The theme is the tragic fate of man in a totalitarian state. develop oral monologue speech and composing skills. The life and creative path of Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“Why is the period of existence of a totalitarian state in the 20th century the most tragic?” - any high school student can answer this question, but the best answer can be found in such works of Solzhenitsyn as “The Gulag Archipelago”, “In the First Circle”, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”. They all talk about how the life of a Soviet person could change due to false rumors, a wrong step or a desire for justice. This idea, which unites all of Solzhenitsyn’s work, is visible in the title of his main novel.

Gulag is an abbreviation for all places of detention. In other words, these are concentration camps, only not German, but Soviet, but in the USSR compatriots were sometimes treated worse than the Nazis... It is known that the writer who helped Solzhenitsyn work on the novel “The Gulag Archipelago” hanged herself after a brutal interrogation of the people who tracked her down. This is what happened to ordinary workers, educators!

The location of dozens of camps, if you look at the map, is very reminiscent of an archipelago, which is why Solzhenitsyn chose

This is the title for his main novel. To get into the Gulag, it is enough to be a dispossessed peasant, a member of a foreign party, or a person who has been in captivity. Sometimes completely innocent people ended up there, but the main goal of the head of the camps was to morally destroy a person, and not to prove guilt. The worst thing is that even a child could become a permanent resident of the “archipelago” - he was given 10 years in prison. If initially the authorities shot “traitors” without trial or investigation, then soon Stalin decided to take advantage of free labor and sent them to the Gulags for 25 years.

In the novel, Solzhenitsyn says that the very first place for the formation of a camp was a monastery. But getting there meant that the person was relatively lucky, because the most terrible place of detention was SLON - a special purpose camp in the north.

20 years after the establishment of the totalitarian regime, the “archipelago” acquired extraordinary dimensions. The people who ended up there were not people - but “aboriginals,” and due to inhuman conditions, not a day passed without mortality. Gulags continued to grow throughout the country, there were more and more prisoners, but even those who survived all 25 years of torment were not released.

Such a tragic fate was experienced by hundreds of thousands of people who served their state with truth and faith, but were slandered. But the Soviet people survived everything, and even despite the fact that after the death of Stalin the Gulags continued to exist, the time came when the violence disappeared and people began to live calmly, without being afraid to say an extra word or take a step to the left. We are the happy inhabitants of this time, and we should be infinitely indebted to those who withstood all the hardships in totalitarian state.

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Vital and creative path Alexandra Solzhenitsyn

The name of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, which was banned for a long time, has now rightfully taken its place in the history of Russian literature of the Soviet period.

Solzhenitsyn's work attracts the reader with truthfulness, pain for what is happening, and insight. A writer, a historian, he always warns us: don’t get lost in history.

"The Gulag Archipelago" was published in 1989. After this event, there were no works left in either Russian or world literature that would pose a great danger to the Soviet regime. Solzhenitsyn's book revealed the essence of the totalitarian Stalinist state. The veil of lies and self-deception that still obscured the eyes of many of our fellow citizens has subsided.

"The Gulag Archipelago" is both documentary evidence and work of art. Here is captured a monstrous, fantastic martyrology of the victims of the “building of communism” in Russia during the years of Soviet power.

Alexander Isaevich was born in December 1918 in Kislovodsk. The father came from peasants, the mother was the daughter of a shepherd, who later became a wealthy farmer. After high school Solzhenitsyn graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University in Rostov-on-Don, and at the same time entered the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature as a correspondence student. Without completing the last two courses, he goes to war. From 1942 to 1945 he commanded a battery at the front and was awarded orders and medals. In February 1945, with the rank of captain, he was arrested due to criticism of Stalin detected in correspondence and sentenced to eight years, of which he spent almost a year on investigation and in transfer, three in a prison research institute and the four most difficult years in general work in the political Special Security Service. .

Then A.I. Solzhenitsyn lived in Kazakhstan in exile “forever”, but from February 1957 rehabilitation followed. Worked school teacher in Ryazan. After the appearance of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" in 1962, he was accepted into the Writers' Union. But I am forced to submit my next works to Samizdat or print them abroad. In 1969, Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the Writers' Union, and in 1970 he was awarded Nobel Prize according to literature.

