The Three Musketeers are an example of true friendship. Why do we love The Three Musketeers? © Valery Korneev

Essay on the topic: The Three Musketeers. Work: The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers: Athos, Porthos and Aramis are d'Artagnan's friends, who helped him in everything, connected with him by inextricable ties and common adventures, embodying a world so attractive to d'Artagnan, where honor, nobility and decency rule - as opposed to peace Cardinal Richelieu. Dumas gives the musketeers every possible positive qualities, sometimes turning them into frozen embodiments of these qualities instead of living and dynamic characters. However, the true camaraderie that binds them, their loyalty to the code of honor and genuine aristocracy made the musketeers a legend that has not lost its power over the reader’s consciousness. Each of them has a mysterious romantic backstory. People of high origin, they are forced to hide their real names and the reasons that prompted them to become musketeers. As the action progresses, only A.'s past is revealed (although in the sequels of the novel the stories of P. and A. also become known), full of romantic tragedy: having married a young and beautiful girl who turned out to be a seductress and thief, he sacrifices her to his honor and hides his face the noble Comte de La Fère under the guise of a royal musketeer. P. and Ar. are also shrouded in extraordinary mystery, and all d'Artagnan's attempts to penetrate behind this veil remain unsuccessful. As if weighed down by their experiences, they lack the bravura and recklessness that is characteristic of their fourth friend. Rather, they are more characterized by sadness and melancholy: Ar. increasingly turns to theology and dreams of becoming an abbot, A. attracts a cup of wine. The least romantic of them all remains P., depicted as a rather narrow-minded and boastful person. However, the mandatory attributes - honor, nobility, sincere and deep affection for friends - are retained by this kind giant, who constantly gets into trouble. The most tragic and at the same time the most sublime hero of Dumas is A. “Beautiful in body and soul,” but “restrained, unsociable and taciturn,” putting honor above all else in the world, he is extremely scrupulous and full of self-esteem. “As if exposing himself to bullets for fun,” since he does not value his life, A. resembles a sad knight, who has been given unearthly features. The complete opposite of A. and P. is Ar.: femininely handsome, meek, slightly sweet and even hypocritical. Behind this soft shell, however, lies an extraordinary masculinity. The three heroes complement each other perfectly, their union conveys the author’s idea of ​​the ideal that the world of the musketeers is becoming, and each new adventure only confirms that the ideal is verified and durable.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Methodological designer in the direction of “Friendship and Enmity” of the final essay - 2016/2017 Compiled by 11th grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 14 and teacher of Russian language and literature N.P. Kovaleva

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“Friendship and Enmity” The direction focuses on reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between by individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as the origins and consequences of hostility between them. Contents of many literary works associated with the warmth of human relationships or the hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity or vice versa, with the image of a person who is capable or incapable of valuing friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or who sows enmity.

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Purpose of the work: Following writers and thinkers (involving texts), answer the question posed in the formulation of the topic

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The meaning of the word "friendship" is translated. decomposition Friendly attitude towards each other between humans and animals 4 Relationships between people based on mutual affection, spiritual closeness, common interests, etc. 1 Mutual disposition, affection characteristic of such relationships 2 Friendliness, mutual understanding, etc. between peoples, countries, states 3

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The meaning of the word “enmity” Enmity is a situation in which there are people who are not ready to make concessions and reconciliation. 1 3 Unfriendly, hostile, hate-filled relationships and actions 1 Hostility, mutual hatred, unfriendly relationships. To harbor enmity towards someone. Live in enmity with someone. Irreconcilable enmity. Hostility flared up. 2

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Statements famous people about friendship and enmity Of all the enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend. (Shota Rustaveli) Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, God! (A.S. Pushkin) In the bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that is important in personal life. (Karl Marx) 5 4 Friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept. (Niccolò Machiavelli) 1 Life is too short to waste it on enmity. (Charlotte Brontë) 2 3

