Test work based on the story by A.P. Platonov “The Unknown Flower”

Literature test Unknown flower(A.P. Platonov) with answers for 6th grade students. The test consists of two options, each option contains 5 tasks with a short answer and 1 general task with a detailed answer.

- Hear how good it smells. That's how he breathes.
The pioneers stood around the little flower for a long time and admired it like a hero. Then they walked around the entire wasteland, measured it in steps and counted how many wheelbarrows with manure and ash needed to be brought in order to fertilize the dead clay.
They wanted the land in the wasteland to become good. Then the little flower, unknown by name, will rest, and from its seeds beautiful children will grow and will not die, the best flowers shining with light, which are not found anywhere...
And the next summer Dasha again came to the same pioneer camp. Throughout the long winter, she remembered a small flower, unknown by name. And she immediately went to the vacant lot to check on him.
Dasha saw that the wasteland was now different, it was now overgrown with herbs and flowers, and birds and butterflies were flying over it. The flowers gave off a fragrance, the same as that little working flower.
However, last year's flower, which lived between the stone and clay, was no longer there. He must have died last fall. The new flowers were also good; they were only a little worse than that first flower. And Dasha felt sad that the old flower was no longer there. She walked back and suddenly stopped. Between two close stones a new flower grew - exactly the same as that old flower, only a little better and even more beautiful. This flower grew from the middle of the crowded stones; he was lively and patient, like his father, and even stronger than his father, because he lived in stone.
It seemed to Dasha that the flower was reaching out to her, that it was calling her to itself with the silent voice of its fragrance.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. The image of an unknown flower allegorically embodies the strength of spirit and the will to live of a person. What is the name of this artistic technique?


Hear how good it smells. That's how he breathes.


...and from its seeds they will grow and not die beautiful children, the best, shining with light flowers that are not found anywhere.


...he was alive and patient, like his father...


Long answer task


Option 2

Short answer questions

1. What is the name for depicting pictures of nature in a literary work?

...the wasteland has now become different, it is now overgrown with herbs and flowers, and birds and butterflies fly over it. There was a fragrance from the flowers...

2. What is the name of the visual medium?
...we stood around a small flower and admired it, like a hero.

3. What is the name of a visual device based on hidden comparison?

They wanted the land in the wasteland to become good.

4. What is the name for depicting inanimate nature as a living being?

However, last year's flower... was no longer there. He must have died last fall.

5. Indicate the name of the visual medium:

This flower grew from the middle of the crowded stones; he was alive And patient…

Long answer task

6. Describe Dasha. By what means does the author recreate her character?

Answers to the literature test Unknown flower (A.P. Platonov)
1 option
1. allegory
2. personification
3. epithet
4. comparison
5. metaphor
Option 2
1. landscape
2. comparison
3. metaphor
4. personification
5. epithet

For many years I have been practicing conducting quizzes on literature from grades 5 to 11. I conduct these mini-surveys (about 10 minutes long) after studying the work in order, firstly, to check how attentive the students were during the lesson when analyzing the work, and secondly, how well they learned the material studied. Easy questions are interspersed with difficult ones. Any student will write at `3` (it is not difficult to answer 6 questions), and at `5` - someone who is attentive to details or able to independently draw conclusions from what they read. From class to class the tasks become more difficult. Students really like this form of work. For some works, they are tasked with creating similar questions themselves, and then we combine them into a quiz.

PS. I am convinced that `The Little Prince` and ` Scarlet Sails` needs to be studied in full, so I have questions about the entire text.



Quiz on a philosophical fairy tale

A. de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”

2. Where does the pilot meet the little prince? (In the Sahara)

3. Why was the Turkish astronomer able to record his discovery not in 1909, but in 1920? (because in 1920 he was dressed in European dress)

4. What was on the prince’s planet? (3 volcanoes, baobabs, rose)

5. Why do you need to weed out baobab trees? (If you give free rein to the baobabs, troubles will not be avoided)

6. In what mood did you love? little prince watch sunsets? (when you're sad)

7. Who, without knowing it, was tamed by the prince on his planet? (rose)

8. Continue: “I got up in the morning, washed my face, put myself in order, …” (“put your planet in order”)

9. What planets did the prince visit? (for a business person, for a drunkard, for an ambitious person, for a lamplighter)

