Topics for KVN dedicated to February 23. Dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Kulish Irina Sergeevna, mathematics teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 18, Kungur, Perm Territory
The event is designed for students in grades 5-6.
To carry out it is necessary:
3 presenters
3 teams
Materials: peas and rice, 3 A4 sheets, 3 scarves, three felt-tip pens, 3 packs of paper clips, question cards, 3 plates of flour, 3 balls, 3 dartboards, 3 rolls of toilet paper, a score sheet for the jury.

1 presenter:
Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!
Do you know why February 23 is called Defenders of the Fatherland Day?
On February 23, 1918, the Red Army was formed. And this day began to be celebrated as the Birthday of the Red Army.
After the formation of the USSR, this holiday was renamed the Day Soviet Army. Later it began to be called the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy. And now February 23rd is Defenders of the Fatherland Day
But this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.
We wish you all to become strong, brave, brave, protect the weak, and become worthy representatives of our Motherland.
And now you can show your courage, courage, resourcefulness and cohesion.
2 presenter: We give you a friendly message -
Great success awaits him
Who, without flinching, if necessary,
Will enter the battle one for all.

3 presenter: Let the jury take the entire course of the battle
He will follow it without a mistake,
Who will be friendlier?
He will win in battle.

Presenter 1: Boys, now we will choose the captains of future teams. To do this you need to solve a riddle.
2 presenter: First riddle:
It flies - it squeaks, it sits - it is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood.
I wanted to pick a flower, it took off and was like that (Butterfly)

3 presenter. First team captain - (Names the first and last name of the person who guessed it) comes out and takes the first group of chairs
1 presenter: Second riddle:
No one saw it, but everyone heard it. Without a body, but it walks, without a head it sings.
In a shell - but not a turtle, crawls, but not a snail, lives in the sea, but not a fish (Crab)
2 presenter. Second team captain - (Names the first and last name of the person who guessed it) comes out and takes the second group of chairs

2 presenter: Third riddle:
A clock in which time falls apart.
Sometimes it’s crooked, sometimes it’s broken, sometimes it’s Venetian (Mirror)

3 presenter: Third captain of the team - (Names the name and surname of the person who guessed it) comes out and takes the third group of chairs.
Presenter 2: Now each captain will select a team for himself. To do this, you just need to take a piece of paper out of the plate, unfold it and loudly say the name of your player.

1 presenter: Let's start
The command recruitment procedure is underway
2 presenter: After the teams are formed, you need to give them a name and motto.
3 presenter: And while the teams are busy with serious business, we will present to the jury:
Introduces himself to the jury
1 presenter: Often defenders of the Fatherland have to deal with weapons. How accurate are our defenders? Let's check it out.
Presenter 2: Our first competition is called “The Most Accurate”. You must hit the target with darts as many times as possible. And the representative of the first team begins (Names the team), and then the second and third teams.

After the competition, the jury sums up the results and announces the number of points scored by each team.

3 presenter: Our second competition is the “Captains Competition”. After all, the success of the entire team often depends on the captains, how they show themselves.
1 presenter: if the captain proves himself strong, brave, resourceful, then his team will be united and successful. We ask the captains to come forward, and let the teams support them.
2 presenter: Every captain, first of all, must be strong. So let's see which of you will inflate the balloon the fastest (the captains inflate the balloons, and the jury determines: Who is ahead?)
3 presenter: Also, the captain must be resilient and patient. Which of you will be the fastest to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, rice from peas?
1 presenter: In order to find a way out of a difficult situation and not let his comrades down, the captain must be resourceful. Your task is to get the candy out of the plate with flour without using your hands.
We found out how resourceful, strong and patient they are, and now how accurately you remember military equipment.
So, the next “Artists” competition
WITH eyes closed Each team needs to draw a tank.
Team members are blindfolded one by one, brought to a board on which an A4 sheet is attached and given a felt-tip pen.
2 presenter: The success of our soldiers in battle is determined by the fact that they support each other and do not abandon their comrades in trouble.
3 presenter: Our next competition, which is called “Chain”,
We will test the team's cohesion, ability to help each other and act in concert.
Presenter 1: You are offered the same number of paper clips. The team that assembles one chain from them faster will win this competition. And all the fans will count down in unison - One... Two... Three... Let's start.
1 presenter: A true defender of the Fatherland never leaves his friends to their fate, but always helps them get out of the most difficult situations.
2 presenter: The following competition is being held for you: “If you go on a journey with a friend...”

