Amazing facts from human life. Interesting facts from life

A person's daily life is not as boring as many people think. They make an attentive observer think about it, be surprised by the diversity of life, or have a good laugh.

But in the bustle of everyday chores, we sometimes do not notice these things. Want to expand your horizons?

We offer you interesting facts from life, which will definitely lift your spirits and teach you to look at the world around us in a new way.

  1. According to statistics, chronic alcoholics live 15 years longer than those people who work without vacation. Rest more, gentlemen, but do not abuse alcohol!
  2. 25% of our compatriots think about sex while stuck in a traffic jam. Oddly enough, only 6% think about work.
  3. Blue-eyed people are less likely to suffer from visual impairments than brown-eyed and gray-eyed people.
  4. Brown-eyed people are more adapted to everyday difficulties.
  5. Interesting fact of life: The more often a man makes love, the lower his risk of heart attack. Consider these instructions for action! This, unfortunately, does not apply to women.
  6. In the morning we are about 1 centimeter higher. During the day, the joints shrink, which makes us a little shorter in the evening.
  7. No person in the world can sneeze with their eyes open. Want to check? Please! Just don't do this while driving a car. According to statistics, 2% of all accidents occur because the driver sneezed and lost vigilance for a couple of seconds.
  8. Women speak 13 thousand more words per day than men. All men will agree with this fact, but women may be indignant!
  9. Interestingly, nightmares are more likely to occur in a cold bedroom.
  10. Foul language can temporarily dull the pain. Probably, Russian builders feel this on an intuitive level!
  11. The more often you overeat, the worse your hearing.
  12. Cats' taste buds are not sensitive to sweets. By the way, read in a separate article.
  13. Men's hair is coarser and thicker than women's. However, there is twice as much hair on a woman's head!
  14. If a woman periodically listens to an audio recording of a child crying, her breasts can increase by 2 centimeters in a week.
  15. There is a fact that designers came up with a small pocket on men's jeans in order to hide a condom there. It's actually designed for a watch. Recommended reading.
  16. The best cleaner for kettles, bathtubs, toilets and ovens is regular Coca-Cola!
  17. Uncolored Coca-Cola is green.
  18. Flavored cigarettes contain urea.
  19. The timbre of the voices of women who work in a male team is significantly lower than that of women who work side by side with other women.
  20. Regular sex relieves headaches. Interestingly, not all women use this fact in their lives. But men can use it as an argument!
  21. Left-handed people find it easier to chew food with the left side of their jaws.
  22. You can stop yawning by touching your tongue with your finger.
  23. When talking to a person we like, our pupils involuntarily dilate.
  24. When there are many cows, it is a herd. A set of horses is called a herd. A large group of sheep - a flock. But when there are a lot of frogs, it’s... an army! At least that's what zoologists call them.
  25. 4-5 summer child asks about 400 questions a day.
  26. Fear of Friday the 13th is considered a disease and is successfully treated by psychotherapists.
  27. A clear fact of life: the average person eats 35 tons of food in their lifetime.
  28. Turtles can breathe through their anus.
  29. OK (okay) is the most commonly used word in most languages ​​of the world.
  30. 95% of emails sent are spam.
  31. A champagne cork can jump to a height of up to 12 meters.
  32. Interestingly, throughout the history of the Earth, no two identical snowflakes have existed. However, just like people. Even twins have slight differences.
  33. In 2 years, a pair of rats can produce more than a million babies. For comparison, a domestic cat gives birth to no more than 100 kittens in her entire life.
  34. The first US President George Washington, in his free time, loved to admire the lush hemp bushes that grew in his garden.
  35. Do not microwave grapes or they will explode!
  36. The cow is unable to go down the stairs.
  37. Incredible but true: the most big eyes on Earth belong to the giant (colossal) squid. They are approximately the size of a soccer ball.
  38. Humpback whales scream the loudest of all animals on Earth. The cry of these mammals is louder than the roar of an airplane and can be heard in the open ocean for more than 500 kilometers.
  39. Believe it or not, a caterpillar has more muscles than a human.
  40. People in white swimsuits and swimming trunks are more likely to become victims of sharks on beaches.
  41. A shark's nostrils are an organ of smell, but not of breathing. Sharks breathe through gills.
  42. Babies have more bones than adults.
  43. The lighter the beard, the faster it grows.
  44. An interesting fact from life: the smartest woman (according to the results of an IQ test) was... a housewife.
  45. More than 1,000 people die every year from lightning strikes.
  46. Cologne was originally used to treat the plague.
  47. Koalas sleep 22 hours a day. Eh!..
  48. The peak of household injuries and heart attacks occurs on Monday.
  49. Every day, 13 new varieties of children's toys appear in the world.
  50. The most common tree in the world is the Siberian larch.
  51. And this is a terrible fact, despite the fact that it is about life. Some sharks eat their brothers and sisters while still in the womb. Truly, survival of the fittest!
  52. Contrary to popular belief, anteaters do not eat ants. Their main food is termites.
  53. The Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa beans instead of money.
  54. A quarter of our skeleton is made up of leg bones.
  55. Dogs are able to guess their owners' intentions. Please note.
  56. The shrimp's heart is located in the head, in the back of the head. The genitals are located nearby.
  57. The giraffe's tongue reaches a length of up to half a meter.
  58. A blue whale can not breathe for 2 hours.
  59. Surprisingly, but true: the female nightingale cannot sing.
  60. A postage stamp contains one tenth of a calorie.
  61. Tongue prints, like fingerprints, are unique and inimitable.
  62. Purple clothes are worn as a sign of mourning in Turkey. In all other Muslim countries, white is considered the color of mourning.
  63. At the end of the 19th century, cocaine was used to treat insomnia and colds.
  64. If you chew gum while peeling onions, it is impossible to cry.
  65. Ticks can go 10 years without food.
  66. Until the end of the 19th century in Russia, you could only buy vodka in a 12-liter bucket. People once knew when to stop! By the way, we recommend reading where we have collected a very interesting selection.

