Toto Cutugno: son Nico is my light. Toto Cutugno: “My wives prefer not to know about each other’s existence Toto Cutugno what is wrong with him

Toto Cutugno is one of those performers whose work is clearly associated with a certain era. They loved him, they imitated him, they went crazy about him. Today, it seems, he has already retired and practically does not appear on the big stage. However, his name still excites the hearts of former listeners just as it did many years ago. You want to sing along to his songs, his lyrics (even sung in foreign language) are remembered in an instant. It all seems like magic. Although, perhaps, another explanation can be found for the Toto Cutugno phenomenon. After all, this Italian singer He has always been distinguished by his enormous talent, which, for sure, has not faded even after so many years.

Childhood and early years of Toto Cutugno

Salvatore (abbreviated as Toto) Cutugno was born in the small Italian town of Fosdinovo. His father played the trumpet, and therefore the music early years always occupied a central place in the life of the future singer. When Toto was still a child, his family moved to La Spezia. It was here that the future musician began to learn the basics of musical literacy. Together with his father, he learned to play the trumpet. However, the boy easily mastered the accordion and percussion instruments on his own. At the age of thirteen, Toto Cutugno first appeared on the big stage: at a local show of young talents, the future famous singer took a modest third place.

But it didn't bother me at all young performer. Improving his skills as a musician, Toto began playing in various musical groups, in which he primarily performed as a drummer. It is very noteworthy that Cutugno did not have any “own” team at that time. Taking only drumsticks with him, Toto constantly rushed from one rehearsal to another, helping a variety of groups write songs.

At the age of 18, the musician begins to become seriously interested in jazz. Having forgotten about the drum kit for a while, he improves his piano playing skills and soon achieves serious success in this field. A year later, he began performing with the band of the famous Italian jazzman Guido Manuzardi. It is with this group that Toto goes on his first overseas tour. The destination country was distant and mysterious Finland. It is here that the future maestro will first understand what real success is. The public met jazz band stormy ovation. A whole choir of human voices sang along to each new composition...

It was during this period that the young performer decides to devote all his later life music. Returning to his homeland, Toto Cutugno creates his own team - “Toto and Tati”. The musicians learn several songs that were popular at the time and begin to tour Italy.

Toto Cutugno's career as a composer

Over the next couple of years, the group "Toto and Tati" traveled all over Italy. The guys performed at discos, bars and clubs. The audience received them quite warmly, but the group's performances were not a great success. To some extent this fact was explained by the fact that the young group performed hits of already established performers, and therefore could not develop their own special style.

However, it was the performances of “Toto and Tati” that gave a great impetus to the further work of Toto Cutugno.

At one of the performances, the young performer was noticed by the famous Italian songwriter Vito Pallavicini. Having invited Toto to his studio, he asked him to perform several compositions of his own composition. The famous master liked the young pianist’s melodies, and soon the two musicians began working together. In 1974, the creative tandem recorded its first composition. Soon the song entered the repertoire of Joe Dassin and, after being translated into French, received the name L`été Indien (Indian Summer).

Toto Cutugno - Indian Summer

The composition becomes a European hit and one of the most popular songs by the French artist. Over the next couple of years, Joe Dassin and Toto Cutugno collaborate closely with each other. As a result of this, in the repertoire French singer his appear best songs- Et si tu n`éxistais pas, Salut and many other compositions. During the same period, Toto Cutugno began to collaborate with others popular performers. The young composer's songs are performed by such stars as Adriano Celentano, Mireille Mathieu, Michel Sardou and many others.

Variety career of Toto Cutugno

In 1976, Toto Cutugno began performing with the Albatross group. In the same year, their composition Volo AZ 504 took third place at the competition in San Remo. A year later, the group again storms the stage of the legendary Ariston Theater, but the song Gran Premio brings it only fifth place.

