Hair color for brown eyes. Perfect hair color for brown eyes.

Brown-eyed women are lucky; even without makeup, their eyes look bright and expressive. To further emphasize this advantage and focus attention, you need to choose the right hair color. Of course, it’s good when your hair naturally has a beautiful shade, but often girls still want to improve their natural colors, highlight them, and older women hide gray hair by dyeing their hair. Modern hair dyes are different easy to use, therefore, with certain skills, you don’t even have to go to a hairdresser, but carry out the procedure yourself.

Brown eyes are the most different shades, it is in accordance with this that you need to select your hair color, but you should also pay attention to the skin, which will allow you to create a harmonious image.

It is impossible to say for sure which hair color is best suited for brown eyes, you also need to consider how to combine hair and skin color. Any hair color and sparkling brown eyes complement an even skin tone. Summer tan and winter white skin also need to be taken into account when choosing hair color.

  1. If the skin is light, then all shades of brown suit it. But, if there are acne on the face, and the skin is easily irritated, and redness often appears, then you should not paint in dark shades.
  2. For fair skin, it is not recommended to choose pure blonde; it is better to use golden and milky shades.
  3. If you have dark skin, then too dark colors are not suitable here. Chestnut, light brown of all shades, milk chocolate will look good. Again, attention is paid to the condition of the skin - the worse it is, the lighter the hair should be.

How to choose a beautiful hair color for brown eyes

For a blonde with brown eyes

Back in the Middle Ages, a woman with dark eyes and blond hair was considered a “fault of nature.” But, nevertheless, it was precisely such beauties that were sung by poets. This combination can be winning, but quite risky, since with light hair, the dark color of the eyebrows, which is typical for brown-eyed people, looks somewhat unnatural. In addition, hair grows quickly, and within short time you will have to tint your hair roots.
Cold platinum is completely contraindicated for those with dark eyes.

For a brunette with dark eyes

This is a natural combination that does not require special adjustments. A fair-skinned girl with a white-toothed smile and a perky, cheerful character looks especially impressive. Ladies are silent, prone to depression and bad mood, will not look too good in this image, as this will give them even greater gloom, a touch of melancholy and affectation. If you want to change your hair color or add more lightness to your look, experiment with red shades.

For a red-haired woman with brown eyes

This combination is quite attractive and here you can choose any shades of red. But here you need to remember that girls with red hair often have freckles and dark hair will only make them brighter.

For girls with light brown or brown hair and brown eyes

Brown hair with fair skin is quite beautiful, but this option is not suitable for dark skin, although you can add bright red highlights to your hair - highlight strands that will highlight the face.

By changing our hair color, we change our relationship with the outside world. Rule: warm and red shades of hair will bring to life bright colors, will add passion and fire. Cool tones calm, give clarity of thought, and make a woman more rational. Soft shades and midtones provide stability, while sharp and bright shades bring change.

How to choose a hair color to match your eye shade

Dark, almost black eyes

Requires hair coloring in deep warm shades of chocolate. If the skin is dark, then this is only a plus for the image, but it is better to frame a pale face with hair with a slight reddish tint, for example, mahogany or cognac color, this will make the look radiant.
You can also use rich red colors, then the girl will stand out from the crowd and look somewhat shocking, which is good for those who like to always be in the spotlight.

Hazel eyes, brown-green eyes

When choosing a hair color for brown-green eyes, do not stop at dark colors, as against their background the depth and brightness of the eyes will simply be lost, and cosmetics will not help here. An excellent effect can be obtained if you choose slightly muted soft colors, for example, wheat, honey or amber, the main thing is a golden hue, but neutrality.

Light brown eyes

Many girls with such eyes dye their hair blonde. Of course, this option is permissible, but it is recommended to tone down too light hair color a little with a tinted shampoo.

A good option is caramel hair color.

To emphasize the brightness and depth of brown eyes, women do not have to dye their entire head of hair; they can do coloring or highlighting. A good option is bronzing, which makes it possible to simultaneously play with several shades in your hairstyle.

Honey color can also help out if warm shades suit you.

If a brown-eyed woman is not satisfied with her hair color, then you should not be afraid of changes, but you should remember that the main hair color and eye shade may differ by several tones, but not radically, then the image will be harmonious and natural.

How to dye your hair

If you want to dye your hair not just a specific color, but also a specific shade, i.e. not just become a “redhead”, but get a copper or honey tone, not just become “lighter”, but dye your hair honey or nut, then do not experiment on your own at home. Contact your hairdresser.