There are many legends about outstanding scientists and inventors, emphasizing their eccentricity, the unusualness of their discoveries and the unexpected twists and turns of fate. Below in chronological order Here are 10 stories from the lives of outstanding scientists who, thanks to their discoveries and scientific achievements, gained worldwide fame.

The most interesting facts, legends, speculations and gossip

According to information recently “declassified” on the Christian Internet resource “Megaportal”, a British scientist, the founder of the mathematical foundations of natural philosophy Isaac Newton(Isaac Newton), being a deeply religious man, dedicated most of your life to a rational interpretation of the Bible. In records dating back to 1700, he provided the transcript “ Revelations of John the Theologian", from which it is clear that the start date of the Apocalypse is 2060. Having studied Old Testament, the scientist restored the exact dimensions of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.

Around the same years, the German alchemist Hennig Brand(Hennig Brand), like most of his “colleagues,” was searching for philosopher's stone. He used human urine as his starting material. After numerous chemical experiments and physical influences in the form of evaporation, calcination and grinding, the scientist obtained a white powder that glows in the dark, which today is explained by its phosphorus content, the concentration of which was significantly increased during chemical transformations. Brand dubbed it “light-bearer” and, deciding that the powder belonged to the primary matter, tried to transform it into gold. After nothing came of this venture, the scientist began to trade in the powder itself, selling the luminous substance at a much higher price than the gold-containing substance. Associated with phosphorus at least interesting story which happened to a Soviet chemist, academician Semyon Isaakovich Volfkovich. While creating phosphate mineral fertilizers, the scientist in his laboratory was exposed to phosphorus fumes, which soaked his clothes, raincoat and hat. When he returned home on foot, exercising through the dark streets, a glow emanated from his robes, which gave rise to rumors among Muscovites about a “luminous monk” who had appeared.

