Let's learn how to draw girls cute and airy step by step. Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a person See how a man and a woman should be drawn correctly in different positions

    Oh, it's simple. Any child can do this, but he won’t be able to answer the best answer. Step by step, following the stick-stick-cucumber principle, a little man was created.

    1. A circle is drawn at the top of the sheet. Future head.
    2. A large rectangle is drawn just below. Torso.
    3. A circle and a rectangle are connected by two lines. Neck.
    4. Draw two elongated rectangles onto the rectangle from each corner. Arms and legs respectively.
    5. Any details according to the taste and opinion of the drawer are added, such as the nose, eyes (two small circles), hair - zigzags of various lengths, mouth, ears and so on.

    The girl is drawn in the same way, except that in stage two, instead of a rectangle, a triangle is drawn or a trapezoid is drawn from below. It is better to depict arms and legs with lines in order to emphasize grace.

    Voila, you're done.

    Let's draw a boy and a girl like this: first a sketch, then the details of the drawing (torso, arms, legs, faces, clothes).

    Also, step-by-step video instructions for drawing a boy and a girl will help you draw the image correctly.

    The easiest way to draw anime characters is chibi, in my opinion. They are drawn very easily and quickly, and always turn out very cute and funny. Let's draw a chibi boy and girl holding hands.

    First, you should draw auxiliary lines - a growth mark. And we draw heads, which in chibis are half the length of the body.

    Let's draw a figure of a girl and a boy.

    Let's designate the hands and draw auxiliary lines on the face - the location of the eyes, nose, mouth.

    Let's draw the faces of the characters.

    Now let's add hair.

    We draw the clothes, arms and legs in detail.

For some reason, when it comes to boys and girls, I just want to remember one mischievous song in which the author talks about what these indigenous inhabitants of the country of Childhood are like. Remember how it says that girls are made of bells and flowers? But how to draw a girl if she is a cute, airy, almost unearthly creature?

In fact, there are several ways to draw a little girl. For example, she can be depicted with photographic precision in the form of a portrait, or as a doll. Or, even a fairy-tale, cartoon character. And even for novice artists, this process of choosing a model’s image will be interesting. In it they will be able to express themselves as a creative person.

Having chosen a photograph or picture to sketch, we get to work. Just first let’s look at how to draw a girl step by step with a pencil. Our model will look like a character from a children's book. And we will try to portray her as funny and sweet as possible.


  1. Head and neck;
  2. Torso (dress);
  3. Legs;
  4. Handles;
  5. Detailing: face and hairstyle, arms and legs;
  6. Coloring a picture.
Working step by step, we will easily accomplish everything. Working on the image together with our kids, we will teach them how to draw a girl and have an interesting time with our little ones.

Another condition - we depict a girl with long hair, which are styled in the hairstyle. In our case, these are ponytails, beloved by many girls. Now the preparation for work is completely completed: we know what and how we will depict, we have the approximate nature and purpose of the picture, we have thought about some of the nuances. It's time to start!

Head and neck

There’s no need to think too much about how to draw a girl with a pencil. You can learn the easiest way. Let's make a circle. This will be the head. Two parallel lines emanate from it downwards - the neck. From the “neck” there are two lines in opposite directions. We make them at an angle. This is how we show the fragility of the girl’s sloping shoulders.

Torso (dress)

How to draw a girl in a dress? It's simple! You need to come up with an outfit and transfer your thoughts to paper. I got it like this:

I wanted the dress to be lush, lush and elegant. And that is why waves pass along its bottom.


Since our girl is visible to us in full height, then the next step is to draw the legs of the model.

So far the whole picture bears little resemblance to our final goal. This is just a sketch, devoid of detailed details. In the future, all drawings will be edited. Completed with details, they seem to come to life. And a cute little girl will appear.


We don’t want our model to just stand there and not have any zest to it. It’s worth thinking about how to draw a cute girl so that some decorative element gives her naivety and warmth. Therefore, we boldly hand a balloon into her hands. To do this, one hand is lowered along the body, and the second, which holds the ball by the string, is raised.