10. Why does a drunkard drink? (to forget that he is ashamed)

11. How is a lamplighter different from others? (he lives for others)

12. Who wanted to be tamed on Earth? (Fox)

13. Continue the phrase: “All people are looking for something. But the eyes are blind...” (“Only the heart is vigilant”)

14. What are we responsible for? (For those who have been tamed)


Quiz based on the story by A. Platonov “The Unknown Flower”

  1. Write who the author of the story is
  2. Where did the flower grow? (in a vacant lot)
  3. How did he get it every day? (difficult)
  4. What color was the flower? (light)
  5. What did the girl carry to the station? (letter)
  6. What attracted the girl to the edge of the wasteland? (fragrance)
  7. Why are you different from others? Answer this question with the words of a flower (because it’s difficult for me)
  8. How many days did the pioneers work fertilizing the land in the wasteland? (4)
  9. Why has the new flower become even more beautiful? (he was alive and patient)
  10. Write the girl's name (Dasha)


Quiz based on the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”

  1. Write the names of two families from the story (Muromsky and Berestov)
  2. What does "Anglomaniac" mean? (person who loves English culture)
  3. Why did Alexey attract young ladies? (with a gloomy, disappointed look and a ring with the image of a death's head)
  4. Why couldn't Alexey and Lisa meet openly? (their families were feuding)
  5. Who did Lisa decide to introduce herself to in order to meet Alexey? (peasant Akulina)
  6. Did Alexey recognize Akulina as Lisa at the dinner party? Why? (no, because Lisa wore a lot of makeup)
  7. What served as a mailbox for correspondence between Alexey and Akulina? (hollow of an old oak tree)
  8. What did Alexey decide to do when he found out that they wanted to marry him? (marry Akulina)
  9. Who did Alexey see in the living room? (Akulin-Liza)
  10. Name the imaginary and real authors of the story (I. Belkin, A. Pushkin)

Quiz based on the story by A.S. Pushkin "Shot"

  1. Write the name of the main character of the story (Silvio)
  2. Approximately how old was he? (35)
  3. In what art did he achieve great success? (in pistol shooting)
  4. Did he fight with the officer who insulted him during a card game? (No)
  5. What reminded you of the fight that happened 6 years ago? (hole in the cap from a shot)
  6. What did the young officer eat during the old duel? (cherries)
  7. What was the name of the housekeeper who could tell fairy tales? (Kirillovna)
  8. Write the name of the young countess. (Masha)
  9. Why main character didn’t shoot at his offender in a long-standing duel? (the young officer did not value his life at all)
  10. Why didn't the main character shoot him during last meeting? (he saw how the young spouses loved each other and valued each other’s lives, and also saw confusion and timidity in the count’s eyes)


Quiz based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”

Chapters 1-4

  1. Write the names of the two main landowners characters 1 chapter. (Troekurov and Dubrovsky)
  2. What caused the quarrel between them? (Houndmaster Paramoshka insulted Dubrovsky, and Troekurov defended the huntsman)
  3. How did Troekurov decide to teach Dubrovsky a lesson? (Take away the estate)
  4. Name of the assessor who took charge of the case (Shabashkin)
  5. What happened to the health of old man Dubrovsky? (fell ill)
  6. What was the name of the real hero of the story? (Vladimir)
  7. Write the name of the Dubrovskys’ native estate (Kistenevka)
  8. Why did Troekurov personally come to the Dubrovskys’ yard? (wanted to make peace)
  9. What happened to old man Dubrovsky? (died)
  10. Did the servants want to go into Troyekurov’s service? (No)

Chapters 4-9

  1. What was the name of Troekurov's daughter? (Masha)
  2. Write the girl's age (17 years old)
  3. Last name of a French teacher (Deforge)
  4. What was the profession of the courtyard Arkhip? (blacksmith)
  5. What animal did he save during the fire? (cat)
  6. Where did Anton Pafnutich keep his money? (in a leather bag under a shirt on the chest)
  7. What bad omen is associated with whistling? (whistle money survives)
  8. How much money did Dubrovsky offer to Deforge? (10,000 rubles)
  9. Write the name of Deforge's pupil (Sasha)
  10. Write the name of Troekurov's estate (Pokrovskoye)