Russian academician Mikhailo Vasilievich Lomonosov, who came from Pomor fishermen, was distinguished by his fair health and physical strength. Already in adulthood, being in high scientific ranks, he, well drunk, walked around Vasilyevsky Island. He came across three sailors who, seeing a drunk man, decided to rob him. However, this attempt ended tragicomically - the first sailor was beaten until he lost consciousness, the second ran away, and the third pundit he decided to rob himself. He took off the sailor’s ports, jacket and camisole, and then, tying all this equipment in a bundle, he took it to his home. After the death of Mikhail Lomonosov, all his lifetime notes, sketches and drawings mysteriously disappeared from the library of the former favorite of Catherine the Great, Grigory Orlov, where they were kept by imperial command.

Few people know that the English traveler, ornithologist and naturalist Charles Darwin(Charles Darwin) considered tasting them as one of the methods for studying birds. Having joined the London gourmet club, Darwin ate dishes prepared from the great marsh bittern, sparrowhawk and other inedible and inedible birds, as a result of which the ornithologist came to the conclusion that starvation was not a terrible thing for Robinson Crusoe. However, after the guests at the club were treated to a roast from an old owl, the scientist vomited for a long time, and he terminated his membership in the gourmet society. But Charles Darwin did not lose his passion for exotic dishes and described in great detail the taste sensations when eating dishes from rare animals that the ship’s cook prepared for him while sailing on the brig Beagle. He not only ate various prepared dishes of agouti, Galapagos tortoise and rhea ostrich, but also dared to taste roasted armadillo and the South American mountain lion - cougar. Summarizing his gourmet experience, Charles Darwin noted that the variety of meat dishes prepared from the most unusual animals and birds awakened his predatory instincts.

The world's first female professor of mathematics Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya dreamed of getting higher education, but the Bestuzhev courses that existed in Russia in those years did not provide such an opportunity, and to study abroad at European universities, the written permission of the father or husband was required. Her father, a lieutenant general of artillery, considered higher education “not a woman’s business” and was categorically against his daughter’s foreign voyage. Sofya Korvin-Krukovskaya was forced to enter into a fictitious marriage with a young geologist, founder of the school of evolutionary paleontology, Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky. My husband graciously gave permission to study. However, the fictitiousness of the marriage did not prevent the emergence and development of tender feelings, and the couple had a daughter, Sophia.

Receiving primary education, deeply religious Albert Einstein(Albert Einstein) became famous among teachers and classmates as a poor student who was not good at exact sciences. However, after entering the gymnasium, he rethought his views after reading Euclidean “Elements” and Kant’s “Critique” pure reason" Unfortunately, this did not help him obtain a certificate of completion of six classes of gymnasium and enter the Zurich Polytechnic School. Since then, Albert has disdained any cramming, believing that knowledge is rethought and consolidated in the brain with the help of some kind of “insight.” Apparently, these factors affected the attitude of the discoverer of the theory of relativity to teaching. As the scientist himself recalls with humor, by the end of his first lecture there were only three people left in the audience.

Professor at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) Thomas Parnell(Thomas Parnell) became widely known for staging the longest experiment in the history of physical chemistry. After repeated debates about whether bitumen was a liquid or a solid, the professor in 1927 sealed a measured dose of coal tar pitch in a funnel. The first drop at room temperature fell after 8 years. The experiment continues to the present day - in 2000, the eighth drop formed and fell, after which Parnell’s experiment was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest experiment in the history of physics, and the professor himself was posthumously awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in 2005. Contemporary scientists joked about T. Parnell that, following in the footsteps of Isaac Newton, studying the Bible, he determined the temperature environment in hell, which is + 718°C.

Interesting facts from the life of physicists

Physicists became famous for the most interesting facts, statements and incidents in their lives.

After the discovery by a German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen(Wilhelm Röntgen) “X” rays, later named after the inventor, Germany was filled with rumors about their healing and power. At that time, V. Roentgen was teaching at the University of Vienna, and one day he received an order from the Austrian police prohibiting him “until further notice” from dealing with “X” rays. Later, the scientist received a request to send several rays by mail and instructions on how to use them to illuminate the chest. Referring to the cumbersome nature of the equipment, Roentgen came up with a counter-proposal - to send the chest for diagnostics of the lungs.

