Tver Academic Drama Theater official. Tver Regional Academic Drama Theater

Theater building
Location Tver, st. Sovetskaya, 16.
Director Sokolov Mark Evgenievich
Artistic director Efremova Vera Andreevna, People's Artist Russia
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Tver regional academic theater dramas- Drama Theater in Tver, a state regional cultural institution, occupies a Stalin-era building on Sovetskaya Street, opposite the city garden.

Full name (as of 2013) - Tver Regional Academic Drama Theater. The superior organization is the Committee for Cultural Affairs of the Tver Region. The Tver Academic Drama Theater is one of the most iconic and recognizable provincial theaters in Russia, whose history goes back 270 years. For the last 40 years, under the leadership of Vera Efremova, the theater has faithfully served the traditions of Russian psychological theater, follows them, develops and preserves them, giving priority in its repertoire policy to works of Russian and foreign classical literature.

History of the theater

The Tver Theater was created in 1745 at the Tver Theological Seminary, which was opened on February 16, 1739 and was located in the building of the Tver Russian Diocesan School at the Fedorov Monastery on an island at the mouth of the Tmaka, and existed there for about 30 years. A manuscript has survived with the title of one of the earliest productions:

Synopsis or brief vision of the recitation to the Highest Birthday of the Imperial Majesty in 1745, the month of February... day in the presence of Mitrofan, Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky from the Tver Seminary depicted in two acts

In 1787, the building of the city theater was built, while some of the performances were staged in other buildings and premises. At the beginning of the 19th century, the theater troupe was formed by Volnoe noble society" In 1848, a new theater building was built by the merchant Sutugin, and a new troupe was formed from graduates of the Moscow school, where N. V. Gogol’s comedy “Marriage” was staged.

By 1879, the theater moved to the building of the Public Assembly, and in 1888, together with the Public Assembly, it was transferred to the Gostiny Dvor building. IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, other theaters arose in Tver, but during the reorganization of 1920-1926. they were all annexed to Kalininsky state theater. In the 1920s, four troupes worked in parallel, and in the early 1930s the troupe of V. M. Bryansky and N. V. Margaritov emerged.

In 1934, the theater building was reconstructed and a auditorium for 1250 seats. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War A militia detachment was created from artists. In September 1941, the theater was evacuated to the city of Sovetsk, Kirov (now Vyatka) region, where it opened with the play “Confrontation” by the brothers Tur and L. Shein, and in January 1942 it returned to the liberated city. The theater building was destroyed. At this time for a long time creative period connected his life with Kalininsky drama theater adv. art. RSFSR G.A. Georgievsky (1942-1953, 1958-1967, chief director). Special groups of artists went with concerts to combat areas. In 1943 alone, the entire Tverskoy Drama Theater spent 2.5 months at the front, performed 170 performances and gave 1,500 concerts. In 1962-67, a branch of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio was created at the theater. They finished it like this famous actors as adv. art of Russia. N.V. Khonina, V.Z. Gataev; honorable art. Russia V.A. Sinitsky, A.S. Spivak. The Small Stage was opened in 1982, the museum was opened in 1980, and from 1993 to 2009. On the basis of the theater, students of the Higher Theater School named after.  M. S. Shchepkina (4 issues were carried out). In 1995, the theater was awarded the title of academic.

IN different times directors worked in the theater: N.M. Tseretelli, S.V. Vinogradov, honored art. RSFSR: D.G. Mitin, V.A. Galitsky, A.S. Safronov, honorable art. Lat. SSR S.F. Vladychansky, S.K. Plisetskaya; artists: L.N. Timofeeva, A.V. Tretyakov, B.S. Solodov, G.L. Ratner, G.P. Belov, A.A. Lakshin, E.M. Byrdin; actors: people artists of the RSFSR N.V. Goncharova, F.A. Dembitskaya, I.P. Lobanov, V.S. Rostovtsev, E.M. Savelyev, V.V. Soshalskaya, O.M. Kholina, A.A. Vokach, A. M. Volskaya, O. P. Lelyanov, V.Z. Gataev, honored artists of the RSFSR E.Z. Popova, K.G. Lavretsky, O.V. Drozdova, V.M. Bryansky, L.B. Borisova, A.A. Malchenko, V.K. Surudina, A.A. Andreev, A.F. Godlevsky, S.M. Plotnikov, State laureate. Prize of the RSFSR V.V. Leshchev, honored, cultural workers of the RSFSR E.M. Botvinnikov, N.N. Pastukhov, artists P.P. Zvantsev, V.K. Rasskazov, A.V. Prussakov, V.F. Goncharenko, P. I. Laryushin and others.


There are 8 in the theater troupe for 2015 folk artists; 10 honored artists; 26 artists, 17 of whom are the young generation, the present and future of the theater. The theater's repertoire includes 27 titles, 12 of which are performances based on Russian classical literature.