And all the fans will count down in unison - One... Two... Three... Let's start.
The competition takes place, the jury announces the results

3 presenter: Defenders of the Fatherland are distinguished not only by strength, courage and endurance. A true defender of the Fatherland must be smart and well-read. The next competition is “Quiz”.
1 presenter: captains receive cards with questions and the whole team answers them. The answer is written on the card. You are given three minutes for this task.
Time goes by competition.
Presenter 2: Now we ask the captains to read out the answers out loud. If the answer is not written down on the card, the verbal answer will not be counted.
The competition takes place, the jury announces the results

Presenter 3: While fighting bravely on the battlefield, a soldier may be wounded. And who will help him if not his comrade? Our final competition "Mummy"
1 presenter: imagine that your friend is wounded in the arm. You need to bandage it, do it quickly and efficiently.
Each team is given one roll of toilet paper. After the students bandage the captain, they approach the jury, which evaluates the quality of the task.

Presenter 2: Who said that we should give up singing during the war?
3 presenter: After the fight, the heart asks for doubly music!
1 presenter: And now a competition for the fans. Help the team you support win.
2 presenter: The “Military Song” competition is being held for you. Your task is to sing a war song the best and thereby bring your favorite team a maximum of 10 points.
The competition takes place, the jury announces the winner
Presenter 3: Now let’s sum up the results and reward the winners of the tournament

Award ceremony takes place

Presenter 2: Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the fire of competition,
Guaranteed success.
1 presenter: And now we’ll treat everyone
Fragrant, strong tea.
Those who eagerly drink tea,
The “tea room” has been waiting for a long time! Question No. Question Answer
1 What formidable weapon is named after a girl? (Katyusha)
2 In what year was the Red Army formed? (In 1918)
3 Which weapon is named after its inventor? (Kalashnikov assault rifle)
4 What are the shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (Epaulettes)
5 What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Jung)
6 What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)
7 Using what device can you determine the cardinal directions? (Compass)


Target: organization of leisure time for children (students).

education of patriotism;
instilling in the younger generation respect for military personnel of the Russian army;

aesthetic and spiritual education of students;

development of artistic creativity;
developing a sense of collectivism, the ability to play in a team;
broadening the horizons of children (students).

Form of conduct : competitive program.
Venue : assembly hall of MBOU Savinskaya Secondary School.
Participants : Military-industrial complex “Children of the Fatherland” and the club “Lesovichek”.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear game participants and fans, dear jury! Our today's KVN will be dedicated to the future defenders of the Fatherland.
It is no coincidence that we begin KVN with the characterization of an ordinary soldier Vasily Terkin. This image will accompany us throughout the game, and I wish its participants to be as savvy, resourceful and resilient as Terkin himself. Teams are essentially platoons, and the jury is headquarters, in which generals make important and responsible decisions in the course of today's game or in reviewing troops.

So, go ahead!

First competition– business card .
Each platoon (team) must introduce itself. Announce the name, motto and emblem.

Second competition - warm-up

Each platoon (team) prepares three questions for the opposing platoon (team) on the history of the Russian army and great commanders.

Maximum score 10 points.

Third competition STEM "One day in the life of a soldier"
Presenter: You can live without food for a day,
More is possible, but sometimes
In a one-minute war
Can't live without a joke
Jokes of the most unwise.
It’s impossible to live without shag,
From bombing to another
Without a good saying
Or some kind of saying...

No more than three representatives from each platoon (team) participate in this match and reveal the topic of STEM for 10 minutes.

Maximum score 10 points.

Presenter: The February wind stirred the pages,

Putting order in the calendar.

Then he suddenly decided to stop

A long time ago a holiday was established...

What can I say, tradition is strong

We congratulate men and boys again -

We wish them peace and goodness!

Events and faces change.

And someone gets a new rank...

But women want to be proud

Reliability of protectors of men!

Presenter: While the jury sums up the results, the teams can rest.
And now the game with the audience!

Fifth competition - "Playing with the Spectators"
Presenter: It takes place in the form of an auction, the one who answers last wins.
1. Name films about the army and soldiers.
2. Remember songs about the army and the soldier.

Spectators who answer correctly are awarded a star.

Presenter: This is where our KVN ends. But before I give the floor to the jury to sum up the results, I would like to comment on the upcoming action again in the words of V. Terkin, who could speak on behalf of each team.