In 1974, in connection with the release of the first volume of the Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Isaevich was forcibly expelled to the West. He was put on a plane and flown to Germany. Until 1976, Solzhenitsyn lived in Zurich, then moved to American state Vermont, whose nature resembles central Russia.

On the eve of his 60th birthday, Solzhenitsyn began publishing collected works; by 1988, 18 volumes had already been published. The writer himself claims that the form that most attracts him in literature is “polyphonic with precise signs of time and place of action.” A novel in the full sense is "In the First Circle", "The Gulag Archipelago" according to the subtitle is "an experience artistic research", the epic "The Red Wheel" is a "narration in a measured time frame." "Cancer Ward" is, at the author's will, a story," and "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" is even a "story."

For 13 years, the writer worked on the novel “In the First Circle.” The plot is that diplomat Volodin calls the American embassy to say that in three days the secret of the atomic bomb will be stolen in New York. The conversation overheard and recorded on film is delivered to the "sharashka" - a research institution of the MGB system, in which prisoners create a voice recognition technique. The meaning of the novel is explained by the prisoner: “Sharashka is the highest, the best, the first circle of hell.” Volodin gives another explanation, drawing a circle on the ground: “Do you see the circle? This is the fatherland. This is the first circle. But the second, it is wider. This is humanity. And the first circle is not included in the second. There are fences of prejudice. that there is no humanity, but only fatherland, fatherland, and different for everyone..."

“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was conceived by the author during general work in the Ekibastuz special camp. “I was carrying a stretcher with my partner and thought how I should describe the entire camp world in one day.” In the story "Cancer Ward" Solzhenitsyn put forward his version of the "incitement of cancer": Stalinism, Red Terror, repression.

“They will tell us: what can literature do against the merciless onslaught of open violence? But let’s not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: ​​it is certainly intertwined with lies,” wrote A. I. Solzhenitsyn. “But we need to take a simple step: do not participate in lies. Let this come into the world and even reign in the world, but not through me.”

Writers and artists have access to more: defeating lies! Solzhenitsyn was the kind of writer who defeated lies.