In the same year, the group breaks up and Toto Cutugno begins performing as a solo artist. In 1980, the performer won the competition in San Remo with the composition Solo noi. The song becomes a national hit and very quickly brings popularity to the young singer. Toto Cutugno begins to tour a lot. Several more awards appear in his personal collection. The singer lives the life of a pop star.

However, international fame will come to him only three years later, when at the same festival in San Remo the performer presented the composition L’italiano, which would later become a real business card singer Subsequently, Toto Cutugno will participate several more times in competitive program festival in Sanremo. And every one of him new composition will be a great success.

Toto Cutugno - L "italiano (Sanremo 1983)

In 1990, Toto Cutugno won the Eurovision Song Contest, and the next year he became the host of the competition in Rome. At this moment his fame reaches its apogee. A famous Italian becomes a real national hero, and his songs become the hallmark of Italy. During his life, the singer released 17 albums, as well as countless memorable compositions.

It is worth noting that today Toto Cutugno quite often gives concerts in post-Soviet countries. In 2009, the singer came to Moscow. In 2010 and 2011 he gave concerts in Kyiv. In those same years, the artist came to Belarus twice, celebrating with concerts in Minsk and Vitebsk.

On the eve of a concert in Russia, the Italian singer, the idol of the 80s, gave exclusive interview"Teleseven".


real name: Salvatore Cutugno
was born: July 7, 1943 in Fosdinovo in Italy
education: specialized secondary education with a degree in accounting
career: Since 1975, Cutugno has performed with the group Albatros, won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1990, hosted 2 programs on Italian television, and released about 20 albums
composers Stars: Paul McCartney, John Lennon
sport: football
vehicle: own yacht
I bet you didn't know that... At one of his concerts in Yalta, Toto Cutugno kissed 48 fans.

Telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan"

- Hello, Toto!
- Good evening! – responds a hoarse voice, familiar from childhood. Toto Cutugno is the man who sang about “solo mio” and much more. Wrote songs for Joe Dassin, Adriano Celentano, Dalida. Yes, also a Eurovision winner, by the way.
Nevertheless, a man born in 1943 and named Salvatore, even now, perceives exclusively this diminutive version of the adult name - Toto.
Once upon a time his mother and relatives called him that, but now everyone just calls him that.
– Tell me, does it happen that you still use the name Salvatore instead of Toto?
- Never! – Cutugno answers heatedly. Although then he thinks: “Except when I sign bank documents. Bureaucracy, what can you do.”
– Toto, you were born in Tuscany. In Russia, when we imagine Tuscany, we think about sun, wine and pasta. What can you add to this list?
– For me it’s also culture and beautiful women.
– Toto, who has stayed with you since childhood? And what do your close relatives do?
“Unfortunately, mom and dad have been dead for a long time. I have a brother and a sister. Brother Roberto has a security agency. Sister Rosana is a housewife and has two children. And I also have a son - Niko, he is 21 years old. This is my light.
Here Cutugno’s voice warms. And the story of Nico’s appearance in Cutugno’s life deserves a separate story.

Story one, melodramatic

Toto married the beautiful Karla very early. He was 24 years old at that moment. They say that in order to get Carla, Cutugno accompanied her home for a month. And the parents were scared: what kind of husband is this with such a hairstyle? They managed to persuade their parents: Carla explained to them how much she loved Toto. But, unfortunately, there were no children in this marriage.
Cutugno never wanted to lose this woman; he believed that marriage was forever. Carla was reliable, understanding, gentle. However, Toto wanted a child... And then one day a crazy passion came into his life. He met the flight attendant Christina.
They met on a plane in the late 80s. Toto already had fame, a lot of fans. But it was Christina who turned out to be the woman from whom Cutugno lost his head.
They dated for two years. They were hiding from Karla. And then Toto asked his companion to become a mother. Cristina agreed, although Cutugno never promised to marry her and spend their whole lives together. He wanted to stay with Carla and in one of his interviews said: “After spending many years together, you put down roots that are absurd to cut.”
Then Cutugno told his wife about everything. They say that the two women of the unfaithful Italian never met, but Carla still survived this shock and remained with Toto. She communicates with Niko, a guy who was named that way because Cutugno liked the Greek word “nike” - victory. Victory over the doctors' verdict.

Telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan" again

– Toto, you first became famous as a composer. You have written songs for many wonderful performers, but among them there are two inimitable ones. If you compare Joe Dassin and Adriano Celentano, who did you work with better?
– Joe Dassin, alas, is no more. He was an extraordinary man. I'm happy to have worked with him. And Celentano is my friend. It's just difficult to work with him.
- Why?
“He and I have similar voices.” And I write songs that can suit both me and Celentano. So there are moments of jealousy.

Second story, career

In fact, almost all the songs from any collection of the best by Joe Dassin were written by Toto Cutugno. And “If it weren’t for you”, and “Hello, it’s me again”, and “Luxembourg Gardens” - this is all Cutugno. It began with “Africa” (as the song was called in Italian), which Dassin’s authors turned into “Indian Summer”. Then Toto often visited Joe Dassin at his house near Paris, and fourteen songs were published.
Composer Toto Cutugno often overshadowed singer Toto. Sometimes in San Remo Cutugno competed with two or three of his own songs! His melodies sounded, but Cutugno himself (who sang, by the way, in different groups) did not arouse much interest.
Italian legend says that Cutugno once had to write the title sequence for a television show. But, since he was not sure that the option would be approved, he sang the song himself, without turning to other singers. The team filming the program, led by the presenter, was fascinated and said: there is no need for another performer. It was Donna, donna mia. Very quickly, “Donna” became the leader of the charts in Italy and France, and Toto began to be treated as a good singer.

Again the telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan"

– Toto, when you came out in San Remo with the song “Italian,” we in Russia simply fell in love with this hit. But, they say, for the Italians themselves there was a challenge in the song?
- Yes, of course, it was an experiment, and a difficult experiment - to sing to Italians about the Italians themselves. But I liked this song so much that I decided to try it. And he was right - the song spread all over the world.
– Is it still relevant now?
– I wrote about traditions in Italy 28 years ago. Of course, if I were writing about Italians now, I would write a different song.
– I know, Toto, you have a collection of vinyl records. And after the advent of the CD, did you have a desire to throw away everything in an outdated format?
- There are no problems. I have excellent equipment that allows me to listen to both vinyl and CDs. I'm not that retrograde.

Story three, about health

In 2007, Cutugno suffered a terrible blow: cancer. Concerts were cancelled, Toto went for surgery and chemotherapy sessions. And suddenly - a miracle! Cutugno goes to the festival in San Remo, releases CDs, and goes to give concerts.
Actually, this is what the latest activation of the Moscow-Milan telephone bridge is about.
– I understand that this is a difficult question... You were diagnosed with cancer, you underwent surgery. Are you talking about this?
– I haven’t been asked about this for a long time, but since you brought up this question...
I, as a person who suffered a similar illness, believe that everyone needs to be checked. Do preventative research. I encourage both women and men to do this. Women need to be checked for breast cancer and cervical cancer. For men – regarding prostate cancer. Keeping everything under control is very important.
– Immediately after the operation, you took the risk of once again participating in the festival in San Remo...
– It was a challenge to myself. I returned to a job that I love very much, which brings me wonderful emotions. I made it through and had a wonderful experience. Now I feel good.
– Thank you, and good health to you, Toto!
– Yes, health is God’s greatest gift.
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Photo by Legion-Media, Photas, from personal archive

On the eve of the Minsk concert, the idol of millions told how women scare men away, who he is in love with besides the fairer sex, and why he cannot seat his wife and son at the same table.

The sultry Italian appeared in the press center " Komsomolskaya Pravda"in Belarus" with a half-hour delay and an entourage. Tall, fit, wearing jeans, white sneakers, a striped biker jacket and fashionable sunglasses. Don't be a star! After the rehearsal in the Minsk Palace of the Republic, where the idol will perform on April 6, the Italian seemed withdrawn and at first answered questions in monosyllables. The situation was saved by the charming translator Tatyana Greki-Firsova, who came with Toto Cutugno from Italy.