Quiz on chapters 12-19 of “Dubrovsky”

  1. Last name of the old prince who wooed Maria Kirillovna (Vereisky)
  2. The name of his estate (Arbatovo)
  3. What did Dubrovsky give to Maria Kirillovna? (ring)
  4. What served as a mailbox in the correspondence between Maria Kirillovna and Dubrovsky? (oak hollow)
  5. What was the name of the ragged red-haired boy who fought with Sasha? (Mitya)
  6. How I did it old prince when Dubrovsky opened the carriage door? (shot him)
  7. Did Maria Kirillovna agree to follow Dubrovsky? Why? (No, because she was married to someone else. She remained true to her word)
  8. Where did Dubrovsky hide? (went abroad)
  9. Why did Dubrovsky want to take revenge on Troekurov? (for the ruin and death of his father)
  10. Why did Dubrovsky give up revenge? (loved Maria Kirillovna)


Quiz based on the story by V. Rasputin “French Lessons”

  1. Who is the author of the story?
  2. In what year did the events take place? (in 1948)
  3. How old was the author at the time? (11 years old)
  4. What was the name of the stingy village man who scooped up a bucket of potatoes for the boy? (Ilya)
  5. What river flowed in that area? (Angara)
  6. What was the name of the money game? ("chika")
  7. What class did Vadik study in? (in the seventh)
  8. What was the name of the school principal? (Vasily Andreevich)
  9. Where was Lydia Mikhailovna from? (From Kuban)
  10. Complete the sentence: “A person ages not when he lives to old age, but ...” (when he ceases to be a child)


Quiz on the fairy tale - were M.M. Prishvina “Pantry of the Sun”

  1. Author of the work (M. Prishvin)
  2. What are the names of the children and their nicknames (Mitrasha - a little man in a bag and Nastya - a golden chicken on high legs)
  3. What was the name of the place where a lot of cranberries grew? (Palestinian)
  4. Who is the Gray Landowner? (wolf)
  5. What was the name of the place that was disastrous for people and animals? (Blind Elan)
  6. What path grows along the trodden paths? (white-bearded)
  7. What animal did the girl see? (moose)
  8. With whose help did the boy manage to escape? (Dogs of Grass)
  9. What happened to the Gray Landowner? (the boy killed him)
  10. What did the children do with the collected berries? (Given for Leningrad children)
  11. On whose behalf is the story being told? (Geological prospectors tell the story of the children)
  12. Why did the sister forget about her brother when she was alone? (I got carried away with picking berries, the thirst for acquisition overcame my love for my brother)
  13. How do you understand the expression: “ Little man stopped a big heart in himself” (when and why did he do this?) (when he was drowning in a swamp and saw Grass. He deceived the dog to save himself)
  14. “There was a peasant who swam, and whoever was brave ate two: not a peasant, but a hero.” Why did the villagers come to such a conclusion? (Managed to get out, didn’t get confused in a difficult situation, killed the wolf)


Quiz on parts 1 and 2 of the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green

  1. Which fairyland is there an extravaganza going on? (In Greenland)
  2. Why did Longren hate Menners? (for not coming to Mary’s aid and dooming her to death)
  3. Why did the residents of Kaperna dislike and fear Longren? (He did not help Menners, he was unsociable)
  4. Answer the question Assol asked Longren: “Why don’t they like us?” (You have to be able to love, but they can’t do that)
  5. What did Longren do for a living? (made toys)
  6. Who did you meet on the way to Liss Assol? (collector of fairy tales from Aigle)
  7. What fairy tale did the man give to the girl? (about a ship with scarlet sails on which a handsome prince will sail and take her away)
  8. How did the residents of Kaperna know this story? (a beggar overheard her and told everyone in revenge for Longren not giving him tobacco)
  9. What was present in Gray that was not in his proud and arrogant parents? (living soul)
  10. Why did Gray cover up Christ's wounds? (he didn’t want anyone to suffer in front of him)
  11. What was written on the barrel of wine stored in the cellar? (“Gray will drink me when he’s in heaven”)
  12. When did Gray understand what pain was? (When I splashed some soup on my hand)
  13. What happened one day in Gray's mind when he, twelve years old, walked into the library? (I saw a ship in the picture and decided that I would be the captain)
  14. What did Gray do in his fifteenth year of life? (secretly left the house and went to the ship as a cabin boy)
  15. What was the name of Gray's ship, purchased after he spent five years as an apprentice on the Anselm? ("Secret")