1. A concentration camp is a totalitarian state in miniature.
2. “People live here too” is the basic principle of Ivan Denisovich’s life.
3. Only through labor can freedom of spirit and personal freedom be achieved.
4. Preservation of dignity and humanity in any conditions, at any time - all this is the main thing for a person.
5. The human soul is something that cannot be deprived of freedom, cannot be captured or destroyed - this is the meaning of the story.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn's story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was conceived in the camp in 1950-51, and written in 1959. The image of Ivan Denisovich was formed from the soldier Shukhov, who fought with the author in the Soviet-German war. All yours personal experience life in the camp, the author outlined all his impressions in his story. The main character of the work is a simple Russian man, unremarkable. There were very, very many people like Shukhov in the camp. Before us appear people whom fate brought to a concentration camp, innocent people who did nothing reprehensible. Among them: Gonchik, who carried milk into the forest, Baptists suffering for their faith, Estonians, prisoners. They all live and work in the camp, trying to support own existence. There is everything on the camp territory: a bathhouse, a medical unit, and a dining room. All this resembles a small town. But the matter cannot be done without guards, of whom there are a huge number, they are everywhere, they make sure that all the rules are followed, otherwise a punishment cell awaits the disobedient.
And for eight years now, Ivan Denisovich has been wandering around the camps, enduring, suffering, tormenting, but at the same time maintaining his inner dignity. Shukhov does not change peasant habits and “doesn’t let himself down”, doesn’t humiliate himself because of a cigarette, because of rations, and certainly doesn’t lick the bowls, doesn’t denounce his comrades to improve his own fate.
Conscientiousness, reluctance to live at someone else’s expense, or to cause inconvenience to someone, forces him to forbid his wife from collecting parcels for him in the camp, to justify the greedy Caesar and “not to stretch your belly on other people’s goods.” He also never feigns illness, and when he is seriously ill, he behaves guiltily in the medical unit: “What... Nikolai Semenych... I seem to be... sick...” Solzhenitsyn writes that he speaks at the same time “conscientiously, as if he was coveting something that belongs to someone else.” . And while he sat in this clean medical unit and did nothing for five whole minutes, he was very surprised by this: “it was wonderful for Shukhov to sit in such a clean room, in such silence...”
Work, according to Shukhov, is salvation from illness, from loneliness, from suffering. It is at work that Russian people forget themselves; work gives satisfaction and positive emotions, which prisoners have so little of.
That's why it's so bright folk character The character emerges in the work scenes. Ivan Denisovich is a mason, a carpenter, a stove maker, and a poplar carver. “Whoever knows two things will pick up ten more,” says Solzhenitsyn. Even in captivity, he is overwhelmed by the excitement of the work, conveyed by the author in such a way that Ivan Denisovich’s feelings turn out to be inseparable from the author’s own. We understand that A.I. Solzhenitsyn is a good mason. He transfers all his skills to his character. And human dignity, equality, freedom of spirit, according to Solzhenitsyn, is established in work; it is in the process of work that prisoners joke, even laugh. Everything can be taken away from a person, but the satisfaction of a job well done cannot be taken away.
The phrase where Shukhov says that “he himself doesn’t know whether he wanted it or not” has a very significant meaning for the writer. Prison, according to Solzhenitsyn, is a huge evil, violence, but suffering contributes to moral purification. With all their behavior in the camp, the heroes of A.I. Solzhenitsyn confirm the main idea of ​​this work. Namely, that the soul cannot be taken captive, it cannot be deprived of its freedom. The formal release of Ivan Denisovich will not change his worldview, his value system, his view of many things, his essence.
The concentration camp, the totalitarian system could not enslave strong in spirit there were a lot of people in our long-suffering country, who stood their ground and did not let the country perish.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918 – 2008)

Man, writer, philosopher...

Lesson topic: “Biography of A.I. Solzhenitsyn”

Objective of the lesson:

  1. introduce students to the pages of the biography and creativity of an unusual person;
  2. skills to take notes, identify the main thing, generalize, reflect;
  3. personality education.


  1. Alexander Sokurov’s film “The Knot” (video equipment);
  2. portrait of a writer;
  3. notes on the board:

A) lesson topics;

B) epigraphs;

B) dictionary: Dissident; Zurich; Vermont, America.

Dissident – (mouth) – one who deviates from the dominant religion in the country; apostate.

(Latin) – disagreeing, contradictory.

D) recording of the main works:

  1. I am not me, and mine literary fate- not mine, but all those millions who did not scratch, did not whisper, did not wheeze their prison fate, their camp discoveries.

A. Solzhenitsyn

  1. ...Solzhenitsyn, more than any other writer, answered the question of who we are today through the question: what is happening to us?

S. Zalygin

Lesson progress

  1. Organizational moment
  2. 1. The teacher's word.

In the early 1980s, President Reagan invited the most prominent Soviet dissidents living in the West. Of the entire host of those invited, only A.I. Solzhenitsyn refused, noting that he was not a “dissident”, but a Russian writer who could not talk with the head of state, whose generals, on the advice of scientistsare seriously developing the idea of ​​selective destruction of the Russian people through targeted nuclear strikes. Having expressed a polite refusal, Solzhenitsyn, however, responded by inviting Reagan, when his term of office expired, to visit his home in Vermont and there to talk in a calm atmosphere about pressing issues of relations between our two countries, unobtrusively emphasizing thatthe presidential office is occupied by oneface for a maximum of eight years,vocation Russian writer for life.

2. Who is this man?

Alexander Sokurov’s film “The Knot” will help us recognize this person ( 23 minutes of part I ), demonstrated in December 1998, when the writer turned 80 years old.

  1. Born in December 1918. in Kislovodsk.

My father came from peasants, became a student, then volunteered for his first world war and was awarded the St. George Cross. He died in a hunting accident six months before the birth of his only child.