Did I bite a Belarusian woman? - Auth.)? I don’t remember... - Tatyana Greki-Firsova cheerfully translated Signor Salvatore’s answer from Italian. And then she winked knowingly at the journalists: they say, he can’t even do that! And on her own behalf she clarified: “And where did he bite her?”

My son Niko, 21 years and three months old, was surprised by the 67-year-old musician with the accuracy of his calculations. Who remembers the dad who, after the first year, records in his memory the next month of his beloved child’s life?

He studies at the university. Fabulous, handsome boy,” the idol continued enthusiastically. - He already has a fiancée. From Greece. He is very in love!

And Toto Cutugno said that his only son was born out of wedlock, from a beautiful woman, Cristina.

The son turned out to be so wonderful because he has a fantastic mother...

She raised the boy,” Tatyana completed the translation and, nodding towards the idol, explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda: “Do you think we are giving birth for them?”

“I cheated, but I have only one woman of my heart!”

Despite the extramarital affair, Toto Cutugno has been happily married to his beloved wife Carla for almost 40 years. True, the couple never had children.

- How did the wife take the news of the birth of a son from another woman?– Komsomolskaya Pravda could not resist.

I have it great woman! – Toto avoided answering.

- How do you celebrate family holidays?

Oh, these holidays are causing me big problems! – the Italian exclaimed in his hearts. Because I have to divide myself into two Totos to celebrate with both my son and my wife. I make big sacrifices to make things work...

You talk so openly about your two wives that from the outside it seems that everything is simple with you, and your women are almost friends! So we could bring everyone together at one table! - suggested Komsomolskaya Pravda.

You have to tell them about this! – the musician lit up, but after a second he smiled sadly and admitted that in fact it was Karl’s wife for many years I suffered greatly from a difficult situation. “That’s why my wives prefer not to know about each other’s existence...

Toto Cutugno has 50 new songs in his stash and an as yet unpublished book, “On the Wings of Hope.”

The emotional Italian explained that he would love to have four wives. But not in this life anymore.

I'm actually a dangerous guy! – Toto winked. – I’m very nimble! And there can only be one problem in marriage - being unfaithful. It’s dangerous that at some point someone will break down and look to the left. But I'm an artist and I need inspiration. And if a woman gives it to me, that’s the main thing for me. Yes, I cheated. But we need to separate these moments and the concept of “woman of the heart”. My woman of heart is my wife. Because many women wanted to be close to the artist Toto Cutugno. And with Salvatore, who once had neither a big name nor money, there was only his wife Carla. She was from a rich family and helped me buy an apartment, paid my bills and loved me an ordinary guy. For this I am very grateful to her. And today our love has transformed into a stronger feeling...

“There are no real men left”

You know, I first came to the USSR in 1986. Since then, Russia has changed a lot: it has become like Western countries, it seems so Americanized. But Belarus remained with its policy. I come to your country for the fourth time and I see the same romance in the eyes of the girls, magnetism or something. As if you are dreaming about something, as if in a dream. This is important. I'll tell you this: don't stop dreaming. Because sometimes they come true...

Although, you know, I admit that there are no real men left in our time,” Tatyana translated and summed it up on her own: “However, like Santa Claus.” Unfortunately…

It turned out that Toto Cutugno knows firsthand that women have become stronger than men and this is what scares away the stronger sex.

“I can see it in my son,” the Italian smiled. - What was it like in my time? We walk down the street with friends and smack our lips after the beauties: “What a girl, what a figure - a sight for sore eyes!” What's happening today? There is a campaign of guys, and girls come towards them: “Look what a beautiful butt this handsome guy has!”

- No, it’s not like that in Belarus!– a young journalist stood up for Belarusian men. – We also admire girls on the street!

