Decree banning complex names for newborns. Exotic names for children will be banned in Russia. We're not the only ones

Passion for unusual names in the territory Russian Federation started back in Soviet times. The children's names were intricate abbreviations containing the name of a holiday or the name and field of activity of a certain historical figure. Some of them have successfully taken root; children are still called them today. (Vladlen – “Vladimir Lenin”, Gertrude – “Heroine of Labor”, Lenora – “Lenin – Our Weapon”, Kim – “Communist International of Youth”). But new wave Russians' fascination with strange and ridiculous nicknames for children has led to the need to introduce a new law on names that are acceptable or not acceptable for assigning to a newborn child.

The problem of ridiculous names has become especially acute in last decade. They contain numbers, nicknames, titles, abbreviations and even swear words. The most famous case is the story of a young Muscovite, whose parents named BOCH rVF 260602 (“Biological Object Man of the Voronin-Frolov family, born June 26, 2002”). The child suffered because of the strange fantasy of his own parents, and was able to change his name to "Igor" only at the age of 14 years.

In order to abolish similar cases, a bill to prohibit the registration in official documentation of strange and insulting nicknames for children, proposed Senator Valentina Petrenko, was adopted in the third (final) reading by the State Duma. According to the new law, civil registry offices of Russia and other registration authorities are authorized to refuse registration to persons who have violated the regulations Art. 18 Federal Law “On acts of civil status”. From now on, citizens of the Russian Federation are limited in their right to choose unusual names for their own children.

On April 21, 2017, the State Duma adopted the Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 58 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts” No. 94-FZ. This law provides for amendments regulating the actions of parents when choosing names for children at birth.

According to the actual amendment protecting the rights of children, a name cannot be offensive or contain numerals or punctuation marks other than a hyphen. If the clause is not observed 1 article 58 of a valid law, parents will be denied registration of children as new citizens of the Russian Federation.

According to parts 2 of the article in question, the surname of the children must correspond to one of the surnames of the parents. This can be either the father's surname or the mother's surname. A double surname is given to a child on the condition that all full-born children of a given family will have one. A double surname consists of two words joined by a hyphen. Other additional inserts are strictly prohibited by law.

The current law 94-FZ also provides for amendments to Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status”, adopted on September 15, 1998. The changes also regulate the provision of names to newborn children. (clause 2) and last names (clause 1) in accordance with current law.

What is it wrong to name children in Russia?

The new law on children's names will define a list of unacceptable practices when choosing a name for a newborn.

It is considered unacceptable to have:

  • Digits, numerals, numbers, dates, computer coding elements ( Ivan I, Natasha2010, Igor No. 2, Yaroslav100110);
  • Punctuation marks with the exception of the hyphen, in which case the hyphen should not be used more than once ( Lyudmila/Kira, Arseny-Nikita-Svyatogor);
  • Names of ranks, positions, titles, various professions ( Princess, Prince);
  • Profanity, words with an uncertain and ambiguous meaning, swear words that insult the honor and dignity of both the child himself and the surrounding citizens of the Russian Federation.

It is believed that the abbreviation provision in the law will be eliminated. Many of them have long since taken root since the times of the USSR and do not cause negative bewilderment among citizens of the Russian Federation. Of course, this does not mean Dazdraperma (“Long Live the First of May”) and Kukutsapol (“Corn – Queen of the Fields”), but quite familiar Vladlen and Kira (“Red Banner Revolution”).

Also, registry offices have the right to refuse registration of names that do not correspond moral principles, characteristic of citizens of the Russian Federation. According to the records of the population registration authorities, there are cases when parents give male name girl and vice versa (example - Alyosha-Kaprina), sometimes it comes down to animal names ( Tuzik, Murka).

Also, citizens named as follows often appear in the registers of civil registry offices:

  • Lucifer;
  • Batman;
  • Luke-Happiness Summerset Ocean;
  • Eros;
  • Messiah;
  • Fun.

Often the wild creative imagination of the child’s parents has negative consequences for his future. The current law on children's names authorizes the responsible authorities to protect the interests of a minor citizen. If registration is refused, parents who insist on their decision are offered a list of acceptable names.