Troupe of the Tver Academic Drama Theater:

Creative life

Art director - People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, famous director and teacher in Russia, professor Vera Efremova – serves on the Tver stage since 1974, and with her appearance in the theater begins new era: The Small Stage opens, the theater is awarded the title “academic”, 4 editions of the Tver acting course of the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkina, for 40 years the theater’s hallmark performance has lived here “ Cherry Orchard"directed by V. Efremova, and, most importantly, over the years, Tver has raised an audience who knows, loves and understands creativity Tver Theater.

Director of the Drama Theater since 2014 – Mark Evgenievich Sokolov , thanks to which the Theater grows a number of modern and useful traditions and projects for the viewer. Since 2014 There is a unique project “Theater and School”, thanks to which students of schools and secondary special educational institutions After the performance, in the format of a live dialogue (or by leaving a note with a question), they can communicate with the artists on the topic of the production, the work, the images and characters of the performance they watched.

During the Year of Culture and the Year of Literature, the project “ Accessible theater", which allows everyone to buy a ticket to any point in the hall once a month for only 100 rubles.

Theater today.

The Tver Academic Drama Theater is one of the most iconic and recognizable provincial theaters in Russia, whose history goes back 270 years. For the last 40 years, under the leadership of Vera Efremova, the theater has faithfully served the traditions of Russian psychological theater, follows them, develops and preserves them, giving priority in its repertoire policy to works of Russian and foreign classical literature.
The artistic director - People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, a well-known director and teacher in Russia, Professor Vera Efremova - has been serving the Tver stage since 1974, and with her appearance in the theater a new era begins: the Small Stage opens, the theater is awarded the title "academic" , 4 editions of the Tver acting course of the Higher Theater School named after M.S. were held. Shchepkina, for 40 years the hallmark performance of the theater “The Cherry Orchard” staged by V. Efremova has lived here, and, most importantly, over these years Tver has brought up a viewer who knows, loves and understands the work of the Tver Theater.
The theater troupe for 2015 includes 8 people's artists; 10 honored artists; 23 artists, 17 of whom are the young generation, the present and future of the theater. The theater's repertoire includes 27 titles, 12 of which are performances based on Russian classical literature.
The director of the Drama Theater since 2014 is Mark Evgenievich Sokolov, thanks to whom the Theater has acquired a number of modern and useful traditions and projects for the viewer. Since 2014, a unique project “Theater and School” has been operating, thanks to which students of schools and secondary specialized educational institutions can, after the performance, in the format of a live dialogue (or by leaving a note with a question), communicate with the artists on the topic of the production, work, images and characters of the watched performance.
During the Year of Culture and the Year of Literature, the “Affordable Theater” project is running here, which allows everyone to buy a ticket to anywhere in the hall once a month for just 100 rubles.


The Tver Drama Theater was founded in 1745 at the theological seminary and only 42 years later it received the title of city theater and the first building. Plays by M.I. are staged here. Verevkin and I.A. Krylova. At the beginning of the 19th century, the theater troupe of the Tver Theater was formed by the “Free Noble Society” (1801). In 1848, the merchant Sutugin built a new theater building. The troupe for him was formed from graduates of the Moscow school. The famous comedy N.V. is played here. Gogol's "Marriage". By 1879, the theater was located in the building of the Public Assembly. In 1888, the Public Assembly, and with it the theater, were transferred to the Gostiny Dvor building, built under Catherine II on Millionnaya Street, for which purpose this room was reconstructed. In its place stands a modern drama theater.
Other theaters that were formed at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century during the period of reorganization (1920-1926) were consolidated into the Kalinin State Theater.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a militia detachment was created from artists. In September 1941, the theater was evacuated to the city of Sovetsk, Kirov (now Vyatka) region, where it opened with the play “Confrontation” by the brothers Tur and L. Shein, and in January 1942 it returned to the liberated city. The theater building was destroyed. At this time, for a long creative period, he connected his life with the Kalinin Drama Theater. art. RSFSR G.A. Georgievsky (1942-1953, 1958-1967, chief director). Special groups of artists went with concerts to combat areas. Only in 1943 the Tverskoy Drama Theater in full force spent 2.5 months at the front, played 170 performances and gave 1,500 concerts. In 1962-67, a branch of the Moscow Art Theater studio was created at the theater. It was completed by such famous actors as Nar. art of Russia. N.V. Khonina, V.Z. Gataev; honorable art. Russia V.A. Sinitsky, A.S. Spivak.
At different times the following directors worked in the theater: N.M. Tseretelli, S.V. Vinogradov, honored art. RSFSR: D.G. Mitin, V.A. Galitsky, A.S. Safronov, honorable art. Lat. SSR S.F. Vladychansky, S.K. Plisetskaya; artists: L.N. Timofeeva, A.V. Tretyakov, B.S. Solodov, G.L. Ratner, G.P. Belov, A.A. Lakshin, E.M. Byrdin; actors: people artists of the RSFSR N.V. Goncharova, F.A. Dembitskaya, I.P. Lobanov, V.S. Rostovtsev, E.M. Savelyev, V.V. Soshalskaya, O.M. Kholina, A.A. Vokach, A. M. Volskaya, O. P. Lelyanov, V.Z. Gataev, honored artists of the RSFSR E.Z. Popova, K.G. Lavretsky, O.V. Drozdova, V.M. Bryansky, L.B. Borisova, A.A. Malchenko, V.K. Surudina, A.A. Andreev, A.F. Godlevsky, S.M. Plotnikov, State laureate. Prize of the RSFSR V.V. Leshchev, honored, cultural workers of the RSFSR E.M. Botvinnikov, N.N. Pastukhov, artists P.P. Zvantsev, V.K. Rasskazov, A.V. Prussakov, V.F. Goncharenko, P. I. Laryushin and others.
In 1982, the Small Stage was opened at the Tver Drama Theater, and the museum operated from 1980 to 2014. From 1993 to 2009, on the basis of the Tver Academic Drama Theater, students of the Tver course of the acting department of the Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia. On November 27, 1995, the Tver Drama Theater was awarded the honorary title ACADEMIC.
Since 2017 - director of the theater Svetlana Valentinovna Verzhbitskaya.

