Learn English with your ears! Learning a foreign language through the ears The main parts of the human body in English

Learning a foreign language is a winding road with many roads and paths. But if you imagine it this way, then at present these paths have already been trodden by pioneers. Therefore, the traveler just needs to follow the trail, following the recommendations of more experienced comrades.

To master a foreign language, you need to simultaneously move in several directions, paying sufficient attention to each. We are talking about reading foreign literature, watching films, etc. So let’s take a closer look at this “etc.”, because the first two aspects lie on the surface.

Listening to audio recordings

This step must be taken into account when learning a foreign language. The first statement that I would like to refute is the lack of time, which students constantly complain about.

If you think about it carefully, we try to justify almost any life situation with such an excuse. Leaning a little towards psychology, it is worth noting that if a person initially thinks in a similar vein, then the language will never submit to him.

So, where can you find the necessary time reserve for listening to audio recordings? The obvious solution is to reconsider your route to work. If you count how many hours we spend every day traveling on buses and subways, it becomes scary. After all, this is the so-called “dead” time. And it is within our power to turn it into a “living” one.

Experts say that you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to learning a language, and success will definitely come. The average one-way journey for a working person takes 40 minutes. That is, this is already more than an hour and a half a day, taking into account the queue and other issues. The plan has been exceeded.

How to listen?

Many people think this is a simple question. This is wrong. The activity requires some effort and concentration. Our brain is initially configured to reject such information, because he doesn't need her. A person looks out the window and only after 10 minutes realizes that he is thinking about something of his own, completely “flying out” of the audio recording.

This is the action of the brain, which is the main opponent in learning a foreign language. The only way out is to teach him to concentrate. And this can only be done by constantly listening to audio recordings. It is also worth saying that from one time the effect will be close to zero. A recording of about 15 minutes needs to be worked on for several days until all the words are fully understood.

What to listen to?

It's a matter of taste. Of course, the longer the audio fragment, the better. The listener will be able to get comfortable with the speaker, get used to speech patterns and style. As an example, we can offer the Harry Potter series of books.

They are read by the same person, skillfully changing the voices. Therefore, it will be not only useful, but also interesting.

Where to download?

Any torrent is full of a wide variety of audio recordings for every taste. As a rule, they are accompanied by a text file with a transcript, which is very useful. Just don’t abuse it, and look there only if necessary, when you can’t make out one word or another.

You can also recommend a fairly well-known news and information resource. There is a wealth of information (without exaggeration) on various topics collected here. Each recording is not only listened to, but also easily downloaded. In addition, it is accompanied by a text fragment. True, the announcers read too slowly and legibly. Therefore, this approach can only be recommended at the very beginning of training.

Of course, listening to audio recordings is only one of the necessary directions when learning a language. But we must not lose sight of it.

Hello Monday! Hello! My name is Alexey Znamensky, I will be your curator for self-study of Russian Sign Language - RSL. I am 32 years old, I am an actor, director. I graduated from two institutes, State Historical Institute and VGIK, and now I work in theater and cinema. Together with the choreographer Elena, he staged the plastic performances “Without the Right to an Angel” and “The One Who First Learned What Rain Is” in the theater project “Nedoslov.” Cinema is at the script stage. (I don’t need to send them, I’m working with the same screenwriter:) I’ve known sign language since childhood. I went to a sign song club, and then supplemented it at the theater institute. At first I will speak in a voice, and then I will abruptly switch to voice. Therefore, if you do not understand what I said in LSL, do not hesitate, write loudly and quickly - and I will voice it quietly and more slowly. At first, try to stock up on words and gestures. Try to see and think in images, justify them logically for yourself, and connect them with associations. For example: a bird (meaning we wave our hands with wings, plus we add the “beak” gesture) Sign language is a language in which everything is based on images, even if some gestures are not at all figurative. There are established ones, and there are logically justified ones. This can be read in SL theories. There is no need to plug your ears either, just watch and see. Be the driver in the car. In a car, you don’t hear what pedestrians say, you usually just guess. Don’t try to understand everything at once - otherwise your brain will rebel, and you will lose all desire to learn. A little bit of everything and one step at a time. Don't be discouraged if by week five you don't understand anything. It is likely that in the eighth week it will suddenly become easy for you to understand. Everyone has their own watch. In this article you can find various introductory links to choose a convenient language learning tool for yourself.