What is your name? Evgeniy? And how old are you? Ah, 24! So you know, I’ve been living for a long time and I’ll say that you still have everything ahead of you! And remember that a woman only pretends that you are in charge. And she always chooses herself. She can even do whatever she wants with me!

“It was not easy for me to admit that I have cancer”

Toto Cutugno also spoke about his love for the sea.

You could say that I married the sea. I have a beach villa and a boat. I really like to climb into a boat and sail far, far away. No, of course, not alone - it’s dangerous. With friends. The sea and silence simply fascinate me.

- Is it true that you cut your hair bald for the sake of a role in a French film?

No, that's not true. At that time I found myself in a difficult situation; I was diagnosed with cancer. When I had surgery and was saved, I went through a long course of chemotherapy. After that I lost almost all my hair. It wasn’t easy for me to admit at concerts that I had cancer, so I decided to come up with a story about filming a film...

Signor Salvatore, you have gone through so much in your personal life, give the girl some advice! What to do if her boyfriend dumped her?

You know, girls, when the Pope dies in the Vatican, they choose another one! – Tatyana Greki-Firsova said without hesitation. – And now I will translate the advice from Toto Cutugno...

The idol admitted that he never knew disappointment in love and, thank God, he was never abandoned by his beloved.

I was happy in love and received more than I gave. And I can advise girls not to rush into making a choice. So as not to make a mistake a second time. And think about the fact that negative meetings and partings are also necessary. So that later, when you meet true love, you had something to compare with.

Toto Cutugno: “Yes, I have two wives. Do you want to hit me for this? A sultry Italian appeared at the press center of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus and told how women scare men away, who he is in love with besides the fairer sex, and why he cannot seat his wife and son at the same table

Salvatore Cutugno was born on July 7, 1943 in the Tuscan town of Fosdinovo. A few months later, his family moved to La Spezia, where Toto's father (Salvatore's childhood name - hence his stage name) served as a naval sailor. From childhood, the boy showed a predisposition to music: following his father, ... Read all

Toto Cutugno (full name Salvatore Cutugno) - Italian composer, pop singer.

Salvatore Cutugno was born on July 7, 1943 in the Tuscan town of Fosdinovo. A few months later, his family moved to La Spezia, where Toto's father (Salvatore's childhood name - hence his stage name) served as a naval sailor. From childhood, the boy showed a predisposition to music: following his father, who played the trumpet excellently, he mastered this instrument; Later he independently mastered playing the drums and accordion. At age 13, Toto took third place in a regional music competition.

Until the age of 19, Cutugno played drums in local musical groups, until he went on a six-month tour of Finland as part of Maestro Manusardi's ensemble. Returning to Italy, Salvatore organizes his own group “Toto e Tati”, with which he begins to successfully tour Italy. At the same time, he began to compose music himself.

At the beginning of 1975, Cutugno began performing with the Gli group “Albatros”, writing together with the poet Vito Pallavicini the songs “Oasis”, “Uomo dove vai, Africa”. Same year artistic director popular French singer Joe Dassin, Jacques Plet notices the tandem of Cutugno - Pallavicini. Dassin's regular lyricists Claude Lemel and Pierre Delanoye write French lyrics to the tunes of Toto Cutugno. This is how the famous “Et si tu n’éxistais pas”, “Salut” and the French pop hit of the summer of 1975 L’été Indien appear.

Over the next 3 years, Cutugno will write 6 more songs for Joe Dassin, including the record-breaking long (duration - 12 minutes) composition Le jardin du Luxembourg.

In 1976, Toto participates for the first time in the Sanremo Festival with the song Volo AZ 504 as part of Gli "Albatros" and takes third place overall. In the same year, Cutugno performed with great success at the Festivalbar with the song “Nel cuore, nei sensi”. The French version of this song - “Voici les clés” - performed by Gérard Lenormand occupies the leading lines of the charts in France.

A year later, Gli “Albatros” again perform on the stage of the Ariston Theater at the next San Remo. The song Gran Premio takes fifth place. Immediately after the festival the group breaks up.