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Literature: A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (Onegin - Lensky) I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” (Bazarov - Arkady) I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” (Oblomov - Stolz) L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” (Pierre, Bolkonsky) L.N.Tl F.M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment." (Raskolnikov, Razumikhin) A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"(Grinev, Shvabrin, Pugachev) A.S. Pushkin. “Dubrovsky” (seniors Dubrovsky and Troekurov) A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers” (Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D. Artatanyan) 4 6 2 3 5 1 7 8

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How can themes be formulated? Is it possible to live life without having friends? “There are no bonds holier than fellowship” (N.V. Gogol). If yesterday's friend became an enemy, then he was never a friend... “A true friend is known in misfortune” (Aesop). The best friend is the one who will help us bring out the best that lies in our soul. Can friendship develop into enmity? Is it true that without true friendship life is nothing? 4 1 2 3 5 6 7

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Thesis No one knows what kind of wound enmity can leave in the heart of a person or even an entire nation. Friendship is a valuable gift of a person, which he should use for the right purposes. It not only brings people together, but helps to understand that all controversial issues can be resolved peacefully. Finding a true friend is not an easy task, but it is much easier to lose him because of your unwillingness to help him or understand him, so you should be more careful about friendship and eradicate enmity in all its manifestations.

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Universal introduction. Friendship and enmity... What is it? These are constant companions of both an individual person and society as a whole. So, in the lives of each of us there are people whom we can confidently call friends. These are those whom we completely trust, relationships with whom are based on sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. But life is ambiguous, therefore it forces us to go through a number of tests, which include enmity, hostility, friendship, love. In my essay, I would like to reflect on the topic (statement by full name, answer a question that is relevant at all times)….

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Unique introduction Is it possible to live life without friends? Friendship and enmity... What is it? These are constant companions of both an individual person and society as a whole. So, in the lives of each of us there are people whom we can confidently call friends. These are those whom we completely trust, relationships with whom are based on sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. But life is ambiguous, therefore it forces us to go through a series of tests, which include enmity, hostility, friendship, love. In my essay I would like to reflect on the topic of whether it is possible to live life without having friends.

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Universal conclusion. What conclusion can be drawn? Where did my reasoning on this topic lead me? Friendship is definitely a precious gift in life. And a person who knows how to value friendship, knows how to overcome conflicts, and does not want to sow enmity, is worthy of this gift. One should know when to stop in everything and everywhere. The main thing in friendship is the law of humanity. Friendship builds, but enmity only destroys.

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Unique conclusion Is it possible to live life without friends? What conclusion can be drawn? Where did my reasoning on this topic lead me? Friendship is definitely a precious gift in life. And a person who knows how to value friendship, knows how to overcome conflicts, and does not want to sow enmity, is worthy of this gift. The main thing in friendship is the law of humanity. Friendship builds, but enmity only destroys. And I really want to believe that among people living in our time, the cult of holy friendship will flourish, as in the times of A.S. Pushkin. After all, living in the world without real friends is very bad.

The Three Musketeers in Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers

I really liked the novel French writer Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers". It is very exciting, dynamic, and has a lot of adventure. There are many heroes in it - they are good and bad. TO good heroes include Monsieur de Treville, the captain of the royal musketeers, and the royal musketeers themselves. They are brave, courageous, honest. There are four main characters in the novel - Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan. They are friends and always stand up for each other. They even have a motto: “One for all and all for one.” They did not immediately become friends: at first they did not like D’Artagnan because he was very young, did not behave as he should, and made a lot of noise. But then they realized that he was good and honest man, and became friends. Athos, Porthos and Aramis were the most famous and bravest musketeers. They served the king, wore special musketeer cloaks and fought with swords. Their sworn enemies are the guards of Cardinal Richelieu. So they fought with them, and also in all sorts of duels. The king and the cardinal were at enmity with each other, and if you were on someone’s side, then you could no longer be a friend to others. Musketeers are all very different. The eldest of them is Athos. S is very noble, smart and brave, but he never laughs. Nobody knew his real name. Everyone respected Athos very much and obeyed him.