No guys, I'm not proud.
Without thinking into the distance,
So I’ll say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal...

And now a word to our generals. Which one of you is the commander-in-chief? Rate today's battles of our fighters!

The jury members announce the winner. Prizes and souvenirs are presented, and the most active spectators are awarded. Music performed by the Blue Berets group

Spend a holiday in educational institution or at an enterprise you can do it in an original, erudite way. Use this to bring your ideas to life KVN script for February 23. Full of physical and intellectual competitions.

KVN script for February 23 - the beginning of the celebration

Creative and entertainment program "A soldier is always a soldier"

Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we have an unusual meeting. You and I will be witnesses and participants in the “Come on, guys!” competition. We are not afraid of any bad weather: we have home country reliable shield. On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

Soldier Russian Army costs. First, let's select two teams. (Selection of teams.) We invite these brave young people to compete in dexterity, skill, creativity and artistry, strength and knowledge. (Jury selection.)

The highest score for each competition is 5 points. The jury sums up the results after each competition. One point for each answer to the questions. So, let's start our competition. Let's greet the teams with thunderous applause and wish everyone good luck! “Let me introduce myself.” This competition is not judged.

Teams come up with names and take turns introducing the team. 1st competition “Warm-up”. In this competition, each team must show knowledge, creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to collectively make the right decision. Each team is asked five questions.

15 seconds to think about your answer.

1. The name of which uniform consists of the names of a sea animal and a coniferous tree? (jacket)

2. Russian name defensive military weapons. (Armor)

3. What was the name of the invulnerable warrior who died from a poisoned arrow that hit him in the heels? (Achilles or Achilles)

4. The name of which military unit consists of the cry of a marsh bird and the name of a Caucasian or Central Asian village? (Guard)

5. Which unit of soldiers designates and the source of power supply with direct electric current? (Battery).

7. Part of the troops located in front of the main forces when moving towards the enemy. (Vanguard)

8. The totality of the armed forces of the state. (Army)

9. A pilot outstanding in flying and combat skills. (Ac)

10. Rapid attack of troops on the enemy. (Attack)

11. All-terrain vehicle for use in off-road conditions. Widely used in the armies of many countries. (All-terrain vehicle)

12. Experienced warrior, participant last war. (Veteran)

13. One of the oldest hunting and military weapons Ancient Rus': a short throwing spear with a metal tip (Dart).

14.Soviet small arms designer, Hero Socialist Labor. Created a new type of machine gun and automatic machine guns. What is the name of this designer (Kalashnikov Mikhail Timofeevich).

15. Massive weapon of the Slavs, used in battle and hunting (Spear).

16. State award for distinction and merit, including in military affairs (Medal).

17. An object that serves as a target for training or shooting practice (Target)

18. A secret conventional word or phrase that is used to identify their people in the guard service (Password).

19. A person engaged in obtaining, studying and summarizing information about an actual or potential enemy (intelligence officer).

20. Personal multi-shot non-automatic small arms with a rotating drum (Revolver). Teams take turns choosing the Topic for the next competition. Open the selected square and perform the task one by one.


Competition “Fashion Designers” Here are paints, brushes, a silhouette drawn on a sheet of paper. You must make every effort and imagination to come up with a new style of winter military suit. – 3min. Competition "SPORT"

1. competition “Cock Fight” A circle is drawn on the floor - a ring. One person is called from each team - a fighting cock. Each fighter bends his leg at the knee and supports it with his hand in this position. The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle with their shoulders, jumping on one leg.

2. “Sharp Shooter” competition: Who quickly and accurately throws balls from one container to another.

3.competition “Squats” One participant at a time. They squat until the moment who can stop faster. COMPETITION “Report”. Every military man must be able to prepare a report, that is, report to his senior rank about the current state of affairs.

Now you will receive the text of the upcoming report. Your task is to compose a report orally, completely reproducing the proposed text or the facts contained in it to characterize the current situation.

The report is accepted by the chairman of the jury. When judging the competition, compliance with statutory requirements, including form of address, military bearing and diction, is taken into account.

1. The bears rode on bicycles and behind them a cat backwards and behind them mosquitoes on balloons, and behind them crayfish on a lame dog!

2. The animals trembled The wolves fainted from fright They ate each other The poor crocodile swallowed the toad. And the elephant was trembling and sat on the hedgehog.