  1. Firstly, he will be able to predict much more accurately how the dye will apply to your natural hair color.
  2. Secondly, he will select and mix the desired shades of different paint tones.
  3. And thirdly, it will be able to adjust the color during the dyeing process if something goes wrong.

Rule versus rules

Of course, all of the above rules were developed for a reason; they summarize the most common types of appearance and help you choose the right combination of hair-eyes-skin color. But there's always room individual characteristics. There are people with completely non-classical, atypical beauty, from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. And blondes with black eyebrows have a right to exist. AND ash hair can sometimes go surprisingly well with brown eyes.

Ladies of all ages often ask the question, what hair color suits brown eyes?

I would like to immediately note that women, in whose brown eyes a mystery flickers, can afford various options shades and styles, because brightness and attractiveness are given to them by nature itself.

But the right hair color will become a kind of frame for the face, emphasizing advantages and hiding flaws.

Key points of choice

When choosing hair color for brown eyes, it is important to remember that the hairstyle should be harmoniously combined with the iris. In this case, the image of the brown-eyed charmer will be unique and unforgettable.

Skin type: dark, pale, with or without freckles, etc.;

Eyebrow color - natural;

Oval face: round, elongated, etc.;

And of course, the shade of the iris.

Do not forget that brown is a warm color that requires a certain balance of all components to create a laconic and stylish look that helps the fair sex shine natural beauty and attractive femininity.

Professionals advise dark-skinned representatives of the fair sex to take a closer look at such shades as “eggplant”, “burgundy”, “chocolate”, “cherry”, “red wine”. Light hair dye in in this case can erase the expressiveness of the eyes, focusing attention on skin color.

For example, those with an even matte skin tone should take a closer look at red shades: from honey to copper-red. But only if there are no freckles, spider veins, or redness on your face. Red hair will highlight the listed shortcomings.

Cognac and chestnut shades, including coffee with milk, will highlight the porcelain purity of the face of white-skinned beauties.

The most natural look can be achieved by using one little secret. You need to take two jewelry: one gold, the other silver. Applying each of them to your face, determine which one precious metals skin looks better. If silver jewelry suits you better, then you have a cool skin tone. Gold looks organic - warm. Based on this, the optimal hair color for brown eyes is selected.

1. Women with warm skin tone should choose wheat, toffee, caramel, honey hair dye.

2. Representatives of the fair sex with a cool skin tone will highlight the beauty of their eyes with the help of red, red, brown, light blond paint.

Let's take a closer look at the conditions for choosing the most suitable hair color for brown eyes.

What hair color to choose for a brown-eyed dark-skinned woman

Dark skin, brown eyes and hair ranging from chestnut to dark coffee - the perfect combination that attracts men's gaze like a magnet! All details organically complement each other: brown hair highlight the beauty of the eyes and skin, which becomes glossy and velvety.

But if a woman does not want to put on dark colors, then stylists suggest highlighting, adding caramel, honey, light walnut strands. This hair color is not only suitable for brown eyes, but also emphasizes their expressiveness and softness. Another advantage of the procedure is that it gives the hair layering and volume.

The dark blond shade, smoothly flowing into coffee with milk or milk chocolate, will simply perfectly set off golden skin and dark brown eyes. But in this case, it is advisable to color the eyebrows as much as possible. suitable color, because the blue-black eyebrows of a dark-skinned woman can disrupt the naturalness and harmony of the created image.

Brown-eyed dark-skinned women should not risk dyeing their hair light colors. You can try a dark or dark golden blonde, which looks more or less natural with dark skin. But stylists recommend performing such a procedure only on women with light brown eyes. Owners of dark brown, almost black eyes should refrain from such experiments.

A curious combination - light brown eyes, dark skin and reddish hair! Such women literally shock the stronger half of humanity with their appearance. A red-haired, brown-eyed dark woman who appears on the street or at a party immediately attracts the attention of almost all men nearby. But when choosing a paint, beauties should remember that the lighter the iris, the less bright the shade should be. For example, to amber suits the eyes honey color, diluted with reddish strands.

The ideal hair color for a lady with brown eyes and fair skin

Women with brown eyes and fair skin, the shade of which is close to milky, will not go wrong if they choose a hair dye of light chestnut or milk chocolate color.

When asked what hair color suits brown eyes and fair skin, stylists, without hesitation, answer: not too dark, and not too dark. light shade brown, natural is best. By choosing a color several shades darker than natural, a fair-skinned, brown-eyed woman risks getting an inharmonious image. But golden and copper notes in the hair will fully reveal the porcelain nobility of white skin and focus on the warmth of the eyes.