Detail: face and hairstyle, arms and legs

In order for the girl drawn in the picture to “come to life”, you need to pay attention to details. So, for example, hairstyle.

Eyes, lips and nose. Perhaps an inexperienced child will not be able to immediately cope with this point, so a parent can help him. He will explain how a portrait is made. And yet, our little girl’s lips are stretched into a smile.

The arms and legs of the model also need to be completed. There should be shoes on the legs, and fingers should be added on the arms.

Coloring pictures

We did not copy from photos or pictures. But they just understood the principle of how to draw a beautiful girl, in what order.

But in order for our work to look complete, we should pay attention to coloring. First, we did everything with colored pencils.

Now let's fully paint all the details.

We got a cute picture, which depicts a full-length smiling girl with a balloon in her hands.

Below are a few more step-by-step drawing options.

Each of us is surrounded by thousands of people. It would seem that we have learned the proportions and features of the human body down to the millimeter. But here's the paradox - draw a person much more complicated than anything you have ever seen.

Sometimes when you draw someone, you are amazed - not a person, but some kind of alien. If you also can’t draw people, as they say, don’t pass by - here you will find a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself.

And the very first thing is this video that will show you how to draw a boy and a girl.

Even ancient artists, when drawing a person, tried to divide his body into equal parts, so that it would be easy to correctly recreate the proportions of the figure. After all, knowing the relationship between individual parts of the body and the figure as a whole, you can easily draw a person. At the same time, of course, we must not forget that all people have their own characteristics.

So, drawing a person, We take the head size as a unit of measurement.

The height of an adult man or woman is equal to 8 head sizes, the height of a teenager is 7, a student is 6, and a baby is only 4 head sizes.

Proportions of people of different age groups

Before drawing a person, remember a few important nuances:

  • arms should end at mid-thigh,
  • elbows are at waist level,
  • knees - strictly in the middle of the legs.

Did you know that the height of a person is equal to the length of his arms spread to the sides, and the length of his legs fits four times the height of his head?

But what amazed me even more was the size of the human foot. It turns out that its height is equal to the height of the nose, and its length is the length of the forearm.

Look how a man and a woman should be drawn correctly in different positions.

And now I will show you how to draw people step by step. I assure you, with the master class from Pustunchik it will be easy and simple.

How to draw a boy

If you need to draw a boy, use the following diagram. And I will tell you how and which parts of the body you need to draw step by step.

1. Draw an oval for the boy’s head, then a small neck and a rectangle for the body.

2. Draw another rectangle from below, divide it in half. These are the legs. Draw rectangular arms. On the upper large rectangle, make curves from the neck to the arms - these are the shoulders.

3. Erase the extra lines on the shoulders. Draw the neck of the sweater, the seam lines (but not all the way), where the sleeves connect to the main part of the sweater. Draw the fly and folds on the pants in the form of a slingshot. Now draw the shoes and hands. See the detailed diagram showing how to draw hands on the right.

4. Let's start drawing the head. First, draw a cross - it will point to the middle of the head and determine the location of the eyes. Two arches, two dots and one small arch at the bottom of the head are the top of the eyes, the future nose and lips. The ears will be located at the level of the nose and eyes.

5. Draw the eyes, in place of the dots draw small circles - nostrils. Now move on to the eyebrows and hair.

6. Erase the extra lines and, with light pencil movements, outline the folds on the clothing. Add details. Congratulations! The boy's drawing is ready.

How to draw a baby

This drawing is perfect for some comic book, and you can also draw it for kindergarten or for a student junior classes. The funny little one will also be a godsend for a school exhibition of young artists.

1. Draw an oval, indicate the eyes with dots, and show the baby’s nose and mouth with two bent arcs.

2. Mark the corners of the lips, draw ears and hair.

3. At the bottom of the head, draw a trapezoid - the boy’s body. Don't forget straight horizontal line separate the blouse from the pants, and show the pants vertically.