COMPETITION “MUSICAL ABCD” The guys draw out a letter of the alphabet and sing a song. The song is chosen at your own discretion. B – cheerful; G – sad; C - combatant; D - children's room; L – love; COMPETITION “AUCTION” Guess what type of weapon the named weapon is:

1. Percussion: Mace, mace, nunchucks... 2

2 Piercing: Horn, spear, pike, sword….

3. Slashing: Halberd, broadsword, sword, checker, scimitar.

This skit tries to answer eternal question, which annually appears before all the girls and women of our vast country in the second half of February.

HOST: Paraphrasing well-known lines, I’ll present the following miniature like this: “Once on a February evening, girls were wondering... what to give men on February 23.”

There are three girls on stage.

GIRL 1: Well, what are we going to give? (everyone is thinking)

GIRL 2: No, why do we have to give them something every year?!

GIRL 3: They give it to us, right?

GIRL 2: Mimosa and Alpen Gold are not a gift, but a mockery. Moreover, in our country it is “International Women’s Day”, i.e. for all women. And they have “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. Which one of them served?

GIRL 1: Yes, men are generally lucky in life. You can wear clothes and shoes until they tear, and not until a new collection appears.

GIRL 3: You can get a manicure done with your teeth for free.

GIRL 2: A belly is not a reason for depression, but a sign of masculinity!

GIRL 1: To calm your nerves, you don’t need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist, you just need to overhaul the carburetor.

GIRL 3: Any container within a meter radius can serve as an ashtray.

GIRL 2: If you came to work in something different from what you wore yesterday, everyone understands that today is your birthday.

GIRL 1: You only pack beer with you on the train!

GIRL 3: Yes, and then in the bathroom on the shelf there are shampoos with the names of different hotels and a comb with the inscription “Russian Railways”.

GIRL 2: The only movie you cried over was “Dead Man’s Bluff”!

GIRL 1: You come to the maternity hospital for just one hour and you’re drunk.

GIRL 3: You don’t know how much bread, cheese and sausage cost, but you have it all at home.

GIRL 2: When you come home late and drunk, they send you back “to where you drank.”

GIRL 1: You can open a tin can with a knife. Then take the crumb, dip it in butter - that’s it, dinner is ready!

GIRL 3: Girls, come on. That we attacked them. By the way, being a man is not only “advantages”, but also hard work.

GIRL 3: For example, when buying sneakers, you need to choose a style so that you can go to the theater and to a wedding later (everyone nods understandingly) .

GIRL 1: What are we going to do with the gift? As usual: shaving foam and lotion?

GIRL 2: No, if a man has a lot of accessories in his makeup bag, he’s a metrosexual (and for them this is a stigma) , but if you only have a toothbrush, you are a brutal man. Let's give them toothbrushes.

GIRL 3: And most importantly, our love (draw hearts in the air).


The boy gave his dad a homemade card for February 23 and received a homemade iPhone for his birthday.

Hello, is this the base?
– You got to the wrong place - it’s a missile base.
- You're the one who got into the wrong place! Who will pay me for my shed!?

Comrade officers, muster up tomorrow at 10 am. Who has electronic watch- in a thousand.

The sailor asks the captain:
-Captain, huh? what will happen if they meet
our ship and the iceberg.
-The iceberg will float further.

The ship is sailing . Standing on the bridge boatswain and looks through binoculars:
-Captain, there is a six-oar boat on the starboard side!
After some time:
-Captain, there is a six-oar boat on the left side!
-Boatswain, remove the flea from the binoculars!

The commander drew the company to attention, took a handkerchief from his pocket, walked up to one soldier and began to wipe his nose:
- And this, Private Ivanov, I am doing at the request of your mother.

A company of soldiers stands in front of a dug hole. The lieutenant commands:
- Ivanov! Spread your arms to the sides. Two steps forward.
- Petrov! Raise your hands, march forward!
- Sidorov! The ensign comes running:
- Comrade Lieutenant, while you are all playing Tetris here, the major is waiting for you at headquarters.

The officer asks the soldier why he joined the army. The rookie decided to answer honestly:
- Firstly, I want to defend my Motherland.
- Right.
- Secondly, service makes me stronger.
- Right!
- Thirdly, no one asked my consent.

Private Petrov, why do you have to close one eye when taking aim with a rifle?
- Because if you close both eyes, the target will not be visible.