Porthos is the strongest of the musketeers, he eats a lot and likes to drink wine. He is very honest and simple. I really like Porthos because he says everything straight: “I fight because I fight.” The most cunning and educated of the musketeers is Aramis. He loves beautiful things, takes care of himself and never gets into a fight openly. He is not a coward, but prefers to negotiate. When it is impossible to reach an agreement, he fights very bravely. D'Artagnan is the youngest and most reckless of his friends. Because of him, they find themselves in different situations, but strong friendship helps them get out of them. At the end of the book, the friends break up, and it's very disappointing. Each of them goes on their own path.

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Friends! Who among us doesn’t like to dream? So, with your permission, now I’ll just close my eyes for a minute and be transported to medieval France. It was a golden time! The country was then ruled by a king, and his peace was guarded by musketeers. They did it with dignity, bravely and courageously fulfilling their duty! In those days, any young man considered it an honor to enter the service of the king, but, of course, desire alone was not enough! Not everyone could get into the service of the king. Thus, any applicant for the title of royal musketeer,

He had to come from a noble family. At that time, only to know with youth studied fencing and horse riding - these skills were mandatory for any musketeer!

The novel is called “The Three Musketeers,” but at the same time, we all remember very well that there were four of them. d, Artagnan was the last of the magnificent four to receive the status of musketeer, but he is one of the main characters of the novel. Why did his name never grace the title of the book? The fact is that Dumas simultaneously wrote and published a book, the title “The Three Musketeers” was only a draft, and the author subsequently intended to insert the name d,

Artagnan. But it was already too late to change anything, since the novel, even then, in the process of writing, was deafeningly popular. Dumas, however, later put D. Artagnan on the cover next to the other musketeers, thereby emphasizing his importance to the novel.

Now let's get to know the main characters a little closer. Athos, Porthos and Aramis are bosom friends, they stand up for each other like a mountain (I think many remember their famous motto “One for all, and all for one!”). It is clear that they are initially hostile to the new Gascon d. Artagnan. But later, when their friendship is put to the test (it can’t be done without love!), the king’s best friends and faithful musketeers will become four! And now they will go together until the very end, no matter what!

Dumas' famous novel has been filmed several times and also translated into several languages. Of course, it could not but have a continuation, since even then, in the nineteenth century, this was greatly desired by the first readers of the novel, and then by numerous other admirers of Dumas’s work. The continuation did not take long to arrive, and a year later fans of Dumas’s work could enjoy the author’s new work, “Twenty Years Later.” In total, there are three novels in the “musketeer” cycle, dedicated to the lives of the royal musketeers in different years of their lives; the third part was the no less popular book of this series, “The Vicomte de Bragelonne”.

Essays on topics:

  1. On the first Monday of April 1625, the population of the town of Meng on the outskirts of Paris seemed agitated as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it...
  2. One of the basic spiritual needs of a person is communication. Communication with someone you can trust, who will always understand and support, on...

At a time of total book shortage, every self-respecting teenager in the country of the Soviets, in order not to be considered a pariah among his friends, by hook or by crook achieved his cherished dream - he read The Three Musketeers, thereby joining the circle of connoisseurs of the work of the great falsifier of history, Alexander Dumas the Father, even without assuming that there is also another writer - Alexandre Dumas the son.

However, why “The Three Musketeers”? Already at the end of the first part of the novel, d’Artagnan also becomes one “by the gracious order” of the king, and the daring trinity turns into a legitimate four. But these, in fact, are details to which Dumas always attached little importance. And which of the current undergrowth will become in the original to study a book of more than six hundred pages, when almost every month one of the many TV channels broadcasts a free adaptation of the novel in the interpretation of director Yungvald-Khilkevich under the again not entirely accurate title “D” Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”... The leitmotif of the film musical is clearly expressed by the rollicking soundtrack with the chorus “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime...”