Resources and materials

1. Online dictionaries(for me personally it’s convenient to use such dictionaries; a specific word can be typed into a search engine) http://signlang.ru/ http://www.spreadthesign.com http://surdoserver.ru/ http://www.digitgestus.com 2. Courses

Where to start:

1) Warm up your arms

Warm up your fingers and hands should be done every day for 15 minutes. For those who have never spoken SL, wooden gestures will be visible at first. It's okay, everything is acquired through exercise and warm-up. Hand warm-up - for life! It is useful for all beginners, both hearing and non-hearing. Here's a great video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=30&v=lRWU-DTzLlI

2) Factology

Dactylology - manual alphabet. You need to learn it well, since many gestures begin with a letter. For example: you need - the letter N, tea - the letter H. Download the manual alphabet of RSL 1 video version of the alphabet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sex-znpxj0 2 video version of the alphabet – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SMlvOPOKRs 3 video versions of the alphabet ( optimal) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoCRf9AslgA Hint: Names of people and names of cities, companies, brands are always fingerprinted.

3) Practice

After learning the manual alphabet, the first exercise is to say the words “dactyl”: cheerful man, cheerful horse, cheerful day, cheerful clown school lesson, school day, school clown, school lunch red flower, red moped, red orange, red chair, etc. . Clue: take any short poem and edit it. Fingers must remember the letters. Do not confuse and pay attention to “E, O and S”, “T and M”, “U and S”, “R and N”, “F and F”, “E and F”

4) Learn to speak!


Vocabulary: Friendship, Acquaintance(Get to know), Name, Hello, Bye, Goodbye, How are you, I'm working, I'm studying, Sign language, Friend, Girlfriend, Interesting, Thank you, Please (request), Do (do, did), Study( studying) Interrogative: Who, What, Where, Where, Whence, When, Why, Why, How Much, How, Which, Whose, Pronouns: I, You, You, He, She, They, We, you (plural) Mine, Yours, His (Her), Yours Try saying it yourself: My name is ..., I work/study in ... My friend, my girlfriend, Where did you meet? Where does he work? Where does he study? What is he like? What is she like? When does it work? When does she study? How are you? I'm learning sign language, I'm interested in sign language, Where are you from? Why this language? Clue: If you find it difficult to learn, you can draw a gesture under each word or describe the meaning of the gesture in words. Everyone has their own associations.

5) Independent work: searching for gestures in online dictionaries:

Sorry, forgive me, please (response to gratitude), It is clear, It is not clear, Myself, Is (is), To be (was), Will be, Therefore, Because, Live (live), City, Want (want).

6) Homework

(for those who paid for this option as part of the fee on Planeta.ru, valid from October 31 to January 25, 2016, while we are conducting the online course, then you can complete it yourself :)) Send it to me on Friday, Saturday, Sunday welcome video: you need to tell about yourself in a nutshell, where and who you work or study, explain the motivation for studying the language (for what purpose and how you will use it), what is clear to you in the lessons, what is not clear in them. Try to say it in SL, if you don’t know how, look it up. You can rehearse, you can add subtitles. Don't be afraid! I'll help.

« I want to speak English “Today, in my opinion, nine out of ten people are ready to honestly admit this to you. Great! Of course, all over the world people speak English, in any country in the world you can find someone to talk to in English, in foreign companies English is most welcome, and in general it is fashionable, cool, and necessary.

But as for the desire and desire to sit down and study, the overwhelming majority will try to avoid answering. Excuses will begin, like I can’t do this, I don’t have much time, family, work, car, TV series, girlfriend... and in general, “I’m very tired today.”What to do? We need to look for a way out. Either forget about English and not remember it anymore, or combine business with pleasure in any way.

If you drive a car, get audiobooks in English.

And in no case should you set yourself the main goal of thoroughly listening to every word of the speaker, trying at all costs to understand as much as possible the meaning of what you heard. You are driving. So look at the road and think about how and where you are going.
All that the announcer will read to you is your external environmental noise (like the howling of cars passing by, the noise of birds, barking dogs, etc.). Don't get into the habit of playing the same record for several days in a row. You can change them daily and start listening from a randomly selected position. Your main task is to accustom your ear to the new “noise”. It is important here that such auditions are not accidental and short-term. This method does not require your free time, any simple mental stress, this method only requires that you do not forget about it and devote every day
at least half an hourpassive listening.

Now, when your ear begins to recognize a new type of noise over time, you will be able to repeat what you heard at least partially, and it will be interesting to you, which means that the time has come for you to get serious and immerse yourself in the language environment.

Here you can go in two ways - either enroll in intensive English courses (find a tutor) or continue your self-education.

Remember once and for all -

Even the best tutor in the world will not be able to teach you how to quickly and efficiently perceive English by ear! He can help you progressively expand your vocabulary, train you in grammar, phonetics, make you speak English, whatever you want, but one person cannot teach you to understand a language by ear very well, you need society and “external stimuli.”
The better you learn to hear a language, the easier it will be to learn.