If they do not agree, and in this case, according to the new bill, the child is registered as abandoned, and his future fate guardianship authorities decide.

The most popular names in Russia

The majority of citizens of the Russian Federation, nevertheless, give preference to traditions.

The most popular male names, According to statistics for the current year, these are:

  • Alexander;
  • Vladimir;
  • Dmitry;
  • Sergey;
  • Daniel;
  • Artyom.

According to data for the statistical period of 2017, girls in Russia are most often called:

  • Anna;
  • Ekaterina;
  • Maria;
  • Natalia;
  • Olga;
  • Elena.

In the last decade, it has become very common old Russians and Slavic names . These include Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Dragomir, Lyubomir, Lyubava, Milana and even Dobrynya. It should be noted that the law prohibiting unusual names for such ancient tradition does not spread in a new light. The only exception is Fun- because of its ambiguity in the modern interpretation of this word.

Download the text of the new law on children's names

To familiarize yourself with the new provision of the current Federal Law “On Amendments to Art. 58 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status” No. 94-FZ, the current text of the amendments can be downloaded

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Often parents want to give their children a rare name, but they do not always succeed. Governments of many countries are trying to protect their newborn citizens from awkward situations in the future and even create lists of banned names. True, everyone’s criteria are different, and if in France you are prohibited from calling a child an offensive word, then in Saudi Arabia They won’t let you call your daughter Queen, even if the word is not at all offensive.

In many countries, the laws governing baby names are based on a simple principle: the name should not sound like a curse word or an offensive word, and should not cause problems for the child in the future. However, in some states the ban may apply to quite ordinary names if they violate cultural traditions.

In this country, names must be traditionally Portuguese, clearly denote gender, and should not resemble nicknames. To make it easier for parents to navigate the rules, a special list of allowed names has been compiled.

  • Banned names: Rihanna, Nirvana, Viking, Sayonara, Jimmy.


In Switzerland, as in Germany, the name must be approved by the Citizens Registration Office. You cannot use surnames, names of biblical villains, names of brands or geographical places as names. Can't be given to boys female names and vice versa. Any offensive, shocking, or laughter-inducing options are prohibited.

  • Banned names: Cain, Judas, Brooklyn, Chanel, Mercedes, Paris (Paris).

United Kingdom

Names that may harm anyone, exceed 100 characters, and resemble titles or ranks are prohibited. Therefore, for example, the name is prohibited Justice: the word not only means “justice”, but also serves as an address to judges.

  • Banned names: ".", Fat Man, Lucifer, Jesus Christ, From Hawaii Talulah Dances Hula, Constable, Saint, Chief Maximus, 4real, Mafia No Fear.


Previously, in China it was forbidden to name children after the current emperor. Today, the limitations are related to language: Chinese has 70,000 characters, but not all of them are machine readable. Accordingly, the name is selected so that it can be entered into a computer form.


Putin signed a law prohibiting giving children exotic names containing numbers or symbols. In addition, now in Russia it will not be possible to call children with swear words and titles

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning calling children numbers, swear words and titles. The corresponding document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the document, a provision is added to Article 58 of the Family Code of Russia that when parents choose a child’s name, “the use of numbers, alphanumeric designations, numerals, symbols and non-letter characters, with the exception of the “hyphen” sign, or any of them is not allowed combinations, or swear words, indications of ranks, positions, titles.” Changes made to the federal law “On Civil Status Acts” prohibit the registration of such names.

The law also establishes that the child's surname is determined by the surname of the parents. If the parents different surnames, then by their agreement the child may be assigned the surname of the father, mother or a double surname formed by joining two surnames to each other in any sequence, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the constituent entities of Russia. The document stipulates that a child’s double surname can consist of no more than two words, joined by a hyphen when written.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma on April 21, 2016. The author of the legislative initiative was Senator Valentina Petrenko. She mentioned the case of a boy named BOCH rVF 260602 (Biological object of a person of the Voronin-Frolov family, born June 26, 2002). In 2014, he was still living without documents, since the court sided with the Moscow registry office, which refused to register a child with that name in order to protect his interests.