In the history of the drama theater in Tver, as if in a mirror, the whole journey is reflected historical development theatrical arts in Russia. It was created as " school theater"at the Tver Theological Seminary at the Fedorov Monastery and existed for about thirty years. His students were young seminarians who received the basics of declamation and poetics in literature and rhetoric lessons, who studied the works of classics of Greek drama and comedy (Aeschylus, Aesop), poetic works of classics of Russian literature (Gabriel Derzhavin, Mikhail Lomonosov). Plays for the theater were created by teachers of the Seminary, one of whom was, in particular, Ivan Lyatoshevich. 1745 is the year of production of his drama Synopsis or Brief Vision of the Recitation dedicated to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and is considered the official year of the birth of the theater. Among the most famous productions of the seminary theater at that time were “Opera (or Dialogue) about Alexander the Great” (a panegyric to Emperor Peter the Great) and the ballet “The Twelve Months.” “Dialogue in the Tver Seminary, former July 8th” already has all the signs dramatic work: seven events (chapters) with interludes and ballet at the end and with director's remarks.

In 1787, the first building for a city, secular theater was built in Tver: in 1801, the Tver Theater finally came under the patronage of the “Free Noble Society”. Over the course of a century, the building was rebuilt several times until, finally, in 1888, the Public Assembly, and with it the theater, were transferred to the Gostiny Dvor building, built under Catherine II on Millionnaya Street (now Sovetskaya Street, 16) - here and today there is a modern drama theater.

The repertoire of the Tver Drama Theater, whose troupe consisted of graduates of the Moscow school, included the comedies of Nikolai Gogol “The Inspector General” and Mikhail Veryovkin “That’s the Way It Should Be.” Ivan Krylov, whose childhood and adolescence were spent in Tver, often attended the theater’s performances; his own first dramatic experiences were inspired by these stage impressions.

Over time, the theater absorbed a whole layer of provincial theatrical culture of the late nineteenth century; the beginning of the twentieth century: in the period from 1920 to 1926, all small, including private, theaters of the city were united through reorganization into the Kalinin State Theater, now the Tver Academic Drama Theater.

Along with modern dramaturgy- “Fear” by Alexander Afinogenov, Egor Bulychev and others; and "Mother" by Maxim Gorky, "Optimistic Tragedy" by Vsevolod Vishnevsky, "The Death of Ivan the Terrible"; Alexey Tolstoy, staged in the theater classical works- plays by Russian and foreign playwrights: A. N. Ostrovsky, J.-B. Moliere, F. Schiller, Lope de Vega and others.

Having survived the war and evacuation, in the 1950s the Tverskoy (Kalininsky) Drama Theater again picked up pace in a building rebuilt for it, for which he was a restoration consultant famous academician, architect I. V. Zholtovsky.

The theater's performances are equated with the best metropolitan productions; in 1962-1967, a branch of the Moscow Art Theater studio was created at the theater. In 1969 artistic director Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater, People's Artist of the USSR, State Prize laureate, Professor G.A. Tovstonogov staged Daniil Al’s play “Truth!” on the stage of the Kalinin Theater. Nothing but the truth"! Over the years, both luminaries of theater directing and novice directors, whose names today make up the glory of the national theater, came to productions at the Tverskaya Drama Theater. Among them is People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize R.S. Agamirzyan, People's Artists of Russia B.G. Golubovsky and D.A. Bertman, Honored Artist of Russia G. Korolkov, D.F. Chernyakov and others.

In 1974, the theater was headed by Vera Andreevna Efremova - artistic director of the theater, People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR, professor of the department of acting skills at the Higher Theater School. M.S. Shchepkina. A talented director, she has also proven herself to be a creative leader of the theater, which has a history of more than 200 years. stage history. V.A. Efremova, who came from a theatrical family, carefully preserves the traditions of Russian national theater- for almost 40 years of service at the Tver Drama Theater as its artistic director, she staged more than thirty-five performances and is the author of a number of dramatizations based on works of Russian and modern classical literature. Through her efforts, the Small Stage was opened at the Tver Drama Theater in 1982. Since 1993, students of the Tver course of the acting department of the Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia.