After high school, Solzhenitsyn graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University in Rostov-on-Don (1941. ), at the same time he enters the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature as a correspondence student.

Goes to war, from 1942 to 1945. commands a battery at the front, awarded orders and medals.

In February 1945 with the rank of captain, arrested due to criticism of Stalin detected in correspondence and sentenced to 8 years:

1 year – on investigation and transfers

3g. - in the prison research institute

4g. – general work in the political Special Security.

1953 – Cancer – cured. Miracle.

The camp term ended on the day of Stalin’s death, March 5, 1953, and cancer was immediately discovered, when, according to the doctors’ verdict, I had no more than three weeks to live... however, I did not die (with my hopelessly advanced malignant tumor, it was God’s miracle, I could not understand it any other way) . All life returned to me since then is not mine in the full sense, it has an embedded purpose).

Then he was exiled to Kazakhstan “forever”; however, man-made eternity lasted “only” three years, after which, by the ruling of the Supreme Court of the USSR on February 6, 1957. rehabilitation followed.

After rehabilitation, he worked as a school teacher in Ryazan.

Following publication at 11 m issue of "New World" for 1962. The work “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was accepted into the Writers’ Union, but except for a few more stories and one article, everything written was forced to be given away from “Samizdat” or published abroad.

In 1969 - excluded from the joint venture.

In 1970 – awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 1974 - in connection with the release of the 1st volume of The Gulag Archipelago, he was forcibly expelled to the West.

Until 1976 lived in Zurich, then moved to the American state Vermont , nature reminiscent of central Russia.

He is married for his second marriage to Natalya Svetlova, they have three children - Ermolai, Ignat and Stepan. Currently, they are adults.

Ermolai – phenologist (study of living natural phenomena)

Ignat – musician

Stepan is a city planner.

Instead of creative work, at the very end of the war he experienced, he suffered arrest, prison and camp, but:

- It’s scary to think that I would have become a writer (and I would have) if I hadn’t been imprisoned.

1955-1968 - novel “In the First Circle”

1955-1967 - story “Cancer Ward”

1958-1968 - “GULAG Archipelago” (designation of the camp country)

1963-1964 - 227 witnesses

1956 - story “Zakhar-Kalita”

1959-1963 – story “Matryonin’s Dvor”

By 1994 – 10 volumes “The Red Wheel” (narrative of the revolution)

! Let's turn to his ideas about the purpose of art in people's lives.

Art, Solzhenitsyn rightly believes, is characterized by a secret inner light, and it is not possible for a person to grasp all of it.

Solzhenitsyn believes that there are two types of artists:

  1. one “considers himself the creator of an independent spiritual world and takes the act of creating this world onto his shoulders.”
  2. another knows a higher power above him, this world was not created by him
    The artist is given only the ability to sense more acutely than others the harmony of the world, the beauty and ugliness of the human contribution to it - and to convey this keenly to people»

? - What type of artist would you classify Solzhenitsyn as?

In defining his understanding of art, Solzhenitsyn reflects on Dostoevsky’s “mysterious” phrase “The world will be saved by beauty.”


  1. History of the creation of the work

zh No. 5, 89g, p.21

  1. The camp, its structure, its regime, its purpose
  2. Social hierarchy camp life. Its laws. Camp workers.
  3. The main character of the story:

a) Autobiography - on behalf of Shukhov.

b) What kind of figure is in front of us? What impression does it give?

5) Speech matter from which Solzhenitsyn’s hero was created.

6) Collective farm life illuminated in the work.

Lesson topic: “The theme of tragic fate in
totalitarian state"

(story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”)

Objective of the lesson:

  1. based on the analysis of the story, penetrate into the world of a person from the people, find out how he relates himself to the forcibly imposed reality and its ideas;
  2. expression of the ability to analyze and prove one’s thoughts about the work read;
  3. raising a creative reader.


  1. portrait of the author;
  2. epigraphs to the topic;
  3. vocabulary: totalitarianism, righteous

Totalitarianism – one of the forms of the state, characterized by complete (total) control by the authorities state power over all spheres of society, the physical elimination of constitutional freedoms and rights.