4. Draw the sleeves.

5. Now draw the child’s arms and legs.

6. Divide the fingers with lines. That's it! The little mischief maker is ready for some pranks :)

Drawing girls

Three beauties on one sheet at once. Would you like to have such fashionistas in your album? Then hurry up and draw these little cuties!

1. Draw sketches of your friends.

2. Design their hairstyles and draw clothes.

3. Add details: belt, lace sleeves, leg warmers, handbags and so on.

4. Draw the girls’ faces, make folds on clothes, highlight accessories. Add a unique touch to each of your friends' shoes.

Great job!

You will learn more about how to draw a girl’s lips, nose, and eyes from the following video. I warn you, the master class is not for beginners, so be careful not to miss important details.

Draw the girl's face. Part 1

Draw the girl's face. Part 2

How to draw a guy

Every girl at least once in her life tried to draw the guy of her dreams. It is, of course, different for everyone. But for now let's just draw a guy with glasses and a cool T-shirt. Let's go?

1. Make a template of a person.

2. Using auxiliary lines draw the head and arms.

3. Draw hair, nose, lips. Put the guy's glasses on.

4. Trace the contours of the guy's body. Draw the hands. Add shadows using dashed lines. Mark the neck of the T-shirt.

5. Remove unnecessary lines. Make the contours of a man's body clearer.

Here you go! A macho man with a serious look and cool glasses is ready to win hearts!

To get started, you need to understand some small nuances in order to know exactly how to draw a girl. They usually have a large head, huge eyes with long eyelashes and incredibly lush hair. The girls are dressed in bright dresses with huge bows or hearts.

Step by step instructions

Such a drawing is quite complex, because all the lines must be accurate, and for this you need to get the hang of making such bends. In order not to rush around in thought, you should figure out how to draw a girl step by step.

So, let's start working on the face. We draw an oval, which has a slight bend at the top along the hairline. From this bend we draw a line diagonally dividing the curls into 2 parts. We limit the area of ​​the back of the head. On the left we draw a small ear and opposite it we make a second one. We draw the middle of the bow diagonally from the future eye. We dissolve trapezoidal pieces into different parts, in which we make bending lines of the fabric.

The eyes should be large and round, on the same line. In each we draw 2 circles for highlight, making the bottom moon-shaped. Paint the middle with black, carefully avoiding the highlights. On the lower part we make vertical sticks. Impale on upper eyelid 2 eyelashes each.

Draw arched eyebrows above the eye socket. Outline the line of a smiling mouth. We draw earrings on the ears.

From the middle of the chin we draw a line for the neck, which immediately goes into the shoulders. We limit the clothing area.

We continue to draw the body, draw a bow on the belt. We form the left hand, which needs to be bent and placed on the belt.

Now we finish drawing the right limb, which hangs freely from the side and the bottom of the skirt.

Draw the legs up to the knee. Add pleat lines to the bottom of the skirt and under the waistband.

We decorate the lower part of the legs by putting the girl in low shoes.

We detail the boots and do the lacing.

It remains to finish drawing bushy tail and decorate the girl.

We work with a pencil

How to draw a girl with a pencil can be written a thousand times, but this lesson is worth seeing to understand the complexity of the work.

We start with an oval, which we divide into 2 parts vertically. The bottom needs to be pulled out in the shape of a triangle. This will be the chin. All movements should be light, draw with careless strokes.

Positioning the end of the chin in the middle, we shape the line of the neck and draw the curve of the shoulders. We erase additional lines in the middle part. And in the lower half we make 2 parallel bends. This is the eye line.

Below them we draw a nose button, and then a wide mouth. We put the T-shirts on the shoulders. For realism, add light shadows of the collarbone.

In the middle of the zone of 2 lines we draw the bridge of the nose. On the sides we draw a thin line of (torn) eye sockets.

We insert large round eyes into them, in the middle of which we draw the pupils.

Select the pupil, draw the eyelids and add eyelashes and eyebrows.

The bridge of the nose area stands out more clearly. This will be the middle of the points. Now we install the glass pieces. At the top the line is straight above the eye, and at the bottom we leave a little space and make a semicircle.

We draw the upper part of the glasses with a thick line, and lightly draw the bottom.