British physicist Ernest Rezerford(Ernest Rutherford) answered one of his envious people, who reproached the scientist that the latter is always on the crest of a physical wave - “ could it be otherwise, if I raised this wave.”

Soviet physicist Lev Davidovich Landau was known among his contemporaries not so much for his theoretical calculations in the field quantum physics, as much as the “theory of happiness” he developed with his own hands. He considered marriage a cooperative, very far from true, sublime love, in which everything should be common and accessible to outsiders. True, the physicist extended this accessibility not so much to his wives and lovers, but to himself. The main postulate of this theory was a “non-aggression pact”, which prohibited the jealousy of one of the spouses for the betrayal of the other.

These are 10 from the lives of outstanding scientists who became famous not only for their eccentricities, outrageousness and originality of thinking, but also made a huge contribution to the development of science.

Incredible facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The most big wave, which we rode on, was height with 10-story building.

7. Hearing - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth’s axis has slowed down, dayduring the time when dinosaurs lived,lasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today they will die in a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter V comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica – the only continent where corn is not grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches..

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time For nap between 1 and 2:30 p.m., since at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children do not feel salty taste until 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats. These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak Latin fluently.

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  1. The only part of the body that does not have a blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
  2. The capacity of the human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.
  3. Up to 7 months, the baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.
  4. Our skull is made up of 29 different bones.
  5. A nerve impulse from the brain moves at a speed of 274 km/h.
  6. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the world's phones combined.
  7. The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on the average dog; carbon - to make 900 pencils; potassium - to shoot a toy cannon; fat - to make 7 bars of soap; and enough water to fill a 50 liter barrel.
  8. The human heart pumps 182 million liters of blood during its life.
  9. 50 thousand cells in your body are dying and being replaced by new ones as you read this sentence.
  10. The embryo acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.
  11. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
  12. A man named Charles Osborne hiccupped for 68 years.
  13. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left-handed people.
  14. About 2/3 of people tilt their head to the right when kissing.
  15. A person forgets 90% of his dreams.
  16. The total length of blood vessels in the human body is approximately 100 thousand km.
  17. In spring, the respiratory rate is on average 1/3 higher than in autumn.
  18. By the end of life, a person remembers on average 150 trillion bits of information.
  19. 80% of the human body's heat leaves the head.
  20. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
  21. Thirst occurs when water loss equals 1% of body weight. A loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% can lead to death from dehydration.
  22. There are at least 700 enzymes working in the human body.
  23. Humans are the only creatures that sleep on their backs.
  24. On average, a 4-year-old child asks 450 questions a day.
  25. In addition to humans, koalas also have unique fingerprints.
  26. Only 1% of bacteria cause illness in humans.
  27. All the people on the planet can be comfortably placed in a cube with a side of 1,000 meters.
  28. The scientific name for the navel is umbilicus.
  29. The tooth is the only part of the human body that is not capable of self-healing.
  30. On average, it takes a person 7 minutes to fall asleep.
  31. A right-handed person chews most of the food on the right side of the jaw, a left-handed person chews on the left.
  32. Only 7% of people in the world are left-handed.
  33. The aroma of apples and bananas helps you lose weight.
  34. The length of hair on the head that a person grows on average during his life is 725 km.
  35. Among people who can move their ears, only 1/3 can move one ear.
  36. The average person swallows 8 small spiders in their lifetime.
  37. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kg.
  38. 99% of all calcium in the body is found in the teeth.
  39. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than fingertips. A real kiss increases your heart rate to 100 beats per minute or more.
  40. The absolute strength of the masticatory muscles on one side is 195 kg.
  41. During a kiss, 278 different cultures of bacteria are transmitted from one person to another. Fortunately, 95% of them are harmless.
  42. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.