Righteous – 1. a person who lives according to the commandments prescribed by any religion;

2. one who is guided by the principles of justice and honesty does not violate the rules of morality.

What field did the executioners trample,

They pressed with a merciless wheel.

Oh, if only all the tortured would stand up

And they told the truth about everything.


I was very lucky that I was in the camp and, most importantly, that I survived there.

“I” survived to find itself in art and to revive in it the faces of those who were hidden behind alphanumeric signs.

A. Solzhenitsyn

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Work on speech breathing “Start”

III. Express survey (based on a work read at home)

  1. Name full name the main character of the story (Ivan Denisovich Shukhov)
  2. Camp number of Ivan Denisovich ( Shch-854)
  3. In what years do the events covered in the work take place?


  1. How old is the main character of the work?
  2. List the heroes of the work, their occupation in freedom ( 0.5b for each)

IV. 1. The teacher’s word, which turns into an analysis of the work.

The conversation is accompanied by a commented reading of the text.

The strongest impression is made on us by Shukhov’s thoughts, the secret of his inner life conveyed in monologue.

Let's start, perhaps, with the idea that Ivan Denisovich came up with.

The working day ended and everyone returned to camp.

And this thought:

“Five roads converge to the watch…” ( page 77) text.

Urban planners - slaves - walk along the streets of tomorrow to work: in the morning - to the sites, in the evening - back.

Prisoners walk according to the camp rule, holding their hands behind them and lowering their heads.

The columns go as if to a funeral, “and you can see,” Ivan Denisovich is annoyed, “only the front two or three have legs and a patch of sunken ground where you can step on with your feet.”

The mental activity of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov does not stop for a second.

He keeps track of camp time in hours and minutes.

2. … Camp. Its structure, its mode, its purpose.

Life goes on behind the barbed wire.

What saves a person in this inhuman life?

As always, involvement in a community of people. Here this is a brigade, the annals of a family in free life. Father-Brigadier...

The foreman in the camp is everything... ( page 30, page 34)

3. Social hierarchy of camp life. Its laws.

Camp workers (Buinovsky Caesar)


  1. The main character of the work

a) Autobiography (individual)

b) How did you get to the camp?

c) What kind of figure is in front of us? What impression does it make?

d) Speech matter from which Solzhenitsyn’s hero was created

  1. Collective farm life

Conclusions, generalizations.

Camp life, no matter how regulated it was, offered prisoners a choice: there were executioners and guards, idiots and informants, goons and just raw prisoners.

? What did Shukhov choose?

Quietly and unnoticed by everyone, he became a righteous man.

Every day and hour I had to choose between good and evil, strength and weakness, dignity and humiliation.

The most difficult thing in choosing is to find support.

! And again the reader is overwhelmed by a sense of the absurdity of what is happening at the behest of the camp: for some reason, in the camp hospital, the young poet is finishing poems that were unfinished in the wild.

The peasant Glukhov was brought back from the war to logging.

And the guards themselves, the guards, the Russian people who stand on the towers in the cold and protect whom? And why?

? What kind of robber horde captured the country and sent one part of the people to another?

! The theme of the responsibility of the people and its leaders for the present and future of the country.

Lesson summary


1. Find the beginning of the action, the plot of the plot

2. Who are they, the main characters of the story?

Group assignments:

I. Narrator

II. Matryona

Lesson topic: “A village is not worthwhile without a righteous man”

Objective of the lesson:

1) trace how the image of the “majestic Slavic woman” is shown in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn;

2) development of monologue speech, the ability to maintain a dialogue;

3) personality education.


1. portrait of the writer;

2. notes on the board.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Opening remarks teachers.

The study of Russian character continued in other works of A.I. Solzhenitsyn at the end of 50 x – n.60s.

In the original version, the work was called “A village does not stand without a righteous man,” and the action in it took place in 1956 (in the published version, the events developed in pre-Khrushchev times in 1953). The changes were aimed at giving the story a more private meaning.

