events in Berestti caused a whole stream of polemical (discussion) literature between Catholics, Uniates and Orthodox. Talented writers and thinkers directed their works to substantiate the correctness or error of Brestsky's decisions and the legality of the spread of Uniatism and Catholicism. In response to the speech with the book “In Defense of the Union of Brest-Litovsk,” which justified the conquest of Orthodoxy in Rome, many polemical works appeared. Ipatiy Potiy spoke on the Uniate side.

The rector of the Ostroh school, Gerasim Smotrytsky, was one of the first to respond in defense of Orthodoxy. He was supported by the book "A Warning". Great piece“Polinode, or the Book of Defense” was written by Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Zacharias Kopystensky. He called for the unity of the Slavs and the unity of all Orthodox Christians. And the greatest contribution to polemical literature was made by the talented Ukrainian writer Ivan Vyshensky, originally from Judicial Vyshnya. According to I., he was “one of the parents and creators of folk South Russian literature.” An ardent patriot of Ukraine, a humanist, he, using religious polemics, opposed social injustice. Having spent 40 years in the Athos monastery in Greece, I. Vishensky sharply criticized Rome, the Union of Brest and the Uniate officials. He conducted particularly heated polemics in the works: “A Brief Answer to Peter’s Complaint,” “Memoirs to the Latin Philosophers,” “Epistle to Escaping from the Orthodox Faith.” In all his works (17 of them came to us), Ivan Vyshensky exposed the love of money of the church and secular churches of all three churches, their desire to finally enslave Ukraine and its unfortunate population.

Religious works were distributed in large quantities - translations of the Bible, reflections on the commandments and church teachings. Their authors were clergymen - Elisha Pletenetsky, Melety and Gerasim Smotrytsky, Zechariah Kopystensky. In their work they paid great attention to the education of morality, brotherly love, humility and respect.

The past of our people continued and recaptured. The most famous among the chronicles of that time were the Kiev (852-1500), Gustyn (from Rus' to 1598) and Lithuanian-Russian (1515-1543). Their authors glorified the people’s struggle against foreign invaders and called for Slavic peoples to unity in this fight.

Poetry was born, the first works of which were close in meaning and form to folk songs. the poems were supplemented with humorous and satirical panegyrics, fables, and epigrams. With the development of literature, Ukrainian speech improved. The speech included all the wealth folk speech, it rose to the literary level.

The creation of school theaters was a completely new phenomenon. At first they arose in Ostroh and Lvov schools, and later in Kyiv, Lutsk and others. Teachers wrote poems, recitations, panegyrics, cries (lamentations), and dialogues. Students trained for this became actors, and performances were held in school and church yards.

The creation of school theater was facilitated by works of poetry and rhetoric, most of which, unfortunately, have not reached us. Among the surviving unique dramatic publications of that time one can name “Russian Tragedy” unknown author. its content consists of a prologue, three acts and an epilogue. Characters conducted a dialogue in Ukrainian. The comedy of the burlesque (jocular) style was reminiscent of Ukrainian folk art in content.

First in school theaters staged plays on religious and church themes (mysteries. But later comedies spread to household topics. During intermissions between acts of the main productions, miniature comic works- sideshows and interludes. We have reached us in fragments of drama and interlude by Yakov Gavatovich, written at the beginning of the 17th century.

And the mobile puppet theater - the nativity scene - enjoyed special love among the people. It was a rather large wooden box on two floors, where religious dramas were staged at the top, and skits at the bottom. different topics. The actors in it are students - students who walked with the nativity scene from city to city, thus earning a living. Speaking for the dolls, students exposed greed, dishonesty, injustice and other human vices in a humorous and satirical manner.

The folk epic has received significant development. Numerous appeared one after another historical songs and thoughts, mourned the loss of the people from attacks, oppression and Tatar robberies. In oral folk art such talented monuments of the Ukrainian epic were born as “The Duma of Pavlyuk and”, “The Escape of Three Brothers from Azov”, “Marusya”, “Samoilo the Cat”, “Zatuzhila Ukraine”, dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence. And also heroic-epic songs about the unprecedented brave deeds of the Ukrainian Cossacks - defenders of the people: “Oh, it’s early early on Sunday,” “The lights are burning across the river.” One of the Ukrainian folk songs - “The Danube, the Danube, why do you flow sadly” even ended up in the content of the Czech grammar of the 16th century.