Coffee-colored hair will complement fair skin and terracotta eyes. You can add volume and dynamics to your hairstyle using strands milky. They'll calm you down a little brown and create a touching and feminine image.

A unique hair color for brown eyes can be achieved through coloring, bronzing or highlighting. Iris, milk or copper strands will add volume and fluffiness to your hair. Makeup with dark eyeliner will highlight your eyes and make the look bright and complete.

It is important to remember that light brown eyes for any skin tone will be most favorably set off by curls of caramel, golden, amber and reddish shades. Hair that is too dark, almost black, will negatively affect the expressiveness of the eyes, which against their background will lose their brightness and expressiveness.

An unusual look for a brown-eyed beauty

By choosing a wine-colored hair dye, a brown-eyed woman with peach skin will be able to create an original image that will attract the gaze of men. Mahogany, classic Bordeaux, good old burgundy will add appearance representatives of the fairer sex have exquisite nobility, gentle romance and sacred sensuality.

Stylists advise dark-skinned women to combine wood shades with cognac or coffee color. But you should not make the strands too wide and frequent. Rare highlighting or hidden dyeing is the best option for hair coloring in this case.

Creamy skin and brown eyes go perfectly with rye hair, or a combination of dark shades with honey or cognac. Clear, geometrically correct transitions and “Ombre” will look great in such a tandem.

Gives a natural plum tint to your hair female image a little boldness and freshness. It is important to know: although the eyes will become very expressive, pale skin will appear painful.

Having determined what hair color suits brown eyes, let's try to figure out which shades are not recommended for brown-eyed ladies. Stylists do not recommend dyeing the hair of brown-eyed ladies in mustard, ash shades or blond, believing that the listed colors are only suitable for gray and blue eyes. But the paint can be used as small inclusions.

Bright eyes allow you to make bold decisions when coloring your hair. Brown-eyed beauties can safely experiment with the color and length of their curls, and the shape of their hairstyle. When choosing a hair color for brown eyes, a woman should remember that nature awarded her the best shade. And the closer the chosen color is to natural, the more organic the resulting image will be!

Women always want to look well-groomed and stylish. After reading the article, you will know exactly how to choose hair color for brown eyes.

What color should you dye your hair if your eyes are brown? How to choose hair color for ladies with brown eyes? There are no categorical recipes for what hair color suits brown eyes, since many details need to be taken into account.

To choose a shade without errors, consider:

  • skin tone;
  • your natural color type;
  • oval face;
  • features of your curls;
  • When choosing a hair color for brown eyes, choose a color that matches your eyes.

If you change the base shade by more than three steps, this will lead to an unnatural image. Only women of the “winter” type can resort to such experiments.

Try to choose warm colors. You need to fully think through your image before deciding which color suits your brown eyes.

Ladies have the opportunity to change their hairstyle in various ways. A well-chosen hair color for brown eyes will help create an optimal image.

What hair color, according to experts, suits brown eyes?

Brown eyes and hair color are suitable for hazel accents, smoothly transitioning from light to dark tones.

Let's consider a hair color suitable for brown eyes?

The dark-eyed, dark-skinned lady enjoys increased interest among everyone around her. As a rule, brown-eyed girls have dark hair. Since this type of appearance is considered extravagant and extraordinary, drastic changes can make the image “heavy”. Makeup artists do not advise dark-skinned women to completely lighten their hair.

Lovers of a bright image use shades from baked milk to dark chocolate. Increased volume is achieved by gentle tinting, and red tones are recommended. Honey-caramel accents refresh and add shine to the look.