Quiz on parts 3 and 4 of the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green

  1. What was Letika doing when Gray saw Assol? (fishing)
  2. How and where did Gray and Assoli’s “first date” take place? (On the shore. He saw her sleeping)
  3. What did Gray Assoli leave as a souvenir of himself? (I put the old ring on my little finger)
  4. How did Gray determine that Assol was not, in fact, crazy? (Seeing only Assol's eyes)
  5. If you believe in a dream, then the coal miner's basket... Continue the sentence. (will bloom)
  6. What was the girl's favorite dream? (an impossible country where there is sparkling blue water, flowering trees, melancholy, charm, mystery)
  7. How did Assol feel in the thickets of grass and trees? (Like home, called them brothers, talked to insects and animals)
  8. When and how did she first see “The Secret”? (At dawn everything was ablaze in the rays of the sun)
  9. Who woke up Assol? (A fly wandering over a bare foot)
  10. When she pinned her hair, it seemed to her that the stem got caught between her fingers. She looked and saw... (Gray's ring)

Quiz on parts 5,6,7 of the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green

  1. What silk did Gray choose in the shop? (He was like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble joy and royalty. He blushed with the charm of spiritual reflection)
  2. Musician Zimmer says: “The cello is my Carmen, and the violin is...” What did Gray add? (Assol)
  3. Which musicians did Gray invite on board the Secret? (vagrants whose soul flows through music)
  4. What did Gray never carry on his ship? (soap, nails, machine parts)
  5. What kind of person was Gray? A dreamer or a man of action? (a man of action)
  6. What did Longren decide to do because of lack of money? (go on a mail boat so as not to leave Assol for a long time)
  7. What was the coal miner's name? (Philip)
  8. Thanks to the story with Assolue Gray I understood one truth. What kind of truth is this? (make miracles with your own hands)
  9. What did Assol do when “The Secret” approached Kaperna? (read a book)
  10. What word is the green bug stuck on? (Look)
  11. What greeted Assol on the ship? (Music)
  12. What was the only question Assol asked Gray? (Will he take Longren with him?)
  13. What was finally revealed? (a barrel of wine that Gray should drink in heaven)
  14. Why did this happen? (Everyone was happy)


Quiz based on a fairy tale by N.S. Leskova "Lefty"

  1. Name of the sovereign emperor traveling in England (Alexander)
  2. Which distinctive features appearance Lefties? (Hair pulled out during training, in rags, sideways, short)
  3. What metal was the flea made of and how did it turn on? (made of steel, key)
  4. What is a cabinet of curiosities? (collection of antiquities)
  5. How, according to Platov, differs Russian masters from English ones? (non-scientist, lives in other conditions)
  6. Why does Lefty cross himself with his left hand? (He can’t do anything with his right hand)
  7. Why doesn't Lefty like the English faith? (there are no holidays except Sundays)
  8. Why did Lefty urgently get ready to go home? (learned a state secret)
  9. What did Lefty want to tell the sovereign? (The British don’t clean their guns with bricks)
  10. Did Lefty manage to meet the generals and the king? Why? (I didn’t meet because no one would listen to this)
  11. Why did Lefty die? Who is to blame for his death? (It turned out that no one needed him in his homeland, forgotten. Power, inattention.)


Quiz based on the story by V. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

  1. Who is the author of the story?
  2. From whose perspective is the story being told? (on behalf of the author)
  3. What are they called? unusual words, used in a certain area? (dialect)
  4. Where and at what time do the events of the story take place? (in Siberia, before the war)
  5. What river did the children swim in? (in Yenisei)
  6. What was your grandmother's name? (Katerina Petrovna)
  7. Did the author have a brother? (Yes, Alyosha)
  8. What did Sanka have that made both the author and the other kids jealous? (Hole between teeth through which you can spit well)
  9. Why did his grandmother, despite the deception, buy him a gingerbread with a horse?
  10. What life lessons did the hero learn from this story? Why does he still remember this gingerbread? ( last questions invite children to independently think and can be assessed separately)