The main artist of the theater was the Honored Artist of Russia E.M. Byrdin. Currently, the main artist of the theater is Honored Artist of Russia A. Ivanov.

On November 27, 1995, the Tver Drama Theater was awarded the honorary title “Academic.” The theater team actively tours (Greece, Germany and other countries), receives awards at various festivals, the most famous of which are the All-Russian Theater Festival. M.S. Shchepkina “Acting Stars of Russia” (Belgorod), All-Russian Festival oldest theaters Russia (Kaluga), All-Russian Theater Festival-Competition named after. N. Kh. Rybakova (Tambov).

Tver Academic Drama Theater is a laureate of the competition of the newspaper “Culture”, “WINDOW TO RUSSIA” in the category “Theater of the Year” (1999).

In October 2006, the International Theater Festival dedicated to the 260th anniversary of the birth of dramatic theater art on Tver land took place on the stage of the Tver Academic Drama Theater.

The emergence of the Tver Theater is associated with the general rise of Russian national culture in Russia in the mid-18th century.

The emergence of the Tver Theater is associated with the general rise of Russian national culture in Russia in the mid-18th century. In court and democratic circles of society, interest in Russian theater was growing (foreign theater troupes appeared at court at the end of the 17th century). First permanent theaters organized at educational institutions and by wealthy nobles (Noble Corps - 1749, Moscow State University - 1756). In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, permanent troupes are created, theatrical performances. Tver should also be added to them, based on documents and research conducted back in the 1920s.

The Tver Theater was founded in 1745 at the Tver Theological Seminary. The founding date is evidenced by one of the earliest productions by Ivan Lyatoshevich, which retained the title in the manuscript: “Synopsis or brief vision of the recitation to the Highest Birthday of the Imperial Majesty in 1745, the month of February ... day in the presence of Mitrofan, Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky from the Tver Seminary in two actions depicted.” The seminary was located at the Fedorsky monastery on an island at the confluence of the Tmaka and the Volga, and professional theater existed here for about 30 years, becoming the founder of the city theater. Having emerged from the walls of the theological seminary, the Tver Drama Theater became one of those sprouts of Russian national culture, of which, with the advent of the great playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, the Russian national theater developed in the mid-19th century. In 1787, the first building for the city theater was built. Performances were also given in special buildings and public spaces. Following the plays of M.I. Verevkin's plays are staged by I.A. Krylova. In Tver he writes his first comic opera, “The Coffee House”. At the beginning of the 19th century, the theater troupe of the Tver Theater was the “Free Noble Society” (1801). In 1848, the merchant Sutugin built a new theater building. The troupe for him was formed from graduates of the Moscow school. The famous comedy N.V. is played here. Gogol “Marriage”. By 1879, the theater settled in the building of the Public Assembly. In 1888, the Public Assembly, and with it the theater, were transferred to the Gostiny Dvor building, built under Catherine II on Millionnaya Street, for which this premises was reconstructed. In its place stands a modern drama theater.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, other theaters appeared: at the Morozov factory, the Letniy and Khudozhestvenny, the Zheleznodorozhny in the Noble Assembly, the Nosov Theater, the “New” Mosolov (later the Tverskoy No. 1 Theater Russian Federation, famous for its first and only production of Trachtenberg’s “The Great Communard”, dedicated to A.V. Lunacharsky), Divov Theater. All of them during the period of reorganization (1920-1926) were consolidated into a single Kalinin State Theater.

Along with modern dramaturgy on stage - “The Idiot” by Dostoevsky, “The Tricks of Scapin” by Moliere, “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” by A. Tolstoy, “ blue bird" Maeterlinck. From 1926 - 1931 There are four troupes working in the theater. Among them, the troupe of V.M. especially stood out. Bryansky and N.V. Margaritova. In 1931 they headed the theater. In 1934, the theater building was rebuilt and an auditorium with 1,250 seats was built. The theater season opened in the new building with the premiere of “An Optimistic Tragedy” Sun. Vishnevsky. In 1937, the theater was headed by S.V. Vinogradov. He also runs the first Theater School in the city. Staged: “Fear” by Afinogenov, “Egor Bulychev and others.” and “Mother” by Gorky, “Othello” by Shakespeare, “Field Marshal Kutuzov” by Solovyov, plays by Dostoevsky, Schiller, Ostrovsky, Lope de Vega.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a militia detachment was created from artists. In September 1941, the theater was evacuated to the city of Sovetsk, Kirov (now Vyatka) region, where it opened with the play “Confrontation” by the brothers Tur and L. Shein, and in January 1942 it returned to the liberated city. The theater building was destroyed. On February 13, 1942, K. Simonov’s play “The Guy from Our City” was shown on the stage of the Kalinin House of Officers. At this time, for a long creative period, he connected his life with the Kalinin Drama Theater. art. RSFSR G.A. Georgievsky (1942-1953, 1958-1967, chief director). Special groups of artists went with concerts to combat areas. In 1943 alone, the entire Tverskoy Drama Theater spent 2.5 months at the front, performed 170 performances and gave 1,500 concerts. “Russian People” by Simonov, “Front” by Korneichuk, “Vasa Zheleznov” by Gorky, “Krechinsky’s Wedding” by Sukhovo-Kobylin, “Fleet Officers” by Kron (the first in the country) were staged.