  1. What colors suit brunettes with brown eyes? Burning brunettes with brown eyes do not need to change their hair color. A wardrobe with turquoise, sand, and greenish tones will refresh and bring newness.
  2. Hair color for brown eyes and dark skin is harmoniously set off with chestnut accents. If a dark-skinned woman does not want to remain dark-haired, her appearance can be slightly refreshed with highlights, creating attractive curls with a caramel tint. By the way, adding volume to the shaded strands will be very useful.
  3. Brown-eyed women are not always dark-skinned - their skin can be milky or peach-colored. Light skin is well complemented by light brown or caramel hair. Choose hair color for brown eyes based on all the nuances of your skin.
  4. What colors suit brown-haired women with brown eyes? Brown-haired women can transform their image with lilac-violet and orange tones. Brown tones and gray tones will add style to the appearance of a brown-haired woman.
  5. If a woman has red hair and brown eyes or dark red hair with naturally brown eyes, this combination is always a winner.
  6. Honey hair color for brown eyes helps create an extravagant and unforgettable style.
  7. Copper hair color with brown eyes, red and copper notes will give a woman unique originality. If you decide to repaint your hair, you must first think about how the bright strands will match the skin. If there are freckles, skin irritations, age spots, red tones should not be preferred - only women with perfectly smooth skin can afford them.
  8. Keep hair color for green-brown eyes in brown, red, wheat shades, which go so well with green-brown eyes.
  9. Light skin and dark hair color for dark brown eyes will be complemented by reddish accents.
  10. Black hair color and brown eyes are harmoniously emphasized by rich, bright shades.
  11. What color is best for light brown eyes? Prefer amber, chestnut, golden shades. Amber hair color for brown eyes will look non-trivial. When choosing hair color for light brown eyes, do not focus on rich dark tones.
  12. Dim light brown color hair for brown eyes suits virtually every woman. This is perhaps the ideal hair color for brown eyes.
  13. What color suits dark brown eyes? Nature has given women with dark eyes a gift because they look great without makeup. Wanting to highlight the depth of dark eyes, take a closer look at the shades of “dark chocolate” and “frosty chestnut”. In addition, you are eligible for:
  • reddish tones;
  • “wine” shades;
  • richness of chocolate tones.

What hair color suits brown eyes? Another palette is also suitable for brown-eyed women, but experts advise abandoning the ash color scheme - it is more suitable for light-eyed ladies.

The platinum brown-eyed blonde always looks impressive and unusual. For some, this style is the height of originality, but most people will consider such a transformation a sign of bad taste.

And yet, you need to take into account that brown-eyed women will not suit excessively whitish strands: it is better to choose sandy shades.

If, against all odds, you decide to transform into a burning blonde, first conduct a test and determine what you will look like after a radical transformation. To do this, try on a wig of the desired color.
There is no need to radically transform. Lighten up gradually and watch the complex changes in your image.

Hair color for brown eyes

What color should you dye your hair if your eyes are brown? A direct answer to the questions: “what best color hair for brown eyes”, “the most suitable hair color for brown eyes”, “what color to dye your hair if your eyes are brown” no. You should not achieve monochrome - by changing your hairstyle, modern masters will help you radically transform yourself. With minimal deviation from naturalness, you can achieve a truly luxurious hairstyle:

  • the style of the effect of burnt ends and regrown roots creates an image for a brown-eyed woman reminiscent of sultry beauties from the south coast;
  • A clear advantage of coloring is its gentle effect, since only some strands are lightened, the degree of aggressiveness of the effect of coloring is reduced. In addition, this method of coloring allows you to get rid of regular coloring of the roots, providing the opportunity to only cut off the ends;
  • highlighting with lightening can be replaced by graduation, when there is a blurred transition from dark shades at the roots to caramel at the ends;
  • multi-color dyeing will look good on hairstyles such as a ladder, cascade or other multi-tiered haircut. This style involves coloring the top of the head in golden shades, and the lower strands in dark shades.

What care is required to maintain beautiful hair color and brown eyes?

Choose high-quality cosmetics to cause minimal harm to the strands. Take proper care to keep your hair shiny.

When deciding on a radical transformation, avoid extremes. By contacting a professional hairdresser, you can rest assured: they will choose the optimal shade and hairstyle for you. Let happy and sudden life changes begin along with your new image!

Hair color for brown eyes in 2017

Since fashion trends are very changeable, deciding on the main directions is not always easy. Leading fashionable color hair of spring - summer 2017 for brown eyes, blonde with sandy shades is recognized. Do not use complete lightening - the color scheme should be associated with natural color and gradually change from one shade to another. The strands should look slightly bleached by the sun's rays.
Hair color for brown eyes 2017 will be characterized by copper shades. The following trends will come into fashion:

  • subtle, iridescent highlights - this is a sombre. After coloring, the border between shades is almost invisible. This style will become the most popular;
  • the version with darkened roots will be carried over from last year. Lovers of light colors will especially be happy about this. Darkened roots leading to light tips are a leading trend for 2017;
  • “Eye of the Tiger” is a great option for hot brunettes. Caramel brown curls suit many girls;
  • by changing the color to metallic, you will make others go numb from the incredible shine of your strands;
    “balayage” coloring is becoming the most popular and is suitable for everyone, since it can be applied to strands of any length;
  • chocolate brown shades will especially appeal to lovers of natural shades;
  • chocolate-lilac curls - as if created for dark-haired women! And although such a tone cannot be classified as natural, it will give a natural appearance;
  • chic “pink blonde” looks great with balayage;
  • fashionable brond (translated from English blond + brown = brond), offers a combination of light and chestnut strands. This concept also implies a combination of several subtones, which allows you to create a multifaceted color of the strands;
  • sandy curls will be the most popular this year. This shade will give the strands a slight shine, creating the effect of the touch of the sun.