Quiz based on the story “Doll” by E. I. Nosov

  1. What landmark was not far from Lipino opposite the headless mound? (swirlpool)

2. Who was the owner of the pool? (som)

3. Who worked as a ferryman on the river? (Akimych)

4. What happened to Lipin’s pit after many years? (turned into a swamp, became shallow)

5. What happened to Akimych’s hut? (burned)

6. Why does Akimych need a shovel? (to bury a tortured doll)

7. What does he call sacrilege? (mockery of a doll)

8. What worries Akimych? (Everyone looks and does not react in any way to this sacrilege)

9. Why is Akimych not indifferent to what is happening? (He went through the war)

10. Explain the phrase: “You can’t bury everything” (answer independently)



based on the story by I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow"

  1. Author of the work.
  2. In what month and at what time of day do the events take place? (July, at night)
  3. How many boys were sitting around the fire? (five)
  4. Why did Gavrila walk around looking sad? (the mermaid bewitched)
  5. Why did Yermil dream of a talking ram? (was drunk)
  6. Say the name of Vanya’s sister (Anyutka)
  7. Why doesn't Leshy scream? (he's mute)
  8. When, according to popular belief, will Trishka come to earth? (when the end times come)
  9. What was cooking in the pot? (potato)
  10. Which boy did the author like best? (Pavlusha)


Quiz based on the story by P. Merimee “Matteo Falcone”

  1. What are "poppies"? (dense impenetrable thickets where criminals were hiding)
  2. Name the most remarkable qualities of Matteo Falcone (hospitality, friendliness, accuracy, honesty, hatred of betrayal)
  3. Name your son Matteo Falcone. Why was he called that? (Fortunato)
  4. Under what conditions did the boy agree to hide the bandit? (per silver coin)
  5. What role did the silver watch play? (wanting to get them, the boy indicated the place where he hid the bandit)
  6. What were the bandit's last words to Matteo's house? (house of the traitor)
  7. What did Matteo Falcone’s words mean: “Curse!” (he realized what the boy had done and what he himself must do with his son)
  8. What did Matteo do while the boy was saying his prayers? (digging a grave)
  9. Answer Giuseppa's question: "What did you do?" ("Done justice")
  10. Why did the father decide to do this? (The honor of the family, the honor of the name should not be covered with shame)

Quiz on the passage “Odysseus among the Cyclopes”

1.Where did the Cyclops live? (in the cave)

2. What did he do? (herding sheep and goats)

3. Why did Odysseus, on the advice of his comrades, not return to the ship? (I wanted to meet Cyclops)

4. How was the Cyclops in relation to his herd? (caring)

5. What did Cyclops have for dinner? (by two of Odysseus's companions)

6. Who is the divine Eos? (goddess of the dawn) What did the elder advise the elders? (do what they are told)

  • What did the elder tell you to do? (dig wells, put tubs in them, put jelly and honey in them)
  • What character qualities helped the elder save the city? (cunning, experience, wisdom, patriotism)
  • Why were the enemy envoys surprised? (the land itself feeds Belgorod residents)
  • How did the ambassadors prove this to their princes? (they were taken away in the tavern to try)
  • What did the enemy princes do? (they released the hostages and left the city back home)
  • In which chronicle story is this event written? (in The Tale of Bygone Years)
  • Quiz on the article “Old Russian Literature”

    1. What monuments of ancient Russian literature have survived to our time? (chronicles)
    2. What word does the word “literature” come from? (litera, what does a letter mean)
    3. Why did people read ancient Russian books slowly, rereading them several times? (books were compared to the depths of the sea, and the reader to a pearl diver)
    4. Why are ancient Russian books considered full of poetry? (they contain hyperboles, metaphors, epithets, comparisons)
    5. What are the names of works united by historical and heroic themes? (epic)
    6. Who was the hero ancient Russian works? (princes, heroes)
    7. What does it teach Old Russian literature? (patriotism, love for the Motherland, kindness, respect)
    8. In what year was Christianity adopted? (988)
    9. What language enriched the ancient Russian language after the adoption of Christianity? (Church Slavonic)
    10. When did conscious fiction appear in literature? (in the 17th century)