I remember learning English words at school in the fifth and sixth grade.

More precisely, he hated this business with terrible force. Words that he himself had difficulty reading needed to be learned. The association with a word was formed on the basis of the first letter with which it began. If in the given words there were two or more words starting with the same letter, and they were somehow consonant, he was confused. As soon as I report to the board, I forget and am incredibly happy.
Back then, while still at school, I didn’t understand this whole utopia of learning a foreign language, and I can’t say that school didn’t teach me anything... but it’s all stupid. And terribly unprofitable and boring. An awful lot of time wasted.

Now, if in the same school for the first two years the main emphasis was on listening to the English language, then, firstly, the children would understand what the teacher wants from them; secondly, they would thoroughly feel the phonetics and it would be much easier for them to pronounce other people’s sounds, diphthongs, words; thirdly, they would subconsciously learn a lot of words and these words would be imprinted in their memory so firmly that in the third year of study the children could already depict something in English, correcting and adding to each other. But when your ear does not know sound, then sitting and looking at the structure of the larynx and sticking your tongue in different positions and hissing and puffing something alien is generally stupid.
Moreover, in the process of studying absolutely incomprehensible words, we must also remember about sounds that are absolutely incomprehensible and unknown to our language.

What could be the motivation here? She was killed here on the spot. Here only the teacher's rod can be motivation... or the blue dream of graduating from school with a medal.You have learned to hear English. But you don't understand him yet.
Yes, it’s a shame, but everything doesn’t happen at once. Now we need to expand our language stock.
Are you still driving? Buy a voice-over dictionary, where a cute English voice will tell you the word in English, and a familiar Russian will tell you the translation. For example, I pulled out audio files from Ilona Davydova’s course at one time - it turned out very well.Sit - drive - listen . Don't try to be consistent if it quickly starts to irritate you.
Turn on any lesson anywhere and listen.
Just listen, don't strain your brain too much, don't get too tired, relax.
Listen when you cook dinner, listen when you iron, clean, rummage in the garage, at the dacha. Your current affairs are in the first place in our minds, and the “linguistic noise surrounding you” is in second place. While doing the necessary work, you learn the language at the same time. Don’t set yourself such tasks as learning all the words from the third lesson, set yourself the task of turning on the recording every day for at least 30 minutes and being close to it.

Anyone can do this, no special knowledge is required, it won’t take up any free time, and efficiency won’t take long. And the fact that your household (especially children) will listen with you, not only you, but also they will get the effect. Even if they don’t intend to learn the language yet, it won’t hurt later...

Everyone has dreamed of a way to learn English where you can learn English without studying grammar, do written exercises, read a large number of textbooks on the English language. That is, so that all new information is recorded in our memory as on a hard drive or flash drive. The truth is healthy, today you wanted to learn 1000 new words in English, read it once and you’re done, you’ve already learned them.

But, unfortunately, we do not yet know such a method of accelerated learning of the English language. But there is a proven method. All you have to do is turn on an English-language radio station and listen. For example, you are cooking or having breakfast at home, play something in English in the background. You can put on an interesting audio book in English, or turn on a foreign channel on TV. The main thing is that you should always speak English.

Walk along the road, listen to music on your player or mobile phone. You will notice that after a while with such passive learning of the English language. Your English will become much better.

You will better perceive English speech by ear, you will be able to speak with foreigners and not ask them several times “Excuse me, what did you say?” since you will clearly hear what your interlocutor said and your interlocutor will be pleased that you understand him and do not ask him again with every question.

Agree, not a bad result is not learning English, but only passively listening to English speech every day. Of course, if you want to know English perfectly, read well, write and speak English correctly, then this method of learning English alone will not be enough for you. With this method, you improve your listening comprehension of English speech, plus expand your vocabulary.

Therefore, if it is not enough for you to just understand English, then you need to use active methods of learning English. You will have to do written exercises, learn spoken dialogues, practice speaking, and study English grammar. An acquaintance of mine flew to the USA for the third time under the Work and Travel program to work as a bartender for the summer.

He knows English well and speaks it fluently. And one day we were driving in the car and I asked him. Seryoga, how do you know English so well? To which he replied, I don’t know, since childhood I watched cartoons in English. After which I asked him again: Is that all? Haven't you taken English courses? He answered then: no, I just watched cartoons, listened to foreign music, now I constantly watch TV series, all in English.

From this example we can conclude that it is possible to learn English without studying. All you have to do is immerse yourself in the English language environment. And then you won’t have to sit all day long over English textbooks. I hope that each of you will be able to speak English in a year, we will try to help you with this.

How to learn English - THE EASIEST WAY