In 1942-51, the theater was located in the building of the Youth Theater. In 1951, the theater building auditorium it was rebuilt for 800 seats (architects A.P. Maksimov, P.V. Kukhtenkov, chief designer B.V. Shchepetov, consultant academician I.V. Zholtovsky, work supervisor engineer I.M. Tikhomirov).

In 1950-60 the theater operates without subsidies. It is described as highly professional and equated with the best theaters in the capital. Among the productions are “The Inspector General” by Gogol, “On the Golden Bottom”, “Privalov’s Millions” by Mamin-Sibiryak, “Port Arthur” by Popov, “Resurrection” by L. Tolstoy, “In Old Moscow” by Panova, “Colleagues” by Aksenov, “Nora” by Ibsen etc. The first studio at the theater operates. Among the graduates are people. art. USSR S.V. Mishulin, honorable art. Russia. L.B. Borisova, K.A. Krainov, B.N. Lonin.

In 1962-67, a branch of the Moscow Art Theater studio was created at the theater. It was completed by such famous actors as Nar. art of Russia. N.V. Khonina, V.Z. Gataev; honorable art. Russia V.A. Sinitsky, A.S. Spivak...

In 1969, the artistic director of the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of State Prizes, Professor G. A. Tovstonogov staged Daniil Al's play “Truth!” on the stage of the Kalinin Theater. Nothing but the truth!".

At different times the following directors worked in the theater: N.M. Tseretelli, S.V. Vinogradov, honored art. RSFSR: D.G. Mitin, V.A. Galitsky, A.S. Safronov, honorable art. Lat. SSR S.F. Vladychansky, S.K. Plisetskaya; artists: L.N. Timofeeva, A.V. Tretyakov, B.S. Solodov, G.L. Ratner, G.P. Belov, A.A. Lakshin; actors: people artists of the RSFSR N.V. Goncharova, F.A. Dembitskaya, I.P. Lobanov, V.S. Rostovtsev, E.M. Savelyev, V.V. Soshalskaya, O.M. Kholina, A.A. Vokach, A. M. Volskaya, O. P. Lelyanov, V.Z. Gataev, honored artists of the RSFSR E.Z. Popova, K.G. Lavretsky, O.V. Drozdova, V.M. Bryansky, L.B. Borisova, A.A. Malchenko, V.K. Surudina, A.A. Andreev, A.F. Godlevsky, State laureate. Prize of the RSFSR V.V. Leshchev, honored, cultural workers of the RSFSR E.M. Botvinnikov, N.N. Pastukhov, artists P.P. Zvantsev, V.K. Rasskazov, A.V. Prussakov, V.F. Goncharenko, P. I. Laryushin and others.

In 1974, the theater was headed by Vera Andreevna Efremova, artistic director of the theater, people. art. Russia, State laureate. Prize of the RSFSR, professor of the department of acting skills of the Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkina.

In the 1970-80s, on the stage of the theater “King Lear” by Shakespeare (1968 – directed by A. Vokach), “ Simple story” Goncharov (1966 - directed by G. Georgievsky), “Boris Godunov” by Pushkin (1974 - directed by V. Nezluchenko), “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” by A. Tolstoy (1974 - directed by V. Rostovtsev), “Love under the Elms” O" by Nile (1984, 1988 - directed by V. Efremova), "Mary Stuart" by Schiller (1981 - directed by V. Efremova), "Bathhouse" by Mayakovsky (1987 - directed by V. Persikov), "Equus" by P. Sheffer (1988 - directed by V. Persikov), “It shines and does not warm” by Ostrovsky and N. Solovyov (1987 - directed by V. Efremova), “ your name” Proskurina (1980 - directed by V. Efremova), “Barbarians” by Gorky (1980 - directed by V. Efremova), “Stars in the Morning Sky” by Galina (1988 - directed by S. Chaplygina), “Merry Sunday for a Picnic” by Williams (1986 – dir. S. Filatova), “The Decameron” by Boccaccio (1982 – dir. B. Golubovsky), “Trees Die Standing” by Kasona (1981 – dir. S. Plisetskaya), “Stepmother” by Balzac (1990 – dir. V . Efremova), “Mother” by Chapek (1983 – directed by V. Persikov), “Two Gentlemen of Verona” by W. Shakespeare (1987 – directed by A. Yunnikov), “Mother of Jesus” by Volodin (1993 – directed by E. Gavrilina), “Children of Arbat” by Rybakov (1988 – directed by V. Persikov), “Cruel Intentions” by Arbuzov (1979 – directed by V. Tishchenko), as well as plays by Tver authors: “Farewell of a Slav” by Kamyansky (1974 – directed by V. Shulman) , “Loyal to You” by Chuikov, “Can’t Sleep at Night” by Ovsyannikov and Mikhailov (1984 – directed by V. Efremova), “Mikhail Tverskoy” by Balashov (1988 – directed by G. Ponomarev).