    Quiz based on the story by F. Iskander

    "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules"

    1. What was the name of the mathematician at school? (Kharlampy Diogenovich)
    2. Who was the director afraid of? (head teacher)
    3. Name the main weapon of a teacher. (Make a person funny)
    4. Favorite game of the main character. (football)
    5. Name the institution that, in the director’s opinion, interfered with the pedagogical process. (Stadium)
    6. Name the hero's chronic disease (malaria)
    7. Why did Alik ask to be called Alik? Why was he ashamed of his real name? (Adolf was the name of Hitler who attacked the country)
    8. Continue the phrase: “Hercules accomplished his feats as a brave man, but this young man accomplished his feat out of...” (cowardice)
    9. What does the main character compare the call from class to? (with funeral bell)
    10. The name of the author of the story.

    To the question Help with questions about the fairy tale “The Unknown Flower” please, it’s really needed. given by the author Sock the best answer is fabulous:

    Any flower has a stem, a corolla, leaves, any flower grows, feeds on moisture, catches the rays of the sun, many flowers fight for their existence

    Reply from Partition[newbie]
    1) A flower is like a person. Not at all like other flowers and plants.
    2) She liked him because he was handsome and seemed different to her than others. The character, to be honest, is difficult to identify. Perhaps she is kind and good.
    3) He treats the flower, like the girl, positively, with respect, so to speak.
    4) If you read it a couple of times last page- you will understand.
    As far as I remember, it is that no matter what you are, you must exist. And be sure to fight. Something like that.
    5) Not a correct question, unfortunately.

    Reply from Dima belykov[active]
    What’s fabulous is that Dasha was talking to a flower. What is real is that a flower grew in the stones. Example:
    -Why are you like this?
    “I don’t know,” answered the flower.
    Between two close stones a new flower grew - exactly the same as that one. old flower, only a little better and even more beautiful. The flower, however, did not want to live sadly: therefore, when he was completely sad, he dozed. It was very difficult for him to grow in the stones alone!!

    Reply from Yergey Butaev[newbie]
    thank you

    Reply from Neurologist[newbie]
    thank you

    Reply from Maxim Vorobyov[newbie]
    5. The girl and the flower are different from other heroes. The main character is not like other plants, he grew up in a wasteland and it is very difficult for him to live, but at the same time he is strong because he was able to survive in unfavorable conditions. Dasha is a very caring girl, thanks to her idea, the wasteland turned into a clearing.

    Reply from Polina Shekhireva[newbie]

    “Because it’s difficult for me...”

    Dialogue between Dasha and the flower:
    “Why are you like this?
    “I don’t know,” answered the flower.

    Reply from Warface[newbie]
    thank you

    Reply from Nikita Ivanov[newbie]
    the flower talks, thinks, is sad
    Any flower has a stem, a corolla, leaves, any flower grows, feeds on moisture, catches the rays of the sun, many flowers fight for their existence

    Reply from Iuslan Huseynov[newbie]
    To Dasha with great sympathy

    Reply from Alina X[newbie]
    Read the work and understand and answer the questions yourself. They just make mistakes very often in GDS.