Fans of bright style will love the red-golden and violet-lilac palette, which will become the most relevant in 2017. Probably, this is the symbol of 2017, the Rooster gave such extravagant innovations.

Brown eyes are such a common part of women's appearance that many begin to regret their innate dignity. But all this happens due to the fact that not all girls are able to correctly imagine positive traits your appearance and hide your flaws, because not a single eye color can be called ugly; a girl who does not know how to choose the right hair color or makeup to match her appearance can be called ugly. And to prevent this from happening to you, in this article we will look at the ideal hair color for brown eyes, photo examples, and makeup tutorials, taking into account, of course, your skin tone.

Let's first consider the most successful choices of girls in terms of hair coloring for this eye color.

And now I suggest you consider a few tips for owners of brown eyes who want to choose the most beautiful and suitable color for themselves:

1. For a given eye color and light skin, almost all colors in the brown spectrum are suitable. If you want to dye your hair light brown or chestnut, then you don’t have to worry about the color combination. Be sure to monitor the condition of your skin! I don't recommend wearing makeup dark colors if redness or pimples are noticeable on the face.

Colors such as blonde are best not used in their pure form, especially for dark brown eyes. Perhaps shades of milky or golden blonde will suit you.

If you want to dye your hair a darker color, like brown-haired or even brunette, then be sure to monitor the condition of your skin: the darker the hair color and the lighter the skin, the more attention should be paid to the appearance of the latter. But it is still not recommended to choose black and blue-black colors, especially if you have light brown eyes.

Separately, it is worth mentioning red hair color. If your eyes have a slight tint of orange, then red and auburn colors will definitely suit you. If your eyes are dark brown, then you can try auburn, and if your eyes are bright brown with a hint of orange, then perhaps bright red will suit you.

And now, in order to learn how to show yourself in the best light, not only in choosing hair color, I advise you to consider video tutorials on makeup for brown eyes.

2. For a given hair color and dark skin, darker colors are suitable, most often to match the complexion. The most successful are: light brown, dark brown, milk chocolate, chestnut, light brown. When choosing, also proceed from the condition of the face; the more deplorable it is, the more lighter color I advise you to take it.

Blonde hair color is suitable only for more dark shades, that is, golden-blond will be the most successful. But if you have very dark eyes, then it is better to refrain from dyeing them blonde.

Red hair color is suitable here only in a pale or dark form. The first one will look great with light brown eyes or brown with a hint of orange. The second one looks better with dark and bright brown eyes. But, again, I remind you, do not forget to monitor the condition of your skin.

Now I suggest you look at photo examples.

So, if you want to look not just fashionable, but also to attract attention or be in the center of events, then I advise you to consider master classes on makeup for brown eyes and tanned skin.


At all times, women have strived to look in the best possible way, show yourself in a favorable light, highlight your strengths and hide your shortcomings. You can often observe that some colors of clothing suit us, while others do not suit us at all, even if we like them very much, with them our appearance becomes faded and inconspicuous. The same thing happens with makeup. After all, the choice of these colors depends on the color type to which the woman belongs.

The most popular theory today is the “seasons” theory. In practice, it was first used by the legendary makeup artist Max Factor. He divided all women into four types, each of which corresponds to a certain season - winter, spring, summer and autumn. The Max Factor was based on the predominance of warm or cool tones in the color of the skin, hair and eyes, as well as the degree of brightness of these colors. The makeup artist selected his own color palette for each type of appearance.

  • Spring - bright and warm colors;
  • Summer - muted and cold tones;
  • Autumn - muted and warm colors;
  • Winter - bright and cold colors.

Below we will look at each of the color types in detail. After reading the article, you will be able to identify your coloring and determine what type of appearance you belong to.


Women of the spring color type have light, almost transparent, ivory-colored skin. Blonde hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, eyes of warm shades.