Conscript at the medical examination. When asked what kind of education he has, he proudly answers:
- I studied at Bristol, Los Angeles, Columbia and Harvard universities, I have a Bachelor of Science in Economics! The chairman of the draft commission waves his hand:
- Well, okay, okay, that’s enough already, I’m singing here! Write down: the conscript can read and write!..

Two mushroom pickers got lost. Barely moving their legs, they went out to the edge. And there the ensign stands. They ask him:
- Comrade military man, are we going to the station correctly?
- Which one is correct? The ankle wobbles, the foot strike is not clear, and generally not in the leg...

An ensign is walking down the street. A passerby asks him:
-Where are you going?
- Military secret
- What are you talking about?
- Ammo to the warehouse!

A young man is asked:
- Where did you lose your hand? At war?
- No... They dragged me to the military registration and enlistment office.

From a sailor's letter home. “Dear mother, I joined the Navy because I liked the cleanliness and order maintained on the ship. But only a week ago I realized who maintains this cleanliness.”

A conscript from the village writes a letter home: “Mom, if you only knew how good it is in the army! You can lie in bed until six o’clock in the morning!”

The sergeant gathers the soldiers and says:
- Who will go to the potatoes? Two come forward. Sergeant:
- Well, the rest will go on foot.

Colonel to his deputy: “Tomorrow at 10.00 there will be a solar eclipse, which does not happen every day. All personnel should be lined up next to the barracks so that everyone can observe this natural phenomenon. If the weather is bad and it will not be possible to observe the eclipse, gather all the personnel at the gym." Deputy to the captain: "Tomorrow at 10:00 there will be a solar eclipse. If it rains, it will be visible outside the barracks, and the eclipse will occur in the gym. This does not happen every day." Captain to lieutenant: “By order of the colonel, tomorrow there will be a solar eclipse in the gym. If it rains, the colonel will give a special order, which does not happen every day.” Lieutenant to Sergeant: “Tomorrow the regiment is holding a solar eclipse in the gym, which will happen every time it rains!” Sergeant to soldiers: “Tomorrow all discharges are canceled due to the colonel’s eclipse from the sun. If it rains in the gym, which does not happen every day, everyone will line up next to the barracks.”

Team business card

Leading. Is it from that village of Sovetsky,

Yes from the second white stone school

The army went to the recruits club -

All the kids are good fellows.

So they came together on the stage,

All decent speeches began to be spoken

About the soldier's service,

And who should they be in the army? Serve!

Stickleback was the first to say the word,

Son Matveevich is stately and strong.

Kolya. I would become a pilot

Let them teach me!

It's good to be in the infantry

It's better on the plane!

You can fly around in a day

My country of possession

And see the world

From the bird guy.

Leading. Sasha enters the conversation

In this army he is the youngest.

Although he is small in stature,

Yes, everyone loves the spool.

Sasha. Nothing on the plane

But in a tank it’s better!

I would become a tanker

Let them teach me!

Tank strong armor

Will always protect me.

My tank flies like an airplane

He will always go everywhere.

Leading. Now Seryozha has taken the floor,

He is our school admiral.

Seryozha. It's good to be a tanker

And a sailor is better!

I would become a sailor

Let them teach me!

I will defend my homeland at sea.

I am the best admiral in battle

To the enemies on the mountain.

Leading. The artist entered the conversation

Second school parodist.

Joker and merry fellow,

Petya said the word like this.

Petya. It's good to be a sailor

It's better at the border!

I would go to the border troops

Let them teach me!

I vigilantly guard the border,

I serve our Motherland

And any terrorist

I'll stop you in one fell swoop.

Leading. Then the elder took the floor

With the wisest head.

His name is Konstantin -

You won't find anything like this anymore!

Kostya. It's good to be on the border

But the rocket is better!

I'll launch a rocket -

There is no plane!

I'll launch the second one -

I'll break through any armor!

Who will come to us with a sword,

I'll crush you with my fire!

Kolya. Having gone through all the troops...

Sasha. Wrap it around your mouth...

Seryozha. All soldiers are good!

Together. Choose according to your taste!

A song to the melody of the song “One Hundred Days Before the Order” from the repertoire of the group “Neigrushki”.

They will take us all into the army

And they will start driving hard there.

Let's all become fighters

Sons of our Motherland.

We will defend our homeland

And protect your peace.

Only you write

And keep your love.

We'll serve for two years

We'll do it for two years.

Everyone must serve

A man's duty is to fulfill.

It will be hard for us

It won't be easy for us

But everyone must serve

A man's duty to fulfill!