III. Conversation on the content of the work.

What event does the plot of the work focus on?

At 184 ohm km from Moscow along the branch that goes to Murom and Kazan

What have we learned about the narrator?

He walked his way to “Matryona’s yard” “from” the dusty hot desert, where he “stayed for about ten years.” He succeeds in realizing his dream of returning to “interior” Russia when “something is changing in the country...” (allegories about liberation from the camp, the memorable “camp padded jacket.” For many years did not instill malice in the narrator’s soul...)

What have you learned about Matryona’s life?

The heroine is, as it were, outside of society, merging with nature. Darkness, lack of education. Memories of Matryona’s youth that in her youth she “didn’t consider five pounds a burden”, and once “she grabbed the bridle and stopped the sleigh”

Nekrasovka heroine:

In the game the horseman will not catch her,

In trouble - he will not fail - he will save:

Stops a galloping horse

He will enter the burning hut!

The heroine finds herself in the center of the eternal confrontation between good and evil, trying “with her conscience” and her life itself to connect the edges of the abyss.

Climax in external and internal plot plans is the moment of Matryona’s death at a crossing.

Matryona is still trying to restore harmony common life, making his bright contribution to the work started by “breakers - not builders”, for which “good” is a material concept.

Matryona - Thaddeus

Among her fellow villagers, Matryona remains “misunderstood”, a “stranger”.

At the end of the story folk wisdom becomes the basis for assessing the heroine: “... she is the very righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand.”

Review of "The Gulag Archipelago".



1. No. 5, 1990 Literature at school

One hour, one day, one human life in the works of A.I. Solzhenitsyn

2. Akimov “On the Winds of Time”

3. No. 5, 1989 Literature at school

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: guide

4. No. 4, 1997 One day...

The conflict between the temporary and the eternal in the story “One Day...”

5. Weekly supplement to the newspaper “First of September” No. 17-18 1993.


  • know ideological and compositional features story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's yard"
  • know features of the era 60 years, depicted on the pages of the work,
  • know the basics forms of government and form the primary concept of the electoral system Russian Federation,
  • know the concept political regime,
  • be able to distinguish political regimes based on their characteristic features.


  • form ability to analyze and assessment of linguistic phenomena within the framework of artistic text,
  • develop communication skills that provide readiness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding.


  • bring up citizenship and patriotism,
  • bring up active life position and the desire to analyze what is happening in society,
  • bring up need feasible participation in the political life of the country.
  • form legal culture students and positive attitude towards the electoral process.


  • Russia flag,
  • Portrait of A.I. Solzhenitsyn,
  • Texts of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's yard"
  • Texts of the poem by Yu. Levitansky “Everyone chooses for himself...”,
  • Video recording of the “News” program with a story about municipal elections,
  • Newspapers,
  • Leaflets with invitation to elections.

Lesson progress

Epigraph for the lesson:

1. Introductory conversation

Teacher: Good afternoon Today we have a very serious conversation about life, about the ability to make choices. You are graduates, so very soon many will go to the first elections in their lives. And some may not want to go? Let's try to figure it out Can you afford not to go to the polls? Topic of our lesson: The theme of the tragic fate of man in a totalitarian state and the responsibility of the people and their leaders for the present and future of the country

(based on the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s Dvor”). But We will start the lesson by reading the poetic lines of Yuri Levitansky:

Everyone chooses for themselves -
Woman, religion, road,
To serve the devil or the Prophet -
Everyone chooses for themselves...

Teacher: Why do you think these particular lines were chosen?

Suggested answer: There is probably a relationship between these literary texts: Solzhenitsyn’s story, which we read at home, and this poem. I see this relationship in the word CHOICE.

Teacher: What choices did you find in the story? Who makes the choice and when?

Suggested answer: Firstly, the hero chooses a job - a teacher “I was drawn to teaching”, place of residence – village “I wanted to worm my way around and get lost in the most visceral Russia” and a specific place of residence - the house of Matryona Grigorieva “So I settled with Matryona Vasilievna.”