We will try to follow the truth and with a few strokes refute the established opinion about the nobility and courage of the “magnificent four”, who embody courage, selfless devotion, generosity and other captivating qualities of bosom friends.

Let's start with an impartial description of each. Firstly, Athos. Upon closer examination, he is a degraded drinker, a cynical misanthrope, trying to forget his past and not thinking about the future, retaining a feigned touch of noble nobility, since the title of count obliges him to do so.

Porthos is a glutton, a drinker, a fop and a gigolo of the skinny, not the first freshness, but the rich prosecutor of Madame Coquenard. Its main advantage is brute physical strength, which corresponds to complete absence intelligence and extreme vanity.

Aramis is a ladies' man, a clever Jesuit, one of the forerunners of the "free masons", better known as the Freemasons, whose main goal was to achieve comprehensive power. For Aramis, getting closer to the goal justifies any means.

And finally - the soul, the accumulator of actions and ideas of d'Artagnan's merry company. A trickster, a rake, a slob and a cunning man, a thug and a deceiver.

Let us illustrate what has been said with references to the novel, upon careful reading of which everything mentioned above clearly emerges. Friends grab swords at every convenient and not so convenient opportunity - just to fight, to amuse themselves with daring fencing. They fight less with the enemy force, and more with their compatriots, since they are not of their clan. Right and left they inflict wounds and mutilations on noble chevaliers only for the reason that the latter are the guards of Cardinal Richelieu. The same Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu, head of the Royal Council, who is essentially the de facto ruler of France under the weak-willed and incompetent Louis XIII, mention of whom you will not find in every encyclopedia.

The musketeers, led by d'Artagnan, get involved in a "suspended" intrigue, defending the interests of the Duke of Buckingham, the all-powerful minister and favorite of the English king, who started adultery with Queen Anne of Austria of France. By indulging the lust of lovers, the daring four betray the interests of France, for which, and according to the statement Dumas, and in fact England was the original enemy.

In the race for pendants and the behavior of Athos, Porthos and Aramis, who did not reach England, in the places of their forced stops, all those not entirely noble traits that we have already talked about really manifest themselves.

And who is d'Artagnan himself? He enters into friendly relations with the enemy of his king, leads the representatives of real power - the cardinal's guards - by the nose, rescues the unfaithful queen from trouble, seducing in the meantime someone else's wife - Constance Bonacieux, who is, in fact, the state the criminal does not stop there: the leaping lust gives no rest - and now, under someone else’s guise, he climbs into my lady’s bed, seducing her maid Katie in the process, mocks the cuckold Bonacieux, who faithfully serves the cardinal, and therefore the legitimate authority, and continues. from time to time to string the guardsmen on the sword.

And then the bosom friends commit a completely base act - without trial or investigation, solely of their own free will, they execute Milady together with Lord Winter. The same milady who is the executor of Richelieu’s will, identifying power in France, the same milady with whom the drunkard Athos was unable to get rid of him at one time. Five men, hung from head to toe with weapons, plus a professional executioner and a defenseless woman - it’s somehow difficult to reconcile all this with nobility, courage and courage.

All this taken together is called differently - treachery and recklessness, insinuation and betrayal, deceit in the end.

As for sincere friendship, the friends fled for twenty years and did not see each other all this time after the events described in the novel. It looks like their conscience has kicked in, but they haven’t lost it yet.

Perhaps what is written above is not at all indisputable. Maybe. But this opportunity became a reality for the reader because at a young age he adores heroes who succeed in everything, who live full-blooded and beautiful lives. He also wants to live such a life, he also wants to succeed in everything. Why not - here is an example on more than six hundred pages.

And therefore - viva, musketeers!

© Valery Korneev