Official website

The enchanting concerts of the nightingale of Italy, Salvatore “Toto” Cutugno, are never sold out. Everywhere the musician gathers huge halls of fans and admirers of his talent. The audience pampers him, sings along to famous compositions and waits with anticipation for new ones. The music of Toto Cutugno is full of beauty, sensuality, and exquisite charm.. An internal sense of tact and attitude helps the performer and author to choose the most correct words and melody. His work finds responses in the hearts of the most diverse audiences around the world.

Singer and composer, TV presenter Toto Cutugno was born on July 7, 1943 in the Italian region of Tuscany in the small town of Fosdinovo. The head of the boy’s family served in the navy and the family had to move a lot due to business trips.

The father's talent - the ability to play the trumpet - provided an invaluable service to his capable son. Toto began learning to play musical instruments early.

At the age of 7, he became a drummer in his father's band and began learning to play the guitar and accordion. Keyboards, trumpet, saxophone - all this was easy for little Cutugno thanks to perseverance and diligence.

First successes

The future world celebrity spent his childhood and youth in La Spezia (the eastern outskirts of the Riviera, a city on the shores of the Ligurian Sea (mar Ligure)), where his father was transferred for service. At the age of 13, Salvatore decided to try his hand at regional competition accordionists. His parents did not expect their son to take any place, but they supported him in his desire to participate. Unexpectedly for everyone, listening to the music of Toto Cutugno performed solo turned out to be pleasant and easy, the boy played professionally. The jury awarded him 3rd place.

Parents rejoiced at such successes, but music education the young man was not given it. He had to enter and obtain the profession of accountant, in which he was subsequently unable to work for a single day.

After winning the first competition, the young musician continued to play the percussion instruments in different musical groups. At the age of 18 he became interested in jazz. Drums were soon abandoned in favor of playing the piano.

Beneficial cooperation

At the age of 19, our hero goes on a six-month tour of Finland with the popular musician Guido Manuzardi and his jazz ensemble G-Unit. The tour was a dizzying success, which inspired Toto.

Upon returning to his homeland, he assembled his own group, giving it the name “Toto and Tati” (“Toto e Tati”), in which his three like-minded friends and brother Roberto. The group went on tour throughout Italy, sang in discos, nightclubs, and various bars. But there was no great success; the musicians did not play their songs, but compositions by famous performers.

In 1976-76. singer performs in music group"Albatross" Toto Cutugno, together with Vito Pallavicini, wrote the songs "Oasis" and "Uomo dove vai, Africa". In 1976, the composition of the group “Albatross” called “Volo AZ 504” took third place in (Sanremo).

A few months later, at Festivalbar, Cutugno presented the song “In the heart, in the feelings” (“Nel cuore, nei sensi”) with great triumph. The same composition on French entitled “Here are the keys” (“Voici les clés”) has long been a super hit of the country’s season.

A year later, at a competition in San Remo, the composition of the group “Gran Premio” was awarded fifth place.

Solo career

The collapse of the Albatross ensemble marked the beginning of Salvatore's solo career.

In 1980, the composition “Only We” (“Solo noi”) brings laurels to the winner Cutugno at the next festival in Sanremo.

"Serenata" was awarded second place in Sanremo in 1984.

A year later, 14-year-old Mexican singer Luis Miguel took second place in this competition with Cutugno’s composition “We are the guys of today” (“Noi ragazzi di oggi”).

Producers never tired of making tempting offers to the sought-after lyricist and composer. Cutugno wrote songs for such world famous people as: Italian (Adriano Celentano), Frenchwoman Mireille Mathieu, American Frank Sinatra (Francis Albert Sinatra) and others.

In 1986, Salvatore presented the composition “Azure Melancholy” (“Azzurra malinconia”), who took fourth place in the music competition of performers.