Teacher: Agree. But I would like to draw your attention to the newspapers and leaflets with an invitation to the elections lying on the tables.

Suggested answer: We will probably also talk about the injustices that Solzhenitsyn told us about.

Teacher: What relationship do you see? between elections and that life, in which I plunged main character, once in the village of Talnovo?

Suggested answer: The story clearly expresses criticism of the writer’s contemporary society, a call for personal and public responsibility for what is happening. The author criticizes social order, but someone once chose it (this system)...

2. Checking homework.

Teacher: Indeed, Solzhenitsyn served time for his political views, for disagreement with reality. In February 1956, Solzhenitsyn was rehabilitated by a decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR, which makes it possible to return to Russia: he teaches in a Ryazan village, living with the heroine of the future story “ Matrenin Dvor" Since 1957 Solzhenitsyn has been teaching at school. All this time goes by hidden writing work over the novel “In the First Circle”, the idea of ​​“The Gulag Archipelago” matures. As you can see, I had to write secretly. Let us quote the article “Political Regime” from the textbook “Social Studies”:

“To formulate and express interests, we need, first of all, FREEDOM OF SPEECH: every citizen should ideally be able to indicate to society on important, in his opinion, problems And ways to solve them».

So, the writer could not speak out openly, but in the text we see repeated reproaches against how local authorities, and the state as a whole. Let's check what you wrote down in your notebook at home.

Note: at home it was necessary write down questions ( addressed to the authorities) arising along the way independent reading story.

Suggested questions:

Why didn’t Matryona receive a pension, despite the fact that she worked on the collective farm for many years?

In the text: " There were a lot of injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered disabled, she worked on a collective farm for a quarter of a century, but because she wasn’t at the factory, she wasn’t entitled to a pension.”

Why Matryona's garden, which fed her, was taken away ?

In the text: “The chairman, a new, recent one, sent from the city, first of all circumcised disabled people (AND SHE IS NOT DISABLED!) vegetable gardens Matryona left fifteen acres of sand, and ten acres remained empty behind the fence.”

Why workers extracting peat did not receive it as a firebox for the winter, but only the management received it?

In the text: “We stood around the forest, but there was nowhere to get fireboxes from, the peat was not sold to the residents, but was only taken to the authorities and whoever was under the authorities. There was no fuel provided, and there was no need to ask. The chairman of the collective farm walked around the village, talking about anything, just not about fuel. Because he himself stocked up.”

Why Did Matryona have to go to a distant village several times for simple information?

In the text: “Sobes was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council was ten kilometers to the west. They chased her from office to office for two months - now for a period, now for a comma. He goes to the village council, but the secretary is not there today, just like that, as happens in villages. Tomorrow means we have to go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day to go. And you have to go on the fourth day because you signed on the wrong piece of paper...”

3. Formation of new concepts

Teacher: I would probably like to hear now the opinion of specialists from our rural administration, How legal were the actions of the collective farm chairman and the managers of Torfoprodukt?

Suggested answer 1:

– Indeed, there is only one answer to all your “whys” – excesses of power.

1956–1957 is the time of established totalitarian power. Let us quote: “One of the forms of the state (totalitarian state) is characterized by its complete (total) control over all spheres of social life, the actual elimination of constitutional rights and freedoms, repression of the opposition and dissidents. A totalitarian political regime is characterized by complete suppression of all non-state institutions and all-encompassing control over behavior and thoughts people."

The story shows the elimination of constitutional rights and freedoms: for example, the right to pension provision: “year after year, for many years, I didn’t make any money Matryona Vasilievna not a ruble. Because she wasn't paid a pension. And on the collective farm she didn’t work for money - for sticks.”.

Suggested answer 2:

– The injustices that Solzhenitsyn writes about cannot but outrage the reader. As a representative local government, I can say that in the village of Talnovo there was real arbitrariness. Neither in relation to the vegetable garden, which was cut off specifically from disabled people (and they should be the most protected in our society!), nor in relation to fuel for the winter, the actions of the authorities were legal.

4. Application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Group 1. Assignment: make extracts from the text on the question: “Signs of the era of the 60s on the pages of the story.”