Typical spring

    1. blue or gray-green eyes

    2. golden, honey hair

    3. ivory or peach-porcelain leather

        Contrasting spring

          1. sky blue eyes, less often green

          2. light brown or reddish hair

          3. The skin has a light golden tone with an apricot blush.

            Bright spring

              1. bright pure blue or green eyes

              2. the hair is honey-golden or light brown with yellowish color

              3. skin is often beige or peach

              Bright spring

                1. eyes light blue, light gray-green

                2. blond hair or light brown with yellow tint,

                3. the skin has a light peach or ivory tone

                Colors that suit representatives of the “Spring” color type: warm, fresh, sunny.

                • Yellow shades will highlight the natural colors of “spring”.
                • The color of the first green, apple, aquamarine, golden-turquoise.
                • Peach and salmon shades, light red-coral will also look advantageous.
                • White with warm undertones, baked milk, linen, beige, chocolate, gold and cream.

                Unsuccessful shades: snow-white, cold pink, gray shades, black.


                The summer color type is most common in Russia. It, depending on the contrasting combination of hair and skin color, distinguishes four subtypes. Feature“Summer” - the predominance of cold tones in the appearance.

                Typical summer

                  1. blue-gray, hazel eyes

                  2. medium brown hair

                  3. light peach or ivory skin

                  Contrasting summer

                  1. blue eyes

                  2. ash brown or ash brown hair

                  3. ivory leather

                  Bright summer

                    1. eyes blue or light brown

                    2. hair is light ash, blond with a cold tint, grayish

                    3. skin pink or light olive

                    Bright summer

                      1. blue, gray-blue eyes

                      2. hair - light brown, grayish

                      3. light, pink-beige skin, if there is blush, then it has a cool pink tint

                      Summer colors: colors of burnt grass and blue sky.

                      • All cool, smoky blue shades, cool pink, rich emerald.
                      • Moon yellow, gray beige, pastel, blurry tones.
                      • Raspberry, cherry, red wine color, cold purple.

                      Unsuccessful shades: warm and bright colors. Orange, red, green, yellow.


                      Autumn girl skin color varies from transparent white to golden. Representatives of this color type often have freckles. The hair has a red tint, even on blondes it shimmers with gold.

                      Typical autumn

                        1. dark eyes, often brown-green or amber-brown

                        2. hair has a reddish tint, or copper-blond

                        3. peach skin

                        Contrasting autumn

                          1. eyes can be gray or blue, but always with brown streaks

                          2. copper-brown, brown or light brown hair

                          3. ivory skin with peach blush

                          Bright autumn

                            1. green-blue or blue eyes

                              2. brown hair with hints of copper

                              3. beige or peach skin

                              Bright autumn

                                1. light brown eyes, may have a greenish tint

                                2. golden brown hair color, or light copper

                                3. light beige skin with peach blush

                                Colors that suit an “autumn” girl: the main tone is brick red and all its derivatives, all greenish and purple shades.

                                • Representatives of this color type should choose bright and rich colors.
                                • From the warm palette, you should pay attention to the color of old gold, autumn foliage, russet, fawn, copper, warm red and orange.
                                • In addition, mustard, blue-green, olive and khaki colors suit them.

                                "Autumn" is not suitable: pure white, black, cool shades such as blue, indigo or pink and pastel shades.

                                HOW TO DETERMINE COLOR TYPE: WINTER

                                “Winter” girls have two opposite skin tones: white, slightly olive skin with a bluish undertone or dark skin with brown tint. The hair of women of this type is always dark, almost charcoal.

                                Typical winter

                                  1. black or dark brown eyes

                                  2. black or dark brown hair

                                  3. the skin has a bluish, pinkish cold tint

                                  Contrasting winter

                                    1. blue or blue eyes

                                    2. black, plum hair

                                    3. white-beige, porcelain leather

                                    Bright winter

                                      1. brown or blue eyes

                                      2. brown or brown hair

                                      3. beige skin with pink blush

                                      Bright winter

                                        1. blue-gray, blue eyes

                                        2. ash white or gray hair

                                        3. porcelain skin

                                        Basic colors for the “winter” color type: girls who consider themselves to be of the “winter” color type should pay attention to all shades of blue and cyan.

                                        • Purple, turquoise, lemon colors suit them.
                                        • In Winter, contrasting colors on a frosty day look great - white, black, silver.
                                        • From the range of red shades, you should choose dark cherry, raspberry or burgundy.

                                        Worst shades: most warm shades such as orange, red-brown, brick.

                                        HOW TO DETERMINE COLOR TYPE: CHEET SHEET