  43. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.
  44. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you will only get a small screw for a watch.
  45. There are more than 100 different viruses that cause a runny nose.
  46. A kiss of sufficient length is much better than chewing gum at normalizing acidity in the oral cavity.
  47. By hitting your head against a wall, you can lose 150 kcal per hour.
  48. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.
  49. During a lifetime, a person's skin changes approximately 1,000 times.
  50. Every person has dimples on the lower back, only in some they are pronounced, while in others they are less noticeable. The dimples are located where the pelvis meets the sacrum, so their appearance is quite reasonable.
  51. Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men.
  52. The human body contains only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.
  53. A real, passionate kiss produces the same chemical reactions in the brain that skydiving and shooting with a pistol.
  54. Men are considered dwarfs if their height is below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.
  55. Fingernails grow approximately 4 times faster than toenails.
  56. People with blue eyes more sensitive to pain than everyone else.
  57. Nerve impulses in the human body travel at a speed of approximately 90 meters per second.
  58. In the human brain, 100 thousand events occur in 1 second. chemical reactions.
  59. Children are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2–6 years.
  60. If one of the identical twins is missing a particular tooth, as a rule, the other twin is also missing the same tooth.
  61. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
  62. On average, a person spends 2 weeks kissing in his entire life.
  63. Blondes grow a beard faster than brunettes.
  64. Leukocytes in the human body live 2–4 days, and red blood cells - 3–4 months.
  65. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  66. The size of a person's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult human heart is 220–260 grams.
  67. From the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion cells in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50, neurons (nerve cells) dry out and brain volume decreases.
  68. At birth, a child’s body contains about 300 bones; in adulthood, there are only 206.
  69. The human small intestine during life is about 2.5 meters long. After his death, when the muscles of the intestinal wall relax, the length reaches 6 meters.
  70. Right human lung holds more air than the left one.
  71. An adult takes approximately 23 thousand breaths (and exhalations) per day.
  72. The smallest cells in a man's body are sperm cells.
  73. There are about 40 thousand bacteria in the human mouth.
  74. There are about 2,000 taste buds in the human body.
  75. The human eye is capable of distinguishing 10 million shades of color.
  76. The chemical compound responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine) is present in chocolate.
  77. The human heart creates pressure that is enough to raise the blood to the level of the 4th floor.
  78. A person burns more calories while sleeping than while watching TV.
  79. Children grow fastest in the spring.
  80. Every year, more than 2,000 left-handed people die due to errors in the operation of machines designed for right-handed people.
  81. It turns out that every 300th man has the opportunity to satisfy himself orally.
  82. A person uses 17 muscles when he smiles and 43 when he frowns.
  83. By age 60, most people lose half of their taste buds.
  84. When flying on an airplane, a person's hair growth rate doubles.
  85. 1% of people can see infrared radiation, and 1% can see ultraviolet radiation.
  86. If you are locked in a completely enclosed room, you will die from carbon dioxide poisoning, not from lack of air.
  87. According to statistics, only 1 person in 2 billion crosses the threshold of 116 years.
  88. The average person speaks 4,800 words in 24 hours.
  89. The retina inside the eye covers about 650 square meters. mm and contains 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million rods for black-and-white vision and 7 million cones for color vision.
  90. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
  91. In the morning a person is about 8 mm taller than in the evening.
  92. The focusing muscles of the eye move 100 thousand times a day. For the leg muscles to make the same number of contractions, you need to walk 80 km a day.
  93. A cough is an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds of up to 100 km/h.
  94. According to German researchers, the risk heart attack higher on Monday than on any other day of the week.
  95. Bone is 5 times stronger than steel.
  96. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  97. Ingrown toenails are a hereditary trait.
  98. A normal person will die from complete absence sleep faster than from hunger. Death will occur after about 10 days without sleep, while from starvation it will take a few weeks.
  99. The average life expectancy is 2,475,576,000 seconds, during our lifetime we speak an average of 123,205,750 words and have sex 4,239 times.
  100. You don't have to undergo surgery to get dimples on your cheeks. For this there is