One of most interesting pages in the history of theater - participation in productions of the Tver Drama Theater and People. USSR artist Yuri Vasilyevich Yakovlev (Vakhtangov Theater) in the role of Boris Godunov in the play "Boris Godunov" by Pushkin (director V. Nezluchenko, 1974), People's Artist of the USSR, State laureate. USSR Prize V.K. Vasilyeva (Moscow Academic Theater of Satire) in the role of Ranevskaya in the play “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov (1984-1993). Together with the Tver Theater she toured in Germany and Greece.

In 1982, the Small Stage was opened at the Tver Drama Theater, and in 1980 - a museum.

Since 1993, on the basis of the Tver Academic Drama Theater, students of the Tver course of the acting department of the Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia.

V.A. Efremova carefully preserves the traditions of the Russian national theater. The main place in the repertoire is occupied by plays of Russian classics, loved by the audience and living in the repertoire for a long time: “The Cherry Orchard” (1975, 1984, 1991, 2000 - directed by V. Efremova), “The Seagull” (1989, 1994 - directed by V. Efremova , 1997 – dir. A. Chuikov) A. Chekhova, “The Last Victim” (1982, 1994 – dir. V. Efremova), “Dowry” (1992 – dir. V. Efremova), “Guilty Without Guilt” (1995, 2003 – directed by V. Efremova), “Wolves and Sheep” (1979 – directed by V. Efremova, 1997, 1999 – directed by A. Chuikov) by A. Ostrovsky, “Lev Gurych Sinichkin” by D. Lensky (1993 – directed by V. . Efremova), “Anna Karenina” by A. Tolstoy (1994, 1996 – dir. V. Efremova), “Marriage” by N. Gogol (1995 – dir. V. Persikov), “Precipice” by I. Goncharov (1997 – dir. V. Efremova), “ Captain's daughter” (1998 - directed by M. Glukhovskaya) and “Mozart and Salieri” (1995, 1999 - directed by V. Persikov) by A. Pushkin and others. It was the Russian classics that became business card Tver Drama Theater. The theater's repertoire also includes foreign and modern plays: “The Game” by E. Schaeffer (1996 – dir. A. Safronov), “The Taming of the Tamer” by J. Fletcher (1998 – dir. V. Efremova), “Dear Friend” by Guy de Maupassant (1999 – dir. A. Chuikov) , “Bells” by G. Mamlin (1996 – directed by Z. Mirzoev), “The Third Wheel” by E. Braginsky (1998 – directed by A. Khalilullin), etc.

For recent years the following plays were created: “Mad Money” by A. Ostrovsky (2000, 2002 - directed by A. Chuikov), “Love to the grave” by A. Nikolai (2000 - directed by B. Mikhnya), “The Experiments of Doctor Ariel” by A. Casona (2001 dir. - A. Chuikov), “Two Women” by I. Turgenev (2001 - dir. A. Chuikov), “The Decameron” by Boccaccio (2001 - restoration director by K. Yuchenkov), “At the Ball of Life” by Marrella and Bernard (2002 - dir. S. Filatova), “Elizabeth against Elizabeth” by F. Schiller (2002 - dir. V. Efremova), “Sublimation of Love” by A. de Benedetti (2002 - dir. B. Mikhnya), “The Love of Mrs. Conti” O Zahradnik (2002 - directed by A. Chuikov), “No. 13” (“Disorder”) by R. Cooney (2003 - directed by B. Mikhnya), “ Dark alleys” Veresaev, Markevich, Bunin (2003 - directed by N.V. Plavinskaya), “Simplicity is enough for every wise man” by A. Ostrovsky (2003 - directed by V. Efremova), “From Thursday to Thursday” by A. de Benedetti (2004 - dir. N. Butrekhin). "Twelfth Night, or Whatever" by W. Shakespeare (2004 - dir. V. Persikov).

The theater troupe is one of the strongest in Russia: people. art. Russia N. Khonina, A. Chuikov, K. Yuchenkov, I. Andrianova, V. Rychkova, L. Brusin; the oldest stage master M. Sbitneva; honorable art. Russia N. Butrekhin, S. Plotnikov, V. Sinitsky, V. Chernyshov, G. Ponomarev, V. Martyanova, Z. Mirzoev, I. Kirillova; theater artists Z. Andreeva, N. Burdina, L. Vasilyeva, V. Gribkov, T. Zhukova, A. Zhuravlev, V. Kulagin, L. Lepekhina, L. Linskaya, B. Lifanov, B. Mikhnya, L. Pavlenko, N. Plavinskaya, A. Safronov, S. Filatova and others. Young artists, graduates of the Tver course of the Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkina, students. V. Efremova and A. Chuikov: O. Krylova, D. Plavinskaya, A. Pavlishin, A. Pankova, B. Bedrosov, I. Pogodina, I. Knyazyuk, E. Filatova, E. Vsevolodova became the decoration of the theater troupe.