Group 2. Assignment: watch the news story about municipal elections and analyze possible reasons for poor turnout among young voters.

Group 3. Creative.

Assignment: come up with a text for a slogan calling namely youth take part in the elections. Justify your answer based on facts from Solzhenitsyn’s story.

Group 4. Assignment: prepare on behalf of Matryona Grigorieva story: “Where and how did I look for the truth?”

Note: all tasks are aimed at developing active citizenship.

5. Consolidation and generalization

Listening to prepared responses .

Goal: develop speech and mental activity, communication skills and skills that provide readiness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding.

Teacher: Thanks everyone for your work. Let's talk now about life position Matryona. What is your attitude towards the heroine?

Suggested answer 1: Matryona is difficult to condemn or justify, although sometimes you want to do both. This is a man generous soul, absolutely selfless, otherwise the author would not have called her Righteous. But her position in life is absolutely passive. You can't live like that! She never contradicted, respected everyone and agreed with everyone. She didn't have to choose: everything was decided for her. “Not only the collective farm, but any relative or just a neighbor came to Matryona in the evening and said:

- Tomorrow you will come to help me. We'll dig potatoes.

...And Matryona could not refuse.”

Suggested answer 2: But it seems to me that not only for Matryona, but for everyone in those days, everything was decided. And there was no need to talk about an active civic position. For example, to its author active position was worth ten years of life...

Suggested answer 3: Indeed, the fate of a person in a totalitarian state is unenviable.

6. Summing up

Teacher: Let us finish reading the poem and again draw a parallel with the topic of our lesson:

Everyone chooses for themselves -
I also choose as best I can.
I have no complaints against anyone:
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Teacher: So, what are the important conclusions what will we do after the conversation?

Suggested answer 1: to be satisfied with life , so as not to have any complaints, you need to be able to choose.

Suggested answer 2: it is necessary want choose.

Suggested answer 3: must have active citizenship and always go to the polls. After all, if you don’t vote, then perhaps your vote won’t be enough.

Teacher: Here it would be most appropriate to turn to the epigraph, remember the words A. Adamovich : Only one person can save the world, and that person is YOU.”

Teacher: How do you understand the words from the poem: “I also choose as best I can...”?

Suggested answer 1: I choose as my heart tells me.

Suggested answer 2: I choose the way I was taught.

Teacher: And then the last question. Let’s, based on the meaning of the word “choice” (one of the meanings is “election by voting”, and the other is “take, select, determine for yourself what is needed, preferred” ) let’s determine whether it can be considered that this poem is dedicated to elections to government bodies? Why?

Suggested answer 1:. I think the poem is simply about life choice(choice of a profession, choice of a life partner, etc.) And this is equally important to me, as are elections to government bodies. Therefore, I believe that the poem is simply talking about about vital choices WHAT EACH OF US SHOULD BE, including AND CHOICE OF AUTHORITY.

Teacher: After all, as both the topic of the lesson and the words of the epigraph say, EACH OF US is responsible for the fate of the people and the country!

7. Reflection

Teacher: Judging by your answers, now is probably the time to fill out the questionnaire.

Survey questions:

  1. Do you consider elections a purely personal matter? NOT REALLY
  2. Has your understanding of your life position changed after the conversation in today's lesson? NOT REALLY
  3. Can you say that you are ready to consciously make a choice? NOT REALLY
  4. Do you think that youth are a powerful force in elections? Not really.

Calculate the result. If you scored 4 points, then YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to answer the last question:

Can you convince anyone of the need to participate in elections?

YES – 3 points, NOT AT ALL – 2 points, DON’T KNOW – 1 point, NO – 0 points.

Rating system:

Those who scored 7 points – "5"
Those who scored 6 points – "4"

Those who score less than 6 points have the opportunity to “gain” points by completing homework.

AT HOME: creative task to choose from:

1) taking into account the character and life position of Matryona Grigorieva, write on her behalf letter to the local newspaper

2) create a sketch of a flyer with an invitation to elections to the Senior Council.