The competition brought Salvatore more than one victory. In 1987 he came out with “Children” (“Figli”) and took second place, and his compositions: “I love” (“Io amo”, sung by Fausto Leali), “The Dreamer” (“Il sognatore”, performed by Peppino di Capri) and “Song about love” (“ Canzone d'amore", the group "Rich and Poor" ("Ricchi e Poveri")) took fourth, fifth and seventh places. At the end of the festival, the Italian was offered to host the program "On Sunday" ("Domenica In").

The next three years in a row in San Remo his compositions: “Emotions” (“Emozioni” 1988), “Moms” (“Le mamme” 1989), “Love Novels” (“Gli amori” 1990) in their own performances take second place. And in 1990 the English version " Romance novels"titled "Good love gone bad" was performed by the legendary American Charles Robinson.

In 1995, after a five-year holiday, Cutugno performed “I want to go to live in the countryside” (“Voglio andare a vivere in campagna”) in San Remo, after which he released an album with the same name.

A couple of years later, at the festival, he presented another of his compositions, “Be Honest” (“Faccia pulita”).

Kit musical compositions“The Train is Coming” (“Il treno va”), recorded in 2002, was very fond of the French. In 2005, Toto Cutugno, in a duet with blind singer Annalisa Minetti, took second place, performing “Nobody in the World But Us” (“Come noi nessuno al mondo”).

In 2006, Cutugno was invited for the first time to the music festival in Moscow “Disco of the 80s”.

In 2008, his composition “A Falcon Imprisoned in a Cage” (“Un falco chiuso in gabbia”) was awarded fourth place in the competition.

At the end of 2011 he conducts solo concert in Kyiv. Three members of the New Wave are coming with him.

In total, the musician recorded 20 albums.

Best compositions

L'été indien

In 1974, Toto Cutugno met and formed a creative duet with songwriter Vito Pallavicini. Their unsurpassed masterpiece was the composition “Indian Summer” (“L`été indien”). Performer Joe Dassin made the song extremely popular; it topped hit lists all over the world. Frank Sinatra introduced the song to America.

Et si tu n'existais pas

J. Dassin, seeing Salvatore's ability to create hits, asked him to create another masterpiece. It was the composition “If it weren’t for you” (“Et si tu n’existais pas”). Today it remains one of the best romantic melodies.

Collaborating with Cutugno, Joe Dassin received more than ten songs from him. The authors of the lyrics of the French singer: Claude Lemesle and Pierre Delanoe superimpose French lyrics on Salvatore's music. The collaboration was facilitated by the artistic director of the French singer, Jacques Plée.

Lasciate Mi Cantare

The musician’s calling card was the composition “The Italian” (“L’italiano”), better known as “lachatemi cantaré”. It was originally created for, but he refused to perform it. In 1983, Toto Cutugno performed lashatami cantar himself on. The jury awarded him fifth place, but the results of listener voting brought the song to first place. For 13 weeks, “The Italian” topped the hit lists in France and other countries.

In 2013, Salvatore was the guest of honor at this talent competition and again performed his song accompanied by the Russian ensemble of the Academy. Alexandrova. Then they together sang “Moscow Nights” in Russian, expressing their love for Russia in the song.


The song “Together” (“Insieme”) in 1990 gave Salvatore victory at Eurovision in Zagreb. The singer wanted to refuse to participate in the competition; he could not find a worthy song. Once, at one of his performances, he asked the audience what the words should be, what they wanted to hear about. One of his fans said that this should be a song about boundless love. People from four corners of the world fall in love, their desire to be together wants to erase all boundaries and barriers. And, on the eve of the creation of a single Eurozone, Toto Cutugno's song became the No. 1 hit.

Buona note

The song “Good night” (“Buona notte”) was born in Moscow. Inspired by the capital Soviet Union and the reception on stage, the singer was fascinated by Russia, the capital greatly impressed the greatest composer.

In 1985, Toto Cutugno gave almost 30 concerts during a three-week tour of Moscow and Leningrad.