A year after its introduction, on April 21, 2017, the bill was passed by the State Duma in the third final reading.

Foreign experience

Some countries have restrictions on the names that can be given to children. For example, in Britain and Wales, employees of relevant services are advised to register children's names, consisting of a sequence of letters and not containing insults. The only limitation on the length of the name is related to the ability to fit it on the registration sheet.

In the US, restrictions on naming a child vary by state. Some states have restrictions on name length due to the software used by registration authorities. For the same reasons, other states do not allow numbers or pictograms in names.

Since 1993, a child in France can be named by any name. The question of whether the name is contrary to the interests of the child is decided by the registration authorities.

In Germany, surnames and names of products or objects cannot be used as names for children. The decision on whether the child’s name meets the requirements is made by a special agency. In addition, each time you apply, you have to pay a fee, so large number Trying to name a child with an exotic name will be very expensive.

Another, but quite reasonable, legislative initiative came out of the Duma offices. One of the parliamentary parties has begun to develop a bill that would ban the use of numbers, punctuation marks and various symbols in children's names. And I would introduce a unified list of names for the work of civil registry offices.

IN lately in Russia there is a fashion for unusual names. Yes, for last year Only in Moscow were the boys Ogneslav, Maxim-Moskva, girls Legend and Chelsea born.

Tikhons, Virinei, and Zakhars began to appear more often in Rostov. One girl was even named Apollinaria. In short, probably Polina. The other received the name Dominica. My parents simply said they liked it. This name is not Orthodox. But there are also quite a lot of national names. For example, there were Drasdamad and Sirun (which translates from Armenian as “beautiful”). To the ear, such names sound somewhat exotic, but they, naturally, have the right to exist.

One of the unusual names was given to the newborn girl - Alice-Love. Other names of recently born young Donetsk girls:
Ademira, Eva-Maria, Leila, Satenik, Tanzilya, Evelina, Kamala, Kasandra, Evdokia, Lucyena, Yasmina, Aysun, Bozena, Evangelina.

Boys are also called unusual names on the Don: Blagovest, Methodius, Elisha, Amir, Jafar, Eremey, Joseph, Lavrentiy, Bagdasar, Dzhambulat, Natalilyan, Nitai, Odin, Fopen.

But it’s one thing to give a child an old, long-forgotten name from an old name book. A name that was once popular but is no longer used. And it’s a completely different matter to come up with a new name.

First of all, you need to think about whether the child himself will like the name. The name should not cause ridicule or surprise among people around you. The first name should go well with the last and middle names. The name should be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions.

    Of course, giving a child a strange, unusual name is the right of the parents, but when the selfishness of the parents is behind the child’s name, the child has to pay for it. Pay with complexes, failures, isolation and eternal question: "For what?"

    Not every adult, not to mention a child, is able to cope with the name imposed on him and with the increased psychological stress. And yet, there have always been and will be strange and unusual names that go beyond all boundaries.

    Representatives of the council of one of the State Duma parliamentary parties for the development and improvement of legislation intend to ban the use of numbers, punctuation marks and various symbols in children's names.

    Today in our country, parents are given complete freedom to choose a name for their child. The registry office does not have the right to refuse to register a child’s name because it is dissonant, offensive, offensive, uncultured, unpronounceable, etc., one of the initiators of the draft law, lawyer Victoria Pashkova, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

    Meanwhile, creativity in names also flourished in the USSR. Here are just a few gems of that time: Oak (Give us reinforced concrete!), Vaterpezhekosma (Valentina Tereshkova - the first female cosmonaut), Kukutsapol (Corn - the queen of fields), Pofistal (Fascist winner Joseph Stalin) and others.

    A similar practice exists in New Zealand. The list of allowed names appeared there after parents wanted to name their child 62 times Justice and 31 times King, six times Lucifer, twice Messiah and Christ; the children were called Cruelty and Bus Stop No. 16.

    And here in Russia, in Perm, on October 15 of this year, a boy was born, whom his parents decided to name Lucifer.

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