    Reply from Oleg Uryupin[newbie]
    pussy kolobok

    Reply from Ruslana Mishonkova[newbie]
    thank you

    Reply from †††Der Schwarze Auge†††[newbie]
    1. A. Platonov called his work a fairy tale. What is fabulous and what is real about it? Give examples. What did the flower do so as not to live sadly? How did the flower explain its difference from others?
    What’s fabulous about this work is that the flower feels like an animated being and behaves accordingly: sleeps, dreams (so as not to live sadly), talks to Dasha. The line connected with Dasha and other pioneers is real: they saw the plight of the flower and fertilized the soil in its wasteland, helping other flowers to grow there.
    He explained his dissimilarity to the girl like this:
    “Why are you different from others?
    “Because it’s difficult for me...”
    2. Why was Dasha interested? small flower? How and in what ways is Dasha’s character revealed?
    Dasha was interested in the little flower because it was so lonely, but at the same time strong: it was able to survive in a wasteland without special conditions for existence. She sees in him a congenial being: maybe he also misses his mother. Dasha is a kind girl, sensitive, sensitive. This can be seen in her attitude towards the flower: she notices it, feels sorry for it, calls friends to help it, visits it before leaving, does not forget about it even after a year.
    3. How does the author feel about the flower and the girl?
    The author likes his characters - the flower and Dasha. He admires them: how the flower struggles with the harsh conditions of life, how subtly the girl feels nature.
    4. What is the meaning of the ending of the fairy tale?
    The meaning of the ending was that you always need to be strong, to fight for your existence, and therefore for the existence of subsequent generations (flower in stone). Every little victory we have helps the world become better and move further.
    5. How are Platonov’s main characters different from others? Why is it difficult for them to live?
    Andrei Platonov's heroes are active, active, they always strive for the future, for the better. Of course, this is much more difficult than just sitting and doing nothing. Such heroes will definitely encounter obstacles along the way, but they are very strong in spirit, so they will all win and make the world a better, kinder place.
    Develop your speech (to pp. 37-38)
    2. In this wonderful fairy tale An unusual hero - a flower - thinks, reflects, tries to survive among the stones. The writer talks about him in an unusual way too.
    Try to explain the words, phrases and say what sounds unusual in them: “He worked day and night to live and not die,” “he needed life and overcame his pain from hunger and fatigue with patience,” “The flower, however, did not I wanted to live sadly."
    “He worked day and night to live and not die” - the unusualness of this phrase is that in the second part there are two synonyms next to each other, because in essence “to live” and “not to die” are one and the same thing. But it is very important for the writer to emphasize the flower’s desire to live, so he used both of these words at the same time.
    “He needed life and overcame with patience his pain from hunger and fatigue” - it is strange to read that pain comes from hunger, but for Platonov this pain is not just from hunger and fatigue, but from the trials and suffering experienced in general.
    “The flower, however, did not want to live sadly” - in this phrase we see the personification of the flower: just like a person he feels and thinks.
    3. Read the dialogue between Dasha and the flower. How does each of them understand the verb “to call”?
    Dialogue between Dasha and the flower:
    “Why are you like this?
    “I don’t know,” answered the flower.
    -Why are you different from others?
    The flower doesn't matter again. what to say. But for the first time he heard a person’s voice so close, for the first time someone looked at him, and he did not want to offend Dasha with silence.
    “Because it’s difficult for me,” answered the flower.
    -What's your name? - Dasha asked.
    “Nobody calls me,” said the little flower, “I live alone.”
    By pronouncing the verb “to call”, the girl wants to know the name of the flower, but the flower by this verb means something completely different - communication with other creatures.