Personal life

The school love of the most sincere and sincere singer was named Anne-Marie. The modest and indecisive 14-year-old boy took a long time to choose the moment to tell her about his feelings. He even wrote the song “The Road of Love” (“La strada dell’amore”). When Toto became bolder and kissed the girl, she asked why he didn’t do this earlier.

In 1971, Cutugno was legally married to his wife Karla. The young woman at that time had more money than Toto, but she loved him as a simple guy. Carla helped her husband buy an apartment and paid his bills. The couple has been married for more than 40 years, but failed to have children together. Despite this, the spouse has never thought about divorce; he values ​​thriftiness, a kind and sympathetic heart, and worldly wisdom in his other half. Their mutual love does not fade throughout their lives.

Toto Cutugno of the 80s experienced another love for flight attendant Kristina. They met on the plane, the Italian liked the girl so much that he asked her for her phone number. After the tour, Salvatore called Christina, they dated for two years.

His infatuation with Christina had no effect on strong marriage musician. In 1989, the girl, at the request of her lover, gave birth to a boy and named him Nico. Toto told Karla everything and his wife forgave him, although she was worried about this for a long time. After some time she accepted illegitimate son your spouse.

Toto Cutugno always helped his son and supported him in everything. The moral and material support of his father helped the young man grow up and graduate from university. Niko inherited his talent for music from his star parent. He sings and accompanies on guitar. The young man has a girlfriend, she is Greek.

The composer and singer's parents died long ago, brother Roberto owns a security agency, sister Rosanna takes care of the house and raises two children.


The composer did not like to see doctors and considered his health to be excellent until he was diagnosed with cancer in 2007. He had to undergo surgery. All of Italy and fans around the world prayed for Cutugno's health. The surgeons successfully performed the operation and the disease subsided.

In 2007, the disease progressed again. The Italian was prescribed chemotherapy.

After a course of procedures, he became very old and was left without hair. His photo accidentally ended up on the Internet and many people from all over the world began to express sympathy for their idol and wish him recovery.

Chemotherapy became an obstacle to holding concerts in Russia.

At the end of 2009, Salvatore already sang at the “Legends of Retro FM” music festival. The audience sang along with the audience's favorite and gave him a standing ovation.

Idol today

The 73-year-old idol gradually recovered from his illness. He still tours Europe with concerts, but not so much anymore. He eats a healthy diet, swims in the pool and walks up to three kilometers daily.

  • At the age of 7, the boy began collecting vinyl records. Today there are more than 3.5 thousand copies in his collection.
  • At the Italian competition in Sanremo, Toto Cutugno presented songs 13 times. Sometimes 2-3 compositions of the maestro competed with each other.
  • Cutugno’s victory in ’90 at Eurovision in Zagreb gave the composer’s homeland the right to host the next competition. In '91, Salvatore and G. Cinquetti (Gigliola Cinquetti, first place at Eurovision 1964) hosted this celebration in .
  • In 2013, at the “New Wave” in Jurmala, Salvatore was the main member of the jury instead of Raimonds Pauls.
  • The maestro is fond of outdoor sports and active recreation. His hobbies of underwater fishing, car racing, water skiing, paintball, singles and doubles tennis, and motorcycle racing keep the Italian in good shape. He is not indifferent to football and supports the Milan team.
  • Favorite flowers are roses. He likes to accept bouquets of flowers and give them himself.
  • Toto Cutugno owns a beachfront villa and a yacht. He loves to get into a boat with friends and swim far beyond the buoys.
  • Once at a concert in Yalta, an Italian kissed 48 of his fans.
  • On the day the singer’s mother died, he wrote the song “Le mamme”. Subsequently, critics accused him of speculating on people's feelings, which greatly offended Cutugno.
  • Salvatore does not wear any perfume other than aftershave lotion.
  • In 1998-2000 was an Italian TV presenter on the program “Your Facts”.
  • In 2010, he performed at a concert in Kyiv with Giacomo Celentano (son of A. Celentano).
  • In 2011, Cutugno and Russian group“Prime Minister” performed at the Kremlin Palace.