Other interesting directors from famous masters to graduates of the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts are constantly invited to the theater to stage plays. At different times the theater staged productions: Russia B. Golubovsky, G. Korolkov, R. Agamirzyan; honorable art. Tajikistan M. Velikhova; honorable artists V. Kove and V. Sinitsyn; V. Persikov, A. Yunnikov, D. Chernyakov, A. Abramov, V. Ryzhiy, S. Chaplygina, D. Bertman, S. Makhno, A. Khalilullin, M. Glukhovskaya.

A number of performances were staged by theater actors: N. Butrekhin, A. Chuikov, G. Ponomarev, A. Safronov, S. Filatova, L. Lepekhina, Z. Mirzoev, B. Mikhney, V. Sinitsky, N. Plavinskaya.

Artists and set designers work fruitfully in the theater: honorable mention. Russian artist E. Byrdin, A. Ivanov.

The theater toured extensively and successfully both throughout the country and abroad. Twice visited Greece (Athens) with the performances “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov and “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy (Russian-Greek project, in the role of Anna Karenina - Greek actress T. Ligari, the play was performed in Russian and Greek), as well as in Germany (Osnabrück, Dusseldorf) with the performances “The Seagull”, “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov, “Provincial benefit performance” by Ostrovsky and others.

The play “Anna Karenina” truly became the brightest event in the cultural life of Russia and abroad. It was shown with great success on the stage of the St. Petersburg Academic Drama Theater named after. A. S. Pushkin (1995), Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov within the framework of the “National Treasure of Russia” program (1996), in the cities of Yaroslavl and Kaluga (2000).

Tver Academic Drama Theater is a regular participant in theater festivals and competitions. So in 1993, the play “Lev Gurych Sinichkin” by D. Lensky participated in the second All-Russian theater festival them. M.S. Shchepkina “ Acting stars Russia” in Belgorod. In the same year, the play “Dowry” by Ostrovsky took part in the theater festival of the Center of Russia in Kaluga. In May 2000, the theater took part in the First International festival, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the First Russian Professional Drama Theater, which took place in Yaroslavl. In the same year, in June, a tour took place in Kaluga.

In December 2000, a successful tour to St. Petersburg took place, where on stage Alexandrinsky Theater The following performances were shown: “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov, “The Precipice” by Goncharov, “Wolves and Sheep” by Ostrovsky, “Old Russians” by B. Ratzer, “The Birthday of Leopold the Cat” by A. Khait.

Theater - participant of the 1st All-Russian festival the oldest theaters in Russia in Kaluga in 2002. At this festival, the play “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov was successfully shown.

In June 2003, a tour took place to Germany (Osnabrück), where the performances “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov and “Mad Money” by A. Ostrovsky were shown.

In October 2004, the theater with great success showed 5 of its performances in Moscow on the stage of the Maly Theater: “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy, “Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man”, “Elizabeth against Elizabeth” by Schiller, “Twelfth Night, or Whatever” by Shakespeare , "Mikhail Tverskoy" by Balashov.

The theater constantly participates in the regional theater festival “Tverskoye” gold ring" Rural tours are traditionally held annually. The theater troupe always travels to the region with great desire and receives a warm welcome and enormous gratitude from the audience.

Tver Academic Drama Theater is a laureate of the “WINDOW TO RUSSIA” newspaper competition “WINDOW TO RUSSIA” in the “Theater of the Year” category (1999).

In 2003, the book-album “Tver Academic Drama Theater. Dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the dramatic theater art of Tver,” author-compiler N.V. Plavinskaya, editor-in-chief A.S. Butuzova-Zyuzina. In 2001, based on the results of competitions held by the Ministry of Press and Media Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to support creative projects national significance in the field of culture and art, the book-album “Tver Academic Drama Theater” was included in the Federal Program “Book Publishing of Russia” and received a grant from the President of the Russian Federation. The book was awarded literary prize them. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin (2004).

Tver Regional Academic Drama Theater

The building of the Tver Academic Drama Theater on Sovetskaya Street
Theater building
Location Tver, st. Sovetskaya, 16.
Director Sokolov Mark Evgenievich
Artistic director Efremova Vera Andreevna, People's Artist of Russia
Tver Regional Academic Drama Theater on Wikimedia Commons
Object cultural heritage, object No. 6901888000
object No. 6901888000

Full name (as of 2013) - Tver Regional Academic Drama Theater. The superior organization is the Committee for Cultural Affairs of the Tver Region. The Tver Academic Drama Theater is one of the most iconic and recognizable provincial theaters in Russia, whose history goes back 270 years. For the last 40 years, under the leadership of Vera Efremova, the theater has faithfully served the traditions of Russian psychological theater, follows them, develops and preserves them, giving priority in its repertoire policy to works of Russian and foreign classical literature.