The heavy Cossack-lacking talent was sung in the People's Duma about “Feska Ganju Andyber, Hetman of Zaporozhye. It says: “The Cossack-non-tyazhi in the city of Cherkassy arrives to the Cossack-non-tyazhi three semiryazs, a cattail patina, a hop belt. The poor Cossack has morocco morocco on him - visible fives and fingers.”

Already in the 16th century. songs and thoughts were performed by wandering singers - kobzars and bandura players. They passed on their skills and knowledge for 3 generations. Kobzars are called Ukrainian Homers for the wonderful works they composed and performed. Ukrainian People's Dumas have remained unique and perfect to this day. artistic form and musical saturation.

Music and dance developed according to the traditions of the past. Professional music mainly served church services. Ritual songs and carols acquired an increasingly secular character. Household items spread lyrical songs and dances - hopaki, cossacks, snowstorms. Kobzars used violins, tambourines, and lyres next to the kobza and lyre. Traveling musicians united, creating unique ensembles, most often “triple music”. They served holidays, weddings, and various rituals. The number of music workshops in the cities increased, and Cossack military bands appeared. The art of performing religious choral and solo singing psalms and cants, the creators and performers of which were, as a rule, teachers and students of fraternal schools.

The original and unique architecture appears before us rich and varied. different regions Ukrainian lands. These are wooden buildings of the inhabitants of the Carpathians, stone temples and houses of Galicia and the Dnieper region. A few architectural sights of Ukraine from that era have survived to this day. These include churches and individual private houses. Despite his age, places of worship and now they fascinate with their graceful architectural forms, white walls, magnificent stucco ornaments, multi-colored roofs, gilded domes and rich interior decoration.

A shopping center was created in Kyiv on Podol, in the complex of which the town hall and the house of the Kyiv brotherhood occupied the leading place. After the fire of 1527, the center of Lviv was built in stone. Here, numerous stone merchants and townspeople combined monumentality with the aesthetic design of facades. An example of civil development is the house of the merchant Kornyakt, built in 1580, on Rynok Square.

At the beginning of the 17th century. In construction, the bizarre forms of the Baroque style borrowed from Europe became noticeable. The buildings were decorated both on the facade and in the interior with sculptures, paintings, and decorative ornaments. The tombstone of Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky was made and installed in the Baroque style in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

The fine arts of Ukraine have also reached a high level, in particular, painting - portraits and walls, painting, iconography and graphics. Schools of painters and engravers existed throughout Ukraine. They taught talented young men to draw icons and portraits of the nobility. The image of a living person appears in art, the master’s desire to move away from the canonical Byzantine icon-painting models. There is more earthly, human, vitality in him. This is noticeable in the portraits of Prince K. Ostrozhsky, merchant K. Kornyakt, Metropolitan, Donas received the names of the artists - Nikolai Petkhnovich, Fyodor Senkovich, Sebastian Korunka.

Authors of miniatures in handwritten books and engravings in printed books have achieved certain successes. A striking example The “Peresopnytsia Gospel” is highly artistic and richly decorated with colored miniatures. The first engravings on secular themes appeared in 1622. These are illustrations for “Poems on the plaintive cellar of Hetman Peter,” which was written by the rector of the Kyiv fraternal school Sakovich.

In the history of Ukraine, as in world history, XVI century became an important milestone that marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of new times of civilization. The great geographical discoveries had little impact on the Ukrainian lands, where the agrarian society continued to develop. But changes were felt in him too. The first Lithuanian Statute and the “Charter on Portages” legislatively consolidated the situation of servitude, and at the interstate level transferred Ukrainian lands to Poland.

A significant page in the historical existence of the Ukrainian people of the 15th century. became the formation of the free and its glorious - a stronghold of the struggle against the Polish-Lithuanian oppressors and Tatar robbers.

Under conditions of foreign rule, in the absence of statehood, the main exponent of Ukrainian national isolation was the Orthodox Church. The immediate consequence of the Lublin Union of Poland and Lithuania was 1596. It sharpened the national-religious issue in Ukraine to the extreme.

3 late XVI and 30th pp. XVII century attacks against social and national-religious oppression swept across the Dnieper Ukraine. Despite the difficult living conditions, Ukrainians still developed their own science, education, and various fields of art and culture.