    Unknown flower

    (Fairy tale)
    Once upon a time there lived a little flower. Nobody knew that he was on earth. He grew up alone in a vacant lot; cows and goats did not go there, and children from the pioneer camp never played there. No grass grew in the vacant lot, but only old gray stones lay, and between them there was dry, dead clay. Only the wind was blowing through the wasteland; like a grandfather sower, the wind carried seeds and sowed them everywhere - both in the black damp earth and on a bare stone wasteland. In the good black earth, flowers and herbs were born from seeds, but in stone and clay, the seeds died.
    And one day a seed fell from the wind, and it nestled in a hole between stone and clay. This seed languished for a long time, and then it became saturated with dew, disintegrated, released thin root hairs, stuck them into the stone and clay and began to grow.
    This is how that little flower began to live in the world. There was nothing for him to eat in stone and clay; drops of rain that fell from the sky fell on the top of the earth and did not penetrate to its root, but the flower lived and lived and grew little by little higher. He raised the leaves against the wind, and the wind died down near the flower; specks of dust fell from the wind onto the clay, which the wind brought from the black, fat earth; and in those dust particles there was food for the flower, but the dust particles were dry. To moisten them, the flower guarded the dew all night and collected it drop by drop on its leaves. And when the leaves became heavy with dew, the flower lowered them, and the dew fell down; it moistened the black earthen dust that the wind brought and corroded the dead clay. During the day the flower was guarded by the wind, and at night by the dew. He worked day and night to live and not die. He grew his leaves large so that they could stop the wind and collect dew. However, it was difficult for the flower to feed only from dust particles that fell from the wind, and also to collect dew for them. But he needed life and overcame his pain from hunger and fatigue with patience. Only once a day did the flower rejoice: when the first ray of the morning sun touched its tired leaves. If the wind did not come to the wasteland for a long time, then the little flower became ill, and it no longer had enough strength to live and grow. The flower, however, did not want to live sadly; therefore, when he was completely sad, he dozed off. Still, he constantly tried to grow, even if his roots gnawed at bare stone and dry clay. At such a time, its leaves could not be saturated with full strength and become green: one vein was blue, another red, the third blue or gold. This happened because the flower lacked food, and its torment was indicated in the leaves. different colors. The flower itself, however, did not know this: after all, it was blind and did not see itself as it is. In mid-summer the flower opened its corolla at the top. Before that, it looked like grass, but now it has become a real flower. Its corolla was composed of the petals of a simple light color, clear and strong, like a star. And, like a star, it shone with a living, flickering fire, and it was visible even in dark night. And when the wind came to the wasteland, it always touched the flower and carried its smell with it. And then one morning the girl Dasha was walking past that vacant lot. She lived with her friends in a pioneer camp, and this morning she woke up and missed her mother. She wrote a letter to her mother and took the letter to the station so that it would arrive quickly. On the way, Dasha kissed the envelope with the letter and envied him that he would see his mother sooner than she did. At the edge of the wasteland, Dasha felt a fragrance. She looked around. There were no flowers nearby, only small grass grew along the path, and the wasteland was completely bare; but the wind came from the wasteland and brought from there a quiet smell, like the calling voice of a little unknown life . Dasha remembered one fairy tale, her mother told her a long time ago. The mother spoke about a flower that was always sad for its mother - a rose, but it could not cry, and only in the fragrance did its sadness pass. “Maybe this flower misses its mother there, like me,” Dasha thought. She went into the wasteland and saw that small flower near the stone. Dasha has never seen such a flower before - neither in the field, nor in the forest, nor in a picture of a book, nor in a botanical garden, anywhere. She sat down on the ground near the flower and asked him: “Why are you like this?” “I don’t know,” answered the flower. - Why are you different from others? The flower again did not know what to say. But for the first time he heard a person’s voice so close, for the first time someone looked at him, and he did not want to offend Dasha with silence. “Because it’s difficult for me,” answered the flower. - What's your name? - Dasha asked. “Nobody calls me,” said the little flower, “I live alone.” Dasha looked around in the wasteland. - Here is a stone, here is clay! - she said. - How do you live alone, how did you grow from clay and not die, you little one? “I don’t know,” answered the flower. Dasha leaned towards him and kissed his glowing head. The next day, all the pioneers came to visit the little flower. Dasha led them, but long before reaching the vacant lot, she ordered everyone to take a breath and said: “Hear how good it smells.” That's how he breathes. The pioneers stood around the little flower for a long time and admired it like a hero. Then they walked around the entire wasteland, measured it in steps and counted how many wheelbarrows with manure and ash needed to be brought in to fertilize the dead clay. They wanted the land in the wasteland to become good. Then the little flower, unknown by name, will rest, and from its seeds beautiful children will grow and will not die, the best flowers shining with light, which are not found anywhere. The pioneers worked for four days, fertilizing the land in the wasteland. And after that they went traveling to other fields and forests and never came to the wasteland again. Only Dasha came one day to say goodbye to the little flower. Summer was already ending, the pioneers had to go home, and they left. And the next summer Dasha again came to the same pioneer camp. Throughout the long winter, she remembered a small flower, unknown by name. And she immediately went to the vacant lot to check on him. Dasha saw that the wasteland was now different, it was now overgrown with herbs and flowers, and birds and butterflies were flying over it. The flowers gave off a fragrance, the same as from that little working flower. However, last year's flower, which lived between the stone and clay, was no longer there. He must have died last fall. The new flowers were also good; they were only a little worse than that first flower. And Dasha felt sad that the old flower was no longer there. She walked back and suddenly stopped. Between two close stones a new flower grew - exactly the same as that old flower, only a little better and even more beautiful. This flower grew from the middle of the crowded stones; he was lively and patient, like his father, and even stronger than his father, because he lived in stone. It seemed to Dasha that the flower was reaching out to her, that it was calling her to itself with the silent voice of its fragrance.