Let's move on to the hair. We start with the forehead area: draw individual hairs of different lengths and directions.

We detail and highlight individual hairs more strongly.

We take a pen with black paste and draw the most basic boundaries, giving the drawing volume.

Unearthly beauty

The time has come to understand the technique of designing a running man. So how to draw beautiful girl to comply with all rules and proportions.

We make a skeleton: a circle of the head with a cross in the middle, straight lines of the vertebrae and arms. We make the hip joint in the form of a polygon, from which you need to release 2 straight lines, one of which is bent back.

We start work from the head. We draw the upper eyelid above the horizontal line in the head, and move the lower part of the circle down a little.

At the ends of the drawn line we draw ears. We finish drawing the lower part of the eye and eyebrows.

Now we draw a hair zone above the head line and distribute the curls to the sides. They need to be directed in one direction, the way the wind blows. Draw bangs on the forehead.

On the upper part of the body we draw a T-shirt.

Now we draw out the hands and finish drawing the fingers.

Taking into account the shape of the polygon, draw a skirt on it. Make folds on the bottom of the fabric.

We finish drawing the legs, one should be directed back.

We design slippers.

Instructions for Beginners

A running man is a drawing that is difficult for people who have never done it before. Let's consider an easy option on how to draw a girl for beginners.

We start working with the face, not forgetting about the ear and forehead line.

We detail the face: eyes, eyebrows, nose and smiling mouth.

Limit the area of ​​the back of the head, draw part of the tail. Draw the neck.

Since the girl is positioned sideways, we draw the folds of the T-shirt, outlining the chest and belly line.

We raise our right arm slightly upward and bend it at the elbows. We finish drawing the fingers.

Now you need to make your left arm, raise it up and also bend it at the elbow. Clench your fingers into a fist.

The right side of the leg should be straight and extended forward.

We leave the left leg behind, lifting it up.

Finish drawing the shorts.

Color the drawing.

For little kids

The following master class will tell you how to draw a girl for children.

We start working with an oblique line of bangs, which is divided into 2 parts. Next we draw the line of the cheek and chin.

Shape the hair on top and sides. Complete the dress in the form of an elongated trapezoid. Place your arms at your sides. Draw a sleeve line.

Now let's draw the legs that need to be put on boots, pointing the socks inward. Detail them with side buckles and soles.

Draw hair below the shoulders. Let's move on to the face. Draw 2 large round eyes. Draw 2 small circles in the middle. These will be highlights. We limit the lower part with a curve, which is painted over with vertical lines.

Paint the middle with black, leaving highlights. Add 2 eyelashes, a mouth and an eyebrow to one eye.

Draw side pockets on the dress, and draw a heart in the middle.

Draw the grass and dandelion.

Dear boys and girls! In this lesson we will tell you, how to draw a boy with a pencil step by step. Not every child will be able to learn how to draw a person the first time, and therefore we have divided the entire process into 8 stages. In any case, you should like our lesson, because with it you can learn how to draw a boy using a pencil.


We start by drawing a circle for the head, and then draw the outlines of the torso, arms and legs until a human figure appears, similar to the one you see here.


Now you should draw the entire shape of the face. It is necessary to sketch out the ear, eyebrows, hair and outlines of the eyes.


In this step we finish drawing the eyes of our boy, and then draw simple nose and mouth.


At this stage we finish with the hairstyle as shown in the picture.


The next step is to draw the boy’s neck, as well as his torso, which will be hidden in a T-shirt with sleeves and a collar.


Now we draw the hands as shown in the picture.


Our boy is almost ready, and there is very little left. To do this, we finish drawing his legs, which will be hidden under his trousers. This is the easiest body part you'll need to draw, so you shouldn't have any difficulties.


At the last stage you need to draw shoes or feet. Don't forget to add soles for shoes. Now you can erase the lines and shapes you drew in the first step.


This is what your boy will look like when you're done. Now you can have even more fun when you start coloring it and end up with a complete beautiful picture. We hope you enjoyed our step by step lesson boy drawing with pencil.