History of the theater

The Tver Theater was created in 1745 at the Tver Theological Seminary, which was opened on February 16, 1739 and was located in the building of the Tver Russian Diocesan School at the Fedorov Monastery on an island at the mouth of the Tmaka, and existed there for about 30 years. A manuscript has survived with the title of one of the earliest productions:

Synopsis or brief vision of the recitation to the Highest Birthday of the Imperial Majesty in 1745, the month of February... day in the presence of Mitrofan, Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky from the Tver Seminary depicted in two acts

In 1787, the building of the city theater was built, while some of the performances were staged in other buildings and premises. At the beginning of the 19th century, the theater troupe was formed by the Free Noble Society. In 1848, a new theater building was built by the merchant Sutugin, and a new troupe was formed from graduates of the Moscow school, where N. V. Gogol’s comedy “Marriage” was staged.

By 1879, the theater moved to the building of the Public Assembly, and in 1888, together with the Public Assembly, it was transferred to the Gostiny Dvor building. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, other theaters arose in Tver, but during the reorganization of 1920-1926. all of them were annexed to the Kalinin State Theater. In the 1920s, four troupes worked in parallel, and in the early 1930s the troupe of V. M. Bryansky and N. V. Margaritov emerged.

In 1934, the theater building was reconstructed and an auditorium with 1,250 seats was built. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a militia detachment was created from artists. In September 1941, the theater was evacuated to the city of Sovetsk, Kirov (now Vyatka) region, where it opened with the play “Confrontation” by the brothers Tur and L. Shein, and in January 1942 it returned to the liberated city. The theater building was destroyed. At this time, for a long creative period, he connected his life with the Kalinin Drama Theater. art. RSFSR G. A. Georgievsky (1942-1953, 1958-1967, chief director). Special groups of artists went with concerts to combat areas. In 1943 alone, the entire Tverskoy Drama Theater spent 2.5 months at the front, performed 170 performances and gave 1,500 concerts. In 1962-67, a branch of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio was created at the theater. It was completed by such famous actors as Nar. art of Russia. N. V. Khonina, V. Z. Gataev; honorable art. Russia V. A. Sinitsky, A. S. Spivak. The Small Stage was opened in 1982, the museum was opened in 1980, and from 1993 to 2009. On the basis of the theater, students of the Higher Theater School named after. M. S. Shchepkina (4 issues were carried out). In 1995, the theater was awarded the title of academic.

At different times, directors worked in the theater: N. M. Tseretelli, S. V. Vinogradov, honored. art. RSFSR: D. G. Mitin, V. A. Galitsky, A. S. Safronov, honored. art. Lat. SSR S. F. Vladychansky, S. K. Plisetskaya; artists: L. N. Timofeeva, A. V. Tretyakov, V. S. Solodov, G. L. Ratner, G. P. Belov, A. A. Lakshin, E. M. Byrdin; actors: people artists of the RSFSR N.V. Goncharova, F.A. Dembitskaya, I.P. Lobanov, V.S. Rostovtsev, E.M. Savelyev, V.V. Soshalskaya, O.M. Kholina, A.A. Vokach, A. M. Volskaya, O. P. Lelyanov, V. Z. Gataev, honorable mention. artists of the RSFSR E. Z. Popova, K. G. Lavretsky, O. V. Drozdova, V. M. Bryansky, L. B. Borisova, A. A. Malchenko, V. K. Surudina, A. A. Andreev, A. F. Godlevsky, S. M. Plotnikov, State laureate. Prize of the RSFSR V. V. Leshchev, honored, cultural workers of the RSFSR E. M. Botvinnikov, N. N. Pastukhov, artists P. P. Zvantsev, V. K. Rasskazov, A. V. Prussakov, V. F. Goncharenko , P. I. Laryushin et al.


The theater troupe for 2015 includes 8 people's artists; 10 honored artists; 26 artists, 17 of whom are the young generation, the present and future of the theater. The theater's repertoire includes 27 titles, 12 of which are performances based on Russian classical literature.

Troupe of the Tver Academic Drama Theater:

Creative life

The artistic director - People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, a well-known director and teacher in Russia, Professor Vera Efremova - has been serving the Tver stage since 1974, and with her appearance in the theater a new era begins: the Small Stage opens, the theater is awarded the title "academic" , 4 editions of the Tver acting course of the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin were held, for 40 years the hallmark performance of the theater “The Cherry Orchard” staged by V. Efremova has been living here, and, most importantly, over the years the audience has been raised in Tver, who knows, loves and understands the work of the Tver Theater.

The director of the Drama Theater since 2014 is Mark Evgenievich Sokolov, thanks to whom the Theater has acquired a number of modern and useful traditions and projects for the viewer. Since 2014, a unique project “Theater and School” has been operating, thanks to which students of schools and secondary specialized educational institutions can, after the performance, in the format of a live dialogue (or by leaving a note with a question), communicate with the artists on the topic of the production, work, images and characters watched performance.

During the Year of Culture and the Year of Literature, the “Affordable Theater” project is running here, which allows everyone to buy a ticket to anywhere in the hall once a month for just 100 rubles.